Recipe: Loose Millet Porridge. How best to cook millet at home - culinary tips and recipes

It will not be difficult for anyone to cook millet porridge, for this you do not need special culinary skills, you only need a desire to feed your family tasty and healthy. However, there are some secrets that can help turn your everyday food into a delicacy. It is not for nothing that millet porridge has occupied a place of honor on the Russian table since ancient times. From this versatile cereal, you can cook something new every day: a hearty breakfast with nuts and fruits, soup for lunch, a side dish for meat or fish for dinner.

It not only saturates the body well, but also ensures its normal functioning due to the content of vitamins and minerals in it. Especially popular. If you want to be healthy, energetic and beautiful, then you should include this porridge in the menu. This article will share some secrets on how to cook crumbly millet porridge. Having prepared it according to all the rules, you simply cannot help but love this cereal with all your heart.

Cooking secrets

Hardworking hostesses are interested not only in the satiety and taste of food, but also in its appearance, it's not without reason folk wisdom states that appetite comes with eating. This rule is especially true when feeding babies, who will eat a crumbly, bright yellow porridge with much greater pleasure than a sticky mass of an incomprehensible color.

The first secret on how to make the millet crumbly is to rinse the cereals correctly. First you need to do it cold water to wash away dust and debris, and then pour over boiling water to dissolve the beans vegetable oils that glue them together during cooking.

The second rule dictates that you need to take 2 glasses of water (but not milk) for a glass of cereal, because this is the ratio that will give the desired result. The groats should be put on medium heat and not covered with a lid.

The third secret is adding a piece of butter exactly 10 minutes after the cereal boils. It needs to be spread over the entire surface. Thus, the porridge will not only be crumbly, but also tastier. The total cooking time does not exceed 25-30 minutes.

The fourth secret is that the ready-made porridge should be left in a saucepan under a closed lid for half an hour and in no case should it be opened. This will allow the porridge to absorb the remaining water and swell completely.

Cooking methods

You can get perfectly crumbly millet not only in a saucepan. You can also cook it in the microwave. To do this, you need to take the ratio of cereals and water 1: 4 and cook at maximum power for 10 minutes.

You can also cook delicious, for this we take twice more water than cereals and cook at 150 degrees for 40 minutes.

Diets and dishes for - the trend of the modern model of nutrition. But fashion is fashion, and there are such dishes, the recipes of which have not changed for centuries. They are not only tasty and nutritious, but they also fully fit into the category. dietary meals... Today we will cook such a dish as millet porridge on the water. This is a crumbly, healthy, tasty and nutritious porridge. It is eaten to get rid of extra pounds, as well as enrich your body. useful substances... So, we cook millet in water. The preparation of this dish is very simple..


1. Ingredients shown are based on two small servings. Millet, as you know, is different. It is best to use yellow. We take a glass of millet, rinse well under running water to get rid of debris and dust. Rinse the cereal until the water is clear.

2. It is believed that millet has a little bitterness. To remove an unpleasant aftertaste, it is enough to rinse it in hot water or leave in boiling water for a few minutes. Pour the millet, drain the water after five minutes.

3. Place the cereals washed and soaked in boiling water in salted boiling water. We take 2 glasses of water, a little more. Porridge is cooked for 10-12 minutes. To prevent it from burning to the bottom of the pan, stir it occasionally.

4. The porridge is ready! We lay it out on plates. If desired, add not a large number of butter... So the dish will acquire a rich aroma and a pleasant delicate taste.

Video recipe

Gold grains. This is what was called millet groats in the old days. Indeed, this light yellow cereal is extremely healthy. Millet is rich in B vitamins - B1, B2, B5, B6, vitamin PP. It contains a lot of iron, fluorine, magnesium, manganese. Vitamins of group B are very necessary for our body. They relieve fatigue, depression and irritability (B1), make hair fluffy and healthy, remove acne on the skin (B2), normalize metabolism (B6), stabilize blood pressure and activate bone growth and vertebral function (B5).

The benefits of porridge

Trace elements also have beneficial effects. Fluoride gives teeth strength and health, iron normalizes the functioning of the hematopoietic organs and ensures a healthy complexion, magnesium gives strength and energy, manganese, together with other macro- and microelements, normalizes metabolism. Groats, cooked both in milk and in milk, are very useful for residents of megalopolises where the ecology is violated. Substances that are found in abundance in millet groats help us maintain the state of the body, saturating it with useful substances. They bind heavy metal ions and remove them from the body along with toxins. Millet porridge must be present in the diet. Since ancient times, golden grains have been eaten in order to gain strength and energy.

