The name does not affect the fate of a person. Does the name affect the fate of a person? Check, perhaps your name is fraught with many tempting, yet undiscovered opportunities


The article shows the role of a person's name in the formation of his character and destiny. The following theories explaining the influence of a name on a person's character are considered: social, emotional, sound, linguistic. The linguistic analysis of the names is given: Mikhail, Arina, Alexander, Sergey, Bogdan, Yaroslav. On the basis of the ancient Slavic initial letter, alphanumeric codes of these names were compiled, helping to understand the deep meaning of the words. In the Old Slavic language, alphabetic characters had their own meaning, image, and some of them had a numerical value. Replacing the initial letter in the word also changed its semantic image. A linguistic analysis of the names Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Adolf Hitler was carried out. The following characteristics were taken into account: spelling of letters, sound, figurative meaning, numerical value, alphabetic digital code words. The linguistic analysis of the words Rus and Russia is carried out.


person's name




Old Slavonic

alphanumeric word code

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9. Shevchenko N.Yu., Lebedeva Yu.V., Neumoina N.G. Alphanumeric code of the name // Science, education, society: problems and development prospects: Sat. scientific tr. according to the materials of the Intern. scientific-practical. conf. (February 28, 2014): Part 4. - Tambov, 2014. - S. 154.

10. Language picture of the world / N.Yu. Shevchenko, Lebedeva Yu.V., N.G. Neumoina // Collection of scientific papers Sworld. 2014. V. 21. No. 1. S. 6-11.

“Among the vague mysteries that the human mind stumbles upon is the influence on the moral character and fate of a person of his name,”

S.R. Mintslov

The semantics of the name, its origin, influence on the fate of a person and its development in the world are dealt with by official sciences - anthroponymy and onomastics. Outstanding scientists studied the influence of a person's name on his character and fate: P. Florensky, A. Losev, L. Uspensky, V.A. Nikonov, P. Rouge and others.

Since ancient times, people have paid attention to the influence of a name on the fate of a person, a city, and even a state. Therefore, with major changes in the fate of a person, his name changes: at baptism, at marriage, at spiritual initiation, in show business. When changing state power, they also try to rename streets, cities and even states.

From time immemorial, in all countries of the world and in all cultures, it was customary to give a person two names, one of which was known only to parents, a priest, a priest or a shaman. This was done for magical protection from the evil eye or damage. The Slavs, like many other peoples, believed that the fate of a person is determined by the name, it is the key to its inner essence. Before the baptism of Rus', at birth, a child received from his father his first name in honor of one of the Ancestors. When he turned twelve years old, the child underwent initiation into adulthood (the rite of passage of age) and received a new adult generic name, and received a second secret name during the rite of “naming”. The secret name was known only to close relatives. With the adoption of Christianity, the function of the secret name began to be performed by the canonical name, enshrined in the traditions of the Christian religion. Among the canonical names are those taken from the church calendar, where the names of canonized saints are listed according to the months and days of their memory (the so-called calendar or hagiographic names). In Russia, until the 17th century, parents kept the name given to the child at baptism a secret, thus trying to deceive evil spirits.

The worldly name was not associated with religious traditions and served as the main name. It was supposed to endow its carrier with some useful qualities in life. Nicknames, unlike names, reflect not desirable, but real properties and qualities, territorial or ethnic origin, place of residence of their carriers, etc. Nicknames are given to people in different periods their lives. IN official documents in Rus', nicknames were used along with non-canonical names. A Russian proverb says: “Parents give one name. Life gives a completely different name. But we give ourselves the real name. But not everyone has the courage to confess their true name. Even to yourself."

The clarifying part of the name of the Slav is the patronymic (patronymic nickname), which directly indicates the origin and family ties of this person. In the old days, the patronymic indirectly indicated the social affiliation of a person, as it was considered an honorary name. Representatives of the highest feudal aristocracy were called by the so-called full patronymic ending in -vich, the middle classes used less honorable forms of patronymic nicknames - semi-patronymic names ending in -ov, -ev, -in, and the lower classes did without patronymics at all.

Surnames, or inherited official names, indicating a person's belonging to a particular family, appeared among the Slavs rather late. The first Slavic surnames have been known since the 15th-16th centuries, among the peasants they begin to appear only in the 18th-19th centuries. The naming of a person with a paternal nickname as a generic one was considered quite sufficient, and therefore the so-called "daddychestvo" (personal nicknames formed on behalf of the grandfather) were used extremely rarely. With the development of private land ownership, a genealogy was required, fixed in generic nicknames common to all family members.

Quite often, the father's name is introduced into the surname itself. A lot of German and English surnames ending in “zone” or “son”, Scandinavian - in “sen”, Georgian in “shvili”, Armenian in “yants” or “yan”, Turkish “oglu”, Iranian in “zade” , Slavic in -ov, -ev, -in, -ich (Petrich) simply mean "son" (Robinson is the son of Robin). In Scots and Irish, the same role is played by the prefixes: McNabs, and "O" (O'Brien).

The name of a person carries a lot of information. Naming their child, parents give him a purpose and a program in life. Name - sound wave which has a direct impact on the formation of a person's character traits, on his spiritual qualities, on his specific actions.

The name is the formula of fate, the program of life. It helps a person to realize his destiny, attract higher powers to the fate and understand the problems of character that need to be worked on. An incorrectly chosen name leads a person to stagnation, deprives him of protection. To get out of the vicious circle, the name must be consciously changed. At present, the name is given in honor of some prosperous relative, children are called by the names of the presidents of countries, famous politicians, favorite writers, actors, scientists, athletes, or refer to the church calendar. Very few people give a name consciously, choosing both by date of birth and by desired qualities.

Each person has several names:

Personal name. It has several pronunciations. For example, the official one is Natalya, the diminutive is Natashenka, the abbreviated one is Nata, etc.).

Family name (surname, patronymic).

