Karaganda State Technical University is the university of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Karaganda State Technical University Polytechnic in Karaganda

Engineering personnel for the production of coal, mineral resources in post-war years, due to the opening of new mines and factories, there was absolutely not enough. In 1953, a decision was made to further train engineers of various profiles and to open new mining institutes in Karaganda, Perm and Tula. Based on this decision, an order of the Minister of Education and Culture was created in 1953 on the opening of the Karaganda Mining Institute.

The appearance of the mining institute on the territory of the city of Karaganda became a great holiday not only for the city, but also for the entire state. The educational authorities in the city of Karaganda allocated a temporary large premises for the training of specialists, and the first applicants were distributed in the dormitories of our city. The director of the institute was the first mining engineer of Kazakhstan, who graduated from the Moscow Institute of Miners in 1934, Yunus Nurmukhamedov.

The institute had only two specialties: “Development of mineral deposits” and “Mining electromechanics”. There were many people who wanted to study for higher education, but the situation did not allow everyone to be accepted. Only 200 first applicants were recruited. The teaching staff in those years numbered only 30 people; staffing was very slow, since there simply weren’t enough specialists ready to teach. In subsequent years, teachers from other countries joined the staff.

A few years later, a material problem arose - new offices, equipment for practical work and more qualified teaching staff. Further, due to the lack of many benefits, in 1958 an order was issued to transform the institute into a Polytechnic Institute. Additional funds began to be allocated, a course was set for accelerated learning engineers. In 1960, the first graduation of polytechnics - mining engineers - took place, namely 157 people received diplomas of highly qualified specialists.

In the early 70s, an innovation appeared - work combined with training. Such a system had advantages for the state - more work force, but created some difficulties in the educational process as a whole. Therefore, the system was quickly eliminated and returned to the traditional system - internships in the summer. At the same time, the institute already included more than 20 departments, 25 special educational laboratories and many subject rooms were built.

In 2016, Karaganda State Technical University opened its own college “College innovative technologies KSTU" providing services for obtaining secondary specialized education in 11 popular specialties. Since this year, KSTU has become an institution with continuous education.

The university has seven academic buildings, the total area of ​​which is 72 square kilometers. There are several dormitories and large dining halls. The largest dormitory of KSTU is “Armandastar Ordasy”. This dormitory is the largest in the country - designed for 1000 people, built as part of the presidential program “Housing for Students”. Residential sections are designed for 2-3 people. Each room has its own furniture - beds, tables, wireless Internet. Each floor is equipped with homework offices, kitchens and dining rooms with seating for 60 people. There is also a first-aid post, laundry, conference room and even a cinema. The hostel building is very comfortable, as it has everything you need.

There is the largest library in Central Kazakhstan - it contains more than one and a half million copies of books. The library was organized in 1938, more than 100 thousand readers pass through it every year, in addition to books there are more than two million different documents, and the library is replenished annually by 100-170 thousand copies. The university has a research institute consisting of five laboratories equipped with the latest technical capabilities - the latest equipment and software. As of 2017, more than 7,000 electronic textbooks have been developed and are used in universities and colleges.

Studying at our university involves the possibility of academic mobility. The main goal and task of academic mobility is the training of highly qualified personnel from among the most talented youth, practice foreign languages, exchange of experience and expansion of educational services. The university also implements double-diploma education with higher educational institutions in America, Europe and the CIS. Today, there are more than 170 partner universities, some of them are in the TOP-30, and more than 100 students study at these universities under the Bolashak programs. In 2013, in the European ranking of universities, ours took 3453rd place, which is the best among all universities in Kazakhstan.

Karaganda State Technical University is the first and only educational institution, which united 86 systemically important enterprises. A dual training system is being implemented; to increase competitiveness among specialists, 6 centers have also been created for training and retraining employees in popular professions - mining, telecommunications, mechanical engineering, construction and welding.

The university also has multifunctional electronic halls and reading rooms equipped with modern equipment, a language center “Trinity” and an exhibition of inventions of our students and teachers “Innovations of KSTU”.

In 1953, a military department appeared, the first graduating class of reserve officers was 138 people. Today we have an entire military institute, training in which largely replaces military service, because after graduation, students can receive the rank of junior lieutenant and begin serving in government agencies.

