Recipe: Homemade chips - Nori chips in the oven. Chips from nori seaweed benefits and harms

How much does nori chips cost (average price for 1 pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Nori chips are considered to be a very popular type of snack in Asia, which in recent years have been in increasing demand in other countries of the world. In general, nori chips are made from asakusa-nori seaweed belonging to the genus Porphyra (Porphyra), which is pressed and dried.

Thin as a sheet of paper, nori chips are dark brown in color, ranging from green to almost black. By the way, the color of nori chips is considered an indicator of the quality of this product. So, dark shiny nori chips are much tastier than the cheaper counterpart of reddish nori. Dried nori seaweed is mostly blue-black in color, while fried nori chips are characterized by a greenish tint.

Before making nori chips, seaweed is traditionally dried in the sun, spread out on wooden or bamboo frames. The original (without specific additives) nori chips are obtained with a light smoky taste, but the undoubted advantage of this product is the natural "ocean aroma" of ready-made seaweed.

Nori chips are sold in sealed bags, packed in several pieces, and then packaged in convenient containers with a lid. A clear advantage of such nori chips is that the product can be stored for quite a long time, so use it gradually.

The composition of nori chips includes not only the seaweed itself, but also flavoring additives such as sugar, soy sauce (made from water, soybeans, wheat, salt and sugar), as well as a variety of spices. Moreover, the distinctive taste of nori chips directly depends on the aromatic substances used: mushroom, spicy, original, tomato, with sesame, wasabi, green tea.

It is noteworthy that earlier in Japan it was possible to purchase only dried nori - the plates had to be fried immediately before serving. Today, nori chips are already on sale all over the world, already fried and ready to eat as a snack or addition to a variety of dishes.

In addition, nori chips are rich in protein, minerals, and some vitamins. This product is a source of biologically active compounds: chlorophyll derivatives, polyunsaturated fatty acids, fucoidans, polysaccharides and many others.

Calorie nori chips 476 kcal

The energy value of nori chips (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

Rolls with crab sticks and salmon.

We will need:

crab sticks;
slightly salted salmon or trout;
soy sauce.

So let's cook the rice first. We take the usual "round" rice, sort it out and wash it.
Put in a saucepan, pour cold water 1: 2.
As the water boils, add 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. table vinegar (based on a glass of rice).
Stir (after that, do not interfere anymore!), Reduce the heat and cook until tender.
Cool rice to room temperature.
It should be very sticky.
After it cools down, we proceed directly to the process. Actually, this is done on a special mat, but since we are making Russian rolls, we will turn them on the table :)
Rolls will be with crab sticks and slightly salted salmon or trout.
Optionally, you can add cucumber or avocado. Cut the ingredients into strips.
Now attention! Lay the nori sheet smooth side down. Wet your hand with water and grease the nori.

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Ingredients: Lavash thin 1 pc. sour cream 100 g ham 50 g salt, spices to taste cheese 100 g dill greens to taste Preparation: Mix sour cream with egg, add salt, dill, spices, grease pita bread with the resulting mixture. this is to your taste) Cut the pita bread into random pieces, put it on a dry baking sheet and put it in a hot oven to dry for 7-10 minutes at a temperature of 180 *. It turns out that's the same chips, which are just a great snack for beer! Bon Appetit!

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Lavash chips with cheese and ham


Lavash thin 1 pc.
sour cream 100 g
ham 50 g
salt, spices to taste
cheese 100 g
dill greens to taste


Lavash chips with cheese and ham


Lavash thin 1 pc.
sour cream 100 g
ham 50 g
salt, spices to taste
cheese 100 g
dill greens to taste


Mix sour cream with an egg, add salt, dill, spices, grease pita bread with the resulting mixture. Grate a little ham, cheese on top (or not rub it, it's to your taste)
Cut pita bread into arbitrary pieces, put on a dry baking sheet and put in a hot oven to dry for 7-10 minutes at a temperature of 180 *.
It turns out that's the same chips, which are just a great snack for beer!

apple chips

Apple - 3 pcs
Lemon (juice) - 1/2 piece
Sugar - 2 tablespoons
Cinnamon - 2 teaspoons
Salt - to taste


Wash and slice the apples thinly. Heat the oven to 60-70 degrees. After placing the apples in a bowl, sprinkle them with lemon juice. Put the apples on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Mix the sugar with cinnamon. Mix the sugar with cinnamon. -4 hours.

