Passing score for college. Best Medical Colleges

If you see yourself in the future medical worker, make medicine your profession; if you are attracted to the work of a nurse or paramedic, you will have to take exams at a medical school in the near future.

What exams are required to pass when entering the school?

As a rule, in order to study to become a paramedic, laboratory assistant, or nurse, you must successfully pass the entrance exams to a medical school. Usually these are two such exams: Russian language written (statement or dictation) and biology orally, answer the questions on the ticket.

Examinations at a medical school may be wider if the chosen specialty is laboratory diagnostics, in which case the oral exam will also be chemistry, and written ones will increase algebra. Applicants based on nine grades will need to provide GIA results issued by the state final certification.

For applicants on the basis of complete secondary education, instead of entrance exams to a medical school, they will need Unified State Exam results. This is a unified state exam. By the way, most medical schools give applicants the right to choose whether to undergo entrance tests in the traditional form or participate in a competition based on the results of the State Examination or Unified State Examination. You will have to study after 9th grade four academic year, and after 11th grade - three academic years.

Exams for medical school based on preparatory courses

Most often in medical schools training courses for school graduates they work on a self-supporting basis. The duration of their work differs, it can be a month, the so-called short-term courses, aimed at ensuring that the applicant is oriented and able to pass the entrance exams to a medical school, and long-term, aimed at good preparation for passing entrance tests.

We must remember that the time for submitting documents differs and depends on the choice of the form of entrance exams. To count the results of the State Examination and the Unified State Examination, the deadline for submitting documents will not be the same as for those who chose traditional way. There is a subtlety here: if you decide to enroll based on the results of the TIA and the Unified State Exam, then you will not be able to take the entrance tests again if the passing score at the school turns out to be higher than those presented based on the results of the Unified State Exam and State Examination.

Studying at a medical school increases your chances of successfully applying to medical school. Experts note that approximately 95% of medical college graduates become students of medical institutes, and more than half of them enter government-funded places.

Admission to a medical college becomes possible after completing the 9th grade of a secondary school. On the basis of incomplete secondary education, training lasts three years and 10 months, then students can take tests for admission to a medical university on a simplified basis. Most of these colleges cooperate with medical higher education institutions or are part of the structure of medical universities.

Submission of documents

Acceptance of documents lasts until August 1. If the required number of students is not recruited, the period may be extended even until the end of September. You will need to provide:

  1. Certificate 086/у.
  2. Application addressed to the director of the college.
  3. Six 3x4 photos.
  4. Certificate of completion of 9th grade.
  5. Passport. If not yet issued, then any other identity card.
  6. Characteristics from your previous place of study (if required).

Very important point upon admission, a decent result on the Unified State Exam and high scores in specialized disciplines: chemistry and biology. For any college, a sufficient level of knowledge of the rules of the Russian language is required. In some faculties the requirements are stricter and knowledge of mathematics may be required.

Main specialties

To know how to enter medical college, you should decide on the direction of training. Medical colleges implement training programs in the following specialties:


You shouldn’t fall into extreme anxiety and constantly wonder how to get into medical college. It is more advisable to thoroughly prepare for the entrance examinations. To begin with, ensure yourself a high average school certificate score and close the gaps in your knowledge of the Russian language and biology. Most likely, upon admission you will need to pass a written exam in the Russian language and an interview in biology. For some majors, biology may include an interview in chemistry or a written exam in algebra.

According to the innovations, applicants entering after the 9th grade are enrolled based on the State Examination results, and graduates of the 11th grade are admitted based on the final Unified State Examination estimates. But the management of most medical colleges provides their applicants with the opportunity to undergo the admission procedure by passing entrance exams. If you are not sure about the results of the Unified State Exam and State Examination, it is safer to prefer the exam option.

Graduates of the 9th grade study on average for 3 years and 10 months, graduates of the 11th grade - one year less.

Studying at preparatory courses at your chosen college will provide effective assistance in admission. Typically the duration of such courses is from six months to a year. If you chose the option of admission based on the results of the Unified State Exam and State Examination, but were unable to pass the competition, do not despair. Organization is practiced in medical colleges special days, when everyone can take the entrance exams.

The first step on the path to mastering the profession of a doctor can be medical college. An important advantage of entering this particular educational institution is the opportunity, after graduation, to enter the budget department of the university without much effort, already having basic knowledge of your specialty. But even if you don’t have such far-reaching plans, college will help you find a profession.

Another significant argument in favor of this educational institution is the opportunity to enroll after finishing 9th grade. Yes, the training will last a little longer - 3 years and 10 months. However, this should hardly be called an idle waste of time, since you will leave college as a certified specialist.

What profession can you get in college?

