Conspiracy in classmates to be returned. After that, magical words are pronounced in a whisper. Effective home plot so that soon gave debts

It happens that people take into the duty of other people's money, but to give their own. And these money to give, oh, as I do not want. Therefore, those who give member, often can not wait for the debt. They say that if you want to put up with the other, lend him money.

Esoterics believe that money is categorically impossible to take money. It accumulates the energy responsibility of money taken into debt. It turns out that money you have not worked yet, but you have already accumulated negative energy potential The money taken, which have already become strangers. In addition, the person who gave you money will always be with good income, and you are not.

This is because you always ask for money egregor to send money to your debtor, so he sends, but not through you, but directly to worry you. In the esoteric world, everything happens very unusual and not at all as we want.

Therefore, if you ask for money from the highest strength, they need to ask for themselves, and not for others. Money comes only to someone who asks for money on themselves. And first of all, on yourself. Even having received money, you need to pay for a debt no more than 30%, and the other spend your pleasure or some projects. If you want a sense of conscience to give money to the one who lent you, you quickly lose your income.

If you do not delight yourself and live without joy, you generally block the receipt of any money.
If you do not give you a debt, think what lesson does the Universe teach you? Do not allow this situation to turn into a karmic war for many lives. Better stop thinking about your money, and the highest forces themselves will understand what to do with it.

Of course, a person may not be money to give them them, and sometimes there is money, but I really don't want to give. So usually do not do very decent people. Or those people who simply gain money, live on them and think that they deceived everyone.

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Before resorting to the help of the debt return magic, you need to ask the debtor several times to return. If you see that a person is not going to return money to you, then refer to magic.

However, it is strictly forbidden to use black magic. First, you do not know the rules and sputters in black magic. Secondly, you may not get the forces to command entities that there are inevitable satellites of black magicians. It must be remembered that the techniques of black magic are very dangerous, not only for the debtor, but also for the artist.

They threaten the breakdown of fate and the destruction of health. Some near people even fall into a crazy house, because demons simply drive them crazy. You need to be a magician at least in the 3rd generation to engage in black magic or go a right dedication.

Please note that the debtor is useless. And it is impossible. No need to give money in debt. If you do not give money, this is some kind of karmic lesson for you. And you will have to deal with this question.
If you independently can not understand what a lesson gives you a debtor, visit the psychologist. At the session, the psychologist will ask you suggestive questions and will help unlock the situation that created.

It has been proven that when negative programs and blocks from the human psyche are leaving, the events in his life change incomprehensible way.
Of course, there are many conspiracies and prayers in order to force the debtor to return the money to you. Try, they work quite effectively.

Conspiracy to return debt with white magic

This conspiracy will help you to return your money even in the hard case. Even if you are already desperate.
To spend the ritual, you need to buy in the store of the boxes of matches and at the same time do not take delivery. We still need a regular candle bought in the church. Every evening you need to take one match and wait for the light from the candle.

Put a match on a saucer, and wait for it to dozhrit. So perform until the matches are running. During the burning of the candle to say: the candle is burning, helping slave (name) to return the money, let his torment suffer that the debtor gives me everything. My word is hard! " Matches need to be stored in an inaccessible place until you get your money back.

Conspiracy Stepanova on the return of debt

This conspiracy is recommended to read not 3 times, but for now they will not feel that the space was obedient and the highest strength heard. While you read, imagine that the debtor occurs what is said in the text. Then call and ask to return the debt, you need the first to come to the conversation.

You need to fulfill the whole ritual every day until you bring money. The conspiracy of Stepanova, like all its conspiracies, one of the most popular on the network and is considered very effective.

Prayers and rites for debt refund

Highly strong prayer Nikolay Wonderworker. It is necessary to read it within 40 days. This prayer simply creates incredible things.

The strongest conspiracy on the return of money debt

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The green candle from wax will help you to return the debt if every evening he burns her and read a conspiracy at her: " green candle, my friend's friend, give me my money from my wallet of someone else's. Let them return to his native house. Let them acquire peace and joy from return. "
This rite is considered fairly strong and always brings the necessary results.

The consequences of whom a conspiracy

It is very dangerous to use black magic during the ritual. Here the entities that are different ranks are always involved. These entities help you during rituals, but settle in the energy space of those engaged in magic. Along the way, they can drive crazy one who does not have enough strength to manage them.

