The dog has red spots on its belly. We determine allergies in our dogs. Skin diseases in dogs

Today, more and more skin diseases are diagnosed in dogs. The main provoking factor is environmental degradation. But some pathologies are inherited by animals.

Skin diseases in dogs

The largest organ of the dog's body is the skin. This is a powerful barrier that stops the penetration of dangerous microorganisms into the body. Being a unique thermostat and natural "conditioner", the skin has a number of important functions.

According to its condition, the owner can determine whether the pet is healthy or sick. Negative influence The following factors affect the skin:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Hypovitaminosis.
  3. Cardiac pathologies.
  4. Unbalanced diet.

An unbalanced diet can lead to skin diseases.

Types of skin pathologies

There are the following types of skin diseases:

To kill the tick, you will need to cut the dog's hair.

Most often, diseases such as and are detected in animals. These pathologies are characterized by severe course and long-term treatment.

Demodicosis was formerly called " red". Its beginning is quite specific. First, small dry spots appear on the paws and head of the animal. They itch a lot and the pet combs them until they bleed.

Demodicosis is dangerous by the spread of the tick through the lymphatic system and spleen.

Ticks that provoke sarcoptic mange bite into the dog's skin, breaking through "tunnels" in it. Them life cycle is 20 days. Finding them is very difficult.


With sarcoptic mange, the dog's hair begins to fall out.

To clarify the diagnosis, the veterinarian first takes a scraping from the affected area. Most often, the tick lives on:

  • corps;
  • head;
  • paws.

The main symptom of sarcoptic mange is active prolapse coat. The skin darkens, folds form on it, it appears. The affected areas are very itchy, which leads to the appearance of scratching.

Sarcoptic mange is treated medically. In some cases, the disease is transmitted to the owner. Parts of the body in contact with the dog begin to itch excruciatingly.

Fungal pathologies

Microsporia is a fungal infection.

Usually diagnosed in dogs. This pathology is provoked by the fungus Microsporum canis. Identifying the disease is quite simple. The veterinarian puts the dog under an ultraviolet lamp. The fungus living on the skin is highlighted in a greenish color. If necessary, the sick animal is sent for laboratory examination.

Many fungal pathologies dangerous to humans.

Treatment and diagnosis

It is necessary to disinfect the room in which the dog lives.

After clarifying the diagnosis, the veterinarian prescribes the passage of drug therapy. Taking medications is combined with baths. And also means are used for local treatment of the affected areas of the skin.

Long haired dogs being sheared. In order to prevent recurrence, the room in which the pet lives is thoroughly disinfected. Bedding and toys need to be replaced.

Bacterial pathologies

The most common bacterial pathology is pyoderma.

Pyoderma in a dog.

The dog's skin is completely "occupied" by microorganisms that quickly penetrate deep inside. It is provoked by a disease or streptococcus. The affected areas are found near the anus and on the thighs.

If the disease is not treated, the infection spreads to:

  • head;
  • muzzle;
  • lips;
  • spaces between teeth.

Symptoms and treatment

Symptoms may occur in puppies. You need to sound the alarm when specific black dots appear.

The disease is treated for a long and difficult time. The dog is given antibiotics. Drug therapy is accompanied by bathing and skin treatment with antiseptic preparations.

The dog should be treated with antibiotics.

Launched bacterial pathologies contribute. As a result, it may occur.

Allergic pathologies

Allergy refers to the reaction of antibodies that are present in the dog's body to irritants. The result of this is the activity of histamine. Reacting with blood particles, it provokes the development of an inflammatory process.

Chemical agents can act as an allergen.

An allergic reaction is caused by:

  • medicines;
  • food;
  • fleas;
  • allergens.

The most dangerous medicines are the penicillin groups.

Often allergic reaction is momentary . And also it can manifest itself after 2-3 hours or several days after contact with the irritant.

Other skin diseases in dogs

Dermatophytosis is otherwise called deprive.

Symptoms are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Neoplasms.
  2. Inflammation.

