Dream catcher tattoo meaning for men. Dream catcher tattoos and their meaning. Meaning of dream catcher tattoo on leg

The dream catcher is an Indian talisman that symbolizes protection from evil spirits, which, according to legend, can enter our consciousness during sleep. The Indians are sure that this talisman protects the sleeper from unfavorable dreams and attracts good spirits. The sacred thing consists of a circle through which people supposedly slip good dreams, and additional elements such as feathers, ropes and stones, in which bad dreams become entangled.

A dream catcher, according to Indian customs, is hung at the head of the sleeping person, thereby protecting him from evil spirits. Until the mid-20th century, little was known about this talisman and to a very limited circle of people. In the second half of the last century, the talisman was actively popularized in the civilized world. In the West, it was taken up by supporters of the New Age movement, who became actively interested in shamanism and other anthropological phenomena characteristic of indigenous peoples South America. Today, when Indian culture is eagerly studied by fans of esotericism and psychedelic practices, dream catchers remain a relevant symbol, signifying the unity of our world with the world of spirits. Therefore, anyone who wants to bring their life into a harmonious state and find the ideal balance between spiritual and material can get such a tattoo.

Who is it suitable for?

Dreamcatcher is an original tattoo that looks authentic and bright, especially on female body. The Indian talisman is stuffed on the back and hips, on the arms and on the neck. Often such tattoos are complemented by inscriptions, although it does not always make sense to decorate the sacred symbolism of the design with letters.

When stuffing yourself a dream catcher, remember:

  • The meaning of this Indian talisman implies unity with other world dreams;
  • A dream catcher can become your personal talisman, which is not always worth showing to everyone around you;
  • The tattoo will look more interesting if it is made in one color using thin lines.

Tattoo ideas

The dream catcher is a universal guardian angel that looks great in the following variations:

What style to make a tattoo

The dream catcher is a very specific design. The initial sketch will not look good in all styles that are currently popular among tattoo artists. Among the preferred styles we note the following:

  • New school, which will make the tattoo bright and noticeable;
  • Neo-traditional is suitable for those who want to experiment with colors and shapes;
  • Ornamental is perhaps the most successful style that perfectly interprets the concept of a dream catcher;
  • Ethnics will add a little mystery and antiquity to the sacred symbol;
  • Minimalist graphics are perfect for a small tattoo on the neck or forearm.

Dreamcatcher and celebrities

Singer Miley Cyrus boasts an unusual tattoo depicting an ancient Indian talisman. The scandalous celebrity got a dream catcher tattooed on her ribs. The composition looks very authentic, although we don’t know whether Miley understands the versatility of this symbol.

In addition, singer Vanessa White from the group “The Saturdays” was noticed in her love for dream catchers. The artist has a colored talisman stuffed on her inside forearms. This tattoo can be used as a sketch if you like contrasting body art.

If you are tormented by nightmares or simply feel under the influence of dark forces, a dream catcher tattoo will be an excellent solution to these problems! The Indians always put their soul into this item, making it from threads and spruce branches. It was decorated with bird feathers and various beads. How does a dream catcher tattoo affect a person?

Dream catcher - scares away evil forces, banishes nightmares and “filters” our thoughts. A tattoo with this item is quite symbolic and has a bright design. It is believed that the web inside the circle is a net that catches all the negativity. It is recommended to get a dream catcher tattoo as close to the face as possible - on the shoulder, arm, chest. This way his influence can increase.

Dream catcher tattoo and its meaning

Dream catcher tattoo with wolf on back

A great image that will suit both men and women. A dream catcher with a strong and fast animal is double protection for a person who needs it. The two wolves in the sketch are protection not only from mystical forces, but also a talisman of family and union.

Dream catcher tattoo with owl

Protects its owner from dark forces. The owl is a nocturnal predator that can promise its owner reliable night protection.