Secret name (at baptism or spiritual initiation).

An arbitrary name that can change during life (pseudonyms, nicknames, etc.). Pseudonyms are especially relevant in literature, politics and show business. To work in art, it is advisable to take a creative first and last name (you can calculate the name by numerology).

A nickname is a name-sticky. Surrounding people intuitively feel that the character of a person corresponds to this or that word, reflecting its very essence.

Each name has its own personal image that has developed in the course of history. The names of great people are associated in public consciousness with certain aspirations and achievements. Learning about the exploits of their namesakes, a person acquires a source of additional confidence that he can do the same. Not without reason in the royal dynasties of different times the same names were repeated from generation to generation.

Russian researcher S.R. Mintslov, in a small book called The Power of Names, wrote about the striking uniformity of characters and properties of bearers of the same name. He came to the conclusion that among Alekseevs most often there are prudent people, Alexanders, as a rule, are merry fellows, and Peters, for the most part, are quiet, quiet people, but with a firm and stubborn character.

Pavel Florensky, an outstanding Russian scientist and philosopher, devoted to the study of the connection between names and character special labor- "Names". He writes: "The name is the thinnest flesh, through which the spiritual essence is determined." The name Alexander, notes P. A. Florensky, basically corresponds to the sanguine, with a bias towards the choleric character. Alexandra in relation to women are helpful and amiable, but their feeling for a woman rarely “explodes their inner life with a plow” and is more often limited to light flirting. The name Elena marks female nature, Nikolai are kind in their warehouse, Vasily usually hide tender feelings in themselves, Konstantin is distinguished by inconstancy ...

Concerning the mysticism of names, V. A. Nikonov, a specialist in the field of anthroponymy - the science of names, recalls in his book "Name and Society" the story of Jack London, in which one woman calls her sons the name of the deceased beloved brother Samuel, and all four of them, one by one, takes away death.

Specialists from the universities of San Diego and Georgia found that teachers in schools persistently give low marks to students with some names, high - with others. Girls with attractive names are poorly promoted and in business, but they can achieve noticeable success in show business.

There are several theories explaining how a person's name can influence his character.

Social theory. From a social point of view, a person's name is a bundle of social information about its bearer. By name, one can judge the origin, nationality, possible religion, basic character traits and temperament of a person. These representations are approximately the same for different people, which, in turn, determines approximately the same attitude towards the bearer of the given name. The “sociality” of the name was more pronounced in the last century, when names were given according to the calendar and behind each name there was a life story of a saint with very specific forms of behavior, character traits, attitude to the surrounding reality, etc. “By name and life” - said the stereotypical formula according to which the church and the Orthodox people raised the future Christian.

emotional theory. According to this theory, a person's name is seen as an emotional stimulus. Some names sound soft, affectionate and evoke a feeling of pleasant, gentle, sublime in those around them, while others, on the contrary, evoke unpleasant emotions, make you cringe internally, tense up, and become cold. This is the so-called "music of names". The initial attitude of others towards the bearer of the name will largely depend on what it is and will affect the characteristics of a person’s character.

sound theory. The name is a set of sounds of different heights and timbres. Different names - different sets of sounds. Sound stimuli different for the brain excite different structures of the brain.

There is another mechanism possible influence name for character formation. It operates at the level of unconscious associations and human sensations. This conclusion was reached as a result of studies in which people were asked to answer the question of what color they associate with. different names. It turned out that for the statistically overwhelming majority of the studied, the name "Tatiana" evokes the idea of ​​red (and close to it) color, while the name "Elena" is usually associated with blue (and close to it) color. From the psychology of color, it is known that red color causes a state of anxiety, danger, suffering in a person, while blue, on the contrary, causes a feeling of calm and tranquility.

The above studies, theories convinced that there is a connection between the name of a person and his mental characteristics.

We present the results of a linguistic study of the alphanumeric codes of some Slavic names. Initial letters of the Old Slavic language were used. On fig. 1 shows the ancient Slavic initial letter, in fig. 2 modern Russian alphabet.

Rice. 1. Old Slavic Letter

Rice. 2. Modern alphabet

In the Old Slavic language, alphabetic characters (letters) had their own meaning, image. Some initial letters had a numerical value (Fig. 1). In addition to the numerical value, the initial letters also had a serial number in the alphabet, reflecting their relationship with other letters.

To write numerals in capital letters, a numerical title was used:. For example, the number 241 was written: (two hundred and forty one).

Numbers from eleven to nineteen were written in the following order: first ones, and then tens. For example, twelve was written .(three (G) and ten (i)).

For simplification in the article, the entry without a title will be used to write numerals in capital letters.

Let's take a look at some of the names.

Name Michael.

Spelled: M (think) - to think, wisdom, transmission, transformation.

X (her) - the highest positive meaning; world balance, harmony.

L (people) - community, association, orientation, measured existence.

Michael - the harmony of people is achieved by thoughts about the universe of harmony (guardian of wisdom).

The numerical value of the name Michael:

40(M)+8(I)+600(X)+1(A)+8(I)+30(L)==687(XPZ)=6+8+7=21(KA)=2+1 =3(G) - keeping the peace of the earth (XPZ) as a source (KA) of transmission of wisdom (G).

Let's make an alphanumeric code for the name Michael. According to fig. 1 letter "M" is in the matrix under number 17. Let's add the serial numbers of the drop caps in the word, and replace the resulting sum with drop caps that have a numerical value.

No. 17 (M) + No. 11 (I) + No. 27 (X) + No. 1 (A) + No. 11 (I) + No. 16 (L) \u003d 83 (PG).

The number 83 consists of 80+3. The numerical value 80 corresponds to the letter P (chambers), the number 3 - G (verbs). Then the number 83 can be expressed with initial letters (PG) - the transmission of wisdom at rest.