Millet porridge is boiled - minutes.

Millet porridge recipe with milk

for 2 servings
Millet - 1/2 cup with a volume of 250 milliliters (125 grams of cereal)
Milk - 1-1.5 cups (250 ml volume)
Water - 1 mug for cooking + 2 liters of boiling water for washing cereals
Butter - 3x3 centimeter cube (2 tablespoons)
Sugar - 1-2 tablespoons
Salt - on the tip of a knife

Cooking millet porridge
1. Measure the required amount of millet.

2. Pour millet into a sieve for easy washing.
3. Rinse the millet with a stream of boiling water (2 liters of boiling water is enough).

The water from the millet turns out to be very cloudy, pour it out.
4. Put a pot with 1 cup of water on high heat.

5. When boiling, put the millet in a saucepan and cook for 5-10 minutes over low heat, under a closed lid - almost all the water should be absorbed into the millet.

6. Add salt and sugar and stir.

7. If there is a lot of water left after pre-cooking, drain it. If you want a runny porridge, do not pour it out.
8. Bring milk (1-1.5 mugs, in our case 1 mug) to a boil over low heat, pour into a saucepan with cereals.

9. Stir the porridge. Make the fire small and cover with a lid - the porridge should be cooked with a slight bubbling of liquid.

10. After 10-15 minutes of cooking, stir the porridge and serve.

11. When serving, add a piece of butter to the porridge.

Look at the general rules for cooking millet!


In order to boil thin, viscous or crumbly millet porridge, use the following proportions:

Millet - 200 grams
Milk - 350 milliliters


Milk - 400 milliliters
Sugar, salt, butter - to taste

Millet - 125 grams (half a glass)
Milk - 450 milliliters
Sugar, salt, butter - to taste

For a change in millet porridge for breakfast can add cottage cheese, prunes, raisins, jam, honey (they can replace all sugar), pumpkin.
For adults, you can cook millet porridge with stew for dinner.

At choosing millet it is necessary to pay attention to the shelf life, the absence of dirt in the cereal and various impurities. High-quality millet has a rich color, a faded color indicates improper storage of cereals. For the preparation of crumbly cereals, children's dishes and casseroles, polished grain should be chosen; for soups and liquid cereals, crushed grain is more suitable.

Millet porridge is boiled for 1 time - and is not stored. But as a last resort in order to cooked in the evening the porridge has not lost its taste and friability, it should be wrapped in a blanket, and slightly warmed up in the morning.

Millet is millet seeds that have been previously peeled from the shell. The fat content of millet grains does not exceed 4%, and the fat itself is highly acidic. If stored improperly, millet fat is quickly oxidized, hence the unpleasant bitter taste of porridge appears. For so that millet porridge does not taste bitter, groats should be stored in a dark, dry place, and thoroughly rinsed in warm water or boiling water (preferably boiling water), washing off all the fat, until the water becomes completely transparent. It is recommended to grind the cereal with your hands, removing the remaining fat from the surface of the grains.

- Calorie content millet porridge on water - 95 kcal / 100 grams. The calorie content of millet boiled in milk is 115 kcal / 100 grams.

- Price millet groats - from 40 rubles / 1 kilogram, millet porridge in a bag - 55 rubles / 500 grams (data on average in Moscow as of June 2017).

- Benefit millet porridge consists in a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which is due to high content fiber and vitamin PP. Magnesium and Potassium in Millet Improve Performance of cardio-vascular system, increase endurance, prevent inflammatory processes... Due to the high concentration of silicon and fluoride, millet has a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails, copper fights premature aging of the body. However, keep in mind that crumbly millet porridge is very stressful for the stomach and when high acidity Not recommended. But with increased acidity, you can cook liquid millet porridge - then it will not harm the body.

It is believed that the more yellow the millet, the more rich and appetizing the millet porridge will be.

