Why do you dream of white roses: different interpretations of night vision. Bouquet of white roses according to the dream book

Each predictor has its own. It all depends on some details. This could be a bouquet of roses standing on the table, withered flowers or petals. Every little detail is taken into account. Only then can the meaning of the dream be correctly interpreted.

I dreamed of a white rose: Miller's dream book

This great predictor states that when a person dreams of something, it is a warning or an order from above. If you saw a new one white rose with drops of dew, which are brightly illuminated in the sun, this means a favorable outcome of the work begun.

If you are a family man and saw it in a dream, then nothing threatens your marriage. You will live a calm and measured life. No one can stop you, since you have a strong union.

For an unmarried girl, fresh white roses mean a new relationship, love and possible marriage. Therefore, when you meet a young man, do not push him away, but take a closer look at him. Perhaps he will become a reliable support for you in the future.

If you see roses that have become dull, limp and unsightly, beware. It has to do with your health. Don't joke about it, but try to get examined by a doctor. Remember that white roses warned you about something important. You just need to correctly interpret the dream.

Vanga's predictions

The famous Bulgarian prophetess claims: if you dreamed of living white roses, this is the approach of great happiness. In her opinion, white color is love, purity of relationships and honesty. A bouquet of these wonderful flowers symbolizes devotion and recognition.

Vanga predicts: if a girl dreams of a large bouquet of roses, it is expected strong love. Her admirer will admire her femininity and openness.

When you dream of roses with thorns, this is disappointing. If a girl pricks herself with thorns, it means that she has a secret from her lover.

Sometimes a person dreams that he is cutting white roses in his garden. Such a dream suggests that you are always ready to help not only your friends, but also any person who needs you.

If a girl dreamed that roses were quickly fading, then insincere love should be expected. Most likely, the hypocrisy of your chosen one will upset you in the near future. This dream warns, so be careful.

If you saw a bouquet in a dream, and there were unpleasant bugs or slugs on them, you don’t need to waste your time on a fan. He still doesn't appreciate you or your actions. After this dream, try to avoid random encounters. They will bring disappointment.

You found out what the white rose meant in your dream. Vanga's dream book offers several options. It's worth listening to him. After all, the soothsayer was very rarely mistaken.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

Austrian physician and psychologist long time explored the human subconscious. He came to the conclusion that dreams only occur when fatigue overcomes. At this time, the person is sleeping, but his subconscious is working. It is what warns about good or bad.

Freud claims: to see white roses in a dream means great and pure love awaits you. If you prick yourself with thorns, then sexually you will be disappointed. After all, the admirer will harass you, despite your refusal.

Did you dream of a gift of white roses? The opposite sex will be interested in you. New relationships are expected for both men and women. Therefore, if someone is interested in you, do not push them away. Perhaps you have started a new, white streak.

If you dreamed that you were giving flowers to your significant other, most likely you lack intense sexual relationships. In this case, try to diversify your personal life.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

You don’t know why you dreamed of a white rose? Hasse's dream book will help you understand your dream. Withered flowers, where the leaves fall, dream of a change in relationships with loved ones or employees.

Red and white roses in a dream mean happiness in personal life and career success. This applies to spring and summer. If you dreamed of these flowers in winter, then you are in vain waiting for new offers.

Sometimes you dream that they don’t want to open up, then expect strong material well-being. Finally financial side will not upset you. However, Freud believes that you should not spend money thoughtlessly. After all, just as they came, they can leave.


Now you know what the dream means. White roses in a dream may be withered, unopened and blooming. It is necessary to pay attention to every detail. Even the color of roses changes the direction of interpretation.

Pay attention to the dream. White roses are given in dreams by both fans and colleagues. These parts have different meanings. The colleague respects, and the chosen one experiences tender feelings.

As a rule, roses are a symbol of love and deep recognition. Therefore, fresh and not withered flowers dream only of good things. Only withered roses can mean insincerity, hypocrisy or illness. Only when you pay attention to your dreams can you avoid trouble.

Roses are one of the most popular flowers. They are distinguished by their exquisite beauty, pleasant aroma, and at the same time, they have sharp thorns. Therefore, when trying to figure out what roses mean in dreams, you can come across quite opposite interpretations. To get the most correct decoding, you need to take into account all the details, as well as your own feelings.

