Complications after rabies vaccination in dogs. Dog after vaccination: reaction and possible complications. Types of vaccines used

Many owners are interested in the question of what quarantine should be after vaccination against rabies in dogs. Our article will provide a complete answer. In addition, we will tell you how to prepare for vaccination.

Of course, the first place among vaccinations is the rabies vaccination. After all, this disease has no cure. Therefore, its prevention is controlled at the state level.

Why is a rabies vaccination necessary?

This disease is common to both animals and humans. The main route of infection is through sick animals. Virus of this disease found in animal saliva. It is transmitted, as you understand, by a bite. Unfortunately, there are currently no treatment options for the disease. And animals that show signs of this disease always die.

As already mentioned, vaccination against this disease is controlled at the state level. Therefore, a dog needs to be vaccinated against rabies (the basic rules of vaccination will be discussed below):

  • if she participates in an exhibition;
  • crosses the country's border with the owner;
  • participates in breeding;
  • to keep your pet and family members safe.

Vaccinations may also be required if you want to give the animal for foster care.

Dog vaccination schedule

When to vaccinate? It is very important to know the vaccination schedule for dogs so as not to vaccinate too late or, conversely, too early.

Please note that people are vaccinated against rabies at an older age than against other viral diseases. It is very important to vaccinate dogs according to age. That is, a puppy is vaccinated against plague, hepatitis, enteritis and leptospirosis for the first time at two months. Then, after three weeks, revaccination is carried out. At the same time, a rabies vaccination can be given. That is, the most early date This vaccination lasts three months. Dog breeders try to carry out the first vaccination and revaccination before the change of milk teeth. It sometimes happens that some vaccines cause darkening of the enamel. The first teeth begin to change at three months. And this process ends in six months.

Some veterinarians believe that if vaccination against viral diseases is carried out earlier than three months, then revaccination after twenty-one days is needed to form immunity. And after three months, one injection of the drug is enough.

Still the majority veterinarians They believe that it is worth getting a rabies vaccination between six and nine months. Of course, if there is big risk infection with this disease, then wait. Then you should vaccinate against rabies as early as possible (at three months) to protect yourself and your pet.

Revaccination of adults

How often do you get vaccinated against rabies? Immunity is developed 21 days after the dog is vaccinated. During this period, you should not expose the dog to stress or physical activity.

How long does the rabies vaccination in dogs last? Now let's look at this issue. Note that immunity to of this disease lasts from more than a year (up to three years maximum, depending on the manufacturer. But according to veterinary legislation, vaccination is done annually.

Veterinarians also recommend using gentle vaccination regimens for old, chronically ill animals. For example, some experts advise administering the rabies vaccine to dogs not annually, but once every two years. It is believed that any drug used in practice will support immunity during a given time period.

Preparing for vaccination

Before we talk about how long quarantine lasts after vaccination against rabies in dogs, we need to talk about preparation for this event. Deworming is carried out within ten days. Monitor your pet's condition during the week before vaccination.

The day before vaccination, you should take the dog’s temperature in the evening. After all, only healthy animals are allowed to be vaccinated.


It is worthwhile to vaccinate dogs according to age, but before any vaccination (except for revaccinations after 21 days), the pet must be dewormed. This must be done approximately two weeks before the intended event.

The choice of drugs is quite extensive. For puppies 3 months old, products are usually used in the form of suspensions.

Used in in this case drugs such as:

  • "Kaniquantel";
  • "Piperazine";
  • "Pyrantel".

Dogs older than six months are given tablets (Enwire, Prazitel and others).

Contraindications to rabies vaccination

Contraindications include the following:

  • elevated temperature;
  • worms;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • illness;
  • exhaustion;
  • individual intolerance.

Some experts advise caution when vaccinating dogs after ten years of age.

How is the vaccination done?

Before vaccination, the doctor examines the dog and measures the temperature. Then he gets vaccinated. The drug is injected into the withers area.

After vaccination, the doctor puts a mark. There he indicates the date when the vaccination was given and the name of the drug. Although most often the label from the bottle is pasted on. The veterinarian also signs and seals.

Actions after vaccination. Quarantine

After vaccination, stay with your pet in the veterinary clinic for about twenty minutes. During this time, a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine may occur.

How long does quarantine last after rabies vaccination in dogs? 21 day. During this period, protection against the above-mentioned disease is developed. If your area has a low risk of contracting the virus, then you can go for a walk from the first day after vaccination.

Is an animal contagious after vaccination? No. Since drugs based on killed microorganisms will be taken.