Many customers and practitioners appear terrible diseases, type of cancer. They dry and get not clear from what, their relatives are dying, including children.
Even if you really want to revenge, it is impossible to revenge. You just need to contact light forces and ask them to help you punish the villains. You will definitely help, so so. That you yourself would never have been able to do.

The magical conspiracy on the return of debt will help return the busy money. These rituals successfully used our great-grandbanks. And while your debtors did not make you enemies, on the basis of not given money, practice white magic And you will be happy!

Money Return Spell

All spells work on the return of money debt on one technology, they send the energy to the right direction. Thus, you get to influence the consciousness of the debtor. Which almost immediately appears the desire to give back the entire occupied amount of money. Magic begins to tele the conscience of the borrower, and he wants to get rid of this feeling as soon as possible.

This conspiracy reads the one who gives loan, and wants the debtor to return duty on time. Say spell on homing bills:

"You are green, red, multicolored in debt give yourself a profit of call. Return faster, yes friendships lead: large, small, multicolored, copper, gold. You are back without any problems, yes with a fast return waiting. "

Split three times left shoulder and cross off. It should be remembered that only in emergency situations the money sums are given or return to a decreasing moon. Than younger than a monthThe faster it will be possible to return.

Conspiracy on fast debt debt

To quickly return debt, use conspiracted water (any), it must be drinked by the debtor. Invite your friend to a cup of tea or coffee, add a conspiracy liquid into the debtor's circle and the money will be back soon. Before use, read the conspiracy on the water:

"Water infusion, I will conspire it to return to me to me, so that the debtor had the opportunity to give the worst. To the slave of God (the name of the man who occupied) the money comes, remain, and they are given to me. Slowly, smilling, without problems, scandals, quarrels. Fortunately in the house of the debtor - loan the road to the house of the borrower. "

Conspiracy to return money Read on bread

With baking and spells, you can speed up the process of returning debt money. The ritual is recommended to do on the growing moon, and the friend or friend or girlfriend should be fed. It will be necessary to cook doughAt the time of the kneading prison:

"Puffed in the yeast stood, the dough raised. Raise breadfinds (bun) of the suck of the slave of God (the name of the one who took) so that his worst gave their own, the family and the family did not worry. He is in sufficiency, and I have risen on the yeast, and the wallet fell into my wallet. Key, language, lock.

Conspiracy prompting to return debts

There is a strong conspiracy, he is designed to awaken in the debtor the desire to return the money. This ritual affects conscience, thereby contributes to the wish to quickly give money. Take a broom in your hands, mentally imagine how they beat the gains and read magic words:

"The broom will chase you, I wish you conscience to wake up your conscience. Feel, wake up, my amount come back. "

Counting for a quick debt refund

Take any debtor thing in your hand, and read the conspiracy on it:

"You will reward you with force, you help me, Relief money. Little does not know that it helps it. Mantil, contact, the debtor is enriched, and my debt duty. I lock, close, the language of the castle. "

Repeat 11 times and stump right leg On the floor.

Magic and apple

In order to return his duty, you can speak the apple, after giving it to the debtor. But first say spell:

"Do not eat apple to discord, but we return money without witchcraft. Adam and Eva The fruit of the Forbidden was eaten and the truth was recognized. I am a slave of God (my name) made money in debt, and the servant of God (friend's name) was borrowed. Unable to pay, urine is not. The ancestors, the prathers of sins to take their own, and the bills everything is painlessly returned. Amen".

Conspiracy on matches

If you read a special conspiracy on matches, the debtor will suffer greatly from the agony of conscience. Preparing for:

  1. On a red sheet of paper I write the name of the owned person;
  2. Fix on a sheet church candle;
  3. Gilt the candle with matches;
  4. We put together and candle saucer.

The text is designed for every three matches, it is necessary to burn on the outcome the entire box. Gilt and fold in the saucer to get a fire, then we read a plot:

"Floor to the conscience lights, myself returns myself. The debtor is painted. As long as money returns, it will suffer and hurt. Match does the pain of slave (name) causes. Key. Language. Lock".

All the spars wrap in paper with the name, and postponed into a secluded place in the house.

