We are a person in Russian. Face as grammatical category

The pronouns (Die Pronomen) in German, as in any other, is part of speech, which indicates the subject, a sign, quality or person and can replace them without calling.
The pronouns are personal, questioning, indefinite and negative. In this lesson, we will look at the system of personal pronouns in German.

Personal pronouns: Rules, pronunciation

As in Russian, in German there are three persons (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and two numbers (the only and multiple) pronouns. It is important to note that in German also there is also a system of cases - there are only four of them. The table below shows the pronoun in the nominative (Nominativ) case.

Please note that the pronoun "IHR" (you) is used when contacting "you" to the group of persons. If you want to contact someone officially or show politeness, then you should use the pronoun "Sie" (you), which, as in Russian, is always written with a capital letter.

Remember! Personal pronouns Ich, Du, Wir, Ihr, Sie always denote faces. Personal pronouns ER, SIE (SHE), ES, SIE (they) can be denoted and objects.

To know what pronoun is to replace this or that noun, you must definitely know the genus of the noun. We will consider the topic of the kind of nouns in one of the following lessons, but for now let's talk about another important part of speech - the verb.

Slotting verbs: rules, examples

Verb (Das Verb) is part of speech, denoting, state or process. The verbs of the German language are hidden, i.e. they change on persons and numbers, times, inclinations, have a deposit. The hidden (changing) forms of verb are called personal forms of verb.

  1. Face and number. The verbs have three faces and two numbers - in each person and the number, the verb has its endings. Verbs that are used in all three faces are called personal. However, in German there are verbs that are used only in the 3rd face, the singular (for example: REGNEN - to go about the rain). Such verbs are called impersonal.
  2. Time. The verbs indicate the actions in three times: the present, the future and the past. For their expression in German, there are six species-time forms.
  3. Mood Shows the attitude of the speaker to the statement. DIRM INDIKATIV, imperative (der key) and subjunctive (der konjunktiv) of inclination.
  4. Pledge Shows the direction of action. Does the subject committed independently, or the action was committed on it.

The verb in German also has three main forms: infinitive (Infinitiv), Pretaryitum (PRÄTERITUM) and Communion II (Partizip II). The verb consists of the foundation and end of "EN": geh-en, schlaf-en, hab-en.

By the type of tie, the verbs in German are divided into:

  1. Strong verbs. Forming three forms by changing the root vowel: Gehen - Ging - GeGangen.
  2. Weak verbs. Do not change the vowels at the root while touching: Machen - Machte - Gemacht.
  3. The verbs of mixed type (verbs that manifest while touching at the same time the characteristics of the weak and characteristics of strong verbs).
  4. Irregular and modal.

In this lesson, we will look at the conjugation of weak and strong verbs. All weak verbs are hidden equally. This is the most numerous group of verbs in German. Strong verbs vary on special rules. This is a small group of verbs - it should be learned by heart (all three main forms). Tables of verbs can be found in the dictionary or in any grammar tutorial.

So, weak verbs are verbs that:

  • have under imperfekt suffix - (E) TE-;
  • have in PartIP II suffix - (E) T;
  • do not change the vowels at the root: Machen - Machte - Gemacht.

Sorry weak verb Machen (do).

iCH mach. e.
du mach. st.
eR mach. t.

If the base of the verb ends on -t, -d, -dm, -tm, -dn, -tn, -chn, -gn, -ffn - then in the 2nd and 3rd face of the singular and in the 2nd face The plural number of the verb is added by the connecting vowel "E".

Sorry Glagol Baden (wash).

With the linations of strong verbs, the vowels in the root changes in the 2nd and 3rd face of the only number:

  1. a. Changing on ä (except for the verb Schaffen - create);
  2. aU. Changing on äu.;
  3. e. Changing on i., iE (In addition to the verbs Gehen - go, heben - raise).

Sorry Glagol schlafen. This is a strong verb, which means that the vowel in the root in the 2nd and 3rd face will change.

Important! In the verbs, the foundation of which ends on s, -sS, -ß, — z, -tz.in the 2nd face of the only number, the final consonant base merges with the personal end.

