Aloe - medicinal properties and contraindications. Homemade aloe is a panacea for diseases! Use of the flower for medicinal purposes Where is aloe used?

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Each type of this plant has certain healing properties. Traditional, folk medicine and cosmetology uses several types: aloe vera, aloe vera and aloe vera. Thanks to its juice, which contains many useful substances, the plant received the name “green pharmacy”, ambulance on the windowsill.

Healing properties aloe
The juice of this popular indoor plant contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, as well as nicotinamide, beta-carotene. The dense leaves contain a large amount of natural fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines.

Preparations based on the plant have laxative and choleretic properties. They are able to enhance the secretion of the digestive glands and improve appetite. Due to their properties, these drugs are used in traditional, folk medicine. They are used in treatment chronic forms gastritis, peptic ulcer, various diseases gastrointestinal tract. They are widely used for treatment inflammatory diseases gallbladder, as well as food poisoning.

There are recipes for aloe that are used to produce a healing substance called sabur. To do this, the juice of the plant is specially concentrated and made solid. It is part of medicines having laxative properties.

Since the juice of this indoor evergreen flower has anti-inflammatory and anti-burn properties, it is often used in the treatment purulent wounds, burns of varying degrees, as well as from sun rays. The juice is used to treat trophic ulcers, psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases. After diluting the juice with water, gargle for sore throat, and rinse the nasopharynx for tonsillitis. Relieves painful conditions due to gum inflammation.

A pharmaceutical aqueous extract based on green leaves is used in ophthalmology. They treat blepharitis, conjunctivitis, cataracts, and glaucoma. The extract will also help in the treatment bronchial asthma and some gynecological diseases. Regular use normalizes function urinary system body, helps to alleviate the condition of patients with diabetes.

Traditional recipes for medicines from aloe
In the treatment of diseases digestive system, including peptic ulcers, stomach catarrh, liver ailments, and gall bladder, take 1 tsp. fresh aloe juice at least 3 times before meals (half an hour before).

For herpes rashes, treat damaged skin with fresh or concentrated juice. Also take it orally 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.

Freshly squeezed juice of green leaves is instilled in case of a runny nose, 2-3 drops in each nostril. For cataracts, use juice diluted with clean water(1:10). Place a few drops of the solution in each eye.

This plant is also used for pulmonary tuberculosis. Its fresh juice with honey is taken orally. This remedy is also used to regulate menstruation. In this case, you should drink no more than 10 drops at a time.

To increase immunity, weakened people are also recommended to use a recipe for aloe with honey: Mix 100 ml of freshly squeezed juice, 1/3 cup of chopped walnut kernels, with only bee honey, juice of half a lemon. Leave the mixture aside for a day to infuse. Then eat 1 tbsp each time before meals. l. (adults). Children can eat 1 tsp before meals. mixtures.

Aloe leaves are used to effectively cleanse the body of toxins. To do this, chop 1 kg of fresh leaves of perennial aloe (wash thoroughly first), add 1 kg butter and natural bee honey. Transfer the mixture to an enamel saucepan, boil, then simmer in a water bath for about 20 minutes. After this, wait until the product cools down, take 1 tsp. three times a day, before meals, with 1/4 glass of fresh milk.

For colds, flu, bronchitis, as well as to cleanse the blood, use the recipe for aloe tincture with Cahors: Mince 0.5 kg of fresh leaves, add 3/4 cups of bee honey. Close the lid and store in a dark place for 3 days. After this, add 750 g of Cahors wine, mix well, put in a dark place for another day. Then take 1 tbsp. l 3-4 times a day, before meals.

Before using aloe for medicinal purposes, be sure to follow these guidelines:

Before use, keep the cut leaves of the plant in the refrigerator for several days. During this time, the production of biogenic stimulants occurs, giving the plant medicinal properties.

For medicinal use, use a perennial plant older than one and a half years.

The leaves can be used throughout the year. This does not change the active properties of the plant. Using a sharp knife, cut off the lower leaves that have dried tips, at least 15 cm long. These are the leaves that contain greatest number useful substances. After cutting, rinse the leaves well, dry with a towel and put them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator (where it is not very cold) for a week. After which the leaves can be crushed by passing them through a meat grinder, using gauze to squeeze out the healing juice. You can mix it with alcohol (8:2) and store it in the refrigerator long time.

Since allergies may occur when using aloe independently to treat diseases, consult your doctor first. And also remember that aloe preparations should not be taken if you have cancer, uterine bleeding and pregnancy. Such drugs are contraindicated in case of severe cardiovascular diseases, as well as for cystitis and hemorrhoids. Be healthy!

aloe based remedies

Aloe is one of the oldest medicinal plants known to man. As in past centuries, today it is used for the prevention and treatment of many ailments. You will learn how to prepare healing remedies from aloe at home by reading this article.

Effective healing products based on aloe :

1. To improve metabolism:
It is necessary to thoroughly mix liquid honey (three hundred grams), red wine (four hundred grams) and twenty grams of aloe juice (fresh). After this, you need to put the container with the mixture to infuse in the refrigerator (preferably on the door or bottom shelf). Take the medicine one tablespoon twice a day before meals.

2. For vitamin deficiency and to strengthen the body:
Grind the peeled aloe leaves in a meat grinder walnuts, one medium lemon. After this, add a little butter and liquid honey to the twisted mixture, mix the whole mass again and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Take one teaspoon three times a day before meals.

3. To strengthen the immune system:
To strengthen your immune system, you need to prepare an infusion of aloe and sage. To do this, you need to mix fresh aloe juice and sage infusion (pour a tablespoon of leaves with two glasses of boiling water and wait half an hour) in a ratio of 1:2. Use the infusion in warm three times a day. There is another folk remedy for strengthening the immune system: mix chopped fresh lemon with melted honey (steamed in a water bath) and add one tablespoon of aloe juice and St. John's wort decoction to the mixture.

4. For diseases of the oral cavity:
Prepare aloe pulp by grinding its leaves in a meat grinder or blender, then let the mixture stand for about two hours so that all the juice can drain. Then you need to squeeze out the remaining juice through two to three layers of gauze and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Gargle with juice daily oral cavity for bleeding gums, ulcers, etc. You can also use fresh juice, diluting it with purified water.