Dream Interpretation: seeing roses in a dream

Dream book of Gustav Miller interprets dreaming of fragrant roses as a sure sign that a joyful event will soon occur. Tight buds indicate material independence and family happiness. Scarlet flowers indicate that life will be full of love, and passion will turn your head. It’s bad if the roses in the dream turned out to be withered. Both the dreamer himself and his household may get sick.

According to Vanga's dream book fragrant roses portend falling in love in reality. Dried flowers mean a deceitful admirer or a selfish “lady of the heart.” Getting pricked by thorns is a cautionary tale. It will not be possible to hide a certain act, and the truth will bring pain to the dreamer and the loved one.

Freud's Dream Book interprets roses as one of the sexual symbols. Gifted flowers indicate that in reality the dreamer attracts many suitors, and several women are trying to charm a man at once. To get hurt on sharp thorns means to actually be harassed by a person who at first seemed pleasant. The plot of a dream in which you happen to present roses to someone indicates experience in the love sphere and the ability to satisfy all the needs of a partner.

According to Grishina's dream book“Queen of Flowers” ​​foreshadows a passionate romance.

American source interprets roses not quite typically. According to him, they prophesy innocent flirting.

By children's dream book roses mean love. But achieving reciprocity will not be very easy.

Russian dream book interprets burgundy roses as romantic adventures. According to this source, white flowers mean grief and tears.

Why do women dream of roses?

Fresh red roses woman portend pleasant events in reality. Unusual meaning has an original green tint of petals - a romance with a longtime admirer will flare up with renewed vigor.

Roses girl in love - good sign. However, if she decorates her own hair with it, the guy’s loyalty will have to be doubted.

Roses unmarried girl They promise frivolous flirting. Casual communication is likely to turn into a serious relationship.

It's great if you dream of roses pregnant woman. The birth will be wonderful, and everyone in the household will be happy about the baby.

Red roses married woman portend a harmonious family life.

Why do you dream about roses of different colors?

Reds Roses are a symbol of love not only in reality. Seeing them in a dream, you can count on a wonderful romantic relationship.

Bright scarlet roses promise prosperity to family dreamers. The lonely will have their cherished dreams come true.

Reciprocity of feelings is foreshadowed burgundy roses. It is quite possible to fall in love, or passion will flare up with renewed vigor between experienced partners.

Calm and tranquility represent white roses. If you dreamed about them during an illness, then the illness will soon recede.

Pleasant surprises symbolize pink roses. The sleeper will feel the tender care of loved ones.

The warning sign is yellow roses. You should beware of deception and betrayal.

They are also considered a bad symbol black roses in a dream. You have to learn the bitter truth about your loved one.

Some cooling between lovers is evidenced blue roses. However, if the flowers look fresh, her situation may change for the better.

The dreamer's extraordinary personality is represented by purple roses.

“It’s time to part with thoughts about past love", they report blue roses. Constant sad memories prevent you from finding new happiness.

Magnificent sign - dreamed orange roses. In reality, respect from others and great joy await you.

Interpretation of sleep by the appearance of roses

When you dream about roses, in addition to their color, it is important to take into account other details. First of all, attention should be paid to freshness.

A symbol of mental loneliness are wilted roses.

The dreamer is overcome by sad thoughts. For lovers and family dried out roses in a dream foreshadow the fading of feelings and quarrels. Even separation is possible if efforts are not made to preserve the union.

A loving person nearby is personified blooming roses. Fragrant blooming buds prophesy the approach of good events that will greatly please you.

Lucky sign - dreamed beautiful roses. A bright streak has come in life.

Broken a rose means the sleeper's worries. Misunderstandings will arise between lovers, which will lead to quarrels and conflicts.

Various pleasures symbolize big roses. However, it is worth remembering whether there were spikes on them, warning of the danger of reckless fun.

Too much small roses - to complications in love.

Magnificent alive roses prophesy complete harmony. Fate is generous with gifts and surprises, and relationships are ideal.

Artificial roses in a dream reflect falseness in communicating with people close to your heart. It is necessary to find out the cause as quickly as possible and restore normal communication.

Well maintained rose garden- to longevity and prosperity. Abandoned, with fallen petals and overgrown with weeds - to failures in the personal sphere.

Fragrant rose bushes promise fulfillment of cherished desires. Families are sometimes told that a new addition will soon occur.

Dreamed buds roses mean a feeling of sadness that will suddenly visit the dreamer. Moreover, there will be no compelling reasons for this. You just need to give yourself a little break from the routine so that your mood and strength are restored.