83 \u003d 8 + 3 \u003d 11 (Az + hie i) self-knowledge \u003d 2 (B - lead) - wisdom.

Therefore, Michael is the guardian of wisdom, coming to wisdom through self-knowledge. Able to transfer the acquired knowledge to other people in a state of peace of mind, balance.

Name Misha:

M (think) - to think, wisdom, transmission, transformation.

And (izhє) - unity, union, harmony, balance.

A (az) is a person who lives on earth and does good. Beginning, origin.

Misha: thoughts about harmony that go beyond.

To understand the deep meaning of the name, its digital reading will help.

40(M)+8(I)+0(W)+1(A) = 49(Mθ)==13(GI)=4(D).

(M - thinker; θ - fita) thoughts about the harmony of man with nature. (G - verbs; I - izhei) - the transfer of knowledge, wisdom. D (good) - good, multiplication.

Expressing the drop caps in terms of serial numbers:

No. 17 (M) + No. 11 (I) + No. 31 (Sh) + 1 (A) \u003d \u003d 60 (Y - xi) - spirituality.

Therefore, Misha must live in harmony with nature. This is his way of obtaining knowledge and translating it into good deeds. Spiritual man.

Arina's name.

Arina - ar (earth), ina (born).

The numerical value of the name Arina:

1(A) + 100 (P) + 8 (I) + 50 (H) + 1 (A) \u003d \u003d 160 (РѮ) \u003d 7 (Z) - born (P) spirit (Y) on earth (Z).

Alphanumeric code for the name Arina:

1(A)+21(P)+11(I)+18(H)+1(A)=52(HB)==7(Z) - our (H) earthly (Z) wisdom (B).

The name Bogdan means given by God.

The numerical value of the name Bogdan:

70(0)+3(D)+4(D)+1(A)+50(N)= =128(RFL) ordering leading to harmony =11(AI) - self-knowledge =2(V) - wisdom.

Alphanumeric code for the name Bogdan:

2(B)+19(O)+4(G)+5(D)+1(A)+18(N)==49(Mθ)=13(ГI)=4(D) - multiplication of good (D ) through the transmission of wisdom (G) and thoughts (M) about the harmony of man with nature (θ).

The name Yaroslav - bearing the purity and light (glory) of the sun. Yaro (Yarilo) means the sun.

The numerical value of the name Yaroslav:

100 (R) + 70 (O) + 200 (C) + 30 (L) + 1 (A) + 3 (B) \u003d \u003d 404 ("ouk"; D "good") \u003d 8 (I) - approved structure () goodness (D) and harmony (I).

In the Old Slavic language, the sound "I" was transmitted by the letters "єнъ" (Ѧ), meaning he; structure; ascending image and initial letter "ar", homogeneous structure.

We write the name Yaroslav as Ѧ roslav and calculate the alphanumeric code of the name.

No. 41 (Ѧ) + No. 21 (P) + No. 19 (O) + No. 22 (S) + No. 16 (L) + No. 1 (A) + No. 3 (B) \u003d 123 (RKG) - saying (R ), as (K) transmission of wisdom (G).

The name Sergey means born on a foggy (gray) morning.

The numerical value of the name Sergey:

200(S)+5(e)+100(p)+3(G)+5(e)+8(d) = 321 (TKA) = (S) - affirming (T) unknown (S), as ( K) person (A).

Through serial numbers:

No. 22 (C) + No. 6 (e) + No. 21 (p) + No. 4 (g) + No. 6 (e) + No. 11 (d) \u003d 70 (O) \u003d 7 (Z) - earthly (Z) circle (O).

By the name of Sergei, we can conclude that he will assert human wisdom throughout his life.

But the numerical value of the name Sergius:

200(C)+5(e)+100(p)+3(G)+10(i)+8(d) = =326 (TKS) =11(AI)=2(B) - approver (T) unknown (S) space (K); through self-knowledge (AI), comes to wisdom (B).

The alphanumeric code for the name Sergiy will be:

No. 22 (C) + No. 6 (e) + No. 21 (p) + No. 4 (g) + + No. 12 (i) + No. 11 (d) \u003d 76 (OS) \u003d 13 (GI) \u003d 4 (D ) - the structure unknown to us (OS) transmits knowledge and multiplies goodness. Consequently, Sergius is guided not by human, but by God's wisdom.

Consider the name Alexander.

In the Old Slavonic language was the name Olgѯandr. The initial letter O "on" meant the tribal circle: grandfather, father, son. Lay down, sixteen dimensional beings. Olguandr is the grandson of a leg, carrying a spiritual structure (ѯ) and the son of a druid (dr). The spirit is non-material, unknown to us, therefore, in many nations it is denoted by "X": Aleχandre.

Then the name Algsandr appeared - similar to (A) leg, the son of a druid. Over time, "g" turned into the sound "k" and the name began to be written as Alksandr.

Numerical meaning of the name Alksandr:

1(A)+30(L)+20(K)+200(C)+1(A)+50(H)++4(D)+100(P)=406(S) - unknown to us (S ) a clear structure with its foundations () = 10 (I) - universal structure = 1 (A) source.

Alphanumeric code of the name Alksandr:

#1(A)+#16(L)+#35(b)+#15(j)+#22(c)+#1(a)+#18(n)+#5(e)+#21 (p) + No. 33 (b) \u003d 167 (PѮZ) the speech of the spirit of the earth \u003d 14 (DI) practical experience \u003d 5 (Є) - being.

1(A)+30(L)+5(e)+600(X)+1(A)+50(H)+4(D)+100(P) = 791 (ΨA) =17 (ZI) = 8 (I) - spiritual traits of a person (ΨA), who knows the earthly space (ZI), a harmonious person (I).

Alphanumeric code of the name Alexander:

#1(A)+#16(L)+#6(e)+#27(χ)+ +#1(a)+#18(n)+#5(e)+#21(p)+# 33(b) = =128 (RFL) speech as harmony =11 (AI) self-knowledge = 2 (B) - wisdom.

