Signs of bad energy at home. Cleaning hands after cleaning. Preparing for an energy cleansing at home

With a lit candle, you need to walk through the entire room, including the bathroom and utility room; if it begins to smoke, and the flame continuously sways and crackles, it means that there are negative currents in the house, which cause a negative state of the household.

10 signs that there is negative energy in the apartment:

1 You go home full of energy and plans for the evening. Come home - and... your strength suddenly leaves you. You cannot do anything, the desire has suddenly disappeared.

2. You don't want to go home.

3. It’s not comfortable at home, it seems that the apartment is dark, the walls and ceiling are pressing, and the mood is spoiled.

4. Moved to new apartment and your family relationships deteriorated sharply, they began to swear, quarrel, and misunderstandings appeared. Or your health has deteriorated, your money has become worse.

5. You don’t get enough sleep during the night and get up unrested, provided that you sleep the usual number of hours. Sleep was disturbed. I dream about horror movies.

6. It’s hard to keep the apartment in order. If the apartment is energetically dirty, then it is difficult to clean it.

7. Someone in the apartment was seriously ill or died.

8. Repairs cannot be made. We constantly have to redo it, everything slows down. The wallpaper peels off and everything falls apart.

9. Flowers grow poorly. They are dying, frail ones.

You can monitor the energy status of your home:

To be completely sure, you can check the energy status of the apartment with a candle. Take a church candle (you can use a regular paraffin candle). Light it and walk around the apartment, especially paying attention to all corners. See how the candle flame behaves. If the flame is even and does not crackle, then everything is in order. If the flame “dances,” smokes, or goes out, this is an indicator of negative energy in the apartment. It's time to cleanse the energy of the apartment!
Top 15: reasons for the appearance of negative energy in the apartment:

the apartment is located in a negative place (energy rift, black hole - we talk about this in more detail in the 1st stage classes of the Author's Esoteric School VEGAS. Now it is purely informational what this could be)

staying in the apartment negative people(angry, envious, constantly pouring out negativity)

quarrels and scandals in the apartment

someone else's envy of you

energy of old residents

staying in the apartment of a seriously ill person or if there was a deceased person in the apartment

negative emotions of the owners

introduced negativity (emotions, evil eyes, bad wishes), other people's energies, what we brought with us from the street, work

old things


old mirrors that outlived their owners, witnessed tragedies and misfortunes

unpleasant and negative guests

paintings or objects depicting scenes of violence, blood, dark forces

presence of stuffed animals and fish in the apartment

constantly working TV, radio with negative news and information

Apartment analysis:

Inspect the apartment carefully, you are used to many things and do not notice them, but they continue to work in a negative direction for you. Look around the apartment through someone else's eyes.

Highlight things that you inherited, bought in an antique store or from advertisements, what is shown in your paintings and photos (if they hang on the walls or are in plain sight), if there are photographs of deceased people standing or hanging, put them in albums, their should not be visible and there are several reasons for this), do you have old mirrors that were purchased a long time ago and you are not their first owners.

The influence of paintings and photographs on the energy of the apartment:

The same applies to photographs, sculptures, figurines.

It is absolutely contraindicated to keep paintings of demonic content in the house, depicting freaks, devils and monsters. They themselves have an extremely negative effect on a person, and they also attract all kinds of dirt into the house. Don't forget - like attracts like. Every object in the apartment is constantly involved in its internal energy exchange. This participation must be positive. Therefore, keep in your sight only such works of art that generate bright and joyful or neutral, peaceful feelings and thoughts. (Georgy Kapitsa "Bioenergetics of the apartment")

Energy of old things in the apartment:

If your house is filled with old things, furniture left over from grandparents, previous owners. Each thing at the energy level remembers everything that happened in the house and continues to radiate these energies into the apartment, and therefore to you.

The easiest way is to get rid of old things. If this is not possible, for some reason, then put them in order, repair them, wash everything, clean it, and then you can clean the objects themselves on an energetic level.

Cleansing the energy of old things.

For a method of cleaning furniture and old things (the same applies to second-hand items), see the addendum to the article.

A case from practice: after convincing her to throw away unnecessary things from the house, old pillows, grandma's things, furniture, a client stopped having allergic cough attacks. My grandmother had asthma.