Karaganda State Technical University is the university of the first president of Kazakhstan.

Accepts applications for participation in the competition for the award of educational grants from July 23 to July 31. Student enrollment will take place from August 10 to August 28.

The draft Model Rules provide for repeated and additional comprehensive testing.

Reception of documents for participation in repeated comprehensive testing is carried out by universities from August 1 to 8, and testing takes place from August 19 to 24.

Applicants who do not achieve the established threshold score based on the results of repeated comprehensive testing have the opportunity to conditionally enroll in a university on a paid basis for the period until the completion of the first academic period of full-time study.

From June 20 to July 1, applications for creative specialties will be accepted. Creative exams will be held from July 2 to July 7.
Applicants entering teaching specialties will take a special exam in the form of psychological testing. Applications for participation are accepted from June 20 to July 4. The exam will be held from July 5 to July 14.
Acceptance of documents for higher education in accelerated (3.5 years) and for second higher education in shortened (2.5 years) forms of education is carried out from June 20 to August 25.


Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering (AFF), phone 56-78-44

B042000 “Architecture” (2 creative exams)
B042100 “Design” (2 creative exams)
B073000 “11 control of building materials, products and structures” (physics)
B072900 “Construction)) (physics)
B074500 “Transport construction” (physics)
Mining Faculty (GF), phone 56-75-88
B070600 “Geology and exploration of mineral deposits” (physics)
B070700 “Mining” (physics)
B070800 “Oil and gas business” (physics)
13071100 “Geodesy and cartography” (geography)
В073У0 “Life safety and protection environment"(physics)

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (MF), phone 56-54-13

B070900 “Metallurgy” (physics)
B071000 “Materials science and technology of new materials” (physics)
B071200 “Mechanical Engineering” (physics)
B073200 “Standardization and certification (by industry)” (physics)
B072400 “Technological machines and equipment (by industry)” (physics)
B012000 “Vocational training”

Transport and Road Faculty (TDF), phone 56-88-16

B071300 “Transport, transport equipment and technologies” (physics)
B090100 “Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport” (physics)
B090900 “Logistics (by industry)” (geography)

Faculty of Innovative Technologies (FIT), phone 56-54-44

B060200 “Informatics” (physics)
B070300 " Information Systems"(physics)
B070400 “Computer technology and software” (physics)
B070500 “Mathematical and computer modeling” (physics)
5B073700 “Enrichment of mineral deposits” (chemistry)
5B071600 “Biotechnology” (biology)
5B100200 “Information security systems” (physics)
5B072100 “Chemical technology organic matter"(chemistry)

Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management (FIEM), phone 56-52-40

5B051000 “State and local government” (geography)
5В051100 “Marketing” (geography)
5B050700 “Management” (geography)
5B050800 “Accounting and Audit” (1ography)
5B050600 “Economics” (geography)
5В090800 “Evaluation” (geography)
5BO10400 “Initial military training” (2 creative exams)

Faculty of Energy, Automation and Telecommunications (FEAiT), phone 56-54-90

5B070200 “Automation and control” (physics)
5В071700 “Thermal power engineering” (physics)
5B071800 “Electric power engineering” (physics)
5B071900 “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications” (physics)
5B071600 “Instrumentation” (physics)

Military department KSTU is the only department in the central region of Kazakhstan where training is conducted under the reserve officer program for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 6 military specialties.

Faculty of distance learning, phone 56-42-33

POST-GRADUATE EDUCATION, telephone 56-16-13.

Accepts documents for Master's and PhD programs from July 10 to July 30.
Entrance exams from August 1 to August 20. Enrollment is due by August 28.

Address: 100027, Karaganda, B. Mira, 56, Admissions Committee, 56-44-22
Schedule: Monday - Friday from 8.30 to 17.00, Saturday from 8.30 to 15.00
Travel by bus: 1.43, 53; minibuses: 05, 07,13, 23, 28, 29 stop "Polytech". *

The development of the productive forces of Kazakhstan in the post-war fifties, the increased demand for coal and other mineral resources, in connection with the construction of giants of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and the discovery of new promising deposits of iron, copper and other polymetallic ores, acutely highlighted the problem of training engineering personnel in the Central -Kazakhstan region. In 1953, the USSR Council of Ministers adopted a resolution on further expansion and improvement of the training of engineers in mining specialties and the opening of mining institutes in Karaganda, Perm and Tula. Based on this decree and orders of the USSR Ministry of Culture No. 1223 of July 9, 1953 and No. 1274 of July 18, 1953, the Karaganda Mining Institute was organized.