Skin diseases dogs are accompanied by itching.

The skin usually itches constantly and very strongly. The dog suffers, cannot sleep, worries, spins on its bedding. As a result of combing, wounds are formed. Sometimes the animal bites itself on the paws or the base of the tail.

Blisters, warts, or plaques may appear on the skin. The size of neoplasms varies from a few millimeters to 1–1.5 cm. Their shade can be pinkish or burgundy. The plaques flake off and itch even more.

If an infection enters the affected area, then inflammation develops. The skin is very swollen. Sometimes there are suppurations.

Treatment at home

  • Helpful for many skin conditions aloe juice. Applied to the affected areas, it relieves the animal of excruciating itching, burning and other discomfort. The juice of this plant can be purchased at a pharmacy, or prepared independently.
  • Has a similar effect medicinal chamomile . It should be used for swimming. The medicine stops microbial suppuration on the skin and quickly relieves inflammation. Chamomile can be alternated with echinacea and calendula.

Aloe juice is good for skin diseases.

Folk remedies can be used only when the disease is in initial stage. If the pathology is running, it can only be treated in a veterinary clinic.

Royal Canin is on the list of allergenic foods.

Many owners feed their dogs the wrong way. Supporters of the "straight" often mindlessly give animals everything that they eat themselves. Another part of the owners treats their pets with cheap dry food. This leads to a lack of zinc and essential fatty acids. Sometimes painful symptoms appear due to excess calcium.

The use of premium feed often leads to the development of skin pathologies.

The most allergenic food is considered Royal Canin. It is recommended to replace it with super premium products such as:

  1. Pro plan.
  2. Eukanuba.
  3. British care.

Dog menu on natural food

If the owner is a supporter natural nutrition, then he must know that the animal's diet should consist of 50–70% meat, 25–30% dairy products, 15% vegetables, and 20% cereals.

Meat is one of the main foods for a dog.

The ideal menu for a dog is a combination of lean meat with dairy products. Vegetables, buckwheat, rice, barley groats are a supplement to the diet. Meat can be replaced with fish.

  • If pet contact with stray or sick animals , it is necessary to carefully redeem it with a special shampoo or soap. Then you need to disinfect his place, bowls and toys. It will not be superfluous to take the animal for a preventive examination in veterinary clinic.
  • A reasonable preventive solution is timely vaccination . If the pet regularly participates in exhibitions, he needs.
  • If the animal is still infected, it is necessary isolate him from other pets and family members . All clothing will need to be washed with a disinfectant and boiled thoroughly.
  • Video about skin diseases in dogs

The appearance of rashes on the skin of a dog usually leads to the fact that the coat becomes dull, in some places it can even fall out, while the animal itself begins to itch. Moreover, this itching can not stop for almost a minute.

Naturally, the animal needs help. This makes him uncomfortable and can lead to quite serious problems with health. Indeed, when combing with clawed paws, a dog can bring an infection into the deeper layers of the skin, which will lead to the spread of infection, tissue inflammation and other problems.

Experts say that with any manifestation of a rash, even if it seems to you that this is normal, it is better to consult a specialist. This will help you not to miss the beginning of something more serious.

The appearance of red itchy spots can easily be caused by the usual food allergies, which usually manifests itself in excessive protein intake. So the first thing to do is check the food.

It is a mistake to assume that protein is only found in canned meat. It is found in both poultry and fish. Therefore, try to create a pet food diary and observe his reaction.

In addition, allergies can occur to the detergent. For example, if you changed the shampoo you used to wash your dog before, etc.

What diseases does the rash indicate?

A rash that appears on a dog may indicate a huge amount various diseases. This is dermatitis, and eczema, as well as lichen, scabies, giardiasis and other diseases.

From the number serious illnesses, which may indicate a rash, are called plague, tuberculosis, tumors, streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.

If you find a rash in a pet not only on the stomach, but also on inside thighs, near the anus, on the head, nose, lips and gums, he most likely has pyoderma - a pustular disease of the skin. It usually manifests itself when staphylococci and streptococci penetrate deeper into the skin and begin to multiply there.

