Why is Mammoth dreaming? Why does an African elephant dream of a woman

The world of dreams is amazing: having fallen into a dream, we can see mysterious and even fantastic, irrational images, visions. It is not surprising that, having begun to wake up, I want to unravel the meaning of sleep, to understand what future events it predicts.

If you had a dream about an elephant, then the question would be quite natural: “Why does a woman dream of an elephant?”. The answer to this question should be sought in the most popular dream books of our time. And you should be prepared for the fact that the interpretation of dreams will surprise you.

What does vision mean?

In Thailand, the elephant is considered sacred, in China it is revered as a strong animal, personifying power, longevity and wisdom. In our country, in force climatic conditions elephants are exotic animals, but nevertheless there are very curious historical facts on this topic.

It turns out that Ivan the Terrible had at his disposal an elephant given to him by the Persian Shah Tahmasp. The stern king did not like the animal, which did not want to bow to him, and sent the elephant "in exile" to the city of Bezhetsk. And the progressive Peter I built the "Animal Yard" for the elephant, which literally came from Persia with drovers. These historical facts are mentioned in order to explain why the ancient dream book has an interpretation of a dream about an elephant.

Prophecies for a man

The interpretation of a dream about an elephant specifically for men can be found in five modern dream books: the interpretation of these visions is mostly positive.

  • Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer: a cold-blooded approach to business will help to avoid many troubles; in reality, reason should prevail over feelings.
  • Freud's dream book: an attempt to dominate the relationship will be successful, and this experience will be key in building new relationships.
  • Dream interpretation of the XXI century: in reality, situations are coming in which you will feel your importance, your opinion will be considered.
  • Esoteric dream book: running away from an elephant - unwillingness to take responsibility will turn into a failure. Seeing an old elephant is to be real life important conversation. Seeing an elephant in a circus - in an ambiguous situation, you will be able to make the right choice.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Witcher: fight with an elephant - in reality there will be a struggle, a fight with a very powerful enemy or adverse circumstances. Feed the elephant - get support from the outside. Elephant with cut tusks: a harbinger that hard times are coming, while the dreamer will not be able to have a significant impact on events.


The dream of a mammoth is an allegorical message from the world of dreams that in reality the stream of life does not flow in the direction that the dreamer would like. Obsession with your past can play a trick on you, because thinking about the past you don’t want to objectively assess the present and lose the chance to achieve your desired goal.

Striker mammoth: according to dream book XXI century, the vision portends that an unpleasant person will again invade your life from the past, so you should be on your guard. A dream in which they saw a herd of mammoths peacefully grazing, portends that in reality you will be able to fully realize yourself in your profession.

To see a mammoth in the ice - circumstances in reality will develop in such a way that the dreamer will find himself in a situation of difficult choice. A receding mammoth, going into the distance - a dream promises waking melancholic experiences, memories of the past.

Esoteric dream book: a dream in which you see a mammoth portends situations in reality in which you will feel your weakness, depression.

Miller's dream book: unfounded fears can cause despondency, because of a gloomy mood, miss favorable circumstances for yourself, which you will later regret.

Dream Interpretation Longo: attempts to find oneself, philosophical reflections on life, reassessment of priorities- such moods are promised by a dream about an old mammoth.

Animal color

IN Esoteric dream book perhaps the most intriguing interpretations about elephants are given different color:

  • Pink Elephant- in reality you will find a guru, a spiritual teacher.
  • blue elephant- the time has come to trust your own more, and the inner voice will become a guiding star in the difficult choice of a life path.
  • black elephant- sad events are coming and sadness about these events will strengthen your spirit, make your heart vigilant.
  • White elephant- a harbinger of good luck in business, a favorable period in life.

In the Wanderer's dream book, a pink elephant dreams on the eve of a successful journey. The blue elephant is a good time to make bold plans for the future and begin to translate them into reality. A dream about a black elephant promises resentment, getting rid of which, you can discover new opportunities.