Tasks for lesson

To secure the material passed, try using several exercises yourself.

Exercise 1. Slip weak verbs:

fragen (asking), Lernen (Learn), Glauben (Below), Leben (live), Kosten (cost).

Exercise 2. Slip strong verbs:

geben (Giving), Fahren (Riding), Laufen (Jump), Stoßen (push), TRAGEN (Wearing, Carrying).

Answers to the exercise 1:

Answers to exercise 2.

Often we use words, speaking in your native language without thinking. Rarely, who at the same time makes mistakes. However, there are various cases and situations when you just need to update the knowledge, something to clarify, repeat or re-learn.

Person Glagol

The verb's face points to us who performs action. It is a word-only grammatical category of verbs, which expresses the action voiced by the verb relative to the speech participant. Such is the category of facial peculiar:

  • forms of verb of the imperative inclinion;
  • the verbs of the expressive inclination of the future and present.

In Russian, called the verb effect, is distinguished by the number (the only one (units) and multiple (MNC))) and on persons who are three:

  • first: units I mean that speaking is a subject of speech and makes an action (I cook a holiday, I will give a yogium);
    MN.ch. We are a group of persons along with the speakers commit an action (we watch TV, we are engaged in sports);
  • second: units You - indicates the action performed by the interlocutor (you put eggplants, you read the magazine);
    MN.ch. You mean actions related to the interlocutor and a group of persons (you dream of the sea, you dig up potatoes);
  • third: units He, she, it indicates the action regarding the face or subject that does not participate in speech (it shows focus, it goes to a shooter);
    MN.ch. They indicate actions regarding persons or items that do not participate in speech (they play the ball).

How to determine the face of the verb

You can identify the face of the verb by putting the question, as well as allocation of the personal end of the verb, determining its value, taking into account the content of the text:

Verb 1 l.: What will I do? What do you do? What will we do? What do you do?
Verb 2 l.: What do you do? What are you doing? What do you do? What you are doing?
Verb 3 l.: What will make? What is he doing? What will do? What do?

Consider examples of using verbs in the table. Note: With the help of particles, let, let, let's, let the forms of the first and third faces of the vagabol verbs are formed.

Exception: impersonal verbs (light up, rained) and infinitive (sing, groacente), the forms of the verb of the past time do not possess the category of faces.

Determine the face of the verb in Russian will not be difficult for any person who knows the above-described information. After all, competently expressing in our time is a sign of good tone!

The verb is one of the most important units of the language. Without it, it is impossible to build an elementary simple sentence. That is why you should know how to use the verbs to use the subject that performs the actions and the object to which this action is directed.

In Russian, there are 3 faces of the verb.

1 person in verbs

From the point of view of semantics, the first person expresses the action that is performed by speaking or speaking. To define 1 face in the verb, you need to determine the number. In Russian, the category of numbers is expressed by multiple and only.

To determine the form of 1 facial of the verb, it is necessary to substitute the pronoun "I" or "we". If a congestive combination is obtained, and the verb does not lose meaning, then this is 1 person.

Consider this on the example. Suppose the verb "I read" 1 persons, as you can put together with the pronoun "I": I read. But the word "read" is no longer suitable. Cannot say i read".

2 face in verbs

The form of 2 faces of the verb indicates the action that is performed by an indirect object, and in the conversation - the interlocutor. 2 The person is determined by the pronouns "you" and "you". It is worth noting that in Russian, the word "you" has 2 values: appeal to the group of people and appeal to a respected, senior to rank or age a person.

Face forms of verbs sometimes cause difficulties in terms of spelling. When writing the verbs of 2 persons, it is necessary to take into account the lifting. So in the 2nd and the end is written - iS, type (you shout, you shout) A 1 Hinding - eat, -the (you sing, you sing).

3 face in verbs

The verbs of 3 persons denote the action that is directed to the subject, or a person who does not participate in the conversation. They are determined by the pronouns "he, she, it" in the singular and "they" in the plural.

Face forms of verb have some features. So, in 3 face the indicators of the category of the category are erased. For the verb forms of 3 persons of the singular, there are the same endings: - et, -Et.. Let's look at the examples:

He's sitting. She sits. It sits.

