I dream of freight cars. Why do you dream about a train? How other dream books interpret


What purpose did you dream about the carriage?

Dreaming of a subway car▼

If you dream of a subway car, you should be prepared, which previously did not cause difficulties, but over time the situation changed and the possibility of respect from colleagues and the status of a professional in their field appeared.

Seeing a freight car in a dream ▼

Dreaming of a freight car means that you are having a great time. Such a dream promises to receive a significant amount of money, but for this you need to continue moving in the chosen direction and not stop working hard.

Dreaming of a freight car▼

To see a freight car or see it in a dream - you have to deal with the current ones, since they darken your existence, therefore, you lose life, worrying again and again.

Why do you dream about a dining car▼

A dining car in a dream means that all bohemian society is an empty phrase for you; only a stable career and a solid bank account can make you truly happy.

What were you doing in the carriage in your dream?

Running behind a carriage in a dream▼

Running after a carriage in a dream is interpreted as a necessity in the order of life. By setting your priorities differently, you will be able to improve your life without radically changing anything.

Get out of the car according to the dream book▼

If you dreamed that you were forced to get out of the carriage, external circumstances will force you to change your job or place of residence. Leaving the train on your own - your sense of tact and insight will help you establish relationships with management and increase your income.

Walking around the carriage in a dream▼

You dream that you are walking around the carriage - you are tired of waiting, the upcoming joyful event occupies all your thoughts.

Enter the carriage according to the dream book▼

If in a dream you boarded a train and it started moving, expect news from friends who are now far away. If you can’t get inside the carriage, the doors are closed, you will have to try to earn the trust of others.

What happened to the carriage in the dream?

Why do you dream about a fire in a carriage▼

A dream about foretells danger or. If the carriage is on fire, the dream means that, most likely, trouble will pass you by.

The carriage came unhooked in a dream▼

Seeing a carriage in a dream means poor health or problems at work. This dream also warns against hasty conclusions about newly acquired friends.

Were there people in the carriage in the dream?

If you dream of an empty carriage▼

Why do you dream of an empty carriage? You may miss the chance to achieve, exchanging your years for stupid attempts to become a leader and occupy a higher social position.

What carriage did you dream about?

Rusty carriage according to the dream book▼

Dreaming rusty carriage- your environment irritates you with their views on life, misunderstanding threatens to develop into outright hostility.

Seeing a black carriage in a dream ▼

Why do you dream of a black carriage or a black train? It's time to find it in life. This could be the person who will save you from depression.

How are other dream books interpreted?

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Did you dream about a Carriage, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Carriage in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I am afraid of being late for the train, the carriage (a freight car, but very clean, elegant, decorated with ribbons and balls) approaches the station, I jump into it, but my daughter and my little grandson in a stroller do not have time to get there. I'm riding in the carriage and getting upset. And suddenly I’m not in the carriage, but in the kitchen of a rented 3-room apartment. The hostess says that I must sew slippers for her. I look around, and nearby, in some kind of wicker, lie several pairs of multi-colored soft slippers. I indignantly refuse.

    • The fact that in your dream you were rushing to catch a train most likely indicates that you may be late somewhere in the near future.

    • my boyfriend is currently in the army. I had a little quarrel with him. I dreamed that I was riding on a train next to my boyfriend, we were hugging, and then I wanted to go to the toilet, he took me there, I saw a lot of shit. why is this dream

      Good day. The dream occurred from Wednesday to Thursday. It’s like we’re rushing to catch a train, me with my girlfriend and friends. the train has arrived, but they won’t let us in, we need special tickets, something like that. We really want to ride on it and are trying to negotiate, but in vain, the conductor won’t let us. then I run to the ticket office, but the cashier is busy with some other business and doesn’t want to give me tickets. then I go to the boss, and she, in turn, keeps watch over me. They wanted to arrest me, but I got out of it. And now I see my girlfriend getting into a carriage (like a subway) and the doors are closing. But I manage to run into the carriage in the last seconds. I run up to her and kiss her. And she looks forward, smiles and does not react. I am getting up.
      That day, my girlfriend dreamed that I was riding on a carousel alone. But she didn’t have time to come see me.
      Please explain. Thank you in advance.

      I see myself in a freight car, where the window is thick with bars, I hold on to the bars with both hands and see that the car is being overtaken by a handsome black man, possibly a Muslim, because some kind of scarves are fluttering on his head from riding a fast horse, my gaze met his gaze, because... this is one open part of his face, I like him, but then somehow he freed me from the carriage, and together with him on this horse we turn back, I am across the saddle in a fluffy dress, there is a desert landscape all around

      I dreamed about my father who died a few years ago, I hung myself all the way from somewhere on his neck with joy and cried that he was alive, he went into the basement of his parents’ house, more precisely on the 5th floor, and I clearly heard that he borrowed money from someone to order a carload of boards and then as soon as he left there, his long and recently deceased neighbors came out behind him and let me know that they were here too, as if it weren’t a miracle that my father was alive

      Hello Tatiana!
      Today I saw carriages in a dream, I don’t remember exactly what kind of carriages they were, but they were freight cars, not exactly passenger cars. The carriages were filled with food, animals, etc., I remember one thing for sure: there were a lot of carriages.

