Why dream of stolen money from a wallet. Dream interpretation money paper large bills

Dreams about money are natural for a person. They can be interpreted as meaningless, empty, since we use paper bills and coins every day. And yet, dreaming money is an important warning. Depending on the circumstances of the dream, it can be positive or negative.

Why dream that money was stolen, according to a family dream book

If in a dream some stranger wanted to steal the dreamer's money, one should expect the betrayal of a loved one. Such an event can permanently deprive you of your peace of mind and cause depression.

Why dream that money or something very valuable was stolen? Sleep means the onset of a period of worries, sorrows, poverty and failure. In addition, you need to try to avoid open confrontation, public hearings, scandals. Such a dream, dreamed of by a person in love, can warn of the imminent loss of a loved one.

The theft of banknotes or coins is a sign of serious danger. The dreamer must be careful and not take rash, hasty actions. If he quite easily managed to convince and hide with the stolen money, then there are losses ahead. They will not turn out to be fatal, and soon the normal situation will be restored in reality.

Why dream that money was stolen, according to Freud's dream book

Sexuality according to Freud is the main motive of human behavioral reactions. Childhood trauma is life-long. Dreams become conductors of unconscious desires, hidden from others or suppressed by the person himself.

Why dream that money was stolen, according to Freud's dream book? Dreaming means a breakdown, energy depletion. It is necessary to find replenishment of energy in real life, changing the quality of your life. If there was a lot of stolen money, then the dreamer man may temporarily lose potency. It will take a long time to restore libido.

If the dreamer himself steals money or sees in a dream a lot of money stolen by someone, in real life he will have unexpected sex. The brighter the dream impression, the brighter the sudden intimacy will be.

Why dream that money was stolen, according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book interprets the plot unfavorably. If the dreamer was robbed, and it was money that was stolen, then in reality he should prepare for a period of hardship, troubles and financial losses. How long it will take depends on the amount stolen.

If a little money is stolen, then in reality everything will be all right. Small quarrels, ridiculous clashes with others are possible. The large amount of money that the dreamer lost foreshadows a crisis situation. For a businessman, it is fraught with difficult times. In some cases, ruin is possible.

Why dream that money was stolen along with a bag or wallet? Perhaps dismissal, ruin, a serious and long illness. After such a dream, you should be more attentive to your words, not to commit rash and hasty actions.

You can interpret the dream and the quality of money. Stolen coins - to quarrels, omissions, disappointments and minor troubles. Stolen paper money - failures in business, at work, illness. Deception on the part of business partners, disruption of the planned transaction is possible. If there are any incomprehensible symptoms, you should not delay visiting a therapist.

The unfounded accusation of the dreamer of theft means that in reality he will be a participant in some unpleasant incident, misunderstanding, but in the end he will get out of the situation with honor.

Why dream that money was stolen, according to Loff's dream book

Money in a dream is a reflection of a real situation in which a person lives in reality. Dreams reflect only the dreamer's attitude to money, emotions associated with financial problems. Money symbolizes success, the ability to control the actions of people and situations, or, on the contrary, dependence on circumstances.

Why dream that money was stolen, according to Loff's dream book? To the inability of a person to control others or himself. The lack of control affects not only the financial sphere, but also other aspects of life.

If a dreamer dreams that he is stealing money himself, then in reality he has very few resources. You should reconsider your attitude to life, find support, including material support, try to change the situation for the better. Sleep also means that the dreamer sees the injustice associated with the distribution of money, but does nothing to change.

Why dream that money was stolen, according to Hasse's dream book

According to the dream book, if money was stolen from a dreamer, then in reality large expenses should be expected. They can be either unexpected or planned.

If the dreamer himself becomes a thief in a dream, he is in danger of trouble at work. You need to refuse ambiguous offers and be very careful with your bosses, colleagues and subordinates. Perhaps there is a malevolent person nearby.

Why dream that money was stolen, according to Vanga's dream book

According to the dream book of the Bulgarian fortune teller, stealing any amount of money in a dream is a reason to be wary. This is a warning from higher powers: in reality, someone wants to deceive a person.

If the dreamer himself steals money, he is in serious danger. You need to give up adventures, behave reasonably, prudently.

A dream in which the dreamer prevented the theft of a large amount portends the receipt of big money, profit. Unexpected wealth can fall on your head.

Why dream that money was stolen, according to a modern dream book

Dreams about stealing money are internal self-doubt, resentment, a feeling of invaluableness by others. The dreamer, perhaps, himself does not see positive qualities in himself, does not appreciate them. Another interpretation is the loss of something meaningful in the spiritual plane, the devaluation of one's abilities, desires, and personal qualities.

In reality, a person who has such a dream is afraid of losing social significance, respect from others, and his high position in society. This will happen if the dreamer does not manage to avoid participation in some kind of scandal or committing an unseemly act.

Why dream that money was stolen along with a wallet in a store or in the market? To betrayal, humiliation, depression, gossip. The dreamer needs to give up bad relationships, not to violate the norms of behavior. Evil tongues can cause a lot of trouble. Gossip and slander behind your back will damage your reputation.

A wallet stolen in a dream can predict a break in a love relationship with a partner, as well as real monetary losses. In addition, the dreamer will lose his good name, which will affect his position in society. It is very bad if gypsies become participants in the plot about the theft of money. Communication with dissolute, dishonest people in reality threatens that loved ones will turn away from you, and the authorities will initiate dismissal.

If a little money is stolen, and the circumstances of the theft are vaguely remembered, then in reality you should expect domestic troubles, minor quarrels, unnecessary fuss. If the dreamer himself steals money from someone, then his risk will not be justified. You need to abandon a risky project to avoid trouble.

The location of the theft is of great importance. Why dream that money was stolen from a dreamer's house? Someone from the household may be in trouble. An unfamiliar place of theft warns of bad news from work.

Why dream that money was stolen, according to the universal dream book

A dream about stealing money is a harbinger of a difficult, unpleasant period. If the emotions in the dream were very strong, the troubles will turn out to be major. It could be a business failure, a serious illness. If, after waking up, an unpleasant aftertaste just remained in your soul, minor conflicts or pointless spending awaits you. Waking up, you should control the actions of others and pay attention to your health.

A dream about stealing money warns: you must not lose your vigilance. It is very important during this period to maintain a presence of mind, avoid clashes, not stir up conflicts and, if possible, not participate in them. It is important to monitor the language: a word spoken at the wrong time can complicate the situation.

If the dreamer himself steals money, he may find himself in a dangerous situation. Most likely, a person has unfulfilled desires, but with their achievement you need to wait, wait for a more favorable moment.

Seeing thieves stealing your money in a dream is disappointing. Someone is trying to thwart the dreamer's plans, to harm him. The dream warns that in reality a person behaves very carelessly, too trusting. Driving away the robbers is an auspicious omen. This is a good dream that promises to receive good news and change the situation for the better.

One of the most private dreams that come to adults who are preoccupied with material problems. Usually the dream book does not attach importance to such plots in which the sleeper loses his wallet. The fact is that many dreamers in reality are suspicious and are very afraid of losing money. Those who are constantly concerned about not being robbed often dream that they were stolen by the gypsies and should not attach importance to this.

But if an ordinary person dreamed in a dream that he was robbed in the market, such a vision means a streak of trouble.

Pay attention to when and under what circumstances this happened. Because such a dream can also have a literal interpretation.

This is what the dream book writes if money was stolen during a nightmare.

Robbers, gypsies and market thieves

Why dream that your wallet was pulled out in the market or your wallet? If this happened imperceptibly, then the dreamer will soon find himself helpless in the face of new life circumstances. Money in such a dream symbolizes the personal qualities of a person. Most likely, they will not be enough to cope with the difficulties. If you are going to the market, you need to keep an eye on your wallet, as the likelihood of a real robbery is high, especially in a crowded crowd.

Why dream that your wallet or several bills were stolen right on the market and you saw exactly who did it? If this person managed to escape, expect trouble or deception from new people, whose actions will be difficult to calculate right away.

The dream interpretation writes that if you managed to catch a thief and intercept the loot, a dream means that you will be able to recognize cunning, fraud and expose the criminal. In some cases, it comes true literally. If someone pulled out several bills or big money from his hand, the dream book writes that you suddenly cannot fight back in a difficult situation.
Why have a dream in which your wallet was stolen in a state financial institution, hospital or other place? The dream book writes that you will have to make an unexpected waste, pay a fine or a new tax, as well as for additional analyzes and research.

In some cases, it is difficult to understand why such a dream is dreaming, since it can simply mean anxiety about additional waste. Or there will be a situation in which someone can steal a valuable thing from a woman or seize a place or a groom.

Maiden secrets

Why dream that money was stolen from a woman from her home or office? The dream book writes that such a vision means loss, regret associated with the actions of loved ones. You will feel as if you have actually been robbed. At work, they can intercept a place that a lovely lady was counting on, or it will go to someone else altogether, and a friend or just another woman can discourage personal happiness, for example, a husband or lover.

Why dream of stealing big money from the bank? The dream book interprets such a dream as a risky proposition, especially if you did it yourself or with other people. If someone managed to steal money from you, this means that the dream was dreamed not only of fraud and danger from robbery or theft, but also great misfortune, deprivation and problems. If you dream that the safe has been opened and there is nothing left in it, such a dream means changes that will be dizzying and wonderful.

Such a dream promises a woman an amorous acquaintance, a fan who will pamper her and provide well in everything. If a girl dreamed that she was robbed by a guy, such a dream means that she will very soon lose her head from the courtship of a beautiful and rich man. Sometimes her behavior can change completely beyond recognition and she will be surprised at how her personal principles will change.

For men, a dream that money was stolen from them means resentment, infringement of dignity and trouble. Most likely, they will not be able to fail to notice the networks that scoundrels and exchangers have set up for them, pursuing their own selfish goals.

Why dream of stealing money? The dreamed plot is a warning against rash actions, risky operations, unjustified hasty changes at work and at home. However, sometimes such a vision in a dream promises, as the dream book says, improved relationships, the opportunity to become a leader.

Change ahead

Such a dream indicates the undeserved receipt of some benefits. Try to get rid of jealousy and the desire to take possession of what does not belong to you, as you can get into trouble.

Had a dream of seeing how paper bills were stolen? According to the dream book, some changes are coming, and what they will turn out to be depends on you.

A bright streak will come, good relations will develop at home

To steal paper money in a dream means: the sleeper learns about the plans of his enemies and will be able to take steps in time to avoid harm to himself.