As can be seen from the example, the action can perform the faces of the male, middle and female kind, but the verb will be the same.

For the verbs of the plural number of 3 faces of the verb exist endings - aT. in 2 lining and - yat. In the first auction. For example, they write (1 Hinding) and they are sitting (2 Hiding).

Impersonal verbs

In Russian, there are impersonal verbs. Such words indicate an action that does not have a subject, that is, an action that occurs in itself. There are no suggestions with such forms of verbs to be.

Impersonent verbs may mean:

1. Actions and phenomena of nature. For example: On the street Uzmorsil. We cannot substitute pronoun and find out who specifically performed this action.

2. The state of a person. This includes a small group of verbs. For example, i unhealthy.

3. The desired action required. For example, wheel would be.

As a rule, impersonal verbs have forms:

a) infinitive ( will be frost);

b) subjunctive inclination ( middlely would be).

It should be remembered that impersonal verbs never change in numbers and persons. They are a steady form. At the impersonal verbs there are forms of all inclinations, except for the imperative. If the verb in the imperative inclination, then it is definitely not impersonal (for example, the word " mortal"Does not allow imperative inclination).

If you analyze the entire system of the verbs in Russian, we can conclude that there is nothing complicated in their definition. It is enough to know the main endings and related pronouns. It turns out something like stable formulas.

It is worth noting that in Russian system of individuals represents a special category. It will be easier to use it, if you know about other changeable signs - leaning, time, number and challenges that verbs may have.

The morphological category of the face is the most important in the Russian verb system. Personal forms help determine who acts: speaking (subject of communication), - walking, mine; talking together with others: walk, mine; Interlocutor (Communication Address) - walk, wash; Interlocutor with others: walk, wash; Not participating in the dialogue (Communication Object) - walks, washes, walk, wash. The face is one of the most non-permanent signs. Therefore, before the student often the question arises of how to determine

Leisurely analysis

The verb has three persons: 1. Walking 2. Walk 3. Walking; 1. Silent 2. Silence 3. Silent.

They differ not only among themselves, but also in the plural: ( we read, read, read; Build, build, build). It is not correlated by the only number: writing- acts talking, we write- Someone else joined the speaker. Is not quite clear how to determine the face of the verb? And we are not in a hurry. So far, as you need to remember three, remember all the pronouns on faces: 1 person: I, we; 2 face: you, you; 3 face: he, (she, it) they. Exclude to find suitable in meaning to a particular verb. For example: verb fly. The rest is your taste: if you do not like " i fly " or " it is flying ", look for more!

Other values

Personal forms of verb, except the above, may have other meanings. For example, the form of 1 person of the plural may become "copyright we", that is, imply 1 face of the singular: we already touch verb time determination, now best to the analysis of the acting persons. Although another sounds here: I Still trying to explain to you ... The form 1 of the multiple number in the emotionally painted speech is sometimes used in the value of 2 individuals of the singular: Oh, what we Steel big! (Addressing the only present child). The verbs of 2 persons singled out in the meaning of 1 person of the only number under generalizations: you do not understand, seven fridays in the week.Everyone necessarily has to use the replacement of 2 face of the only number of multiple - as a sign of respect: You perfectly play on the violin! Also, personal verbs can become uncertain or generalized personal - with an unknown acting person or if the action refers to everyone immediately and to anyone specifically: Having removed the hair do not cry (generalized personal); On tv football transfer (vaguely personal).

Determine the face of verb

We proceed to the most important thing - how to determine the face of the verb. First of all, you need to ask the verb suitable questionable question.

1 person: what I do? and what we do? (pronouns I, we) walking, walking.

2 person: what are you doing? And what are you doing? (pronouns you you) walk, walk.

3 person: what do? And what are you doing? (pronouns he / she / it, they) walks, walk.

The verb table will help to remember even quickly how to determine the face of the verb. Draw it and exercise, sign the pencil invented examples of verbs, wash, and start again.

