Dog tattoo on leg. Dog tattoo meaning. Famous and interesting dogs

Meaning of dog tattoo

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The primary meaning of a dog tattoo is revealed by:

  • devotion;
  • sincerity;
  • vigilance;
  • bravery;
  • increased attention.

The above qualities are present in the selected ones. When searching for what a dog tattoo means, you come across the opinion that a dog and a wolf are opposites. But that's not true. There are things that unite them: strength within, the desire to achieve what they want.

The dog is always next to the person, which is reflected in the symbolism: regardless of which side the animal is on (good, evil), it remains faithful to the owner.

Most peoples of the world believe that it was the dog who gave people fire and taught them how to cope with it. Therefore, when answering the question of what a dog tattoo means, you can hear a talisman against evil and ill-wishers.

In some cases, a person's friend was seen as a symbol of courage, courage, and devotion. People believed that the animal constantly accompanies the gods of war.

The symbol is also considered from a negative side - a demonic image. The black dog symbolizes curse, death, witchcraft, and the power of the devil. Since the animal is a reflection of the owner, it cannot be classified as a light or dark force.

This is interesting. Many peoples believed that black dogs stand at the entrance to the afterlife. There were even dog-headed deities in Egypt. And also the terrible three-headed dog Cerberus from Greek myths, who guards the entrance to Hell.

What does a dog tattoo mean in ancient times? The gift of foresight of the future and past. Legend has it that the sun god turned into a dog with wings. Therefore, the animal was considered sacred.

A tattoo with a picture of a dog is a talisman, a talisman. It is applied by trusting, open, faithful people.

The meaning of a dog paw tattoo depends on the breed of the animal:

bulldog - an image of tough character, confidence, strength;

Yorkshire Terrier – friendliness, cuteness.

Often, pet owners stamp their pet's prints on their skin as a sign of love and respect for it.

Possible designs for a dog tattoo:

  • year of the dog;
  • pet's paw;
  • dog and man;
  • animal track;
  • dog face;
  • fighting dogs;
  • the dog's grin;
  • geometry;
  • drawing of an angry dog.

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Many believe that the dog as a symbol has much in common with the wolf. Indeed, both animals are credited with such qualities as courage, devotion, and attentiveness. Wolves and dogs are distinguished by their strong willpower. These animals are very close in a symbolic sense. However, wolves and dogs also have a number of differences from each other. For example, dogs are often depicted as demonic creatures.

Dog-like characters are found in the myths of the most different nations as the personification of the afterlife. One of bright examples- the ancient Egyptian god Anubis, who was depicted with the head of a dog or jackal. This deity patronized the world of the dead, which makes the image wild Egyptian dog dark and ambiguous. Anubis in Egyptian myths acts as a guide to the afterlife. It is interesting that the image of a dog often personifies a guide into something unknown. We can conclude that the dog symbol is very ambiguous. At the same time, the most popular deep meanings of this symbol look like this:

Subjects and breeds

There are a huge number of dog breeds. This gives rise to thousands of different themes for tattoos. Naturally, each breed symbolizes special qualities and aspirations. We will look at the most popular ones:

  • Wild dog. The personification of freedom and independence. This symbol in its philosophical context is similar to the symbol of the wolf.
  • Fighting dog. A very aggressive subject for a tattoo. He is the personification of unbridled strength and swiftness. “Win or die” is a great motto for such a tattoo.
  • Bulldog. A popular story that will bring out the fan of noble breeds in you.

Styles and places

Dogs are often tattooed in the “realistic” style, but current trends in tattoo culture suggest that we need to move away from traditional images of pets in favor of deeper and more interesting subjects. Today you can’t just get a tattoo with your favorite dog - you need to add a little creativity to the sketch. What exactly should I fill the drawing with? You decide.

A few more words about locations. The chest and shoulders are ideal for depicting a dog's head without a torso. These tattoos look great in an old-school design. If we are talking about a full-fledged image of a dog, we can consider the option of the back or abdomen. Here you can safely experiment with different styles.


Among celebrities there are bearers of tattoos with dogs. The most striking tattoos have:

  • Amber Rose;
  • Melanie Martinez;
  • Pink.