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Lavash chips with cheese and ham


Lavash thin 1 pc.
sour cream 100 g
ham 50 g
salt, spices to taste
cheese 100 g
dill greens to taste


Mix sour cream with an egg, add salt, dill, spices, grease pita bread with the resulting mixture. Grate a little ham, cheese on top (or not rub it, it's to your taste)
Cut pita bread into arbitrary pieces, put on a dry baking sheet and put in a hot oven to dry for 7-10 minutes at a temperature of 180 *.
It turns out that's the same chips, which are just a great snack for beer!

Lavash chips with cheese

2 lavash
- 200g sour cream
- egg
- 100g cheese
- 1 garlic clove
- hops-suneli
- a mixture of peppers
- salt


1. Beat the egg with a whisk, add sour cream, salt, pepper, spices and chopped garlic.
2. Lubricate pita bread with the mixture made, sprinkle with finely grated cheese.
3. Cut into pieces of any shape, put on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes, in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
4. Lavash chips with cheese are ready.

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Making apple chips with cinnamon.

Cooking time 180-300 minutes.
Ingredients for 3 servings:
1 kg of apples;
ground cinnamon;
Wash the apples and cut into thin circles, while removing the core seeds.
Preheat oven to 90°C. Lay the apple slices on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
During the drying process, the apples will need to be turned over. Dry on one side for 1.5 - 2 hours, turn over, and dry the same amount more.
30 minutes before the end of drying, you need to remove the baking sheet.
Gently brush each apple circle with a brush lubricated in water. Sprinkle each circle with cinnamon.
Chips are ready, bon appetit.
Note: Cinnamon can be added right away, but adding it at the end makes it taste better.

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Spicy tuna roll

In order to prepare this roll, we need the following ingredients:

6 cups of sushi rice;
Four sheets of nori;
1 tablespoon white sesame seeds;
½ pound tuna for sushi;
1 tablespoon of mayonnaise;
½ teaspoon dried red chili (ichimi-togarashi) *pepper can be added to taste.


1. Cut the tuna and mix it with mayonnaise and ichimi togarashi.
2. Lay the norm sheet on the bamboo mat.
3. Place ¼ of the rice on top of the nori sheet, then sprinkle with sesame seeds. Put tuna on top.
4. Now roll up the bamboo mat.
5. Squeeze the bamboo mat firmly, then unfold it.

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Lavash chips with cheese and ham


Lavash thin 1 pc.
sour cream 100 g
ham 50 g
salt, spices to taste
cheese 100 g
dill greens to taste


Mix sour cream with an egg, add salt, dill, spices, grease pita bread with the resulting mixture. Grate a little ham, cheese on top (or not rub it, it's to your taste)
Cut pita bread into arbitrary pieces, put on a dry baking sheet and put in a hot oven to dry for 7-10 minutes at a temperature of 180 *.
It turns out that's the same chips, which are just a great snack for beer!

cheese chips


1. Take the cheese, rub it on a medium grater.
2. Spread on baking paper. With a knife or spatula, we give a neat shape.
3. Place the tray in a preheated oven at 180°C. Bake the cheese until it is browned. And now, wonderful cheese chips are ready.
4. They are also suitable for decorating various dishes.

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Zakuro (pomegranate) sushi has a very original shape and can become a decoration for an assortment of various types of sushi. I'll show you how to make zakuro sushi at home, without special tools.