5. For gastrointestinal diseases:
To prepare this folk remedy, you need to thoroughly mix the following ingredients in a glass container: fresh aloe juice, olive oil and liquid honey (all in equal parts). After this, you need to slightly heat the entire mixture in a water bath. The composition prepared according to this recipe is stored on the shelf of the refrigerator door and consumed for gastritis and ulcers, one tablespoon per day.

6. For acne:
Soak a gauze pad in aloe juice and apply it to your face for twenty minutes. The duration of the treatment course is from seven to fifteen days.

Homemade cosmetics recipes based on healing aloe vera gel

Nourishing facial gel with aloe vera
For 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel 6 – 7 drops essential oil, any you want ½ teaspoon of vegetable glycerin 3 drops of jojoba oil, olive oil, grape seed oil, any base oil.
Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Apply the gel every day after cleansing.
Moisturizing facial gel can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.

Nourishing mask aloe vera gel base
1 tablespoon dried ground seaweed (available at pharmacies)
1 capsule vitamin E
½ spoon of honey
½ aloe vera gel
Any essential oil
Mix everything thoroughly, add vitamin E from the capsule. Apply the mask not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté. Keep for 20 – 30 minutes, rinse only with warm water. Seaweed, draw out toxins, deeply cleansing the skin, activating blood circulation, giving the skin health and freshness.

Aloe vera gel mask for oily skin
1 teaspoon green clay, dry
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon witch hazel extract
A little bit of water Mix everything and add water to make a thick paste-like mixture.
Apply the mask to the face, neck, décolleté and leave for 15 – 30 minutes.
Green clay is effective specifically for oily skin - it effectively cleanses, removes the stratum corneum, giving the skin smoothness and softness. For this skin type, it is best to use aloe vera juice, without additives, as a toner. Wipe your face with it after applying masks.

Aloe Vera Mask for Dry Skin
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 beaten egg yolk
Mix everything and apply the mask to the face and neck, leave for 15 - 25 minutes, then wash with warm water. Then apply a moisturizer to your skin, as egg whites tighten the skin.

Soothing mask with aloe vera gel for sensitive skin.
1 tbsp aloe vera gel
3 tablespoons aloe vera gel
2 drops rose essential oil
Half a tablespoon of honey
Mix everything, apply the mask to the face, neck and décolleté, keep for 10 - 15 minutes, then wash with warm water. Rose oil, calms, stops inflammatory processes, perfect for aging, dry and sensitive skin.

Moisturizing lip gloss made from aloe vera gel
1 teaspoon Vaseline
1 teaspoon aloe vera gel
Half a teaspoon of coconut oil.
Essential oil, according to your preference.
In dishes for microwave ovens, mix coconut oil, Vaseline, add gel and mix again. Place in the microwave and heat for 2 – 3 minutes. Pour the still hot mixture into a wide-necked bottle. Coconut oil moisturizes, aloe vera nourishes, and Vaseline forms a protective layer to prevent chapped lips.

Soothing aftershave gel
2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
From half a tablespoon of hemamalis extract, separate another half and add it to the gel.
4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar(natural)
5 drops essential oil of your choice
Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Apply to skin with a cotton pad and store in the refrigerator.

Biostimulated aloe juice for hair, youth and immunity
Biostimulated aloe juice is especially effective – it activates regeneration and nourishes the skin.
Leaves must be at least 3 years old
Aloe vera or aloe is not watered for two weeks, then cut off at the root, wrapped in dark paper and placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for 2 weeks.
Which activates the formation of special substances - biogenic biostimulants, which activate cellular activity. This the best remedy, for rejuvenation and prevention of early aging. Benefits of biostimulated aloe juice:
Relieves dandruff
Heals hair, giving it shine and silkiness
Stimulates hair growth
Soothes irritation, relieves redness, moisturizes, tones the skin
Promotes rapid healing of wounds and burns
Prevents the formation of wrinkles
Biostimulated aloe vera juice can be used undiluted or added to masks for the face, body or hair.
Then we take out the aloe leaves, rinse with boiled water at room temperature and grind in a meat grinder (you can squeeze out the juice in a screw juicer) or grind the leaves into gauze and squeeze through gauze and use as needed. Excess juice can be frozen, stored in the freezer, and defrosted as needed.
You can prepare an immunostimulating mixture:
You need 100 grams of juice
500 g walnuts 300 g honey
Juice of 3 – 4 medium lemons.
Combine all components and mix thoroughly. Take a dessert spoon 3 times every day, half an hour before meals.

Recipes for hair masks based on aloe or aloe vera juice

Stimulate hair growth
Mask with aloe vera juice and oils
Mix: ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp aloe 1 lemon juice
Half a teaspoon of orange and lavender essential oil
Rub the mask into the roots of your hair, put on a shower cap, wrap it in a terry towel, leave it on for half an hour, and wash your hair.

Mask with serum, aloe juice and castor oil.
Just 1 teaspoon of aloe juice
Castor oil
Vitamins A and E in capsules, one at a time
One yolk
Mix everything and rub into the hair roots, leave for 40 minutes.

Hair loss masks
1 tablespoon Garlic juice
Aloe juice
Onion juice
1 teaspoon mustard powder
1 ampoule of vitamins B1 and B6
1 egg yolk
Rub the mixture into the roots, apply the remainder to the entire length of the hair strands. Wrap your head and leave for an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Honey-yolk mask with aloe vera juice
One yolk 3 tablespoons aloe juice
Table spoon of honey
Mix everything well, rub into the roots, leave for 20 - 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
You can also freeze aloe vera juice in special ice cube trays and wipe your face every morning to rejuvenate and prevent fine wrinkles.
On the picture:
1 Agave
2 Aloe Vera

Botanists count about 500 varieties of this plant, but not all of them can be considered equally useful. In the wild, this shrub grows in desert areas, so its leaves store a large amount of life-giving moisture and valuable active substances, which will help it survive during periods of long drought.