Black magic to return their money

The strongest magic to make the debt return, naturally belongs to the black forces. If you were repeatedly held conversations with the money you have taken money. But he is Hamit and does not have the slightest desire to return a borrowed amount, then dark forces are able to help. Unfortunately, it is only so possible to punish the offender and not give him the opportunity to deceive other people. So, in fact, you make a good thing.

What you need to do this:

  1. Black fabric in shape as a handkerchief with equal sides;
  2. Photo of the offender;
  3. Three candles (red, black and white);
  4. 6 pieces of paper that is written approximate growth, weight. You can use any data about the debtor.

For half an hour before midnight, we light the candles in the form of a triangle. Over each set on two papers and pronounces a magical conspiracy:

"In hell devils do work, they will come to the intersection, the debtors will take."

Watch the balance into the fabric and go at midnight to the intersection. Purify your finger so that blood appeared and add a few drops to matter. Make a small bonfire from a brought convolution and whisper Spell:

"You devils the devils. He wishes to live with you, risks and play games with you. Put it, and I return a duty. "

God for you health!

Today I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, will talk about how the magical plot quickly return the debts from the debtor. It seems that many familiar with the situation when you help you out, you give money to debt, and then the return of your own money becomes a genuine problem. IN practical magic Such rituals for quick debt debt are, and they work very efficiently. In the Chernokhniki, you can choose methods of returning debt that work gently, affecting the part that we call conscience. There are also rigid rituals, nightmare debtors and arguing him to return what he took.

In Rounic Magic, there are also very interesting and full rituals of influence on the object in order to return debt. I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, consider it expedient to combine the filmklines and the path of the runes. The result is very inspiring. This material presents several effective conspiracies to make a person return duty.

How plots work in order to force the debtor to quickly return debt

To start do it detailed analysis Situations associated with the return of debts. There are two sides: lender and debtor. Consider the case from the creditor's position in the magic key, of course. From the point of view of witchcraft, to learn - the case is ungrateful and punishable. Money comes to a person not to give them to others. If he does it, then he doesn't need money. Choosing the way to "give", a person chooses not to have money. Live energy of money is released, as if sprayed in space.

From the position of the debtor, the same situation looks completely different. The phenomenon of communications of the debtor and the lender is that the debtor under the influence monetary energy It falls into the changed state of consciousness, meeting with temptation not to give duty. It stems from the need to give my money, although I took a stranger. Therefore, debtors, as a rule, do not return their debts.

It means to return to another to return to the practice of monetary magic, but not enough read strong conspiracy to refund, appreciating only in the debtor, i.e. On one side of the conflict. It is necessary, affecting both aspects - the lender and the debtor.
The actions of the magician with respect to the one who gave money should be aimed at raising material well-being. Currents should be carried out on attraction and filling of cash flow. Turning to the second side of the conflict - the debtor, the magician declares it to painless parting with money, or, referring to strong conspiracies so that the person returned the debt, he hardly forces him to this through the suggestion of guilt, fear, or the launch of the snake of events leading to the situation, When the debtor is forced to give his duty.

When you do it yourself - to read conspiracies to refund from the organization, or from a private person, take into account this moment. It does not matter, legal, or an individual is the debtor, the algorithm of action will be the same. Work should be made comprehensively. For example, the management of the debtor's company can be impressed by the idea that parting with money and the return of their creditor is not forced, but mutually benefit. You can influence, gently awakening the conscience of the debtor, but if necessary, more aggressive and efficient actions to knock out debugged money are possible.

You will read a conspiracy of white magic to the return of debt, refer to black, or to runes, no salt in this, for work will be built precisely according to the described scheme. Of course, each egregor works in its own way, but the essence remains the same. In witchcraft, the result is important, and only he.

How to read a white magic conspiracy to refund

If you address the forces of the Christian egregor to solve the problem, then before independent reading spell on the refund, prayer appeal to representatives of the forces, patronizing merchants and related financial aspect. For example, pray to Saint John with merciful to improve its financial position. You need to read this prayer daily at dawn or during sunset.

Then you can hold a rite to force your debtor to return the money.