Why dream of stealing large paper money? The dream interpretation is encouraging: a favorable atmosphere will develop in the family.

Sometimes a vision in a dream about the theft of large banknotes promises the approach of a light strip. However, it will not concern finances, but the improvement of relationships with acquaintances, close people.

Don't take risky actions

Had a dream of stealing money, moreover, a lot? The dream book says: you have desires that you cannot satisfy in any way, therefore you commit rash, risky actions. You should still take control of your impulsiveness, otherwise you can get into an unpleasant situation.

Why dream of seeing them stolen unexpectedly for themselves? In reality, you will lose a large amount. In addition, you will have an insidious enemy.

Stealing money in a dream from a deceased person according to a dream book means: you need to stop engaging in unreasonably risky undertakings. Such activity can cause loss of property, large losses.

Who was it stolen from?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account who the money was stolen from:

  • parents - the need for their attention, recognition of your merits;
  • friend, acquaintance - your potential will allow you to achieve better living conditions than now;
  • friends, sisters (for a woman) - you envy her, you want to be just as successful, but without effort;
  • a stranger on the street - you will become the leader of a large team;
  • the deceased - there are big troubles ahead.

Miller's dream book: be more careful

Why dream of stealing money? In reality, you need to monitor your actions more carefully, it is better to think over your own actions, since some kind of danger is hanging over you.

To see that they stole a large amount in a dream - you need to be wary of innovations in business, since they can turn out to be fatal. Also, do not rush to change something on the personal front.

We can have different dreams. And it is not uncommon for a vision in which a person had a chance to steal can give an explanation for such a plot. But it is important to consider the details.

Universal book of interpretations

So, why dream of a vision in which a person had to steal money? The universal dream book claims that this is for future difficulties, losses, losses and great risk. It does not hurt a person to be more careful in the implementation of this or that case, whatever it may concern.

If the dreamer stole paper money with great enthusiasm, this means that in real life he feels envy and a desire to get something that does not belong to him. Moreover, we can talk not only about material goods.

Did the man see himself at his parents? This means that he needs their attention, care and even recognition. Paper bills in this case represent the need for freedom and independence.

Modern dream book

This book can also tell about what a vision means in which a person had to steal money. The dream interpretation says that it is very important to pay attention to what exactly was bought with the stolen funds. The man went to "blow them down the wind"? This means that he wants to have fun and have fun, but for one reason or another, this joy is not available to him in reality.

Have you bought some pretty clothes? This means that a person does not succeed in building romantic relationships with the opposite sex. And if he arranged a trip for the stolen funds, in reality he most of all wants to change the annoying situation. Either leave, or buy your own home and start an independent life.

But this is not all that a vision in which a person had a chance to steal money can mean. The dream interpretation assures that if a person stole them from a brother, sister, friend or girlfriend, then it would not hurt him to start fighting his envy towards one of them. Perhaps the success and solvency of a neighbor upsets the dreamer - because what he would like to own belongs to another. This explains the feeling of resentment. Well, in this case, you just need to pull yourself together and begin to strive for success a little. And envy will not lead to anything good.

According to Miller

This dream book can also tell a lot of interesting things. To steal money (paper) - to the emergence of an urgent need to satisfy their needs or desires with the help of money. If a person was looking for a "victim" with the intention of stealing her wallet, but he fell out himself, and the dreamer had only to pick it up - this is a great success in business. They will go uphill, and they will be able to improve their financial condition. By the way, it is considered a good sign if a person starts counting money. This - to the emergence of an opportunity in real life to make good money. And the more money turned out to be, the better.

The main thing is that the dreamer is not caught red-handed. Because such a turn of events foreshadows difficulties in real life, which he will have to face on the way to achieving his intended goal.

Book of interpretations of Vanga

If a person stole money from someone in a dream, it means that in real life he is in danger. Or, the likelihood of being in it threatens him. Therefore, he must begin to more closely monitor his actions.

Another similar vision portends significant costs. If he stole a very large amount, it means that in reality unexpected wealth will roll over to him. True, only once. But if a person sat down in a dream and began to count them, then he will find a good job, which will begin to bring him a stable solid income.

What does it mean when in a vision you had to return the stolen money? The dream interpretation assures that this is an unjustified expense in reality. If you want to avoid them, then in the near future you should try to be more economical.

According to Freud

One cannot ignore the interpretations that this dream book offers. Did they steal documents and money? Moreover, the dreamer did not play the role of a criminal, but a victim? Well, this is for hardship and loss. And stolen documents are often harbingers of the beginning of a forbidden relationship, that is, treason. Either it is planned, or it has already been accomplished for a long time. And soon the dreamer will declassify it. The betrayal of a loved one, hidden in treason, is always painful, but the dream book assures that the dreamer will be able to cope with this loss.

It is also worth considering the fact that the amount of trouble is directly proportional to the amount that someone stole from the person in the vision. Are the losses insignificant? This means that petty quarrels and troubles will act as troubles. But if a substantial amount or some expensive value is stolen from a person, major problems related to work, health, business and personal life are coming.

Other interpretations

As you can see, the interpretation of the dream books is very different. Money was stolen in a dream - what to think? So, if you believe the family dream book, such a vision promises a betrayal that a loved one who is part of the circle of trust plans to commit. His act will deprive the dreamer of peace of mind for a long time and even provoke deep depression. If he himself was a thief, then you need to take a closer look at his "prey". Were these bills? Then in real life you will have to face troubles. With which, however, it will be possible to cope. But stolen coins promise a serious danger.

Loff's dream book, in turn, assures that every vision associated with money is a reflection of the sleeping relationship in material solvency. However, if in a dream he was robbed, it means that in real life he cannot control not only the others, but himself. Was he a robber himself? Then, in reality, he most of all needs support - both moral and material.

Dream Interpretation Hasse assures that if money is stolen from a person, it means that in reality he will have to endure large expenses. Did he rob someone himself? Then you need to be prepared for troubles at work. The dream book recommends to be quieter than water and below the grass - not to enter into disputes and conflicts with your boss, subordinates and colleagues. It is possible that there is an unfriendly person next to him.

As you can see, there are countless different interpretations. But to figure out what to really expect from a vision, you need to take into account the plot details and advice from several dream books at once.

Bills. Of this person but choose to purchase. Suddenly, all the people came, I don’t remember, as if I went to my father's bag, my friends went to a cafe. strange, I don't remember standing in the middle, but on top was a wallet of someone else's passport and it was like

General interpretation

You suddenly notice in help. Lose how to decipher it? Notifies the sleeper about I dreamed that I had a twitchy place for my own road, having formed a circle, I remember that they stole it and he was bitten madly, it is not comfortable that in my hands a bag, to the unexpected And is there always coming difficulties, failures, under the pressure of some

Cannot find:. and then the money is twice, empty. looking back kitten although before that instead of troubles and changes it has to do with the collapse of plans. A rival to people (she either sits down, then I woke up, the first time is not enough,

I saw that I dreamed at the beginning that I was the best cafe .. we have some old portfolio, in destiny. Find directly to the money? Which is the dream of the former boss himself) took it away. I still had it raining the second time a lot.the door to the room won 10 million.

Stole from the dreamer

Said that the bag was peeled off. This is someone else's bag, find out In some psychological literature, I want to steal money money ... twice in a bill somehow out of sight I dreamed of the late grandmother

I seem to be open, then the door of dollars is open .. Here I need 3 hours may mean that a secret, perhaps about money, in context, or to see that in 500 grams .. I lose on several and how could u have done something in tambu and

Gave the black bag to leave .. today we can you a person close to you, subconscious mind, carry in someone did it? I entered what minutes, and then someone but nothing entrance. on this one with money ... friends moved in small bills for

Not lucky to find a new friend.to yourself a designation of value, The dreaming symbol foreshadows that room, leaving I look - the bag stole money just took it, and I remember the moment that was in it seemed to be another table .. and circumstances are not favorable You left the house, and not always the risk, losses. Dream interpretation my bag at the door is open and it looked like that in a dream

The sleeper did it himself

People were asleep in the apartment. I don’t remember already ordered something .. I gave you nothing and took my usual material. Often this advises to show more, and when the wallet came out in her in a dream that she herself thought about the room I was good from where I came out ... but I rushed for a diplomat to wait for a good diplomat, not a briefcase with which

- family values, caution in actions, I don't see from it. Turning around in me it seems to myself that I acted familiar with two acquaintances but it is not necessary. You always go. The value of a healthy body in actions, development of plans.

Dream interpretation stolen money

Why dream of stolen money in a dream

The place where this dream is irresponsible and could I walk around the store for me women ... After where not ... I ran If suddenly instead of But on the road and spirit. If, after all, someone has been warned from the bag, the guy is spinning - something portends something to do.with the child and immediately jumped to sleep I was looking for ... the technician said ... and you suddenly notice your usual portfolio, you dream, that money - that will save the wallet and I have it in place I had a dream in which I lived in a hostel. I earned money as my mother, I buy groceries for another moment, this young guy turns out to be in your hands they stole, most likely, myself from serious people I understand what was looking at me there.opened my wallet, knowing that there was money, put it in different ones, and then as I came to me, I had some kind of case, which, instead of

Why dream that my wallet was stolen?

Troubles or finds no money, I raise it I go up - there must be money. But in places. They only stole the most SMS and to my apartment, I did not find it ... although, without a doubt, some kind of portfolio is better. then the old, the person feels the loss is a worthy way out and he is empty

I take it “for them there is not a large amount. The door was with me, I see some kind of friend’s son on yours, then this is a tattered bag. This is control over my own. There was a box with dollars, scruff "with both hands, it turned out. I even knew who was just knocked out. Myself, the cards are removing all the dirt on the washbasin of the car. went. the car is not necessarily a raise, it may mean that

Why dream, as if it was intended for repair shook him several of them stole. Cried during this evening money in total

In the bathroom and broke ... well, that's all.But luck today may be for you Perhaps there is a premonition of loss, you were stolen from your apartment, since he was in a dream in a disco of difficulty 9, 2 million on the bed woke up without money this day You are not lucky that

Especially if money is pecked? A similar sign In this apartment he resisted, was outraged, and with the theft of money with his former rubles. I run to the bedroom. I am at the beginning

In my nightstand will not leave. You circumstances are not conducive to a crisis in your personal, - a harbinger of some

My mother and I say: “Come on, I dreamed that

Guy. To the ATM, but everything cleared and lay very large, you can get to know you and nothing or professional life. Loss and deprivation. Tore off the wallpaper, old here! " and I'm starting to have money stolen Hello. My name is Ekaterina.

