The wisdom tooth grows incorrectly: it interferes with the neighboring one or rubs the cheek - what should I do? A wise decision: what to do if a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek Removal of a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek

Time: 09:49

After the birth of my daughter, a wisdom tooth came out from the top left, and it didn’t completely come out. The doctor said that over time it will still have to be removed, there is not enough space, and part is still under the gum, it will bad smell etc.
I don’t feed my daughter anymore, you can remove it. But I'm terribly afraid.
Firstly, I'm just afraid of .. pain, sound, etc.
And secondly, he is in such a place, I can’t imagine how you can crawl up to him .. Unlike the wisdom tooth from below, Pts. it’s hard to get there, I don’t know if it’s just me or everyone .. I draw terrible pictures for myself that I’ll have to cut my cheek ... Does it happen?
Thirdly, I am allergic to penicillin and tetracycline, and after tooth extraction, penicillin is most often prescribed ... I don’t know if antibiotics of other groups are suitable for this (the allergist said that ideally I need to prescribe macrolides, but she’s not a dentist)

In general, I would rather give birth again ... honestly.

Message 37839335. Reply to

message 37609967

anonymous user

Time: 14:58

I removed one wisdom tooth 2 weeks ago, and the second one 3 days ago. For me, they also did not grow to the end, but because. they did not have enough space, they began to grow in the cheek. I will tell you, do not read fears on the Internet - in fact, a dental surgeon told me that these teeth are usually removed easily, often they have 1 root. And the sooner you remove it, the easier it is. There are a lot of devices for them, there are tweezers that go under the gum without injuring it, and he, as it were, loosens the tooth with them, and then, when he has already shown himself a little, he pulls out the usual ones. Pain is not felt, because. freezing is very good, I would say “spotted”, not extending to half a face. Scary, yes. But everything is done quickly and is not worth our fears. Then the doctor puts in a self-absorbing medicine and you press the cotton wool to the tooth for 20 minutes. Then - rinsing after eating, immediately upon arrival home - a cold heating pad for 10 minutes until the frost leaves. Then the truth hurts, because. heals for a long time. But it's tolerable. Don't worry. Good luck to you.

Message 37611729.


Time: 11:07

Deleted six months ago. Further in large print IMMEDIATELY TWO. Two upper wisdom teeth - believe me - I felt completely normal :) I just removed the lower tooth two years ago - after it I drank antibiotics for a week, felt bad, could not eat at all. And how did you have to remove the top one - dad sent it to some magical woman in district polyclinic and even not in ours :) having stood in line for 2 hours, I didn’t care anymore. She said that the second one should also be removed, like come back in a month - I persuaded her to have two at once, because I won’t survive this anymore. It didn’t hurt, quickly, I didn’t take any pills, even analgin - nothing hurt. My aunt works in the district polyclinic on Alekseevskaya, I don’t remember her last name, but not Petrova - it’s kind of unusual, so you can find it if you want. All the pleasure cost me 400 rubles for good anesthesia. The lower tooth was removed at Vutetich for 7 pieces.

Message 37750975. Reply to

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Time: 20:09

Message 37653653.
Toothless Status: Anonymous Time: 21:40 Date of: Jun 05, 2008

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Time: 16:39

The problem of teething wisdom has touched every person. In rare cases, these rudimentary teeth appear inconspicuously without causing inconvenience to the patient. In the rest, people suffer from fever, soreness in the soft tissue area, swelling and swelling, and discomfort when chewing.

Why does the third molar grow incorrectly

In the article, we will consider a specific problem when a wisdom tooth grows on the cheek and what to do in this situation. We will also indicate the main symptoms of pathology, the causes of its occurrence and possible consequences for the body.

Rudimentary elements of the dentition appear far after the change of milk teeth, which ultimately complicates the process of eruption. The thing is that for the rest of the teeth, the milk ones have prepared channels suitable for the volume to go out. It takes many years to form such channels, because the change of teeth in children begins at the age of 5-6.

As for the eighth tooth, it often erupts pathologically, and individually for each patient.

Wisdom tooth grows sideways

But still there is a number common causes that may affect this process.

  1. The hereditary structure of the jaw, conducive to the pathology of the development of the dentition.
  2. Incorrect position of the adjacent (seventh) tooth.
  3. Incorrect tooth exit, too large or small dimensions, atypical shape and structure.
  4. Job disruption endocrine system leading to hormonal instability.
  5. Problems with metabolism, due to which the patient receives less fluorine and calcium, which affect the development of the elements of the series.
  6. Pathology associated with an excessive number of elements in a row.
  7. Installation of implants or prostheses in the region of the seventh tooth.
  8. Wearing braces, plates, caps and other orthodontic and orthopedic structures.
  9. A number of teeth were amputated, which made it possible to align rear surface. This led to the appearance of free space, which can partially be occupied by a wisdom tooth.

Symptoms of improper eruption and the consequences of this process

Like all other elements of the row, rudimentary teeth erupt quite painfully, causing discomfort to the patient. For some, the pain becomes unbearable, forcing you to regularly drink strong painkillers.