Numerical meaning of the name Alexander:

1 (A) + 30 (L) + 5 (e) + 20 (K) + 200 (C) + 1 (A) + 50 (H) + 4 (D) + 100 (P) \u003d 411 (UAI) - approach to self-knowledge = 6 (S) - unknown.

One of the meanings of the name Alexander: approaching the unknown through self-knowledge.

Using a similar technique, we will analyze the name: Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. Let's write down his name in the Old Slavonic language: Pushkin Aleχandr Sergievich.

P (chambers) - harmony, balance, peace.

U (uk) - approaching something.

Sh (sha) - silence; breadth; space; going beyond certain limits, beyond certain images of perception.

K (kako) - volume, space, the union of man with the universe.

I (izhei) - the universe, galaxy, space.

N (our) - ours in the universe.

Ъ (єръ) - creation in progress.

Pushkin is an approach to harmony in the space of our universe.

The numerical value of the surname Pushkin:

80 (P) + 20 (K) + 10 (I) + 50 (N) \u003d 160 (РѮ) \u003d \u003d 7 (Z) - spiritual utterances on earth.

Numerical meaning of the name Alexander:

791 (ѰЧА) =17 (ZI) =8(И) - spiritual traits of a person (ѰЧА) who knows the earthly space (ZI), a harmonious person (I).

The numerical value of the patronymic Sergievich:

200 (C) + 5 (e) + 100 (p) + 3 (g) + 10 (i) + 5 (e) + 2 (c) + 8 (i) + 90 (h) \u003d 423 (KV) - a certain structure of wisdom (information structure) = 9 (θ) - the harmony of man with nature.

If we add up all the numerical values ​​​​of the surname, name, patronymic, we get a new image: 160+ 791 +423= 1374 (ATOD) - a person (A) who approves (T) the circle (O) of goodness (D).

1374= 1+3+7+4=15 (єi) - the wisdom of being =6 (s) unknown to us.

We get Pushkin Alexander Sergievich - a sincere person who knows the earthly space, striving for harmony with nature, receiving knowledge from outer space and transmitting spiritual knowledge on earth.

Pushkin A.S. was born on 06/06/1799. Date of birth means: 6 + 6 + (1 + 7 + 9 + 9) = 12 (BI) knowledge of wisdom + 26 (KS) as unknown = 38 (LI) orientation towards harmony, balance.

The date of birth and the name coincide in terms of the purpose of life - an approximation to (aspiration) harmony. That is, the program of life coincided with the purpose of life.

Consider the name Adolf Hitler.

Adolf: the beginning (A) of increasing (D) human (L) pride (F).

The digital meaning of the name Adolf: 1 (A) + 4 (D) + 70 (O) + 30 (L) + 500 (F) \u003d 605 (XE) - balance in everyday life \u003d 11 (AI) - self-knowledge \u003d 2 (B) . Obtaining wisdom in the process of self-knowledge and harmony in everyday life. The presence of the letter F speaks of pride.

Hitler: 3 (G) + 8 (I) + 300 (T) + 30 (L) + 5 (Є) + 100 (P) \u003d 446 (UMS) - philosophical character. An attempt to make sense of the unknown.

The first name plus the last name will be: 446 + 605 \u003d 1051 \u003d 900 (C) + 151 (RHA) \u003d 7 (Z) - the goal (C) is the speech (P) of the human (NA). A born speaker, able to convey his beliefs to people and able to lead people. The ultimate goal is land ownership.

Another image of the initial letter R is separation, differentiation; ON - the people.

This means that the main goal of Adolf Hitler was to divide peoples and rule over the earth.

The full name code must be compared with the date of birth April 20, 1889. Date code: 20 + 04 \u003d 24 (KD) desire for accumulation; 1889 = 1+8+8+9=26 (KS) desire for the unknown.

The date of birth contains the need to explore the unknown.

Consider the influence of the name of the state on its fate.

Rs, Rus, Russia.

The original spelling of Rus was through the initial letter "ouk". Its image: a clear structure with its foundations, form, content. Pronounced like "oh".

Rs - recommended (R) definite form (ouk) of the word (C) created (b). A people, a community that speaks the same language, lives according to its own customs.

Deep meaning:

100(Р)+400()+200(с)=700(Ѱ) =7(Z) - Soul (Ѱ) of the Earth (Z). Hence the expression: "Russian soul".

After spelling reforms, this letter was removed from the alphabet. Rs began to be written as Rus, through the initial letter "uk". The image of this initial letter: being near something, approaching something, calling.

Rus' is a river (r) of the word created. Lost the meaning. This word lacks meaning and content. There was some indefinite form.

100 (P) + 200 (s) \u003d 300 (T) - firmament, territory.

No one needs to explain what a tragic history the country with that name had.

Russia is the power (ro) of the word (s) this (siya).

100(P)+70(O) +200(s) +200(s) +8(I) = 574(FOD) = 7(Z) - the noble divine structure of the good of the Earth. This is the power of the word.

The strength of our Motherland is in the word. Therefore, further simplification of the alphabet and degradation of the language should not be allowed. It is necessary to return to the Russian language its former greatness, and to the country - strength and power.

From the above examples it follows that whatever spelling of the word, such is the meaning of the image: “as it comes around (what image you send), it will respond (you will receive it).

Conclusion: the study of the Old Slavonic language will help to find out the true meaning of a person's name and find out your purpose of life. Properly chosen name of the child helps him to develop harmoniously.

Bibliographic link

Shevchenko N.Yu., Neumoina N.G., Lebedeva Yu.V., Korbakova T.V. INFLUENCE OF A NAME ON THE FATE AND MORAL IMAGE OF A HUMAN // Successes of modern natural science. - 2014. - No. 11-1. - P. 111-117;
URL: (date of access: 05/13/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

A number of studies have shown that a name can have an impact on a person's life. It can talk about career prospects, character, or even about physical condition.

