How to help a cat give birth. How to help a cat give birth at home: stimulate protracted labor, facilitate the process. Preparing a cat for birth

How to induce labor in a cat, what to do if the expectant mother is overdue? Is it possible to stimulate contractions and what are the consequences? Let's understand the intricacies of the birth process and possible complications.

Prevention of all possible complications during childbirth begins with caring for a pregnant cat. As soon as you discover that your pet is pregnant, regardless of whether mating was planned, she must be shown to a veterinarian.

Can be determined from 2-3 weeks using a blood test. At 3–4 weeks expectant mother mammary glands swell. As the gestation period increases, the following signs are observed:

  • Increased hunger.
  • Redness of the nipples.
  • Toxicosis.
  • Slight but constant weight gain.
  • Behavioral changes - frequent meowing, restlessness, unusual affection or irritability.

At normal course Pregnancy, by about 5-6 weeks, the pet’s belly is noticeably rounded. If gestation proceeds without complications, the cat receives decent care, has no genetic defects, and birth occurs from 64 to 71 days of pregnancy.

Important! During the normal course of pregnancy, before the onset of contractions, the cat should not experience any discharge from the genitals. The only exception is early rejection of the mucus plug, which can occur several weeks before birth.

It will be easier for an inexperienced owner to cope with the situation if birth nest will be prepared in advance. It is necessary to monitor the cat’s behavior; most often, she herself chooses a suitable (from her point of view) place. You can take the initiative and equip a nest for your cat from a spacious box. In order for the expectant mother to feel safe, the box must be closed (have a roof).

During the first contractions, you may find that the cat is restless, constantly entering the nest, or looking for a suitable place to give birth to kittens. The pet can meow loudly and attract the attention of the owner, especially if she is about to give birth for the first time. The first contractions bring discomfort, but the cat successfully hides the pain. The owner may not notice the discharge of amniotic fluid and the rejection of the mucous plug, since the cat licks the genital area.

As the labor process progresses, contractions will intensify and the interval between them will decrease. When the interval is reduced to 20–30 seconds, the cat will lie down on its side and prepare to push.

The first kitten takes longer to be born than all the others; to expel it, the cat will need to make 3-4 strong attempts. The total duration of the process from the start of contractions to the appearance of the first kitten can take from 2 to 24 hours. Normally, contractions last up to 12 hours, and pushing at the birth of the first kitten lasts up to 1 hour.

Note! After the birth of the first kitten, the remaining babies should appear at intervals of 10–20 minutes.

As soon as the baby is born, the cat licks its face, gnaws the umbilical cord and eats the afterbirth. If the woman in labor does not pay attention to the kitten, and the expulsion occurs too quickly, the pet may be in rapid labor. This complication is associated with severe pain, therefore, it is advisable to immediately take the kittens from the nest, remove fluid from the respiratory tract, rub them and place them on a heating pad.

Read also: How to help a cat in heat

Prevention of prolonged labor

With quality care and normal pregnancy, most cats give birth to offspring without outside help. A young mother is quite capable of setting up a nest for herself, preparing for childbirth on her own, licking all the kittens and pushing them towards the nipples.

As long as the birth occurs without complications, owner intervention is not required, but many women in labor prefer to be observed by a trusted person. Observe the expectant mother; by her behavior you will understand whether she wants your presence during childbirth. If a cat is hiding, try to watch it from the side.

Do not forget that for the normal development of kittens and preparing the body for childbirth, it is very important physical activity. Try to provoke your cat to play and run. In addition to natural stimulation of the birth process, physical activity during the entire pregnancy will allow the pet to maintain a normal weight.

Important! Obesity in pregnant cats increases the load on the heart, cleansing and respiratory system. Significant excess weight often leads to complications during childbirth.

A cat may deliberately delay giving birth if she is unsure of the well-being of the expected offspring. To reduce the stress of the expectant mother, prepare a nest in advance in which the cat will feel cozy and safe. The nest site is usually chosen by the cat.

Before stimulation labor activity At home, be sure to measure your temperature. Before giving birth, the cat's base temperature drops to 37.1–37.2 degrees. If your pet's body temperature has dropped, do not resort to stimulation for two days or until the veterinarian prescribes therapy.

If the gestation period approaches 65 days, and the pet is not preparing for childbirth, as a folk remedy can be used to stimulate labor red marlin ( common marlin). The drug is usually sold in gelatin capsules that are easy to open. The contents of one capsule are mixed with canned or natural food once a day.

Read also: Prolonged labor in a cat, what it is and how to help

For stimulation you can use massage of the abdomen and nipples. Regardless of whether you use a medicated supplement, try to gently massage your cat's belly and mammary glands. Your manipulations will lead to increased production of oxytocin, the critical concentration of which should trigger contractions.

Monitor closely for behavioral and physiological changes. About 12 hours before the birth of kittens, the expectant mother may experience trembling in the limbs, severe anxiety, deep and rapid breathing, breathing with open mouth, active meowing. All these signs indicate that labor is proceeding normally and stimulation is not needed. However, if this condition lasts more than 24 hours, and contractions have not started, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Help with prolonged labor

Make it a rule not to interfere with the birth process until you are sure that the woman in labor needs help. Stimulation of the birth process and other interventions can harm not only the kittens, but also the pet.

Be sure to contact your veterinarian if you notice the following complications:

  • Black, green, bloody, or foul-smelling discharge during labor.
  • Labor lasts longer than 36 hours.
  • Contractions last more than 12 hours.
  • Pushing that lasts longer than 30–60 minutes and does not produce a kitten.
  • An amniotic sac has appeared in the birth canal, but the horse cannot push it out for more than 10 minutes.