For a pregnant woman to see an elephant of an unusual color - to an easy pregnancy, which will take place as nature intended. This is stated in Miss Hasse's dream book.

In the Witcher's dream book, the vision of colorful elephants has a positive interpretation: to adventures, pleasant acquaintances, easy communication.

The 21st century dream book interprets a dream about elephants of different colors in sufficient detail:

  • Pink Elephant- a harbinger of the fact that in reality you will become an object of envy, and in order not to attract the attention of spiteful critics, in some situations it is worth keeping your mouth shut.
  • blue elephant- frivolous leisure, spontaneity in actions and the desire to produce good impression to the person whose attention you value.
  • White elephant- to find peace, learn to appreciate happy moments.
  • black elephant- to a vain fear in reality, in addition, there is a risk of receiving undeserved resentment.
  • White elephant- in the deeds that you deserve.

herd of elephants

In the Wanderer's dream book, a dream about a herd of elephants promises that period in life when it is time to move from planning to action. Just as elephants go forward, sweeping away all obstacles in their path, so the dreamer in real life will systematically move towards the intended goal, and circumstances will contribute to this.

In the Esoteric Dream Book, a dream with such a plot is interpreted as follows: in reality, someone will attempt to suppress the dreamer with his authority. To run away from a herd of elephants - a dream promises that in reality you will have to pay for your frivolous deeds committed earlier.

A herd of elephants is alarmingly trumpeting - in real life, fateful changes are coming, and they will be so significant that there will be a desire to lie low and wait out this "period of turbulence".

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century: a herd of elephants - such a dream precedes events in which the dreamer will be involved against his will, and once in the thick of things, he will be forced to accept other people's rules of the game.

ride it

In Miller's dream book and in Miss Hasse's dream book, similar interpretations of sleep are given with the following plot: you will find yourself in the center of attention, and this interest from others will be flattering.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer: to a good road full of adventures and new discoveries. Riding an elephant through the jungle - to a meeting with a person whose interests you impress.

Esoteric dream book: be prepared for what in reality they will try to deceive you, but being more attentive to details, you will be able to avoid this deception.

Gypsy dream book: vanity can take you far, so a bit of rationalism and skepticism won't hurt. This is given to a dream in which you see yourself riding an elephant in a circus.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century: leisure in a pleasant company, moreover, in a conversation you will be able to gather information that is extremely important for yourself.

Look into the depths of the subconscious and find out what your dream is about. What does what you see mean, tell you. And it will help to understand the dream even more precisely.

Why the Mammoth is dreaming: interpretation by 100 authors

Mythological dream book

Mammoth interpretation

Interpretation of a dream about a mammoth: Mammoth - Remnants of the past, outdated opinions, views; far-fetched influences, fears; long forgotten powerful friend.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing the Mammoth, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep

Dream Interpretation: to see a Mammoth - If you saw a mammoth in a dream, pay attention to your life. Too often you think about the past, not paying attention to reality and losing good opportunities because of this. Attacking mammoth - the appearance of a person who in the past brought you grief and, as you thought, disappeared from your life. Be careful not to allow close contact with the "man from the past". It will only bring you new problems.

Mammoth - A herd of peacefully grazing mammoths - in this dream you may or may not see yourself. A dream means that soon you will have a good opportunity to realize yourself professionally. A dream about a mammoth on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday indicates that your career will be successful. A dream about a mammoth from Saturday to Sunday - you may miss the chance because of the passion for the past.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Mammoth from your dream

Mammoth - Unfounded fears, outdated knowledge, views, opinions; serious impending danger (if dark, black). Huge and gray - means a long depression. The mammoth is a long-forgotten powerful friend.

Numerological horoscope for day number - 25

2 is a symbol of trust and a balanced state. Represents the main attribute of cooperation based on mutual benefit and respect. 5 - these are the opportunities that are bestowed by fate. The number will help to radically change your life, find a type of activity to achieve success and your goals.