And here is a simple magic rite to force quickly return debt. For magic Ritual Need a piece of black bread and salt. Salt bread strongly, and tell me over: "Your life, the slave of God (name) salt, please". Bread attribute to the threshold of the debtor, leave there and read the words spells there 3 times to quickly gave the debt:

"How salty this bread will also be solon and the food of my debtor, God's slave (name). You do not disappear in the thoughts, you don't forget in thoughts about the debt, everything that I took, return. At night, you do not sleep, you can not at the day, so to go. Amen".

Independent conspiracy to return money - to return debt on the swamp

This black conspiracy to return money debt read after midnight. You can at home, however, will achieve more effect if you spend the magic ritual on the forest crossroads, or near the swamp. For self witchcraft you need:

  • wax candle
  • photo of the debtor

The photo is taken to facilitate imaging, but it is possible to work without it, with a mental manner.

Light a candle, and three times read the strongest conspiracy to return a large amount of money:

"I will stand, without crossing, I will not bless it, from the door to the door, from the gate to the gate. I will go on the road, the road will be swollen on the path, I will go to the forest with a dense, I will find a swamp in the forest, on that swamp there is a bone plate. To the bone slab approach, the three sisters of Besuzitz Call: Cher, longing, butt, whitewash. Three sisters of Beshanitsa come out from under the bone plate: a turn, melancholy, whitewashing misfortune, will ask: "Who called us, who raised us?" I approach them closer, worship down, the tearful of all three will ask: "You, three sisters of Besuzens: a turn, melancholy, a junior trouble, do not be angry with me. I called you, I raised you, my breath was silent. Make you and you are sorrow. Go you, three sisters, Three Besuzens: Clean, melancholy, Ludea, before my debtor (name). Find on it, sketch, throw it out, my debtor. Turn it, drive it, bey, trample, teeth, horns, to be trees, grow it, mention it, make it, the debt to return me, I do not give my debt, I do not see peace. You are my debtor, what I have to, then I know, and what I know, then you take away. Three sisters of Besuzitse: Cut, melancholy, Ludea trouble, leaving, twist my debtor, so that he was roaring, whisked, screamed, screamed and cutting, she did not know again, until his duty gave me a debt, until all debts pay for me Your debts will not repay me. Three sisters of Besuzens: a turn, melancholy, a little bit, press my debtor. The word is the key, the case is the castle, three sisters of Besuzens to my debtor on the threshold, and he is in every side. Not to separate, not to remake, do not fix, do not debug, do not speak with my mind, while the debtor will not give me what I should, and that debt I know, and that duty I take, three sisters of Besuzens help me in that . The castle is putting under the bone plate, the keys throw in a wretched swamp, my business is tough, strongly and irrevocably. Amen".

I recommend conspiracy to read 3 nights, after the last reading to the crossroads, the sputum. Cash ritual It has positive reviews from practitioners magicians. The effect is really good, and for someone, perhaps it is the strongest conspiracy on the return of money debt. Methods for solving this problem, repeat, much.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

A strong conspiracy to refund - how to make the debt

A powerful rite of debtor for debt returns hard affects man. To work, you need to prepare:

  • fresh heart bull
  • new knife
  • natural fabric flap

Put the heart in front of you and, sinking a knife in it, read these words of conspiracy so that the person returned the debt:

"Stop life and blood, and my debtor's breath (name). Once, he will not return my money, let the body of my debtor rot. The key is the sky, the castle - the Earth. Truly speech. "

Without removing the knife from the heart, wrap it in the canvas and drop away from the cemetery gate or at the crossroads. If you have serious problem With the return, the debtor rests, and the money taken with you does not give, try the strong ritual of black magic. Perhaps he will be the strongest conspiracy on the return of money by the debtor. Every person needs to pick up effective plotto. It was already a banality because this fact Known to every practitioner Magu. Independent conspiracies to make a person return debt - Like medicines: someone is suitable for someone else. It is necessary to find exactly the one that will be effective specifically in your case.

And I, Magic, Sergei Artgrom remind: Make rituals on others follows only after magic shields will be installed. About the roofings and family members should also take care, since there is always a risk after aggressive impact to get a rollback.

