What is dichloroethane and the main symptoms of poisoning with it. Acute and chronic dichloroethane poisoning How does poisoning occur?

Dichloroethane - what is this substance? This substance is chemical. It can be said that all reagents can be divided into narrowly targeted ones and those that have wide application. Dichloroethane falls into the second category. This substance is also called EDC, ethylene chloride, ethylene dichloride.

Dichloroethane, what is it?

This substance can be described as liquid, colorless and transparent. It also has a rather strong and specific odor, which seems a little sweet and reminiscent of chloroform. The chemical composition in water is quite weak, but instead it creates an azeotropic mixture with water, in which the EDC content reaches 82.9%. Well, this substance will dissolve in organic liquids. Dichloroethane - what is it in terms of its use? The chemical composition itself can be a good solvent for a variety of fats or oils. It is also worth noting that the composition is quite aggressive towards materials such as plastic and rubber.

General properties of ethylene chloride

Dichloroethane - what is it in terms of properties? This is a reagent that is toxic, flammable and explosive, and it evaporates quite quickly and easily. If you inhale this substance, it will cause a state of narcotic intoxication, as well as poisoning. In addition, the composition is considered a carcinogen and mutagen. For humans, the lethal dose of this substance is 20 ml if it is ingested through the mouth, skin or air. The chemical reagent is dangerous for environment, and its half-life is 50 years. Due to its high toxicity, the use of dichloroethane is quite limited. It is only popular in the industry chemical industry. Here it is used in many areas, since in addition to its toxicity, it also has a number of positive qualities. To obtain EDC, they resort to the chlorination of ethylene. The production of this substance is carried out in tens of millions of tons around the world.

Areas of application

This substance has found its application in such areas as chemical production, agriculture, household chemicals, military and construction industries, and the paint and varnish industry. And this is far from full list those areas of human activity in which this chemical reagent is quite widespread and actively used.

It is worth noting here that most of from overall indicator of the dichloroethane produced is used to create vinyl chloride. It is quite often used as a basis for the manufacture of various types of polymer materials. The primary substance that is known throughout the world and is produced using EDC is polyvinyl chloride, better known as PVC. From this material people learned to create plastic windows, suspended ceilings, leatherette, etc.

Other uses of ethylene dichloride

Ethylene dichloroethane is used to produce substances such as ethylene glycol, ethylenediamine, and polysulfide rubbers. If we talk about such an industry as the paint and varnish industry, then here it is widely used as the main reagent for the production of paint solvents. Agriculture also actively uses this composition as an insecticide for the treatment of grain crops, vineyards, soil, and grain storage facilities. It is also actively used to control pests such as the Colorado potato beetle and several other types of insects.

If we talk about the construction industry, then here it is used as a solvent for plastics, fats, oils, wax, etc. Due to its properties, the substance is capable of not only dissolving, but also gluing plastic. Dichloroethane is used when working with facing materials used for building structures. It’s worth bringing some clarity here. Gluing any items related to kitchen utensils is strictly prohibited. The reagent can also be used in conjunction with an element such as plexiglass. Dichloroethane is used to repair parts made from this composition. It is capable of removing cracks and chips from the surface of these elements.

Bonding with dichloroethane

It is important to understand that there are currently a large number of different adhesives available. The reason for this was that the same composition cannot effectively glue, for example, wood and plastic. The adhesive base must somehow compensate for the difference between two elements of different composition. For plastic and other polymer products, this base is EDC.

The reason for the demand for this composition is that in itself, etc., these are rather fragile substances, and therefore glue is almost always used to repair them at home. But there are many nuances that must be taken into account.

Features of work

It should be said right away that gluing plastic is very difficult. It is much easier to connect materials such as ceramics, metal or even glass using an adhesive mixture. The whole problem with polymer substances when gluing them is that they have a fairly high chemical inertness. In other words, such materials simply do not form bonds. Because of this, for gluing polymers you need to have special composition. In addition, for each group of such substances it is necessary to apply different composition glue. For example, dichloroethane cannot be used to glue polyethylene together.