The aloe leaves themselves are covered with a thin, dense film to reduce evaporation. Only 15 varieties of this shrub are used in medicine and cosmetology. The most valuable types:

  • aloe vera (vera);
  • aloe vera;
  • aloe vera;
  • soapy.

Attention: Aloe vera and aloe vera are the most common varieties of this plant in Russian apartments. They do not require careful care, grow quickly and produce a lot of succulent leaves.

How to choose a leaf for cutting?

Not every tree and not every leaf has beneficial properties.. Plants ideal for extracting valuable nectar are between 2 and 4 years old. Suitable leaves are lower, fleshy, reaching a length of at least 15 cm.

How to cut it correctly?

Simple rules for cutting leaves:

Not only the lower fleshy leaves are subject to cutting. Dry, damaged and dead leaves must be removed promptly to maintain the health of the plant..

How to squeeze out the liquid and prepare the product?


The bitter juice of the southern bush has been famous for its benefits for many hundreds of years.. The article discusses in detail how to squeeze the leaves at home to extract juice from them. However, it is necessary to understand that aloe juice is a very active substance that has many contraindications. Before taking the product orally, you should consult your doctor to avoid possible side effects and enjoy only the benefits.

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Aloe or “agave” is familiar to many from childhood, as indoor plant and as a means home first aid kit. It is bred not only at home, but also on an industrial scale due to its healing properties. Aloe juice is a natural storehouse of numerous substances beneficial to the human body. People have long noticed the medicinal qualities of the plant and made friends with it. Over time and official medicine began to actively use preparations containing extracts from this representative of the succulent family.

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Aloe vera juice is nature's pharmacy. It contains about 30 microelements (K, Ca, P, Fe, Na, Mg, Zn, etc.), vitamins, amino acids, tannins, monosaccharides and polysaccharides, phytoncides, catechins, glycosides, plant steroids and other substances.

It is produced on an industrial scale containing 80% natural aloe juice. It is also available in the form of Aloe Vera Juice NSP dietary supplement from the Nature’s Sunshine campaign containing 48.4 g of lower leaf pulp concentrate. A series of juices and gels with fruit fillings is produced by Forever Living Products.

Aloe juice is also produced in the form of crystals (sabur). This is the pulp of leaves boiled and dried to dryness, which has the maximum concentration of useful substances.

The healing properties of aloe juice are actively used in medicine


For a long time, aloe juice has been used to combat inflammatory phenomena in the body. They used it to treat skin defects, add it to tea, and prepare vitamin mixtures. Women are happy to use aloe as a diet supplement because of its laxative properties, they use it with their hands and. Pharmacology, having studied the composition of a natural medicine, uses it as an ingredient in many medicines.

What does it help with?

Hair products are very popular. Shampoos and balms improve the quality of hair follicles, reduce the formation of dandruff, moisturize the scalp, and add shine to the hair. Soaps, shower gels, body lotions soothe inflamed skin and reduce dryness. Hygienic lipstick eliminates chapped lips and softens them.

Self-produced aloe juice has positive reviews for use in skin and hair care. At home, you can freeze ice cubes with its additives and wipe your face with them. You can also wipe the skin with a cut of an agave leaf. It is good to rub the pulp of the leaves into the scalp: this will give your hair shine.

Instructions for preparation, administration and storage

Succulent juice is extracted industrially and at home. Instructions pharmaceutical drug company VIFITEH "Aloe juice" (95% alcohol tincture) contains the following recommendations:

  • apply in complex treatment for enterocolitis, chronic constipation, orally 30 minutes before meals, a teaspoon (5 ml) 2-3 times a day for 15-30 days;
  • for purulent skin manifestations Irrigate the affected areas or apply lotions to them.

Aloe juice in the form of sabur has the following instructions for use:

  • use small doses (0.03-0.1 g) as a laxative; they can be combined with rhubarb preparations - after 6-12 hours a gentle, complete bowel movement will occur;
  • for rapid emptying (drastic effect), doses of 0.2-0.5 g are used, repeating large doses is allowed no more than 3-5 days;
  • as a choleretic agent for liver and gastrointestinal problems, it is used in doses of 0.01-0.015 g.

Sabur crystals are dissolved in water before use.

How to cook at home?

How to store?

It is more correct to use aloe juice immediately after preparation. If you plan to make the preparation for future use, you should know how to properly store aloe juice. The period should not exceed a week. The pomace should be placed in a sterile container or airtight container, then refrigerated.

It is believed that cut aloe leaves, when stored in a cool, damp place, increase their bioactivity and trigger the synthesis of biologically active substances.


The main contraindication for any products and drugs is individual intolerance. Aloe juice also has specific contraindications, because... has high bioactivity and a pronounced laxative effect.

IMPORTANT! If the uterus is toned in pregnant women and starting from the seventh month of pregnancy, the use of aloe juice is prohibited due to the threat of miscarriage.

  • tendency to bleeding, incl. too heavy menstruation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • cystitis;
  • acute phases of gastrointestinal diseases,
  • exacerbation of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • sudden jumps in blood pressure.

For people with chronic diseases, especially during their exacerbation, the use of recipes with aloe juice must be agreed with a doctor.

Is there any harm from this plant?

The high level of biologically active substances in aloe juice determines its benefits and harms. Caution must be exercised in case of unclear diagnoses, exacerbations of chronic pathologies, diseases of the central nervous system (epilepsy, abnormal excitability), while expecting a child and breastfeeding.

In large doses, the juice can act as a toxin and cause intestinal irritation. accompanied by pain and uncontrollable diarrhea (sometimes with blood). It should not be taken for cracks and ulcers in the intestines.

The biological activity of the substance accelerates internal metabolic processes, therefore, can cause the growth of benign and malignant neoplasms, especially if the plant squeeze contains leaf skin. Aloin contained in it becomes a carcinogen in large quantities.

To avoid problems with bowel movements in infants, breastfeeding women need to be careful. In addition, increased doses of biologically active substances in milk disrupt the formation immune system infant.

ATTENTION! Children under 3 years of age should not be given oral medications containing aloe juice or extract.