Effective home plot so that soon gave debts

If you are lost, and do not know which read a conspiracy on the return of debt, Try this with red threads. To independently hold a witch rite, you need to have:

  • new coil of red threads
  • debtor's handkerchief (or any thing as binding to the object)
  • a rock

The witchcraft ritual is held at noon on the shore of the reservoir. Find medium sizes of a stone, tie a thing to him, and throw a stone with binding into the water. When the stone plunges on the bottom, look at the place where the water closed.

And read 4 times a conspiracy to make a person return debt:

"How heavy the stone pulls on the bottom pulls, so that the debtor of my (name) the soul of Scattered, moaning, the rest did not give him a clear afternoon, nor dark at night, until I would not return mine. To be for my word. "

On the black moon to read conspiracies in the debtor to return debt

  • On the black moon (in front of the new moon), on the sunrise sunk candle. Stand up the eastern window, and read three times independent plot For the return of money:

    "I send on my debtor (name) what's on. Let this due on it burns and the bake, chasing the corners, breaks the bones. Let my debtor (name) do not eat, does not sleep, does not drink, as long as the debt will not return to me. May it be so"

  • With the arrival of the Black Moon, and 3 pm in a row, burn aspen rays, whispering on the smoke:

    "As a bench burns, so you, my debtor, (name) you will smooth and burn. Will not fill with water until I return the debt. Exactly"

  • To produce a home rite, take a photo of the debtor and a black candle. Light a candle, photo put on the table and, holding, 9 times say a strong plot to quickly gave the debt:

    "The sea-ocean has a fire house. It does not wash it with water, does not bloom the wind. It sits in him a naudient man, he has no hands, no legs, no strength. So I'm from the debtor (name) I drink strength, I release blood out of it, we take a heart, I close my eyes. Until you give me a debt. And you do not give away, the body is betrayed your grave. The words of my words do not wash off, as it is said, so be. Amen"

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    Effective conspiracy so that people do not ask

    Learn to refuse when you are asking for a loan so that you don't have to run around for your debtor, and not be punished twice: your debtor who does not return money, and forces who have decided that money, since you distribute them. To hide yourself from those who ask for a debt, use wroks that act in such a way that you will not be treated as a lender. And here is an example of such a magical cape.

    Wait for the full moon night. Take into the left hand a black flaming candle, lift it above your head, and then slowly lower down, while turning the hourly arrow at the same time, as if the spiral is leaving around himself, and at the same time read a conspiracy so that they do not ask for:

    "I'm looking, and invisible, I say, and silent. Who will come to me with a request, will not find me. True.

The people have such a saying: "You do not want to quarrel with a friend - do not let him in debt." However, if the money loan was still implemented, and the employee returns taken for any reason is not going to act, they will have to act decisively and comprehensively, resorting to methods uncomplicated, but effective, such as a conspiracy on the return of debt. If you do not believe in magic, we recommend that you recommend these simple tips on how to return debts and to learn money.

  1. The first one is the method of attracting money to concrete person. For its implementation, you must first find a good photo of that individual who should. Under " good photo"It is understood by a snapshot, where a man smiles, looks happily and satisfied with life. You should also stock up large checks money (better than dollars or other stable foreign currency). It is recommended to make a rite on a growing moon in such a way that its light covers the room where the conspiracy is reading. Directly magic conspiracy to get rid of debts will be in the following passes: put a photo on the table, the image upwards (try so that the moon lights up and it), then take a stack of banknotes and, slowly spending them over the photograph, read: "How rushing on the seas of Slavna Boat, luxury all Schita, in gold is dressed, a hundred treasure in it. So well done would be kind (called the name of the debtor) became rich and generous, so that the money was started in his family. Zlata, Srebra and Chervonsev, a hundred treasure from ships. Money make money in money. Amen!"
  2. The second ritual enshrines the first and intended to contact himself directly to the conscience of a person so that the one, on acquiring it, "one hundred treasures", shared from the soul with loved ones and friends, simply distributed debts. Within the framework of this event, you need to go to church, put a candle for this person and sincerely pray for his health and well-being, and on returning home out loud or mentally read in his photo: "You carefully faithfully, I think for you, I pray for you, I wish you . Do not forget and you are about me, in twice a minute help. Amen". In addition to prayers and rituals, it is also necessary to additionally advise such a person a book about how to get rid of debts, or suggest the options for solving it financial problem: from part-time before receiving loans in specialized organizations.