There are no two identical dream catchers; they all have differences, their own “zest”. Bright, decorated with incredible lines, colors, inscriptions, there are a huge variety of sketches of dream catchers. Everyone can choose a sketch that suits their liking. It is worth understanding that you will not be protected by this symbol if you do not have faith in it.

Tattoos have long been part of human life; they have become an expression inner world. Many people use them as amulets. Indian motifs are very popular as body designs. In the culture of Native Americans there is a great variety of bright and colorful tattoos, filled with deep meaning. One of the most common Indian tattoos is the dream catcher.

History and symbolism of a protective tattoo in the form of a dream catcher

Dream catcher is the strongest Indian amulet. This is a kind of weaving of threads, similar to a cobweb enclosed in a circle. It is decorated with wooden beads, bird feathers and other elements.

In ancient times, a talisman protected against evil spirits, protected a person when he was most vulnerable, that is, during sleep. The amulet was made from strong willow branches. It was placed at the head of the bed. Later, the dream catcher began to be applied to the body as a tattoo.

The dream catcher tattoo has Native American roots.

According to the Indians, the amulet is capable of controlling night dreams. Bad visions literally become entangled in a network and do not harm the sleeper. Positive and good dreams easily pass through weaves of threads.

Shamans from Siberia also weaved dream catchers. In their opinion, the talisman helped to correctly decipher their night visions.

According to one of the legends of the Lakota tribe, the ancient Spider God, who patronized people in order to protect his charges from evil spirits, once appeared to the priest and gave him a circle made of willow vine. In it, a dense plexus of threads formed a web. The gift was decorated with feathers and beads. The Spider God said that this amulet would be a reliable protection against evil spirits. The circle is designed to protect a person during sleep, preventing it from taking over consciousness. Evil spirits and nightmares become entangled in the web to melt away at dawn, like morning dew in the sun.

The Indians of North America supplemented their body designs with the image of one or another animal, most often a totemic one, to enhance the effect of protection. A bear paw print or a wolf's grin was placed in a circle.

Video: the meaning of a dream catcher tattoo

How does a tattoo work?

Effect of a dream catcher tattoo:

  • protection from various magical influences, evil eye and damage;
  • barrier to negative energy;
  • healthy, restful sleep;
  • restoration of physical strength after a long illness or mental disorder;
  • peace and desire to engage in self-development.

On what parts of the body can there be a tattoo amulet?

Usually, to enhance the magical effect, a tattoo is tattooed closer to the head, where thoughts, visions, and dreams actually come from. It is best to place the dream catcher on the neck, shoulders or chest.

The tattoo looks great in the following variations:

  • on the neck near auricle, made in one color;
  • large pattern on the center of the upper back;
  • multi-colored dream catcher on the inner forearm.

A dream catcher tattoo on the neck near the ear looks very cute and plays the role of a talisman to the fullest.

The location of the dream catcher tattoo is important:

  • on the shoulder - the tattoo symbolizes the fighting nature of its owner, here the design serves as protection against evil energy aimed at harming a person, puts a powerful barrier to negative thoughts and emotions;
  • on the wrist - this arrangement is typical for women, here the symbol awakens femininity, tenderness, strengthens the maternal bond with the child;
  • on the neck - helps to show perseverance in failures, gives confidence in overcoming difficulties, with such a talisman your spirit cannot be broken;
  • on the shoulder blade - promotes self-expression, helps with determining one’s life purpose, overcoming obstacles on the path to a wonderful future;
  • on the ribs or stomach - a symbol of openness to the world and attractiveness;
  • on the leg - many sources do not recommend choosing this placement of a tattoo amulet, because it contradicts the traditional purpose of a dream catcher.

Photo gallery: variations of the location of a dream catcher tattoo

A dream catcher tattoo on the back performs a protective function. A dream catcher on the shoulder is a powerful barrier to negative thoughts. On the stomach, the tattoo symbolizes openness to the world.
A dream catcher tattoo on the wrist awakens femininity.
It is not recommended to tattoo a dream catcher on your leg. A dream catcher tattoo on your neck strengthens your spirit.