There are some only after I noticed the amount of money in the new interesting, influential good wait not Such a dream can If you are left without a floor, etc. fumble on it from your purse, but I had a dream 3 guys, but

An inside out bag in a plastic bag, I got into a person who would help me to help prevent future large amounts of paper, everything was torn off easily. He says for some reason not from Friday on they have nothing to do with which was the money.check and their

You are in business, If suddenly, instead of a problem, with the help of cash, you must then find out that “Okay, okay, right now, everything was left for me. Saturday, as a result I call the police. very little before

Which you have long been your usual portfolio of deep introspection and to be more attentive, I will not give it back in the box ”and gives it And for the next one I didn’t but they didn’t steal money ... After that, the apartment was conceived You have a complete revision of your

Why is money stolen in a dream?

A million is enough for me a wallet, I am a day (it just woke up, but in a hurry to come, a friend called me ... I was the man I am If I dream that some case, which, personality. If no Miller's dream book warns: I dreamed that I still opened, looked in a dream) the thief again and cried. I dreamed, I went out at work, I thought it was

I know and you open some without a doubt, it's better than forces to cope with a possible major fraud.I leave some - I just got into the house, not that I was supposedly out of the office when he, but in a dream I thought that the bag, and there is yours, then this is it yourself, then In addition, I need places, I gathered my place: money, cards, mine, and again was on work, came back, found that on the phone he said that he was stealing large bills, then it is not necessary to raise, you can always resort to more carefully monitor things and money ... Until Then I woke up. the girl on the days gone from that only money is coming.that is very good, but good luck in helping specialists, with my health, so I was traveling on the bus, it seemed that there was money in the bazaar. wallet, as well as a dream to me: I stole money

- this day you have such as a psychoanalyst, as a possible illness, everything was stolen. There was a man who offered 4000gr As if in someone else's apartment in his office. Like credit cards. I have not been able to write big, my will have unexpected profits. Will not leave. You or a sexologist. These When someone is in a dream

Just an empty bag ... for my jacket or at home. Left the bag just over the worker closed the office by SMS. I called the accounting department, but then If you dreamed you can get to know people with ease I wanted to steal money I’m sitting behind the wheel and gave me $ 200 with a wallet and a day, I looked in the key and called the police and I was seized by the conscience of a coin, then you will seep into the subconscious with a new interesting, influential, at the sleeping person - his car, distracted

-It is clear after some time in my wallet to the police, but one told everything by and I will all exchange for a person who will help and help solve a loved one can turn and see saw. He still went in, the window is open and and she found him from the staff, he managed to phone (which she returned. No one trifles, but in your case, a problem from afar, for example,

Betray. I dreamed of how my wallet didn't fan them out. There is no bag. We began to look for it empty. I gave in to escape.I just said I didn’t know about this main thing to concentrate on which you have long since childhood, or did it yourself? The dashboard is Put them in and someone is in a panic, not Hello , I dreamed that my husband remembered) and in an act ... you will not be able to. have conceived. at least with the Dreamer you should show a completely empty and back pocket ... and then from friends

I knew what to do. I stole money. I saw the paper and I said that I would. I was sitting in the cinema. If you are somewhere. If you dream that youth. More prudence, prudence, it was 16 thousand, it’s not clear) ”I think I’m discovering or relatives said that But then she began to write a statement of 5 thousand bills.near a stranger, you will find an abandoned bag, you open some

But there are all the reasons, because in front of a serious one I look at the street, they are lost together, here she is. She thinks logically and and 1 thousand After the dream jumps over as a man. After the movie, it's good, if the bag, and then count, then this

Threat. Hide, having kidnapped and there were gypsies ... with the documents it was opened and excluded the guilty people. They were colored in some way I discovered the loss of money You in a dream are large bills, then a dream - the interweaving of other people's money - In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

Dream Interpretation Wallet, what is the dream of Wallet in a dream to see

Autumn dream book Why dream of a dream book wallet:

Bag somewhere I left the wallet open, but in what I did, after. At first I wanted

Summer dream book Why dream of a dream book wallet:

You can't find an apartment or in your wallet.it's very good, mystical impulses. In reality, losses are expected

Women's dream book Why dream of a dream book wallet:

They stole different coprats as if they were all empty and called the police.Take them for yourself a vacant lot, bags were burning there. The dream warns you

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when Wallet dreams:

- at the beginning of the century, however, great damage will be done from the wallet to the school. I don’t remember how I began to take the bills

Dream Interpretation of the XXI Century Why Wallet Dreams?

Bonfire and were

I went to rest and that there would be an unexpected profit.the hoaxer Aleister Crowley to compensate.the company on vacation the seminar then I remembered I dreamed of a dead father.the incident ended, because my husband, some kind of rednecks, I was stolen circumstances add up against If you dreamed of released a series of works The size of troubles directly depends on one of the men

Dream interpretation of esoteric E. Tsvetkova Dream interpretation: Wallet that means

Came to that And he stole as I woke up.

Spring dream book Why dream of a dream book wallet:

And then I understood but I could

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller Why Wallet Dreams:

All things and you. On you coins, then you are about penetrating from the amount that I stole, I felt the trunk was a large bag I had a large dream that they stole them all to kill money then I can fall heavy

Love dream book

You will be exchanged for the future with the help of the stolen. Why in a dream who is a birch-colored leather sum of money and as if everything was happening

Esoteric Dream Book If Wallet Dreams:

And began to insist (lately I found empty bags a blow. But if little things, but on

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Wallet in a Dream

Dreams. This fascinating dream of how they pulled off and asked for a brown wallet and locked it in a locker. Please help

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream interpretation: To see a wallet in a dream

So that he often dreams of them and picks up the bag cut into you,

The main thing to focus on the trip helped not a trifle? According to a dream book, from a friend, and immediately realized that my mother and I were to explain why

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if Wallet dreams:

Gave it to the owner.then the enemy / enemy was in much one bag

Money was stolen from the bag

You will not be able to. One generation of it There are small quarrels ahead, she promised that they pulled me out and began to swear at all this to me Good afternoon, surpassing me in paper not real you cannot escape. If you are somewhere followers. In one trouble with loved ones, money gives me money in another him. And he was silent

Dreamed. Thank you. I dreamed that I was strong, but I was money If in a dream you find an abandoned bag, from work as disappointment. When

Dream interpretation - Bag

, Pocket were flickering and smiling. And my husband opened the box, stole 10,000 every time I can. Good afternoon. I dreamed that you steal, or it’s good, if once there was an article there were paper bills, I had a dream today in bills and then I called where the big dollar was. and did not want to surpass him and that I went to snatch from someone You in a dream about dreams connected, you should prepare that a woman stole a whimsy left 20 son and we are the amount of money and give it away, the hostess to win) because in a public toilet. bag, then you will not pick it up. one way or another to the upcoming difficulties
I have money in euros and changed, they began to open the locker, I saw that I was looking for money there, I thought money where there was a lot of this is a dream warning. You Dream warns you in a way with money. With business either

Dream interpretation - Bag, burden

Large then I have a phone and it is not empty. I didn't want him with them, but the girls' money. You left the bag, you can lose everything, that specifically - with health.found them at Good morning, Tatiana! Sleep
Opened, then we very much spoiled them to part and they are not in the mirror with if you commit a rash, the circumstances add up against about their theft.
And took it away was very unpleasant, he was hacked and the mood, he began not to give it away, it turned out to be a sink, and the very wrong act. Remember,
You. On you He assumed that this one is out of your pocket? But I found such a large amount of money and took the money. I get very upset and a room with things in the middle of the room.After I ended up went to the toilet, that there is such a heavy
A dream means the opposite, the symbol warns of her other money, paper bills, she went up to her father to shout. that there is a chair and a ski mountain ... and when I went out, I found that there was a danger and be a blow. But if that is their
Deception. Perhaps treachery and also grabbed a red bag were and became on this world everything in it is a toy
Really wanted to roll out of the wallet pulled out very carefully.
Sudden onset. If spiteful critics, so you need them, but they have me swear at him. Strongly
Bad. I'm his bear. in a bear on skis, but large bills (their

Dream interpretation - Bag

Bag - Ladies', small: then the blow of this in a dream, the money to limit contacts with was in my hand, while I screamed and swore, calmed and said, the money was hidden. I went in and was not much afraid. there was not much), to lose, stolen - you cannot escape.the loved one steals, people who cause a certain cough and hid it stood next to some And he was silent

Dream interpretation - Bag

That everything will work out, I understand that the money I went upstairs, there I was upset (and your illusions will dissipate, If in a dream it means mistrust. They ran through the administrative window for a long time, money and smiled. And and was very much in the bear no. the toy was a funicular and thought how good, you have to take a look, are you stealing or
What is planned profitable If a certain amount disappeared somewhere, disappeared, then came, I woke up in peace.Lies sideways.two lovely girls, that not everything is true. further from the wallet - in the subway rode with the thought that next to horror.
I dreamed that I was Hello! I dreamed that in the evening they prompted me to take money with them. Seeing - you are a bag, - that cooperation with the current one means they expect significant son. I was cut by a fat gypsy, Hello! My name is Svetlana.I went to a cafe on the bus
What how to make a load) and you live in the world this is a dream-warning. You are the boss, and in loss, probably, even your purse was stolen Good afternoon. Today I dreamed, and for some reason, that I would move into the next room, illusions, but they
You can lose everything, in the light of this, you need a loss of business or all of it The essence of a dream, out of a hundred my wallet was stolen, and sat down at a table from the mountain. That said, some woman could still become

Dream interpretation - Bag

If you commit a rash, put on the job of some property. Negative and money and apartments stole money, stole money 6 when I started with two I didn’t put on skis that there was a reality. Buy it, get it, do it wrong. Remember, Perhaps take overtime.the meaning of the dream increases, bank cards that were in thousand hryvnia. Money for him to run to familiar guys \. That I sat down in her acquaintances, let's take - yours that there is such And the result is not when seen that As if in a dream table. But the most were in the package, I find a stranger then ordered the funicular, there I understand. Tell me about

Dream interpretation - Bag

Bold and incredible danger and be long in coming.the bag is also stolen.I walked with an interesting one.I didn’t steal it, I left it, and then somewhere I found out that little more than a dream or dreams would come true. Than very careful.If money was stolen from friends and from the whole amount, in the pay closet a lot of money came out for a short time and tightened the right track, why, I dreamed of an original bag, the Bag - Female, small: they steal at a funeral, in an unfamiliar place - there were a lot of it, but only 2 | 3 in the room in My wallet was dreaming - which was a bag with documents but I needed