Lots of roses- a symbol of happiness in personal life. For young girls, a dream can predict an early marriage.

Dream about failure two roses. Plans will be disrupted.

If the dreamer interrupts petals roses, in reality it is worth reconsidering your own behavior. Actions make a repulsive impression and interfere with achieving harmony.

Fresh flowers roses placed in a vase are interpreted positively. The opposite sex will shower you with compliments and attentions.

If you dream of a rose in a pot, it is possible to receive an expensive present. He will delight you.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of roses?

Large bouquet of roses, dreamed by a man, indicates his readiness for a serious relationship. For a woman it is a sign of pleasant excitement.

Bouquet Red roses symbolizes bright love adventures. Passion will flare up again between the spouses.

For a single woman, an arrangement dominated by red roses can mean a long-awaited proposal from a handsome man.

Bouquet of white roses means that the work started will be completed successfully. But if drops of water sparkle on the petals, you have to cry.

Red and white roses in one bouquet symbolize that along with material well-being will come the sincere respect of colleagues. In the personal sphere, a balance of tenderness and passion has been achieved.

A bouquet of roses given by a man in winter, warns that it is too early to rush things in the development of relationships. In reality, planned plans may be upset. In the spring-summer period, the same plot, however, prophesies absolute happiness with the chosen one. If the arrangement is supplemented with rhinestones, bows or other tinsel, this is a warning about the hypocrisy of the donor.

To independently compose a composition from the “queen of flowers” ​​is skillful relationship building, the ability to compromise. These qualities help to avoid “sharp corners” when communicating and contribute to personal happiness.

A dream about a boutonniere made of roses is a warning. In reality, a loved one can deceive.

Actions with roses in a dream

It's good if you dreamed plant roses. In reality, you will be able to make your romantic dreams come true.

Watering the roses- Efforts must be made to establish relationships. Thanks to this, tender feelings will remain.

If a person dreamed cut roses on your own site, this means kindness. Relatives can always count on support. For a girl, such a plot prophesies a move from her parents’ house in connection with her wedding.

Trampling flowers in anger means likely committing an unseemly act, for which you will be ashamed in the future. The plot recommends calculating the consequences of your actions.

Giving roses in a dream to someone familiar - a warning. In reality, a quarrel may occur with this person.

When a single man I dream that they give roses, in fact, he has already decided on his heart’s affections. This is a symbol of readiness for marriage.

For a girl, a plot in which guy gives a rose to another, is a warning about the presence of a rival. Receiving a flower yourself - in reality, romantic feelings will overwhelm you.

But if gifted rose withered right in your hands, it’s worth taking a closer look at the chosen one. Perhaps his selfish nature and falsehood will become noticeable.

In any case, get the freshest reds roses as a gift- the onset of a period rich in love adventures.

Throwing away a flower present means separation.

If you dream of roses whose thorns were accidentally pricked during care, giving or receiving, the plot is a warning. Due to an unfortunate mistake, you can suffer financially and physically.

Taking a long time to choose roses is a symbolic display of emotional imbalance. In order for harmony to return to life, you need to sort out your personal sphere.

For entrepreneurs buy roses- to success and profit if they are beautiful. The plot also means close attention from members of the opposite sex.

Smell the roses, and inhale the aroma with pleasure - to sensual excitement. Joyful events will cause pleasant emotional excitement.

Having figured out what roses mean in dreams, you can adjust your actions and make the right decisions.

Why do you dream about a white rose? Sometimes, the preferred thing that people observe during vigils is dreamed at night. And if the dream was vivid, the sensations were clear, and the details were well remembered, then it was a sign that predicted something in the future. For the most part, these are positive forecasts, but there are also those that can spoil the mood.

What if you dream of a white rose?

In the case of a dream in which you can see flowers of noble varieties, you should be almost sure that it predicts something good. However, piercing the skin with rose thorns and visible blood- a sign that there are some health problems. If this flower is white, then it indicates an event that will contribute to renewal. This could be rejuvenation, a cure for chronic disease, breaking off relations with someone who greatly interfered or tormented, getting rid of unfortunate circumstances, starting life with clean slate. If a white rose is your favorite flower, then it may indicate an imminent wedding, which will be the beginning of a happy life together for the newlyweds. When it changes its color to an unusual shade, this may indicate the birth of a child. Wherein dark colors they predict a girl, and light ones predict a boy.