Examples of tattoos

The dream catcher attracts attention with its colorfulness, brightness and variety of image options.

Interpretation of cobweb shades:

  • blue - a symbol of water, sky, the birth of a new life;
  • green - youth, harmony with nature;
  • black is the color of night, earth;
  • red - cheerfulness and determination;
  • white - light, purity;
  • yellow or gold - sun and warmth, source vital energy.

Those who are not ready to get a tattoo, but want to decorate themselves with a talisman in the form of a dream catcher, get a henna design. This image also plays the role of a talisman.

A dream catcher made with henna can also serve as a talisman

Tattoo styles

The selected sketch will not look harmonious in all styles. Today, a tattoo artist can offer the client several options for depicting a tattoo. Among the most popular styles it is worth noting:

  • Neo-Traditional - for those who want to experiment with bright colors and amaze everyone with the freshness and richness of the tattoo;
  • New School - abstract drawing, has similar elements to graffiti;
  • Ethnics - will add mystery and enhance the magical meaning;
  • Ornamental - one of the best for a dream catcher, is a harmonious combination of colors and sacred meaning;
  • Minimalistic graphics - for lovers of minimalism, the tattoo will look great on the neck or forearm.

Photo gallery: dream catcher in various styles

Ethnics style enhances the magical meaning of the dream catcher Tattoo in the Minimalistic graphics style will be appreciated by lovers of minimalism and simplicity Dream catcher in the Neo-Traditional style is rich in details Tattoo in the New School style is a bit like graffiti
An Ornamental dream catcher doesn't always look like a traditional circle with a web

Dream catchers for men and women

Most often, women choose a dream catcher as a body design, since the symbol resembles beautiful jewelry. Tattoos give girls a special charm, making the owner romantic and charming.

Meaning for women:

  • self-expression;
  • pacification;
  • charm;
  • protection.

Women's dream catcher tattoo creates the impression of lightness and weightlessness

Often this tattoo also attracts men. It differs from women's in that the design has a more strict, restrained style, giving the owner masculinity.

Meaning for men:

  • increased self-esteem;
  • protection;
  • support in practices aimed at spiritual improvement.

A man's dream catcher tattoo is usually more aggressive

Dream catcher with animals and birds

To enhance the magical power, the sketch can be supplemented with totem animals:

  • lion - to increase self-esteem, the desire to be one of the first; a symbol of courage, its owner becomes stronger in spirit, filled with energy to overcome obstacles;
  • lizard - to increase authority in communicating with people, will help to develop diplomatic skills;
  • wolf - enhances best sides owner, but this one is agile, smart, strong beast, who is always treated with respect, is not suitable for a weak-willed, unconfident person;
  • a dragon - a symbol of majesty, justice, wisdom, beauty; endows its owner with determination and charm;
  • tiger - best suited for people associated with law enforcement agencies by occupation, symbolizes rage and power.

A black flock circling around a dream catcher signifies the cunning and deceit of the owner of the tattoo. To make the drawing light, soaring birds are added to the sketch - this is a symbol of freedom, love of life, heavenly desires, and the desire for the sublime.

The image of an owl together with a dream catcher endows the tattoo wearer with wisdom, stability of character, and serves as a reliable talisman against nightmares. The swallow attracts success, helps to find oneself, and strengthens physical strength. Raven is a symbol of longevity, vitality and wisdom.

Photo gallery: tattoo, complemented by animals

A dream catcher tattoo with an owl imparts wisdom A dream catcher with a lion increases self-esteem A wolf that complements the tattoo strengthens positive traits bearer A dream catcher tattoo with a raven gives vital energy. A dream catcher with a dragon symbolizes majesty and justice.

Tattoo with additional symbols

The dream catcher can also be depicted as an unfinished circle, so you get a horseshoe. There will be a tattoo with a double meaning to attract success and protect against negative energy.