To make four zakuro sushi you will need:
nori - 1 sheet;
egg - 1 piece or yolks - 2 pieces;
water - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
rice ready for sushi - 4 tbsp. spoons;
salt - to taste.

any seafood or caviar is used for the filling.
Cut the nori sheet into 4 squares.
Beat eggs or yolks with water and salt and fry thin small portioned pancakes or one egg pancake, from which you can then cut circles, and use the leftovers for other sushi and rolls.
Prepare rice: Pour rice washed in cold water with water (1 part rice 1.25 parts water), bring to a boil, reduce heat, close the lid and do not open for 14 minutes, then remove from heat. You can add rice vinegar, stir and cool until warm.
On a square sheet of nori on its matte side, place an egg pancake and a serving of rice on it.
Connect the ends of the nori.
Using cling film, pull off and fix the zakuro shape.
The result is rounded sushi, completely covered with nori.
Then you need to make cruciform cuts on the outside of the land and open them. It remains only to fill the zakuro sushi with filling: mussels, shrimp or other seafood or caviar.
Zakuro sushi is ready. Serve them with pickled ginger and soy sauce.
Bon Appetit!

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Recipe: Black Shogun Roll

120 g rice
- 0.5 l nori
- 15 g masago caviar (black)
- 15 g salmon
- 15 g eel
- 10 g cucumber
- 10 g cheese "Buko"


one). Cook rice according to the instructions given here:

2). Cut the salmon and eel into strips. Wash the cucumber and cut it into strips.

3). Place a sheet of nori on a bamboo mat, shiny side down. Spread the rice on top, then spread the masago roe evenly over the rice and turn the rice and nori over so that the nori is on top. Put the stuffing for the rolls in the middle: eel, salmon, cucumber and Buko cheese. Lifting the mat and gently holding the nori, twist the cylinder.

4). Cut the resulting roll into 8 equal parts.

five). Serve with pickled ginger, wasabi and soy sauce.

Roll Hong Kong


Seaweed nori (large sheets) 2 pcs.
Cream cheese 20 g
Avocado 1 pc.
Red caviar 50 g
Eel 100 g
Sesame 5 g

The film is wound along the sticks. On average, 7 turns are made. After winding, you need to release the air from under the film, for this, cuts are made, the mat is twisted, it is important as much air as possible.
Lubricate the mat with cheese so that the roll does not stick to the mat, lay the nori sheet. On top of the nori, lay out a thin layer of rice so that it protrudes by 1-1.5 cm. The rice should be warm, then it will be soft and will not fall apart.
Lubricate the inside with cheese.
Spread the filling evenly.
We begin to roll the roll from the end free of rice. Skill comes with experience, but you can learn quickly enough. We give a square shape, it is not necessary to press hard so that the filling does not come out.
We twist the roll, then wrap the tail with rice in the opposite direction. Once again we form a square shape. We carefully twist the square roll, twist it on both sides so that the filler does not fall out.
We form a triangular shape, put the fish on the upper corner. The fish should be better cut from a single piece so that the length is equal to the width of the nori sheet.
Sprinkle the top with sesame seeds.
We cut the rolls, it is best to use Japanese knives that differ from the usual one-sided sharpening. Before cutting, the knife must be moistened with water.
Wasabi can be prepared from dry powder mixed with cold water. Ginger is needed to bring down the taste from the previous dish, it is most relevant to use it when you eat platter.

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Secrets of my kitchen
Rolls “Philadelphia”

For 1 serving of rolls you need the following:
- about 120g cooked sushi rice
- 1 sheet nori (pressed seaweed)
- 1 cucumber
- 1 avocado
- 60g salmon
- 35-40g Philadelphia cheese

Let's start cooking:

1. We spread cling film on a bamboo mat and put half a sheet of nori. We wet our hands in water with dissolved rice vinegar (so that they do not stick to the rice) and spread the rice in an even layer on the nori. Leave at the edge 1 cm of nori, not covered with rice.

