Russian lessons: how to do morphological analysis of a verb. Brief description and morphological analysis of the verb

In this lesson you will learn how to produce morphological analysis verb, review the basic concepts related to the topic “Verb”. At school, by conducting a morphological analysis of a verb, you show your knowledge of this topic. The ability to identify grammatical features may be the basis for other more interesting studies. You will be able to study the history of the language; analyze which grammatical categories used by the author in a literary work; conduct a comparative analysis of languages. The tool for this is morphological analysis.

Verb morphological analysis plan

Part of speech:verb;

Question: what to do? what to do? What are you doing? what will we do? what did you do? etc.

General value: action of an object.

Morphological characteristics:

Initial (indefinite) form;

Constant signs : aspect, transitivity, reflexivity, conjugation;

Variable signs : mood, tense (in the indicative mood), person (in the imperative mood, in the present and future tense), gender (in the conditional mood and in the past tense in the singular), number (in all forms except the indefinite).

Syntactic role

Scheme 1. Inconstant signs of a verb

Sample: On the outskirts of a small Swedish town you you'll see neglected garden.

Morphological analysis of the verb

You'll see- verb;

I. (what will you do?) you'll see;

N.f. - see;

II. Fast. - owls type, transition, non-return, II conjugation;

Non-post. - will express. onc., bud.v., 2l., pl.

III. You(what will you do?) you'll see.

Some difficulties in morphological parsing of the verb

Difficulty associated with analytical forms of the verb (consisting of two words): would travel; I will draw; let him go. Here the conditional mood can be mistaken for the past tense, the future complex mood for the infinitive, and the imperative mood can be confused with the present tense. Especially if there are particles in the sentence would or linking verb be stand apart from the verb.

For example: If would I'm tomorrow arrived, then definitely would come for your birthday.

I will always you remember.

Difficulty with homonymous forms: imperative and present or future forms ( Teach, teach).

will command incl. will express incl.

Compare: Teach rules thoroughly. - If you teach rules thoroughly, you will write without errors.


  1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.
  2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.
  3. Russian language. Practice. 7th grade. Ed. S.N. Pimenova - 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.
  4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. Russian language. 7th grade. In 3 parts - 8th ed. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.
  1. Verb as part of speech. SRY().
  2. Verb conjugation ().
  3. Culture writing. Spelling verbs ().
  4. Rosenthal D.E. Dictionary of linguistic terms ().
  5. Didactic materials. Section "Verb" ().
  6. Stylistic use of verbs in artistic speech ().


Exercise: read the text and complete the tasks.

I probably won’t be able to convey vividly and convincingly enough how great my amazement was when I felt that almost every book seems to open a window in front of me into a new, unknown world, telling me about people, feelings, thoughts and relationships that I did not know, not saw...

Books talked me about how great and beautiful a person is in striving for the best, how much he can do on earth.

I tell everyone: love book, it will make your life easier, it will help you in a friendly way figure out in a motley and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, she will teach you respect a person and yourself, it inspires the mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for a person... (According to M. Gorky)

1. Find verbs in the text.

2. Write down examples of verbs: a) perfect and imperfect forms; b) transitive and intransitive; c) returnable and non-returnable.

3. Determine the conjugation of the verbs from the last paragraph.

4. Which verb in this text has forms of different tenses? How do verbs change in the present, future and past tense?

5. Find verbs in the infinitive form. Determine their syntactic function. What other part of the sentence can the infinitive be? Give your own examples.

6. Perform a morphological analysis of the highlighted words.

§1. Parsing a verb as a part of speech

Morphological analysis of any part of speech is carried out in a strict order. Let's get acquainted with the plan for morphological analysis of the verb.

For example: word burned denotes the action of an object and answers the question - what did you do? burned - therefore it is a verb.

For example, for the verb burned initial form - what to do? - burn.

In the Russian language, there are two types of verb conjugation: 1st conjugation and 2nd conjugation. The conjugation of a verb is determined by its ending or the suffix of the verb in the indefinite form. The 1st conjugation includes verbs with the endings u, yu, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, et, eat, ut, ut. The 2nd conjugation includes verbs with the endings - y, yu, im, ish, ite, it, at, yat.