The influence of mirrors on the energy of an apartment:

If you have an antique or antique mirror, think about it. Do you need this energy and information in your apartment?

Cleansing the energy of mirrors.

1 way

Dilute salt in water, any concentration, salt is a powerful way of cleansing. And wash the mirror with this water. Then rinse with plain clean water.

Method 2

Light a candle in front of the mirror and give the information: “The flame of this candle cleanses the energy of the mirror from negativity.”

Perhaps one candle is not enough here. Watch the candle flame. It will tell you when the mirror is clean.

Popular experience says that mirrors should at least be wiped with a damp cloth after guests visit.

To find out what kind of energy is in your home, make several different observations. For example, in a house with good energy, spilled water dries up slowly, flowers in vases do not wither for a long time, metal objects feel cool to the touch, and wooden objects are a little warm.

In “dark” houses, a fallen coin does not ring, milk sours faster, hot food quickly cools down, salt instantly dissolves in water, butter melts before our eyes, the candle smokes, its flame flickers and goes out.

It’s good to check the energy spots in your apartment with a pendulum. Make it yourself from any weight: silver, copper or crystal. The main thing is that it is only yours.

Check areas by asking, “Is this a good place? Rocking back and forth means yes, side to side means no.” Gradually move away from the dirty area and define its boundaries.

You can place any electrical appliances in negative areas, but not books. They will immediately absorb the negativity and pass it on to the reading owner.

Place pieces of aspen, oak, birch and spruce in places of strong negative energy - they absorb this energy, and maple, bird cherry, rowan, hazel and juniper can even transform it into positive energy. Tree pieces must be changed periodically.

It’s also good to put glasses of water on negative places at night and pour them out the door in the morning. You can put a silver object or an egg in the water. Use plain water, not holy water.

To ensure that your home is always cozy, clean, calm and comfortable, learn to be like that yourself, because all our words, anxieties, negative emotions materialize on the walls, furniture, things, paintings, even flowers.

Have a vessel in your house, for example a jug, and mentally put bad moods, sorrows and failures into it. When you feel the jug is full, throw it in the trash and get a new one.

Don't allow yourself to get angry before bed - you'll create a program for the night and simply won't rest. Neutralize Bad mood an interesting book, a funny movie, pleasant music.

Be sure to get rid of unnecessary things, especially those with bad energy, left over from deceased relatives associated with your failures. If you haven't used an item for a year or more, you definitely don't need it.

If you're in a particularly bad mood, try running across a river on a bridge or across a shallow stream. Running water has special energetic qualities; it will cut off any ill-wisher or envious person from you.

In a private home, it is very useful to hang old shoes on the fence. Someone else's gaze catches on them, and they take the first energy blow. And in a city apartment you can hang wicker bast shoes on the wall in the hallway.

Just remember that a house or apartment is not just housing where we come after work to eat and sleep, but our living space, our territory. He reflects us, and we reflect him. We charge the house with our energy, it charges us.

It’s not for nothing that they say: “My home is my fortress,” “In one’s own home, even the walls help!” Get rid of the junk you've accumulated over the years long years, clear away the rubble and part with the past.

I’ll continue about energy at home, but I’ll tell you not so much my story as I’ll share the knowledge that I have. This is the knowledge that is based on my experience that I use in my life. Everything obviously won’t fit into one post. Therefore, it will be done in parts.

The main signs of “bad” energy:

In the apartment I don't want to be there, in addition to the banana feeling of “somehow uncomfortable,” there are sensations that “something is pressing,” as if “energy is leaking somewhere,” up to a feeling of depression and senseless frailty of existence, sometimes even with strange, seemingly alien thoughts about suicide , about hopelessness, fears pile up. It is clear that a person can carry all this in himself and with him, and the apartment may in fact have nothing to do with it, the indicator here is the moment that outside the apartment or room “let go” - energy appears, the condition improves, life gains again paints. But! Even if the problem is not in the apartment, but in the person himself, if it all lives inside, sooner or later it will settle in the apartment. Therefore, cleaning is mandatory!