Animal tattoos are very popular among both men and women. The dog is a symbol of loyalty, friendship, courage and sincerity. This tattoo is most often tattooed by men, however, among women there are those who like such a tattoo. Also, such an image on the human body is perceived as a talisman or amulet. The meaning of a tattoo varies depending on the breed of dog, so when choosing a design for a tattoo, you should be extremely careful.

The guys

Men with a dog tattoo are distinguished by their courage, bravery and strength of character.. If a dog is depicted in a demonic style, the meaning of such a tattoo is seen as a symbol of fear guarding the borders of two worlds.

A tattoo with a picture of a dog is suitable for sociable and confident people.

Men prefer to get a tattoo in the form of a dog's head with a grin. The meaning of such a tattoo: instilling fear in others, physical strength, self-confidence.

The most common places for application:

  • Back;
  • Breast;
  • Shoulder.

Most often, a tattoo with the image of a dog is performed in the style of realism, new school, sketch, and also in combination with other styles. A tattoo can be supplemented with an ornament or other designs, which practically does not change its meaning.

Among women

Girls very rarely prefer tattoos with the image of a dog. Most often, such tattoos are made in a minimalist style and are applied to the wrist, neck or ankle. Cartoon style tattoos are also common. Such a tattoo on female body indicates that its owner has a strong character, loyal and sociable. A tattoo with a dog is absolutely not suitable for closed and insecure people.

It happens that female representatives dilute the image of a dog with additional elements: flowers, butterflies, ornaments.

In places of detention

The meaning of prison tattoos is significantly different from ordinary ones. For example, the face of a dog depicted on the body of a prisoner means “Cop bitch from the press hut”. This tattoo is applied to the back of someone who abused his cellmates.

Value depending on dog breed

The most common tattoos depicting the following breeds are:

  • Doberman– such a tattoo has long symbolized the connection with other world, therefore, for many people who are interested in magic and extrasensory perception, it is a kind of talisman.
  • Shar Pei- this tattoo symbolizes high intelligence, independence and self-esteem.
  • Pitbull– owners of such tattoos must have physical and moral strength. Some people choose this breed for a tattoo because they own such dogs. Most often they depict the head of a pit bull, but sometimes they get a tattoo with a dog depicted in full length. It happens that a pit bull is depicted on a tattoo in a cartoon style; such a tattoo denotes the kindness, sincerity and love of its owner for animals.
  • Bulldog– means that the owner of the tattoo is balanced and has self-control. Bulldog is a symbol of fidelity and sincerity. This tattoo is suitable for calm people.
  • Pug– a tattoo with a dog of this breed is suitable for active and sociable people who have their own opinion and weight in society.

It happens that people get tattoos depicting them pet, in his memory, to show love and respect for a friend of man. Often such tattoos are accompanied by the date of birth and death of the pet.

In general, tattoos with the image of a dog are not very common and are quite rare. When choosing a tattoo, you need to rely not only on its appearance, but also on its meaning.

0 Dogs have been loyal and reliable companions to mankind for 40,000 years. They were bred from wolves by our wild ancestors, after which they began to serve them faithfully. No other animal could feel our love or have such affection as these amazing creatures. I recommend adding the site to your browser bookmarks as we are constantly working to improve our content.

In countless cultures around the world, dogs are considered an extension of the family. They are trained to take part in ceremonies and perform daily tasks. Some farmers train their pets to become their second hand, killing pests and bringing back prey when hunting. This tradition continues, and in the highest echelons of society. Fox hunting in England is a sport reserved for the royal family and other wealthy people. This tradition dates back to the 16th century, and partially continues even today.
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So let's continue meaning of Dog Tattoo?

From Lassie to Cerberus, dogs have always been humanity's constant companions, friends and our protectors. Dogs are often considered guardians of the soul and, as a result, protectors of the etheric plain.
Anubis is the ancient Egyptian god of the Dead, while Anna's hounds guard the gates of the Welsh underworld. According to Norwegian legends Garm spends his eternity at the gates of Helheim, and in the Mayan and Aztec cultures, the dog was usually buried with the poor people who were unlucky enough to take part in the sacrifice, and in the main role. Their four-legged friends helped guide their souls through the World of Emptiness. Dogs are believed to be harbingers of Death, especially when they howl at night.

Sketches of Dog Tattoos.