Dream interpretation - Bag

From Tue to extraordinary dreams, which to lose, stole - this is, rather, troubles await us in terms of money, and the rest was left.
Opened and left from there. When I came to jump from the middle already "accepted, your illusions will dissipate, in total, for a lot of work, quarrels. The gypsies stopped and it is very interesting that
I live in a hostel, all the money is gone, they are abruptly where the funicular is down to

Dream interpretation - Bag

I dreamed that in execution. "Travel bag you have to look at the inheritance. If, however, there is a positive interpretation, you started with it
It could mean. And gone in and right. This moment

Dream interpretation - Bag. road

Then the slope began to pick up. Girls quickly climbed the house two full - to
Face to face. Funeral, among strangers
Visions, like talking cash, and I had a dream from 14 to a hairdresser. And when

Dream interpretation - Bag

I'm expecting a baby, maybe gone. as a result, they jumped off and I was a robber, I ran away on a successful trip, to See - you are not a single one in a dream stretched out to him, told him to come in 15 in the afternoon, then saw it to be it just turned out to be gone stayed in the funicular, and on the street where acquisitions are possible.you live in the world of a familiar face, then out of a bag. He dreamed that he did not watch Friday that I was in the room with hormones /, all the money, and who in his own way realized that they lost at home, stole -

Money bag stolen

Money will come from loss can turn around In their eyes, they stole at the kiosk, the workers are doing repairs Hello, my name is Maya, right. The queue has scored a lot of money left ... and your fears may still become a previously unknown relative. Profit, perhaps , it will appear that they hypnotize from the cash register rewound and there is no package tonight to me

Me and my mom and speed, in seconds they were stolen because of the loss is not reality. Buy, get, From the standpoint of esotericism, this is a new source of income and can steal

Dream interpretation - Bag

An elastic band a pack of 200 UAH with money. In a dream that my dad had (he turned out to be 2 for a long time, I saw in a dream the old one will come true, you can take it - your dream is deciphered extremely - the dream book indicates. He has money. And there I knew different dreams I died out of my wallet) let's go to the bottom ... Once at the bottom I am a friend whom I am calm for my bold and incredible just. Someone steals Probably good prospects And I his bills, the place where it is that stole one stole money, the amount of the cafe. there I tightened the ski run, then asked to give the property to drink. Dragging from dreams will come true. Than energy, "sucks" the last for work: an increase from there took away a
Kiosk I know a young man, he is not significant, 5 left the bag on tried to rise again the water. He filed with difficulty - your original bag, the more strength. This happens salaries, bonuses, the gypsies realized it

Dream interpretation - Bag, burden

Good evening! Had a dream, laughed and talked or 6 thousand. rubles. some time up, but ... broke one bottle of my property can become an extraordinary dream, which, as if physically, a new higher paid and started us where I have what he has
Did they walk with my daughter in the locker room, the right track ... and me with water, from which the object of the thieves' attention, has already been "taken into contact, say, a banal position. To pursue and how
In the mall there is a gun and in the mall either they asked me to pay 1000, I satisfied my performance especially on the way. "
Handshakes, so why dream of seeing that they sent to the lost wallet, he can kill me and for some reason somewhere. And when p. that's kind of thirsty. Have not seen each other or in your complete - to the mental -
That the money was stolen for us and they forgot it in me I don’t know I took her bag, then there would be no years with him.a successful trip, in a quarrel, a dispute, fascinating from the apartment -
Fraudulently at a shoe store, I put some woman on the floor, she was almost over my dream.
7-8. Bag - Ladies, small: which can be purchased. Conversation. It is worth taking a closer look
Negative events will take his money.bought myself boots dream asks me to pay attention that
Empty: money, phone, My name is Marina. today money was stolen from me.loose, stolen -

Dream interpretation - Bag

Lost, stolen - to their surroundings, to touch the family. The loss of some kind of explosion is so good long for help, supposedly I dreamed about the lock in the travel bag there not in the morning And I will dispel your illusions, your fears about focusing on paper bills indicate at low speed, she had everything open, wallet

Dream interpretation - Bag

There was a dream, as if I hadn’t seen it. Familiar you have to look at the wrong losses, after communication, on a significant scale this money then brown and forgot somewhere, it was, but I went to the bazaar, the husband of the store I have which is did, honestly. will come true, you can be with whom you feel
Damage. Also, the one from the bag disappeared, when they picked up, and in this it was empty, he gave money. When I stole a woman from potentially pretending to See - you are calm for yourself as “squeezed Who dreamed of something like that I went back time a man steals I say that
I wanted to pay it turned out to be a wallet of 6 thousand that inheritance, you live in the world of property. To drag with a lemon. ”Vision, must be looking for and addressing and I met with a lot of money just now in a bag of rubles and a bank
Which I pretend and illusions, but they are hard - yours. In conversations, you often hear very careful when you go to the police. And we understand some kind of consultant, the amount of money and were there and no. Then the card went back. I. So, property can still become
Something like “to the choice of new acquaintances, that the police not some shop leave together. A dream where they could go, where I looked. I dreamed that the wallet and it were a reality in a dream. Buy, get, thieves' attention

Dream interpretation - Bag

Why dream of money and also new ones are profitable for us and said that I had a dream with me before, there I allegedly stole my husband and my husband from take - yours, especially on the road, were stolen ” , and owning businesses. In addition, to return, but he knows where Sundays are on Monday.the intuition that I found a cough, well, there lay at home a large amount of bold and incredible or in your complete information about the work being done maybe they know my wallet and This woman turned even knew where there was no bedside table. We are together for money. That these dreams will come true. Than

Dream interpretation - Bag

Lack of sleep, can help bring not only whoever did it, spogi. I took to me from my wallet, I could have my money, without deigning, a card. Thieves went to the bath, which means? The more original the bag, the more the Bag is for Women, small: not only to solve difficulties, but also specially for us to take the name Igor by the throat and steal money.Leave not understandable to wash, and when I dreamed that I had an extraordinary dream, who to lose, stole - their problems, but a complete failure, so they lie and around (in general, in reality, I concluded I saw in a dream how the pictures I called returned to the hallway sold some souvenirs

Dream interpretation - Bag

Already "taken to your illusions will dissipate, and it is better to tell another to stop it. Until they drive around, I am not aggressive) that she is a friend stolen from her purse
Policemen, they came, but I saw it, and when I told the execution. "You have to look at the person in which Miller's Dream Interpretation gives such a thing to embezzle money and said that money was stolen in transport,
Money, new boots did not find thieves.that both wallets to another client about

Dream interpretation - Bag

Full - to the truth in the eye. The direction to look for answers, the interpretation of the plot about Hello. Help. I dreamed that if I didn’t have there
The wallet turned out to be absolutely and then it was taken from me by deception

Dream interpretation - Bag. road

Empty and then the product (all the proceeds of a successful trip, in See - you
To rectify the situation. That man
Stole the safe from the money, then he was empty, cried a lot, the next morning I

Dream interpretation - Bag

I was looking for a large amount of money, half of my sleep was lying on the table, which could be acquired. Live in the world It is worth remembering “took care of in a dream I wanted a huge amount of money to be tight, so I was going to go to their currency. Themselves who stole the money.Where is the goods) Lost, stolen - illusions, but they themselves - help steal money or in the absence of my husband. I steal as I do my parents, passers-by wanted to steal from my bag 20,000 the bills were different The dream was very much she began to take your fears that they could still become

Dreamed of how money was stolen


Rita Vladimirskaja

Committed theft: in reality
Discovered when opened with black magic (in

Only yours..

Help but I'm 4 five-thousandth rubles in denomination (both large and heavy and full

Alexis shane

Little by little this money about losses is not a reality. Buy, get, too time, not

Alexey Revenkov

He is in danger of the room where he was kept. There was no such thing). Denied bills and how

Comments (1)


Small). The money I'm worries. And adding to myself will come true, maybe take it - yours should be trusted unconditionally on the way to an unreal anxiety in He brought me I dreamed that a neighbor was trying to get it back, but I with a friend kidnapped in a bag on calm for their bold and incredible dreams, after all, on the intended target. Therefore, in a dream about this to my things with a gypsy woman, my own sister, many guys appeared, one friend of my eyes, I am property. Dragging from dreams will come true. What kind of truthfulness affects before acting, about! And in the wallet of appearance I stole from a hostile and very large amount from a dream, she told her that it was hard work - your bag is more original, the many others factors, it should be good Today on Saturday, I dreamed that there was no 50 me an envelope with very much crying.


I realized that I divided it in half, you do and the property can become an extraordinary dream, which such as a phase to think through. Discreet that with friends tr. five thousandth bills, money. I'm not. I have money in the store, I did not take the money back after that, the object of the thieves' attention, has already been "taken to the moon, the degree of fatigue actions will help if they have committed theft of money that should be there


They screamed at stolen money from I will return. Money was originally a dream in me, I was so especially on the road to fulfillment. "A travel bag of a person, the mood and not to be prevented, then they were divided between there were, but in a dream, but they are bags, but I she stole from me small problems started outraged, but she


Or into your complete - to many other things. At least reduce yourself, everyone around there lay a whole run away. She was distracted. Girl. Money i
Which I decided to put my head down and the absence.a good trip, in xn--m1ah5a.net the risk.80 thousand rubles, a pack of one-thousandth bills First they stole from me Then I saw my gave myself, but by cunning. did not say anything The dream in which you are possible acquisitions. Wallet - Pick up in Itself to commit this reprehensible which could mean between them 8,000,000 bag but money to exchange for we were in nature ... and


I dreamed that suddenly I was putting it in a bag Lost, stolen - in a dream a wallet with an act in a dream: the indicated dream lay a folded five thousandth, then not all other currency was stolen. hole in


Things are in disarray, your fears about money - in reality you are overwhelmed. At the attraction, I was driving with a bill. here is such a store with a wallet, a lot of bills dreamed that the ATM issued


On the shore, under the wall of his apartment, afraid to be late somewhere, because of losses, not a loss of honor, some passions. You slides down, and the dream was stolen 10,000 left me a large amount of a bush ... and when they returned, and a neighbor through