Useful video

Aloe juice promotes tissue regeneration, stimulates the body's defenses, and has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects:


  1. Traditional healers speak positively about aloe vera juice; their reviews describe many diagnoses for which this substance is an aid in complex treatment.
  2. Due to its rich chemical composition, the juice is an immunoprotector, a natural vitamin complex, antiseptic, mild laxative, metabolism stimulant.
  3. used externally and internally, and also as an ingredient cosmetics skin and hair care.
  4. It's affordable and inexpensive remedy from your home medicine cabinet, it can be used in the form of tincture, crystals or homemade squeeze.
  5. The substances included in the composition have high bioactivity, therefore they have a number of contraindications and adverse reactions.
  6. Long courses of administration and increased doses must be agreed with your doctor.

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Aloe is a common indoor flower, characterized by high vitality and beneficial effects on the human body. Traditional healers used parts of this plant to treat many diseases more than 3 thousand years ago. The juice from the fleshy leaves continues to be used today. Let's find out why aloe is so valuable and what ailments it can cope with.

Benefits of the flower

Aloe is a genus of perennial plants classified as succulents. In its natural environment it grows in Africa, southwest Asia and the island of Madakascar. Thanks to its decorative qualities and ease of care, it was loved in northern countries and began to be grown as an indoor flower. It soon became clear that it has another advantage - the healing effect of the juice, which is contained in abundance in the fleshy leaves of the plant.

In nature, aloe grows in hot climates, so it is sometimes confused with a cactus


Aloe leaves contain:

  • beta-carotene (provitamin A);
  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine);
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • glycosides (emodin, nataloin and aloin);
  • antioxidants.

Antioxidants are substances that prevent harmful effects free radicals by suppressing oxidation processes in the body.

Phytoncides were also found in the juice of this plant. This is the name for substances that can kill microbes or suppress their reproduction.

Medicinal properties, effect on the body

Due to the rich composition of aloe leaves, the following medicinal properties can be distinguished:

  • wound healing;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • antiulcer;
  • anti-burn;
  • stool laxative;
  • antimicrobial (it is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic).

Aloe can be used both topically (drop into the eyes, smear the skin, gums) and orally (through the mouth). It is sometimes used as a subcutaneous injection. Juice squeezed from its leaves speeds up the healing of wounds and disinfects them. The plant helps with inflammatory eye and skin diseases. Thanks to high content glycoside juice, consumed orally, improves heart function and restores the gastric mucosa, stopping inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Aloin has a mild laxative effect.

The vitamins and antioxidants contained in the plant pulp have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin. Aloe is credited with a rejuvenating effect on the body. And some experts believe that its juice can be taken for prevention oncological diseases. Traditional healers recommend using aloe to alleviate the condition of people already suffering from cancer.

Are all types of aloe medicinal?

There are more than 250 species of aloe, but only 15 of them are considered medicinal. To obtain medicinal raw materials, the following are most often used:

  • aloe vera;
  • aloe vera;
  • aloe Sokotra;
  • Aloe is awesome.

The use in medicine of such popular species as aloe spinosa, variegated and spotted is not mentioned anywhere, since in medicinal purposes they are not used.

Any plant has healing properties, although in varying degrees. And if some types of flower are unsuitable for the production of medicinal raw materials on an industrial scale, this does not mean that they are completely devoid of benefits. There's just less of it. Therefore, owners of spotted, variegated and awned aloe should not despair: you can still prepare the juice and treat yourself and your loved ones with it. So, on the advice of a doctor, I used tiger aloe juice to treat rhinitis in my 5-month-old daughter. The product helped to clear the nose of accumulated mucus, because after instilling it you want to constantly sneeze. It is often impossible to use an aspirator to suck out snot: the mucous membrane suffers from this. And thanks to tiger aloe, which is not even considered a medicinal plant, the baby breathed freely.

Photo gallery: medicinal types of aloe

Aloe vera and aloe vera (Barbados) are the names of the same plant, which is rarely grown as indoor flower Aloe vera intimidata is also known among gardeners as aloe vera dire. Aloe arborescens is a popular indoor plant called agave. Aloe sokontra is not grown at home

For what diseases is the flower useful?

Healing succulent juice is used to treat:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract chronic course(gastritis, colitis, enteritis);
  • constipation and hemorrhoids(if they don't bleed);
  • diseases of the oral cavity of inflammatory nature (stomatitis, gingivitis);
  • inflammatory skin diseases (pyoderma, psoriasis, eczema and various dermatitis);
  • 2nd and 3rd degree burns;
  • symptoms of acute respiratory diseases (runny nose, cough);
  • joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis);
  • eye diseases (inflammation of the ocular vessels, conjunctivitis, keratitis, progressive myopia);
  • gynecological diseases (thrush, vulvitis, colpitis, mastitis).

Aloe is used in almost all areas of medicine. Its medicinal properties are valued in dermatology, gynecology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology and dentistry. The benefits of the plant are proven by the fact that its use is not limited to traditional medicine: many pharmaceutical companies use succulent juice to create medicines used in traditional medical practice.

Healing aloe vera juice is sold in pharmacies

Aloe in cosmetology

Cosmetologists also found aloe very effective. The juice of this succulent is used for:

  • acne treatment;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • production of body care products;
  • skin moisturizing;
  • fight against stretch marks.

It is believed that agave stimulates hair growth, restores its structure and gets rid of dandruff.

Possible harm and side effects

Despite the benefits it provides to our body, plant juice can be harmful if used inappropriately. For internal use of products based on it, the following contraindications exist:

  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • diarrhea;
  • hemorrhoids accompanied by bleeding;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary and urinary organs;
  • inflammatory processes in the liver and gall bladder;
  • individual hypersensitivity to aloe;
  • age up to 3 years.

There are no contraindications for external use, with the exception of hypersensitivity to agave juice.

Side effects

When using aloe juice topically, the following allergic reactions may develop:

  • redness;
  • burning;
  • rash;
  • swelling of the skin (mucous membrane of the eye).

Taking the drug internally causes a rush of blood to the walls internal organs, which can cause internal bleeding. Internal use of agave leaves by pregnant women can lead to miscarriage.