With such complications self help not only useless, but also dangerous. If you cannot call a veterinarian at home, ask for instructions over the phone. Listen carefully to how to induce labor in a cat, write down the names of the drugs and pay attention. Special attention dosage.

To stimulate labor or pushing, a well-known drug is used Oxytocin. The average dosage is 0.3 ml once an hour, for a cat weighing 4–5 kg. Oxytocin is not recommended to be administered more than three to four times, since excessive stimulation can lead to weakening of the body and damage birth canal and the opening of bleeding.

Note! Oxytocin is used for several purposes: to speed up labor, resume contractions or pushing, enhance or initiate lactation.

If difficulties in childbirth occur due to the fact that a dead kitten is stuck in the tract, after its expulsion it is necessary to carry out resuscitation actions. Open the amniotic sac and remove amniotic fluid from the respiratory tract using a syringe without a needle. Actively rub the kitten with a dry towel; if it does not begin to breathe or move, place it on a heating pad and continue rubbing the body from the limbs to the sternum.

Note! If the kitten's skin turns pink when rubbed and warmed, it means there is blood flow and you still have a chance to revive the baby.

When contacting veterinarian, you will most likely be offered several options:

  • Use of Oxytocin.
  • C-section.

Pregnancy is common physiological process. If the pet is healthy and feels well, then there is no need to panic and think about how to help the cat give birth. The excitement of a person is transmitted to the animal.

The most important condition during pregnancy is to provide the animal with:

  • complete food and clean water;
  • peace;
  • security;
  • care and attention;
  • timely examination by a veterinarian

And then you can be sure that the pet’s birth will take place safely and on time.

Signs of pregnancy

If a week after mating the cat becomes voracious, asks for food twice as much as usual, and also sleeps a lot, there is no doubt that conception has occurred. Attention should be paid to the balance of the animal's diet. Additionally, you need to give vitamins and minerals for pregnant women.

Usually a playful cat becomes passive, the owner should leave her alone for a couple of weeks, and then periodically move her. If you do not force your pet to move, then there is a risk of weak contractions and poor labor. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle will lead to weight gain and difficult childbirth. The larger the kittens grow in the womb, the more difficult it will be to give birth to them.

Dates of pregnancy

A cat's pregnancy lasts for several months, plus or minus six days. If the litter is large, labor may begin. ahead of schedule. But usually sixty-five or seventy days is considered the norm. Pregnancy of more than seventy days is already life-threatening for the animal. Kittens increase in size in the womb, deplete her body and pose a threat to the cat's life. During one birth, a cat can give birth to from one to twelve kittens. To avoid sad consequences, after seventy days the cat is recommended to undergo surgery.

But you shouldn’t rush to make a decision about surgery either, since pregnancy is still a natural process. Especially if we are talking about a cat who is going to give birth for the first time in her life. Such expectant mothers are especially nervous, because they do not know exactly what awaits them, they simply feel the approach of this complex process, and experience the approach of danger. At such moments, cats really need the help of their owner; they are especially sensitive and ask for affection and protection.

Childbirth at home

Condition of the animal

The animal may be very anxious and helpless, it may follow you around and ask to be picked up. It is not surprising, because the owners may have to help the cat at home during childbirth. Many animal lovers decide in advance where their pet will give birth. Giving birth at home places increased responsibility on the owner, but helps to avoid unwanted infections that can be picked up at an animal clinic. If your cat's pregnancy is progressing normally, giving birth at home is appropriate.

How to prepare

You just need to spend good preparation, find everything you need medical supplies that may be needed. If the decision was made to give birth at home, then it is worthwhile to accurately determine the place for the woman in labor. It is prepared in advance and arranged in a cozy, warm place where there are no drafts. Prepare a box in which a warm blanket and diaper are placed. A litter tray, a water bowl, and a bowl of food are placed nearby. It is advisable to allocate several square meters with all this structure and fence them off so that future babies do not crawl throughout the apartment.

When general training completed, needs to be prepared medications that may be needed during childbirth:

  • calcium borogluconate and saline (for anxiety in a cat after birth);
  • brilliant green (for treating the umbilical cord);
  • alcohol (for disinfection);
  • chlorhexidine (antiseptic);
  • traumatin (0.5 ml after birth for the mother);
  • mastomethrin (0.5 ml after birth for the mother);
  • gamavit (0.2 ml for weakened kittens, 0.5 ml for weakened cats)

Besides medicines, necessary:

  • disposable diapers;
  • small towels;
  • syringe;
  • cotton swabs;
  • sterile scissors;
  • paper napkins

Start of labor

The first stage of the onset of labor in a cat is determined by anxiety, panic, and she is looking for a dark place. She should point to the box that has already been prepared for her. In the second stage, the animal often sits down, as if it wants to go to the toilet. Then her plug comes out, then her water comes out and contractions begin. The cat is breathing frequently and intermittently. She looks at the tail, spins, looking for the cause of the pain. The cat begins to struggle, she strains and tries to extract the fetus. The animal waits for a strong contraction to push the kitten out. Sometimes it is difficult for an animal to extract the fruit all at once, and it appears and then disappears.

Help an animal

Cats, following their instincts, give birth on their own; they gnaw the umbilical cord and lick the kittens. However, there are times when you need to help a cat give birth for the first time. Childbirth can be ambiguous and the situations are different. Sometimes kittens are born right in the bubble, and the cat, especially the one giving birth for the first time, does not realize that she needs to get the kitten out of there. The owner must cut the bubble with sterile scissors and remove the baby, and then clean it Airways, wiping with a napkin. In the same way, you should cut the umbilical cord, first squeezing it with your fingers, if the animal does not gnaw it itself.