Verbs change tenses and have present, past and future tenses. Present tense verbs denote an action that is taking place at the moment the speaker speaks and answer the questions what is he doing? what are they doing? If the action happened before the moment of speech, it is a past tense verb. Such verbs answer the questions - what did you do? what did you do? An action that will occur after the moment of speech is indicated by a future tense verb. These verbs answer the questions - what will he do? what will it do?

When a verb denotes the action of one person or thing and answers the questions what does it do? what will he do? - is a verb singular. A plural verb denotes the action of a group of people or objects and answers the questions - what are they doing? what will they do?

Verbs of the present and future tenses change according to persons. In order to determine which person a verb refers to, it is necessary to agree on it with a 1st, 2nd or 3rd person pronoun. Gender is determined for singular past tense verbs. There are feminine, masculine and neuter verbs. Plural past tense verbs do not have gender determined.

§2. An example of verbal parsing of a verb

Let’s perform an oral analysis of the verb “admire” from the sentence “People admire beautiful flowers.”

1. Admire - verb. The word denotes the action of an object and answers the question: what are people doing? admire.

2. Initial form - (what to do?) admire.

3. Constant signs: first conjugation. The verb ends in -yut-, which indicates the first conjugation.

4. Non-constant features: the verb is used in the present tense (the action occurs at the moment of the speaker’s speech, the verb answers the question - what are they doing?), in the 3rd person (consistent with the pronoun they), in plural(denotes an action that is performed by a group of people).

5. The sentence is a predicate: People (what are they doing?) are admiring.

§3. An example of a written verb analysis

The written morphological analysis of the verb is as follows:

People admire beautiful flowers.

Admire - (what are they doing?) verb.,

n.f. - admire,

1 reference, present vr., 3rd l., plural, predicate.

§4. Brief summary of the lesson topic

The characterization of a word as a part of speech, taking into account the peculiarities of its use, is called morphological analysis. When analyzing a verb as a part of speech, all its constant and inconstant grammatical categories are indicated. Morphological analysis should be carried out according to plan:

1. Part of speech. What does it mean, what question does it answer.

2. Initial form ( indefinite form).

3. Conjugation.

4. Time. Person and number are for verbs in the present or future tense, gender and number are in the past tense.

5. Role in a sentence.


Morphological analysis of a word is a description of its characteristics as a part of speech. The specificity of this procedure is that to determine some verbal characteristics it is also necessary to resort to morphemic analysis. But first things first.

Verb morphological analysis scheme

The standard plan for studying a word is simple: you need to determine the part of speech, find the initial form of the word and consistently describe its constant and inconstant characteristics. Lastly, a description of the role of the word in the sentence is given (if the word has not been removed from the context).

Definition of part of speech

Verbs answer questions: What to do? And What to do? More precisely, the question is asked taking into account inflection.

Definition of infinitive

An infinitive is the initial or, as they said at school, indefinite form of a verb. Actually, it is she who answers the question: What to do/to do?

Description of permanent signs

Constant are those features that a word retains during inflection (in in this case conjugating). These include:

Variable signs

These include signs, which the verb acquires when inflected.

Verb in a sentence

In a sentence, this part of speech usually plays the role of a simple or compound predicate, although it is possible that the verb may be the subject, especially if it is given as an example before a dash or as part of an expression in quotation marks.

The role of morphemic parsing of a word

When determining the type of conjugation, confusion often arises regarding the definition of the ending. This is not surprising: the Russian language has roots with alternating vowels and fluent vowels, and a consonant may be dropped in them. And this is especially characteristic of verbal roots in the process of both inflection and word formation.

Here are some examples:

Examples of morphological analysis

For convenience, we provide several examples in the table.