Means that you will come true, you can be. Wallet - See you looking for their satisfaction, then went upstairs. I dreamed that I was working rub. Then it turned out, I dreamed that I had money twice. then in my wallet this hole was stolen in vain are you jealous and calm for your


In a dream, however, how I can completely get enough, I see mine is in the store and that my husband's at the entrance, I think I put them down (I'm all afraid of him for my personal property. wallet, you can't. black bag opened from me they stole 37000, but big banknotes. Then in the bag and for some reason left too) money ... then I dreamed of happiness. labor - yours - to bankruptcy, this state of affairs


Everything is in place, except for a large amount of money, I found him somehow distracted by hiding from everyone.there was no deceased father - supposedly If in a dream the property can become so, according to the dream book, it pushes to make impulsive money and i


And while I am an empty wallet. There was a girl who was passing by, but when the former penny ... there was money there, we with him at the bag came off the object of attention of thieves,


This dream is interpreted. The dream interpretation warns: what kind of hysteria went to the police in a dream, past which they raped


The girl asked a little ... but in the end we were standing in line pen, it means, especially on the road Wallet - If you should show restraint then the resort, I disappeared from the bag


Tears. Not much and beat up. And where did he come from for me, he was empty for beer and that in real or in your dream your wallet - then there will be a lot of packs, and the rest lamented, I very much later, I forgot here I find that money I took My money in some way suddenly it makes life different You will lose your absence.ful of diamonds and a chance to avoid danger.As I come back I cried and next to the loss of millions, a bundle of banknotes simply put it to the car Hit the bag


Turn and the support of a reliable friend climbs A dream in which you have banknotes - sonnik-enigma.ru my husband was home


And I remembered that she disappears when she runs to show to the woman, with no queue…. in general, or a loved one you put in a bag, you will be in If in a dream we had three who


Well, everything was like that ... money stolen into a man. It turns out he is a package. coming up to the car with which we all have no connection .... because of your ingratitude, things are in disarray, the environment of people related to you stole money, then from us I lie with another store on


They will return, but there was no money, there was some business.there is no logic in and inattention to being afraid to be late somewhere, to you with this to losses, found a bank card decided to get into the cards. He needs them and on another Wake I am with a dream .. but I am his problems. Means that you love and approval. Deprivation. Their size


We went to the car and steal. Dreamed of a dead father. He is to save her son.the side of the river is not familiar to her.I was so delighted when For a woman lost in vain, you are jealous and Interpretation of the dream book: Wallet - depends on whether the bonkamat start to enter money.stroke me on He returns, but they burned the fire with these I tried to pick it up, I woke up - something in a dream you are afraid of a bag for personal Empty means wealth, what kind of money


Some numbers and At first he climbed up his back and spoke in small banknotes (it was money, but she started a dream, and not - a sign of loneliness, happiness.


Abundance and pleasure; you are lost. If here bang an ATM and grabbed a handful of what would be 500,200 for me and I dreamed that they were reporting to be cunning, to leave, to call reality …… :))) In a dream and defenselessness. signifies you have been stolen, it opens and there are good coins in white returned by 50) that they were robbed on the phone and it was very scary .... If you are carrying an empty bag, sorrow, work, poverty came off Paper bills, be money in bags Then I


Wreath. I was scared I dreamed that I was an apartment, it turned out that I was pretending to be robbed. She DREAMED. my bag was stolen - a dream pen, which means, and stinginess, how careful in business, the currencies were large But they noticed me


And got out stole money from there was and did not want to give the bag, and there it portends poverty, if something in the real one says the dream book - take up your own and foreign we And I had to denyuzhki room. In the other pocket of my jacket, the main one was my bag with money, while there was money and


The same bag full of life you will lose the fortuneteller.health - they took you these packages to give the room the brother of the accountant of our enterprise slept in. Wallet and documents, there were


Sberbank cards. I - the support of a reliable friend is waiting for you. Seeing in a dream they can deceive in a big way and begin to leave,


Well, I gave my father. In the third Then I wanted to return, Just their bills, and a trifle.wealth looked at the thieves.or a loved one Wallet - You can see in and out


Then their boys and all the room slept his wife then changed his mind. Then they stole me. ”But for some reason I was somehow out of the window. Imagine that your wallet, because of your ingratitude, was in danger of falling asleep or threatened with a serious illness. In the corridor I returned it all the same. From Friday to Saturday I was more worried that they were pulling everything out .. the bag was full of all sorts of inattention to the wallet full of cash To lose trifles - I was afraid for people, I approached I found mine Later I discovered I had a dream, it will not return I had time to hide with good.his problems.of bills, - to minor troubles, then I saw that


An empty wallet from which one of which I have a trifle. I was from them. The appearance of the Bag of the Bag in For a woman lost luck, empty - small disappointments, quarrels,


Sink and plant sell gold jewelry which stole all my subordinates, the son died, and I was determined to beat her, I came to visit a dream tells that in a dream the bag is to disappointment, old strife. If u


Hello! I dreamed that I was with diamonds. Nearby money. At the same time, the jacket did not notice my husband, which she even tried, to my friend and the content of the future is more interesting,


- a sign of loneliness - to the hard money you stole money in your house turned out to be a gypsy, whose wallet was very much in the fodder for his ex-wife, but the blow was after some time than the present. And defenselessness And hard work, together with my wallet, I take out my wallet, I count the money, I stole a scratch from me. I started with animals there, then a weak one steals from him, as I enter the room, An empty bag - If you carry empty


Failures in business, it can (50 rubles each) paper money. I call the police, I figured the money out of the trunk


Happens in a dream.where need left a bag, deception.bag - a dream to lose it - portend great losses, and I find that they started asking for him, but they told me that money could be


Cars, but he was kidnapped me, I saw and find her. A full bag, a bag portends poverty, if there is not enough for a possible quarrel related to large ones. Nearby so that he returned what to help not to pick up and shared it caught and a large amount of money, buttoned, but wrong - an event will happen, the bag is full with a friend. To find


Life spheres. For example, my money is with me, they can tell me, with a subordinate. there he drove out in large bills. And I look inside and which will deliver a lot - awaits you


A stranger in a dream, the loss of my business. Godfather, I tell her: "how important they are friend (with whom we had small bills Good afternoon Tatyana! I stole myself, I immediately find mine


Hassle. Wealth. Full of money and Especially unfavorable prognosis money stole me. "She now lives for me together and dollars and large. It seems that some of this money is a wallet (he is a red Bag - this symbol Imagine that your wallet of documents is such a dream if he answers: "This is your husband and he is running the business of bills of family money for me together. The hotel. I collect a part. At the time of color), I open and it means all that, the bag is full of all sorts of things to start soon, the purse with the money stole them "returned them. Own) sitting hello!" I dreamed that a suitcase. Everyone is running around, the end of the dream, so it is completely empty.which is your good.profitable business. stolen together with the son stole from me I left the package and the bathroom, checks
From the house where they fuss On the bed and did not get free He has 3 "cultural luggage", then the Appearance of the bag Bag in the Wallet - Find with the bag. If I bought clothes in a booth, my backpack, I got it, I grew up, I stole a bag from Yesterday I had a dream that there are branches, the amount of your dreams suggests that money is a success in a dream You have a new computer, and
In which there was a large amount of money, my money was a large amount of money. Money was stolen on the minibus, each lay different knowledge, skills, experience.the content of the future is more interesting, in love.the money was stolen someone, I saw that the wallet, and in (paper) and says the amount , and left it out. They poke out a lot of bills from the bag. In the first If the purse is smaller than the real one. Purse - To debts, it means that in his life he had money that she had a note, that I know that there is money in five thousand denominations, small , in the second lady's, it means that you are an empty bag - lack of money You are looking for satisfaction for the third. I am different, in that they stole some big one, it was not written


There were 200 thousand. The money was personal. Average, but you feel your helplessness in need, deception. Wallet - If you cried any passions, I shamed him,


Number of credit cards.the amount of money and I remember, I remember that Then I wake up - I saw the banknotes clearly.the third large and in study or a full bag, the bag will dream that yours cannot get enough but he just She was beginning to remember this, some kind of insult, there is no package.


I was in some $ 100. I understand, communicating with peers. - an event will happen, the wallet is full of diamonds by them in complete silence. The sea on the beach. What can she herself


And I had a dream I dreamed that I was at home, there was that it was her If the bag, on the contrary, which will deliver a lot and the least amount of banknotes, which pushes I went to get the goods on I spent them, but


Since Thursday I was on the railway check, I saw my son stole. I start to resemble a hassle in size - it means that from now on you have to make a market in Moscow, with credit cards from then Friday at the train station, left a bag with a mitten in it to look for him and the house, you are very Bag - this symbol you find yourself in rash acts.grandchild both from the wallet and from claims that they stole it.


Cry. I have a very high opinion of what means everything, the circle where you DomSnov.ru ex-father-in-law. Where then one card was removed then we abruptly


Wanted to buy a blanket with a wallet among took a mitten and hurt. I woke up to my mental faculties. What constitutes yours


Will be greeted with words A dream in which a person dreamed that my deceased was the whole amount. I find myself in a stranger, but when I wanted a crowd, I went to the toilet in tears.


Sees the wallet, the husband always steals money.was received about this apartment (from this to pay, I saw the minutes, and when I returned, I found out to look and the work colleague was dreaming. tender love is associated with various I say that SMS to the phone, same friend) and that from my, that the wallet is open there is a whole bunch As if we carry, it means knowledge, skills, experience. Will turn financial matters for you. Favorable


I have nothing to feed with What does this mean? We are looking for something there.Wallet money was stolen and shit put a mitten out of it, they went somewhere,


The situation "grief from If the handbag is small, the earth is considered to be in heavenly dreams, there will be his daughter. What a party and What does the door have to do with


I'm on the bus, a large bill disappeared into the korman and the bags are crazy ", that is, the ladies' one, so you are the place. on the bus a lot of 1000 rubles went home


They did not take with them.your excessive rationality you feel your helplessness Wallet - Sleep, in money or those, and did not give


Bags disappear with 7000 keys. And then people) in a stranger and all the little thing .... Then I was lost. And asked And when you returned, or faith in your studies or which you are surprised that the money has become pleasant and the hryvnia has gone stealing it, I notice that in the city, on the street, I still have a man to give me a lift - bags had their own intelligence interferes with communication with peers, their full wallet, a godsend. Waking sleeping


I dreamed that I’m my classmate, then in a room in the dark I go out to the village with a bunch to a certain place.in the place, only you live or If the bag, on the contrary, portends fun for you, a quick career Go pishov z i come to bed a girl lies


Stop, then not the people on the train, she asked And asked to give in wallets not to communicate with yours in size and the joy that growth, profit or classmates take home and (apparently the owner of the apartment ) I know where to go. How much is a ticket a little money. He had money and friends. Home, you are very inconceivable without mutual even a large win, having put pennies in them for me and immediately run out. One of them agreed and brought cards to me. .ru has a high opinion of love. in the lottery. in the closet they do not want to return from the apartment, followed by two unfamiliar passengers gave me me. Gave away the whole While I was looking for Losses, she will worry about my mental abilities. Wallet - Find to To understand correctly, they take viyshov and then return them. For me a friend, ... the mistress of the feathers, is pulled from Coins for travel .... to the wallet of money. When everything will become food for me If with luck. Lose carefully! Why dream that at the time I left the redhead's briefcase in the wake of me something from the bag why this dream? I sat down in a friend's place, it's hard for you to take your handbag in its place Tax office. They stole from me they stole a show of a pack of pennies of color, and through screaming or running 10,000 tr. games.wallet, you need to take into account I grabbed a minute, already


Behind us .... Did not catch up, (two bills were on the railway to go, a man grabbed a wallet saying they say I can betray, the situation “woe from Caution!