Unfortunately, the intensity and frequency of pain will not tell the patient whether the molar is growing in the right direction.

Often, if it grows at a right angle to the jaw (normal), then the patient additionally notices a slight swelling of the tissues, slight swelling, as well as discomfort during meals. The pain usually worsens in the evening.

A picture of a wisdom tooth

If the wisdom tooth grows on the cheek (phoThat) or bent at a certain angle, the patient may experience a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • there is bleeding of the gums in the area of ​​eruption, which is intensely manifested during brushing the teeth and eating solid foods;
  • the area turns red, swells and inflames the mucous surface, which can cause discomfort and in neighboring teeth;
  • eating causes sharp spasmodic pain that radiates to different parts oral cavity and even the throat;
  • possible damage to the inner region of the cheeks, the occurrence of small wounds on the mucous membrane;
  • the cheek and gums in this area may swell and turn red, numb and lose sensitivity;
  • general deterioration of the condition (weakness in the muscles, apathy, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance);
  • hyperthermia.

Very often, the eruption of the third molars lasts for years, so the patient feels periodic pain and discomfort for several days.

Such a long-term pathology leads to complications, the treatment of which will require a lot of time, effort and financial costs.

If the wisdom tooth grows sideways, the following consequences are possible:

  • the root of the seventh tooth gradually loosens and dissolves, which leads to tooth mobility and the need for amputation;
  • in the area of ​​​​regular inflammation (during eruption, micro tissue tears and wounds are formed), a carious process develops, which leads to the destruction of the enamel and dentin of the seventh and eighth teeth;
  • possible distribution inflammatory processes on the bone, which causes periodontal disease, periostitis or osteomyelitis;
  • inflammation covers soft tissues, leads to their compaction and even scarring, as well as modification, which in the future can cause formations (both benign and malignant).

In order to avoid side effects, you should definitely conduct regular check-ups at the dentist if you have a long-term eruption of the third molar.

How to deal with pathology

To avoid side effects, be sure to conduct regular check-ups at the dentist.

As a rule, when a wisdom tooth grows incorrectly, the doctor decides to remove it (with rare exceptions). This is explained by the fact that the complications and harm brought by the eruption process make it possible to sacrifice even a completely healthy, but still rudimentary tooth.

In addition, pathologically formed molars do not participate in the process of crushing food, often become inflamed, and cause regular biting of the buccal mucosa or tongue. We also remember that regular damage to the oral mucosa opens the way for infections, fungi, viruses and bacteria, and the occurrence of neoplasms.

At your consultation with a dental surgeon, you will have a panoramic X-ray of your third molar and, if necessary, a CT scan. The study is necessary to determine the structural features of the tooth, the depth of the root, the angle of inclination, etc.

Often there are such anatomical defects of the jaw (crooked, tangled or deep roots, etc.) that a simple removal operation turns into a complex multi-stage event.

The duration of such an operation can vary from half an hour to 2-3 hours, depending on the complexity of the case.

For the amputation of the eighth tooth, an obsolete device is not used - a dental chisel.

The tool is quite traumatic, causes severe physical and psychological discomfort to the patient.

How to care for the area after removal

We have considered that deletion is the only effective solution when the wisdom tooth grows crooked, damaging the adjacent tooth or mucous membrane, violating the natural bite.

After this operation, the doctor prescribes regular preventive examinations., which will prevent the possible development of complications or pathological and inflammatory processes that began long before the removal.

After the procedure, the patient should hold the hemostatic tampon for at least half an hour, after which it should be carefully separated from the mucosa and discarded. In parallel, the patient's pressure is measured, and in case of its increase, appropriate medications should be taken.

Immediately after removing the tampon, ice is applied to the cheek. wrapped in natural fabric. After 5 minutes, the ice is removed and a 10-minute break is made, after which the procedure should be repeated until the pain subsides and the swelling decreases. It is strictly forbidden to use heating pads and hot applications in the area of ​​operation. warm water catalyzes pathological processes in tissues, quickly provoking purulent inflammation.


The surgeon will prescribe antibiotics if the operation was performed against the background of complications (dental diseases, injuries, etc.). In case of gastrointestinal dysfunction, antibiotics are taken in dissolved form or they are put in the form intramuscular injection. Also, the dentist will prescribe strong anesthetics that will help with evening toothache.

Be sure to rinse the mouth with furatsilin, a weak solution of manganese and chlorhexidine 1 time per day. Rinses are carried out carefully, in the form of a bath, since intensive rolling of the liquid can wash out the blood clot formed in the well and open access to the infection.

Treatment of other dental diseases and aesthetic defects is possible 7 days after normal deletion molar and 2 weeks after the complex.

Attention! For wound healing after the removal of the third molar, do not use folk remedies and drugs. Herbal decoctions and teas in this case are ineffective, and alcohol tinctures and gruels from horseradish (garlic, radish, propolis, etc.) can burn the mucous membrane and cause bleeding from the hole. In case of discomfort and soreness, you should contact your dentist to review the treatment and visual control of healing.

