Picking ripe peaches for a girl in a dream. Why do you dream of a peach according to the 21st century dream book? Dream book for lovers

Buying peaches in a dream is a sign that you will soon achieve material wealth and thereby ensure family well-being. Selected, large and ripe peaches portend brilliant success in business. Rotten small peaches indicate that a family quarrel is inevitable in reality.

Eating peaches in a dream foreshadows a forced change of job or place of residence in the very near future; treating them to them means a new family member may enter your home if your parents have nothing against your choice.

Seeing peaches growing on trees means that in reality you have to look after someone, but this will give you the joy of communicating with an intelligent and sincere person, which is exactly what you have been missing until now.

Picking peaches means that you will experience frequent but minor joys. Dried peaches indicate that you will be judged for harshness and injustice, which is simply a consequence of fatigue and absent-mindedness.

Cooking or drinking peach compote is a sign that in reality you will give people a warm welcome, but you will find yourself confused, unable to recognize which of them are your true friends and which are your enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Peach

Seeing peaches ripe on a tree in a dream means that temptation awaits you. Picking a peach in a dream is a sign of success, pleasure or profit. Eating it in a dream is a sign of pleasure (if it is ripe). A peach pit in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business. See interpretation: fruits, berries.

Interpretation of dreams from

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about peaches?

To dream that you are eating or looking at peaches means illness of children, disappointment in business profits and unfulfilled joys.
But if you see them on the trees in the foliage, you will achieve the desired position; after much effort and risking your health and money, your affairs will go well.
Seeing dried peaches is a sign that ill-wishers will get ahead of you.
If a young woman dreams of picking ripe, fragrant peaches from lush trees, she, thanks to her charm and intelligence, will marry a wealthy and wise man.
If she tries peaches and they turn out to be green and hard, she will face cruelty from relatives or a disease that will deprive her of her attractiveness.

English dream book

Seeing peaches in a dream means:

Seeing peaches is a very auspicious dream. If you are in love, it foretells that your lover will return to you, you will get married and you will have many charming children. You will be very happy. The same dream promises wealth for businessmen, a good harvest for farmers and favorable sailing for sailors.

If you dream that you are eating peaches, the dream predicts a short but severe illness for you. You will soon recover and be strong and confident.

Small dream book

A dream with peaches in the dream book is interpreted as:

If in a dream you see peaches or eat them, then in reality you will face troubles associated with the illness of children or a decrease in profits. The planned visit will also not please you. If you see peaches on trees with dense foliage, then you will achieve the desired goal, putting a lot of effort into it, risking your health and condition. If you dreamed of dried peaches, then your enemies will be able to harm you. For a young woman, a dream in which she picks beautiful ripe peaches from a tree means that her charm and talent will help her successfully marry a wise and rich man. If the peaches turn out to be green and hard, then she will expect a callous and cold attitude from her relatives, and a serious illness will deprive her of her attractiveness.

Culinary dream book

Dreaming about peaches means:

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Miller's Dream Book

Peaches dream meaning:

What does it mean if you dream about peaches:

Eating peaches or looking at them - illness of children, disappointment in business profits and failed joys; to see them on the trees in the foliage - you will achieve the desired position, after much effort and risking your health and money, your affairs will go well; dried peaches - ill-wishers will get ahead of you; for a young woman - to see the picking of ripe fragrant peaches from lush trees - you, thanks to your charm and intelligence, will marry a wealthy and wise man; for a woman - to try peaches and they turn out to be green and hard - you will encounter cruelty from relatives or a disease that will deprive you of attractiveness. Also see tree.

Dream book of the 20th century

What peaches can mean in dreams:

Symbolize temptation.

Seeing them in a dream: a sign that some temptations will distract and confuse you.

The more juicy and ripe the peach is in your dream: the stronger your temptation may be.

Eating peaches: means that joy and fun may soon give way to sadness. After such a dream, you should be more restrained in your desires.

Green and hard peaches: suggest that you will not be able to satisfy your desires.

Peach tree: portends a certain success in your affairs, but the pursuit of everyday pleasures can lead to the fact that your success will result in disappointments and losses.

Peach pit: a sign of unpleasant experiences and thoughts. You may soon have to rethink your life.