Before entering college, you must first choose a field of study. In educational institutions located in Moscow and Ufa, in Perm and Tyumen, in Krasnodar and other cities of the country, you can get one of the following specialties:

  1. Nursing. A registered nurse can work successfully in absolutely any medical setting, acting as an assistant in operations, as well as providing first aid patients.
  2. Dental prosthetics or orthopedic dentistry. A graduate of this faculty receives the qualification of a dental technician who makes dentures and can work with any relevant equipment.
  3. Medical business. By choosing this direction, you will qualify as a paramedic, be able to provide first aid to patients, and also begin a career in pediatric, therapeutic or surgical department hospitals or private clinics.
  4. Obstetrics. This faculty teaches all the intricacies of pregnancy support. In addition, the graduate will be able to assist the doctor during childbirth and treat patients in the gynecology department.
  5. Pharmaceutical business. One of the most popular specialties in our time, which gives the opportunity to work in medical warehouses or pharmacies.
  6. Laboratory diagnostics. Qualifying as a technician medical laboratory, a college graduate will be able to work with any equipment designed for research and making an accurate diagnosis.

As you can see, the choice of areas is quite large, so you need to decide in advance what specialty you would like to acquire. After this, you can begin to intensively prepare for the exams.

Medical College Exams

What entrance exams do you need to take for medical school? It depends on what grade you decided to enroll in this educational institution, as well as on the chosen specialty. In the vast majority of cases, the applicant will be required to have an excellent knowledge of biology, which provides the basics of the structure human body. Chemistry is also a very important subject, on which pharmaceuticals and laboratory diagnostics are based. Don’t forget that when entering any college you need to successfully pass the Russian language. Some institutions may also require you to take a written algebra exam.

It should be noted that after 9th grade it is possible to enter most educational institutions based on the results final certification, and after the eleventh - according to the number of points scored on the Unified State Exam.

How can you improve your chances of successfully getting into college? We recommend that you enroll in preparatory courses, which usually last from 6 to 12 months. They will give you the knowledge you need to pass the exams. In addition, graduates of such courses have advantages over those applicants who ignored preparation at the chosen educational institution.

It is still prestigious to receive a medical education in one of the educational institutions of the capital. This is evidenced by huge competitions for admission to medical universities in Moscow and other cities of Russia, as well as a huge number of secondary school applicants who have chosen medicine as their defining field of activity for the rest of their lives.

During times Soviet Union and at the end of the last century the word “college” was just settling in the consciousness of our compatriots. Medical schools covered the entire segment of secondary specialized education with a medical focus. With separation educational institutions In the mid-level schools and colleges, the list of specialties that graduates of medical secondary educational institutions receive has expanded, the approach to the educational process has changed, the technical potential of institutions and the qualification level of teaching staff have significantly increased.

It has been integrated into Russian healthcare since the 40s of the last century. one system secondary medical education. Today it is still possible to enter medical college after 9th grade. Even having a certificate of completed secondary education with high grades in subjects does not in all cases guarantee admission to a higher educational level. If you are not confident in your abilities, start by studying at one of the medical colleges in Moscow, which today train nurses and paramedics, obstetricians and massage therapists, laboratory assistants and dental technicians, and other specialists.

A few words about the content of education

The image of a medical school graduate in a white robe and with a syringe in his hands has sunk into oblivion. The knowledge of a person who has graduated from a medical secondary school is quite extensive, as evidenced by the list of subjects taught. Physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, histology, cytology, biophysics - after graduating from college, you will have access to the knowledge gained in these and other specialties.

Studying at medical college is not only interesting. The responsibility that comes with the opportunity to give people health requires enormous mental effort and time. Study of pharmacology, pediatrics, surgery and others medical directions is carried out in modern laboratories, where optimal conditions are created for working with people suffering from various pathologies. Graduates of medical colleges in Moscow and other cities are given military ID cards along with their graduation document, since the scope of their work is not limited to everyday work medical practice, and also covers full list activities carried out in emergency situations.

What to choose: medical college or school

The Russian system of secondary medical education is represented by 2 types of educational institutions:

  • technical schools (schools);
  • colleges.

The fundamental difference between the options lies in the educational level: most schools provide people only with a basic education, while colleges provide the opportunity to obtain the most in-depth knowledge in most subjects. Graduating from college opens the doors to many medical universities in Moscow, and beyond. Many medical secondary educational institutions conduct educational activities at institutes, clinics, and other departments, for example:

  • Medical College of MIIT at Moscow State University Ways of Communication;
  • at the Moscow Department of Health, etc.

Upon completion of one of the medical colleges opened on the basis of the institute, the graduate receives benefits in the form of automatic enrollment in the 2nd or 3rd year of a capital university. Persons who studied at the expense of the capital's budget, for example, are guaranteed employment in public medical institutions in Moscow.

(Secondary Vocational Education): health section

A complete list of areas in which training is conducted in medical colleges and schools in Moscow is given in the classifier of specialties of secondary vocational education, in the section “Healthcare”:

Specialty in secondary education Number Medical profession
Midwifery 60102 obstetrician, midwife
Laboratory diagnostics 60640 medical laboratory technician qualification
General Medicine 60101 paramedic
Medical and preventive care 60105 sanitary paramedic
Medical optics 60606 Optical technician (manufacture and repair of glasses, lenses, and other corrective devices)
Medical massage 60502 masseur
Nursing 60501 nurse.
Orthopedic dentistry 60203 Dentist
Preventive dentistry 60205 dental hygienist
Pharmacy 60301 pharmacist

Rules for admission to medical colleges in Moscow

Students of the capital's medical colleges can become:

  • citizens of Russia;
  • citizens of a foreign country;
  • stateless persons;
  • Russian citizens living abroad.