      Hello, to be honest, I didn’t even think that I would be so lucky, I’ve never personally had my dreams solved. Thank you very much!
      In general, I remember that I argue with my current boyfriend and that I want to leave him. We argued all the way, but then I noticed that he seemed to be starting to improve and everything was going quite well. Later I dreamed that I missed my metro and was waiting for the next one, and now the metro seemed to be somewhere far away, but it was approaching, and my ticket fell on the rails, I managed to grab the ticket and leave, the metro passed by, stopping much further, where - ahead. And then I see my current boyfriend running ahead with a backpack and saying that I need to run to the very first carriage and I run after him, we made it. And here we are already sitting and he says to me, somehow, in a strange way: “That’s why you want to leave me? You and I will still be grandparents.” As I understand it, raising grandchildren or something. That's all. All this happened in the dead of night.
      In reality... To be honest, I'm tortured. My boyfriend is not aware of certain actions. I don’t want to change him by force, I just make comments, but he doesn’t listen. And to put pressure.. Well, he’s not my husband, and there’s no point in putting pressure.. In general, I myself have these last days thoughts about breaking up. I'm tired, nothing has changed in all this time.

      I was at the railway station, I saw my dead brother in my carriage, something prevented me from staying, bitterness, a man in rags persuaded me to get into his railway carriage, he was different from the other cars on the train, the inside was decorated with a wooden slats, the train moved along the sides of the meadow, the train stopped, a large dog attacked, a small red one guarded and caressed herself, crawled through the gap into the trailer, stayed with me

      I dreamed of my car with a broken windshield, which I replaced. Next, I was traveling on a train in a passenger carriage with my family and saw my car next to my parents’ house without a trunk. After a short time, I decided to go back to restore the car. I told my family to move on and that I would catch up with them.

      Hello! This is the second time I have been dreaming about a train, in the first dream my daughter is running through the carriages, and I am trying to stop her. In the second I am getting into a carriage, going to Moscow to get my diploma, the train has started, but my carriage remains.

      a train ride in a freight car, I carried with me 6 or 9 doors (iron), relatives with whom I communicate very rarely traveled with me for three days, but the first day I got off the train and decided to take a little walk and the train left without me, but I somehow somehow I found myself in it again and this happened 2 times then I arrived where I needed to go and suddenly I found myself in a completely different place I saw a very rain-damaged road dirty house friend and himself, we stood with him and talked about nothing and I left the end

      I dreamed that I got into a double carriage, at the next stop another woman got on, when she got out, it turned out that my carriage had uncoupled itself. At that moment I went to look for the station and the ticket office to exchange my ticket, but they told me that the station was far away... Then I woke up

      I dreamed of a freight car and supposedly I was sleeping on it, and after me my colleague was lying in the vestibule and looking at me smiling... further that supposedly I came to the personnel department and was immediately hired as a non-replaceable employee... and at that moment I I was so glad because I used to work there and it’s very difficult to get there, and I was so lucky, but on the other hand I was afraid of how they would perceive it at home P.S. The dream was black and white

      I dreamed of a woman I didn’t know, as if she was a fraudster and my beloved man was with her for the same thing, she told me about it herself, but when I started asking why you deceived me, he didn’t react to it, then I saw this woman off to the train and she She said that she did all this on purpose and I’m letting him go, she went into an empty carriage and left

      the carriage was full of slop, I lay down on it and rode, I was afraid that I would fall, but then I noticed that some people were also lying down next to me and they told me to go closer to us, I approached them and I was not afraid that I would fall, but what is more interesting is that these pamos didn't stain me

      as if there were carriages, at first I climbed under it and they seemed to be suspended! I don’t remember with whom, then a little further from us three men climbed out of the ground and fought with them, after which I ended up with my grandfather, who is alive in reality in the city where they broke the car with it in it, then I saw my friend with tattoos!, and after all this I was taught the speeches of the TV presenter!

      Hello. I had a dream today. Everything about it was wonderful - sunny weather, warm outside, eating ice cream, passengers traveling on the train and such a warm, pleasant feeling. I was traveling with my mother and there seemed to be a lot of friends on the train. Then suddenly the train began to rush quickly and the train began to uncouple (the cars), but somehow my heart was not worried, we were holding hands... and I don’t remember what happened next

      I was traveling on the train. The carriage is neither a compartment nor a general one. There were people, 2.3 to be exact, then either I didn’t get out of the car, but moved towards the exit, or one of them. there were something like benches, because in general they were sitting on something.