When interpreting what a white rose means in a dream, you should remember your emotions. If a flower is disgusting and quickly withers, then this is a sign of some internal blocks that create problems in Java. When its color attracts, but the thorns on the stems irritate, this means dissatisfaction with someone in whom the dreamer shows interest.

If the rose was thrown away, then this indicates a desire for change, which is strongly imprinted on the subconscious level. However, at the same time, it is a sign that a person holds the course of his life in his hands and is free to choose the stability that is familiar to him. When you dream of fortune-telling using a white rose, and the petals break off, this means that the dreamer already knows that his fate is changing, but is very afraid of the future, trying to predict it in some way. In this case, you should remember where the petals fell. If they simply disappeared, it means that the truth about the future is hidden from the dreamer; when they are clearly visible on the floor or ground, then this is a sign that the dreamer can influence some life events. Is a tattered rose restored again? So events stronger than that who had this dream.

What does it portend?

Often a white rose can be seen during a night's rest, after being received as a gift from a handsome admirer or close friend. The dream then reflects both what was experienced in Java and what will happen in the future. After all, such a gift means the beginning of a relationship that can develop into something more serious and lasting. Moreover, their result will most likely be a wedding or many years of living together. If a rose suddenly turns from white to black, this indicates the inner strength of the sleeper, which he successfully uses, achieving his goals in the physical world. But when it changes to bright colors, such as pink, orange, purple, red or yellow, then this is a sign of a positive perception of life by the dreamer, as well as the inability to control one’s destiny and the events that occur daily.

A dream in which a magnificent white rose turns into another flower means incorrectly set priorities, which will certainly have a negative impact in the future. If the new flower turns out to be a field flower, then this a clear sign that an act was committed that greatly angered someone and harmed the dreamer.

When you dream of a white rose, and the emotions are negative, such as sadness, fear or anxiety, then you should not be too upset. After all, most likely, the changes that may occur are simply frightening, and therefore you should try to get rid of unpleasant experiences by being distracted by everyday affairs.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Miller's Dream Book

A white rose that has withered or withered - sadness, anxiety, unexpected expenses, health problems for the mother or daughter. Seeing a white withered rose in a dream is a bad sign. Drastic changes in family life, treason or betrayal of a loved one.

Dreaming of a white rose covered with dew drops means prosperity and success in business. Right choice partner, a marriage proposal is possible in the coming days.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud, the white rose symbolizes blossoming love relationship and well-being. A thorn, as a phallic symbol, can warn of unfounded mistrust of a partner, his betrayal (pricked by a thorn). Being pricked by a thorn in a dream can also warn you that in reality you will soon be subjected to sexual harassment.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Vanga's Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream: a white rose is a symbol of fidelity, devotion, innocence. Being pricked by a white rose thorn means betrayal, the desire to conceal a bad deed, pangs of conscience.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Azar's Dream Book

White rose - happiness in marriage, the ideal choice of a soul mate, pure love.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

White rose - mystery, surprise, unpredictable outcome.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Modern dream book

A white rose for the elderly means recovery, a favorable offer from friends or relatives. For the wedding of children or the appearance of a granddaughter.

A widow dreams of a white rose as a sign of fidelity to her deceased husband. It symbolizes the strength of their marriage and eternal love.

For a remarried widow - as the approval of the late husband, his consent to the union.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

A dream about white roses in the warm season is always interpreted as prosperity. And in the cold season the interpretation has the opposite meaning. Blooming white roses in dreams foreshadow lovely events, as well as the receipt of cheerful news. Sometimes a dream with such a plot foreshadows a marriage proposal. Receiving a white rose as a gift in a dream speaks of good luck in work and improved health. The only thing is, if such roses given to you have a shabby appearance, you should expect betrayal of your loved one. Weaving this flower into your hair portends happiness and reliability in love, strengthening tender feelings. Breaking a white rose means a quarrel. Throw it out - break off a relationship with a loved one.

Why do you dream about a white rose?

Women's dream book

White Rose? Admiring a blooming rose - the fidelity of a lover, good news in the near future.

Picking a blooming white rose means you will soon receive a marriage proposal, a sign of mutual love that will develop into strong marriage bonds.

Seeing a white rose bud means the birth of a female child.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

The dream has to do with the emotions, hidden talents, unfulfilled dreams and needs of the sleeping person. A picture with a good meaning promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire. An expressionless dream promises routine. The embodiment of a dream takes from one day to three years.