The opening of the mining institute was a major event not only for Karaganda, but also for the entire Central Kazakhstan. Local authorities paid due attention to the young university: temporary premises were allocated for study sessions, and students were accommodated in dormitories of universities and technical schools in the city. Candidate of Technical Sciences Yunus Kadyrbaevich Nurmukhamedov, who worked as an associate professor at the Moscow Mining Institute, was appointed the first director (rector) of the established Karaganda Mining Institute. Yu.K. Nurmukhamedov is one of the first Kazakh mining engineers who graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute in 1934. Candidate of Technical Sciences G.E. was appointed deputy director of the institute. Ivanchenko, who previously headed the Karaganda Mining College for many years.

At the Karaganda Mining Institute, two specialties were initially opened: “Development of mineral deposits” and “Mining electromechanics”. The first intake of 200 students was made in the fall of 1953. Classes were held in the building of one of the vocational education schools on Boulevard Mira, 22, in the premises of the Karaganda Research Coal Institute (KNIUI), located in B. Mikhailovka and in one of the dormitories on the 32nd block.

In the early years, staffing the mining institute with scientific and pedagogical personnel faced great difficulties. The teaching staff in the year the institute opened consisted of 30 people, including 8 candidates of science: Yu.K. Nurmukhamedov, N.F. Bobrov, B.I. Khalepsky, E.A. Guryanova, K.V. Struve, G.E. Ivanchenko, M.P. Tonkonogov, I.A. Trufanov. The first teachers were M.A. Ermekov, Sh.U. Kan, P.I. Kiryukhin, L.L. Timokhina, B.G. Khristenko, S.G. Dyagtyarev, A. Ishmukhamedov, G.I. Moiseev, L.G. Caitlin, V.N. Brinza, N.Ya. Snitkovsky, F.S. Markov, A.P. Lee, S.L. Serov, N.E. Gurin, R.A. Tsareva, I.P. Rybakov, N.E. Sokolov, E.P. Keller, A.E. Yakovlev, A.G. Zdravomyslov, T.E. Gumenyuk. Teachers I.A. Trufanov, B.I. Khalepsky, M.P. Tonkonogov were sent to Karaganda according to the order of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education. Candidate philosophical sciences N.F. Bobrov was recommended for the post of head of the department of Marxism-Leninism by party bodies. After graduating from universities, young specialists arrived at the Mining Institute in the direction of A.B. Akimov, R.A. Tsareva, and Sh.U. Kahn, B.G. Khristenko, A.P. Lee, P.I. Kiryukhin - having experience working in secondary educational institutions and in production.

In subsequent years, the teaching staff was replenished mainly by highly qualified specialists from other universities in the country, experienced specialists from industry and young people who had completed graduate school.

In the 1953-54 academic year, basic departments were created for the training of mining engineers: “Mining of mineral deposits and geology, geodesy and mine surveying” (acting head of the department I.A. Trufanov); “Higher mathematics and theoretical mechanics” (acting head of the department Sh.U. Kan); “Descriptive geometry, graphics and technology of metals”, “Chemistry and Physics” (acting head of the department E.A. Guryanova); “Foreign languages” (head of the department L.L. Timokhina); “Physical education and sports”, “Marxism-Leninism” (acting head of the department N.F. Bobrov); “Military Department” (head, Colonel V.N. Izhik).

Classes in the first year were held in places poorly suited for educational process buildings. Reconstruction was carried out quickly, on our own: two lecture halls, physical and chemical laboratories, geology, geodesy, Marxism-Leninism classrooms, a drawing room, a sports and reading room, and a library room were introduced.

In parallel with this, a material and technical base was created. The Karagandaugol plant provided lathes, milling and other machines for the educational process. Departments, laboratories, offices by the end of the first school year were more or less satisfactorily equipped necessary tools, instruments and equipment.