Dream book alphabetically

Peaches in a dream mean:

Buying peaches in a dream is a sign that you will soon achieve material wealth and thereby ensure family well-being. Selected, large and ripe peaches portend brilliant success in business. Rotten small peaches indicate that a family quarrel is inevitable in reality.

Eating peaches in a dream foreshadows a forced change of job or place of residence in the very near future; treating them to them means a new family member may enter your home if your parents have nothing against your choice.

Seeing peaches growing on trees means that in reality you have to look after someone, but this will give you the joy of communicating with an intelligent and sincere person, which is exactly what you have been missing until now.

Picking peaches means that you will experience frequent but minor joys. Dried peaches indicate that you will be judged for harshness and injustice, which is simply a consequence of fatigue and absent-mindedness.

Cooking or drinking peach compote is a sign that in reality you will give people a warm welcome, but you will find yourself confused, unable to recognize which of them are your true friends and which are your enemies.

Why do you dream about peaches? Our dreams are nothing more than a mystical gift sent to man by supernatural forces. They are designed to help you find the right life important decisions, warn about possible problems, report a proper reward for hardships and hardships.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

The interpretation is described in detail in Phelomen’s dream book. This image portends good luck, prosperity and profit. Similar dream promises career advancement, business development, and improvement in financial condition.

Seeing peaches in a dream for married people foretells a calm and measured life. family life, home comfort and mutual understanding. After such a dream, unmarried young people can safely begin preparations for the wedding, because the wedding ceremony is just around the corner for them.

If peaches grow on a tree - in real life you can safely rush into adventures and risky material transactions. All your endeavors will be successful, will fully pay off and bring you considerable profit.

If you eat juicy peaches, this means that you need to be more modest in your desires and needs. On this moment you have everything you need for a happy and measured life, but you don’t appreciate it. If you do not rethink your worldview, fate will present you with trials and hardships.

In a dream, you purchased this fruit at the market or in a supermarket - in reality your business will flourish, financial situation will improve significantly, prosperity will reign in the house.

Dream Book of Z. Freud

In S. Freud's dream book, peaches are interpreted as curves female body(chest and buttocks).

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing green peaches in a dream means your plans in reality will not be realized. Juicy ripe fruits are a symbol of temptation, which will only hinder you in achieving your goals. You need to concentrate on the main thing and ignore secondary desires.

Collecting or picking ripe peaches for a representative of the fairer sex foreshadows the achievement of what she wants through temptation. However, be careful, you yourself may succumb to temptation.

See a peach tree - good sign. It promises you prosperity and well-being. But you shouldn’t waste your time on everyday pleasures and everyday needs. This is the only way you can preserve what you already have.

A dream in which you saw a peach pit means that you need to radically rethink your life.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream about Peach - Love pleasures; relationship; children.

Culinary dream book If you dream of a Peach in a dream:

Peach - Eating wonderful peaches in a dream predicts a wonderful, albeit short, trip together with your loved one, which will leave touching and tender memories.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Peach in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream about Peach - A profitable enterprise

Women's dream book Why do you dream about Peach according to the dream book:

Peaches - Eating peaches in a dream or simply seeing them means illness of children, disappointment in business, unfulfilled hopes. But if you see these fruits on the trees, in the foliage, you will achieve what you want; after many efforts and risky steps, your affairs will go well. If a young woman dreams of picking ripe, fragrant peaches, she will, thanks to her charm and intelligence, marry a wealthy and wise man. If a woman tries peaches and they turn out to be green and hard, she will face the cruelty of relatives or a disease that will deprive her of attractiveness, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Peach?

See in a dream

Peaches - Seeing peaches in a dream means that love adventures await you, picking them means good luck, eating them means pleasure; rotten or sour - mean irritation and annoyance.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about Peach in a dream:

Peaches - To dream that you are eating or looking at peaches means illness of children, disappointment in business profits and unfulfilled joys.. But if you see them on the trees in the foliage, you will achieve the desired position; after much effort and risk with health and money, your affairs will go well. Seeing dried peaches is a sign that ill-wishers will get ahead of you. If a young woman dreams of picking ripe, fragrant peaches from lush trees, she, thanks to her charm and intelligence, will marry a wealthy and wise man. If she tries peaches and they turn out to be green and hard, she will face cruelty from relatives or a disease that will deprive her of her attractiveness.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Peach in a dream

Peaches - Eat - come to an agreement with your beloved person; see on the road - you are tempted; to rip off - profitable material affairs; distribute - you will be well received; bones - you will meet strong resistance.