      Hello!!! I had a dream that I was lying on the top shelf in a carriage, the train was moving at high speed, I was trying to stay on the shelf and almost fell!! The dream is black and white!!! I don’t remember everything anymore

      Hello Tatiana! Today I saw in a dream my husband getting into a dark, cold, empty freight car and leaving. and I get on another train and leave in the opposite direction. I myself feel that in a dream they give me information about my husband, and yesterday a bird flew into my window and flew out the same way it flew in. What do you think this might portend? Sincerely, Julia

      I dreamed that I was waking up in the carriage of a passenger train and I was traveling to the southern region, it was night there and all the other passengers were sleeping except me alone, but I urgently needed to return because the next morning I had to take the exam. thesis and this gave me an inexplicable fear in my dream and I didn’t understand how I ended up in the train car at all, but then I got off the train in some landings and headed towards the house, I saw a man’s skull and a dagger along the way, and after a few meters I I met 5 people and they had some kind of conflict and when I passed by them I felt aggression towards these people and I wanted to hit one of them, but I restrained myself and moved on. Then I went out to the highway and waited for the bus, when the bus arrived I didn’t get on it but was waiting for something when I turned around behind me there was my car and when I got in it and drove towards the house it turned out that I was approaching my city, I felt I felt some kind of peace and calmed down and after a while I returned home. And that’s where my dream ended. (What could such a dream mean?)

      in a dream, I was traveling in a wide, very spacious, expensive carriage, walking along a wide aisle, seeing a lot of people on the train, looking for a waitress from the dining car to order a delicious dish, which I felt like I had eaten on the train before. I ordered the dish, it was gorgeous, but it didn’t seem to be what I wanted. the overall experience of the trip was positive

      Well, it was a college graduation from the man I love, but we are not together, and there was a river where all the graduates were swimming, and the guests were throwing bouquets, I threw mine and it swam so fast that it floated somewhere far away, but then they got him, then everyone went wild, and my girlfriend and I went to look for their student dormitory, and we sat on a bench opposite their windows, and then it turned out that the bench was on a carriage, and it began to go very quickly, and this carriage was open, it was without sides, but there was also a bench on it, and in front there was a freight car, like moving crushed stone, and at all these moments I corresponded with my loved one, we sorted things out.

      I was catching up with my girlfriend who was walking along the same road as me after she was attacked by dogs, and I put my hand up and, without hurting the dog, threw the rest of the dogs aside, I ran after her, I started to catch up with her, I saw her in front, but something was stopping me from running, like pants. I saw a freight car on the road but there was closed type, some rails were moving next to me, I looked ahead and caught up with her, I know this place in real life I caught up in front of my house, we talked, I saw her bare chest, then we started talking in the yard, we were a little in the way, but I got a conversation but didn’t get any kind of answer. something like this it was, but she stood next to me in front of me and seemed to listen to me, the day before I dreamed of how she hugged me, but now in real life she left for now, she betrayed me, betrayed me, but I made it clear to her that we can handle it, come to me , I had this dream today

      a round quarry with a waterfall around it, a long thin rock in the middle, and a railway on the rock. The train is traveling at normal speed, I am running in the compartment of the carriage, the train turns over for no reason, I hold on to the window for a while, then I fall down... there is blue water with foam and stones, I fell right on my knees on these stones and woke up.
      I had this dream for 3-5 days

      my child ran away and my ex-husband and I are looking for him. the baby climbed under the carriage, under which some kind of motor was running and he was in danger. An unfamiliar man pulls him out of there. Everything is fine. My mother says that a woman ex-husband shot herself, and he started drinking and will soon return to me.

      I’m traveling on a train in a reserved seat car with my deceased father in the next compartments. I forgot my tickets and I’m thinking about how to explain this to the conductor, who is leaving, so as not to interfere with me looking for documents. I need to take some documents home and on the way back of the train, too. sit down. I’m afraid I won’t make it in time and I’m thinking of leaving my father at the station and some other boy with us, but he’s not in the compartment with me, but with his father. I wake up and don’t know if I had time.

      I had a dream that I was going with my girlfriend in a reserved seat car to rest in the south. Another young couple was traveling with us. Then I woke up and immediately fell asleep. I further dreamed that I was sitting in someone else’s house, in a large room. Many, many relatives of both mine and my girlfriend gathered. The tables are set. I swear at my mother - Mom, I said that Katyushka and I would come to visit, and you gathered your relatives as if for a wedding.

      Hello Tatyana, I have a feeling it won’t be free. I am a former railway worker, and since 2011 I no longer work there, but in Lately I began to often have dreams about my past work, often that I was traveling in a sleeping car, or working as an electrician, which I was before.

      I had a dream where I was walking along the railway tracks and I saw people with a dog looking for something and suddenly I saw that the dog found something by the carriage, but the carriage was slowly rolling and I ran up to the carriage and saw that there was a lot of gold hidden there, it was like sand and I Some kind of vision reveals how it was loaded into this carriage, the dream was in the colors of gold, I saw it as if it were reality

      I dreamed of many railway cars that uncoupled from each other and drove past me, almost staring at me, after which when all the cars uncoupled, I turned around and saw a large carriage. It exploded behind me and showered me with grain.