The first name can indicate a child's demeanor, popularity at school, and even job prospects, while the last name hints at a person's strength and physical condition, recent research shows.

For example, the fact that there are so disproportionately many people named Dennis among dentists is, on the one hand, due to the so-called “hidden selfishness” effect, which consists in the fact that we like words and names that in one way or another resemble our own name.

On the other hand, our name affects how others perceive us. It caused a wide resonance, which admitted that she prefers her children to be friends with carriers of certain names. She said that she approves of children with names reminiscent of Victorian era(Henry, George, Victoria) or with Greek or Latin roots (Ariadne, Helen), because indirectly this tells her that their parents are well educated.

And this is not an isolated case, studies confirm that the name has a much greater impact on a person's life than we would like.

School performance

Director of the Institute for Policy Studies at Northwestern University (Illinois, USA) David Figlio has conducted several studies on this topic.

In one of them, he asked the participants in the experiment to highlight the characteristic features of the names that they associate with the working class or with African-American roots. Respondents highlighted the "isha" suffix (eg Lakisha) and the use of the apostrophe (eg D'Kuan).

Then he chose several pairs of siblings, where one has a "working" name, and the other has a "characteristic" middle-class name. It turned out that the child whose name is associated with the representatives of the working class, does less well in school than the one who is called a name that is more reminiscent of the middle class.

"It's not just because working-class families give their children names that sound like that," says Figlio. According to him, this is also due to the emerging associative social expectations.

Figlio's research also showed that boys with female names have a harder time than those with typical male names. Especially when there is a girl with the same name in the class.

University successes

Researcher Gregory Clark compared the names of 14,000 students at Oxford University in 2008-2013 with the rest of the population and found that Oxford has three times the average number of girls named Eleanor, as well as noticeably more bearers of the names Peter, Simon, Anna and Katherine. At the same time, Shannon, Page, Jade and Shane are much less successful in entering a prestigious university.

Names and racism

It can also be important how easily others can pronounce a person's name. A survey of 49 Asian American adults found that many of them felt "racist macro-aggression" when teachers mispronounced their names. In some cases, this made them seriously worry and feel like strangers.

Research by the NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) has shown that a name can have an impact on a person's life outside of school and university. The authors of the work sent resumes in Boston and Chicago from fictitious people: some were bearers of names associated with "whites" (Emily Walsh and Greg Baker), others with "African Americans" (Lakisha Washington, Jamal Jones). The results in the form of an invitation to an interview showed that the owners of “white” names were twice as successful.

Character traits

Important in drawing up an initial opinion about a person may be how the name sounds. The so-called "booba-kiki effect" shows that a person associates different words with different geometric shapes depending on their pronunciation. For example, the word “booba” is associated with something round, while “kiki”, on the contrary, is associated with a sharp figure.

The same thing works with a person's name, scientists from the University of Calgary in Canada found out. For example, the names Leo, Molly, and Samantha were associated by respondents with a rounded geometric figure, while Tia, Katie, and Kira were associated with a sharp one.

At the same time, it turned out that “soft” names are associated with something feminine, and “sharp”, on the contrary, masculine.

In addition, people also have thoughts about possible character traits that may be present in a particular group of names. Names associated with rounded geometric shapes are associated with someone soft, good-natured, open, friendly, cheerful. And the second group - with someone more aggressive, angry, determined, irritable and sarcastic.

At the same time, researchers note that people have the ability to associate the characters of people they know with the names they have. Of the 32 participants in the survey, 24 admitted that they were influenced by the associations that already existed in their heads.

Strength and health

But surnames can talk about the physical condition of a person, because they show the ancestors of people from what kind of activity they turned out to be.

About influence name on the fate of man has been known since ancient times. A name is an integral part of a person, his “visiting card” in society, his face. The saying “meet by clothes” is also true for the name, which in the same way forms the first impression when meeting a person. The name reflects the character and inclinations of its bearer, determines its successes and failures, affects relationships with people.

The influence of a name on the character and fate of a person has been studied for a long time, but the mechanism of this influence is still not fully known. According to social theory, the name of a person is a certain block of information accumulated by society in the process of its development and betrayed from generation to generation. Each name is a word in a language and has a specific meaning. In addition to its meaning, the name is "loaded" with information about the character and deeds of the great people who wore it. . We understand how a female name affects character and life.


Do not try to cheat with Sasha - more than anything she can not stand it when someone powders her brains, cheats or leads by the nose. Deceive her at least once - you will forever lose trust. In turn, you can be sure of the sincerity of Sashenka's words and actions. She feels most comfortable in the company of men than women. Often likes to watch football and hockey with them. Other "simple pleasures" include spending time outside the city, traveling, driving a car and just having a heartfelt chat. As for the love front, Sasha gets married quite late. The husband can trust her - she is a wonderful friend and hostess, able to do a lot for the family.


Traditional name from Russian fairy tales. Her parents, succumbing to the stereotype, dream that this will be the most beautiful, smart and gentle girl. And they are not far from the truth. As a child, Nastya literally bathes in love and adoration, grows dreamy, gentle, trusting. She has a great taste by nature, she loves to make beautiful and original gifts. Nastya lives in anticipation of the holiday.

Balanced and prudent, easily adapts to various life circumstances. Mental tragedies bypass her side. In work - assertive and punchy. He has good intuition, bordering on the gift of foresight.


Incredibly artistic, kind, trusting, disinterested, charming, feminine and accommodating. If grief, illness or sadness befell someone next to Anna, there is no better comforter and sympathetic heart! She lives not only her own, but also other people's problems, experiences and worries. "Sister of Mercy" is not otherwise! This feeling can play a trick on her - Anna can easily fall in love with a loser, a person with a difficult and difficult fate. Other distinguishing feature: she knows how to keep secrets - you can trust her. There is a natural responsibility. Among its features and strongly developed intuition. Even in difficult situation the owners of this name can trust their "sixth sense" and will not lose. In any profession, she gives herself to work 100%.