Drug interactions

When using aloe internally:

  • the effect of simultaneously taken laxatives is enhanced;
  • the effectiveness of treatment with agents that stimulate hematopoiesis increases;
  • Potassium deficiency develops when used simultaneously with licorice root, corticosteroids (aldosterone, hydrocortisone, betamethasone), diuretics (Furosemide, Indapamide).

Hypokalemia (lack of potassium in the body) can also develop from prolonged ingestion of aloe juice. This may increase the effect of antiarrhythmic drugs (Novocainamide, Quinidine) and cardiac glycosides (Digoxin, Korglykon).


Excessive consumption of aloe juice orally can cause an overdose, which manifests itself in the form of:

  • poisoning (nausea, vomiting, upset stool);
  • acute enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine);
  • nagging, burning pain in the rectal area;
  • diarrhea mixed with films and blood clots;
  • hemorrhagic nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys, accompanied by the release of blood into the urine);
  • termination of pregnancy.

If symptoms of overdose appear, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe symptomatic treatment.


Aloe is popular in both folk and official (traditional) medicine. Its juice can act as an independent remedy against many ailments, and sometimes it is included in preparations with complex effects. In cosmetology, aloe extract is added to care products to improve appearance skin and hair. You can buy aloe juice and other aloe products at a pharmacy, store, or prepare it yourself if you grow agave at home.

Scope of application of aloe in official medicine

Many drugs have been created based on aloe juice. Depending on the purpose, they are available in different dosage forms.

Table: a brief overview of the release forms of aloe preparations and methods of their use

Release formCompoundIndicationsContraindicationsMode of applicationPrice
  • liquid aloe extract - 80%;
  • ethanol 95-20%.
  • constipation caused by spasms or lack of intestinal tone;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (enterocolitis, colitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis).
  • gastric ulcer in the acute phase;
  • hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.
Take orally before meals with a small amount of water.A 50 ml bottle costs about 100 rubles.
Concentrated aloe vera juice (contains 10 times more active ingredients).
  • burns;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • boils;
  • acne;
  • frostbite;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen planus;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • wounds and cuts;
  • hematomas (bruises);
  • alopecia (baldness);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • scars and scars, stretch marks.
Allergy to the composition of the drug.
Pregnancy and lactation period are not contraindications, since the product is intended for external use.
External use: lotions, compresses, lubrication of affected skin areas.The price of a 50 ml bottle is on average 250 rubles.
Aloe extract in ampoulesExtract (liquid) obtained from the leaves of Aloe arborescens (agagave).
  • inflammation choroid eyes;
  • myopia;
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids);
  • conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye);
  • iritis (inflammation of the iris);
  • endophthalmitis;
  • cataract;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • women's diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • severe heart disease;
  • renal failure;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • gastrointestinal diseases in the acute phase;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
Liquid extract in ampoules is intended for injection. It is permissible to inject the product into the muscle, under the skin and into the gum.Aloe extract in ampoules 1 ml (10 pieces per package) - about 150 rubles.
Aloe liniment
  • aloe leaf juice;
  • castor oil;
  • eucalyptus essential oil.
  • kraurosis of the vulva;
  • 2nd and 3rd degree burns;
  • inflammatory skin diseases(eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, lichen);
  • prevention and treatment of skin lesions due to radiation therapy.
  • age up to 1 year;
  • hypersensitivity to the composition.

Since the drug is used externally, it can be used by pregnant and lactating women.

External use: lubricating the affected areas of the skin and applying occlusive dressings (the treated skin is covered with a film and tied with a bandage).Tube 30 g - about 90 rubles.

Photo gallery: aloe preparations produced by pharmaceutical companies

Aloe vera juice is intended for internal consumption, but people also use it externally. Aloe vera gel is concentrated juice, which contains 10 times more nutrients According to the instructions, liquid aloe extract should be administered subcutaneously, but it is also prescribed for intramuscular injection Liniment is used only externally to treat skin diseases.

Aloe in folk medicine

Traditionally, tree aloe is used in folk medicine. The greatest benefit is obtained from juice squeezed from the long (from 15 cm) lower and middle leaves of a two- or three-year-old plant, which has not been watered for 2 weeks before collecting the raw materials. The time of year does not affect the healing properties of aloe. Agave juice can be used as an independent remedy for internal and external use or used for cooking folk remedies.

Only adult agave plants are suitable for collecting sap.

Table: methods of using aloe juice in its pure form

DiseaseCooking methodMode of applicationDuration of treatment
Stomatitis and gingivitisIngredients:
  • aloe juice - 50 ml;
  • water - 50 ml.

Mix the ingredients in a glass.

Rinse your mouth three times a day.Until the symptoms of inflammation disappear.
Stomach ulcer (to prevent exacerbation) and coughIngredients:
  • 1 tsp. aloe juice;
  • 1 tsp. honey.

Mix the ingredients.

Take morning and evening 30 minutes before meals.2 months.
AcneYou will need:
  • a piece of gauze;
  • aloe juice

Soak gauze with juice.

Do daily lotions for 20–30 minutes.1 month.
Colds on the lips, herpetic rashesJuice.Apply to affected lips 5-6 times a day.Until the symptoms of the disease pass + another 2–3 days.
ConstipationOnly juice.Drink 50 ml of juice before bed. If it doesn’t help, drink 60 ml the next day. Increase the dose every day until the intestines are cleared.The product is taken once.
Juice.Take 2 tsp daily during breakfast and lunch. juice and wash them down with fruit juice or water.2 months.
Runny noseFresh juice.Drip three times a day, 1-2 drops into each nostril.Until the runny nose disappears.

Preparation and use of biostimulated juice

Step-by-step instruction for preparing biostimulated aloe juice:

  1. Rinse the plucked leaves and dry them with a paper towel.
  2. Place them in a glass container and cover with paper.
  3. Place in the refrigerator.
  4. After 2 weeks, remove the leaves and remove the blackened parts.
  5. Squeeze the juice and collect it in a glass jar.

When the plant enters unfavourable conditions and its vital activity begins to fade away, the production of special substances occurs. They are called biogenic stimulants. They are able to bring dying cells back to life.

Biostimulated juice:

  • lubricate the scalp to treat alopecia and accelerate hair growth;
  • treat acne, inflamed or burned skin;
  • wipe the face to eliminate wrinkles.