      I was traveling in a reserved seat carriage in a side seat. A guy was traveling with me and he ex-girlfriend. This girl constantly tried to draw his attention to her. And he did it. The guy and I were sitting opposite each other, and she was next to him in the main compartment, putting her hands on his legs. She happened to have my comb, and I took it. All the way the guy seemed to be choosing between us who was better. At the end, when she started paying too much attention to him, I went to the toilet. I come out of the toilet - the carriage is empty and the train has stopped. I go out and he is waiting for me. But it's too high to the ground. I jump and I think he will catch me. But he just yelled at me for jumping from such a height.

      A young man and I are at the station. A train arrives at the platform. The young man has 2 tickets for the train, his and mine for carriage No. 1. I start walking quickly to overtake all the people and get on as quickly as possible, he is in no hurry. We approach the first car and it is No. 5, the next car is No. 2. There is no first car. Then we found carriage No. 1, the door was locked, when we arrived, the conductor opened it for us, the stairs were high, my boyfriend gave me a lift. As soon as we sat down and the train started moving. Long-distance trains.

      I was traveling on a train. The carriage seemed to be considered the last, but it was the first. I went out into the vestibule and suddenly saw that my carriage had become unhooked and the train was going in the other direction. I was not alone. The two of us jumped out and rushed to run after it. We almost caught up and then the dream immediately changed and the fear that I was behind the train immediately disappeared.

      An acquaintance invited me to his birthday party, and several other friends of mine were there. We quickly got to the place where he noted, and there was a house nearby, a residential building, I went there and started looking around, it was all tattered and rotten, but they lived in it (although when I went in there was no one there, but there was food and all that)
      It just so happened that I was climbing around this house for about 3 hours, and then I realized that I missed the DR.
      But the birthday boy comes out of one room and says that he fell asleep in the room and the holiday had not yet begun, so we left with him.

      went out into the street and the house is in a small depression, and a little higher there is Railway and a stop right next to his house.

      It was already dark and eerie, a slight fog began and because of the sunset everything around was dark red and terrible. Suddenly some kind of crap fell on the rails and damaged them.

      A friend said that a train was soon going to pass along them, and if it wasn’t fixed, it would go off the rails. Half of the people went away from where the train was supposed to arrive, and the rest stayed to repair the road.
      It got dark and there were only lanterns along the road. well, we sealed the rail in short (we poured something at the junction and it held)

      In the distance we heard a train, our whole group was standing at this stop. As soon as we heard that the train was approaching, I felt that something was wrong, that something bad was approaching. then the lights on the railway station suddenly went out everywhere, it became dark, I walked up to the seam on the rail, looked that everything was fine and saw that the shoulder strap was coming towards me, I jumped away quickly and fell into the tall grass, clinging to the ground... It’s dark everywhere, and there’s only 1 from the train the carriage passes us, when it passed, absolutely everything around was silent (no people, no dogs, no other animals, no wind, deathly silence and the sound of wheels). It was also very dark in the carriage, but everyone understood that there was some kind of evil there. And the carriage passed, then the light on the road came on and we see that the first group of people is approaching with passengers from the train. I approached the rail and saw how the seam was corroding before my eyes, it quickly disappeared and part of the rail began to rise to the top, first slowly and then faster and faster. Having risen exactly 20 meters up, she stopped, at that time some girl was passing through the rails, and this rail hit her, tearing off part of her back. But she remained alive. then this rail began to wriggle as if alive.

      and again everything turned red and black and the fog was like smoke, I heard the sound of an airplane, raised my head up and there the plane was landing, and flying over us it had something like a spirit around the airplane in the form of a white eagle
      And this rail began to resemble a snake in its behavior, then it dived into the ground and swam along it as if in water in the direction opposite to us.

      It’s as if I’m on the platform, looking for the 3rd track on which my train is standing. And for some reason I’m at the very end of the platform where there are many paths and it’s not clear where he is. And the military men standing by the freight cars don’t say which way it is... and it seems, according to calculations, this track is mine, and there the cars stand separately, not connected to each other... and there is a locomotive that pushes trailed cars to my train, and also on this track (as if moving the cars)...and then they announce that this is not the 3rd track and the locomotive has passed through reverse side moves to another, longer path... and I don’t understand why, because according to calculations this is the 3rd path... and again I go back to look for information about where the 3rd path is.. And then I dreamed that I was cutting a pickled cucumber and put it on a piece of gray bread, and then cut it across it along with the cucumber... but just when I was about to try it, I woke up!