Wisdom teeth appear in a person already at a fairly adult age, and this process is often associated with a lot of problems.

And although by themselves these organs great danger do not carry, often their anatomical structure or place of occurrence leads to inflammation of the gum tissue and swelling of the oral mucosa.

IN medical terminology at the stage of inflammation they are called impacted.

Why can this happen

Wisdom teeth are formed even before the fact of their eruption. Read more about what wisdom teeth are and why they are needed in this video:

The reasons due to which they have anomalies in the direction of growth may be as follows:

  • the result of previous infectious diseases;
  • unbalanced diet in childhood, pathologies prenatal development fetus;
  • incorrect arrangement of molar rudiments;
  • systemic diagnoses of a chronic nature;
  • too narrow gums;
  • congenital defects in the structure of the jaw;
  • genetics;
  • excessively powerful layers of soft tissue of the gums.

Most often, this pathology occurs due to improper laying of organs at the time of intrauterine development in the first trimester of pregnancy.


With growth anomalies, when a wisdom tooth erupts into the cheek, this process is associated with irritation of the soft tissues of the oral mucosa, excessive pressure on neighboring organs and the appearance of an inflammatory process in that part of the gum that comes into contact with the impacted fragment of the jaw row.

As he tries to “come out” to the surface, a flux is formed in which purulent masses begin to accumulate. At this stage, the disease requires urgent medical intervention.

The main symptoms of the manifestation of this pathology:

  • profuse suppuration;
  • erosion and ulcers in the area of ​​localization of the inflamed area of ​​the cheek. Often, during an exacerbation of the situation, they are accompanied by bleeding, the regular occurrence of which can cause anemia;
  • severe, throbbing pain at the site of eruption, poorly relieved by drugs of this spectrum of action;
  • the gradual formation of bite defects, which is the source of chronic headaches;
  • inflammatory processes of the soft tissues of the gums, sometimes affecting its bone part.

Some of the listed manifestations can be stopped by medical-pharmaceutical means. If this fails, the defects are closed surgically.


The eruption of third molars in the cheek can last for many years - periodically, then subsiding, then escalating again. This process is fraught with serious complications, the treatment of which will be long and expensive:

  • complete destruction of the root of the teeth adjacent to the impacted organ. Its structure changes - the root first becomes looser, then gradually resolves and becomes thinner. This, in the end, will lead to their forced premature amputation;
  • the appearance of caries on adjacent sevens and to the destruction of the upper layer of enamel, as well as the appearance of microscopic ruptures of the skin;
  • the formation of inflammation in the cheek area in the eruption zone;
  • the risk of formation of severe lesions of bone tissue, fragments of the gums and the lower part of the tooth (coronitis, periostitis). With this degree of neglect, a surgical solution is the most likely treatment option;
  • submandibular lymphadenitis;
  • a change in the structure of the gums and buccal mucosa, causing their rebirth. Scars may appear on the outer surface of the mucosa, which are clearly visible and palpable on palpation. Over time, this process can lead to oncological formations, both benign and malignant.

What are the prohibitions

If in the process of abnormal growth of a wisdom tooth in the cheek pain syndrome too strong, you can take analgesics. And preparations Nimesil, Nurofen will not only reduce discomfort, but also partially localize inflammation. You can lubricate the diseased area with Holisad or Metrogyl gel - they have a cooling and soothing effect.

For some time, the pain syndrome of rinsing with antiseptics or a weak composition of manganese, as well as a warm decoction of oak bark and sage leaves, will be removed.

Any of the described drugs should be taken no more than 3-4 days, until it is possible to contact a medical institution.

A good temporary effect is also given by treatment of the oral cavity with soda solution.

  • warm the affected area with compresses - high temperatures contribute to the active reproduction of bacteria and enhance the growth of pathology;
  • sleeping on the side where the tooth grows - this will further increase the malaise;
  • drink too hot drinks;
  • apply to the cheek means that can cause mucosal burns (crushed garlic, alcohol swab).

You can’t delay a visit to the dentist and try too long to heal the cheek on your own, or wait for it to gradually heal, and the figure eight will even out its direction of growth.

Description of the removal procedure

In most cases, surgery is the only possible alternative. Moreover, these organs do not affect the process of chewing products, and, therefore, their absence for organism will pass imperceptibly.

The manipulation is carried out by a qualified dental surgeon, with anesthesia with modern drugs.

The procedure will take from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the complexity. clinical picture pathology and includes the following stages

  • deep thorough diagnosis with the identification of all the details and features of the anomaly, the degree of deformation, the age of the organ. Shown CT scan or x-ray with a panoramic image;
  • choice of method of anesthesia- there are two options: general anesthesia if a long-term operation is planned and local - if the degree of ingrowth into the cheek is insignificant;
  • incision of the soft tissue of the gums to gain access to the root region, which, with this diagnosis, is almost always strongly curved;
  • fragmentary amputation of bone segments adjacent to the root system using boron to gain access to them;
  • cutting of the basal septum. It is done only when it is necessary to amputate not the entire root, but its separate sections;
  • direct extraction of the wisdom tooth;
  • antiseptic- treatment of the oral cavity and internal washing of the wound, filling the hole with an anti-inflammatory drug;
  • suturing the marginal surface of the wound in a simple nodal way;
  • if the bleeding is heavy and does not stop for a long time, the doctor uses a hemostatic sponge.