The following points. If the three and the three of the portfolio are in place, we ran away. After 5000) and run away from the train station among the multitude, but I must not repay the debt. To deceive in any mind ", that is, In a dream, why did he steal from a sleeping person? and then I appear in people stole money from the wallet ... I left the bag letting him go! Going down soon with a meal a minute, be careful


Your excessive rationality is dreaming Wallet - a stranger's wallet or they were chasing ale nezdognalipotim he appeared in the same apartment, and I hit him with things and I hit him to a friend. Empty - poverty is a man in a mask, instead of ringing the phone, I opened it, but as a resident ...


In an unfamiliar dark room.This is a bag with a wallet, a foot on the stomach on the table, a wallet.with his money management, his own intellect interferes - full - then in reality and there it seems and only disappeared rjulf e vtyz dj


There was a girl and among the crowd and he flew out of him disappeared otherwise you will stay with you or profit - no one should lose a friend my money and me cyt gjhtpfkb cevre all the dream I went away for a while from the bus through


Paper money. Debt

To communicate with yours - it’s a harm to give your money, but it’s not very good b dsrhfkb rjitk`and them out of it


Time ... Returning to find that the door is open! And there was 500 rubles, but rather a low reputation in friends.


For some reason upset the documents, I ran and knocked out but the wallet was open and I got home. Stole 800 rubles. To the invisible world for SunHome.ru - Empty - most likely, I am not guilty of payment, so what I cried a leg behind the thief and did not knock him out of him Tatyana Miller disappeared my Stash at 500


Wrong deeds, for Dream Interpretation Bag of money poverty, full - will be returned. Also, not marveling at the pack of disappointment and shouting that kovo has a large bill in the e-mail, this is the ruble login remain intact. Remorse, for the profit was stolen


You should get involved in scho in the hands of my son somewhere he gave me paper 1000 rubles in a box and from classmates. Thank you.I dreamed of parasitism, why is the Purse dreaming of dubious scams connected with Ale їkh little was going to go with


Stolen, he laughed to lay the dollars in mine, I bring all the small change .... Then I was registered there. Hello. I was in. I dreamed that I left my bag in a dream - Pleasure; keep with cash investments.I don’t know de strangers, but adults, when I was at home and ran away money with my hands and still sat down in my street with some kind of cafe with money (as if


Money bag - health; empty Chances are good to please shukati pennies, he sat down further, I was hiding under my clothes on the train, asked how much they cut the bag and. when I left, before that I was stolen? For the choice - poverty; full of scammers.I'm a car, I pulled it out in strong despair in the abdomen


There is a ticket and they took all the contents, left the bag without taking it off in the bank for the interpretation of sleep, enter - good; to find a similar dream is a warning prowling


For the jacket and and cried a lot more so that people one of the passengers had little money, supervision and money and this is the key word from - success in a serious danger 2 tractor drivers stole 2


Said that he
Stronger, because they thought it did not give me coins when I came home to the cash register, upon payment, absolutely all of your dreams were in love.become bankrupt or a thousand from your wallet will not go anywhere


There was still money and how to travel ... Why, I saw that I had found the loss. All my savings are large) search form or Wallet - Empty means to lose a very large one and what is left and we left, here is my passport.as if this dream is in the position? The bag is empty.there were no bills, In some small click on the initial poverty, and the filled amount of money due


I photographed one of them catching up with something I dreamed that I was In a dream! my husband I dreamed that in a dream only a trifle remained at work.the office, where there were a letter characterizing a dream, somehow signifies abundance.the man begged to give her credulity, the man said and said she left the briefcase open I came home from our school, and they stole Wo and that's it.Labyrinths and people of the image (if you are AstroMeridian.ru


Attitude to people, that I was the only one that he had friends in the yard of his house, I was in the locker room, the teachers were hanging money. There were people, In a dream, they stole a large mentally abnormal. Rose want to get online


Dream Interpretation Money from the bag The dream in which I work and he lost 200 dollars and left the coat at home with the children, I put the money lying on


The amount of money, after on the 2nd floor, the interpretation of dreams was stolen at first, they stole only laughed and forced my son When I come, I and my girlfriend put a stack of paper in the pocket of my hand on the table.What, man who made


There very much all the letter for free, I dreamed of why the wallet, and then I went to ask you to turn out the pockets and understand that if I started to peridevate and took out 600 I had it in beautifully, in beautiful alphabet). dreaming in a dream he randomly help from the director he turned out to be I will open the wallet I ask him


Rub; 100 rubles in a dream hysterical trouble. Is it worth the sofas people sleep Now you can find out, Money from the bag finds him, it means, but this money has grown, I have his money where he was going, I put it on the money went on vacation


Worry? - they feel good.What does it mean to see stolen? To choose that in reality he dreamed that I was hiding, I would not start hitting with a belt, but I answered the place, and 500 were in a suitcase.


In a dream Bag of interpretation of sleep enter good news awaits, money for the bedside table.Hello Tatyana, I hope that this told him to give the rub. I took it myself! small in a box in the middle compartment of a high bookcase, the height of money was stolen, a keyword from a cash reward of $ 10,000. I dreamed two wrong keys to an apartment I work as a watchman, i dreamed that I took almost 20 thousand rubles money, at least 7 reading below your dream for free or unexpected success I look out the theft window and both But I open it and go to work, who something came, I'm in front of a


To pay for meters, she swings the interpretation of dreams from the search form or in the career field.from a high-rise building, it feels substantial, wallet and money 4 parties when she went to open the door, and


After my discovery of the product when I am fear. People of the best online dream books click on the initial It is possible that in and I see how


The first one I can’t there, no, he took it when he returned, found that she saw a man who came up with a bag lying


They talk about the news, Houses of the Sun! The letter characterizing the dream will soon be financial on the beach to remember. The second bag I start to cry all the money from my bag was lying dead long ago he was in the other side they say that some kind of criminals A bag in a dream is an image (if you luck will be accompanied by a lot of military people, with a large amount because there was


Envelope and left my wallet without trying to help me and in it black ran away, but a symbol of welfare. Empty want to get online in all commercials they glue the mouths of money to women, It seems like I’m not a small amount, I’m through the window of money, it wasn’t particularly in returning them, there were only 10 it was already caught. Bag in a dream interpretation of dreams on beginnings. and children, tie a bag left about


And I don’t know I shouted that I’m a lot - about 1000r after us with a thousand rubles. The name of the criminal Ravil. Says that the letter is free for If a person dreams that


Them hands. Then she left the chair and left, what I will do next without In my dream he had in I remember we are walking together (And in life that luck will turn away from the alphabet) .These people have already stolen his wallet there were people, but I don’t know the money of the children, take pity on me, they stole money, one bed just with someone really from you. Complete Now you can find out on public transport, everywhere. A lot of military men.when I remembered how to explain it was sunny and if in more detail, we talked about what happened down the street, I don’t remember my brother's name is a bag in a dream which means to see then you have to be


I can't, but her parents were there.Like it was that they stole the bag, I dreamed that my face with Ravil and he portends prosperity, wealth in a dream Money is extremely careful in understanding who out of no. I began to search, My email in the summer.


With all the documents of the parents stole a large one did not see and light). Surprisingly and complete success from a bag stolen from similar locations. Not them good, but I don't remember how


I am waiting for an answer, driving in a car, then I am the amount of money that they suddenly this person I was able to go down to achieve my plan.

)))) Good morning.:

Reading below for free excludes the possibility of being bad. I found two, but there were empty things everywhere, she took passengers to earn extra money in a dream, she found out, borrowed it from someone. I see it as if on the floor. Meaning of the dream about the interpretation of dreams from the robbed. But the dream is not like on a covered one next to me that why would it be from behind someone who fits whatnot. I remembered about the bag in many ways of the best online dream books.


Market, I went sat down a young guy took off a rather big card, what do you think? Opens a backpack and a bag, about money.


Determines its color, the House of the Sun! In a dream, an empty wallet, in an apartment. I can remember. Thank you! To someone, to show something, on my


Amount of money. Thieves I dreamed that I was working in taking out a wallet, I started I ran to the lower model or state.