Surprise woman - you never know what to expect from Lera in the next minute. Scream or sing? If you are lucky and she likes you, you will find in the person of Valeria a devoted friend who will see in you only positive sides, love and praise. She definitely will not give offense to people dear to her! But treat strangers with great caution. Vulnerable and quite sensitive, although outwardly it may seem flighty and even nervous. In the work it is instantly transformed - it becomes clear, strict, collected. She herself is prone to professions that require communication. Another important feature of her nature is housekeeping: Valeria is a hospitable and wonderful wife.


Reasonable, rather closed and in-depth. She has a rather complex and very contradictory character. Not scandalous, but a bit feisty in nature. If you touch her to the quick, do not hesitate, she will not go into her pocket for a word and will give a worthy rebuff to the offender! Her opinion can be trusted if you want to hear an adequate and unbiased assessment of what is happening. To be happy, Vera needs a well-paid job and / or a solid, successful spouse. However, financial considerations come first. It affects not so much the commercialism of nature as a practical approach to life. Vera will definitely not miss her! Musical, loves to spend time at the piano. But he chooses work not at the behest of his soul, but according to his position and salary.


Translated from Persian, this is the name of the "owner". And this interpretation explains a lot in her character. Energetic, active, she really got used to taking the maximum from life. On her desktop, as well as in her soul, complete order reigns. A smart dreamer, a little impulsive, quick-witted, with an excellent memory. The only thing Daria lacks in her work is perseverance and hard work.


It seems that in the very sound of this name lies the royal position, authority and greatness. So parents call the girls they want to raise queens. How do these expectations compare with reality? Outwardly modest, but with an overestimated self-esteem. Caring, but deep sympathy, as a rule, does not feel. Keeps a distance from others, although very sociable. Kati is generally quite "thick-skinned" and insensitive. Catherine's pride is a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, she painfully endures someone else's superiority; on the other hand, the desire to be the first and the best spurs her to new heights and peaks. Persistent, hardworking, outspoken careerist. Women with this name rely only on themselves, but at the same time, they believe in the predictions of astrologers, psychics and palmists. Usually excels in whatever profession he chooses.


It is generally accepted that the owners of this name inherit the character from their father almost exactly. Therefore, in order to get to know this woman better, it is sometimes worth getting to know her dad. They are emotional and categorical, although outwardly they often give the impression of rather closed and shy personalities. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Elenas tend to immerse themselves in the world of their own experiences. However, this does not prevent them from using others as they please to achieve their own goals. They are very impressed with the WORK, which implies constant communication with other people. They are completely unpretentious in everyday life - peace and tranquility reign in their house. In world history, apparently, it was not by chance that the myth of Elena the Beautiful arose. They are really accustomed to surround themselves with beauty, adore fashion and painting. Working within the framework, for example, in a strict work schedule, categorically disgusts them.


Lizas really want to seem better than they are. Selfish and impulsive. And these qualities, at times, push them to rather eccentric acts, which they often regret. He tries to constantly lead in the team, but in the circle of friends he changes beyond recognition - he becomes soft, responsive and accommodating. By temperament, most often Elizabeth is sanguine: she is persistent herself, and easily amenable to stronger influence.


Independent, decisive, emotional, inconsistent, sociable. Even in the company of strangers behaves confidently and relaxed. She has a great sense of humor! Quick reaction - she makes any decision instantly, often guided by her own exceptional intuition. True, in assessing what is happening is very often subjective and even biased. She reacts quite sharply to any insults, but at the same time she cannot be called vindictive. No stranger to commanding habits. Irina never subordinates her life to the hearth and family, she does not at all gravitate towards household chores. A careerist, in any business that she is interested in, puts her soul and always brings it to the end.


Often outwardly very similar to her father, but the character, as a rule, inherits from her mother. Mobile, quick-witted, unpredictable. She firmly stands on the ground and does not waste time on nonsense and meaningless undertakings. She's got it all! Watch what you say to Christina - she carefully remembers all this.

Quite easily converges with strangers, makes the necessary acquaintances, but still prefers the company of a select and narrow circle of friends. An amorous nature, which, alas, quite often and quickly becomes disappointed in men. He values ​​his family very highly, but rarely finds mutual language with mother-in-law.


Kind, benevolent and gentle, however, she can stand up for herself - she has enough firmness to repulse any offender. Wayward, but at the same time incredibly caring - from childhood she loves to babysit the "little ones". Maria generously shares warmth and attention. She will definitely not give offense to “her people”. This name represents family, warmth, comfort, justice and… uncompromisingness! The pace of her life is measured, she is restrained and unhurried, she weighs her every act and step. Any failures, although upsetting her, do not destroy her - she continues to move on. And although it will not be difficult for her to achieve professional heights, for example, in medicine or in administrative work, most of all she likes the role of a homemaker and a hospitable hostess.


Emotional, somewhat stubborn, strives to be a leader in any company. For this, however, she has all the data - she is purposeful, firm, pedantic, decisive, sociable with colleagues and quite self-possessed. In any situation, she, first of all, thinks about her own interests. She loves to intrigue and is no stranger to adventure. Most often, by temperament, Nadia is a choleric: she immediately lights up and cools down very quickly. The owners of this name should always be on the alert - they are easily influenced by others, which can play a cruel joke on them. The most harmless "shots" in her address can hurt a lot. Nadezhda has an impeccable command of the art of impersonation - she should have become an actress! Among the priority work areas are the service sector and advertising.