This juice is also used instead of the usual juice for preparing ointments, creams, compresses and others at home. medicines for external use.

For long-term storage, mix biostimulated juice with medical alcohol in a 4:1 ratio. In this form, the product will be suitable for use for about a year.

Aloe tincture

To prepare the tincture you will need the following ingredients:

  • vodka - 2 parts;
  • honey - 1 part;
  • fresh aloe juice - 1 part;
  • water - 4 parts.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Place in a water bath.
  3. Bring the temperature of the mixture to 70 o C.
  4. Remove from the stove, cool and store in the refrigerator.

This tincture is used externally to treat:

  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism.

A small amount of tincture is warmed in a warm place and rubbed into the back or joints. Then cover the smeared area with film and secure it with a warm scarf. The compress with the tincture is left overnight twice a week. The course of treatment is 4–6 weeks.

Taking the tincture internally helps treat:

  • colds;
  • tuberculosis;
  • stomach ulcers (during remission).

To do this you need to take 1 tsp. tinctures 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe for making aloe gel at home:

  1. Cut the agave leaves and place them vertically for 10–15 minutes to drain the juice.
  2. Cut the leaves in half and use a spoon to scrape off inside a mass similar to transparent and white mucus.
  3. Collect all the gel from the leaves and whisk it until the mixture is smooth.
  4. Place the jar of gel in the refrigerator. There it can be stored for 2-3 weeks.
  5. To increase shelf life, add 500 mg of vitamin C powder or 1 capsule of vitamin E for every 60 ml of gel.

Aloe leaf gel is applied in the same way as juice. But it is more concentrated, so to prepare folk remedies you need to take 5 times less of it.

In fact, the gel obtained in this way is not a gel. Carefully read the instructions for use of the gel produced by pharmaceutical companies. It states that the drug is obtained by evaporating 90% of the water from the juice squeezed from aloe vera leaves. Only by evaporating the liquid can a concentrated product be obtained. Moreover, the gel itself, sold in pharmacies, is more like juice: it is liquid. The gel obtained at home is gelatinous and more reminiscent of what is called “gel” in everyday life. But there is no more benefit in it than in juice. It can be used internally, while the gel from the pharmacy can only be used externally due to the high concentration of active substances.

How to make aloe oil

Oils infused with medicinal plants, are called macerates. Step-by-step instructions for preparing aloe macerate:

  1. Pour 90 ml of cold-pressed olive oil into a glass jar. It can be replaced with wheat germ oil or unrefined sunflower oil.
  2. Pick the aloe leaves and let the juice drain.
  3. Cut the leaves into long, thin slices.
  4. Place 10 aloe leaf blades in a jar of oil.
  5. Close the jar tightly and place it in a dark place. It shouldn't be cold or hot there.
  6. Shake the jar several times a day.
  7. After 14 days, strain the oil and pour it into a clean jar.

To prepare aloe macerate, it is advisable to use biostimulated juice. To increase its effectiveness, you can also add essential oils of citrus plants or thyme, rosemary (15 drops per 90 ml of macerate).

This remedy is used to treat:

  • stomatitis and gingivitis (macerate is rubbed into the gums 3 times a day);
  • burns (oil is applied to the burned skin several times a day);
  • inflammatory skin diseases (pyoderma, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea).

Aloe macerate should not be used internally.

Water infusion of aloe

Step-by-step instructions for preparing aloe infusion with water:

  1. Grind the washed agave leaves.
  2. Fill the resulting slurry with water. It should be 5 times more than leaves.
  3. Let it brew for 1 hour.
  4. Place over low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes.
  5. Remove the product from the heat, cool and strain.

Aloe infusion is taken for gastritis and inflammatory bowel diseases, 50 ml three times a day before meals. It is used to make lotions on wounds, burns and other skin damage.

Thanks to beneficial properties aloe began the industrial production of drinks with its juice, which can also be drunk to prevent exacerbation of peptic ulcers

Aloe ointment

Cooking method:

  1. Squeeze aloe juice.
  2. Melt the interior lard and cool.
  3. Add 1 part aloe juice to 3 parts lard.
  4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Store in the refrigerator for 1 month.

An ointment made from aloe juice helps with chronic diseases skin. It is used to treat and prevent exacerbation of eczema, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.

Video: folk recipes with aloe

Aloe in cosmetology

Thanks to its regenerating, moisturizing, antioxidant and rejuvenating effects, aloe has found wide use in cosmetology. You can purchase ready-made cosmetics or prepare it yourself. To do this, you will need your own squeezed agave juice or juice purchased at a pharmacy. You can also use gel, but you need to take 10 times less of it.