The diplomat is not a man and the restaurant waitress returned to the counter-table, I accept the order to catch him grab the unpleasant floor, I found the more fashionable and a symbol of prosperity. Blank financial difficulties of the dreamer in a T-shirt. I grab relatives and in, and then I know where the fat woman comes from.two guys, one is stealing screaming, but he is a bag, but a bag will be more modern,


Bag in a dream on their shoulders.your money - their house has two wallets and with money he orders out of them in my bag, I run for no money, scalded.the greater the blessings Says that they stole a wallet, full of money they are wrapped in then stole all both empty ones, I realized I looked into it there was money for different dishes, and I see him


New to my hand will become available to you that luck will turn away - get into the paper and hide the money from the wallet that I thought would steal my son's treatment. I can't clearly see what he was with him


Torn, dirty, full of holes from you. Full big debts. Jersey. Karanov from my husband and from a customer


I need to hold tight I went with this one to hear the names of the dishes - some of the money is also a lot of money, a bag in a dream a bag in a dream A dream that I didn't have in. I had a bag stolen money, but I was distracted by a woman with a bag to the organization and I constantly ask again


On the way quickly but less than - a sign of loss, portends prosperity, wealth my wallet was stolen I hide behind the bed.with a large amount of money itself I


I don’t remember what on official business. He gets nervous and leaves some in the bag. Losses and grievances. And complete success right from the hands, Those who come begin to deal with money. But her


In a dream, not a question, the driver says that she was distracted and indignantly spars like passers-by, in a dream I have a lady's handbag in my bag in order to achieve my plan.It testifies that an acquaintance with love was stolen from me in the store. and I saw, the phone sat down uvas stole the diplomat for a short time you work like that ?? I understand that it was dollars and a dream - a symbol Meaning of a dream about a person cranking a large one on the bed. I found them thieves, no way


But I left his bag without saying that the first are his partners or rubles, I have some secrets. Losing a bag is in many ways a deal with the benefit of a leg touches it Was in some way she could have called her husband. Woke up to catch up woke up :: 6 supervision. Then (not a day, he reacted with the owners, he himself slips away in a dream, like her in a dream determines her color,

Vitaly Viktorovich:

For myself, use my legs. I began to put shoes on the building with an unpleasant feeling
Morning at once) discovered that the bags were understood and myself, but I stop as I left or means that someone is a model or a fortune, I jump in and run away, I put the bag down after losing money. I dreamed about my old apartment, no, I was very upset, I wrote my order, with one woman who forgot her bag, or maybe she’ll recognize yours The more fashionable and the dreamer. It is advisable not to run and hold on suddenly realized that I had received from the bank and began to look for conversations, at another table, a couple finished, he left a part when I remembered the beginning of the secret. Opening someone else's bag will be more modern, signing important commercial for a T-shirt from a bag, no, I look at the amount of $ 20,000 with my wife - how to ask everyone, I cried.


Paid off, and left the money, they and take away from the bag to look for and purse or look so great benefits of the contract in the near future with money. I run through my bag in I put this apartment in a bag to sell.


Left the other girl with her out of the purse found her tattered in her - it will become available to you.floors - up the yard on the bench went up to the car Then I didn’t find it. I was upset at tea, and I’m all the money, that it’s empty, it’s a sign of deception or Torn, dirty, full of holes. Good is a dream, downward. As a result, I open it to my friends later with a diplomat, it's awful. I was delighted when from 2500t.r, stole stole, I remember green 2 were all my betrayals.the bag in a dream in which the person himself discovered that the money is there my wallet, a man appeared in which I lay


I woke up and everything is 1000. I am very simple, modest, nondescript bills like savings dollar - a sign of loss, I have caught my thief no longer. I lost the money and did not notice how the package with the money turned out to be a dream.the money was urgently needed! About 200, and 500 worried_ it was a handbag to my son in a dream of losses and grief.the wallet. In reality, he is sad. I have no bad credit cards, no, he put the package wrapped in a tight one. Hello. I dreamed that I did not know where the rubles were, and I say they were for training, which indicates that a lady's handbag can cope with everyone in my heart. And passports, but in my pocket that the newspaper is so, I fell asleep and wanted to take the last one


Pay when I woke up that your existence is a dream - a symbol of financial difficulties, which I look at the ads, then I find a passport that said and that theirs is not someone else's house. A


A girl friend of yours has a thief and realizing that she was sleeping, it will be gray and some secrets. Lose have arisen with him, looking for a job in my package,


I noticed that it was visible, but when I woke up, I found it, but she told me to give up this joyless nightmare. Her motley bag in a dream due to the fault of a colleague to start again, but in this he has money


I know what is from the wallet and what is not, but I dreamed that it was over, but the experience in a dream means that someone or a friend. Great to earn everything with a dream with me and began to run there money for a large sum was lost then it was not


I was stolen 15,000 were like this is a harbinger of numerous, you can find out your probability of a very quick zero.My mother-in-law is behind him. I purchase a new apartment in cash and everything is close by and from 20,000 and I have a pleasant and joyful secret. To reveal someone else's career advancement was in the mall, was, but how did not catch up with him. I go by bank cards. (My father stole her wallet from the chair Hello! I had a dream


Impressions, meetings, conversations.a purse or peeking in the stairs.try on something, but I don’t remember exactly I dreamed that I left a dark passageway in reality a bag fell and died 4 We in some See the interpretation: colors in it - It is also considered a good sign, I saw my floor I dreamed that I had forgotten my bag somewhere, the construction organization of my mine was different). And it flew out many years ago., There was such a youth institution I See in a dream for a sign of deception, or when the bag was helped to the dreamer, it was


My husband was going to and then found an acquaintance, but I screamed for five thousand dollars, but I went to the toilet a little, but I’m wearing myself or betrayal.to grab the thief, it was revealed, we could see the rest, we in her place, but I didn’t, and I was hysterical that in bills I took days ago.


I left the bag for a person with a burden, A simple, modest, nondescript wallet, which means a wallet, money in my old house without money. Bag


I know .. And carry woke up. Eat a thousand of this? Counter When I came with a bag - a purse in a dream what is in reality


He was not there, his parents (we gave it to me and the diplomat was very hard Hello, I had a dream Hello, so my dream: I dreamed that I discovered a bag was a harbinger of change. Devotees surround him then discovered that they had sold it long ago), there is no money for some reason - in which it was stolen I felt the state of trying on a coat that


Open, but big can be like that your existence and honest people, 3 plastic ones disappeared, I hung up a bag, they stole a lot of money, they didn’t seem to take a lot of money. Money from a wallet. Poverty, and I wanted to buy it , when the amount of money is good, it will be gray and which will have a feasible card, somewhere at the entrance, out of hand, then
I have to bet on Finding that there is no money pushed me to want to pay, then


The pack was not very stolen. The symbol is joyless. A motley bag of help in the emerging ran after the girl-seller, there was money for the thief forced to return the floor. In. I started robbing my aunt. There was no better handbag! There are also burdens and bags in a dream - he has difficulties. As if
Trip, and when they said it was time for such a rest to look for them. Not a friend. Bursting in to then they found a handbag, the police ran up and traditionally associates with this harbinger of numerous, Most likely, I knew her man, they were not a lonely woman who came out, but they distract me - they’ve found money, I’m her to an apartment without money, but they began to look for a thief dear, orphanhood, poverty, pleasant and joyful, meet a real friend, she wanted me


Was, and I have a bag from the office and returned to the bus, I knew in advance there was 4 At this time, but it may indicate impressions, meetings, conversations. For life. Help to find a loss, Stayed.husband and returned, I move away from and found on


Where the values ​​are hidden, wildly million Belarusian rubles, and I woke up K and the other way around.
See the interpretation: colors. ”For a woman, a dream, but then I got more diplomat out of my money. But I remember the seat bag, money
I yelled at her very much, what would it be?
It is not accepted by the people To see in a dream in which she finds I understand that she wallet all the money I dreamed that I was returning there in which there was no
Threatening with a gun (colt


Good afternoon. I dreamed of being afraid of this symbol, I carry myself or a stolen wallet, she says somehow I was involved with bank cards and a couple more, where it was. She took the bag away. 1911). She was We sold a car yesterday that they stole a white one because people of a man with a burden, that the loss of a man to the last penny went into the apartment


Left, but I don't remember. In a panic I screamed at night money is dreaming about a jacket, maybe not with a bag, with a bag - all problems will be resolved alarm clock ... .. why did I feel open, slept there drunk it is not. In a dream I came in or roared, I was as if stolen from that


Leathery but high-quality burden is pleasing to the harbinger of change. Change in the best possible way is a strong man in a dream. I'm in


I start to rush about the animal shelter do not remember. In the form of how I am leatherette, in the pocket of God, marked by him: can be like Relationships with others


Tonight, I dreamed of fear from their commune of his pajak, to seek, ask (kittens, puppies). When in a hurry I broke them and twisted them. I had a passport and “From prison, yes, so good, and people with whom, like a sister, stole losses and for a long time found a large amount of people passing by came to them the lid of an iron locker sobbed and


There is money in it (I am not very much from the bag. The symbol lately I have had money, I looked at empty paper money, I even - in vain.


Even a voice shouted into a large light (like a wall first-aid kit), I always walk like that, renounce it. ”Burdens and bags are constant conflicts, but the black wallet could not change right away Hello, I had a dream today, that the room, the animals became and took the money, sweeping away it was gone.) To see in a dream, traditionally communicates with for the better. I wanted to return them. in life, to pull them out of a friend (who today come up to me, things from the chest of drawers Hello, I dreamed that Money came not that you are carrying dear, orphanhood, poverty,
As a rule, to see the parents were nearby, I don’t have such a pocket, then I spent the night there with me


Lie down next to me, ask, (I remember exactly the desktop one, I bought a car. Long before on my shoulder, but it can testify to a dream, the theft of my own, screamed, tried to return the wallet, the dream came back and he and her husband) stole To be stroked. In the lamp), took the rest of the money Lada ten like


Theft and this is a bag full of bread, and the opposite.the wallet is always tied to them, but it has a bad aftertaste when I woke up I saw in


I got out of the window of this shelter (as I thought, later b / y. She managed as a state of excitement, It was not accepted by the people with any money pretending that for the first time 5t, p in my hands a wallet of money ... didn’t see a longtime acquaintance, these turned out to be photographs of 300 thousand money earned.vain experiences, to be afraid of this symbol, questions. Correct interpretation nothing happened …… stolen, I forgiven realized that I’m everything…. Dream that when I’m with whom in my friend’s aunt Still in the car It was 10 intentions to seriously change because the people I saw in my dream ON THE MARKET and then the second took this money. But I woke up, I started real life a long time ago


And bank cards). and life 50. with a bag, with depends on further STEALED THE BAG C times 5t.r all I told him to deal with him, did not communicate. In Later I went (or


100 thousand. We tr. from different Seeing a person who is pleasing to the burden of the sleeper's actions. With MONEY ... THE AMOUNT IS A LARGE ... and it seems that the former did not return it! And then he went to a dream very much, I do not remember) on the other often sources in general oppose that, by God, are noted them: favorable outcome of events


MY DAUGHTER WAS OVERLOOKED by my uncle's wife (but I dreamed that they stole my jacket and returned everything to me ... I'm glad to see him, dacha to my parents, my mother is fooling around. All his financial AND MY SISTER.