Felomena's dream book states that peaches are good sign, foretelling good luck and prosperity. Often such a dream promises career growth and capital increase. Unmarried couples will soon have a wedding, married people will have the comfort of home.

Where did you see peaches in your dream?

Why do you dream about peaches on a tree?

If you dreamed of peaches hanging on a tree, the dreamer will achieve his goals. The more effort you put in, the greater the benefit. You can also take risky measures, they will definitely succeed.

What did you do with the peaches in your dream?

Pick peaches

Eating peaches in a dream

When you dream about eating peaches, you should be more modest, more restrained in your desires. Try to take a sober look at your life situation: You probably have everything for true happiness. Appreciate what you have, otherwise you may lose everything.

I dreamed about buying peaches

Buying peaches in a dream is a harbinger of success in financial affairs. Career and business will go uphill, the right moment is coming for decisive action and business activity.

First of all, if a person dreams of eating peaches or looking at them with adoration, then such a dream is a sign that children may get sick in the near future. It is also a sign of a slowdown in business development, when the level of profit received will decrease.

Wang also characterizes such a dream as a joy that did not happen, but was so expected in life.

Also, if you find out why peaches are dreamed of by a young girl who dreams of them being picked from healthy and lush trees, then we can say that this is a sign of an approaching wedding.

After all, very soon she will meet the prince she has dreamed of for so long, and this man will be sufficiently educated, smart, wealthy, and will be able to compete with her in discussions.

Family life, according to Vanga’s dream book, will be interesting; despondency and banality are out of the question. The main thing is not to oversleep such a meeting with the prince, and then happiness will be simply guaranteed.

When you read why a person can see in a dream peaches that are on trees in their foliage, you can find out that such a dream indicates that in the near future he will achieve a position at work and in society that a person has long dreamed of and has long strived for. .

After all, to achieve such a goal it took him a lot of time, health and strength, a lot of money and effort were spent. Therefore, you should expect that after such a dream everything will go uphill.

If you see dried peaches that are no longer suitable for consumption, then this is a sign of the presence of ill-wishers around a person. They will be the ones who will be able to beat him at the last stage of the competition in something. Therefore, it is worth gathering all your strength in order to prevent such an offensive outcome of the rivalry and win such a race.

Nectarine peach

Dream Interpretation Nectarine peach dreamed of why Nectarine peach is seen in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Nectarine peach in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Peaches

Dream Interpretation - Peach

Eating peaches means health.

Dream Interpretation - Peach

Dream Interpretation - Peaches

What peaches can mean in dreams:

Dream Interpretation - Peaches

Dream Interpretation - Peach

Dream Interpretation - Peaches

Dream Interpretation - Peaches

Dream Interpretation - Peach

Picking peaches means good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Peaches

Wormy peach

Dream Interpretation Wormy Peach dreamed of why you dream about a wormy peach? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a wormy Peach in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Peaches

Buying peaches in a dream is a sign that you will soon achieve material wealth and thereby ensure family well-being. Selected, large and ripe peaches portend brilliant success in business. Rotten small peaches indicate that a family quarrel is inevitable in reality.

Eating peaches in a dream foreshadows a forced change of job or place of residence in the very near future; treating them to them means a new family member may enter your home if your parents have nothing against your choice.

Seeing peaches growing on trees means that in reality you have to look after someone, but this will give you the joy of communicating with an intelligent and sincere person, which is exactly what you have been missing until now.

Picking peaches means that you will experience frequent but minor joys. Dried peaches indicate that you will be judged for harshness and injustice, which is simply a consequence of fatigue and absent-mindedness.

Cooking or drinking peach compote is a sign that in reality you will give people a warm welcome, but you will find yourself confused, unable to recognize which of them are your true friends and which are your enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Peach

Seeing him is a sign of prosperity and wealth.

Eating peaches means health.

A patient eating peaches in a dream means poor health.

Selling peaches is bad luck.