Natalia and Natalia

An initiator, a generator of ideas, a ringleader - it's all about Natasha. Active, sociable, curious, likes to be seen. Surrounding only a diva are given: and as soon as she has time for everything and everywhere? Thanks to the lively, resolute and proud character that nature has awarded her. By the way, about pride - this is one of her driving forces. Therefore, to any critical remarks, the owners of this name are very intolerant and incredibly touchy. Natashas need constant praise and compliments, which become their driving force and give them energy. This quality should be remembered by the man whom she chooses as her companion. You should not reproach her for her shortcomings and find fault with trifles - her virtues more than cover them. She loves to draw and travel. Cannot sit in one place for a long time. Behind external frivolity and talkativeness lies an analytical mind and unexpected pragmatism.


Principled, stubborn and straightforward. The owner of a strong will and a stable psyche. In life, a “foreigner” in communication is very friendly, eschews any conflicts. If Oksana fails, as a rule, she blames others or circumstances for this, but never herself. However, she does not shy away from obstacles. It is almost impossible to convince the owner of this name of something: even if she formally agrees with you, inside she remains of her opinion. Proud, fair, persistent, economical and rather prudent. Her own benefit comes first. Oksanas should take a closer look at the "male" professions: from a surgeon and a photojournalist to a businessman and a politician.


"Be bolder!" So I want to say to the owners of this name. Timid, indecisive character with early years can become an obstacle in the development of talents, which, of course, Olga has. People around should be more attentive to the "saints" (as the name is translated from Scandinavian) in order to help their inner resources, intellect, and courage to open up. In this case, they will be able to overcome any obstacle. Such women do not aspire to be leaders, and if this happens, then, rather, by coincidence, and rather contrary to their desires.

Women with this name are prone to constant introspection; know how to brilliantly bypass the "sharp corners" in relationships with men and colleagues. But at the same time, they often experience hidden envy of more successful friends. Woo good results in science and art.


“My light is a mirror, tell me, tell the whole truth ...” The words that Polina seems to utter every day, looking at her reflection. She used to consider herself the most intelligent, beautiful, lucky ... This is not groundless! A person who does not lose faith in himself often really achieves a lot on all fronts. At the same time, Polina is far from being indifferent to someone else's opinion. Self-love goes hand in hand with introspection. The owner of a "business vein" is a very reliable and thorough worker and companion. Between reason and intuition, he will always choose the first. What is not at all in the character of Polina is envy. The spirit does not tolerate hypocrites. Phenomenal cleanliness, hence the good hostess. Polina's responsibility and practicality are also connected with her fear of change. She pathologically does not like any changes in the usual order of affairs. Behind the appearance of a fragile woman, the grip of a tigress is often hidden. Advertising, journalism, management - this is her professional path.


The character of this woman is largely formed and depends on her environment. Initially, by nature equally open to both good and evil. Therefore, it equally reflects the vices and virtues of the “inner circle”. The only problem is: what kind of people will be around more? She can become domineering and authoritarian, or maybe vulnerable and driven. Therefore, the responsibility for the formation and development of her character largely lies with Sveta's parents. If we talk about "unbiased" characteristics: this is a smart, cheerful, flexible, accurate and very tactful person. Most importantly, she does not try to remake the people around her "for herself", but perceives them as they are.


Women with this name learn everything themselves in the course of life and business. They try to arrange fate with their own hands, without regard to others. They are alien to rivalry. They are able to instantly solve even the most difficult problem. Delicate, soft and sophisticated. And although Sonya’s life flows smoothly and measuredly, you can’t call her a modest nun. True love capable of destroying even the most prosperous and well-established way of life. She achieves success in business and professions, where there is no monotony, and there is lively communication with people.


In childhood - emotional and friendly, with age it becomes quite stubborn and domineering. He does not accept objections, stands to the end on his own, being the boss - puts his subordinates in their place. Dancing is a weakness for many Tanyas, especially in childhood. She is a very artistic woman. And egocentric. Enjoys male company. The husband and children are a little afraid - she is strict and quick-tempered, loves to lead and command. But she has many friends, with them she is not alien to sentimentality, but she does not complain about her life to them.

One of Tanya's female weaknesses is fashionable clothes, for which she is ready to pay any amount without any regret. She often advocates repairs in the house, she constantly needs to redo everything. Tatyana can’t stand monotony at all: she loves long trips and travel.

The name is a kind of energy code, the combination of meanings of which directly affects the character, fate and key events In human life. Since ancient times, the name personified personal qualities people who received them at birth. This trend can be seen especially clearly in the Indian tribes. They called their children in a very strange way: Indestructible Fist, Vigilant Eye, Conqueror of Water, etc. Today we will try to figure out how the name affects the character of a person, and what to be guided by when choosing it for a child.

Name and character - relationship and spheres of influence

“Whatever you call a yacht, so it will float” - it’s not for nothing that popular expression considered the main motto of sailors. They never name their ship after a deceased relative of one of the crew members, because they believe that the human spirit will try with all its might to drag them into the abyss of the sea. The most popular ship names are Victoria, Augustina and Burislava, which literally stands for "victory, great and indestructible."

This principle also applies to the name of a person. Character, destiny and important stages in life are variable indicators in esoteric teaching that can be adjusted. Think about why in monasteries, when taking tonsure, a person is given a different name, different from the one he wore in worldly life? This is not just done. It is believed that the rite of naming gives a person a new status. It resets his past and the starting point is set at the moment of baptism, which is called differently in world religious beliefs. That is why such spheres of influence of a name on a person are distinguished, such as:

  • Character. Vivid examples there are a lot of influences of a name on a person’s character, just take a history textbook for elementary grades and see for yourself. The records say that one of the greatest generals- Alexander Suvorov, was born a very sickly, weak and unviable child. His mother, having barely looked at her child and heard his plaintive “Ah-ah,” decided that this was a sign from above. She named the baby Alexander, which means "Defender of the people" in ancient Greek. How the fate of the boy turned out and who little Sasha became are well-known facts that do not need a detailed description.
  • Fate. Famous astrologers, magicians and even Buddhist teachers are sure that the fate of a person directly depends on his name. In any faith there are Saints who are revered either as saints or as martyrs. Since ancient times, it has been considered that to give a child the name of a righteous man - to an easy and happy fate, and a great martyr - to numerous obstacles, endless problems and a hard road to achieving the goal.