2. Turn over the nori with rice so that the rice is on the film (you can pre-moisten the film with water). Apply a thin layer of wasabi to the nori. Then we spread Philadelphia cheese in the center of the nori.

3. Cut cucumber and avocado into thin strips. We put, evenly distributing, on the cheese.

4. Having filled the roll, you can begin to twist it. To do this, we join the edge of the roll and the edge of the bamboo mat. Carefully twist the roll, and then, lightly pressing on the mat, form a roll of the desired shape.

5. We unwind the mat, remove the film.

6. Salmon, cut into thin slices, put across the roll and lightly press against it.

7. That's it. Roll is ready. It remains to cut it. We cut it into 6-8 pieces and the Philadelphia rolls are ready!

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Dried bananas, or banana chips, are an extraordinarily tasty dish. ()

How to make banana chips.

Dried bananas, or banana chips, are an extraordinarily tasty dish. True, you do not need to buy dried bananas in the store, since you can cook them yourself.

There are several types of banana drying, in which this fruit does not lose its beneficial properties and remains just as tasty and sweet.

Dried Bananas: Peel the bananas and cut into 4 pieces. Put the pulp on a clean baking sheet and simmer in the oven at a low temperature. Dried bananas should be dark brown when cooked.

Natural sun drying: cut the bananas and place them on a baking sheet. Cover with cheesecloth and place in the sun. Ready bananas should have a white sugary powder on top.

Banana Chips: Slice bananas, drizzle with lemon juice. Dry the bananas for 10 hours in the oven at the lowest possible temperature.

"Cheese" roll

rice for sushi
Cheese "Buko"

"Cheese" roll

rice for sushi
Cheese "Buko"
cheese "Parmesan"

Cheese maki is made with rice outside, that is, the technology is like that of ordinary uramaki:
1. Put rice on half nori
2. Flip the nori
3. First put the melted cheese (squares)
4. We spread Buko on it
5. We wrap the roll
6. Now we need grated hard cheese, we put part of it on the makisa to roll the roll in it, and pour the rest on top of the already cut roll on a dish.
7. Cut into 8 pieces, put on a dish, and, as I wrote above, sprinkle with the remaining hard cheese.

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Chicken fillet breaded with chips.
Required: 500 grams of fillet (better than thighs), 2 eggs, a pack of chips (better than mushrooms), pepper mixture.

How to do:

Beat the fillet, mix the eggs with spices (do not salt!), crush the chips in a bag. Dip the fillet in the egg mixture, roll in chips and fry in vegetable oil until tender.

Get ready for YOU too! Bon Appetit!

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How to make a Mosaic roll


How to make a Mosaic roll


Rice for sushi (Japanese, round grain) 200g
Rice vinegar 20ml
Flying fish caviar (tobiko) 30g
Seaweed nori (large sheets) 1 pc.
Cucumbers 100g
Salmon 60g


1. Place the pot over medium heat, bring the rice to a boil, remove the kombu, reduce the heat and simmer the rice for about 20 minutes without removing the lid.
2. After let the rice stand for fifteen minutes, transfer it to a bowl and season with rice vinegar mixed with salt and sugar (or ready-made seasoning based on rice vinegar).
3. Take a couple of tablespoons of tobiko caviar of any color and mix with sushi rice. Divide the nori sheet in half across the perforations on the sheet. After wetting your hands with water, lay the dyed rice on the seaweed in an even layer.
4. Wrap it in nori with rice so that you get exactly one turn of nori around the cucumber. And cut in half along the length of the cucumber.
5. And again in half.
6. Lay the remaining half sheet of nori on the bamboo mat and transfer two quarters of the roll onto it, cut-side out. Raise the nori with a rug.
7. Put the filling in the middle. You can take any vegetables, Japanese omelet, etc. In this case, a small amount of salmon was used for sushi. Cover the filling with the remaining two roll quarters.
8. You have an original square roll. It remains only to cut it with a sharp knife into four parts, cutting off the uneven edges.
9. And serve with pickled ginger and wasabi.