The meaning of additional tattoo symbols:

  • beads on the web - dreams and goals, their number is equal to the number of what the owner of the tattoo wants to receive; if there are a lot of beads, this means great hopes for a bright future;
  • the skull in the center of the interweaving of threads symbolizes a terrible secret;
  • feathers - an image of the unimaginable ease of flight of a bird, the vital need for air (freedom) and breathing;
  • the rose in the middle of the picture is a sign of purity, purity, love and passion;
  • rings in the center of the circle, complemented by bright colors, symbolize responsiveness, loyalty, devotion, poise.

If the feathers in the picture are located in free flight, they symbolize peacefulness, openness, and honesty. The female version uses owl feathers. They mean femininity, wisdom, tenderness, beauty. If the tattoo is given to a man, it is usually complemented with eagle feathers to emphasize courage, strength and fighting spirit.

Photo gallery: dream catcher tattoo designs

A black and white tattoo with several dream catchers looks airy and weightless. A tattoo with a wolf simultaneously protects and enhances the positive qualities of its owner
A wide tattoo will look good on the upper back. A tattoo with colored watercolor stains is more suitable for women and girls. A dream catcher tattoo with flowers and birds gives lightness and romance. A large bassinet in the center of the weave symbolizes an important dream or goal. Such a colored tattoo with an inscription is suitable for a young girl. A catcher tattoo. a dream tattoo with colored feathers looks cute and romantic A colored tattoo with beads will look good on the shoulder A tattoo with a bear paw will enhance the masculine qualities of its owner

Preparatory stage

Before you stuff your dream catcher, it is important to remember the following:

  • the sign of the Indian amulet connects its owner with the other world of dreams;
  • a tattoo can become your talisman and reliable protection, but it is not always appropriate to show it to other people;
  • It is better to get any protective tattoos after 33 years, at this age all physiological changes in the body are completed;
  • The drawing will look best if you use a minimum number of colors and the thinnest lines possible.

It will be useful to see what the sketch looks like in different colors. It's easy to change shades using graphic editor. You can even try on the drawing. Print the sketch onto clear sticker paper and attach it to your body.

How to stuff so that the amulet works

The person who is involved in creating the sketch must know about the secret magical meaning of the future tattoo. Any disregard for symbolism can anger the spirits and desecrate your talisman. Then the drawing will not work for the good, but quite the opposite. In addition, to give tattoos positive magical properties, the master must do his work in a good mood.

It is important in the process of stuffing the amulet to follow the rules for creating a dream catcher. There should be exactly 8 points of contact with the circle. It is necessary that the web be held on by eight threads, which symbolize 8 spider legs.

Video: the process of creating a dream catcher tattoo

How to properly use the dream catcher tattoo amulet

If you want to enlist the support of the Indian gods, you should not hide the tattoo under your clothes, let it serve as a shield from all the negative energy that can stick and ruin your plans. Give the dream catcher the opportunity to accompany you to new achievements .

Video: the influence of tattoos on fate

A dream catcher tattoo can be colorful or black and white, minimalistic or complemented with all sorts of details. Such a talisman will work as a powerful protection and a magical talisman that helps make even your wildest dreams come true.

Practitioners believe that a dream catcher tattoo has only positive meaning and protects the owner from negativity, envy and the evil eye. People who practice fortune telling or want to develop the gift of foresight should also choose such a sketch. The image can be made in any color scheme, bright colors are more preferable. Small designs are acceptable, but it is better to make a voluminous tattoo with many details. It is important to remember that even a flattened image will continue to influence the owner.

What does a tattoo look like?

The dream catcher comes from the legends of Native Americans, who composed legends about a deity in the guise of a spider who protected his children from scary dreams, phobias and diseases, weaving a web.

