"Gliatilin" for children: instructions for use and reviews. Gliatilin for children - effective help for serious problems Gliatilin injections or capsules

Memory, attention and thinking disorders are observed in 20% of children and adolescents, speech disorders, difficulties with reading and writing are recorded in 5–20%, and signs of autism are detected in 17% of patients childhood at an outpatient appointment with a psychiatrist. These figures indicate the prevalence of such problems, for the treatment of which different types therapy, including medications, for example, Gliatilin.

Description of Gliatilin

Gliatilin is a nootropic drug that affects blood supply and brain function and nervous system.

It comes in the form:

  • capsules;
  • solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

Both solution and capsules are used to treat children.

If the solution is used in a hospital during an exacerbation of the disease, then the capsules are suitable for outpatient treatment at home.

Composition and effect of the drug

Active substance Gliatilin - choline alfoscerate. Water is used as an auxiliary component in the solution. Capsules contain:

  • glycerol;
  • purified water;
  • gelatin;
  • esitol;
  • sorbitan;
  • sodium ethyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • titanium dioxide (E171);
  • iron (III) meta-hydroxide (E172).

This is interesting! Glycerol makes the contents of the capsules thick and viscous.

Choline alfoscerate, under the action of enzymes in the human body, breaks down into:

  • choline, or vitamin B4, which plays a critical role in regulating the speed of transmission of nerve signals between cells;
  • glycerophosphate, which is involved in the construction of elastic membranes of nervous tissue.

Gliatilin has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, improves blood flow in the brain, solves problems associated with insufficient permeability of neuronal membranes and reduced activity of receptors sensitive to acetylcholine.

The experience of using the nootropic in pediatric neurological practice indicates its high effectiveness and good tolerability. The drug helps in the treatment of brain injuries, improves attention, memory, psycho-emotional and muscle tone, increases motor activity, relieves mood instability, weakness and indifference.

Indications for use

Prescription of the drug is justified when:

  • traumatic brain injuries with lesions of the brain stem, which are accompanied by impaired consciousness, coma;
  • multi-infarct dementia (brain dysfunction caused by several strokes);
  • disorders of cerebral circulation as a result of a critical decrease or cessation of blood supply (ischemic type) or internal hemorrhage (hemorrhagic type);
  • disturbances of behavior and emotional perception;
  • various types of psychoorganic syndrome and other disorders characterized by deterioration of memory and spatial orientation, confusion, decreased motivation, initiative and level of concentration.

In pediatrics, the drug is used to treat various diseases associated with disorders of the brain and central nervous system:

  • consequences of birth trauma;
  • neurological abnormalities in children born prematurely;
  • autism spectrum disorders;
  • delayed or impaired speech development;
  • dysarthria;
  • muscle hypotension;
  • pseudobulbar syndrome;
  • attention deficit disorder;
  • hyperexcitability.

How to help a child with developmental delays - video

Contraindications and possible side effects

Gliatelin is contraindicated only in children with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Among side effects V official instructions indicated:

  • nausea;
  • allergic reactions.

The manufacturer claims that the nootropic is well tolerated, and if nausea occurs, the dose should be reduced. But in practice, some children may experience the following behavioral abnormalities a few days after the start of treatment:

  • nervousness, crying, moodiness;
  • manifestations of aggression;
  • sleep disorders;
  • vocal tics.

Many mothers are frightened by such drastic changes in behavior, and they think about stopping taking the drug. The appearance of the above symptoms requires additional consultation with a specialist, dose adjustment or complete discontinuation of Gliatilin.

Only a doctor should prescribe Gliatilin; self-medication is unacceptable.

Instructions for use

Gliatilin is a long-term drug. The duration of treatment depends on the child’s illness and can range from 1 to 6 months. Sometimes the positive results from therapy after discontinuation of the nootropic gradually disappear, so it is prescribed in courses to consolidate the effect.

You need to take Gliatilin in the morning. This is due to the fact that the medication can act as a stimulant and negatively affect sleep.

To treat small children, you can puncture the capsule, mix its contents with water and give it to the child in this form.