In 1955 there was a change in leadership. By order of the Ministry higher education USSR No. 351-K dated March 3, 1955, candidate of technical sciences A.S. is appointed rector of the Karaganda Mining Institute. Saginov, who worked as director of KNIUI.

The primary task of that time was the formation of the teaching staff of the institute and the strengthening of its leadership. On the recommendation of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M.L. was appointed to the position of vice-rector. Rudakov, a major specialist in the field of surveying, who at the same time headed the department of surveying. The competition passed: A.G. Polyakov from Sverdlovsk to the position of head. Department of Mine Construction, K.I. Akulov from Lithuania - to the position of head. Department of Marxism-Leninism; candidates of sciences O.V. were elected associate professors. Khoroshev, I.S. Kolotova, N.M. Ananyev and A.A. Snitko from Dnepropetrovsk. The teaching corps was also replenished with experienced production workers: A.N. Lebedev, V.K. Shchedrov, who fruitfully and long time worked at the university.

As the institute became established and developed, it became necessary to search for more drastic measures to form a high-quality teaching staff. The management of the institute chose only the right way training through targeted postgraduate studies. In some years, up to 30 people were sent to targeted postgraduate studies at central universities. Naturally, not everyone successfully completed their studies and returned to university, but overall this course gave positive results, and by the end of the sixties the problem of staffing the teaching staff with candidates of sciences was basically solved.

Considering the problem of providing the institute with qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, it should be said nice words addressed to the Moscow Mining Institute, which, in fact, performed the duties of chief curator. Many graduates of the graduate school of the Moscow Mining Institute worked and continue to work at the university, passing on their wealth of experience to young people.

The successful solution to the problem of training highly qualified personnel was facilitated by the creation at the end of 1966 of a joint Council for the defense of candidate dissertations in several specialties: “Underground development and exploitation of coal, ore and non-metallic deposits”, “Mining machines”, “Metallurgical processes of mining metals”, “Automation” production", "Foundry".

The second date of birth of the institute should be considered the Resolution No. 127 of March 31, 1958 adopted by the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the transformation of the Karaganda Mining Institute into the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute. The opening of the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute was caused by the accelerated development of ferrous metallurgy, mining and mechanical engineering in Central Kazakhstan and the increased need for new engineering specialties. It appeared significant event not only in the life of the city and region, but also of the republic, since at that time it was the first polytechnic institute in Kazakhstan.

The management of the Polytechnic Institute set a course for the accelerated creation of a modern educational and material base. Construction of the main educational and laboratory building has begun, the first steps have been taken in organizing scientific research. It is quite symbolic that at that time the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Academician Kanysh Imantaevich Satpayev, visited the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute.

The year 1958 was doubly significant, since, along with the transformation of the mining institute into a polytechnic institute, the first graduation of 157 polytechnicians took place - mining process engineers and electromechanics. To the credit of the graduates, most of them proved themselves to be highly qualified specialists. So, I.F. Gryaznov, V.A. Topilin, I.T. Volochaev, for many years heading the largest mines of the Karaganda and Donetsk coal basins, ensured the achievement of the highest technical and economic indicators for coal mining; K.N. Adilov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, elected corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan; A.N. Daniyarov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, worked for many years as vice-rector of the institute and headed the department of industrial transport; A.A. Alimbaev, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute market relations; T. Ismagulov, Honorary Citizen of Satpayev, worked as the chief power engineer of the NPO Zhezkazgantsvetmet, Kazakhmys Corporation, and president of Zhezenergo JSC.

At the end of the fifties, on the recommendation of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, technical universities were transferred to a combination of training and work in production. According to this innovation, full-time students worked in production in accordance with their chosen specialty and studied at a university. This combined training system apparently had some advantages in terms of practical training, but in general it created great difficulties in organizing the educational process. Therefore, they quickly abandoned it and switched to the traditional training system with practical training in the summer.

By the beginning of the sixties, the educational process and research work were already carried out in 20 departments: Marxism-Leninism; physicists; higher mathematics; chemistry; foreign languages; geology; descriptive geometry and graphics; theoretical mechanics and strength of materials; physical education; development of mineral deposits; mining machines and mining transport; mining mechanics; construction of mining enterprises; geodesy and surveying; construction production technologies; heating engineering and metallurgical furnaces; general electrical engineering; metal technologies; mine ventilation and safety precautions; economics, organization and planning of mining enterprises. 25 specialized training laboratories and 7 subject rooms were created.