Table: recipes for facial and hair care products using aloe

Name of the product and its purposeWhat you need for cookingStep-by-step cooking instructionsHow to use
Night cream for dry skin
  • aloe juice - 30 ml;
  • vitamin E - 5 ml;
  • beeswax - 2 g;
  • avocado oil - 30 ml;
  • geranium essential oil - 3 drops.
  1. Mix juice, vitamin and oils.
  2. Warm the wax until it becomes soft and add it to the mixture.
  3. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Transfer to a jar and refrigerate.
Every day before going to bed, apply the cream to cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté. You can use this product continuously.
Lotion for oily skin
  • vodka - 5 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1 ml;
  • Agave juice - 30 ml;
  • boiled water at room temperature - 50 ml.
Place all ingredients in a jar and shake thoroughly. Store the product in the refrigerator.Wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in lotion after washing your face in the morning and evening. Special attention Focus on the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin).
Lotion for sensitive skin
  • 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry sage herb;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh parsley;
  • 45 ml aloe juice.
  1. Boil water in a saucepan.
  2. Add sage and chamomile to the water.
  3. Boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and add parsley.
  5. Let cool.
  6. Strain.
  7. Add agave juice.
  8. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator.
Use daily as you would regular lotion. This product will not cause skin irritation or allergies.
Lotion for dry skin
  • 100 ml cold pressed olive oil;
  • 60 ml agave juice.
Mix the ingredients and store in the refrigerator.Since the product is greasy, use it only before bed. When you wake up, you will feel that your skin has become moisturized, soft and tender.
Pore-tightening lotion against blackheads
  • 1 tsp. dried chamomile flowers;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E;
    3 drops of peppermint essential oil;
  • 30 ml agave juice;
  • 200 ml water.
  1. Boil water and pour it over the chamomile flowers.
  2. Leave until cool, strain.
  3. Add remaining ingredients.
  4. Stir and refrigerate.
Wipe your face with lotion every time after washing. Pay special attention to the T-zone.
Anti-acne face mask
  • 5 ml aloe juice;
  • 5 ml honey.
Mix the ingredients.Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin and leave for 10–15 minutes. Do it every day until the acne disappears. Next - 2 times a week for prevention.
Anti-oily face mask
  • white of one egg;
  • 5 ml aloe juice.
  1. Beat the whites.
  2. Add juice.
  3. mix.
Apply to cleansed skin and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off. The mask can be made whenever you need to remove oily shine.
Moisturizing mask for normal to oily skin
  • 1 tsp. cream if the skin is normal, or milk if it is oily;
  • 1 tsp. aloe leaf juice.
Mix the ingredients.Distribute evenly over the face and leave until completely dry. Rinse off with warm water. Make a mask twice a week.
Rejuvenating ice
  • biostimulated agave juice - 1 part;
  • boiled cooled water - 1 part.
  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Pour into ice trays.
  3. Place in the freezer and let harden.
Use 1 cube every morning. Rub your face with it until the ice melts. Don't use a towel. In order for the beneficial components to be well absorbed, the moisture must dry out on its own.
Mask to accelerate hair growth
  • 75 ml aloe juice;
  • 30 ml burdock oil;
  • 60 ml pepper tincture.
Mix the ingredients and heat in the microwave to 36-37 degrees (30 seconds is enough).Rub this composition 2 times a week before washing your hair. Warm your head with a plastic bag and a terry towel. Keep it for 30–40 minutes. Then wash off with shampoo.
Mask for moisturizing dry hair
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. fat kefir;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. aloe juice;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E.
Mix and heat to 37 degrees.Distribute the mixture over the entire length of your hair and leave under a warming bandage for 1 hour. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo.
Mask against hair loss
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cognac;
  • 3 tbsp. l. agave juice;
  • 3 tbsp. l. fresh honey.
Mix the ingredients and heat to body temperature.Every time before washing your hair, rub this mask into the roots of your hair. Warm your head with a bag and a towel. Keep for 1 hour. Rinse it off. Use cool water to rinse and comb your hair only after it is dry. Hot water and combing wet curls provoke more active hair loss.
A product for the treatment and prevention of stretch marks
  • olive oil;
  • aloe juice;
  • natural ground coffee.

The amount of ingredients is selected experimentally.

Mix aloe juice with ground coffee to a paste-like consistency.Apply the paste to the problem area and rub it vigorously with your hands for 5 minutes. Then leave the mixture on your body for another 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and then apply a thin layer of olive oil to the skin.
Anti-cellulite remedy
  • 50 ml lemon juice;
  • 100 ml aloe juice.
Mix the ingredients.Apply the composition to problem areas and wrap in cling film. Put on warm clothes and lie there under a warm blanket for 1 hour. For the product to work well, you need to sweat a lot: the juice penetrates better through open pores. Therefore, while wrapping, you can do physical exercise. Then accept cold and hot shower. With daily procedures, the effect will be noticeable within a month.
Eyelash growth product
  • 1 tsp. agave juice;
  • 1 tsp. castor oil.
Mix the ingredients and pour the mixture into a washed tube from old mascara.Every day before going to bed, apply the product to your eyelashes with a brush.

Video: face mask with aloe + before and after photos

For three centuries now, aloe juice has been used by mankind to treat inflammatory diseases of internal organs and skin, as an adaptogenic and biostimulating agent. About 300 species of aloe have been found in nature, many of them are used to one degree or another for medicinal purposes, but the most popular are two species - tree aloe (Aloe arborescens) and real aloe (Aloe vera).

Aloe leaves and juice contain anthracene derivatives, B vitamins, microelements, barbaloin, isobarbaloin, ascorbic acid, resinous substances, succinic acid, bitterness, polysaccharides, traces of essential oil.

Aloe juice has the following effects on the body:

  • Immunostimulating and general biostimulating. These effects are explained by the formation of biogenic stimulants in the feedstock when low temperature and in the dark. The phenomenon of the formation of biostimulants was discovered and scientifically substantiated by the Soviet academician V.P. Filatov, who proposed a method for obtaining biostimulants by keeping aloe in a dark place at a temperature of +5+8°C for 12 days or more. These substances can increase the body's defenses and enhance tissue regeneration.
  • Wound healing and anti-inflammatory. Aloe juice accelerates the healing process and is used externally in the treatment of eye diseases, purulent wounds, cellulitis and burns. The juice is taken orally for hypoacid gastritis, enterocolitis, gastroenteritis, stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases. It is also used in cosmetology to get rid of acne and make the skin smooth.
  • Bacteriostatic and bactericidal. The juice has a detrimental effect on streptococci, staphylococci, corynebacterium diphtheria and other pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Choleretic– aloe juice has a significant effect on the functioning of the liver and gall bladder, therefore, in case of pathologies of these organs, it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking the juice.
  • Laxative. This effect is achieved not only by fresh, but also by dried aloe juice – sabur. Sabur is also able to stimulate digestion, which is explained by the presence of anthraglycosides in it.

Medicines with aloe juice

In pharmacies you can buy aloe vera juice in bottles, which is obtained by mixing the juice from freshly picked leaves of the plant with 95% ethyl alcohol. The juice is used to treat purulent wounds, gastrointestinal diseases. It is also prescribed for anemia, periodontal disease, and runny nose.