On the 25th, you can afford new experiences. It should be borne in mind that flirting, interesting acquaintances will have an impact on family relationships. Do not exchange for suffering and regret. It's time to allow yourself to be bold, liberated, open to new opportunities.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about the Mammoth in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Mammoth

Dream interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

Why do you dream and how to solve the Mammoth:

If you dreamed of a mammoth, then your talent will glorify you. Riding a mammoth in a dream - you will achieve good luck in life.

If you dreamed that you were feeding a mammoth, then you would obey an imperious but fair person.

Run away from a mammoth in a dream - they are waiting for you life difficulties. To kill or see a killed mammoth in a dream - the collapse of all hopes and plans awaits you.

If you dreamed of a lame mammoth, this portends a deterioration in your affairs.

I dreamed at night of a loudly trumpeting mammoth - this is long road. Dirty mammoth hard work for pennies awaits you.

If you dreamed of a sitting mammoth - this is to get a profitable place.

A mammoth standing on its hind legs in a dream - you will get into debt and will not be able to pay off on time.

See also: why the hippo dreams, what the bear dreams about, what the hunter dreams about.

Why does the Mammoth dream in a dream - to hear something pleasant.

Try to more accurately recreate your dream, focus on everything that surrounded you, perhaps the objects or people around you also mean something. In order to find another dream, use the search on the site or look in, all interpretations are free, if necessary, you can order a personal transcript of the dream.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Denotes that in your home there will be prosperity and happiness. And in reality you will find yourself in such a society where they will try to express what could not be disclosed. And also in real life you will have to face unforeseen difficulties. This means that you will attempt a forgery for selfish and unseemly purposes.

Russian dream book

This means that you will receive an invitation to a large cultural event. And genuinely warm. It portends that you will have new defenders and new profitable business.

Interpretation according to Jung's dream book

The meaning of sleep Mammoth in a dream you will suddenly have a good opportunity to change your life for the better.

According to the lunar dream book

Why do you dream of a Mammoth in a dream? troubles and obstacles in business.

Any dream book implies various transcripts. Therefore, let's take a closer look at what this dream means and what the Mammoth is dreaming of ?!

After all, a photograph captures a moment. Quite a typical diagnosis for a guy whose life was attempted by dozens. Every time he measures my pulse and is surprised how even it is. A woman touched him and recovered. The gate leaves crawled into different sides, a policeman with a machine gun on his chest stepped out of the darkness, shone a flashlight on the front number of the car.

Interpretation according to Romel's dream book

Why is Mammoth dreaming? control your finances.

Well, the elite of the kingdom. There will be enough room for both of us. Here are almost all interpretations of the most popular dreams, according to different dream books. See also specific interpretations dreams. Remember the details of your dream, you may have dreamed additional items or actions, and together with a mammoth can mean something else. On the way back to the cell, I asked for another cigarette. Well, now think. He prepared a pistol and, not looking up, followed. Why does the Mammoth dream in a dream, decoding for all kinds of various dream books: Dream Interpretation of Romel, Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov, Dream Interpretation of Hasse, Dream Interpretation of Schiller, Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer, Lunar dream book, Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter, Russian folk dream book, Dream Interpretation of Aesop, Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus and others.

Gypsy dream book

What does a mammoth mean in a dream? - waste of time, empty pastime.

At night they talked. The liquid in the mug, sweet and hot, was clearly akin to those Kintara sweets. The girl could not believe that she was not dreaming of all this. We opened the hatch and our dogs got out of the rocket one by one. I'm just saying that the project has nothing to do with the government.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

Indicates that good luck awaits you. And a rich feast. And you can compromise your principles. It portends that for some reason you will maintain friendly relations with people who treat you badly.

Somewhere behind it was a narrow entrance to a forest road. The poor fellow was sitting half-turned towards them, leaning against the panel with the buttons. Zanzius became a big cage. He tucked up the sheet and sat on the edge of the bed. Austin quickly consoled himself by getting a job as a porter in a restaurant, especially since tips poured in to him like a river.