And not in my mind blowing. (saying) Otsel threaten we will be Swedish.(A. Pushkin) Where There is Russian land has gone. (from the chronicle) Got it for a tug, don’t say it’s not a tug.(proverb) Keep me, my talisman.(A. Pushkin)
Question What does it do? What are we going to do? What did you do?* What did you do? What do you do?
Infinitive Blow Threaten Be take hold Keep
Constant signs: appearance Imperfect Imperfect Imperfect Perfect Imperfect
repayment Non-refundable Non-refundable Non-refundable Returnable Non-refundable
transitivity Transitional (blow what?) Intransitive Intransitive Intransitive Transition
conjugation 1 2 Incorrect 1 2
Variable signs: inclination Indicative Indicative Indicative Indicative Imperative
time Present The future is analytical Present (past)* Past
number The only thing Plural** The only thing The only thing The only thing
face 3 1 3 2 2
genus AND* M
Role in sentence Predicate simple Part of a compound predicate Part of a compound predicate Predicate simple Predicate simple
Morphemic parsing du-et thunderstorm There is v-zy-l-sya storage


* - verb be is presented as part of the compound past tense of the Old Russian language - perfect. It was used in the present tense form of the corresponding person paired with the “elic” past participle, which over time became the modern past tense, displacing all other forms (aorist, imperfect and plusquaperfect). Grammatically, the perfect was a state that was the result of a recently past action. Therefore, the question was not asked to be, and to the whole form eat, let's go. Gender indicated by word went.

** – parsing refers to the word threaten, but the question is asked to the entire structure.

Verb parsing example

Let's give an example of a classic analysis (like in school) using the example of a verb disassemble.

I. What are they doing? They are sorting it out.

II. Infinitive – disassemble.

  • Not perfect look;
  • irrevocable;
  • transition;
  • first conjugation.

IV. Variable signs:

  • indicative mood;
  • present tense;
  • third party;
  • plural.

V. Most likely, the sentence will have a predicate.

You can explore the verb as a part of speech yourself, it's quite an interesting activity. But if you want to test yourself, you can check online resources where you can do a morphological analysis of the verb online. And not only him, but also any part of speech. Dictionaries can also be a good help.

Enter the word without errors:

Enter any word, then click "parse". After this, you will receive an analysis in which the part of speech, case, gender, tense and everything else will be written. Because Since the parsing is carried out out of context, several parsing options may be offered, among which you will need to choose the correct one. The parsing is performed automatically by the computer, so sometimes there may be errors. Be careful online analysis is intended to be a help, not a mindless rewrite. Note about the letter Yo: do not replace it with E.

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In order not to experience difficulties in the scheme morphological analysis words or in the order of parsing, you should not automatically remember the sequence and principle of parsing. It is most effective to focus on highlighting common features parts of speech, and then move on to the particular features of this form. At the same time, the general parsing logic must be preserved. Parts of speech will also help you.

The following examples of morphological parsing will help you understand the pattern of parsing words in a sentence in the Russian language. However, it should be remembered that the presence of text is prerequisite correct parsing of parts of speech, because morphological parsing is a characteristic of a word (as a part of speech), taking into account the specifics of its use.

Let's consider examples morphological analysis.

Morphological analysis of a noun

  1. initial form (in the nominative case, singular);
  2. proper or common noun;
  3. animate or inanimate;
  4. declination
  5. number;
  6. case;
  7. role in the sentence.

Noun(sample parsing):
Text: Babies love to drink milk.
Milk – noun, initial form – milk, common noun, inanimate, neuter, 2nd declension, accusative case, singular (has no plural), direct object.

Adjective parsing plan

  1. initial form – infinitive ( nominative, singular);
  2. category (qualitative, relative or possessive);
  3. short or complete (only about qualitative);
  4. degree of comparison (qualitative only);
  5. gender (singular only);
  6. case;
  7. number;
  8. role in the sentence.

Adjective(sample parsing):
Text: Alyonushka collected a basket full of mushrooms.
Full – adjective, initial form – complete; qualitative: complete; in the positive (zero) degree of comparison, in the neuter gender, accusative case, is an addition.

Numeral(order of parsing):

  1. initial form (nominative case for quantitative, nominative case, singular, masculine– for ordinal);
  2. rank by value (quantitative, ordinal);
  3. category by composition (simple, complex, composite);
  4. case;
  5. gender and number (for ordinal and some quantitative ones);
  6. role in the sentence.

Numeral (sample parsing):
Text: Four days have flown by.
Four is a numeral, the initial form is four, quantitative, simple, in the nominative case, has no number and gender, is the subject.