Dog lovers all over the world can attest to the loving and loyal nature of these animals. After the devastating Japanese earthquake in 2011, many stories emerged of dogs who refused to leave their owners alone despite the danger. It's no surprise that they are the most popular tour guides for the disabled.

The meaning of dog tattoos

Man's best friend embodies a number of characteristics, including:
  • Loyalty
  • Friendship and communication
  • Guards and defenders
  • Resourcefulness
  • Submission
  • Intelligence
  • Community and family
  • Dominance and strength (aggressive breeds).

Changes in Dog Tattoo

There are dog tattoos different sizes and flowers - from red cartoon dogs to pink poodles, and have any number of design elements. You can choose a traditional Celtic symbol or just a photo of your favorite Ball. Basic dog tattoo options include:

Tattoos of different dog breeds

Every dog ​​lover has a place in his heart for one of his favorite breeds. Whether you love pit bulls or rottweilers, greyhounds, Weiner dogs, dachshunds, pugs or poodles, every breed has a set personal qualities, which owners can easily identify. Lovers of our little brothers express their gratitude to their Barbosques in this way.

Dog paw tattoo

Some dog lovers prefer to use their Ball's paw print as the main feature of the image. They are made in honor of their loved one" baby", both as a means of representing love and a deep connection with their pet. In some cases, getting a dog paw tattoo is part of an expression of grief after the loss of a beloved animal. Read more about


Devotion, protection, vigilance - symbolism, the source of which lies mainly in the Celtic and Christian traditions. In more primitive and ancient ideas, the dog was associated with the underworld - as its guardian and as a guide delivering the souls of the dead there (for example, the mythical ancient Greek Cerberus, the terrifying three-headed dog at the entrance to hell). Three-headed dogs also accompanied Hecate, the goddess of death, who often visited graves and crossroads and in whose honor the ancient Greeks sacrificed dogs. Other symbols of aggression include the Scandinavian hellhound Garm and the black dog of Satan.

However, usually the symbolism associated with dogs and death is more positive. The fact that they accompanied man every day and everywhere, and the knowledge attributed to them of the world of spirits, became the reason that they were considered good guides in the afterlife. They are found in this role both in ancient Egyptian mythology as companions of the god Anubis, and as guides of human souls across the River of Death in Mayan myths. The Aztec dog god led the sun through the darkness of the underworld and was reborn with it every morning. Dogs were often sacrificial animals - in honor of their deceased masters or as intermediaries in communication with the gods, as in the Iroquois sacrifice of the white dog. The souls of the dead were in closer contact with dogs in ancient times in Central Asia and Persia, where the bodies of the dead were fed to dogs. This custom led to the Semitic and Muslim idea of ​​the dog as an unclean, vile, greedy animal, which was used only as a guard (with the exception of hounds, which had quite a for obvious reasons higher status). In many cultures, the dog was both a symbol of contempt and devotion, which is ingrained in modern idiom - this contradiction is reflected in the origin of the word "cynic" from the Greek word "kuon" (dog), an insult towards the followers of the philosopher Diogenes, illustrating their aggressive rudeness , but then adopted as a suitable designation for their role as guardians of morality. The name “Dominicans” for the monastic order is translated from Latin as “dogs of the Lord” and directly symbolizes the mission of protecting Christian dogmas. In Christianity, a dog is also suitable symbol for the shepherd of the Lord, and therefore it was the emblem of the clergy.

Dogs are symbols of mercy in Celtic art, companions of many goddesses - patroness of healing, as well as hunters and warriors. Dogs are a symbol of protection in Japan, as well as in China, although there they may have a reputation as demonic creatures, especially in the cosmic symbolism of eclipses and other frightening natural phenomena; they can be a symbol of both the sun and the wind. An obedient dog is a symbol of loyalty to the law, although Buddha said that those who live like a dog will turn into a dog after death. In Hinduism, dogs are considered companions of the god of death, Yama, which again brings us back to the connection between the dog and the afterlife.

Elsewhere, dogs were often directly associated with gods, especially in Africa. In Melanesia, in North American and Siberian legends, the dog's intelligence made it a symbol of inexhaustible inventions, the creator or thief of fire. Like other similar legendary figures, dogs were cursed and praised. Some legends claim that due to a dog's mistake, a person lost the gift of immortality.