      Hello! Last night, of course, I had a strange dream with trains, and for some reason I often see trains circling above me, as if teasing me, and today I wanted to jump off the train and it was rushing at an unreal speed, winter snow and rain, this is the weather, everything looks gray when I stuck it out head to jump off, there was still an oncoming freight train and it was so scary in the dream, then my husband and daughter wanted to leave, but it was as if they had deceived us, the train arrived later and we had already run away to look for it at another station and so we ran and could not board him, let's go back again to some bridge and run looking for him, and he teases him as if he disappears again, people tell us that he was just there and disappeared again, then I run and look for my husband and daughter and run through the open carriages through Talgo , I’m looking and running and there’s no one, I’m so scared and bad, there’s still slush on the street! I still don’t remember whether I met my husband or not, but it’s as if I’m saying in a dream that (finally we sat down)

      Two friends and I were traveling on a freight train with friends (whom I had not seen for a long time). The train was moving quickly, and we were jumping from one carriage to another. Then we got off the train and began to wait at the stop for the bus, where my late dad approached us. We all waited for the bus together.

      I saw a lot of carriages, but I was not inside the carriage, I rode in the back of the carriage and waved to all the conductors; there were several of them. Having reached my destination, I saw the sea, a beautiful clear blue, and then I thought how would I get from this end to the other, and for some reason I thought of getting there by car, but I didn’t drive a car, I sat in the back of the car (on the trunk), then I pushed her and she seemed to fly and then I got to the other end of the sea. Then I dreamed of fish salted in a barrel, there was a lot of fish.
      That's all.

      Good morning, Tatiana. This is the second time I’ve had a dream, not that it’s repeated, but in the same place and looks like a continuation of the dream from the first time. My friends and I went into a dark carriage and something scared us (I reached the end and it was the very last carriage of the train, I opened it, heard rustling noises and closed the door, running back) after that we decided not to go there. I This first dream. In the second dream, I tried to stop my friends, they wanted to go through the carriages into this terrible carriage. The actions took place at night. And there was something terrible there. I again went to the end of the car, opened the door, got out, the police arrived there, I was scared for some reason, but did not leave, shouting from the other end that the police were here for friends. Then the police drive away abruptly, I don’t understand why, I can just see the wheels rubbing the ground. I hear rustling sounds from some thicket of bushes. (By the way, the events took place in some grove, there were bushes everywhere and a forest behind them). I was very scared and ran back to my friends, opened the carriage, went in and closed it and ran back through it.
      Please help me understand this dream...

      Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was traveling in a train carriage, at first I was writing something, then I noticed that an acquaintance with his wife sat in the carriage opposite me. That friend looked at me. He and his wife were sitting in the same place, but in completely different corners. He looked at me the whole dream with a gaze

      I dreamed that my husband rented a carriage (van) near my house, and inside on one hanger there were several of my dresses hanging on a rope, she interfered, and again, opening the door, I went in and saw that the hanger with the dresses was missing, I was upset, I called my husband, I said that my dresses were stolen, and I said so that he would return this carriage back so as not to have to pay for nothing in vain again, but my husband says that he needs something related to the van, and then he will return it, and I remember my dresses among them, my favorite dresses, and I am upset that they were stolen.

      I dreamed that I entered an ordinary passenger carriage, there was no one there, the carriage was very dirty, covered in dirt, I was with my husband, then some girls appeared and my husband began to show interest in them and I just took him away from there

The carriage, like any enclosed space, is a symbol of a woman or female genital organs.

If you are counting the carriages of a passing train, then you are dreaming of numerous sexual encounters.

The same is true if you accidentally find yourself in someone else's carriage.

If you are looking for your carriage and cannot find it, then you are dreaming of ideal partner, although the current state of affairs suits you.

If you find yourself in your carriage, then this indicates some of your immaturity and detachment from life.

If you approach the carriage and cannot get into it, then you are afraid of the consequences of the upcoming sexual contact.

If the car is wide open, then your partner is not satisfying you.

If you see a dirty and rusty carriage on a train, then you are unhappy with your partner's hygiene habits, but do not dare tell him about it.

If you see a new, sparkling and cozy carriage, then everything is fine with you, but soon there may be changes that you intuitively guess about, but do not want to admit to yourself.

If you cannot get out of the carriage, then you have a craving for sexual deviations.

If you find dirt in the carriage, then you may have genital diseases.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Wagon

If you dream of a carriage, this does not bode well for you. happy marriage. A carriage that is going down predicts difficulties and losses, unsuccessful relationships and separation from a loved one. If you dream that you are traveling upward, then good luck awaits you in matters, including those of the heart. A closed carriage promises betrayal and betrayal of a loved one. If a woman dreams that she is driving close to an embankment, this means that she needs to be wary of frivolous and rash actions, which could cause anger and contempt on the part of her lover. A young girl’s dream of a sleeping car is a warning that she is doing too frivolous things and is too careless when meeting young people. She should control her behavior.

A vase seen in a dream foreshadows a happy family life, good luck and prosperity. If you drink from a vase in a dream, it means that you will succumb to the temptation of secret love. A broken vase dreams of a breakup or divorce. If a girl dreams that she was given a vase, this means that her deepest wish will come true. Such a dream could mean a proposal from a loved one.