Attempts to explain exactly how the relationship between the concepts "name - character - fate" is established are still being continued by scientists. Some use a numerological approach for these purposes, calculating the frequency of vibrations of sounds. It is worth noting that this method is also used for . The latter use the decoding of individual characters that have a separate meaning. And still others prefer the analysis of statistical data, considering the fate of people with the same names and finding similarities in them. From this we can conclude that the name certainly has an impact on the character of a person and his fate, making its own changes to the personal portrait.

Interesting facts about the influence of the name on the character

At the end of the last century, a college of independent psychiatrists from the United States of America conducted an interesting experiment. For his participation, people with various names were selected - common and unusual, practically not found in ordinary life. All of them spent 21 days in a separate house with a swimming pool, entertainment, and also received daily tasks to improve living conditions of your stay. After the completion of the experiment, all scientists came to the conclusion that men and women with strange and sometimes funny names were 18 times more likely to visit a psychologist on duty, complaining of regular nervous breakdowns, the presence of obsessive suicidal thoughts and inexplicable hysterical seizures. Psychiatrists have given this phenomenon a simple explanation. The non-standard names that boys and girls received from their parents caused ridicule among their peers, provoked them to come up with offensive nicknames and negatively affected the character of their owners.

The influence of the name on the character - folk beliefs

From time immemorial, a tradition has been established in Rus' to name a child according to the Saints. The thing is that our ancestors believed in the mighty power of the name, which endowed the baby with good qualities, abilities and talents. Until now, many scientists agree that the name contains a certain digital code that has a direct impact on the human psyche, provoking nervous breakdowns, depressive states, or vice versa, an optimistic mood at various periods of life. Numerous beliefs and signs are associated with the sacred cult of the name, to which many listen to this day. The most popular and common of them are:

  • You can not come up with a name for a child in the womb, in advance, because the baby may be born dead or with serious physiological abnormalities. Our great-grandmothers believed that a person becomes spiritualized only at the moment of the first breath - that's when you can start choosing a name, evaluating the character of the baby in the first days of life.
  • It is not recommended to call girls by the names of their own mothers, great-grandmothers or grandmothers. It is believed that the girl will have a "hard fate", a difficult fate and poor health.
  • The eldest son, named after his father or grandfather on his father's side, will be handsome, honest to others and have invincible inner strength.
  • It is best to choose for the baby the name of a saint whose patronal feast is closest to the date of birth of the baby. At the same time, it is impossible to consider variants of names according to the calendar "back" for at least a couple of days. It is believed that in this case a person will grow poorly and never achieve their goals, lagging behind their peers. But the named child, according to the principle of choosing the name “forward”, will have a strong-willed character, develop “beyond his years”, and also always strive to improve his life.

Special attention deserves the fact that many esotericists do not recommend giving a person a fictitious name. Frets, Oktyabrins, Efinarii, Kostislavs and Diminiki are bad not because they sound strange, but because there is no “heavenly patron” for them. It turns out that these words are “naked”, although they have certain historical roots and decoding of meanings. Throughout life we ​​will hear our name from the lips different people, therefore, these vibrations will be steadily reflected in the character, fate and even behavior. If you wish your children well, then we recommend that you listen to the advice and experience of previous generations, who have accumulated wisdom for more than one thousand years.

Everyone knows that the fate of every child directly depends on his parents. Family members, choosing a name, convey a peculiar message to the baby about his future. But do you know who exactly gave you the name? Did all family members agree with your choice of name, or was this decision made under pressure from your father or mother? What other names have been suggested by your loved ones? Were there relatives in your family who bore your name? Knowing the answers to these questions, you will discover that your name was not chosen by chance and that it is part of the history of your family. It follows from this that your destiny is influenced by the name.

The stories of choosing a name for a newborn are always different, but, as a rule, they have common features. Let's look at the most common naming options.


Many parents call their baby the name of one of the family members, even the deceased. Sometimes it's just a coincidence, sometimes it's an agreement of the parents, sometimes it's a long-established and unshakable decision. What will the child get from this option of obtaining a name? The fact that the baby bears the name of one of the relatives will allow him to more acutely feel his belonging to the family. The child will perceive his future more calmly, considering it more predictable, in addition, he will feel protected from parents and other relatives, regardless of whether they are alive or already dead. The world for a baby named after a relative will be an entertaining and peaceful place. He will not need to look for an answer to the question “what is a family?” in the future, since close people show him an example of an “ideal home” in advance.

The disadvantages of this method of choosing a name arise when this tradition becomes an unshakable canon, when parents impose on a child permission to be like a relative who has lived a happy life. Such an approach is an obstacle to the future self-realization of the child, although it helps to emphasize the commonality and unity of the family. You should not use this method if the parents and other relatives do not live in harmony. The child receives an example of a not entirely successful family, which as a result can result in such character traits as self-doubt, adventurism and irresponsibility.

New Yorker and housewife Camilla Shirley Pias says she was named after her beloved aunt, but has always felt uncomfortable with the rarity of the name. Camilla notes that few people pronounce her aunt's name correctly as a child, and Camilla herself also often faces this problem. “When someone pronounces my name incorrectly, I always ask what is so difficult about pronouncing it? I knew how to pronounce it at the age of 3!


Random choice of name occurs, as a rule, in families that do not have traditions or do not want to support them. The choice of name is carried out in terms of "like it or not." A randomly chosen name gives the child more ways for self-realization, but does not allow him to feel belonging to the clan or family. As a rule, the person who chose the name at random has an impact on the life of a child.