A merchant sees himself selling peaches - to prosperity.

Buying peaches means increasing income or receiving an inheritance.

A guy in a dream gives a peach to his beloved - for an imminent wedding.

Giving a peach to your friends means respect, love and trust.

Seeing spoiled fruits means that your labors are in vain.

Dream Interpretation - Peach

Peaches dream of disappointment in business and failed joy. True, if you saw them in the trees, you will achieve the desired position and your affairs will go smoothly.

If you see dried peaches, know that ill-wishers may get ahead of you.

If a young woman dreams of picking ripe, fragrant peaches from lush trees, then she will marry a wealthy and wise man.

If the peaches turn out to be green and hard, she will face cruelty from her relatives.

You ate wonderful peaches in a dream - in reality you will have a short but wonderful trip together with your loved one. You will have touching and tender memories of this journey.

Dream Interpretation - Peaches

What peaches can mean in dreams:

Symbolize temptation.

Seeing them in a dream: a sign that some temptations will distract and confuse you.

The more juicy and ripe the peach is in your dream: the stronger your temptation may be.

Eating peaches: means that joy and fun may soon give way to sadness. After such a dream, you should be more restrained in your desires.

Green and hard peaches: suggest that you will not be able to satisfy your desires.

Peach tree: portends a certain success in your affairs, but the pursuit of everyday pleasures can lead to the fact that your success will result in disappointments and losses.

Peach pit: a sign of unpleasant experiences and thoughts. You may soon have to rethink your life.

Dream Interpretation - Peaches

To dream that you are eating peaches or looking at them means illness of children, disappointment in business profits and failed joys... But if you see them on the trees in the foliage, you will achieve the desired position; after much effort and risk with health and money, your affairs will go well.

Seeing dried peaches is a sign that ill-wishers will get ahead of you.

If a young woman dreams of picking ripe, fragrant peaches from lush trees, she, thanks to her charm and intelligence, will marry a wealthy and wise man. If she tries peaches and they turn out to be green and hard, she will face cruelty from relatives or a disease that will deprive her of her attractiveness.

Dream Interpretation - Peach

Seeing peaches ripe on a tree in a dream means that temptation awaits you. Picking a peach in a dream is a sign of success, pleasure or profit. Eating it in a dream is a sign of pleasure (if it is ripe). A peach pit in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business. See interpretation: fruits, berries.

Dream Interpretation - Peaches

Eating peaches out of season in a dream means a serious illness. Eating peaches in a timely manner is beneficial. Eating sour peaches means experiencing fear.

Dream Interpretation - Peaches

Buy ripe, large peaches at the market - you will enjoy a romantic date. Green peaches mean that you started celebrating your victory on the love front early.

Imagine that you are treating your loved one to ripe, juicy peaches.

Dream Interpretation - Peach

Love adventures await you.

Picking peaches means good luck.

Eating peaches means beginning.

Rotten or sour peaches mean irritation and annoyance.

Dream Interpretation - Peaches

Seeing peaches is a very auspicious dream. If you are in love, it foretells that your lover will return to you, you will get married and you will have many charming children. You will be very happy. The same dream promises wealth for businessmen, a good harvest for farmers and favorable sailing for sailors. If you dream that you are eating peaches, the dream predicts a short but severe illness for you. You will soon recover and be strong and confident.



A field of fallen peaches..I collect some that have been eaten, leaving them behind..the principle of picking mushrooms..yes, the peaches are not whole, but large juicy pitted halves...


I went to the counter with peaches and, taking 1, began to eat it without buying more. And then I began to choose the ones I liked, but they seemed to be not whole, but pieces and pieces of iron attached to them, but before they began to weigh them, they removed this iron.


First, I was riding in a minibus around Kyiv with a group of people, then I called my sister to meet her (she lives in Kiev, I don’t) and I see her right after 100 meters that she is going up the hill (there are steps there and at the top as if in granite under inclined ponds or something), and she has 2 apricots in the bag (large, juicy, beautiful)
and we talked and she said to make a wish and throw the apricot by the water
I threw it, but at the same hour a large, black spider crawled out of the water from the corner and grabbed the apricot
but it seemed normal, not scary, not for me, not for my sister


Today I saw peaches in my dream. My older sister and I (we haven’t communicated with her for several years) were in the store. I took one peach for myself and didn’t eat it. The sister picked herself four whole peaches and bit into two of them. I was somewhat discouraged by this, but I didn’t say anything. My sister gave one of the bitten fruits to me. I remember that I went to the checkout with my peach. Please tell me what this dream could mean? Thank you in advance!