- bad dream . It is clear that most often there are a whole bunch of internal reasons that prevent us from enjoying the embrace of morpheus - a swarm of thoughts in the head, anxiety and sadness, suppressed feelings, incorrect daily routines and nervousness. nervous system not only before bed, but throughout life, for example. But still, it's worth paying attention. During sleep we are more sensitive to subtle world, and therefore nightmares, frequent waking up in the middle of the night, the feeling in the morning after sleep of still being exhausted and unrested - all this is a reason to think about what kind of energy space surrounds our bed.

- nervous children and animals. Everyone already knows about this, right? That children are animals, especially cats, are much more sensitive in energy, and it is worth listening to them. If they suddenly become twitchy, nervous, aggressive, hide, don’t want to go into some room - be more attentive to them, it’s not easy. Children sometimes say just that - this is a “bad room”, or “someone is standing there”... Cats can sit for hours, staring at one point and glaring at it, dogs can bark at this seemingly empty place, protecting the apartment from unknown what does it seem like.

- flowers are withering. And the point here is not at all about watering, care and other actions. It is clear that some houseplants very demanding on conditions, amount of light and how many times a week they are looked at. But believe me, I’m not God knows what kind of housewife, I periodically leave, forget to water someone, don’t always comply with the conditions of maintenance, but my flowers live no matter what, as they say. The most demanding ones do not always survive yet. But the violets are multiplying and blooming, the geranium is fragrant, the crassula is getting fatter... Even the ginger root I brought from the European wholesale store lay around for a while and sprouted - I had to plant it, now it takes up half the window.

- you get sick often and a lot. Without canceling my belief in psychosomatics, I will repeat again - the reasons for illnesses can be a carriage or a small cart, but an integrated approach works best. If you are sick, not only ventilate the room from bacilli as recommended by doctors, but also “rinse” it energetically. The apartment “remembers” everything and then returns what it has accumulated. The internal causes of illness may have gone away a long time ago, but the space will slowly vampirize you and take away your vital energy.

- Something always breaks, falls, breaks, gets lost... Of course, periodically breaking dishes for good luck is a good omen, I believe in it))) But it’s a pity when this happens more often than happiness knocks on the door. Perhaps you are just a clumsy handyman and a bull in a china shop rolled into one, but I don’t really believe that you became this way completely by accident. What if you offended the brownie? Or are the other invisible inhabitants of this house angry with you?)) And in general, what are they doing here - did you invite them? You don’t have to believe in all this court evil spirits and mysticism, everyone chooses for themselves. You can explain this by electromagnetic fields, for example. This does not change the essence - it would be nice to “clarify” the energy.

- "Black holes"- places where mobile communications are lost, where Wi-Fi does not want to be picked up, so literally take a step to the side - and everything is fine again. You know, it’s like the cache in a phone - when it’s full, the phone slows down. So in an apartment, the energy space can also be filled with all sorts of rubbish. As far as I understand, simply cleaning the apartment does not remove these holes, they are found in many houses, you just need to be aware of them. But if the whole apartment is a complete “black hole”, this is already a little sad. Strengthen it with living energy.

Accordingly, “good” energy is a lively, filling, peaceful atmosphere. When home is cozy and safe, you want to come back. When you are at home, you relax, recover, feel energetic, have a desire to live, sleep, eat, want something. Here, it seems to me, everything is clear.

To be continued… ;)

Negative energy in the house accumulates gradually. It can come from outside, or it can come from certain objects in your home. It is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise the negativity will begin to be transmitted to household members and lead to conflicts and illnesses in the family.

To understand whether there is negative energy in your home, you need to analyze everything that happens within your home. There are several signs by which you can accurately determine the presence of negativity. After a thorough analysis of the situation, it is worth making every effort to clean your home.

7 signs of negative energy

1. The appearance of unwanted “guests” in the house. These could be ants, midges, cockroaches, bedbugs and other insects. This is the first alarm bell for every owner.

2. Suddenly, indoor plants begin to get sick and die, the atmosphere in the house is tense, you feel suffocated and apathetic.

3. Sudden illness households and pets. Various ailments, insomnia, irritability and aggression indicate that an extremely large amount of unwanted energy has accumulated in your home.

After all activities, wash again using salt. These steps will help you get rid of danger.

Remember that once negative energy has settled, it will look for loopholes in order to cause you discomfort again. Keep your home in order, light candles and incense, and do not leave spoiled food or unwashed dishes. Teach all your household members to maintain order and not utter swear words.