The design is an interweaving of threads that form a design enclosed in a round wooden ring. As an addition, beads, feathers of various birds and patterns are added. Men are more attracted by the eagle's white and brown plumage, while women are more attracted by the softer fluff left by the snowy owl. Often the dream catcher is depicted next to a wolf, bird, fox or other wild beast, whose qualities the owner wants to acquire. But it is better to make such a drawing on the back, rib, chest, side or collarbone, so that you can draw it in more detail. A small tattoo will look better on the wrist, and only with bird feathers, without large animals.

Women's versions are decorated with flowers, which adds femininity and softness to the owner. It is preferable to make the ring metal or wood. Girls prefer colored tattoos, and for guys they often choose designs that combine black-brown and black-gray shades. The most preferred styles for placing a dream catcher tattoo on the shoulder, stomach, ankle, neck or other parts of the body include the following:

The style of applying a Dreamcatcher tattoo depends on the gender and preferences of the person, for example, watercolor is popular among girls.
  • watercolor;
  • graphic arts;
  • ethics;
  • tribal;
  • trash polka;
  • Polynesia;
  • horde of cheekbones;
  • blackwork.

Magical meaning: feminine and masculine

The ancient sign provides protection for the owner from any negativity, since the interweaving of threads indicates a network into which curses fall. The trap will protect you from damage and the evil eye, and will also preserve positive memories and good wishes. It is believed that the colored symbol will protect against intrusive and bad memories. The meaning for girls and boys is the same, the meaning of the tattoo and the location do not change, but a lot depends on additional elements.

The dream catcher is effective for nightmares, sleep and wakefulness disorders, and chronic fatigue. Thanks to the tattoo, dreams will be filled with warm and bright emotions. Practitioners use a dream catcher to see prophetic dreams and predict the future. Feathers have an important meaning, because they represent the element of air and breath, without which life is impossible. They need to be depicted in motion, as if the plumage is swaying from gusts of wind.

There must be a hole in the middle of the interweaving of threads through which the talisman will pass positive energy to the owner.

The drawing helps its owner to quickly restore energy, and the addition in the form of an animal gives confidence and strength.

The owners of a tattoo with a dream catcher quickly replenish energy reserves, develop spirituality and eradicate bad character traits. A nearby dragon, bear or lion will help you gain confidence and strength, and to strengthen magical abilities An owl is more suitable, a fox will give dexterity and cunning. It is better to decorate a male dream catcher with more aggressive images, and a female dream catcher with soft ones. In this case, animals can be depicted in detail, but it is also allowed to use schematic designations.

The tattoo world is developing and progressing at an incredible speed: talented tattoo artists are constantly coming up with new styles to realize the most daring ideas. Thanks to their painstaking work, the dream catcher tattoo has gained particular popularity. In the article we will analyze what magical meaning a tattoo carries, and also consider the most beautiful and original sketches of this amulet.

Dream catcher tattoo meanings

Sacred meaning ancient religion always excited people and brought a sense of mystery. That is why the history of the appearance of the talisman originates from the rituals and traditions of the American aborigines. The Indians believed that a tattoo should be worn on an open area of ​​the body, because this is the only way it can protect the owner and firmly resist evil spirits.

There are interesting historical rules for creating a magical talisman. For example, some Indian tribes observed a strict number of points of contact with the circle - there should be eight. It turns out that the web represents the legs of a spider and connects the dots.

A talisman in the form of a wicker circle made of vines, willow branches and other decorations is designed to protect a person from nightmares, insidious spirits and negativity. This magic amulet- the guardian of the night's peace, letting only bright dreams pass through him. We can say that this is a mystical trap for evil spirits. Perhaps that is why the tattoo has become so popular.

Main details of the mysterious tattoo:

  • The circle of cobwebs, as the main element, symbolizes the infinity of life.
  • Feathers represent wind, lightness and air.
  • The web inside the circle is a catcher for evil spirits and evil spirits.
  • The beads symbolize the four directions of light.

Often a tattoo in the form of a dream catcher is combined with images of animals: this fills the tattoo with an additional magical touch. In symbolism ancient culture totem animals carried a strong and deep meaning.