Sometimes, when many kittens are born, the cat does not pay enough attention to each baby. She licks some for a long time and several times, and completely forgets about others. Each kitten should be placed close to its mother to keep them warm. If this fails, a bottle of warm water is placed next to the born kittens. A small cat cub may choke during childbirth, to improve breathing, it should be turned head down for a moment to clear the airways and bring it back to life.

You should always know that the number of placentas delivered must correspond to the number of kittens born. Otherwise, the cat may develop inflammation, and subsequently, it will lead to infection and fatal outcome. During labor, the baby may become stuck in the birth canal. The owner needs to help give birth to kittens by pulling them by the paws or skin, but not by the head. To facilitate the process, you can lubricate the birth canal Vaseline oil. If the cat owner understands that he cannot cope on his own, it is necessary to urgently call a veterinarian in order to quickly give birth to the cat.

A general health examination of kittens is carried out right during birth. Every baby needs to open his mouth slightly and look inside. The kitten's tongue should be a pleasant pink color. The bluish color should alert you. The reason for this condition is a lack of oxygen. The kitten should be warmed and held with its head up until it makes at least some sound. If the kitten squeaks, then this clearly indicates a sign of life, now there is no need to worry about it.

What to do after childbirth

When all the kittens have already been born, and the birth was difficult, the owner should:

  • give an injection of Gamavit 0.2 ml to all weak kittens;
  • for a cat, give an injection of Gamavit 0.5 ml;
  • for the mother after childbirth, Travmatin 0.5 ml and Mastomethrin 0.5 ml should be administered

Childbirth in the clinic and care of kittens

Complications and help from the veterinary

When a pet refuses food for 24 hours before giving birth, there are no contractions, no pushing, and the cat has been pregnant for more than seventy days, then it is better to take your pet to the clinic and consult a veterinarian. The specialist will conduct an examination and determine the diagnosis. He will decide what to do in an individual case to help the cat during childbirth. If a cat's contractions have been going on for more than six hours, and the kittens are still not born, then in this case it is necessary to immediately show the animal to a doctor.

It happens that the number of kittens born and the placentas that came out of the cat’s body do not match. You should definitely go to the clinic, otherwise your cat will develop inflammation and may die. The veterinarian will also remove a stuck kitten if it is unable to be born. This happens in case large sizes fetus, this often happens in those giving birth for the first time, due to the inelasticity of the birth canal.

When labor drags on too long, contractions last a very long time, more than five hours, but there is no normal labor activity, kittens do not appear, you immediately need to call a specialist or take the cat to the clinic. Naturally, if you observe bleeding or vomiting in your pet, you also need an examination and help from a doctor.

Kitten care

As already mentioned, it is not easy for cats to give birth for the first time, so after giving birth, some mothers may have difficulties caring for and feeding their babies. And if there are also a lot of kittens, then complementary feeding will be needed.

What to watch out for:

  • so that all kittens suckle;
  • place babies near the cat’s belly in time;
  • the cat must lick each kitten;
  • if there is not enough milk, feed the kittens from a syringe every couple of hours;
  • massage your tummy after finger feeding

The owner needs not only to care for the kittens, but also to monitor their growth and development. Babies should gain weight, move actively, and even be curious. It is good if all kittens are examined by a veterinarian a week after birth. He will warn possible diseases and developmental disabilities early stages diseases. About a month after birth, babies are taught to feed from a plate and allowed to lap up milk on their own. During this period of time, you still need to make sure that they do not choke or crawl away from their mother in an unknown direction.


You still don’t know how to help a giving birth cat? In this article we will try to answer this question in detail and analyze all the points, from preparing the nest to labor.

Any cat may need help during birth. The opinion that cats always give birth without problems is wrong. Yes, basically, no pathologies arise during the birth process of a pet, but you need to be prepared for anything. Especially if you are really looking forward to the birth of kittens, for example, for sale.

Setting up a nest

The birth of kittens is always a big stress for your pet. That is why it is very important to prepare the nest for birth in advance and try to accustom the animal to it. As a nest, you can use a spacious box that has a lid on top. So that the cat can easily get inside, it is necessary to cut a hole in the side. Do not place soft blankets on the bottom of the box. The best option- these are several layers of paper or baby diapers (they will most likely have to be thrown away).

The box should be placed in a warm, quiet and dark place where there are no drafts. Place a trash can, food and water in this room for your pet. And so the question: “How to help a giving birth cat?” Without taking you by surprise, we will tell you a little about the signs of pregnancy and the onset of labor in an animal.

Signs of pregnancy and impending birth

If you know the day of mating, it will be easier to determine the approximate due date. A cat bears kittens for approximately 65-67 days. Her belly begins to enlarge, her appetite increases, her nipples enlarge, becoming bright pink.

IN last days pregnancy:

  • Colostrum begins to be released from the animal's chest.
  • The stomach drops.
  • Body temperature decreases.
  • Mucus is discharged from the vagina.

In addition, the cat begins to look for a place suitable for giving birth. You will notice that she hides in the closet, explores the distant corners of the room, etc.

On the day of birth, the animal refuses food, goes to the toilet very often, and then, when attempts appear, it begins to give birth. If your pet is giving birth for the first time, be prepared to provide all possible assistance.

Let's prepare in advance

Before you help a pregnant cat give birth, you need to prepare in advance. Purchase sterile gloves, petroleum jelly or lubricant, betadine solution and a pipette from the pharmacy. You should also have scissors on hand (make sure they are sterile). It is advisable to put a heating pad in the box in which the kittens will later lie so that the babies do not freeze and quickly adapt to new conditions.

Day of birth

How to help a cat give birth for the first time? Many people ask this question. On the day of birth, you need to be especially careful, because your pet may need help at any time.

You will definitely notice that your cat's behavior on the day of delivery has changed dramatically.