Sublimated food, unfavorable environmental conditions and a sedentary lifestyle of the animal are increasingly becoming the cause of pyoderma.

Rash treatment

Naturally, it is necessary first of all to cure the underlying disease that causes problems. After all, without this, the rash will appear again.

However symptomatic treatment to alleviate the condition of the animal, too, no one canceled. The best option there will be shearing of wool in the affected area. First, the treatment will be more intense. Secondly, nothing will additionally irritate the skin of the animal.

Treat damaged areas of skin disinfectant solutions. Good in matters of treatment will be such traditional drugs as brilliant green, iodine, etc.

In advanced cases, you will have to give the animal a course of antibiotics. Which one, the doctor must say.

Naturally, any violations of the dog's condition also lead to a decrease in immunity, so it will not be superfluous to include various vitamin complexes and immunomodulators. All this will help the dog's body to cope with the disease faster.

Among all diseases of dogs, the most common are skin diseases that occur most often due to allergic reactions, inflammations, infections, and genetic predispositions. Unlike other ailments, skin diseases in a pet can be seen with the naked eye and promptly consult a doctor who will determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Types of skin diseases in dogs - photo

Depending on the cause, skin diseases in dogs are divided into several types:

Having found skin lesions, the owner should immediately show the dog to the doctor. At the same time, despite the obvious symptoms and manifestations of the disease, it can be quite difficult to make an accurate diagnosis, and treatment can be delayed for a long time.

As soon as there is suspicion that the pet has a skin disease, it is urgently necessary to take the following actions:

  1. Stop petting your pet.
  2. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  3. Do not allow the dog to sleep on the owner's bed.
  4. Avoid pet contact with children.
  5. To avoid spreading infection, stop combing the dog's coat.

Do not lubricate the affected areas with any ointments, brilliant green or iodine before visiting a doctor. You can cut the hair and treat the skin with salicylic alcohol.

With the help of fungal spores, dermatophytosis is easily transmitted from animal to animal. Yorkshire terriers are most prone to it.

Symptoms of fungal skin diseases:

  1. Alopecia, in which itching is rarely present, and there are never associated lesions.
  2. The defeat of the near-elbow bed and the claw, which exfoliates and turns yellow.
  3. Rarely - nodular skin lesions, from which pus may be released.
  4. At severe forms microspore diseases can affect the paw pads.

With fungal infections, the veterinarian most often prescribes treatment of the pet with special shampoos, which include Dermazole and Nizoral. Also used special preparation for animals Imaverol. A course of treatment with special antifungal drugs Terbinafine, Itraconazole, Ketonazole is prescribed.

The specialist must necessarily tell the owner of a sick dog that in order to destroy fungal spores, it is necessary to treat the pet's bedding and wash all its habitats.

Allergy in dogs

It is not very easy to identify an allergen, therefore, in the diagnosis allergic diseases skins are quite complex. The most common dog allergens are:

  • food products;
  • house dust;
  • insect bites;
  • plant pollen;
  • mold;
  • household chemicals;
  • medications.

A fairly common allergen is the frequently used flea remover. Even the most harmless, they belong to the group of pyrethroids, and therefore quite often cause allergic reactions.

To the main allergy symptoms in dogs include:

  • severe itching;
  • salivation;
  • runny nose;
  • sudden cough;
  • nettle fever;
  • edema.

Due to the fact that the protective properties of the skin during allergies are reduced, various rashes, redness, and pustules appear on it over time. Since the pet begins to itch a lot, he develops bald patches.

An allergic reaction that occurs quickly is the easiest to identify. With a thorough investigation, the cause of the allergy can be quickly identified and eliminated. Most often, these reactions are characterized sudden appearance runny nose, cough and urticaria, which manifests itself itchy blisters on the face, under the armpits and in the groin. Urticaria disappears quite quickly, but so that the pet does not have time to comb the blisters and infect, the inflamed skin is rubbed with vodka or salicylic alcohol. In addition, the dog should drink suprastin, tavegil or diphenhydramine 3 times a day.