If you dream of waltzing couples, this means that you will meet a person who will be a cheerful companion, but prone to adventure. If a girl dreams that she is dancing a waltz with her lover, this promises her numerous admirers, relationships with whom will not develop into serious ones, and none of whom will have the intention of marrying her. If a woman dreams that her lover is dancing a waltz with a rival, this means that she will be able to achieve happiness by showing wisdom and restraint. If she dances in a dream with another woman, this foretells that the sleeping woman will be loved for her kindness and responsiveness. When a woman dreams of people dancing ugly and ineptly, this means that she will want to achieve pleasure and, quite possibly, will disappoint her loved ones with her frivolity. This dream advises you to be careful and less succumbing to your feelings.

For young people who dream that they are taking a bath, such a dream promises heartfelt worries because of a loved one. It is quite possible that the sleeper will experience severe anxiety, fearing treason and betrayal on the part of his beloved.

If you have a dream married man, he should be wary of infidelity on the part of his wife. A pregnant woman who dreams about a bath may have a difficult birth ahead. Such a dream portends an unfavorable outcome for the woman in labor.

If you dream that you are washing in dirty water, beware of betrayal from the outside. loved one. Perhaps your loved one maintains a relationship with you only for his own benefit.

Seeing yourself as a widow means getting into trouble because of the bad deed of your loved one. A man who marries a widow in a dream will experience disappointment in his beloved in real life.

If a young girl saw in a dream that she was carrying a full bucket, this portends her a happy and joyful family life. An empty bucket, on the contrary, promises disappointment in marriage.

If you see a witch in a dream, it means that you will be looking for fun, entertainment and meeting new people. However, later you will be disappointed, since entertainment will not bring you pleasure, and new friends and fans will turn out to be low and dishonest people.


If a girl dreams that she is riding a bicycle down a mountain, this means problems in her relationship with her loved one. Riding a bicycle uphill, on the contrary, portends a successful acquaintance and devoted love.

If you dream that you are wearing a wreath, this portends happy love. A withered wreath symbolizes separation and parting with your loved one.

Rope is a sign of difficulties in matters of the heart.

A dream in which you are tied with ropes means that you will succumb to the temptation of love against your better judgment.

Breaking the bonds means victory over an opponent (rival) in love.

If you knit ropes in a dream, it means that people will succumb to your influence. You will conquer others with your charm.

Jumping over a rope with children is a sign that your selfishness will cause a break in your relationship with your loved one.

A girl who in a dream lowered a rope from a window to people standing below will experience indecent joy, committing not very worthy actions.


If you dream that your lover has committed a treacherous act, this means that your relationship will end in a happy and long marriage.

If you dreamed that you were holding an oar in your hands, this promises you disappointment in your loved one. Perhaps you will do a noble deed for him, but will not receive gratitude in return. A broken oar means happy relationship will end in a break.

Seeing spring in a dream means joy and new acquaintances, foreshadowing a happy relationship.


If a woman dreams that she sees freckles on her face, this means that unpleasant events will occur that may interfere with her happiness. If she looks at her freckles for a long time, this promises her separation from her beloved.

If a girl dreams that she is weighing her lover on a scale, this means that she will discover his true virtues, devotion and love.

If you dream about the evening, it means that your dreams have not come true. Clear evening with bright stars means that soon your loneliness will end and you will meet your loved one. However, a walk with your lover in the evening promises separation.

If a young woman or girl sees a blast wave throwing her upward in a dream, it means that she should be careful when making acquaintances with men.

If you visit your loved one in a dream, this means meeting him in reality, favorable events. However, if you feel awkward at the same time, this means that your relationship may be shaken due to the interference of bad people who will quarrel between you.

For lovers, a dream about a fork portends separation and discord.

If a girl dreams that she is drinking wine, it means that she will marry a wealthy and noble man. Breaking a bottle of wine promises unbridled passion.


If a young girl dreams of grapes, this is a good omen. Such a dream foreshadows good luck in all matters, a meeting with a person with whom the union will be long and favorable. Bunches of grapes mean happiness and prosperity.


If a girl sees in a dream that her lover is hanged, this warns her against communicating with a dishonest and unprincipled person. Seeing yourself hanged means that you will have trouble because of a loved one who will treat you dishonestly and dishonestly.

Seeing a cherry in a dream means that you will be loved for your kindness and generosity. If you eat cherries in a dream, it means that the person whose love you are seeking will pay attention to you. Seeing unripe, green cherries is a sign of approaching acquaintance with the person who will become your lover.


A young woman’s dream about a lover foretells her secret dates, adventurous acquaintances, but she will marry a balanced and calm person. If you have a dream married woman, this speaks of her strained relationship with her husband, dissatisfaction with family life and the desire to find love. If you dream of animals in a state of love, this means that you are striving for base pleasures.