I dreamed of a dacha where I used to vacation as a child, the house was in poor condition and I fenced him off beautiful curtain, there was a bush growing nearby and there were some strange larvae on it, I took a branch to take a closer look and there were ripe nictarines on it, I picked one and ate it with pleasure, it was juicy and tasty.


I was with friends near a tree with peaches, I don’t remember exactly who the friends were, but I remember 3 people, we came across a tree and picked peaches from there, as ripe as possible, well, when I picked the reddest one in my hand, it turned out to be green, I decided to climb up further into the branches to pick the reddest one and saw 3 very large, hefty peaches, but then they fucking woke me up (((
this is such a muddy dream)


I saw an acquaintance with some bales with things I didn’t understand and I lifted the blanket and there was a very beautiful pink kitten, but I didn’t want to take him, I was breaking away, then they told me that they saw my husband and his mistress, they made themselves a room somewhere under the forest, the ignoramus cut a hole in the door and how I find myself near this door, it’s small and it’s clear that it’s locked from the inside, so I sat on the stairs and waited and my husband and his mistress came out from there and they started running away from me. She ran away and I caught up with my husband and started shaking him by the shirt. and cry as much as you can mock me and the black shirt I noticed I also thought it was strange he doesn’t wear those very much I cried


I dreamed of a peach tree with dense foliage and a lot of fruits, I chose the two ripest ones, they grew nearby, I ate them, they were very tasty, ripe. I gave the seeds to a friend, she said she would plant them


I dreamed that my husband came to my work, sat down on the floor and started drinking champagne, then got up and started dancing with some people, then sat down with the company at the table and celebrated


hello, I dreamed that in November, strawberries appeared at my dacha, they were still green, and I picked one ripe peaches


The action takes place in the place where I spent my childhood. Fruit trees grow, which is not typical for our climate. There are a lot of peaches and apricots on the trees, I was very surprised. I pick a peach from the tree and eat it. there is a lot of carrion on the ground.


I dreamed of my mother’s garden. Green peaches. And under a tree where there were no more pears, I found 2 giant pears, already overripe, and gave them to the man.


I dreamed that it was summer, around August, or maybe the beginning of September... it was a very warm evening. The sun flooded the entire street with its hot light. And in front of my balcony window, there was a large, branchy tree with peaches growing on it. I could stretch my hand from the balcony and pick these juicy, juicy peaches. And I picked one and ate it. It was so delicious. And there were so many of them... some were hanging on the tree, some had already fallen and were lying in the grass. But everything was in red, yellow, orange and green colors) It was so beautiful.


Good afternoon, I had a dream today, I’m looking out the window at a peach tree, it’s all green, juicy foliage, and there’s one good, ripe peach growing on the whole tree, and it’s staggering on the tree from side to side (as if it’s luring me). Not far from the fruit, on the same tree, closer to the wall of the house, sits a chameleon (green with large eyes) and makes movements back and forth from me. That’s all. Thank you.


I ate delicious ripe peaches. I opened the leaves and there were large ripe peaches. I picked them up and ate them. It was delicious. I went and picked some and ate it. When I washed them in the toilet, water flowed from above the hole in the toilet, which is in the village. wooden building with a hole at the bottom. Then a neighbor woman brought her children to the bench, and I noticed a girl with dyed hair (highlighting in large strands)


I dreamed that I was picking very large and ripe peaches from a tree. So ripe that the juice was running like a stream. I picked a full load of them, like in childhood, you know everything under a T-shirt. I eat them and they fall from the tree and burst into two parts and I take them too I crush pieces of earth (chernozem) and eat them because they are very juicy.


I have a dream this night! How I eat peaches on a plate with my underage daughter and ex-husband. What is it for?