In general, all adhesives are divided into two groups: liquid with a water base and liquid with a solvent base. The principle of operation of solvent adhesive is that after its application, the solvent base completely evaporates, and the remaining elements harden, connecting the material. However, only porous raw materials can be glued in this way; using it for a sealed base is completely useless.

EDC for plastics

By itself, this chemical reagent bears very little resemblance to an adhesive composition. It has a pungent odor, is volatile, and also easily dissolves in alcohol or fats. Small containers containing EDC are commercially available. Volume 30 ml. Since the composition itself is aggressive and dissolves plastic, it is necessary to properly prepare the adhesive composition.

To prepare glue, you need to dissolve a certain amount of polymer substance in liquid. Most often it is about 2% plexiglass or 20% polystyrene. In order to further reduce the aggressiveness of the composition with a dichloroethane base, it is necessary to dissolve in it a little of the material that you plan to glue.

Gluing instructions

In principle, the use of this gluing composition is quite simple:

  • First you need to dissolve a small proportion of plastic in the amount of glue that you plan to use.
  • The surface to be glued must be degreased with acetone.
  • The composition must be applied directly to the seam. The material must not be allowed to come into contact with a normal surface, otherwise it will corrode it.
  • After the glue gets into the seam, the edges are pulled together and held in this position for 1 to 6 hours.

Since this composition evaporates too quickly and is toxic, it can only be used in a room that has good ventilation. Also, the room must be free of any sources of fire or heat to avoid a fire.

Dichloroethane – Chemical substance, which is an organochlorine compound with a chemical molecular formula of the form: ClCH 2 -CH 2. Dichloroethane has a specific odor, due to which it can be confused with ethyl alcohol or chloroform.

In a relationship aquatic environment This substance exhibits a high level of stability. But it is distinguished by its good solubility in fats and alcohols.

Since dichloroethane vapors are several times denser and heavier than air, they accumulate directly above the surface of the earth. And when the substance is heated or burned, highly toxic and caustic vapors are formed.

With strong oxidizing agents and alkaline earth metals, a violent reaction in the form of a fire or explosion is possible.

Since dichloroethane is a substance with high level volatility, then its accumulation in soil or water is impossible, but it easily penetrates and is absorbed through skin inside the body and is just as easily absorbed by its tissues.

It is this property that makes it quite dangerous to human health and often causes poisoning. After all, the use of dichloroethane as a solvent in various adhesives and other household chemicals is quite widespread and not only in manufacturing enterprises, but also in the everyday sphere of human life.

And in medicine, dichloroethane is classified as a powerful drug, which, in terms of the strength of its effect, ranks among the leading halogenated substances.

There are three ways to get dichloroethane poisoning:

  • taken orally, that is, through the esophagus;
  • through inhalation of substance vapors, that is, through the respiratory system;
  • and through the skin, a barrier that this substance easily overcomes.

Most often, accidental poisoning with dichloroethane occurs by inhaling its vapors when working with household chemicals that contain it. Less commonly, dichloroethane is inhaled specifically for the purpose of drug intoxication.

Toxic volume

Lethal dose dichloroethane is 10-20 ml of the substance taken orally.

Dichloroethane has a powerful negative effect on the central nervous system.

Symptoms of poisoning

In case of dichloroethane poisoning, a symptomatic complex appears, which includes four leading clinical syndromes.

The initial stage of intoxication will look something like this:

  • headache;
  • euphoric state;
  • V oral cavity sensation of sweetness;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • initial stage of intoxication;
  • dizziness;
  • auditory and visual hallucinations.

All these symptoms reflect the first clinical syndrome- damage to the central nervous system.

Approximately 0.5-2 hours after the first symptoms, the syndrome develops acute gastritis and gastroenteritis. In this case, they are damaged cell membranes in the liver and the process of intracellular metabolism is disrupted. Its manifestations:

  • vomiting with bile;
  • drowsy state;
  • loose stools in the form of flakes and with a pungent odor;
  • disorientation, aggressiveness.

The third syndrome - acute heart failure - is the most dangerous:

  • exotoxic shock develops, as a result of which the level sharply drops blood pressure;
  • there is no pulse in the peripheral arteries and is felt only against the background of a coma or psychomotor agitation;
  • before the pressure level drops, tachycardia develops sharply.