  • On the day of birth, a previously calm cat begins to constantly walk around the rooms, try on the nest an infinite number of times and often lick the genitals.
  • Rectal temperature drops by about 2 degrees.
  • A cat's breathing becomes faster as it grows pain she begins to purr and even scream.
  • The animal's vagina swells and bloody or yellow discharge appears.

This is the first stage of labor and can last from 12 to 24 hours. You may not have to think about how to help your cat give birth to kittens, but it will be useful to support her morally (pat her belly and talk to her). Be close to your pet.

Stages of birth in a cat

First stage of labor accompanied by contractions mixed with pushing. Under the influence of pushing, the kittens move along the birth canal.

The second stage of labor is the birth of kittens. First, amniotic fluid comes out, then part of the kitten appears. Kittens, like people, are born head first. If the presentation is different, the cat will need your help. It happens that a kitten moves its feet forward; this is not a pathology.

After the birth of a kitten, the cat releases it from the amniotic sac, licks it, and chews the umbilical cord. After the cub begins to breathe and screams, she puts it to her chest. This is a normal birthing process for cats.

During the third stage of labor, the state of the cat's uterus becomes calm after the birth of each baby. Following the kitten, an afterbirth appears, which the cat eats. To prevent your cat from vomiting or diarrhea after giving birth, it is best not to let her eat more than two placentas. The quiet period of the uterus lasts about fifteen minutes, after which labor resumes.

If your cat gives birth as described above, you won't be thinking about how to help your cat give birth. The main thing here is to count the number of kittens and afterbirths. If you miss one placenta, it means it has not come out, and this can lead to a serious inflammatory disease.

Remember that after several kittens are born, labor may stop for a period of 12 to 36 hours. This phenomenon is quite normal, don't worry.

When might a cat need your help?

So, the cat gives birth for the first time. You don't know how to help. It is important to understand here that there are signs that directly indicate that the pet needs help. Here they are:

  • Part of the kitten has already appeared, but it cannot be born because it is stuck.
  • The emerging kitten is not breathing.
  • The cat did not release the baby from the amniotic sac.
  • If the pet cannot bite the umbilical cord.

    The afterbirth does not come out for a long time.

We provide assistance to a giving birth cat

How to help a cat give birth faster? If the kitten is stuck in the birth canal, lubricate the animal's vagina with Vaseline or lubricant. This usually helps. If it doesn’t help, then you need to start examining your pet. To do this, lubricate the vulva with betadine solution and put on sterile gloves. Next, you need to insert your finger into the animal’s vagina, without touching the anus, and place your other hand on the stomach, closer to the pelvis. Try to turn the baby along the birth canal. It is important to determine the presentation of the kitten.

If the baby comes out head first, but his head is turned to the side or his chin protrudes forward, you need to do the manipulations described below. So, how to help a giving birth cat in this case?

  • Carefully insert your finger into the baby's mouth.
  • We carefully turn the kitten's head so that it can continue to pass through the birth canal without hindrance.
  • To prevent the kitten from coming back, press on the cat's perineum, at the bottom of the anus. This will cause the pet to begin to strain.

This method also helps if the baby moves forward with its sacrum. But here, during the examination, you need to hook the kitten’s paws one by one and move them along the birth canal.

What to do if the fruit is large?

How to help a cat give birth to a large kitten? Even if he moves head first, his shoulder area can prevent birth. We fix the problem this way:

  • After lubricating the vagina, insert your finger inside and try to feel the elbow bends of both paws of the kitten one by one.
  • Grab each paw at the shoulder joint.
  • Turn the baby from side to side, try to alternately stretch its paws forward.
  • If the baby is in the lower part of the birth canal, force the pet to push. To do this, you need to stretch the vagina.

Freeing the kitten from the amniotic sac

If the cat has not released the baby from the amniotic sac within one minute after the birth, you need to do the following:

  • Quickly cut the bubble.
  • Take the newborn out and wrap him in cloth.
  • Next, you need to hold the baby’s head and bend his body into an arc so that his knees reach his chest. If you do this several times, the baby will begin to breathe.
  • If necessary, remove any remaining amniotic fluid from the mouth and nose with a pipette.
  • Rub the baby with a terry towel. If breathing does not appear, perform artificial respiration.

What to do if the afterbirth does not come out?

We figured out how to help a cat give birth at home. But what to do if the afterbirth does not come out?

In this case, you need to put on sterile gloves, carefully insert your finger into the animal’s vagina and try to remove the afterbirth. If all else fails, call the veterinarian to your home.

How to tie a kitten's umbilical cord yourself?

It happens that for certain reasons a cat is not able to gnaw the umbilical cord. She usually has to chew through it within fifteen minutes after the baby is born. If this does not happen, you will have to get help.

  • Squeeze the umbilical cord with your fingers at a distance of four centimeters from the baby's tummy.
  • Take a clean thread and tie the umbilical cord.
  • Sterile scissors
  • Treat the cut with an antiseptic solution.

When do you need to urgently contact a veterinarian?

It happens that you know how to help a cat giving birth, but you can’t do it without the help of a veterinarian. There are several signs that your pet needs urgent medical attention.

First of all, keep track of how many days the animal’s pregnancy lasts. If the period has exceeded 70 days, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian.

Pay attention to the animal's body temperature. If your cat has a fever, then this is a reason to call a doctor.

You should be concerned about bright bloody discharge from your pet's vagina, especially if the bleeding continues for more than 10 minutes.

Have you heard an unpleasant, pungent odor from your vagina? Contact your veterinarian immediately.

If a cat has strong contractions that last two hours, and labor has not yet occurred, then you cannot do without the help of a specialist. It happens that two kittens try to pass into the birth canal at the same time.