If the situation is aggravated by the complex anatomical structure of the jaw, the root system is too intertwined and has a large angle of curvature, then this operation would be classified as particularly difficult.

It can additionally involve specialized specialists and use more sophisticated medical equipment.

In modern practice, the use of a chisel as the main surgical instrument is practically excluded. Its relevance has long been in the past, and the degree of effectiveness has remained rather doubtful before, injuring the patient both physically and psychologically.

How to behave to the patient after removal

Depending on the clinical situation, the doctor individually draws up a rehabilitation therapy plan, and the dates of consultation visits are determined. So that everything goes without complications, The patient should strictly observe the following recommendations:

  • the surgical swab should be kept for no more than 15-20 minutes, then removed. If this is not done, an infection may occur in the hole;
  • periodically apply ice to the sore cheek - this way you can quickly and effectively remove swelling and stop the pain syndrome;
  • use only those medicines that the specialist has prescribed, especially antibiotics (incorrect taking them is a sure way to overdose). It is worth noting that with gastric diagnoses, it is reasonable to replace antibiotics with analogue injections;
  • rinse the wound daily with a liquid solution of chlorhexidine. This must be done very carefully so as not to accidentally remove the blood clot inside the hole.

    If this happens, the bone part will be exposed and bacteria can easily penetrate there. As an alternative to rinsing - baths, in which a sip of the solution is taken into the mouth and kept for some time in the cavity. Then the procedure is repeated;

  • analgesics should be drunk only when the pain becomes more intense;
  • decoctions for medicinal herbs when amputating an impacted organ, it is better not to use it - the effect is very weak, and there is a risk of infection;
  • regularly, during the first day, measure the level of pressure, with its fluctuations, take medications of the target spectrum of action;

In the first two weeks, be more attentive to the state of health, with the slightest suspicion of complications, urgently see a doctor.

The main task at the recovery stage is to prevent infection of the wound.

In many cases, the eruption of wisdom teeth is problematic and takes a long time. This event is planned by nature for adulthood (17-25 years old), when a person's jaws are already fully formed. The process is accompanied by pain, inflammation of the gums, headache, swollen lymph nodes, fever.

Such a combination of unpleasant symptoms forces the patient to seek help from a dentist in order to find out what is preventing the normal exit of the eight and how to resolve the situation. The presence of these signs indicates an atypical location of the wisdom tooth. For figure eights, horizontal growth to the root of an adjacent tooth, tight fit to the seven, pressure on this tooth, or direction at an angle towards the cheek is a common phenomenon.

In addition to these features, third molars differ from other teeth in additional specific characteristics. Unfortunately, these differences are not better side, since they are unequivocal indications for tooth extraction.

Incorrect position of the wisdom tooth is one of the most popular complications, which is diagnosed in almost 70% of patients.

Even a wisdom tooth that has not erupted can cause damage to an adjacent tooth. The crooked third molars are under pressure on the second molars, which can lead to resorption healthy tooth. Dentists recommend immediately getting rid of such a figure eight that climbs into an adjacent tooth, since in the future it will be necessary to remove a non-functional wisdom tooth, and with it the destroyed seven that was damaged by it. Such an uncut eight often causes facial, jaw pain. Symptoms spread to the ear, neck, head.

A similar picture is observed with a wisdom tooth, which erupted partially or completely. The third molars were originally laid down in an oblique position and exited towards the dentition. Violation could be caused by a banal lack of sufficient space for a new tooth, this is especially true for people with a full set of teeth.

A recumbent wisdom tooth, directed towards the seventh tooth, creates pressure on the root system, which provokes soreness. Ignoring this moment and an acute desire to keep, even if crooked, but your own tooth, will end with a natural phenomenon - the root of a healthy seven will collapse over time. Against this background, there may be additional complications of a purulent-inflammatory nature, flux.

If the wisdom tooth fits snugly against the side walls of the second molar, then this arrangement also cannot be called normal, since the enamel of a healthy adjacent tooth is destroyed, and a carious cavity is formed. If the wisdom tooth grows horizontally, it harms the entire dentition, causing crowding.

Often horizontal tooth wisdom is directed to the cheek area. This situation is also a serious complication, although it does not harm neighboring teeth, as it might seem at first glance. The delicate mucosa is subjected to permanent damage by the sharp edge of the crown. Such a process cannot be tolerated - the soreness does not subside, it develops in the mouth acute inflammation, and the wound becomes an open focus for infection.

Possible positions of the "eight" when it climbs the wrong way.