An important role in the formation and development of the Karaganda Mining Polytechnic Institute, and now the State Technical University, was played by the administration, the composition of which is presented below by year.

Nurmukhamedov Yunus Kadyrovich - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor (1953-1955).

Saginov Abylkas Saginovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (1955-1987).

Lazutkin Alexander Grigorievich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (1988-1993).

Piven Gennady Georgievich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (from 1994-2008).

Gazaliev Arstan Maulenovich - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (from 2008 to the present).

Nurmukhamedov Yu.K. (1953-1955) Saginov A.S. (1955-1987) Lazutkin A.G. (1988-1993) Piven G.G. (1994-2008)

Vice-rectors for educational, methodological, scientific and educational work

Ivanchenko Georgy Evtikhievich - deputy. director of educational work, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor (1953-1955).

Rudakov Mikhail Lazarevich - deputy. Director of Education and scientific work, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (1955-1957).

Khoroshev Oleg Vasilievich - vice-rector for academic affairs, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor (1958-1960).

Polyakov Alexander Gavrilovich - vice-rector for scientific work, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor (1959-1961)

Umbetalin Safa Umbetalievich - vice-rector for academic affairs, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor (1960-1963).

Kichigin Anatoly Filippovich - vice-rector for scientific work, doctor of technical sciences, professor (1961-1971).

Khristenko Bogdan Grigorievich - vice-rector for evening and distance learning (1961-1970)

Klimov Boris Grigorievich - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (1963-1968).

Byrka Vladimir Filippovich - vice-rector for academic affairs, doctor of technical sciences, professor (1968-1981).

Daniyarov Asylkhan Nurmukhamedovich - vice-rector for evening and distance learning, doctor of technical sciences, professor (1970-1987).

Lazutkin Alexander Grigorievich - vice-rector for scientific work, doctor of technical sciences, professor (1971-1987).

Grashchenkov Nikolay Fedorovich - vice-rector educational work, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (1981-1990).

Yantsen Ivan Andreevich - vice-rector for scientific work, doctor of technical sciences, professor (1987-2001).

Khodjaev Ravil Sharipovich - vice-rector for evening and distance learning, doctor of technical sciences, professor (1987-1990), vice-rector for academic affairs (1990-1992).

Malybaev Saken Kadyrkenovich - vice-rector for distance learning (1990-1992), vice-rector for educational and methodological work, candidate of technical sciences, professor (1992-1994).

Fazylov Aitkozha Fazylovich - vice-rector for educational work, Ph.D., Associate Professor (1990-1995), Vice-Rector for Education state language(1997-2000), vice-rector for educational work (2000-2002).

Muldagaliev Zora Abuovich - vice-rector for academic affairs, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor (1992-1994).

Nurguzhin Marat Rakhmalievich - vice-rector for academic affairs (1994-1996), first vice-rector, doctor of technical sciences, professor (1996-2004).

Pak Yuri Nikolaevich - vice-rector for educational and methodological work, doctor of technical sciences, professor (from 1994 - 2009).

Gulnara Santaevna Zhetesova - vice-rector for educational and methodological work (2009 - 2010)

Kropachev Petr Aleksandrovich - acting Vice-rector for innovations and educational and methodological work (from July 2010 - December 2010)

Daniyarov Nurlan Asylkhanovich - vice-rector for innovations and educational and methodological work (2010 - 2011)

Akimbekov Azimbek Kyzdarbekovich - vice-rector for scientific work and international relations, doctor of technical sciences, professor (from 2001 - 2008).

Nizametdinov Farit Kamalovich - vice-rector for scientific work and international relations (from 2008 - 2009)

Hamimolda Baurzhan Zheksembekuly - Vice-Rector for Educational Work, Doctor of Technical Sciences. (from 2002 - 2008).