Interpretations by day of the week

  • Monday to Tuesday- wedding fun
  • Tuesday to Wednesday- Increasing prosperity.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday- global changes await you.
  • Thursday to Friday- your past losses are irrevocable, and only a naive person can try to change the situation.
  • Friday to Saturday- God's mercy.
  • Saturday to Sunday- small troubles at work, mainly because of women or in the women's team ...
  • Sunday to Monday- frivolous perception of relationships with a loved one.

But I managed to break free and shake the dirt off my boots. And there are no channels. Cressida slept until seven o'clock, then took a shower and started getting dressed for dinner. She turned suddenly to him, her eyes wide. I heard several of their conversations on the phone.

The interpretation of the dream in which you saw the Mammoth in a dream is a statement of facts, to fictitious rumors but about your views and norms of your life.

I lived from blowjob to blowjob until life was fucked to the fullest. But you still better sit in your room, you never know. I did not have time to do anything, in the next second he rushed to the exit, the door slammed with a crash, and I was left in pitch darkness. I wanted to break it, but still lacked determination. Not tall, even small.

What is the dream of a mammoth

Family dream book

Dream Interpretation: to see a Mammoth in a dream - If you saw a mammoth in a dream, pay attention to your life. Too often you think about the past, not paying attention to reality and losing good opportunities because of this. Attacking mammoth - the appearance of a person who in the past brought you grief and, as you thought, disappeared from your life. Be careful not to allow close contact with the "man from the past". It will only bring you new problems.

Mammoth - A herd of peacefully grazing mammoths - in this dream you may or may not see yourself. A dream means that soon you will have a good opportunity to realize yourself professionally. A dream that occurred on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday indicates that your career will be successful. Sleep from Saturday to Sunday - you may miss the chance due to passion for the past.

What is the dream of a mammoth

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Mammoth - communication with a very elderly person; you will find banknotes that are currently completely depreciated.

What is the dream of a mammoth

Modern dream book

Seeing a mammoth in a dream - such a dream indicates that you live in the past and memories of the happy moments of your life, almost without thinking about the present, so none of your everyday experiences will bring you satisfaction.

What is the dream of a mammoth

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Mammoth - unfounded fears, outdated knowledge, views, opinions; serious impending danger (if dark, black).

Huge and gray - can mean a long depression.

Mammoth is also a long forgotten powerful friend.

What is the dream of a mammoth

Male dream book

If you saw a mammoth in a dream, pay attention to your life. Too often you think about the past, not paying attention to reality and losing good opportunities because of this.

Attacking mammoth - the appearance of a person who in the past brought you grief and, as you thought, disappeared from your life. Be careful not to allow close contact with the "man from the past". It will only bring you new problems.

A herd of peacefully grazing mammoths - in this dream you may or may not see yourself. A dream means that soon you will have a good opportunity to realize yourself professionally. A dream that occurred on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday indicates that your career will be successful. Sleep from Saturday to Sunday - you may miss the chance due to passion for the past.

What is the dream of a mammoth

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If you saw a mammoth in a dream - pay attention to your life. Too often you think about the past, not paying attention to reality and losing good opportunities because of this.

Attacking mammoth - the appearance of a person who in the past brought you grief and, as you thought, disappeared from your life. Be careful not to allow close contact with the "man from the past." It will only bring you new problems.

A herd of peacefully grazing mammoths - in this dream you may or may not see yourself. A dream means that soon you will have a good opportunity to realize yourself professionally.

A dream that occurred on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday indicates that your career will be successful.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday - you may miss the chance because of the passion for the past.

What is the dream of a mammoth

Fairy tale and mythological dream book

Mammoth - remnants of the past, outdated opinions, views; far-fetched influences, fears; long forgotten powerful friend.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with state of mind dreamer, his fears and concerns. pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, frightening - the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people who were born on Monday, they are prophetic.