If a person postpones a visit to the doctor, the body gradually adapts to what is happening and changes the structure of the mucosa at the site of contact - the soft tissues thicken, the intensity of pain decreases. This state does not indicate recovery, but indicates the activation of the process of rebirth. Such a formation can be benign or malignant.

Larisa Kopylova


To prevent these difficulties, dentists recommend immediately removing teeth with abnormal development. Moreover, it is not necessary to wait until they begin to erupt, the procedure can be carried out before they appear.

To find out how your own wisdom teeth are arranged, and what surprises to expect from them, you can undergo an examination using modern diagnostic equipment. This issue can be addressed even in adolescence. If the study identifies an atypical location, it is best to eliminate the source of future problems on this stage. At a young age, such manipulations are much easier to tolerate.

How is the removal

The presence (not erupted, lies horizontally), as well as completely erupted, but with an inclination to neighboring molars, is an indication for removal. IN this case operation will be carried out according to the method complex removal.

The doctor does not proceed blindly to the operation, therefore, before the manipulation, the patient is given an x-ray. The picture shows all the nuances and features of the growth of the figure eight, which allows the doctor to draw up a preliminary plan of action, prepare tools, and also warn possible complications. If she presses on a tooth nearby and tries to grow in the wrong direction, this will be clearly visible.

According to many dentists, the sooner the eights are removed, the better. With age, the roots grow, as well as the compaction of surrounding tissues, which can cause complications. In addition, in youth, the healing process is much easier and faster compared to older people.

But this factor is not an obstacle, since the operation is carried out under local anesthesia, so the person stays in the surgeon's chair without experiencing discomfort. Temporary soreness usually appears after removal.

The general technological stages of complex removal consist of the following actions:

  • the introduction of an anesthetic into the gum near the tooth, which climbs the wrong way, waiting 5-10 minutes until the remedy works;
  • with an impacted eight, the doctor makes an incision with a scalpel in the gum;
  • depending on the situation, it is sometimes necessary to resort to sawing out the bone tissue on the jaw in order to provide access to the roots. Actions are performed carefully, with maximum accuracy, so as not to damage the seven;
  • the cut is made with a bur, and the tooth is removed with dental forceps or an elevator;
  • the doctor can apply slight pressure to loosen the tooth, this technique will facilitate removal from the jaw;
  • as a rule, if the wisdom tooth lies horizontally, then it is difficult to extract it in its original form, so the surgeon takes out its fragments in parts;
  • after successful removal, the surgeon proceeds to suture the gums and apply a gauze swab to the fresh hole. The wound can be sutured with suture material, which does not require the removal of sutures, as it dissolves completely after the function. If it was the stitches that were applied, then the doctor will set a second appointment date in order to eliminate them.

The upper and lower wisdom teeth can bring a lot of surprises.

At the end of the manipulation, the dentist applies ice to the patient to reduce the likelihood of swelling and gives a number of instructions for doing at home, which should be strictly followed. In addition, the doctor warns in the appearance of natural pain, possible temperature, secondary bleeding from the hole. All these processes are considered normal and, if the recommendations are followed, everything is quickly restored.

What happens after deletion

A complex surgical intervention to remove a horizontal figure eight growing into a tooth is a traumatic process with damage to soft and bone tissues, nerve endings. The patient does not feel anything while the action of anesthesia continues. Upon arrival home, in most cases, a person has unpleasant symptoms.

The following symptoms are considered normal:

  • deterioration of the general condition, weakness;
  • the appearance of edema in the area of ​​​​surgical intervention;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • soreness;
  • secondary haemorrhage that must be spit out frequently.

Larisa Kopylova


In the course of natural healing, all symptoms gradually disappear on their own. With a rapid increase in soreness, the spread of edema, the appearance of purulent masses in the area of ​​​​the hole, you should consult a doctor, since such signs are already considered a deviation from the norm and indicate the development of an inflammatory process that must be removed immediately.

A list of tips will help you survive the removal procedure as comfortably as possible when the figure eight lies flat:

  • impacted eights are best removed in the morning, preferably in the morning. After removal, the hole can bleed for a long time, if the operation is performed in the morning, then for the remaining period of time, it will have time to drag on until a night's rest;
  • before the planned procedure, you should definitely eat a hearty meal. Such a move significantly reduces the amount of saliva produced, in addition, after the operation, you can not eat for some time;
  • it is advisable to have a source of cold with you, so that immediately after removal, start constantly applying to the diseased area on the way home - it has been tested in practice, this method prevents the occurrence of edema;
  • you will also need plain water to rinse your mouth and clean wipes to wipe the bleeding wound;
  • in the early days it is better not to load the jaws, so it is advisable to eat food with a soft texture;
  • All tablets prescribed by a doctor should be taken exactly as written in the prescription. Often these are painkillers Nimesil in powder, Nise in tablets.

X-ray of an abnormally growing wisdom tooth.