Olga Vladimirovna Bakbardina - vice-rector for educational work (from 2008 -2010)

Baizhumin Daniyar Anuarbekovich - vice-rector for educational work (2010 - 2011)

Ibatov Marat Kenesovich - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs (from 2007-2008)

Egorov Viktor Vladimirovich - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs (from 2009 to present)

Ibatov Marat Kenesovich - first vice-rector (from 2011 to 2012)

Isagulov Aristotle Zeinullinovich - first vice-rector, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, academician of MAIN, corresponding member. AN VShK. (from 2004 to present),

Baizhabaginova Gulzhakhan Abzhanovna - vice-rector for educational work (from 2011 to present)

Ivanchenko G.E. (1953-1955) Rudakov M.L. (1955-1957) Khoroshev O.V. (1958-1960) Polyakov A.G. (1959-1961) Umbetalin S.U. (1960-1963)
Kichigin A.F. (1961-1971) Khristenko B.G. (1961-1970) Klimov B.G. (1963-1968) Byrka V.F. (1968-1981) Daniyarov A.N. (1970-1987)
Grashchenkov N.F. (1981-1990) Yantsen I.A. (1987-2001) Khodjaev R.Sh. (1987-1992) Malybaev S.K. (1990-1994) Fazylov A.F. (1990-1995)
Muldagaliev Z.A. (1992-1994) Nurguzhin M.R. (1994-2004) Isagulov A.Z. (2004-present) Park Y.N. (1994-2009) Akimbekov A.K.(2001-2008)
Hamimolda B.J. (2002-2008) Ibatov M.K. (2007-2008) Zhetesova G. S. (2009 - 2010) Kropachev P.A. (July 2010 - December 2010) Daniyarov N.A. (December 2010-2011)
Nizametdinov F.K. (2008 - 2009) Bakbardina O.V. (from 2008-2010) Egorov V.V. (2008 to present) Baizhabaginova G. A. (2011 to present)

Vice-rectors for administrative and economic affairs

Dyusembayev Mukash Abeldinovich - deputy. director of economic affairs (1953-1955).

Stepanov Gavriil Spiridonovich - deputy. director of economic affairs (1955-1956).

Omarov Kazi Omarovich - deputy. director of economic affairs (1956-1958).

Vladimirov Alexey Vasilievich - deputy. director of economic affairs (1958-1959).

Mayer Alexander Fedorovich - deputy. director of economic affairs (1959-1963).

Pyatetsky Efim Naumovich - vice-rector for administrative and economic work (1963-1967).

Baynazarov Zagit Zakirovich - vice-rector for administrative and economic work (1967-1970).

Lytkin Vladimir Konstantinovich - vice-rector for administrative and economic work (1970-1983).

Beysenov Amankul Akhmetovich - vice-rector for administrative and economic work (1983-1987).

Fomin Viktor Alekseevich - vice-rector for administrative and economic work (1992-1996).

Sandybaev Serik Zainetdinovich - vice-rector for administrative and economic work (1996-1998).

Nikonov Yuri Aleksandrovich - vice-rector for administrative and economic work (1987-1992, 1998-2006).

Petrenko Evgeniy Aleksandrovich - vice-rector for administrative and economic work (from 2006 - 2008).

Dosmagambetov B.Sh. - Vice-Rector for socio-economic issues and administrative and economic work (from 2008-2009)

Aliyev Serik Akzanovich - vice-rector for socio-economic issues and administrative and economic work (from March to April 2008)

Raimkhanov Erlan Madenovich - vice-rector for socio-economic issues and administrative and economic work (from 2009 - 2010)

Toktabaeva Baltash Musaipovna - vice-rector for socio-economic issues and administrative and economic work (from 2010 - 2011)

Zhanagulov Gaziz Kinayatovich - vice-rector for administrative and economic work (from 2012 to present).

Dyusembayev M.A. (1953-1955) Vladimirov A.V. (1958-1959) Mayer A.F. (1959-1963) Pyatetsky E.N. (1963-1967) Baynazarov Z.Z. (1967-1970)
Lytkin V.K. (1970-1983) Beisenov A.A. (1983-1987) Fomin V.A. (1992-1996) Sandybaev S.Z. (1996-1998) Nikonov Yu.A. (1987-1992, 1998-2006)
Petrenko E.A. (from 2006-2008) Toktabaeva B. M. (2010-2011) Zhanagulov G.K. (from 2012 to present)