To protect your home, you can call on a brownie for help. This magical entity will happily fight for the well-being of the territory entrusted to it with your respect and desire to maintain coziness and comfort. We wish you good luck in the fight against negativity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

15.05.2017 02:19

Each thing has its own energy, which extends to the space around it. Objects that surround us...

If you have a bad streak in your life: problems with health, money, etc. personal life etc., then you should pay attention to the energy at home. We present to you a complete, effective manual that will help you diagnose, understand the causes and eliminate it.

How can you tell if there is negative energy in your home?

Bad energy can be felt: frequent scandals, tense atmosphere, depressed mood, problems in the family and at work, frequent illnesses, no desire to return home, etc.

Below are additional factors by which it can be determined. The more there are, the more negative energy there is in the house.

Pendulum for fortune telling

You can make it yourself by hanging any symmetrical object, for example, made of gold or natural stone, on a thread or chain, long from elbow to wrist. Or buy, for example, on Ozone.

We take the pendulum and slowly walk around the room. If it begins to rotate counterclockwise or up and down from you, then there is negative energy in the room, if, on the contrary, it is hourly, or left and right, then it is positive. The more the pendulum swings, the more energy there is.

Lit candle

It is better to use a regular church wax candle. Light it and walk around the room with it. Where there is negative energy, you will immediately notice that the fire will begin to crackle.

Nutritional abnormalities

Yeast products constantly rise poorly and turn out raw, and you have changed the main content of the product (yeast, flour, etc.) and the recipe. Milk quickly turns sour, and natural oil melts almost instantly. The food gets cold quickly. Salt dissolves much faster in water.

Anomalies with metal and wood

If you throw a coin on a wooden floor, you will not hear a ringing sound. Wooden products are cold to the touch, and metal products do not provide enough coolness when touched.


Light bulbs often burn out, and electrical appliances constantly break down. Tele and mobile signals are poorly received.


Insects appear that are not typical to be indoors: spiders, large black cockroaches, in frosty weather winter time flies appear, etc.

Other signs

    • Flowers and vegetation quickly wither.
    • Spilled water dries quickly.
    • Strange sounds are constantly heard in the apartment, especially at night.
    • Animals hide in hard-to-reach places or run away from home.
    • By itself, dishes and mirrors crack.
    • The renovation is deteriorating - wallpaper, plaster, etc. fall off without outside help.

Causes of negative energy

In order of importance and difficulty of disposal:

Death and/or illness of a resident.

The more painful and prolonged the illness/death was, the more negative energy remained. Keep in mind that this energy could be inherited from previous residents. Negative energy from an illness can persist even after complete recovery.

There is a lot of sha qi energy in the room.

You can walk around the entire apartment clockwise, by analogy with a candle, and clap your hands hard. You need to clap with your leading hand from bottom to top. Pay more attention to the corners. Ideally, after completing the procedure, an echo should come from the claps.

8. Smell cleaning.


Most the best option specifically for energetic cleaning of the room, because in addition to the smell they generate smoke. You can buy it on Ozone.

Conventional aromatherapy

Essential oils of cypress, frankincense, juniper, rosemary, lemon balm, pepper, pine, and geranium are best suited for these purposes. But you can use any scents you like and avoid those you don’t like, even if they are on the recommended list. The main thing is regularity.

9. Plants.

Each person and plant has its own energy, so some types of plants may be compatible with one person and completely incompatible with another.

Therefore, when choosing a plant, focus on own feelings, and not on recommendations.

However, there are plants that spoil the energy climate in the room: palm tree, yucca, passionflower, plants with “waxy” leaves. They can be used in advanced cases when it is necessary to spoil a good energy climate.

Cactus and any climbing plants, provided that they do not climb upward, can be constantly kept where there is a lot of sha qi or other negative energy.

Cypress, feather grass and reeds cannot be brought indoors under any circumstances, because they attract negative energy.

Important! Under no circumstances should you keep dried or diseased plants in your home, especially in places where you frequently visit them - these are sources of negative energy.

10.Cleaning with water.

Holy water

You can clean the room using holy water, which it is advisable to take in person from the church. Holy water must be sprayed throughout the room using a church or regular brush. At the same time, you can read “Our Father” or simply pray mentally.