Clean water promises bright, cloudless relationships, love and prosperity. Muddy water, on the contrary, speaks of an unsuccessful marriage and alienation in the relationship between the spouses. If you dream that you are playing sports in water, it means that you will suddenly be overwhelmed by love and passion.

Splashes of water falling on the head mean unexpected love that will end in a happy marriage. blue water dreams of joyful anticipation, but if you see yourself floating on clean water in a boat, this promises disappointment and unrealistic hopes.

Interpretation of dreams from

In everyday life, traveling by train, especially a long one, is a rather boring thing. Imagine you are sitting on a shelf and swaying rhythmically in time with the movement of the train, watching how the landscapes slowly change outside the window.

But what could a dream mean in which you went on a trip in a carriage? As explains General dream book, the carriage is a symbol of significant changes, a new milestone in life or a sudden change in priorities.

The meaning of sleep depending on how you looked

Dream books agree that dreams about such a vehicle can have several opposite meanings, depending on the day of the week, the gender of the dreamer and the technical condition of the vehicle. Usually, riding in a train carriage in a dream from Thursday onwards means a quick trip, on other days it means quick changes.

  • If the dreamer saw a dream on Saturday, he will be faced with empty worries about a matter that is unlikely to happen in reality. When interpreting a dream, try to remember in detail exactly what the carriage looked like, what number it was, how you felt and what you were thinking about.
  • If you see an old, dilapidated trailer with shabby upholstery on the sleeping shelves, it means that you are tired of everyday life, routine and regularity of life. Your dreams are calling: shake yourself up, try something new - and the colors of life will shine around you again.
  • If you had a dream in which the carriage was completely new, you will have to radically change your life, change your occupation, fall in love again, get married. If you were completely alone and sat on the top shelf, you will soon have to focus on work in order to achieve career growth.

  • If you are traveling in the last carriage, you will be catching up with a lucky chance that you almost missed. Try to do everything decisively and quickly, without hesitation; you may not have a second such opportunity.
  • Riding in the first carriage of the train means material well-being and prosperity, perhaps a short and pleasant trip with loved ones. A promotion or salary increase is likely.
  • Seeing a trailer in the middle in a dream means being happy and not lacking anything. If you dreamed about the top shelf, you will soon be able to ensure that your cherished desire comes true. Throw things on it - you will beat your competitors and receive a favorable review of your work from your superiors.

Where and how did you go?

As the General Dream Book interprets, riding forward in a carriage means achieving success in everything, being the first, decisively removing all obstacles in your way. If the train is going backwards, this means difficulties in all matters, you will have to work hard to achieve a good result.

Why do you dream of a carriage that stands still? Dreams mean that you are too tired from constant internal tension, you need to relax a little, rest, perhaps just sit at home for a while.

To see in a dream how a carriage moves measuredly along the road, swaying smoothly, means that in the near future no troubles in life will happen to you, everything will be ordinary and calm. If the cars are running without rails or you are laying them out, serious changes await, there is a lot of work to be done, events around you will flash with amazing speed.

Why do you dream of traveling in a carriage that shakes violently? It is necessary to seriously reconsider your attitude towards the surrounding reality; dreams hint that you are capable of a lot, but are content with little.

If loaded with valuable ore - an unexpected promising offer, a profitable business, good luck in business. Seeing fuel tanks means doing something that will make your work colleagues respect you. Riding in a freight car means being surprised by unexpected news or going on a sudden trip.

Seeing a compartment car means a wealthy, prosperous life or a successful purchase of real estate. The second interpretation of the dream is an inheritance from distant relatives, a letter with good news.

A reserved seat carriage - you will not be left without a livelihood, but you will not live particularly luxuriously yet, but this situation will soon change for the better. Sit comfortably on the seat of a common carriage, which is filled with people - you have a quick trip with friends to a picnic.

Interpretation of sleep by different dream books

Modern dream book. A train carriage means for a young woman an imminent happy marriage, the beginning family life; for a married lady - the imminent birth of a child. A man’s dreams predict long-term work on a difficult project, upon completion of which he will receive well-deserved recognition and respect from colleagues, as well as a material bonus.

For students, dreams promise a difficult exam that they will be able to successfully pass. Breaking or damaging the property of a train means changing your life, getting carried away by something new that will make you a truly happy person.

Family dream book. A carriage compartment trimmed with velvet is a sign of an inheritance, a sweet life or unexpected amorous adventures. Repairing a coupe is a profitable business investment that will more than pay off in a short time.

Riding in a compartment, now climbing to the top bunk, now going down to the bottom, difficulties await you that you will have to overcome with the help of the person closest to you. Sitting by the window of a carriage standing on sidings is a dream warning: you should not wait for the weather by the sea; if you want to achieve your goal, boldly go forward.