On the energy return of debts, see this video:

1. Rite with a broom.

Conspiracy to return debts with a broom is considered very effective way Fighting debtors, especially if the debtor lives next to you.

To fulfill it, you will need two brooms: one good and one is stupid and old.

A good and solid fiberty should weaken the debtor's threshold, saying:

"The good broom Metu-sweep, I sweep your money to my money!"

After that, you need to take the old and dirty broom, tagging the threshold of the debtor and throw several plates from him with the words:

"The thin broom near the house I leave not given to sleep,
So that the thoughts for me tortured the debtor, and others have passed money from home! "

After reading the conspiracy on the return of debt, you need to go home. During the month, expect the total amount. When you returned money, a few evenings try to think in a positive key of the debtor, it will free it and you and you from conspiracy.

2. Rite on the boxes of matches

Conspiracy on the return of debt using matches will help return the money even when you have already lost any hope. To fulfill the ritual, you will need a new box of matches and one thin church candle. Late in the evening you need to put on the candle on one match and give each to burn on the saucer. While the matches are burning and burning, prayers are read:

"Fire-fire, help make a return debt!
So that the slave of God (name) thoughts are sorrowful and tormented,
While everything will not give me!
To return to me soon! "

Prayer words are repeated throughout the rite. The ashes of them need to be collected and stored until the conspiracy to refund does not work.

3. Rite with coin

If the person who owes you is your friend, you can use only a very easy conspiracy to return the debt, which will push the debtor to the steps you need. In this case, you can ritual with a coin. If a strong conspiracy is used, then friendly relations are unlikely to be saved.

For ritual, you will need a coin of medium dignity. white color. Early in the morning, fight the coin under the Christmas tree you like with the words:

"I'll throw a coin to return to me.
To make everyone give the slave of God (name).
How will all come back to me - I will give off and forget all the insults! "

The words of the conspiracy on the return of debt three times, after which you need to go home. During next week It is best to call and remind your debtor about money. In the near future, he will have to return everything. To preserve friendly relations, the conspiracy on the return of debt must be accompanied by positive thoughts, regarding the person who should. After the return of debt, dig a coin and store in a counselo.

4. Share on the green candle


In this case, high attention is paid to the Phase of the Moon. It is believed that the growing month helps in any rites associated with material well-being. To get a strong ritual with a guaranteed result, you need to believe in a good resolution of the situation. In this case, the conspiracy on the return of debt will affect the shortest possible time. Common Green Candle

Quite often a conspiracy on the return of debts is the only chance to return the money. In this case, you should choose strong ritualwhich will help you solve your problem.

Using a green candle will help get your money back. Note, it is impossible to use a decorative aromatic candle. This attribute is best to buy in an esoteric store.

Every evening, until the debtor returns money, you need to light the candle and read the words of prayer:

"My money, come back to me!
From the house of someone else's, from a wallet of someone else's, in my house, to me.
So that the debtor (name) calmly did not live, the money was not spent,
And only thoughts about me yes about the debt defeated.
It will be so while he will not give me to me.

Prayer is read once, after which the candle steals and removes in a dark place until the next magic session. Repeat the rite is recommended until the debtor returns the entire amount.

Effective I. in an effective way The struggle with malicious debtors is considered a conspiracy on debt refund. The use of magical rites, rituals or prayers will help make a person return money.

In this case, high attention is paid to the Phase of the Moon. It is believed that the growing month helps in any rites associated with material well-being. To get a strong ritual with a guaranteed result, you need to believe in a good resolution of the situation. In this case, the conspiracy on the return of debt will affect the shortest possible time.

5. Return of debt

If after a triple appeal to the debtor, the debt does not return the debt, then try to do the following.

Buy without bargaining and without taking the surrender, one wax candle, it is possible in the church.
At sunset he burn her, holding in his left hand, let it burn. In the flame of the candle 13 or 26 times such a plot:

"You (the name of the debtor) Take, do not return debt,
kohl do not return, then you completely melt.
Debt return, no longer Tha!
Let you, so my proven word!
Sealed (a) with fire, in the evening, and not during the day (his full name)."
The next day, in the afternoon, it will certainly be on foot (on foot) to go to the church and put the grinding of this candle for the health of your debtor with the words:
"I forgive you for today, tomorrow, forever.
God witness. Now and from now on the Lord you (the name of the debtor) Sudya.
I myself do not judge - I ask for help, bare, prayer, God (your name). Amen".