Pronoun(order of parsing):

  1. initial form (nominative case, singular, if modified by number and gender);
  2. rank by value;
  3. gender (if any);
  4. case
  5. number (if any);
  6. role in the sentence.

Pronoun (sample parsing):
Text: Crystal raindrops dripped from her.
She – pronoun, initial form – she, personal, 3rd person, feminine, genitive, singular, adverbial place.

Morphological analysis of the verb

  1. infinitive (initial form);
  2. returnable or non-returnable;
  3. transitive or intransitive;
  4. conjugation;
  5. mood;
  6. tense (for the indicative mood);
  7. person (for present, future and imperative);
  8. gender (for the past tense and conditional mood in the singular);
  9. number;
  10. role in the sentence.

Verb (parsing example):
Text: They told the truth without fear of condemnation.
They said - verb, initial form - say, irrevocative, intransitive, perfective, 1st conjugation, in the indicative mood, past tense, plural, is a predicate.

Communion(order of parsing):

  1. initial form (nominative case, singular, masculine);
  2. infinitive;
  3. time;
  4. returnable or non-returnable (for valid);
  5. transitive or intransitive (for active);
  6. full or short (for the passive);
  7. gender (for singular);
  8. case;
  9. number;
  10. role in the sentence.

Participle (sample parsing):
Text: I look at the falling leaves and feel sad.
Falling - participle, initial form - falling, from the verb to fall, imperfect form, present tense, irreversible, intransitive, in feminine, accusative case, singular, agreed definition.

Participle(order of parsing):

  1. verb from which it is derived;
  2. returnable or non-returnable;
  3. transitive or intransitive;
  4. role in the sentence.

Participle (sample of parsing):

Text: When you go abroad, you feel sad about home.
Leaving – gerund, from the verb “to leave”, imperfect form, irrevocable, intransitive, adverbial manner of action.

Adverb(order of parsing):

  1. category by meaning (attributive or adverbial);
  2. degree of comparison (if any).

Adverb (parsing example):
Text: The sun rose higher and the clouds cleared.
Above is an adverb, adverbial adverb of place, is an adverb of place, comparative degree.


Is there anything unclear? Eat good video on topic for adjectives:

The order of analysis in your class may differ from the proposed one, so we advise you to check with your teacher about the requirements for analysis.

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Verb parsing plan

I Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.
II Initial form (infinitive). Morphological characteristics:
A Permanent morphological characteristics:
1 view(perfect, imperfect);
2 repayment(non-refundable, returnable);
3 transitivity(transitive, intransitive);
4 conjugation;
B Variable morphological characteristics:
1 mood;
2 time(in the indicative mood);
3 number;
4 face(in the present, future tense; in the imperative mood);
5 genus(in the singular past tense and subjunctive mood).
III Role in sentence(which part of the sentence is the verb in this sentence).

Verb parsing examples

If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleighs(proverb).

Do you love

  1. What are you doing?
  2. N. f. - love. Morphological characteristics:
    1) imperfect look;
    2) non-refundable;
    3) transitional;
    4) II conjugation.

    2) present tense;
    3) singular;
    4) 2nd person.


  1. Verb; denotes action; answers the question what to do?
  2. N. f. - ride. Morphological characteristics:
    A) Constant morphological characteristics:
    1) imperfect appearance;
    2) returnable;
    3) intransitive;
    4) I conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characteristics. Used in the infinitive form (unchangeable form).
  3. In a sentence it is part of a compound verb predicate.


  1. Verb; denotes action; answers the question what are you doing?
  2. N. f. - love. Morphological characteristics:
    A) Constant morphological characteristics:
    1) imperfect appearance;
    2) non-refundable;
    3) transitional;
    4) II conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characteristics. Used in the form:
    1) imperative mood;
    2) singular;
    3) 2nd person.
  3. In a sentence it is part of a compound verb predicate.

Plowing has begun(Prishvin).


  1. Verb; denotes action; answers the question what did you do?
  2. N. f. - start. Morphological characteristics:
    A) Constant morphological characteristics:
    1) perfect form;
    2) returnable;
    3) intransitive;
    4) I conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characteristics. Used in the form:
    1) indicative mood;
    2) past tense;
    3) singular;
    4) feminine.
  3. It is a predicate in a sentence.