Longo's Dream Interpretation. If during your dreams you see a rusty carriage that, creaking, barely rolls along the rails, you can decide complex issue, than you will earn real recognition as a professional in your field. Standing inside the vestibule means thinking about future plans, dreaming about traveling or living in a new place. Opening a window means refusing deceptively profitable offers that will bring nothing but empty anxiety.

Vanga's dream book. Why do you dream of a carriage that you are pushing forward? The work of a lifetime is nearing completion, but for success you will have to make one last decisive push. Stopping a moving train means unraveling the enemy’s machinations and miraculously avoiding trouble at work.

Waving from the window of a moving train - fate favors you; events will soon occur that will help you achieve material well-being. Losing a train, catching up - the dream has the opposite meaning: most likely, you will be able to cleverly take advantage of the lucky chance that has befallen you. Author: Natalya Ivanova

The carriage, like any enclosed space, is a symbol of a woman or female genital organs.

If you are counting the carriages of a passing train, then you are dreaming of numerous sexual encounters.

The same is true if you accidentally find yourself in someone else's carriage.

If you are looking for your carriage and cannot find it, then you are dreaming of an ideal partner, although the current state of affairs suits you.

If you find yourself in your carriage, then this indicates some of your immaturity and detachment from life.

If you approach the carriage and cannot get into it, then you are afraid of the consequences of the upcoming sexual contact.

If the car is wide open, then your partner is not satisfying you.

If you see a dirty and rusty carriage on a train, then you are unhappy with your partner's hygiene habits, but do not dare tell him about it.

If you see a new, sparkling and cozy carriage, then everything is fine with you, but soon there may be changes that you intuitively guess about, but do not want to admit to yourself.

If you cannot get out of the carriage, then you have a craving for sexual deviations.

If you find dirt in the carriage, then you may have genital diseases.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Why see a train in a dream? This means that the person will soon experience some changes. Passenger - to big changes, commodity - to profit, fast - to the rapid execution of plans, derailed - to failure in life.

Why do you dream about a train?

When you dream of a departing train, the interpretation of such a dream depends on the person’s age. For young people, this means difficulties in learning, for older people, the amount of work will increase, for older people, a possible visit to the hospital. In general, such a dream foreshadows a period of sadness and melancholy.

If you dream of a train ride, then this is a clarification of the relationship between lovers. The main thing here is not to raise your voice and restrain yourself, then the conversation will turn out to be sincere, and the lovers will become even closer.

If you travel on an express train, this indicates an approaching event where a very hasty decision will be made. If you dream that you are driving along a long bridge, and everywhere you look there is water - this means a disease, the treatment of which may take a long time. for a long time. When you move along a trackless path in a dream, this means the imminent death of the sleeper.

Who did you travel with in your dream?

If in a dream you are traveling on a train alone, then in reality you should not wait for help from somewhere, and the completion of your affairs will be successful. When the trip takes place with strangers who are much older than you and dressed in an old-fashioned style, it means that it is time to stop living in the past, and it is time to shift attention to the future.

And traveling with your loved one predicts that you will be together for many more years.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a trip, this portends that the birth will be easy and we should expect some kind of surprise from the future father.

Riding in a train carriage in a dream

When you are traveling in a carriage, it means that you should control your egoism a little and pay a little more attention to your partner and his desires. Walking along the train cars is a warning that while you meet your soulmate, you will have to change several life partners.

A carriage in a dream can portend bitterness, a not very happy marriage and disappointment. Driving down the mountain in it means a difficult life in which there will be no prosperity and peace. If you go up, then on the contrary - improvement of property affairs. Being in a closed carriage warns that a betrayal is being prepared that will interfere with business.

Going inside means a return to normal life; going out means there will be some changes or responsible work is expected. Traveling in a compartment carriage of a train means that you will soon undertake a new business with close friends, but if you are traveling in a common carriage, then you should be wary of the envy of colleagues and neighbors, they can greatly ruin your reputation.

Waiting for a train in a dream is a prediction that you will not enter into any major deals for a month; the agreement may turn out to be unprofitable or your partners will try to deceive you. If you take the train at the last moment, then you should not start your own business, because it will not bring in income.

Why do you dream about a passenger train?

A moving passenger train foreshadows a life-changing journey in better side. If he travels without rails or leaves them, then a streak of failures is expected; the plan will be carried out with troubles and a great waste of energy and time. After such a dream, you should not spend money thoughtlessly to avoid financial problems.

When the train rushes at breakneck speed, it means that soon all plans will be successfully implemented.

Waiting for a train in a dream

Waiting for a train predicts that in reality a person will also wait for some important decision. If someone is supposed to arrive on a train in a dream, it means that everything will be fine in life, and the person sleeping in reality will become an example to follow.

But when you see off friends or relatives, on the contrary, your authority will be undermined. Waiting for the train to depart in a dream, while being in the carriage, suggests that you should not escalate the situation and worry about little things, you should not ruin the life of yourself and those around you. When you dream about how, without waiting for the train, you start walking towards it - after a while you will take risks.

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