This syndrome is the most dangerous because it leads to death within three days.

And the fourth syndrome is toxic hepatitis. Its manifestations are the development of renal and hepatic failure. Its development begins approximately 20-23 days after poisoning with the toxin. Clinical picture while this is:

  • increased liver volume;
  • spasmodic liver pain;
  • jaundice;
  • albuminuria of varying degrees;
  • azotemia;
  • uremia.

All these signs can also lead to the death of the victim.

In case of internal poisoning, through the esophagus, symptoms increase very quickly and intensely.

When a toxic substance gets on the skin, it leaves burns in the form of blanching and a burning sensation. But these signs quickly (within 5-8 minutes) pass, leaving behind reddened areas on the skin, which also disappear within two to three hours.

First aid for poisoning

At the first symptoms of dichloroethane poisoning, you must call an ambulance.

Before the doctor arrives, you must take the following measures:

  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. Change the victim into clean clothes so that intoxication does not increase (in case of vapor poisoning).
  3. Rinse the intestines and stomach (in case of oral poisoning) (1.5 liters of water and artificial vomiting, by pressing the base of the tongue with your fingers).
  4. Taking a laxative (the ideal option would be Vaseline oil– it is not absorbed in the intestines, but binds toxins).
  5. Drinking drinks with an enveloping effect - jelly, jelly-like drinks, etc.

Health care

In a hospital hospital, treatment of dichloroethane intoxication is carried out as follows:

  • Saline laxatives are prescribed.
  • Siphon washing is carried out.
  • To remove poisons, combination therapy is used, including the method of hemosorption and peritoneal dialysis.
  • Antioxidant medications are prescribed.

Possible consequences

In the most severe cases of dichloroethane poisoning, death can occur. Also, in case of untimely or refusal of qualified medical care a person may develop a deficiency in chronic form– liver, kidney, heart, that is, diseases that cannot be treated or restored.


To prevent this type of poisoning, it is recommended that all work with this substance be carried out outdoors or in well-ventilated areas. The glued objects must be taken outside until the glue dries completely.

In production, work with toxins must be carried out in special clothing, and upon completion, each worker must take a shower and change into clean clothes.

Dichloroethane can be dangerous to the human body, so you need to know what it is and what the symptoms of poisoning are.

Intoxication of the body is an ailment that occurs in almost every person throughout his life. Unfortunately, there are too many chemicals in the world today that can cause serious damage to health.

Dichloroethane poisoning is quite difficult to obtain, since pure form this chemical cannot be found in any store in the world - it is used under strict conditions, subject to safety precautions, and only in specialized laboratories.

The connection is used exclusively to obtain the necessary chemical compounds to create everyday elements, including products that a person uses regularly. That is why poisoning with this substance becomes real and poses a serious danger to humans.


Dichloroethane is a liquid that does not have color qualities, and contains chlorine. EDC has a number of special characteristics, thanks to which its use has become quite widespread:

  • This substance dissolves in many other substances, but remains unchanged when mixed with water.
  • The chemical is a powerful drug that causes addiction and destruction of many important systems body.
  • The flammability of EDC is extremely low.
  • The substance boils at quite high temperatures– more than eighty degrees Celsius.
  • The process of evaporation occurs quite quickly, due to which the likelihood of intoxication increases.
  • The substance is most often used to speed up chemical reactions.
  • Accumulating in the body, it has negative effect, causing the growth and development of tumor tissues.

People who do not know what EDC is and who encounter it for the first time most often receive severe poisoning, which is not possible to cope with on their own.

Causes of intoxication

Any chemical poisoning in most cases occurs due to negligence - a person neglects safety precautions, as a result of which normal operation at the enterprise becomes impossible, and the victim necessarily undergoes hospitalization. To eliminate such a possibility, it is recommended to fully comply with the rules established at the enterprise, as well as use the recommended protective equipment.

The formula of the substance includes elements that are simply dangerous to use without specialized means - poisoning of the body can occur either by ingesting the drug or by inhaling its vapors.