6. Rite on the Black Moon.

It is necessary to spend this ritual on the Black Moon (that is, before the new moon). At sunrise, burn the wax candle (better green color), go to the window located in the east side of the house (apartments), and read the spell three times:

"I am sending a slave (y) (the full name of the debtor) starts.

Let this show the slave (y) (Name) burns and bake,

In the corners she chases, bones to him (she) breaks.

Does not eat, does not sleep, does not drink until (name) will not return a debt!

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!"

7. Conspiracy to the icon
Read on name icon debtor.
Bed black handkerchief on the table, put the mirror down on it,
and put it on the registered icon of the debtor.
Keep hands over the icon as if he warms them over fire. Read forty times. Nothing should interfere with the spell. Do not be distracted by calls and on the knock. After that, travel to the church and put three candles for health, then three for the rest and again three candles for health.

"Bread, blood, salt. Amen.
On Friday, I rose, got up, without crossing, I'm not poring the Lord.
I span, I'm going to lunch, I'm sick, I lower the coffin in the coffin,
now and in the eyelids. Amen.
On the Okyan-Sea stands a fiery house: it does not wash it with water, the wind does not bloom.
And it sits Nightly a man, he has no hands, no legs, no strength.
So I (name) from the slave (name) take force, squeezing blood out of it,
i drank the heart, I close my eyes. Self! Self! Self!
If you, the enemy (name), I won't give a debt,
that grave betray your body. I conquer, I ... Oban.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen.
To nobody to spend my speech, not to count in any church.
Holy Wood words are not flushed.
As I swam, so be.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

This plot is suitable only in cases where you are with a debtor in good relationships. (!)

8. Strong plot On eggs

Take two eggs, piercing the needle on both sides, put in boiling water.
Then close the key lock, and the key is thrown into the water with boiling eggs
and they speak three times

"Like the Khan army tribute collected,

People killed for money

Not sparing not gray, nor young

So I closed the lock, the key in the grave buried,

I took the debt or killed.

Angel was, the debtor forgot,

The guard will leave, will find the spell.

The debtor of the debt will return or die.


9. Black plot on the pyataks (do it yourself dangerous!)

Take the pyataks that covered the late eyes.
Draw a star in a circle, in the middle put a half-liter jar with water, throw the fives there, they light up five candles at the ends, give them to burn.
Candle wakes are put into the jar to the pyataks, closed with a lid, read 12 times:

"The eyes closed, burned in the grave.

Candles burning, the debtor is trying.

To try fire dead water, grave ground.

You, the slave (name), the debt of Vernelick or Pyataks.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

And attract the bank on the grave with the name of the debtor.

10. Ritual with egg and castle

Pass the egg using a sharp needle a few holes - an even amount, put the egg to cook. The lock close the key. The key is boiled together with the egg. At the same time it is necessary three times a conspiracy:

The troops of Ivan the Terrible for the lifts went,

Neither the peasants or children did not spare.

How money took - did not give back.

I'm his priba that my will take it.

I do not give pity, he does not see help.

Without money, there is long to live without debt.

I waited a long time, my hour has come! Amen.

After that, go to the cemetery, find the grave of a man with the name of your debtor. On this grave, leave the egg and the castle, then find the grave with the name like you - on it, leave the key from the castle. Will not go and the week as your debtor will appear with all debts.

11 . Conspiracy on candles

The table is covered with black cloth. There are two green wax candles on it. Candles are lit, and between them the photos of the debtor are put.

Alternately eat with wax candles, they read a plot. Do it in such a way that the total amount of pronouncement of plotted words was six times.

The conspiracy is:

"The candle is burning, the tear runs it, and you, the debtor, (the name of the debtor), you will shove, wear tears, while I will not return my duty (my name). May it be so!"

Candles leave to ruin completely. The photo of the debtor wrap up in the same black fabric, on which the rite was held, and hide in a secluded place in their home.

After the return of debt, it is necessary to get a photo and clean it well from wax (otherwise a person can hurt for a long time). Top to fall asleep with salt (she gently absorb well) for a week.