Is it possible to bathe a pet after vaccination? It's better to refuse water procedures for two to three weeks. This is done to prevent complications from hypothermia. Also after vaccination it is worth reducing physical activity animal.

Reaction to vaccination - what could it be? When should you urgently go to a veterinary hospital?

Various side effects sometimes occur after vaccination. But don't worry if:

  • the dog once refused food;
  • the animal's temperature increased to 39.5 °C;
  • the dog had one-time diarrhea or vomiting;
  • The dog is lethargic within 24 hours after vaccination.

A slight lump or swelling may form at the site where the vaccine was administered.

There is no need to worry if the bump on the withers is painless and does not increase in size. This reaction will go away in a week or two.

You should consult a doctor if:

  • the dog vomits repeatedly;
  • an increase in temperature of more than one degree from normal;
  • severe pain at the injection site;
  • severe weakness;
  • cyanosis of the tongue;
  • dyspnea;
  • convulsions;
  • redness of the ears;
  • salivation;
  • muscle twitching;
  • lack of appetite for more than a day;
  • discharge from the nose or eyes.

Such a reaction occurs if the vaccine was of poor quality, errors were made during administration, or vaccination occurred during a latent period of some disease.

A little conclusion

Now you know how long quarantine lasts after vaccination against rabies in dogs, as well as how to prepare the animal for vaccination. We hope that the tips given in this article were useful to you. Always vaccinate your pets on time to avoid serious consequences!

Reading time: : 4 minutes

Vaccines for dogs are special antibodies developed in laboratory conditions, which are designed to most effectively develop stable immunity in an animal to a particular pathological pathogen. To ensure that the dog does not suffer from infectious diseases, a certain vaccine is administered and the animal becomes completely insensitive to certain pathogens.

The condition of the dog, regardless of whether it is purebred or domestic, must be monitored by a veterinarian. This is due to the fact that in some cases the animal may encounter a variety of diseases, which can not only significantly affect its health, but also be life-threatening to the animal. Thus, despite possible complications After dogs, it is necessary to carry out the prescribed vaccinations, after which dogs after vaccination, a dog after vaccination must be monitored by a veterinarian in order to maximally exclude side effects of the drug or unforeseen consequences for the animal. If an animal has not been vaccinated at the right time, it can easily become infected with any infection or infect other healthy dogs.

In order for the animal to be healthy, certain vaccines have been developed today, the effect of which is quite simple to explain: a certain virus or a modified type of bacterium is introduced into the dog’s body in a strictly limited quantity. Consequently, after meeting the pathogen, the body, after vaccination in the dog, then the dog begins to independently produce the necessary antibodies, which are aimed at maximally adapting to the pathogen and, in the future, simply not reacting to it. Also, after vaccination, the animal may have a bump on the withers, which in itself is not dangerous for the animal.

As for the most common infections in animals that require mandatory immunization, they are mostly the following:

  • parvovirus;
  • dogs.

These conditions are among the most dangerous and require necessary vaccination. Thus, the dog must be vaccinated, and the reaction to the vaccination must be strictly monitored by a veterinarian.

What infectious diseases can vaccination prevent?

As for the main infectious diseases in dogs, from which immunity can appear quite effectively, then modern medicine The most common and most dangerous of them are known:

  • animals;
  • pavrovirus nature;
  • all varieties;
  • infections of ENT organs;
  • Lyme disease;
  • Giardia and others.

However, it is worth noting that this list is not complete and there are many more diseases that can be vaccinated, after which certain complications may be observed after vaccination in dogs.

The most common reactions to vaccinations in dogs

As for the main reactions to a particular vaccine in a dog, it is worth noting that they can be very diverse, from the simplest to the most complex.

Common general reactions to vaccinations

As for these reactions, they mostly occur in quite large quantity dogs are the most common. For the most part, these are the following general reactions:

  • compaction after vaccination, which for the most part is noted at the site itself;
  • a bump on the withers, a bump may be observed on the back at the site of vaccination;
  • it happens that at the injection site a characteristic symptom may be observed, which goes away on its own after some time has passed;
  • in some cases, some swelling forms after vaccination;
  • afterwards the dog limps;
  • after vaccination against rabies in dogs, the dog whines, trembles and becomes very lethargic;
  • the animal limps for a certain period of time after vaccination (if the dog is completely lame, then you should immediately seek advice from a veterinarian);
  • After vaccination, the animal may experience symptoms of ARVI or FLU (increased body temperature or nasal discharge), the pet in this case does not feel very well;
  • side effects of vaccination may include a condition such as or;
  • the animal may completely refuse food;
  • the pet whines after vaccination;
  • in some cases, the dog vomits, which can cause dehydration of the pet’s body;
  • after vaccination, the pet may experience characteristic lethargy;
  • a bump after vaccination at the site of its implementation;
  • in some cases, infectious processes appeared at the injection site.