I buy apples from a fat merchant, large and juicy “White filling”. And the merchant says, “Get some from the bucket yourself.” I begin to pick from a tub - a small barrel, and I see that under the apples there are peaches, also large and juicy, ripe, yellow, slightly reddish (like “Crimean”), very fragrant, but a few on top 2-3 pieces are slightly dented. I say to the merchant: “Why did you put apples on peaches, they’ll get crushed.” And she didn’t seem to expect that there were peaches there, but she looked and said: Yes, this is the variety... (I don’t remember), they are strong and will do nothing for them. And I took a closer look, and the truth was that they didn’t wash much. They smell delicious. I say: “Since you already have peaches, I’ll buy them, give me a bag”... That’s the dream... I woke up with a good feeling and the feeling that this dream was not an easy one.

Each object in dreams carries a special meaning and symbolism. Interpreting what peaches mean in dreams, dream books consider this sweet and fragrant fruit as a favorable sign.

What do they mean

Dreams involving peaches, as a rule, are dreamed by creative people and people who cannot live a day without music and drawing. The activity of collecting sweet fruits from a tree in night dreams promises the imminent onset of a period of life that is favorable in all respects. Feel free to take on the realization of your cherished desires and long-conceived plans, without thinking about failures and setbacks: they do not threaten you. The dream book advises not to put off old dreams long box and quickly start implementing them:

  • Breaking a peach in half means enjoying life;
  • Peeling the fruit is a rich feast;
  • Wormy peaches are envious people you may not be aware of;
  • Large fruits are a symbol of good luck;
  • Picking rotten peaches means missing out on a lucky chance;
  • Receiving a basket of peaches as a gift is a financial gain.

The interpretation of what peaches mean in dreams often has a double meaning. For example, a dream in which the dreamer had a chance to eat juicy and sweet fruits foreshadows a pleasant romantic trip in the company of a loved one, which will leave a mark on your soul for the rest of your life. However, if the fruits turn out to be rotten or spoiled, nothing good should be expected. Such a dream may be a warning about the illness of a loved one or the loss of something valuable to you.

Eating unripe peaches is a symbol of a quarrel with relatives or good friends. However, the worst interpretation is given to a dream in which black fruits are dreamed. In this case, the interpreter warns: a person with bad intentions will appear in your life who will try to instill in you something that will force you to commit fatal mistake. Don't give in to his provocations and be on your guard.

Buying and selling peaches - meaning

Dreaming of ripe and fragrant peaches in your night dreams, regardless of the actions the dreamer performed with them, is an extremely favorable sign. Dream Interpretations see him as the personification of a good life, success in career and personal relationships, favorable relationships with people around him, friends and relatives. But finding out more about what peaches mean in dreams will help you find out more about the details of your dream.

Buying ripe fruits is an attempt to solve complex problems on your own. However, you should not put such a heavy burden on your shoulders. Ask a close friend or friend for help loved one and then troubles will quickly leave your life. Selling peaches, on the contrary, is a sign that you want to help someone. If in a dream you managed to sell your goods, it means that the business will be successfully completed in the near future.

Peaches according to women's dream book

For representatives of the fair sex, dreams with peaches do not always portend happiness and prosperity. For a woman, savoring juicy fruits means illness of children, disappointment in her own enterprise, or unjustified hopes. But if the peaches you saw were hanging on a tree branch among the foliage, then you will be able to carry out all your plans.

  • Collecting ripe and fragrant fruits means marriage with a rich and wise man which will come true thanks to the demonstrated feminine charm;
  • Trying hard and unripe peaches is cruelty on the part of relatives. It can also predict health problems that will deprive a woman of her beauty.

Seeing fruits hanging on a tree women's dream book means temptation. Moreover, the more attractive and appetizing the fruits are, the larger it will be. Before you give in to temptation, evaluate the possible risks and consequences for you.

Miller's interpretation of peaches

Seeing the fruits of a peach tree is a disappointment from the business due to its low profitability. No less negative interpretation carries a dream in which dried peaches appear: ill-wishers will get ahead of you. And if you dreamed of a fruit not in its usual form, but, for example, in the form of a pie or other dessert, it means that soon you will have a rest in a noisy and fun company. Peaches hanging high on a tree indicate the dreamer's desire for better life. And if the fruits are lying on the ground, then you will probably have to put in a lot of effort to make your dream come true. Don’t expect quick results, work long and hard: the result will definitely please you.

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