Millet porridge in a slow cooker with milk

Millet - 1 multi-glass (1 multi-glass = 160 milliliters)
Milk - 5 multi-glasses
Sugar - 4 teaspoons
Salt - on the tip of a knife or 1/4 teaspoon
Butter - 50 grams

How to cook millet porridge in milk 1.1 Rinse a multi-glass of millet under running cold water until the water is clear again.
2. Put the washed cereals in a separate saucepan, pour boiling water over and leave for 3 minutes so that the millet does not taste bitter, then drain the boiling water.
3. Grease the edges of the multicooker bowl with butter to prevent the milk from escaping.
4. Then put the prepared millet in the bowl, add 5 multi-glasses of milk, 4 teaspoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, mix everything, put butter.
5. Set the multicooker to the "Milk porridge" or "Porridge" mode, choosing a cooking time of 1 hour. The porridge is ready.
6. If desired, insist millet porridge: close the lid of the multicooker and select the "Heating" program and the time for 30 minutes.

Millet porridge recipe in a double boiler

Millet - 200 grams
Milk - 350 milliliters
Sugar, salt, butter - to taste

How to cook millet porridge in milk in a double boiler
1. Rinse millet with cold water until the rinsed water becomes clear.
2. Pour boiling water over the groats in a separate bowl and leave for 3 minutes, then drain the boiling water.
3. It is important to remember that during cooking the volume of porridge will increase 3 times, so the layer of millet should be no higher than 1/3 of the bowl of a double boiler.
4. Put millet in a double boiler (or use a bowl for rice), smooth, pour in milk.
5. Pour water into the steamer to the maximum level, place the bowl, cook with the lid closed.
6. Set the timer for 45 minutes. Put sugar, salt, a piece of butter in a semi-prepared or ready-made porridge, mix well.

How to cook porridge in a pot

1. Sort out and rinse the cereals thoroughly.
2. Place the millet in a casserole dish, no more than half the level of the pot.
3. Add sugar and salt, pour milk over the cereal.
4. Cover the pot with a lid, place in the oven, bake for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.
5. Add butter to millet porridge 10 minutes before readiness.
6. Serve the prepared porridge to the table.

How to cook millet porridge in sachets

1. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan and add salt, bring to a boil.
2. At the time of boiling, put the bags with cereals in a saucepan, cook the porridge for 15 minutes.
3. Remove the sachets and drain off excess water.
4. Cut the package, put the porridge on plates and season with butter.

Millet porridge recipe on water

Products for millet porridge on the water
Millet - 1/2 cup
Water - 3 glasses
Sugar - a tablespoon
Salt - on the tip of a knife
Butter - 1 tablespoon

How to cook millet porridge in water
1. Rinse the millet.
2. Pour 1.5 cups of water into a saucepan, add washed millet, bring to a boil and turn off the heat.
3. Drain the water, pour boiling water over it - so that the water covers a couple of centimeters of millet with a margin.
4. When the water boils again, season with salt and butter, reduce heat and cook for 20 minutes. Then add oil.
5. When serving, season the porridge with butter.

Many have heard the saying that porridge is the second bread. Appetizing porridge from millet is a source of minerals and vitamins important for us.

Properly cooked porridge contains a lot of fiber, which can stimulate the digestive system.

We suggest you cook millet porridge in water, a simple recipe for which is presented below.

The recipe can be used on fast days. The proportions of water to millet groats are 2.5-3 cups to one glass of cereals. It is very important to prepare millet groats for cooking, if it is not sorted out and thoroughly washed, then the millet will taste a little bitter.

Usually millet porridge is cooked for 25-30 minutes, boiled over low heat. We will tell you in detail how to properly cook millet porridge in water in our photorecipe.

Taste Info Second: cereals


  • Millet - 1 glass;
  • Water - 2.5 cups;
  • Table salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Butter - 50 g.

How to cook delicious millet porridge in water

Before you start cooking millet porridge in water, the cereals must first be very carefully processed.

First of all, carefully sort out the millet. Remove the existing debris (if any), put the cereals in a fine sieve, rinse the millet so that the water becomes completely transparent.

I recommend putting the millet in a small bowl and pouring boiling water over the cereal. Let the croup stand for an hour in this position. This time is enough for the millet to swell slightly. Such " water procedure»Is necessary not only to reduce the cooking of the porridge, after which the millet will give its bitter taste in the water.

Advice! Some, as a preparation of millet for cooking, pre-boil the cereal for 2-3 minutes, and then strain the millet through a sieve. Next, boil the porridge in new water. You can also use this option to get rid of the bitterness, if there is no time to wait.

Send the washed prepared millet to the pan. By the way, it is better to use dishes with a thick bottom. Using a different saucepan, you risk getting burnt millet porridge as a result.

Pour the cereal with the required amount of water according to the recipe. This recipe uses a 1 to 2.5 ratio of millet to water.