All general symptoms do not pose a threat to the pet’s health or life at all and may subside within one or two weeks. However, if any secondary infection does appear in the animal, then this condition in most cases can be eliminated exclusively with the help of antibacterial drugs.

Severe reactions after vaccination

As for more complex reactions to vaccinations, they may not disappear immediately, but pose a more serious threat to the health and life of the pet. Even if the pet felt quite well after the vaccine, after some time the following pathological processes may develop and the dog will feel very unwell:

  • the paw or all limbs at once swell very much;
  • a lump has formed that does not go away for a long time and the process of rotting of the formation begins, which hurts very much;
  • can cause very severe swelling of the pet's face;
  • after vaccination, a lump appeared, which was caused by a process such as unsuccessful;
  • in some cases, the pet’s breathing stops due to narrowing respiratory tract animal. Given pathological development can be observed in the animal within thirty minutes after the vaccine is administered and is accompanied by a very strong whining process of the pet;
  • If, after vaccination, the animal has persistent vomiting, you should definitely leave it under the supervision of a veterinarian, who knows exactly what to do and, if the pet vomits for a very long time, will be able to make sure that it vomits correctly in time and does not choke on its own vomit.

Other reactions that may occur after vaccination in dogs

As for other reactions after you have been vaccinated, your pet may have the following:

  • various malignant and benign tumors;
  • Fistulas may form on the dog’s withers due to the rotting process occurring;
  • neurological reactions and destruction of the animal’s psyche;
  • due to improper administration of the vaccine, muscle atrophy may occur;
  • characteristic kidney or liver pathologies in the animal.

These reactions may be rare, but in some cases, after the animals were vaccinated, they still occurred in them.

Based on all that has been said, we can conclude that Vaccinations can have a very different effect on the animal’s body, but they are still necessary, as this is a guarantee that your pet will not become infected with one or another viral disease.

Vaccination is one of the most important preventive measures infectious diseases in domestic dogs, as well as animals living on the street. Vaccination helps prevent the spread of the most dangerous illnesses not only in the dog population, but also among people living in the same territory with them. In particular, routine immunization - the right way to protect yourself from rabies, the disease is one of the incurable diseases and leads to the inevitable death of infected organisms.

It is important to remember that a dog’s reaction to vaccination can be very different. In the majority clinical cases Vaccination is well tolerated by the pet, but sometimes provokes the development of undesirable effects: from the formation of a subcutaneous lump to complex forms of allergies. Therefore, every breeder of a four-legged friend must know what condition after vaccination is normal, and when to immediately seek veterinary help.

What is rabies in dogs?

Rabies – natural focal infectious disease zooanthroponotic type, deadly for most animals and people. The disease develops when viruses from the Rhabdoviridae family, namely Rabies virus, enter a living body. Viral disease occurs very acutely (less often subacutely, chronically), manifested by gross disturbances in functioning nervous system, hydrophobia, violent behavior and profuse salivation.

In nature, wild dogs are reservoirs for rabies pathogens, in particular the bats, wolves, foxes, rodents and birds. Infection of dogs and humans occurs through the ingress of saliva from an infected animal into a bite wound. Incubation period lasts from several days to a month, after which the main symptoms appear pathological process. The disease always has death, since there is currently no medicine that would inactivate the rabies virus.

Dog breeders must remember that today the only way to protect themselves from this terrible disease is the passive development of immunity through routine vaccination of dogs, that is, vaccination against rabies.

Preparing for vaccination

Rabies vaccination is the only real way disease prevention. Today, immunization of dogs is carried out by introducing vaccine solutions of Russian or foreign production, which contain inactive (weakened) cultural strains of the causative agent of the disease.

  • if the animal takes part in breeding;
  • pets that often travel with the owner;
  • inhabitants of regions where outbreaks of rabies are periodically recorded;
  • representatives of hunting breeds;
  • dogs participating in exhibitions, international shows, etc.

Lasting immunity is formed 3-5 weeks after vaccination, when a sufficient number of active antibodies are formed in the pet’s body to protect against infection. The duration of such passive protection after vaccination against rabies is about 24-36 months, so after a year the animal should be revaccinated.