  • periodically appearing blood from the well can be lightly pressed with a sterile gauze swab (can be moistened with Chlorhexidine) and kept for 10-15 minutes. This will help stop the bleeding;
  • it is advisable not to eat after the operation for as long as possible - the minimum threshold is 3 hours, but if possible, it is better to abstain;
  • throughout the entire healing period, all food should be soft, not irritating to the mucous membrane, at a comfortable temperature;
  • at home, you need to apply an ice pack on your cheek. Manipulation should be carried out in certain cycles of 5 minutes with breaks, that is, it is impossible to keep ice constantly;
  • all heating of the operated area is strictly prohibited - the inflammatory process is inevitable;
  • the same rule applies to baths, saunas, solarium, bathing;
  • sports activities, physical exercise needs to be temporarily postponed;
  • it is necessary to control the process of formation blood clot, it must necessarily appear in order to protect the well from infection and promote speedy regeneration. Sometimes a person himself becomes the culprit of the disappearance of a clot out of ignorance. For example, you can not intensively rinse your mouth, actively exercise hygiene procedures or intentionally delete it;
  • Immediately after the removal of the wisdom tooth, you can brush your teeth, but you can do this very carefully, without affecting the operated area. In the following days, follow the same rule, but try to perform the most thorough hygiene, since the development of microorganisms in the mouth is unacceptable;
  • to maintain the cleanliness of the oral cavity, you can perform antiseptic treatment with rinse solutions based on Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin. You just need to constantly remember about the blood clot. To preserve it, it is best to make baths - just take the prepared liquid into your mouth, hold for 2-3 minutes, and then spit it out.

If a wisdom tooth grows into a tooth, it does not pose a threat only in its absence. Therefore, such wisdom teeth should be removed without hesitation.

Eruption of wisdom teeth occurs closer to 25 years of age. This is a long and painful process, so many are waiting for the appearance of the "eights" with concern. Difficulties in eruption arise due to the fact that the growing wisdom tooth does not have a milk predecessor, that is, there is no channel for growth.

If the "eight" begins to grow incorrectly, it can cause severe discomfort, rub the cheek and tongue area, or cause inflammation of the gums. In this case, dentists recommend removing the wisdom tooth - it does not perform chewing functions, so its absence in the dentition will remain invisible.

Causes of improper growth of the wisdom tooth towards the cheek

The process of abnormal eruption is called retention, and the tooth itself is called impacted. impacted teeth can cause pain in the cheek area and discomfort when eating. High probability not proper growth wisdom teeth occurs if there were previously problems with the eruption of milk teeth.

The causes of pathology of tooth growth are divided into 2 groups:

The first group includes:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • metabolic problems;
  • infections;
  • lack of minerals (calcium, fluorine);
  • failure in the hormonal system due to stress or pregnancy;
  • abnormal intrauterine development;
  • malnutrition in infancy.

Anomalies in the structure of the dentition, causing incorrect eruption of the "eights", include:

  • insufficient space for the growth of the third molar due to an excess of teeth in the row;
  • non-standard shape and size of the wisdom tooth;
  • a defect in the rudiment that caused its incorrect position;
  • crowding of the dentition;
  • free space resulting from the removal of several teeth.

The structure of the gums can also affect eruption. For example, if the gum is narrow, the “figure eight” may not grow correctly.

Signs and symptoms

The growth of any tooth causes pain, but most often they are short and quite tolerable. Cutting Eights Gets More Difficult big size crowns. If the pain becomes unbearable, and painkillers relieve unpleasant symptoms for a short time, then we may be talking about abnormal teething. Determine dysplasia initial stage It is possible only with the help of an x-ray, which will show how the tooth grows. What a crooked growing tooth looks like is shown in the photo.

Other signs:

  • increase in body temperature to high levels;
  • malaise, expressed by weakness;
  • headache, which can be localized in different parts heads;
  • increased bleeding of the gums, which increases during brushing or chewing;
  • severe inflammation and redness of the gums, swelling of the cheeks;
  • pain when eating, opening the mouth, chewing solid food;
  • damage to the inner surface of the cheek, opposite the place where the tooth exits;
  • restless sleep;
  • speech disorder associated with swelling and trauma to the tongue;
  • the appearance of suppuration and erosion.

If you do not take timely measures to correct the growth of the tooth, the following symptoms appear:

  • phlegmon;
  • inflammatory process due to the formation of a hood, if the crown has not cut through the gum;
  • cyst;
  • crowding and curvature of the dentition;
  • caries;
  • pinched nerves.

The anomaly of the exit of the "eights" can be:

  • Complete. The tooth is located inside the gums horizontally and does not come out. This can only be detected with an x-ray.
  • Partial. In this case, the third molar grows towards the cheek and scratches it or presses on the adjacent tooth. In this case, the patient often complains that the tooth has rubbed the mucous membrane. This is due to improper laying of the germ.

Pain when cutting

The pain during eruption is due to trauma to the soft tissues. The crown of the tooth puts pressure on the gum, cuts it; edema begins to develop.