The causes and sources of delayed allergic reactions are identified in stages:

Food allergies are not common in dogs, but if your pet has an allergic reaction to certain foods, they should be eliminated from the diet.

  1. The defeat of the ears and the accumulation of sulfur in them during otodectosis.
  2. Violent itching in the neck, head and paws with sarcoptic mange. The dog combs the wounds to such an extent that even the skin becomes inflamed and the hair is combed out.

Scabies or aranchnosis

  1. Zheleznica.
  2. Ear scabies.
  3. Itchy scabies.

Some forms of these diseases are contagious to humans, but are quickly cured without the use of any drugs.

The symptom of scabies is localized itching, which occurs most often in the ears, hocks, and elbows. Since over time, mites affect not only the surface of the skin, but also begin to irritate the nerve endings, the itching becomes unbearable. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of scabies, it must be treated immediately. Otherwise, the pet's metabolism may be disturbed, and exhaustion may begin. In severe cases, if scabies is not treated, animal may die.

Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive. First of all, itching calms down, and mites are destroyed. In parallel, it is necessary to improve the processes of skin regeneration and increase immunity. In some dogs, a full recovery does not occur, and as soon as immunity decreases, the hormonal state of the animal changes, or the pet becomes stressed, the disease resumes.


If the dog is healthy, then there is no dandruff on her skin or it is almost invisible. Seborrhea can develop as a result of a violation endocrine system, or become a consequence of sarcoptic mange. With seborrhea, work is disrupted sebaceous glands, the skin becomes oily and many scales appear on it.

The first outbreaks of disease appear at the bottom of the belly and on the paws. The dandruff then spreads to the ears and tail, hocks and elbow joints, muzzle and chest.

Seborrhea is of two types:

  1. Dry. This species is characterized by dry skin, on which scaly, dry, crumbling dandruff forms.
  2. Oily. The disease is characterized by excess sebum, greasy scales sticking to the coat, brown plaques on the skin and a rancid odor.

Dry seborrhea most often affects small sofa dogs, which are often bathed using various detergents. As a result, their skin becomes dehydrated and dry dandruff appears.

In some cases, the cause of dry seborrhea may be a lack of fat in the diet of the animal. To get rid of dandruff, you can try to include a teaspoon or dessert spoon in your dog's diet. vegetable oil which she must eat daily. If after a while the dandruff does not disappear, and the itching intensifies, then you need to contact a specialist.

Since in some cases seborrhea is the result of a disease, the doctor prescribes drugs to treat the underlying disease.

Dermatitis in dogs

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin. The causes of this disease can be very diverse. According to them, all dermatitis in dogs have the following qualifications:

In some cases, the disease is associated with the age of the dogs. In pets of the first years of life, dermatitis is manifested by purulent and purple vesicles and pustules on the lips, chin, groin and hairless abdomen. In older dogs, the disease manifests itself in the area knee joints and along the back, where papules, pustules, or acne are found.

With any dermatitis, painful places treated with antibacterial soap and 3% hydrogen peroxide. If this does not help, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

To cure a pet, he must be correctly diagnosed, which can only be done in a clinic. Specialists will inspect necessary tests and on their basis, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. It must be remembered that it is almost impossible to cure skin diseases in dogs on your own. You should not put off a visit to the veterinarian, as the missed time can lead to the suffering of the animal, and in some cases, to its death.

Acne in a dog is one of the most common skin diseases that is characteristic of man's four-legged friends. However, the causes of this disease are somewhat different from those inherent in people. Pimples on the skin pet may occur due to hormonal disruptions, allergies or infections. The article will detail what types of rashes are, what symptoms are characteristic of a particular kind of acne, and what treatment the animal will need.