The drug is prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously in acute period illness, as well as small children who cannot swallow the capsule.

How can I replace Gliatilin for children?

The domestic analogue of Gliatelin is the drug Tsarepro, which costs slightly less than the original. In addition, there are nootropics in a more convenient form of release for children, for example, Pantogam and Encephabol. The choice of medications is quite extensive, so the doctor may prescribe a different medication for the child based on individual characteristics and testimony.

How to replace the drug - table

Drug name Release form Active substance Indications Contraindications From what age is it used?
Tsareprocapsulescholine alfoscerate
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • psychoorganic syndrome against the background of degenerative and involutional changes in the brain;
  • chronic failure cerebral circulation;
  • cognitive disorders, including dementia and encephalopathy.
from birth
Cortexinlyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular administrationpeptides derived from the cerebral cortex of pigs and cattle
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • encephalopathy;
  • cognitive impairment (memory and thinking disorders);
  • acute and chronic encephalitis and encephalomyelitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • asthenic conditions;
  • suprasegmental autonomic disorders;
  • psychomotor delay and speech development;
  • critical conditions of newborns with perinatal damage to the nervous system;
  • various forms of cerebral palsy.
individual intolerance to the drugfrom birth
  • syrup;
  • pills.
calcium salt of hopantenic acid
  • Cognitive impairment in organic brain lesions and neurotic disorders;
  • schizophrenia with organic cerebral insufficiency;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • extrapyramidal disorders;
  • epilepsy with slowing of mental processes;
  • psycho-emotional overload, decreased mental and physical performance;
  • neurogenic urination disorders;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • various forms of cerebral palsy;
  • mental retardation of varying degrees;
  • violations of psychological status in children in the form of general delay mental development, specific speech disorders, motor functions and their combinations, the formation of school skills (reading, writing, counting, etc.);
  • hyperkinetic disorders;
  • neurosis-like conditions (with stuttering, predominantly clonic form, tics, inorganic encopresis and enuresis).
  • phenylketonuria (for syrup);
  • syrup - from birth;
  • tablets - from 3 years.
Encephabolsuspension for oral administrationpyritinol dihydrochloride monohydrate
  • chronic impairment of mental performance;
  • post-traumatic encephalopathy;
  • consequences of encephalitis;
  • impaired mental function;
  • cerebroasthenic syndrome.
    • myasthenia gravis;
    • acute severe kidney disease;
    • severe liver dysfunction;
    • acute autoimmune diseases;
    • increased sensitivity to the drug.
from 3 days after birth
Aminalonpillsgamma-aminobutyric acid
  • conditions after suffering cerebrovascular accidents, traumatic brain injuries;
  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels with symptoms of softening of the brain;
  • alcoholic encephalopathy and polyneuritis;
  • headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances due to arterial hypertension;
  • children's cerebral paralysis, consequences of traumatic brain or birth injury in children, delay mental development, kinetoses.
hypersensitivity to GABAfrom birth
pillsmicroencapsulated glycine
  • reduced mental performance;
  • stressful situations and psycho-emotional tension;
  • deviant forms of behavior of children and adolescents;
  • various functional and organic diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by increased excitability, emotional instability, decreased mental performance and sleep disturbances: neuroses, neurosis-like states and vegetative-vascular dystonia, consequences of neuroinfections and traumatic brain injury, perinatal and other forms of encephalopathies;
  • ischemic stroke.
hypersensitivity to the components of the drugfrom 3 months

Other nootropic drugs - gallery

Tsarepro - Russian analogue Gliatilin Glycine - a drug that improves brain metabolism

Doctors' opinion

Doctors believe Gliatilin effective drug. Their opinion is based on the observation of positive dynamics in the treatment of children with speech development disorders, psycho-emotional and motor retardation, brain injuries, and abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system.

To the question “can Gliatilin be replaced with a cheaper one? domestic analogue? Experts do not have a clear answer. Some pediatricians themselves advise this to save the budget, but there is an opinion that Tsarepro is not to the fullest repeats the properties of the original drug.