Despite the fact that a compound dangerous to humans is almost always under supervision and is used only on large industrial enterprises, intoxication occurs quite often. The reasons for this may be the following factors:

  1. The substance easily enters the human respiratory organs as a result of incomplete implementation job descriptions. As a rule, the victims are employees of enterprises who neglect safety rules. In this case, it is necessary to immediately hospitalize the patient and provide all necessary measures help.
  2. The substance is part of some household products that are used regularly. For example, dry cleaning employees who do not use protective equipment can also easily become seriously poisoned by this chemical.
  3. People addicted to narcotic drugs, this substance is often used to obtain an entertaining and relaxing effect. As a result, severe poisoning occurs that can lead to death.
  4. It is dangerous to leave chemicals in places accessible to children - out of their own naive curiosity, a child can taste the colorless liquid and get intoxicated, leading to serious consequences.

Note! If, when working with a substance, you use all the provided protective equipment and to the fullest By following safety precautions, you significantly reduce the likelihood of poisoning your body with this chemical.

It is important to understand that for fatal outcome Just 20 ml of this substance is enough, so it must be used with extreme caution.

Symptoms after inhalation

If poisoning occurs after inhalation of vapors of a substance, symptoms of poisoning may be as follows:

  • After a few hours, the victim develops symptoms resembling colds. Rashes may appear on the skin.
  • In some cases, stunned state and coma are likely.
  • Functions respiratory system are disrupted, breathing practically stops.
  • After a few days, the usual signs of intoxication begin, including vomiting and diarrhea.

Video: how to use dichloroethane correctly?

When ingested

  1. Nausea, vomiting with blood elements, decreased performance, painful sensations in the stomach area.
  2. Increased heart rate, numerous bleeding.
  3. State of shock.

When consumed large quantity substances, it is recommended to immediately call medical specialists for assistance. It is impossible to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of intoxication on your own, since the chemical substance has extremely negative impact on the human body.

It is important to use any chemicals competently and responsibly, and then the risk of serious poisoning and death tends to zero.

Dichloroethane (EDC) refers to organochlorine compounds and is a volatile liquid with a specific aromatic odor, highly soluble in alcohol and fats. It should be emphasized that this substance is used only for production purposes (for example, dry cleaning of clothes) and is not available for free sale. Among household chemicals, it is part of stain removers. DCE poisonings are, as a rule, domestic and accidental in nature, for the purpose of intoxication, but sometimes suicidal attempts occur. In the daily practice of toxicology departments, the most common route of administration of DCE is the oral route. A dose of 50 ml is considered lethal.

Pathogenesis of dichloroethane (DCE) poisoning

After absorption into the gastrointestinal tract, EDC penetrates and is fixed in tissues rich in lipoids: liver, central nervous system, omentum, etc. Toxic effect dichloroethane caused by a narcotic effect on the central nervous system, damage to parenchymal organs, mainly the liver, and a pronounced effect on the cardiovascular system.

By the nature of the impact EDC refers to alkylating poisons. The mechanism of their action is the ability to displace nucleoproteins in cells and destroy them inside cellular structures(E. A. Luzhnikov, L. G. Kostomarova, 1989). In liver cells in the process of metabolism from EDC highly toxic substances are formed - chloroethanol and monochloroacetic acid. They have an even more pronounced toxic effect on cellular structures, causing damage to cell membranes, disruption of intracellular metabolism and cell cytolysis, and this effect is most pronounced in the liver reticuloendothelium, where the main stage of DCE metabolism occurs. This gives every reason to call EDC hepatotoxic poison.

Dichloroethane and its metabolites damage the endothelium vascular wall, as a result of which its permeability sharply increases, and this contributes to the formation of loss of part of the amniotic fluid. This leads to the development of hypovolemia, blood thickening, impaired microcirculation and the formation of a clinic of exotoxic shock. These phenomena are aggravated by an increase in metabolic acidosis and electrolyte imbalance.

Dichloroethane is an organochlorine compound in the form of a volatile, clear liquid. Its abbreviated name is EDC. Chemical formula– ClCH2-CH2.

It has a specific odor reminiscent of chloroform or ethyl alcohol. It dissolves well in fats and alcohol. Does not dissolve in water.