If the first stage of labor lasts more than a day, or you see that the baby is stuck and you are unable to help it, the cat needs urgent qualified help.

What to do if the baby is stillborn?

Unfortunately, it happens that kittens are born dead. There can be many reasons for the tragedy; often people do not know how to help a cat give birth to a dead kitten, and they turn to a veterinary clinic.

If you see that your cat has given birth to a stillborn kitten, first of all, don't panic. Newborn babies may merely appear dead due to strong contractions, low indoor room temperatures, or mucus blocking the airways.

Clear the kitten's airways with a pipette, dry it, stimulate breathing by holding it slightly upside down. hind legs, and put it in a box with warm heating pad. Persistently place such kittens on the cat's chest.

The baby may be stillborn due to the long labor period. Therefore, if you notice that a cat has given birth to several kittens, but one or two fetuses are felt when palpating her abdomen, you need to contact a veterinarian. A cat may have breaks during labor, but it’s still better to be on the safe side. You should be especially alarmed by a break of more than twelve hours.

Even the cat helps the cat give birth!

Who would have thought that even a cat helps a cat give birth! Vietnamese resident Thuy Duong Panda has a cat named Yello and a cat named Tam Do. When Tam Do gave birth, her partner did not leave her side and provided all possible assistance, supporting and reassuring her.

The couple gave birth to four healthy kittens, and this was Tam Do's first birth. The kittens' father supports his beloved even after giving birth.

Take care of your pets, do not be afraid to help. You will not harm the kittens, but you will help the cat and her cubs cope with difficulties. Moreover, if necessary, you can always call a veterinarian who will tell you what to do in this or that case.

Childbirth is the natural process of the birth of offspring. Owners of cat mothers must know how cats give birth in order to help their inexperienced pet cope. Knowledge and readiness for difficulties will keep the animal healthy and nerve cells to the owner.

Instinctively, cats “know” what to do, especially if this is not their first time giving birth and they have experience. Problems can arise with firstborns who are poorly aware of what is happening to them. A new mother may fail to gnaw the umbilical cord or, out of horror and pain, hide under the sofa and begin to give birth there. Childbirth is stressful for an animal, and the owner must do everything possible to ensure that his pet feels cared for and supported.

What to prepare

The first birth of a cat is exciting not only for the pet, but also for the inexperienced owner. First of all, you need to prepare a cozy place for the mother and future kittens. Typically, “apartments” are made from a box covered with newspapers. A bed or tray will also work. A good place has three quality attributes.

  1. Availability . The cat should not take a high barrier when climbing inside the “nest”. It is best to cut off the fourth wall, ensuring free passage. This will also give the owner access to the pet.
  2. Capacity. It should be borne in mind that the animals will “live” in the box together for another one and a half to two months after birth. Therefore, the “nest” should be spacious, but closed.
  3. Silence . There is no point in installing a “maternity place” in the middle of a noisy room. Experienced owners give their pet a personal “room” - a toilet, a bathroom, a corner between the sofa and the wall, a storage room. If a cat nests in a closed closet, ignoring the proposed place, it lacks silence and security.

In addition to the place for childbirth, it is necessary to prepare:

  • surgical gloves;
  • sharp scissors;
  • cotton buds;
  • diapers or clean cotton cloth;
  • wet wipes;
  • clean terry towels;
  • cotton or gauze swabs;
  • boiled thread;
  • cat drinking bowl;
  • formula powder from a pet store;
  • rubber bulb or pipette;
  • syringe;
  • a cup or bowl for disposing of used materials;
  • liquid antiseptic for animals;
  • oxytocin;
  • "Levomekol" or similar ointment;
  • Potassium gluconate.

If your cat is due to give birth in a week, then it’s time to stock up on an “alarm suitcase” with all necessary tools and medications. It is better to keep everything in one place in a complete set than to frantically search throughout the apartment during childbirth.

How cats give birth

Inexperienced owners have a vague idea of ​​exactly how childbirth occurs in cats. This is a rather long process, starting with the anxiety of the expectant mother and ending with feeding the babies. Several hours pass between these events. At every stage of labor, it is recommended to be close to the woman in labor, or at least monitor her condition. You should always remember that a cat can die during childbirth.

Pet behavior

About two to three days before contractions, the cat's body temperature drops to 37°C. The mammary glands enlarge and become hotter. Despite physiological characteristics, the owners first of all notice how the cat behaves before giving birth. Typically, a long-awaited event is heralded by four behavioral features.

  1. Washing. About two days before labor begins, the genitals become swollen and pink. The cat begins to actively lick itself. There should be no allocations.
  2. Activity. If a cat suddenly gets bored, becomes detached and apathetic, it means that it will be resolved very soon. Do not disturb your pet during this period.
  3. Appetite. There is often a decrease in appetite. Your pet may not eat anything the day before giving birth. Provide her with drinks as usual.
  4. Arching. A few hours before contractions, “training” occurs. There are no noticeable contractions yet, but the animal is already arching (hunching over), as during contractions. This is caused by short-term contractions of the uterus. The cat becomes active, restless, loud, and scared. It can get into hard-to-reach places, so it is recommended to limit your personal space. From now on, stay close to your pet while waiting for the birth.

A cat that is strongly attached to its owner will follow him around and scream. It's not just about attracting attention. The pet is in pain, uncomfortable, and is looking for protection and support. It is important to be close to your pet, stroke it, and talk affectionately.

Start of the process

The main signs of the onset of labor in a cat are contractions. Uterine contractions begin several hours before birth and gradually increase. If the spasms can be detected with a palm placed on the stomach, it means that the cat will give birth very soon. Take your pet to the maternity area, calm her down and prepare everything necessary.