Dreamcatcher tattoo designs

The location of the design directly depends on the meaning that a person puts into the tattoo. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right sketch of the composition, highlighting the most significant elements of the amulet.

The talisman can be depicted in different color variations and styles: the choice depends on the personal preferences of the future owner of the tattoo. Black and white or color, plain or colorful - the choice is yours.

To depict the amulet, light, graceful and airy sketches are suitable, emphasizing the volume on the main circle of the amulet. The success of retaining the meaning of the drawing depends on the choice of sketch.

To achieve the effect of lightness, add images of flowers and other simple compositions. Moreover, the circle is usually left monochromatic, while animals and feathers are most often depicted in color.

Artists offer a huge number of variations with feather designs, and here you can play with your imagination. The combination with small-sized birds looks original and beautiful. The most suitable colors for such compositions are bright yellow, orange, and red.

A dream catcher tattoo design often includes various forest totem animals. Absolutely each of them displays its own mystical meaning. Often the design of the web is harmoniously combined with animal elements. For example, you can display the paw or eye of an animal in a circle of cobwebs.

Dream catcher in various combinations

With a wolf

The noble and beautiful animal is present in many ancient legends, shrouding them in a certain romanticism. People associate the wolf with inner strength, danger and aggression, but at the same time with loyalty and security. In its union, the dream catcher with the wolf is called upon to protect man from negative influence from outside.

With an owl

The image of an owl in Indian traditions symbolizes the magic of prophecy, wisdom and the power of protection from evil spirits. The night bird protects a person’s light sleep. A dream catcher with an owl represents reliable protection, enhances magical power tattoo.

With a fox

Since ancient times, the symbol of the fox has been equated with cunning and a sharp mind. In tandem with the fox, the amulet enhances protection against crafty and tricky evil spirits. Very often girls choose this combination for tattoos.

With a lion

The lion is the king of all animals! The image of this magnificent animal conjures up strength, anger, ruthlessness and steadfastness. A dream catcher with a lion gives a feeling of indestructible protection. An ideal tattoo option for guys.

With feathers

A true classic is the combination of a dream catcher amulet with feathers. This is the main semantic element of the tattoo.

The harmonious and magical combination enhances the powerful mission of the amulet. Most often, girls choose owl feathers, and men - eagle feathers. It's stunningly beautiful.

The best places on the body for a dream catcher tattoo

Let's look at the best places on the body to apply a magical amulet.

On the hand

The hand is the most popular place on the body to apply a talisman, as it is ideal in shape and area.

Graceful, elongated lines harmoniously combine with the concept of the tattoo. The design can be placed on the wrist, shoulder and forearm, it all depends on the taste of the future owner.

On the back

The image of the amulet on the back has a huge advantage - it perfect place for a large drawing. You can give free rein to your imagination without limiting your desires. The tattoo can be placed on the shoulder blades or near the neck.

This is the most suitable tattoo placement option for men: the back instantly takes on a winning and attractive appearance. It is important that the composition looks organically on the figure.

On the hip

The thigh is an amazing place on the body for women to apply a dream catcher. Big square skin, which allows you to bring to life the most daring ideas, and the ability to hide the drawing, if necessary, from prying eyes, often attract ladies to fill the talisman in this particular area.

Delicate, harmonious and soft lines perfectly convey sacred meaning drawing. The voluminous design of the amulet emphasizes the silhouette, hiding figure flaws, especially on the side. It looks incredibly beautiful.

On the neck

The image on the neck looks harmonious and gentle, this arrangement is especially suitable for girls. You can place the amulet on the back or side, depending on your imagination. The drawing can be covered with hair or, on the contrary, declare itself to the world. Women's neck tattoo options excite the imagination.

On the ribs

For those who like to hide tattoos from prying eyes, the ideal option would be a drawing on the ribs. As with the neck, the oblong pattern blends harmoniously with this part of the body. Most often the image is placed in the center.