About the richness of the Russian language

The verbs we have so much that from time to time will be offered inappropriate for this table. What is how to determine the face of the verb is substantial? This is a matter of time. In the literal sense - time. Determine it! And you will see that the verbs that are in the past, as well as an indefinite form have no face! Here is an infinitive (uncertain form): verb be treated. I (I) it's time to be treated. But in the same way, invariably it's time be treated and you (you), I. they (they) etc. The same story happens. It is enough to substitute the correct pronouns and ask the relevant questions, the verbs will be determined immediately and in later life will be obedient!

In Russian, they have a mass of grammatical categories. These include the category of persons, the category of time and inclination in verbs, category of kind, etc. The study of categories and their grammatical expressions in the aggregate gives objective knowledge of the morphology of the language.

Category of face in Russian

There are 3 persons in Russian - the first, second and third. His forms express the attitude to the speaker. To correctly define the 1st, 2nd, 3 face in Russian, you need to know the main pronouns that express its semantics. Turn to the table.

So, we have 3 faces in Russian. The table above shows which pronouns worth navigating when determining the face.

The 1st person shows the attitude towards the action of the speaking or speaking. Speakers are participants in action or conversation.

The form of a 2nd person expresses the attitude of the action to the interlocutor or interlocutors. They are also participants in the conversation.

Forms of the 3rd person have a dual nature. They can express, firstly, the attitude of the action to person (people), not participating in the conversation. At the same time, they are indirect participants of the action. Secondly, the forms of the 3rd person in Russian express the attitude of the action to the subject or anywhere inanimate.

Not all pronouns can be defined person. As you know, the pronouns are divided into several discharges: personal, return (it is one thing), attracted, questioning and relative, negative, index and determinants. The category of persons possess only personal pronouns, and all of them are listed in the table above. It should be remembered that for personal pronouns, the category of the face is one of the most important, and most importantly, unchangeable categories.

Category of face in verbs

The pronounced category of faces in Russian have verbs. Many foreigners studying Russian are difficult to restructure, because when changing persons, the verbs automatically change endings. It is also worth noting that not all forms of verbs have faces in Russian. For example, in the forms of the past time, it is impossible to determine the face. For example, take the verb "read". Let's try to determine his face: "I read," you "read," he "read. It is clearly seen that when changing persons, the verb itself does not change. His face can be defined only in context. Compare: "I read the book." - "Paul read a book."

The same phenomenon is also observed in the forms of the plural: "We" read, "you" read, "they" read. Similarly, a person can only be contextual.

An interesting phenomenon is observed in the forms of the present. In 3 face, the verbs of the future time is erased by the category of kind. Compare: "She writes the picture" And "he writes the picture." If you take the verb "writes" without context, it becomes incomprehensible, the face of a male or female performs this action.

1st face in verbs

On faces in Russian, the verbs mainly indicate the endings. At the verbs of the first person of the singular (in the present and future times) of the end -U. or -YU. For example: I am writing, I read, I will call, scream. The verbs of the 1st and 2nd Hisiony ending in the 1st person are the same, so when writing the verbs of the 1st person, people make fewer spelling errors.

2nd face in verbs

2 Person in Russian in verbs has its own characteristics. They are associated with the endings of verbs. As you know, the endings in the verbs depend on the hide. So, the verbs of the 1st lifting have the end - you in the singular and Yes in plural. For example, you sing, you will come. 2nd leasing verbs have an end - Having in the singular and -T. in multiple. For example, call, shout. The 2nd person in the verb can be found in either in a specific context, or at a special end.

3rd face in verbs

As mentioned above, 3 Person in Russian is determined by the pronouns "he", "she", "it", "they". The verbs of the 3rd face have their own paradigm of endings. At the verbs of the 1st Hiding this end -Et in the singular and -T In the multiple (he, she, it reads, they read). The verbs of the 2nd Hiding - End -Et. and -At (yat) In the plural - he, she, it calls, they call.

If you know the flexions that determine the faces in Russian in the verbs, then there will be no problems with the formation of new forms. It is also worth noting that the knowledge of the category of faces helps when writing words. The endings of verbs are one of the most complex spells in the school program. Knowledge of persons will help to navigate in the choice of completion.