The first rabies vaccination should be given when the puppy reaches 3 months of age or after replacing baby teeth with permanent teeth. If a young dog is vaccinated with a polyvaccine, it needs to be revaccinated 3-4 weeks after the first administration of the vaccine. Adult members of the family must be vaccinated annually. The optimal vaccination plan is drawn up by a veterinarian.

To ensure that there is no deterioration after vaccination, it must be carried out in accordance with certain rules:

  • You cannot vaccinate dogs that show symptoms of any infectious process;
  • before vaccination it is necessary to carry out deworming;
  • It is better to vaccinate a dog in a specialized institution;
  • Immediately before administering the solution, the veterinarian must examine the pet and make sure there are no contraindications to the procedure.

After vaccination, the dog must be quarantined for two weeks, excluding any contact between the pet and street animals. It is important to ensure that pet was not overheated or overcooled, and was not subjected to intense physical activity. It is strictly forbidden to bathe your dog for a week after vaccination.

Possible complications of vaccination

As a rule, modern rabies vaccination very rarely causes the development of adverse reactions in dogs, since it is considered a perfect immunobiological preparation that has passed all the necessary tests. But still, there are cases when the introduction of a vaccine is accompanied by the development of pathological reactions from the animal’s body.

Most often, after vaccination, representatives of the canine family experience disorders; they are among the normal consequences of immunization and should not cause panic in the pet owner:

  • one-time refusal of food by the dog;
  • one-time disturbance of stool or vomiting;
  • insignificant and short-term increase in general body temperature (39.2 - 39.5 0 C);
  • lethargy during the day when the vaccination was given;
  • the appearance of a painless lump or lump at the injection site should disappear without a trace after 10-14 days.

Immunization complications that require your dog to be seen immediately by a veterinarian include:

  • the occurrence of signs of allergy to the vaccine and signs of anaphylaxis;
  • severe pain at the site of vaccine injection;
  • intense, repeated vomiting;
  • severe weakness and refusal to eat during the day;
  • a persistent increase in the pet's temperature by 1 0 C compared to the norm;
  • salivation with the appearance of serous discharge from the eyes and nasal passages;
  • development of shortness of breath and symptoms of hypoxia (cyanosis of the mucous membranes, hyperemia of the ears);
  • the appearance of convulsions, muscle twitching;
  • when the dog begins to limp or pulls its hind legs.

Such disorders after vaccination occur mainly due to a poor-quality vaccine or if the time of vaccination coincided with the latent period of another developing disease. Side effects may also occur in dogs that were given the injection without following all the necessary rules.

Algorithm of actions for the development of post-vaccination deterioration

Since immunization may be accompanied by an exacerbation, the veterinarian should observe the vaccinated animal for several minutes after the injection. At this time, the specialist assesses his general well-being and monitors his development. allergic reactions. Such manifestations as:

  • lethargy;
  • apathetic behavior;
  • single disturbance of digestive function in the form of stool disorder, vomiting, refusal to eat.

According to statistics, the listed deteriorations go away on their own within a few days and do not provoke the occurrence of more complex ones. pathological conditions. The appearance of any other uncharacteristic reactions is good reason to see a doctor.

Very often, after revaccination, allergic complications occur, including anaphylactic shock. To eliminate such pathological manifestations, the dog should undergo emergency medical correction, which includes introducing antihistamines and detoxification therapy.

If there is a slight increase in temperature, it is advisable to give the dog antipyretics, and to normalize the digestive process - probiotics, enzymes and food with medicinal properties.

Sometimes a specific swelling develops at the injection site. This lump deserves increased attention if it is accompanied by pain, redness, and abscess formation. In other cases, there is no reason to worry, since the formation will most likely pass within 10-20 days.

You need to urgently contact a veterinarian when your pet’s health rapidly deteriorates, he refuses food and water, and does not react to others.

Got vaccinated yesterday adult dog(boxer, female - 1 year 7 months). Nobivak vaccine (5-valent). We did it for the first time, because... I got a dog 2 weeks ago, and the previous owners never did anything. I carried out deworming 10 days before with a complex veterinary preparation. And then there was the doctor - first he vaccinated, then examined the dog (!) and said that her liver was planted. I asked the former owners: they fed the puppy cheap dry food for several months - when the puppy became covered with lumps, they stopped, and then fed whatever they had to, in short, now the dog is all itchy and the liver is enlarged. If I had known, I would have waited to get vaccinated, but what can I say now?
Now the picture is this: the dog has been vomiting all night and has diarrhea, but asks to eat in the morning, his nose is cold. She won’t let me take my temperature, but it seems to be normal. Could this be a reaction to the vaccine?
Or are these symptoms of the disease? How urgent is it and what can be done? Maybe there is something to boost immunity? Maybe a dropper with something? I hope for a qualified answer from the veterinarian, because... Now I don’t really trust our veterinarian.