Season the millet with salt. The amount of salt indicated in the list of ingredients is given by convention. Focus on your taste when seasoning cereals. Stir the ingredients, the salt should dissolve.

Millet porridge in water can also be cooked sweet. In this case, the amount of salt should be reduced to one pinch and a tablespoon of sugar should be added. You can use honey instead of sugar, but add it to an already slightly cooled dish.

Then put the pan on high heat, wait until the porridge begins to boil. As soon as the water starts to bubble, reduce the heat to the slowest possible. Cover the pot with a lid, preferably with a small hole so that steam can escape during cooking.

Boil the millet porridge until the water evaporates completely. Remember to stir it about every 7 minutes. With low heat, the cooking process will take from 25 to 40 minutes (if you get a little more or less, it's okay). The groats should be completely cooked, soft. Remove the finished dish from heat.

Put a piece of butter in the porridge. The recipe is the optimal amount, but if you put more, then the porridge will be tastier. If your millet porridge is intended for dietary nutrition, then add oil to a minimum.

Cover the cooked and butter-filled millet porridge tightly and soak for at least half an hour. Our grandmothers called this process "simmering porridge" and put a pot of porridge in a warm (100 C) oven. You can simply wrap the pan with a blanket and leave to cool.

Delicious and healthy millet porridge in water, the recipe of which is presented to you, can be served as an independent dish or as a side dish (for example, for meat or fish dishes).

Cooking tips:

You need to cook millet porridge in water as often as possible - this is good for both health and the budget. And to make the food different every time, use additives:

  • Pumpkin has long been used as an addition to millet porridge. Just add small peeled vegetable cubes to the millet, some sugar and cook together. The pumpkin will boil up and turn out very delicious porridge.
  • Porridge with cabbage turns out to be tasty, here cabbage and millet are taken equally in proportion, millet porridge on the water turns out to be less satisfying and very useful. You can add to this option tomato paste and fried onions.
  • Use seeds for flavor: flax, sesame, sunflower. Add them along with the oil. It turns out very tasty if you add walnuts and peanuts.
  • Our grandmothers cooked porridge in the oven; now you can replace it with an oven or a slow cooker. In the oven, it is very tasty to cook porridge in water in ceramic pots or cast-iron cauldrons. In them, the dish will evenly warm up, you get a crumbly and tasty porridge. Cook for 30-40 minutes at 200 degrees. Fried carrots and onions can be added to the porridge. The proportion of water to millet is 3 to 1.
  • Mushrooms can be added as a savory lean supplement. A very tasty and aromatic porridge will turn out with dried forest mushrooms, which must be pre-soaked for 1.5 hours.
  • You can also cook porridge with chicken or turkey, this meat is cooked quickly and during cooking millet will have time to cook perfectly, you will get a hearty dish for lunch or dinner.
  • As a sweet addition to millet porridge, you can add raisins, apple pieces, dried apricots, frozen berries.
  • If you are not fasting, then boiling millet porridge with milk and water is a great alternative. To do this, take 1 part milk, 2 parts water and 1 part millet. Cook until tender.
  • 1 Loose millet porridge in water - basic recipe
  • 2 Cooking step by step in a multicooker
  • 3 In the oven
  • 4 Porridge with pumpkin on the water
  • 5 Cooking option for the little ones
  • 6 Tips

In Russia, millet porridge on the water was considered the main dish. Over the years, they forgot about her. And this is in vain, because it is nutritious and healthy. To prepare it properly, follow the recommendations and cook according to proven recipes.

Loose millet porridge on water - basic recipe

This healthy porridge it is important to cook properly.

Buy cereals packaged in transparent bags. Choose millet, which is more yellow in color - the porridge from it will turn out to be more crumbly.


  • millet groats - 1 cup;
  • salt;
  • water - 720 ml;
  • sugar;
  • butter - 50 g.


  1. Take a saucepan, add cereal and pour water (240 ml). Boil.
  2. Take a sieve, pour out the contents of the pan and rinse the cereal. This procedure helps to clean the millet and get rid of unnecessary debris.
  3. Return back to the saucepan. Salt, sprinkle with sugar and cover with the remaining water. Do not cover with a lid during cooking.
  4. When the water reaches the level of the cereal, place the oil. Without this product, a crumbly mass will not work.
  5. Cover with a lid, remove from heat and stand for half an hour. Do not open the lid during this time.

How long does it take to cook porridge?