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Nori chips are also sold ready-made, but they only take 10 minutes to prepare, so it will be interesting for you to complete this task yourself. Moreover, this is a real opportunity to save money, because the finished product is more expensive than the individual ingredients. Moreover, you can experiment with flavors.

Step 1: What to do with nori seaweed

To make the chips thin, you need to put several nori sheets together and cut them into a rectangle shape. You can experiment with the size, but experts do not recommend making the slices too small.

In parallel, it is worth mixing the wasabi and salt so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. The spiciness can be adjusted to taste.

Step 2: how to bake nori chips

The resulting pieces of nori are laid out on a baking sheet, previously covered with foil. You can also use baking paper for this. Nori is smeared with an oil mixture, and sprinkled with sesame seeds on top. Oil spray works great.

All this is baked in the oven for only 2 minutes. This is provided that the temperature will be 180 degrees. Watch the time carefully, because if you overcook them in the oven, the chips may turn out bitter. Usually, nori chips are served as a snack.

From what only in our time do not make chips and other snacks for beer our hostesses! Of course, everyone (and I am no exception) has their own signature dishes, which you already do almost with your eyes closed. But it always seems that “this recipe” will be great, you should definitely try it too. As a result, you like some options more, some less ... You take something into your note and into the treasury of permanent recipes. One of these beer snack options for me was nori chips. They do it very simply and very quickly. And on the table they create variety and delight with an interesting taste.

First, take out the nori sheets. I bought them a long time ago, but they are spent very economically. So there is enough of this goodness in the refrigerator.

Lay the nori sheets on a baking sheet in a single layer. You don’t need to oil the baking sheet - they won’t stick anyway. Lay the leaves with the grooved side down.

Grease the shiny side of the nori with vegetable oil. For this, it is best to use scented oil. Sesame is great, but I didn’t have it, I used olive oil. It is not necessary to lubricate too abundantly - it is enough that the entire surface be smeared with a thin layer of oil.

Salt each sheet of nori. You can also sprinkle with spices, but I didn’t - these algae already have a fairly bright taste and without additional notes.

We put a baking sheet with nori sheets in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake nothing at all - 3 minutes is enough.

We take the nori leaves out of the oven, put them on a plate and cut into small pieces with ordinary kitchen scissors.

On sale you can find ready-made nori seaweed chips, they are very tasty, but quite expensive. At the same time, it is quite easy to make such chips yourself. This is a matter of just a few minutes, the cost is several times less, and you can experiment with tastes.

A very simple recipe for Japanese nori chips step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 10 minutes. Contains only 123 kilocalories. Author's recipe of Japanese cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 8 minutes
  • Cooking time: 10 min
  • Amount of calories: 123 kilocalories
  • Servings: 2 servings
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Japanese kitchen
  • Dish type: Starter, Fish and seafood

Ingredients for two servings

  • Seaweed nori (large sheets) 6 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil 20 ml
  • Wasabi ½ tsp
  • Salt ¼ tsp
  • Sesame 10 g

Step by step cooking

  1. Place several sheets of nori together and cut them into rectangles of a convenient size. Don't make them too small.
  2. Mix butter with wasabi paste and salt until smooth. Adjust the spiciness yourself, it depends on the spiciness of the wasabi and your preferences.
  3. Lay the nori rectangles on a baking sheet lined with foil or baking paper and lightly grease with the oil mixture, sprinkle with sesame seeds on top. If you have an oil spray, you can simply spray the nori with oil and sprinkle with salt and dry spices like paprika.
  4. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for no more than 2 minutes. Do not overcook, otherwise a bitter taste may appear. Let cool and serve as an appetizer.