Dogs are prone to several types of rashes. They are distinguished primarily by color. They look like red-brown or white bumps. If the tubercle is whitish in color, then pus has accumulated in it. In any case, if a rash appears on the body, it means that harmful inflammatory processes.

The owner of the dog can most often find papules and red pimples in those places that are distinguished by favorable microflora for the reproduction of harmful microbes. For example, rashes are most common on the face of an animal, in particular on the chin and lip, in auricle, as well as on the neck under the collar, in the anus, in the groin, on the stomach, on the loop, less often they are on the back and tail of the pet.

Excessively intense work of the sebaceous glands or pathologies in the functioning of hair bags can also lead to unpleasant consequences that will be visible to the naked eye. Pimples cause concern, the pet tries to comb them, which further contributes to the spread of germs throughout skin. Therefore, the rash must be treated promptly, until it begins to crust and develop into eczema.

Reasons for appearance in puppies

Childhood is an important stage in the life of any living organism. For dogs, this is no exception. Acne occurs on the body of a puppy most often in the inguinal zone. It's all because of excessively wet bedding or lack of attention from the owner, who ignores the rules. basic hygiene. Outwardly, the rash resembles prickly heat in infants.

At 4-5 months of age, the baby becomes a teenage puppy. Therefore, it is not surprising that at this time, the growing pet begins to malfunction in the hormonal system. Acne can occur on the head, in the ears and on the face, but this does not create much discomfort and will go away on its own as you grow older.

Causes of appearance in adults

The area of ​​the neck under the collar is the most frequently affected by various pimples. Their development is due profuse sweating and lack of oxygen supply, which leads to the multiplication of microbes. The causes of rashes and acne in the folds of the skin are similar, especially in pugs and mastiffs. The genitals and anus are also areas that are vulnerable to a rash. Often, reddish bumps can be found behind the ear and on the belly in long-haired dogs, for example, in Irish setters.

Acne in dogs can be a concomitant symptom of such serious diseases as:

  1. Demodicosis. In the people, this disease is called scabies. It is not contagious, and may be due to poor genetics. Requires surgical treatment, as it quickly spreads throughout the body, causing baldness and small pimples on the lips, lower back, ears and chin.
  2. Lichen. It is caused by a fungus. Difficult to diagnose. In the initial stage, it is expressed in acne. If run, it threatens with complete baldness.
  3. Allergy. There can be a lot of reasons, ranging from plant pollen and the composition of the food that the dog consumes to insect bites. Its symptoms are red spots of various shapes and small pimples that cause itching and irritate the pet.
  4. Pyoderma. The disease is caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus. pyoderma is dangerous running form. Ears, lips, nose and genitals are profusely covered with abscesses. Immunocompromised dogs are vulnerable to the disease. long time eating the wrong food and not exercising.

Diagnosis and treatment of acne

Due to the fact that acne is easy to detect with the naked eye, they do not need to describe the symptoms. The rash is a symptom in itself. The main thing is to diagnose it in time and correctly. To do this, the animal must be delivered to a specialist who can establish the exact etymology of the rash and prescribe the correct treatment.

Treatment of a pet is in many ways similar to what is accepted in people. The affected areas are liberally lubricated with soothing gels, ointments and creams. Their main goal is to soothe itching in a four-legged friend and stop the inflammatory processes that occur under the skin. Owners, be careful, in no case are you allowed to use those cosmetics that are used by humans. The active substances that are contained there can aggravate the disease.

Often the course complete cure includes antibiotics and antihistamines. This is done in order to eliminate the possibility of a secondary infection or eliminate the cause from the inside. In the case of allergies, most often it is enough that the allergen is established, and the contact of the animal with it is stopped.

Finally, I would like to add that dog owners need to carefully and regularly examine their pets. A thorough check in the animal's ear, under the tail, on the chin and on the stomach will save you from unpleasant surprises later. In order to prevent it, you need to monitor the hygiene of your four-legged friend, the cleanliness of the bowls from which he eats and the expiration date of the purchased food. If you follow these simple requirements, then most of the causes of acne can be successfully avoided.