Because of this, painful sensations of varying degrees are felt. The following methods and means will help to remove them:

  • Rinsing the mouth with soda or saline solution, decoction of oak bark and sage leaves, infusion of lemon balm. They relieve inflammation and pain, have an antimicrobial effect.
  • Medications. For pain relief, Nurofeen, Nise, Ketorol are suitable. The drug "Etoricoxib" is able to relieve pain for 24 hours. To relieve inflammation, you can anoint the gums with Holisal or Kamistad gels.
  • antiseptic procedures.

It is strictly forbidden to heat the site of inflammation, as this can accelerate the development of the process of suppuration. Rinse solutions should be warm. All of these measures are temporary methods of getting rid of pain. In case of severe discomfort, it is necessary to consult a doctor to avoid the development of serious complications.

It interferes, rubs the cheek

When a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek and has partially erupted, it can rub and injure the tongue and the inner surface of the oral cavity (we recommend reading: the wisdom tooth grows into the gum: what to do to fix it, and how to help yourself at home?). Discomfort is associated with the exit of the tooth to the side when the crown rests on the cheek. If the slope of the tooth is insignificant, the procedure for its removal is not necessary. Sometimes it is enough to make an incision in the gums so that it grows normally. The decision should be made by the dentist after examining the oral cavity and taking x-rays. If the tooth growth trajectory is close to horizontal, it should be removed.

G8 extraction is necessary in the following cases:

  • the growth trajectory is directed at a strong angle;
  • there is an injury to the cheek, tongue, adjacent teeth;
  • caries on the teeth with a strongly woven root system;
  • abscess, fistula and other suppurations (we recommend reading: what to do if a fistula forms on the gum after tooth extraction?);
  • development of sinusitis due to inflammation of the upper molars;
  • cyst.

You can do without removal if:

  • a destroyed tooth has a healthy root, even if it interferes and touches the cheek;
  • next to the "eight" there are no other teeth, and it can eventually take empty places and play the role of a chewing tooth;
  • the structure of the wisdom tooth allows the use of treatment methods.

How to behave after the operation?

The process of removing a tooth is called extraction. The complexity of the procedure depends on the degree of curvature of the object, the plexus of its root system and on which tooth needs to be removed, from above or below.

Steps to remove the "eights":

  • inspection and radiography;
  • performing anesthesia (general or local) to anesthetize the site of the operation;
  • cutting the gums if there is no access to the tooth;
  • formation of access to the roots using a drill, which is removed bone;
  • sawing the partition between the roots;
  • the actual removal (see also: why did the cheek swell after the extraction of the tooth and what to do if this happened?);
  • washing the wound with an antiseptic preparation;
  • laying an anti-inflammatory agent in the well;
  • applying a simple suture with self-absorbable threads to the gum.

The wound healing process depends on individual features person, as well as from a responsible attitude to the care of the hole. For speed recovery period after surgery, the formation of a blood clot in the wound and its safety are affected. Trying to bring down pain, which begin after the effects of the anesthetic drugs used during surgery have worn off, many break up or push back the blood clot. This leads to an increase in healing time. Most often, during the operation, it does not hurt, since the extraction is performed under anesthesia.

In order for the healing process to go faster without the development of complications, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

Possible complications

Complications during the eruption of wisdom teeth occur only in case of untimely access to the dentist. The sooner the first symptoms of abnormal growth were discovered and needed help the less chance of complications. If you don't take it in time necessary measures, the following negative consequences are possible:

Extraction of the "eight" will help to avoid the development of these complications. It is worth entrusting the procedure only to a professional dentist, since a violation of the removal technique can lead to the following diseases:

  • Alveolitis. This is the name of the inflammatory process in the wound, which begins due to the untimely formation of a blood clot or its removal. As a result, in open wound pathogenic bacteria can freely penetrate.
  • Change in the sensitivity of the oral cavity or its individual parts (tongue, cheeks, gums), which occurs due to the wrong choice of anesthetic drug or non-compliance with the required dosage.
  • Severe bleeding due to poor blood clotting.
  • Long, unbearable pain.
  • Well infection.
  • The formation of pus.

Over a lifetime, people normally have 32 teeth, four of which erupt at a more mature age. Such incisors are popularly called "wisdom teeth". Unfortunately, not everyone is happy about their appearance, since a lot of problems arise during this period. For example, a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek. What to do in this situation: go to the doctor or fix the problem yourself?

What are wisdom teeth?

In dentistry, these "wise men" are called "eights". They are located at the end of the jaw rows. It should be noted that eruption is carried out for a rather long time (several months). During this period, growth may subside, and after a while resume again.

"Late guests" are secondary to chewing food. For this reason, they are considered optional, because by the time they erupt, a person already has 28 "helpers" who fully perform their functions.

Precisely because the wisdom tooth grows in a later age period (when the dentition is already fully formed), their occurrence, as a rule, is hindered by the lack of space on the jaw. For this reason, there are problems with the correct growth (for example, a wisdom tooth grows on the cheek).

It is worth saying that for some this process does not affect at all. But there are exceptions when the wisdom tooth begins to grow after 40 years. At this time, a person endures the eruption of "wise men" much harder, because the bone tissue of the jaw has long been formed.