Five signs that labor has begun:

  • stomach drops- becomes pear-shaped;
  • urination becomes more frequent- the cat goes to the toilet atypically often;
  • mucus is released- the birth plug in cats goes away in about 24-48 hours;
  • the water breaks - the owner may not notice, since the cat quickly sucks up;
  • breathing quickens- the cat opens its mouth and breathes frequently with shortness of breath.

Within two hours after strong contractions, the first baby should appear. If your cat has been pushing unsuccessfully for three hours or more, or if an unpleasant-smelling brown fluid is coming out of the vulva, your cat should be taken to the veterinarian. Perhaps the kittens are stuck, lying across, and the cat needs surgery.


If the pregnancy, contractions and the health of the mother in labor are in order, then there is no need to directly deliver the cat at home. However, you should stay close to monitor the process. A first-time cat may panic and become inattentive. The process of giving birth to a kitten can be divided into five stages.

  1. Passage through the birth canal. The cat pushes, contracting the muscles of the abdomen and thighs. Usually, four to five pushes are enough for the baby to appear.
  2. Exit outside. The kitten is born in amniotic sac or its remains. The bubble may burst when pushing, and then a yellowish liquid is released from the vulva. A few hours before birth (you can see the belly moving), kittens usually “line up” in the uterine horns with their muzzles towards the birth canal. But not all fruits have time to do this. Therefore, kittens can be born with their heads and hind legs first.
  3. Breathing stimulation. The mother bursts the bubble, licks the kitten, freeing the airways from mucus. A squeaking baby is a good sign, it means he is breathing.
  4. Umbilical cord rupture. The mother gnaws the umbilical cord and eats the afterbirth. Make sure that all the placenta comes out according to the number of kittens. To be sure of your calculations, write it down on a piece of paper. Placenta remaining in the womb can lead to infectious diseases. If there are a lot of kittens, let the cat eat two or three afterbirths, no more. The placenta contains hormones, which is good for pushing and lactation, but can provoke vomiting or cause diarrhea.
  5. Lactation. Immediately after birth, the kitten attaches itself to its mother's nipple. The cat must accept its baby and start licking it. With multiple births, labor continues.

It happens that a cat, in pain and busy with itself, crushes the newborn kitten or leaves a baby in the amniotic sac. Actions that the mother did not do must be done by the owner for her.

How long labor lasts depends on the number of kittens and the intensity of pushing. Usually all babies are born within six hours. In order not to “forget” anyone, it is recommended to give your cat an ultrasound during pregnancy. The owner will know exactly how many babies are left and will worry in time if labor suddenly stops.

The final stage

The cat's labor ends with the absence of contractions for two hours. The cat calms down, the pushing stops, the stomach drops and becomes soft. Babies begin to actively suck milk. Behavior and physical state mothers after childbirth are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • cares for the babies, licks them, feeds them;
  • breathes evenly;
  • wants to eat and drink;
  • wants to go to the toilet;
  • changes position in the birthplace.

You should not immediately start feeding your cat after giving birth. Offer your pet water or milk. If the placenta has been eaten, the mother can remain in the “nest” for up to six hours and not eat anything. Place a bowl near the birthing area and feed the mother four to five times a day with regular food. Add milk, cereals, fish fat. Place a tray nearby so that the mother is not away from the cubs for a long time.

It is not recommended to touch babies often, otherwise the mother will lose contact with them. After giving birth, move the mother and kittens to soft bedding and clean up the birthing area. Wipe the box with a cloth and change the diaper. Carefully return the family to their place and leave them alone.

Owner intervention

Even an inexperienced owner can understand that a cat is giving birth by carefully observing the pet. However, determining the onset of labor is not enough. You need to be aware of all the possible risks so that you can help your cat during labor if something goes wrong.

Relying only on instincts is a mistake. Nature always takes the side of strong and healthy individuals, the rest die. Not all domestic cats have excellent immunity and good health. The owner is unlikely to agree to part with the pet just for the sake of natural selection. Therefore, it is within the power of the owner to make childbirth as easy as possible, to preserve the health and life of the pet and the offspring. The table describes human actions in critical situations.

Table - How to help during childbirth

HelpIn what cases is it necessarySolution
Induce labor- Weak contractions;
- the fetus is stuck in the birth canal
- Lubricate the pipette with Levomekol;
- insert into the vulva in a circular motion;
- examine the birth canal for the presence of a baby;
- inject 1 ml of “Gamavit” or “Travmatina” into the withers;
- stroke the belly towards the vulva
Pull out the kitten- Termination of labor as the kitten moves through the birth canal;
- weak attempts
- Lubricate the birth canal with Vaseline to speed up the birth of a half-born baby;
- inject "Gamavit" into the thigh
Open the bubbleThe cat refuses to do this, does not show interest- Cut with sterile scissors;
- remove the kitten;
- use a pipette or rubber enema to collect mucus from the mouth and nose;
- wipe the body with a terry towel;
- place under mother's belly
Cut the umbilical cord- The woman in labor is indifferent to the newborn;
- a cat (often a Persian) physically cannot chew through;
- the mother is busy with the already born cubs
- Bandage at a distance of 4 cm from the abdomen with sterile thread;
- cut slightly above the thread with sterile scissors;
- treat the cut site with an antiseptic;
- do not pull (causes a hernia)
Resuscitate a newbornThe kitten does not squeak, does not show signs of life- Rub on the back and chest with a towel for 3-4 minutes;
- tilt the muzzle, holding the hind legs;
- shake like a thermometer;
- clear the airways
Inject calcium gluconate- Rapid, continuous breathing;
- convulsions;
- suspicion of eclampsia;
- lack of milk;
- lack of pushing
- Draw 1 ml into the syringe;
- hold it in your hand so that the liquid warms up to body temperature;
- administer intramuscularly;
- prick for signs of eclampsia in the morning and evening for 3 days after birth
Inject oxytocin- Reduced uterine contractions;
- lack of milk;
- preservation of placenta or dead embryos in the uterus;
- C-section
- Consult a doctor;
- inject 0.2-0.3 ml into the withers between contractions (the birth canal is open);
- administered within 3 hours after birth without complications
C-section- Childbirth with paws forward for 20-30 minutes;
- old or young age of the woman in labor;
- long unsuccessful attempts
Call the vet

Take your time to induce labor. Perhaps the cat can handle it on its own. The time interval between the birth of kittens ranges from five to 60 minutes.