I really hope that by the time of my answer, everything has returned to normal for your pet (in any case, the vomiting has stopped and the appetite is normal). It is rare, but there is a severe reaction to the vaccine, although more often the symptoms are not so severe or absent altogether. Manifestations of the “vaccination disease” should not be very pronounced and should not last more than 3 days. Give the girl lignitin (see instructions) and karsil (1 tablet 3 times a day) to cleanse and maintain the liver. Make IMMUNOFAN (2-3 injections at intervals every other day, under the skin) - this will help form better immunity for vaccination and reduce side effects.
For 3-4 days, serve 1 tablet. diphenhydramine in the morning and evening, and another 3-4 days, 1 tablet. 1 time per day at night. In general, standard possible manifestations vaccinations (according to instructions): weakness, drowsiness, lack of appetite, loose stool, single vomiting, slight discharge from the nose and eyes (more often when vaccinated with Russian vaccines) and other signs of infectious diseases (after all, vaccination is nothing more than “getting sick” of your pet with these infections) - but all this is not very pronounced and no more than 2 -3 days. These signs may appear in different times during the quarantine period after vaccination (21 days).
I hope that in your case everything will work out. Nobivak - if the vaccine is normal (properly stored, etc.) - is a fairly “light” vaccine.
.....And one more thing - if there is a suspicion of liver disease, give the dog a biochemical research blood, that's enough informative method examination of the animal, it will provide information about the condition of the liver, kidneys, pancreas and other organs.

Every pet needs vaccination. Both breeders and inexperienced pet owners know this. Vaccinations will protect your puppy from various diseases, will strengthen his body, increase immunity.

Naturally, when vaccinating, a number of rules must be followed:

  • Vaccinations are given only to healthy and strong puppies.
  • Before vaccination, treatment or prevention against worms is carried out. This is done approximately 10 days before the intended vaccination.
  • Vaccination is carried out only by an experienced veterinarian in a clinic using sterile equipment.
  • Vaccinations are always done before mating.
  • Vaccination is carried out annually.

So, the vaccination was done. So, what is next? The thing is that the animal’s immunity is restored only after two weeks. Therefore, during this period it is necessary to carefully monitor your pet. The baby should not be overtired or exposed to drafts. You should also completely exclude the possibility of contact with other dogs.

Side effects

Just like from others medicines, dogs experience side effects after rabies vaccination. They can be either insignificant or pose a strong threat to the entire body of the pet. Side effects after vaccination against rabies, they can cause complications both immediately and later, even 20-60 days after vaccination. And you need to know this.

Rabies vaccinations in dogs can cause the following problems:

Anaphylactic shock. Complications from using the vaccine can manifest as anaphylactic shock. Very few dogs face this problem, but, nevertheless, there are individuals who, after vaccination, develop swelling of the limbs, diarrhea, and fever.

Sarcoma. The vaccine may cause a tumor, a sarcoma, to form at the site of its administration. Sarcoma is a cancer of bones or soft tissue. Therefore, it is so important that the injection is administered by an experienced veterinarian who has many positive reviews.

Seizures and epilepsy. After a rabies vaccination, your dog may experience epileptic seizures. They can appear even a month after vaccination. If the dog is immobilized and has convulsions, then it is necessary to immediately take it to the veterinarian.

Strange behavior. Complications in dogs from vaccination can manifest themselves in in different forms and even behavior change. Thus, the vaccine can affect mental condition calling the animal from him panic attacks fear. In other individuals, on the contrary, it can cause aggressive behavior, although before that the dog was good-natured and a real family man.

Allergic reaction. Adjuvants (boosters) are added to vaccines and most often they cause allergic reactions. If you have experienced allergies in your pet in the past, ask your veterinarian to use medications without adjuvants when new vaccinations to minimize the risk.

Itching. Often after a dog is vaccinated, the injection site begins to itch. Because of this, the pet licks and scratches the wound, which often leads to scratches. If itching occurs, apply a warm compress to the injection site. You can also use special creams, but only when agreed with your veterinarian.

No need to be afraid

If your pet experiences slight swelling at the injection site after vaccination, do not panic. This is a normal phenomenon that goes away on its own. It is not a complication and in very rare cases carries with it any consequences.

Moreover, a lump may appear when using one vaccine, and not appear when using another. This does not mean that the solution is of poor quality. It’s just that different consistencies of adjuvants, preservatives, etc. are used in different solutions.