There were cases when the wisdom tooth was shown in pregnant women. This process is associated with the fact that in the body future mother global hormonal changes occur.

Acquired their extraordinary name due to too late dates growth. The scientific name in medicine for such teeth is the third molars, which are included in the standard set of 32 teeth in the human oral cavity. The main feature of this kind of teeth is that, unlike standard ones, they do not have milk analogues, and, therefore, there is no conductive channel that facilitates growth.

Because of this, the eruption of eights in terms of symptoms is very similar to the growth of milk analogues in newborn babies. Most dentists believe that third molars are rudiments that are not adapted to perform a chewing function. At the same time, for every 10 people on earth, the third molars are generally absent, without harming human health.

Why does the wisdom tooth grow incorrectly

Due to the fact that eights do not have milk counterparts, they do not have pre-prepared conducting channels. At the same time, the formation of third molars begins at the age of 5 at an individual rate for each patient. Despite the individual development of pathologies, when teething eights, dentists distinguish the following most common causes:

  • the structure of the jaws, inherited;
  • incorrect arrangement of eights;
  • disproportionate size or figure eight shape;
  • metabolic problems or hormonal disbalance in the human body;
  • excess teeth in the upper or lower row;
  • in the case of the removal of more than one tooth to align the jaw, after which there is free space.

At the same time, in each individually taken case, the process of eruption of wisdom teeth is accompanied by a variety of sensations, which make it difficult to independently diagnose their appearance and the nature of pathologies.

Symptoms of the growth of a wisdom tooth in the cheek

In a situation where the third molars have the wrong direction of growth, that is, they grow into the cheek, the process is accompanied by irritation of the oral mucosa with inflammatory processes on the gums. When the third molar little space it pushes neighboring relatives away or begins to grow in a horizontal direction.

In the case when the wisdom tooth grows into the cheek, this leads to the formation of a flux - purulent inflammation of the tissue. Wherein immediate treatment required, as toxic shock may subsequently occur. I would like to note that the whole process of improper growth of eights can be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the formation of suppuration;
  • the appearance of erosion;
  • sharp pain at the site of tooth growth;
  • headache;
  • inflammatory processes on the gums.

In dental terms, inflamed wisdom teeth are called impacted and require mandatory surgical removal urgently.

Consequences of improper growth of wisdom teeth

With a strongly neglected process of improper eruption of wisdom teeth, over several years, may develop serious complications, the elimination of which will require a long and expensive treatment due to the following pathologies:

To avoid unwanted complications, see a dentist promptly. Only with the help of a comprehensive examination, it is possible to predict the development of the eruption of third molars and diagnose the removal or treatment of wisdom teeth. Doctors in many states offer the removal of eights for another initial stage growth in order to save a person from possible problems.

Wisdom tooth extraction - indications and contraindications

There are many indications for the removal of wisdom teeth. There are far fewer reasons to treat or save third molars. But this does not mean that wisdom teeth are completely useless. Although in Lately dental eights are really losing their value and doctors are increasingly inclined to remove them.

And yet, in the case of their correct growth, they are able to fully participate in the chewing process or serve as a support for fixing bridges. Some dentists, in order to prevent complications from the eruption of a wisdom tooth, recommend its removal even at the formation stage. Besides there are other indications to remove eights:

The removal procedure itself is performed only using conduction anesthesia, since the process itself is quite painful and lengthy.

Like any other surgical intervention, the removal of wisdom teeth has a number of certain contraindications. Although in relation to the third molars, contraindications in most cases are indirect. For example, the figure eight can replace the removed seven or act as a support for prosthetics. But in the case of a problematic wisdom tooth, it makes no sense to treat it.

Depending on the degree of complexity of the surgical intervention to remove the wisdom tooth growing into the cheek and physiological features the patient himself, the dentist an action plan is assigned on postoperative treatment, which includes recommendations and medications.

At the same time, the regularity of visits to the attending physician for the purpose of examination is of no small importance. To prevent unwanted complications after the removal of third molars, it is necessary follow the instructions exactly dentist.

In no case not allowed to warm up the place where the third molar was removed or apply warming compresses to the cheek, and also use hot solutions for rinsing. Such events often lead to purulent inflammation.

Complications after removal of wisdom teeth

As it was found out, if a wisdom tooth grows in the cheek, then its removal is inevitable. After surgery, the wound heals over time, and the person forgets about the problems, but, unfortunately, this is not the case in all situations. Sometimes when extracting teeth, develop certain pathologies.

Even though certain positive features the third molar has recently been growing steadily in statistics on its removal. At the same time, if surgical intervention inevitable, then this issue cannot be delayed. After removing the wisdom toothgrowing in the cheek, no less problems remain - this is proper care behind the hole to prevent inflammation and much more.

It is important to remember that for the first time after the removal of the third painter, intensive rinsing should not be used, which can lead to washing out of the blood clot in the hole, which reliably closes it from the penetration of various infections. At the same time, the list medicines for pain relief and personal hygiene made by the attending physician V individually.