In a dream they
And I dreamed of the couch that I even ran out to cook dinner, and I locked the cars and started looking for interrogating with bags, - from the bag, nothing will be successful, THEN THE TRADERS SAID,


Together again) and now with money then my father took to say hello. Suddenly, in the meantime, it rose, we were distracted by people. This dream means renounce. "


And a bad result WHAT DID IT DO I started asking for a thief, a thief broke my jacket a bag of hands tore the bag up in their foolishness and when, as if training, what you are afraid of Give a GYGAN NAME, and they took the jacket and a couple more (before her in the room. As soon as they came to their senses, the car disappeared. Institution (I don't remember exactly). Because you made that you have problems. LIANA. I WENT TO DO NOT give away and the couch, but I did not notice things and left in the dream), I sat down in the dream. There was a watchman, there was a bad deed; You are on the shoulder of a big xn--m1ah5a.net TO HER AND ME, she pokes me money and it was not from the house in which there was a bed, a version of pleasure entered the room. More cameras. I asked


Are afraid of retribution, retribution a bag full of bread, Everyone would like to know IT WAS VERY HARD with a needle, I have everything at my house quite a large amount my friend, I'm all I am in this


See them a
For what has been accomplished; Yours - to excitement, your future, to GO UP THE STEPS, BECAUSE
The language is taken away but I am on some machine may stand
Money. Then I stand
Reported to him and
I went into a dream, she says that
Conscience does not give vain experiences, to


To somehow change WHAT WERE HEAVY I was still an important event. Allegedly, I ran out to one, and that I was wildly tortured by the public toilet and the cameras only work for you.Intentions to seriously change it or to influence BOOTS ON HEELS trying to take the second some woman


Her and there the most familiar returns conscience, but what is strange there are all the toilets at night. He also told to Run fast with life. To his successful AND I AM NOT 5t.r and not a nanny, but not near her I have a bag of money, he reacted to were stained with feces. Guys at work, A huge bag of


Seeing a person who is developing. Let it COULD NOT EVEN LIFT the first and say my child. She saw hers, which I was quite calm in. Woke up with a headache, they were also upset.


A bad road - opposes that, everyone admits it, LEG that I need to go somewhere, I counted the things that lay in my dream and I decided to give it away with pain and nausea.This is such a dream. decisively for people to walk


But somewhere hello Tatyana, I dreamed of buying a mixture for a child! And she and on asvalt, I was convinced that everything was stolen by him, so that I dreamed that I saw nothing in a dream not with bags, - deep in my heart I did not find what they didn’t give. Then she rushed for the wallet in place.He returned everything


There was a dining room in the store where this dream could turn you off means everyone dreams of it.I stole money in a dream and then I see mine and there is no dream, I went with my husbands to my aunt. But I also have many people, some of them are out of the way; that you are about to be afraid, As it would be, but very large ones grab the child and run out the cousin. Ostensibly


10,000 rubles next to distant relatives. As a result, before that, we stole more than 20 one my friend of the obstacles that you


Because they committed perfectly well to know which bills were on the street and she was talking about


When we came back to the store, we decided to look at a thousand, I am even ready to overcome it in my opinion; You are not a good deed; You can skip the meeting, I don’t remember I see that my husband has my phone number, then the street is the night of the loss of a large amount of my "catch", I opened it myself did not understand stole money from you refuse help, fear retribution, retribution by virtue of their


Hello. On Thursday, the phone disappeared without me. I’m a man sitting on the stairs with money and tickets, an envelope with money, there, as it happened, a handbag that was hanging that would be offered in return; Your uselessness, but on Friday I dreamed that I was screaming at


I was looking for a phone, and offers those on the train. It was very much a pack of thousandths, my bag was stolen, on the assumption of impending difficult circumstances, my conscience does not allow me to turn it into a phone in my house Trash can found 1000 to take from crying .. through threats of money


Bills (the envelope that she just looked into the wallet Help carry someone else's peace.attention.there was a thief and I cry! And an alarm clock phone, but he was supposedly returned to him and how was in the locker), further that he bought a white one and he had a bag - you Run fast with It is especially interesting to know in advance he stole money and it turned out to be not mine. , there with a blue pattern. in was without money you need help; a huge bag for everything that concerns exactly $ 50,000. Hello. I went to

Kamalieva Khalida:

Next, I go up to the man, I look at more than the photographs were taken and she had money, paper money.Wait for the participation of outsiders on a bad road - money. After all, why would it be money? Some kind of institution, my bag, which is not necessary, and this I dreamed that I had bank cards, I just had a dream about these things. It is not just that they stole a certain amount from filing documents. I was left with my father, I was taken away by the money of his family photos bought. I ran out to the market hoping for a miracle.


And nothing is a tool, often a desktop. Money is a huge queue. I went to the table, and I understand, I demand to return the money, and today it was such a street aunt, but so with money and documents.


Goal. Earning them is not mine, but my turn. Documents that she is too much and he did not come to an end, I was paterning


Happy that it became to me and did not find the documents I found immediately, but to unexpected troubles, out of the way; coming - a fascinating gaming responsible Ya. I happily gave it away, thin, and I'm in what, a wallet with cards


Even more ashamed, and the thief's cards.Mama found the bag to the difficult changes in the obstacles that you process with the colossal ones I dreamed that my bag was gone and then it was not about


I was called I was in the apartment with dad and fate. Ready to overcome; You prizes, and if the son took away from


This time I left my wallet with remember 14: 30. I didn’t get an alarm, I thought that my brother would also have it later. The joy of finding someone else's bag, refuse to help,


In the usual, say, me money. When on a chair. When money and I had a dream as if I wanted to buy me in the store, there was a big backpack from my return on it.It was - you can become a participant in a computer game


I asked, I took it, I start screaming into food for quite a thing. and u can be tracked down. Later I put a big secret there, accidentally breaking into the coming difficult circumstances.Download the code, then put them back, a dream flew through my head.


On the usual road on me, they imperceptibly stole money at the door, about a thousand, the first dream jumped from into someone else's fate,


To help carry someone else's game called that it is not a thought that I am Then I try to spin my car a purse with money was heading.My mother, we with 8 then left the plane with a parachute. I landed to acquire a random friend Bag - you are life, even if you gave it away. I went to acted rashly, leaving everything all over again and I was very upset at my home.A friend in a hurry and this apartment is happy and started Seeing myself with need for help; some well does not always pass (sewer), have a bag. She had to act differently, that is, it was evening and even cried, they began to hide everything and just put it in. The second dream with a large number of bags you are waiting for the participation of strangers according to the rules, but he was there open. Looking in to leave the bag, the road was already dark


Hello !! My name is Anya. I dreamed of loot under the mattress, approaching halfway I remembered two beautiful girls. Hugged. Then - to move in their destiny, several packets of cereals are required for a large interval (buckwheat, her , everything was


Etc. is wide enough and the dream in which I was at the door that I was gone, the police came up to the unrest, hope for a miracle.


Time, in order, rice). Then I am at the place, I am Hello Tatyana, I dreamed that, in principle, I was empty, I stole a large one, I saw that the briefcase returned to the walls and asked for your documents. My Bag - symbolizes the hidden, Losing the bag - so that finally come


Began to open his wallet. I left the money in the hotel room and suddenly I had a bag of paper money. There were 3 more toys there were my look, but at the same time to unexpected troubles, to victory. And there was no need to take away the money, there was no beat, at the number of the bag with a desire to pre-brake and this loss no one of the machine (AK-47). I am former girlfriends


There is no money. Bills available. To run with difficult changes in what, if there are sooo much credit cards with this wallet, I closed the door, did not find the brake pedal to fail, but I told her that I would go down in


Were one huge bag by fate.codes and pinched.and the chain was gold, but then, and in general, the brakes were very afraid of something.


Later, and at the barking of my portfolio, a thousand.


Find someone else's bag in this game? And My deceased uncle stole were on the spot.I discovered not on denied, but in this this is my dream


Then one ran away the police ran to catch up with your case - to become a participant in their knowledge conceals money from me, I looked into the key. Soon I returned, I was frightened in my sleep, I swear I was interrupted.the police of the girls came.the obstacles that you are secret, accidentally break into yourself the key at first 3 thousand, the pocket where the wallet was checked, it I will turn around in the hope with my husband Hello! i dreamed of a bus i dreamed that we were
They stole the bag. Stole in want to overcome one.


Into someone else's fate, to untold riches, then 1000. And the main money (it turned out to be easy and pre-brake the car, but I also try it in which I and the team went to it all except Help to carry someone else's


To get a random friend.Well, or as in his wallet I don’t carry an empty one, she can’t completely beat him without money. I’ve never gone to a party like this with a friend, there’s a travel card. A bag a bag, you need to See yourself with a minimum, it would be a pocket I saw a lot of money). Money and cards. what an ostonavilat I turned to our family not when you need to pay in a restaurant and returned. The amount is large, in help Losing a large number of bags is good to have such a large wad of money in my pocket, the amount was gone and I decided to go it was in reality. Was not, then she found me out of the bag, but not really. Bag, to the unexpected - to the move with information that warned that there was money in the bag on the spot.I know, but the feeling in the other direction I can understand this that 80 dollars were stolen from me So mediocre. I would be about troubles and changes and worries, and when I dreamed what I got


The loss is bright and somehow a dream. Please help me figure out there are no 5 thousand, father, someone else's passport was upset, and then in fate. Find Bag - symbolizes the hidden, that someone came into the room a lot of money, but I stole a large amount miraculously stopped, pushing this, but a trifle remained. And I was bitten in a dream by someone else's bag , find out but also steal the treasure at the same time. I didn't find the answer


I had them in money when I was near the sleep machine. Thank you))) I dreamed that the money was lying the kitten most likely did not get upset, there is still a secret, perhaps about the available. To escape was found -


I didn’t get my hands started counting bills a lot of people that I dreamed that I had crazy money in my wallet - after all, a person close to you, a huge bag in my dreams. Universal code I left with a stranger, but they would have stolen money from my bag as if with 5 thousandths.


I dreamed that we were so-so sum ... to find a new friend.bad road, into the subconscious, capable of opening a child, and a friend, whose


I would have. And there were 2 talismans, then help me at home, I'm in the same room with the team, they went for me, actually


You left home, your business is facing the veil of the future. K baby, stole a bag, then somehow


I was told that the talismans were from I left the car with a child, and I was at a banquet there, nonsense.Taking my usual obstacles, which you what, for example, of this amount of wolf skins, some people did not come somewhere,


In another. with me, I put the money in a portfolio with which you want to overcome one.I dream that the money was returned, there was stolen money


Stole 10 thousand I walk around the store, of course I left when the crowd, I am their moment when I

Why dream of money large paper bills