Education at medical colleges in Moscow is provided on a free (budgetary) and paid (contractual) basis. To enter the college you must have one of the following documents:

  • certificate of general education(9 classes);
  • certificate of secondary (general) education (11 grades);
  • primary, secondary or higher diploma vocational education(issued upon completion of medical school, college, university).

The basis for a person’s admission to the Moscow Medical College is an application filled out in the form established by the educational institution. In the direction of the State Employment Service, citizens of the Russian Federation are given the right to repeatedly enroll and study at a vocational educational institution, if circumstances so require, namely:

  • in the absence of the opportunity to work in a previously acquired profession;
  • in the presence of occupational diseases;
  • when assigning disability.

Documents for admission to Moscow Medical College

Applications from applicants entering the medical secondary school for full-time study are accepted until August 25th. Acceptance of documents begins on June 1st. Applications to the college for full-time and part-time (evening) studies are also accepted until August 25, however, if there are free places in the college after enrollment in the 1st year, documents are accepted until December 25 of the current year.

The list of documents presented to the admissions committee includes:

  • identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • educational document (original and copy);
  • photo: 6 pcs, size 3.5 x 2.5;
  • medical certificate (form 086у);
  • medical insurance certificate (copy);
  • documents certifying the right to benefits.

All state documents must be presented in Russian.

Exams for admission to medical college

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, for admission to medical colleges and schools, it is necessary to pass examination tests in the following subjects:

Usually the number of applicants to the best medical colleges in Moscow exceeds the number of allocated budget places. In such cases, the admissions committee takes into account the average GPA, rounded to the nearest hundredth. If several applicants have the same indicator, they look at the grades in the certificate in specific subjects - Russian language, biology, as well as the point earned in passing the Unified State Exam in biology.

Some educational establishments invent additional methods selection of applicants, such as in Moscow, where in addition to the above entrance exams, applicants are asked to undergo psychological testing.

Attention: students studying at medical colleges in Moscow are entitled to a deferment from the army until they reach the age of 20.

Duration of study at medical colleges in Moscow

Having chosen one of the medical specialties for yourself, you should pay attention to the fact that some medical colleges in Moscow offer training in the same area for different time periods. This is justified by the level of training of specialists, which involves mastering basic knowledge (training period of about 2 years) and in-depth study of specialties (up to 4 years).

The main requirement for the rules for admission and enrollment of applicants to the 1st year is strict compliance with the standards set out in the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In addition to the established rules, medical schools and colleges establish their own admission regulations, which do not run counter to the law. All you have to do as an applicant is to fully mobilize yourself - follow the news, ask questions to the admissions committee and read the materials posted on our website.

Passing score for admission to medical college

As already mentioned, the prestige of medical education in modern Russia raised to the highest high level. For most graduates of domestic schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums, enrolling in one of the medical universities in Moscow is considered practically impossible. Secondary specialized education is relatively accessible. According to the results of the 2013 intake, the average Unified State Examination score in the majority medical institutes was set at 200 points or more. You can become a student at one of the medical colleges after the 9th grade or with a complete secondary education with a minimum or average number of points (based on the results of the Unified State Exam, State Examination).

Famous medical colleges in Moscow

Every year hundreds of thousands of young children graduate from the ninth and eleventh grades. And each of these young talents is faced with the question of whether to go to work or continue to study.

If you are one of the graduates who decided to continue their studies, and your choice fell on secondary specialized medical education, then this article is just for you. In this text we will try to tell you as much as possible about what entrance exams to medical college await you.

General information about exams

The first thing I would like to note is that recruitment is carried out among persons who have completed both 11th and 9th grades. But the entrance tests for these two categories of graduates are different.

All applicants must undergo a professional counseling interview before taking the entrance exams to medical college. It is presented in the form of a conversation with a qualified psychologist, at this stage, you may need to take some simple tests to determine your personality, and first of all, your compatibility with your chosen profession. All interview results are recorded in documentary form.

Medical college exams for 9th grade graduates

In different regions, medical college exams are presented in different shapes. The most common form is testing in biology, which includes questions from the school course curriculum, and similar testing in chemistry.

In addition to testing, you will need to provide GIA results in the following subjects: Russian language, biology, chemistry.

Medical college exams for 11th grade graduates

For people who have completed 11th grade, testing in chemistry and biology is also carried out, but according to the 11th grade program, respectively, the volume of material included in the testing is quite extensive.

In addition, Unified State Examination results in Russian language, biology, and chemistry are required.

What is required for admission?

That is, in order to enroll in the educational institution of your choice, you need to pass exams at a medical college, which are represented by testing in specialized subjects, undergo a professional counseling interview, and provide a package of necessary documents:

  • GIA or Unified State Exam results;
  • certificate of completion of grades 9 or 11;
  • photocopy of passport (or birth certificate);
  • a list of other documents will be provided to you at the medical college itself.