Depending on how you cook the cereal, it will take different time to bring it to readiness.

  • In a saucepan, it will take 20 minutes to get a crumbly meal.
  • If you like a viscous or liquid porridge, then you will have to spend half an hour.
  • It takes 50 minutes to cook millet porridge in a double boiler.
  • And in a slow cooker, you should wait 40 minutes for a crumbly dish and 60 minutes for a viscous consistency.

Proportions of cereals and water

Many people fail to cook porridge so that it is crumbly. The main mistake is an excessive addition of water. To get the desired condition, add exactly 2.5 glasses of water to one glass of millet.

Cooking step by step in a multicooker

Cooking millet porridge in a slow cooker is very convenient. You do not need to follow the preparation, you can go about business, and the device will perform the entire procedure itself.


  • millet - 1 mug;
  • sugar;
  • water - 2.5 cups;
  • salt;
  • oil - 35 g.


  1. Clear millet from debris. Rinse. Place in a bowl.
  2. Pour in water, salt and sprinkle with sugar.
  3. Set the mode. Depending on the model of the device, you can select "Porridge" or "Extinguishing". Turn the timer by 40 minutes.
  4. Place the oil. Switch to "Heating" and set the timer to eight minutes.

In the oven

It is convenient to use pots for cooking in the oven. Porridge will not be able to escape from them, will not burn, it will turn out crumbly and fragrant. And most importantly, it will remain warm for a long time.


  • sugar;
  • butter - 45 g;
  • millet groats - 185 g;
  • salt;
  • water - 410 ml.


  1. Sort out the grains, rinse and place in a pot. The groats should take up half the volume.
  2. Salt, sprinkle with sugar and cover with water. The liquid for two fingers should not reach the edge of the pot. Cover with a lid.
  3. Place in an oven that has not yet been heated - the pot should be warming up at the same time as the oven.
  4. Choose 180 ° C. Withstand an hour.

If you want to make the porridge more aromatic and tastier, then you can add prunes or dried apricots cut into pieces.

Porridge with pumpkin on the water

A nutritious and satisfying dish that contains a lot of vitamins, it goes well with pumpkin. An orange vegetable will help make your food aromatic, rich and very tasty. This is a great breakfast option.

It is best to cook such porridge in water. And lovers of milk porridge, after the water has evaporated, can pour a little milk into the almost finished dish to give the porridge a special taste.


  • millet groats - 1.5 cups;
  • pumpkin - 700 g;
  • salt;
  • water - 480 ml.


  1. Select seeds from a vegetable and chop it. It is best if you get small cubes.
  2. Place in a saucepan, pour in water and cover. Do not close tightly - it is necessary to allow the steam to exit. It takes 10 minutes to cook. During this time, the vegetable will become soft.
  3. Rinse the groats. One time is not enough. The process should be repeated several times - the water should remain clear. If you want the cereal to boil faster, you can pour boiling water over it.
  4. When the pumpkin has become soft, add millet to it, salt and stir gently so that the vegetable pulp does not fall apart.
  5. Boil for a quarter of an hour. To prevent the mass from sticking to the bottom, stir it periodically.
  6. When most of liquid evaporate, remove from the stove and add oil. Close the lid and cover the pan with a blanket. Hold for half an hour. During this time, the millet will be boiled down to the end.

Cooking option for the little ones

Millet should be taught to young children after the introduction of other types of cereals. If the baby is on artificial feeding then the ideal time to try the cereal is 8 months. If on natural - 9 months. It is extremely rare that porridge causes allergies, but the first time it is enough to give half a teaspoon and gradually increase the amount to the necessary norm... Babies should only cook in water.


  • millet groats - 1 cup;
  • salt;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 400 ml.


  1. Rinse the groats, place in a saucepan and cover with water.
  2. When the liquid starts bubbling, remove the foam, set the heat to a minimum and cook until the liquid is boiled down.
  3. Salt, add sugar and add butter. Mix. Cover and leave for a quarter of an hour.

  • Do not buy cereals for future use. Unlike other types, millet groats are stored much less. If you hold it for a long time, it will acquire a bitter taste.
  • If the cereal has been lying for a long time and has become bitter, then it should be doused with boiling water, and then placed in a frying pan and dried.
  • Millet is a highly contaminated cereal, so it must be washed very well until the water remains clear.
  • When buying, choose polished groats. Crushed will make a viscous porridge.
  • Millet, light in color, will never turn out friable during cooking.