Why do you dream of white roses? The symbolism of the rose is not clear. This beautiful flower is a symbol of love and tenderness. However, do not forget about the thorns that protect the stems. What does a dream with a vision of snow-white flowers portend - good or evil? Let's look at the details.

White roses are a symbol of purity and innocence, sincerity and trust. This is a flower of love, romantic impulse and tenderness of feelings. Seeing beautiful white roses means feeling the delight of the soul, romantic ecstasy.

If in a dream you gave white roses— you have won the heart of a secret admirer. If give roses to someone yourself, this symbolizes heartfelt affection for a person.

What does the image mean? roses without thorns? This symbolizes complete dependence on a partner, defenselessness in love. On the other hand, the absence of thorns speaks of the tenderness of the partner’s feelings, of his careful care for his chosen one.

If in a dream a girl received white roses as a gift and severely pricked by thorns, this dream carries a warning: the young man treats her frivolously and does not care about the purity of his thoughts.

Dried flowers carry a negative prognosis for the dreamer, the absence of positive events in the future. White petals scattered on the floor are a symbol of parting and faded feelings.

Other folk interpretations

Why see white roses in a dream? This symbol has many meanings:

  • a living flower dreams of sincere feelings, trust and love;
  • an artificial flower symbolizes loneliness, unrequited love, falsehood;
  • frozen roses foreshadow cooled feelings, coldness in relationships;
  • withered flowers - to betrayal in love, betrayal;
  • a broken flower symbolizes vain expectations.

If the man had a dream, in which he gives white roses to a girl he knows, the subconscious suggests taking a closer look at her. White color symbolizes the kinship of souls, and if in a dream the dreamer gives a bouquet to a girl, it means that she has been chosen for him by heaven. This is a hint dream.

  • Seeing the petals of a bud bloom is a sign of happy love.
  • Enjoying the aroma of a flower means unclouded happiness.
  • A flower that has not fully blossomed is a symbol of a prosperous future.
  • Lots of white roses - you will swim in a sea of ​​romantic experiences.
  • The combination of red roses with white ones means passionate and very beautiful love.
  • Picking roses is a sign of love pleasure.
  • Seeing roses in your hair means a date with your loved one.
  • Roses in a home flower pot are a sign of family joy.
  • Looking at a rose bush is a sign of admiration for the opposite sex.

For other people, the symbol of white roses brings improvement in financial affairs, stability of income and well-being.

Interpretations of famous dream books

Vanga's Dream Book warns: being pricked by a rose thorn in a dream means that a personal secret will be revealed; it will become public knowledge. A withered bouquet warns of a lover's deception. Inhaling the aroma and enjoying the smell of flowers is a sign of a long-lasting romance. Receiving a bouquet of white roses as a gift means pure thoughts and actions.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation believes: if you were given white roses in a dream, someone likes you. To be pricked by a rose thorn - to the unreasonable jealousy of a loved one, suffering due to mistrust. Throwing a bouquet of roses on the ground means a stormy separation from your loved one.

Freud's Dream Book claims that a gift bouquet of white roses symbolizes success with the opposite sex. A prick from a rose thorn means harassment from a man.

Miller's Dream Book considers this image as a harbinger of warm, trusting relationships in the family and with loved ones.

Loff's Dream Book believes: if a girl is given a bouquet of white roses in a dream, this portends a gorgeous wedding and a happy life together. For other dreamers, the image of white roses in buds means an improvement in their financial situation, as well as unexpected profits.

The symbol of white roses is especially important in dreams couples in love. White color symbolizes spirituality and purity. Yours will be different from an ordinary love affair, it will be filled with different content - it will completely overturn past ideas about love. Relationships will become harmonious, trusting and strong. They say about such couples that they were married by heaven.

If girl pricked with thorns, which means that the subconscious warns about the need to tell your secret to your lover. If this is not done, he will still find out from other sources: in this case, a quarrel cannot be avoided.

Withered roses are an undesirable symbol for a girl in love. Especially if a bouquet is given by a loved one in a dream, and it fades before our eyes. Your union is doomed, inevitable separation will soon come. Feelings have faded like flowers and will not be able to “come to life.”

Carries within itself and mystical symbolism: the ability to absorb a person’s fluids and transfer them to another. When you receive a bouquet of white roses, you receive a piece of the giver’s soul, his feelings and thoughts.