It is advisable to have a second person present. In this case, one should go with a candle and cross all corners three times, even those formed by furniture and doorways, and the one who goes behind should sprinkle holy water and read prayers.

Above front door you can “accumulate” a cross, which will protect against incoming negative energy.

Water and egg

First you need to charge the water, that is, read a prayer over it. You can use ready-made, i.e. holy water. Pour water into an open container and crack the egg into it. If negative energy comes from a sick person, then place the container at his head. If it is formed for other reasons, then place it in problem areas (where the candle “hisses”). Leave it overnight and pour it out in the morning. The ritual is recommended to be performed on the waning moon.

Water, cognac and nine oranges

An effective method from Natalia Pravdina. We peel nine oranges. Add the peel to an open container, such as a bowl or pan, and fill 2/3 with water. Add 100 g of cognac.

Please note that cognac must be natural and expensive, that is, it must not be tea that has been diluted with alcohol. You can use any other alcoholic product, provided the price is high, and you and your household should like the smell.

Using a church broom or a regular brush, sprinkle the entire room clockwise. If during the procedure it accidentally falls out Orange peel, then it should be left for a day. Try not to get into areas that are difficult to clean, such as wallpaper, as the solution leaves drops. Moreover, the room can be washed no earlier than every other day. If possible, pay more attention to mirrors, windows and doors, as well as places where there is a lot of bad energy.

11. Mopping floors


When mopping the floor, add 5-10 tablespoons of salt to a bucket of water.


The ritual with lemon is performed on the full moon. Peel nine lemons. Place the peel in a bucket of water and squeeze it out with your hands. Wash all windows, doors (especially handles) and floors with this water.

Essential oils

Do wet cleaning, wash the floors, add your favorite essential oils to the bath for your own cleaning. The recommended dose is 5–8 drops per bucket of water, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for the oil.

12. Cleansing with stones and minerals.

    • An effective method, but far from fast. More suitable for maintaining a healthy energy climate.
      For cleaning, place in the brightest and most visible place, but not in direct range. sun rays to avoid starting a fire, a few specific stones:
    • Hallway – obsidian;
    • Kitchen - yellow calcite, carnelian;
    • Living room, hall – rock crystal, rose quartz, aventurine;
    • Children's - citrine;
    • Bedroom – Labrador;
    • Bathroom and toilet - marble;
    • Balcony and loggia - unakit.
    • From time to time, especially after any negative situations indoors, the stones need to be washed in water with salt and dripped with your favorite essential oil. When choosing stones, be guided by your own feelings - the more you like the stone, the more best effect available.

13. Cleansing with a flower broom.

This method is traditionally practiced at the beginning of each month in Mexico and some US states. In our conditions, it is suitable only in the warm season.

So, early in the morning, just before sunrise, pick a few branches from the tree. Be sure to leave a coin near the root, mentally thanking the tree for this gift.

Then collect several flowers on long stems and tie them to the branches. You should end up with a “broom of flowers.” Use this broom to sweep all the floors in the house.

It is advisable to complete this procedure before full sunrise. The broom must be thrown away at the intersection.

14. Candle, apple and 4 needles.

This ritual will make the energy field neutral, so it is suitable in cases where, due to some household members, it is impossible to leave only positive energy.
We take an apple, if possible, one grown personally, cut it in half and cut out the core so that an ordinary thin one can hold there. wax candle, which we place in place of the cut out core. We pierce the apple from four sides so that the ends of the needles stick into the candle, holding it. Burn the candle to the end. Leave the apple with the remaining wax and needles indoors for 12 to 24 hours, then throw it away.

Additional tips:

    • Keep your windows clean. During daylight hours, sunlight should penetrate into the room without any problems.
    • If you live in a private house, then you can hang old shoes on the fence so that they collect all the negative energy.
    • Make sure that the drain pipes and toilet lid are always closed. Negative energy comes from there.
    • To protect yourself from extraneous energies, stick a needle into the doorframe from the side of the street or entrance, or preferably seven, one on the top jamb and three on the sides, after reading “Our Father”. You can also scribble a triangle on the top side of the door with a knife or candle.
    • Never wish bad things on anyone and under no circumstances contact guidance specialists various damages. This can come back to you many times, including your home, which will be very difficult to clean.
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