Alarming symptoms

An unqualified owner cannot always help a furry pet. That is why during childbirth you should have the telephone number of the treating veterinarian, or preferably two or three numbers, at hand. Four symptoms are a serious reason to contact a specialist.

  1. Ahead of schedule. Most often, premature birth occurs in a cat due to a frozen pregnancy, non-viability of the offspring, placental abruption, or trauma. The stages of labor pass faster already on the 50-55th day, sometimes earlier. Most often, a cat gives birth to dead kittens. The living premature offspring dies in the coming days. It happens that a cat gives birth to just one dead baby prematurely. The rest emerge alive and healthy on time. If your cat gives birth prematurely, have her examined by a specialist to understand further steps.
  2. Absence of childbirth. If the pet does not give birth for more than 70 days and if this is not a false “birth” due to an imaginary pregnancy in the cat, then the pregnancy is probably frozen. The cubs most likely died, so it is urgent to save the pet from possible infections and damage to the uterus.
  3. Frozen birth. It is important to determine when labor is truly over. If the pushing has stopped and the cat is resting, this does not guarantee that all the kittens will come out. You should observe your mother's behavior. A cat that has not yet given birth reluctantly takes care of the cubs, does not leave the “nest” and does not change position, refuses to drink, and periodically strains. To make sure, you can feel the stomach three to four hours after birth. The elasticity and tension of the muscles indicate that there is still a kitten left in the womb.
  4. Discharge. Any colored, pungent-smelling discharge during pregnancy and childbirth is a deviation from the norm. During strong, long contractions (more than an hour) without subsequent labor, blood may flow profusely. In this case, it is also necessary to show the cat to a specialist.

Fetal pathologies do not always depend on the health of the mother and can be inherited from the father. However, physical and mental condition cats affects the successful outcome of childbirth. Therefore, it is important that the pet is healthy before mating. Unfavorable factors for childbirth are old age, obesity, stress, and heredity.

Even the process of childbirth in a cat, supported by instincts, does not always go smoothly. You should mentally prepare for any outcome. However, do not panic prematurely and do not intervene without reason. Nervousness will be transferred to the pet, and during childbirth she will be confused. Rest assured that everything will go well and the cat will be able to rely on its owner.

Childbirth is a normal physiological process for any animal. Most cats cope with it on their own. But representatives of some breeds require the presence and help of a person during childbirth. And just in case, it is better for the owner to be near any cat during the birth of kittens.

At home or in the clinic

Before giving birth to a cat, you need to prepare everything you need

Your veterinarian will help you decide where this process will take place. Naturally, it’s worth showing him your pet several times during the pregnancy. If everything goes without pathologies and no dangerous symptoms the doctor does not observe, the owner can leave the cat at home.

Direct indications for childbirth in the clinic are pathologies identified during pregnancy. Or your pet has any diseases that can complicate the process. Your doctor will advise you on what to do best.

But if you are afraid and do not rely on your strength. It's better to contact specialists. Moreover, it is better to invite a veterinarian with the necessary set of medications and instruments to your home so that the process for the animal takes place in a familiar environment.

You should definitely call a specialist if:

  • First birth.
  • They take place in a purebred animal.
  • During the previous ones, unpleasant complications arose.

Pre-preparation process

With a precisely set mating date, you know approximately when the cat will kitten. Pregnancy in these animals lasts about 67 days.

But as the date approaches, you can determine the proximity of the onset of the process by some features of the animal’s behavior and appearance.

About a week before giving birth, the cat begins to prepare a place for itself and look for secluded corners. She may literally start following you around the apartment, and this may be a signal that she needs your presence and help.

From a physiological point of view, you will notice swelling of the nipples and a drooping belly. The cat begins to lick itself vigorously.

As soon as you notice these symptoms, prepare the area for lambing. You can put a box in the quietest corner of the apartment, the bottom of which should be covered with a clean towel. Close all cabinets tightly to prevent the cat from getting into them during the birth.

IMPORTANT. Do not place the birth nest in the hallway or any walk-through room. The place should be such that people walk past it as little as possible.

Veterinarians advise a week before giving birth to start limiting the animal’s food intake and feeding it the lightest food. At the same time, food should be nutritious, with maximum number protein and vitamins.

ATTENTION. If you have a long-haired cat, clear the area around the vagina of excess hair about a week before you expect to give birth. Also trim the hair around the nipples to make it easier for babies to find nipples to feed on.

Items for childbirth

Prepare both necessary things and medications

To help your cat during the process, you may need the following items:

  • Alcohol.
  • Cotton wool.
  • Scissors.
  • Gauze napkins.
  • Insulin syringes.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Dry towel.
  • Silk threads.
  • Enema.

You may also need a set of medications:

  • Oxytocin - to stimulate contractions.
  • Calcium gluconate - used for eclampsia of childbirth.
  • Traumeel is an anesthetic and anti-swelling agent.

Start of labor

Just before the process begins, the cat begins to worry, rush around the apartment, and purr rhythmically. Having noticed this, take the animal to a prepared place and stay close to it.