Dichloroethane vapor is 3.5 times heavier than air, and when it evaporates, it spreads along the ground. When heated and burned, toxic and caustic fumes are generated. A violent reaction with strong oxidizing agents, alkaline earth metals and their powders is possible, and a fire or explosion may occur. Due to its high volatility, DCE does not accumulate in water and soil. It is well absorbed by tissues and can be absorbed through the skin.

Where is it used?

Dichloroethane is used for industrial purposes and is not available for free sale. Produced in large quantities. It is used to make PVC, from which various materials are made: linoleum, artificial leather, film for suspended ceilings, furniture edges, profiles for windows and doors.

Included in solvents, adhesives, stain removers and other household chemicals.

EDC is used for the extraction of oils, fats, resins, paraffins and waxes, and as an insecticide for soil disinfection.

Aircraft modellers like to glue parts together with dichloroethane. It dissolves well different kinds plastics, plexiglass. After EDC hardens, a strong monolithic joint is obtained.

Many doctors classify dichloroethane as a drug that ranks first among halogen derivatives in terms of its potency.

How does poisoning occur, its symptoms

Most often, acute poisoning with dichloroethane occurs due to inhalation of its vapors. This happens when working with household chemicals that contain dichloroethane. A person breathes in vapors of the substance and is accidentally poisoned. The toxic effects of DCE have a strong effect on the central nervous system. Sometimes they breathe in pairs for the purpose of drug intoxication.

This is important to know! Just 10 ml of dichloroethane ingested can cause fatal poisoning.

Suicide attempts are very rare.

The first symptoms of dichloroethane vapor poisoning:

After an hour and a half, pain appears in the upper abdomen, frequent vomiting mixed with bile, drowsiness. A person may fall into a deep sleep; some people develop unmotivated actions, aggressiveness, and disorientation. After some time, these symptoms disappear.

Gradually, chloroethanol and monochloroacetic acid are formed in the liver cells. These are highly toxic substances, they damage cell membranes and disrupt intracellular metabolism.

Six hours after poisoning, new symptoms appear: increasing jaundice, decreased amount of urine. Some people lose consciousness and their breathing becomes depressed. The functions of the entire body are disrupted.

If treatment is not carried out, after three days new symptoms appear: blood is visible in the vomit and stool. The patient is thirsty severe pain in the lower back. The face becomes puffy. Urine flow stops completely.

The most dangerous complication of cardiac vascular system a strong drop in blood pressure due to the development of exotoxic shock. In case of severe intoxication, cardiac arrest may occur, resulting in death. But more often the cause of death is renal and hepatic failure.

If dichloroethane enters the body through the mouth pathological process develops quickly and grows rapidly.

If DCE comes into contact with the skin for a short period of time, it may cause burning and paleness. After five minutes, the burning symptoms completely disappear, paleness gives way to redness and disappears only after a few hours.

First aid and treatment

Measures that promote the immediate removal of dichloroethane from the body are crucial. As soon as the first symptoms of poisoning appear, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

In case of vapor poisoning, the victim needs to change clothes so that dichloroethane poisoning does not intensify. The room needs to be ventilated.

Before the ambulance arrives, you should try to rinse your stomach if you ingested EDC. This will require at least 15 liters of water. To induce vomiting, irritate the root of the tongue with your finger.

You can drink a laxative, which is Vaseline oil; it actively binds toxic substances and is not absorbed in the intestines.

Doctors advise, if dichloroethane poisoning occurs, to drink jelly, jelly and other enveloping drinks.

Often, manifestations of dichloroethane poisoning are confused with food poisoning, acute gastroenteritis, appendicitis, renal colic and other diseases, since their first symptoms are similar.

In the hospital, after gastric lavage, a saline laxative is administered, and then a siphon enema is given. The absorbed poison is removed using active combination therapy - hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, hemosorption method. The victim is prescribed antioxidants.

Prevention of poisoning

Since dichloroethane is very toxic, it is recommended to work with drugs that contain it only outdoors or in frequently ventilated areas. The glued product or treated clothing is taken out of the apartment until completely dry.

In industry, when the concentration of vapors is higher than the maximum permissible, precautions are taken: they are allowed to work only in a gas mask and special clothing. At the end of the work, take a shower and change clothes.