Aloe juice is included in some complex preparations:

  • Aloe liniment– its main components: juice from fresh biostimulated aloe leaves, castor oil and eucalyptus oil. Liniment is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of skin lesions in patients undergoing radiation therapy for malignant neoplasms. Liniment is also effective in the treatment of 2nd-3rd degree burns and other skin diseases.
  • Liniment "Alorom"– consists of aloe juice, liquid extracts of chamomile and calendula, castor and eucalyptus oils, menthol. Liniment is used to treat post-traumatic arthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, myositis, bruises and hematomas, and to prevent bedsores.
  • Aloe syrup– mixture sugar syrup with aloe juice. Prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Aloe syrup with iron– add a solution of iron trichloride, citric and diluted hydrochloric acid to the aloe juice syrup. The syrup is prescribed for the treatment of hypochromic anemia and in the complex treatment of radiation sickness.

Also used aloe extract liquid, which is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in the form of an oral solution and in ampoules for injection. The liquid extract is prescribed in combination with other drugs for the treatment of gynecological diseases, gastric ulcers, eye diseases (atrophy optic nerve, conjunctivitis, vascular disorders), bronchial asthma. It is possible to use the extract for trophic ulcers, epilepsy, diseases of the nervous system, chronic arthritis.

To obtain juice, take the lower leaves of an adult plant (preferably older than three years), thick and fleshy, 15 cm long. In industry, juice is obtained by pressing, processing the leaves in the first day after collection. At home, the leaves are peeled and the juice is squeezed out through several layers of gauze. You can grind aloe in a blender and then filter the juice through cheesecloth.

To obtain biostimulated juice using the method of Academician Filatov, cut leaves are wrapped in dark paper and kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of +5+8 degrees for about two weeks. After this, the raw materials are processed. Store aloe juice in the refrigerator, but long-term storage is not recommended; it is better to use it within three days.

Another way to obtain aloe juice is to grind the cut leaves in a meat grinder and add water in a ratio of 1:3. The mixture is left to infuse for 1.5 hours, then the liquid is filtered.

It is allowed to mix freshly squeezed juice with 70% ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 4:1, this allows you to store it in the refrigerator for a long time.

Freshly squeezed juice can be frozen in ice cube trays: aloe juice cubes are used for cosmetic purposes.

Recipes with aloe juice

For colds

  • 100 ml of juice is mixed with 200 g of liquid (heated to 40-50°C) honey and 150 ml of red wine. The resulting mixture is infused in the dark for 5 days, taking 15 ml three times a day to increase the body's resistance.
  • Aloe juice is mixed in half with sage infusion, drink a tablespoon several times a day for ARVI and cough.
  • Diluted in half with boiled chilled water, the juice is used to gargle for sore throats and pharyngitis, and drop into the nose for a runny nose.
  • To 500 g of juice add 250 g of chopped peeled walnuts, 100 g of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 150 g of honey. The mixture is prescribed to take 15–20 g 1–3 times a day to increase immunity.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines

  • 20 ml of aloe juice are mixed with 200 ml of chilled calamus root decoction (2 tablespoons of calamus root per glass), take 50 ml before meals three times a day for heartburn.
  • A mixture of aloe juice, honey and olive oil, taken in equal quantities, is used to treat gastritis and stomach ulcers, taking a tablespoon before meals.
  • Drink 1 teaspoon of pure juice 30 minutes before meals for enterocolitis, chronic gastritis. Regular consumption of undiluted aloe juice before meals has a laxative effect.

The use of aloe juice in gynecology

  • In case of cervical erosion, tampons are soaked in freshly squeezed plant juice and inserted into the vagina for 15–20 minutes.
  • To prevent gynecological inflammation, it is recommended to take 15–30 ml of the following composition 2–3 times a day: boil a tablespoon of sea buckthorn berries and chamomile flowers in 400 ml of water. Add 50 ml of aloe juice, 30 ml of vodka and 10–20 g of honey to the cooled broth.

Treatment of tuberculosis and bronchitis

  • Mix 100 g of butter, lard, honey (warm the ingredients a little), aloe juice and cocoa powder. A tablespoon of this mixture is dissolved in a glass of warm milk and taken 2 times a day.
  • When heated in a water bath, mix 500 g of melted butter and honey (250 g), propolis (50 g), 25 g of mumiyo (sold in pharmacies) and pine resin. Add 100 ml of aloe juice to the cooled mixture; The mass is mixed well and left for 5 days in the refrigerator. Take the composition 15–20 g up to four times a day.

Hair treatment

  • 15 g of juice is mixed with 5–10 g of castor oil and 50 ml of nettle infusion, add egg yolk and a little garlic juice (up to 3 ml), rub the mixture into the hair roots for 30 minutes, then wash your hair as usual. This mask improves blood circulation in the scalp and strengthens hair follicles.
  • For hair loss, prepare a mask from aloe juice, honey, almond oil, and burdock root infusion in a ratio of 1:1:1:2. Add 5 ml of garlic juice to 100 ml of the finished mixture. The mask is applied to the hair and left for half an hour, then washed off.

Aloe juice in cosmetology

  • Mix equal amounts of aloe juice, honey, crushed cereals, glycerin. The mixture is applied to the skin of the face and washed off after 25 minutes. The mask is used to rejuvenate the skin.
  • The juice is mixed with any fatty cream and used for dry skin of the face and hands.
  • Undiluted juice is used in the form of compresses for acne, oily skin face, decreased skin tone to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

In undiluted form, aloe juice is used externally to treat wounds, bedsores, burns, and stomatitis. After consultation with an ophthalmologist, aloe juice diluted with water can be used externally to treat cataracts and other eye diseases.


Since aloe juice is a biostimulating agent, long-term use of drugs based on it is not recommended; the course of treatment should not exceed 30 days.

Contraindications to the use of juice are:

  • increased sensitivity
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • severe disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys
  • age up to 18 years (for pure juice)
  • benign and malignant neoplasms
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • uterine bleeding
  • cystitis
  • high blood pressure
  • acute inflammatory processes in the stomach, intestines

During treatment with aloe juice, if the dosage regimen is not followed, symptoms may appear. allergic reactions, diarrhea (diarrhea), abdominal pain, increased blood pressure and body temperature.

If undesirable reactions occur, you must stop taking the juice and prescribe enterosorbents ( Activated carbon, polyphepan, enterosgel). If in feces an admixture of blood appears, a 10% calcium chloride solution is prescribed orally or by injection (intravenously).