Just before giving birth, the cat’s vagina becomes loose and swollen. Bloody or yellowish-green discharge appears. Sometimes vomiting may occur. Frequent contractions and tremors begin in the abdomen.

Helping your cat at different stages of labor

The first kitten appears after 20-30 minutes

1. The birth canal opens. Put the cat in the box, pet it, talk to it. Your task is to at this stage– calm the animal, especially if it is the first time she has given birth.

2. Start pushing. Muscle contraction occurs and fluid is released from the vagina - a sign of rupture of the amniotic sac. At this time, the fetus begins to move along the birth canal. Your task is to try to keep the cat lying on its side. If she gets up on her paws and tries to sit down, the kittens may get hurt.

3. The birth of the first baby occurs within 20-30 minutes. The total time for a kitten to be born is 10-15 minutes. When the kitten is completely out of the birth canal, examine it. Perhaps it will be in the amniotic sac. In this case, you need to immediately release him from the film, otherwise he will suffocate. Use a prepared enema to suck out the liquid from the kitten’s mouth.

The kitten needs to be wiped with a prepared napkin and placed in front of the cat - she will begin to lick it. When the baby dries a little, tie the umbilical cord with a thread and cut it off, about 4 cm from the tummy.

4. Birth of the placenta. After the birth of the kitten, the afterbirth is born from the birth canal. It is important that the number of placentas emerging from the cat is equal to the number of kittens. If the placenta does not come out of the birth canal, the cat may become inflamed.

In nature, cats' placenta is eaten because it contains a high content of substances that stimulate further milk production. Also in the afterbirth there are substances that promote better contraction of the uterus. Allow your cat to eat a maximum of three placentas and discard the rest.

5. In the intervals between the birth of kittens, the animal rests. Give the cat a drink and pet it. In 10-15 minutes the second baby will begin to appear. However, it may also happen that labor stops for a while. Sometimes the breaks are quite long, and in total labor lasts up to 24-30 hours. The main thing is to make sure that all the fetuses have left the cat's uterus. Place the animal on its paws and carefully but gently palpate the abdomen.

Once all the kittens have come out, the cat's belly should become soft.

ADVICE. If everything goes well and the cat copes with the process on its own, keep your distance. Your help is needed only in extraordinary situations.

If something went wrong...

A situation may arise when the cat is unable to give birth on her own.

During childbirth, there may be various situations, in which the cat cannot cope without your help.

  • “The contractions have been going on for more than an hour, and the birth process has not begun. You should take the animal to the clinic or call a specialist to your home.
  • - Weak contractions or their cessation. You can stimulate them by stroking the back and abdomen. While catching the rhythm of contractions, change the intensity of pressure. But do not press too hard so as not to cause additional pain to the animal.

You can stimulate the continuation of contractions with an injection of oxytocin 0.2 units. But do not give the injection until at least one kitten has been born.

  • — The kitten is stuck. If the baby does not move during contractions, it means he is stuck. You should clean your hands with rubbing alcohol, put on gloves, and gently pull the kitten with little force. Make movements to the right and left, as if freeing the kitten. At the same time, hold your mother’s belly with your other hand.

If this doesn't help, coat your finger with Vaseline and gently insert it into your cat's vagina. Hook the baby under the front paws and pull him towards you along with muscle shocks. Do not use force to avoid causing the cat's birth canal to rupture.

IMPORTANT. Do not pull the kitten by the head or paws, as this can damage the fragile spine. Try to grab a piece of fur at the withers and pull it.

If the kitten emerges not with its head, but with its hind legs, and at the same time has stopped moving, immediately call a specialist or urgently take the cat to the clinic.

If you can't call a veterinarian, try pushing the kitten's paws back into the vagina; he may roll over and continue moving correctly.

  • — The born kitten is not breathing. This suggests that he choked. You can help him by grabbing him by the hind legs and shaking him slightly. Press several times chest to allow fluid to drain from the respiratory tract.

If the baby's tongue is blue, then he does not have enough oxygen. Lift it upside down, wrapping it in soft cloth and hold it until it beeps.

  • - Problems with the umbilical cord. Normally, a cat bites off the umbilical cord itself. But if she doesn't, take action. Squeeze the umbilical cord tightly to compress blood vessels or tie it with thread and cut it off. Clean the incision with a disinfectant solution.

ATTENTION. If bleeding occurs before, during or after birth, contact your veterinarian immediately. Also, a visit to the clinic requires a prolapse of the cat’s uterus.

Is labor induction necessary?

Cat with kitten

If you have correctly calculated the cat's due date, but the process does not begin, you should think about stimulation. You cannot delay the process, as later the birth can be complicated by the condition of the cat and the size of the fetus.

But you cannot make the decision about stimulation on your own. Only a doctor can decide whether it is necessary to administer a particular drug to initiate labor. If he decides that stimulation is necessary, he will introduce special hormonal drugs which will trigger the onset of labor.

IMPORTANT. Under no circumstances should you administer oxytocin to your animal if labor does not begin. The effect of this drug on an unprepared animal’s body can lead to uterine rupture and the cat will die!

Caring for a new mother

Observe your pet after the process is complete. If everything went well, the cat will lie quietly next to the newborn kittens. Replace the bedding soiled during birth and place the cat in the box, and the kittens next to her. In winter, you can put a heating pad or bottles of water in the box. warm water so that the kids warm up faster and dry completely.

Help the kittens find their mother's nipples so they can start suckling. Place bowls of food and drink near the nest so that the cat does not stray too far from the offspring. Normally, the appetite of a young mother should increase, because she must feed the kittens.

Change the bedding in the box regularly, since for another 10 days the cat will experience discharge as the uterus contracts.

Help and care during childbirth and postpartum period will help your pet cope with the process without complications.