Perhaps I'm subjective, but in general I have a negative attitude towards generics. Theoretically, such a drug is completely consistent with the original, but practice shows that very often the similarity does not sufficiently possess the properties of its sample.

Miroslav Mikhailovich Odinak, doctor medical sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department and Clinic of Nervous Diseases of the Military Medical Academy, Chief Neurologist of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.


Despite positive results treatment of children with Gliatilin, experts believe that the clinical experience of its use is too small, and the range of use of the drug can be expanded, but this requires further research.

Gliatilin is widely used in pediatric practice in children younger age. And this is not surprising. When born, some babies are born premature, have a birth injury, or have genetic disorders. In such cases, doctors prescribe nootropics, which include Gliatilin.

The medicine belongs to the group of nootropics. It has many positive effects:

  1. Helps improve the transmission of nerve impulses in cholinergic neurons.
  2. Affects the plasticity of membranes and the functioning of receptors.
  3. Normalizes cerebral hemodynamics, enhancing metabolic processes in the brain.
  4. Promotes activation of the structures of the reticular formation.
  5. Prevents and corrects changes in the phospholipid composition of neuronal membranes and a decrease in the activity of cholinergic receptors.
  6. During experimental research found that the drug activates dose-dependent synthesis of acetylcholine under physiological conditions of neurotransmission.

When Gliatilin enters the body, under the action of an enzyme, the substance breaks down into glycerophosphate and choline. This increases acetylcholine production, which improves neurotransmission. Phosphatedylcholine is also produced. It has a positive effect on the elasticity of neuronal membranes and receptor function, improving synaptic transmission.

Composition and release forms

The medicine is available in the form of soft gelatin oval yellow capsules. Each of them contains a viscous transparent solution. One capsule contains 0.4 g of active ingredient – ​​choline alfoscerate.

Additional components of the drug:

  • glycerol;
  • purified water.

Composition of the capsule shell:

  • sorbitan;
  • gelatin;
  • esitol;
  • sodium ethyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • iron metahydroxide;
  • sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

One package contains 14 capsules.

Another form of release of Gliatilin is a solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections. Available in the form of ampoules of 4 ml. The drug contains choline alfosferate and water for injection. One package contains 1 or 3 ampoules.

Indications for use

Gliatilin is prescribed for the following disorders:

  1. The acute phase of TBI, occurring at the brainstem level of the lesion.
  2. Acute cerebrovascular accident of ischemic (in the acute and late recovery period) and hemorrhagic (in the recovery period) nature.
  3. Disorder of cognitive function.
  4. Chronic disorder of cerebral circulation.
  5. Huntington's disease.
  6. Delayed speech development.
  7. Emotional and behavioral changes.
  8. Degenerative and involutional psychoorganic syndromes and consequences of cerebrovascular disorders (confusion, memory impairment, disorientation, decreased motivation and initiative, inability to concentrate).

Contraindications and possible side effects

  • during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • with individual intolerance to choline alfoscerate.

The drug has a minimum side effects: nausea and allergic reactions. It is usually well tolerated, even if used for a long time.

How to take and dosage for children

If the doctor has prescribed the medicine in capsule form, you must swallow it whole and wash it down with a large volume of still water. There is no need to chew or open this form of the drug. It is recommended to drink Gliatilin before meals.

Injections of the drug can be prescribed intramuscularly (an injection into the shoulder or thigh muscle) and intravenously. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before eating in the first half of the day. If some of the solution remains unused, it must be discarded.

For TBI, Gliatilin is prescribed to the child 1 ampoule per day. The course of therapy is 7 days. The drug is administered in the form intravenous infusion or intramuscularly. At the end of the week, treatment switches to taking capsules. The baby drinks 1 piece of them 2 times a day.

In case of birth trauma and hypoxic encephalopathy, the infant is prescribed 1–2 ml of solution. The medicine is administered every day once a day. The course of therapy is 10–12 days. For a child aged 1–3 years, the daily dosage is 2–3 ml, for children over three years old – 4 ml.

If the child is able to swallow capsules, Gliatilin is prescribed 1 piece 2 times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​1–3 months. You can take the solution from the capsule with a syringe and give it to the baby, removing the needle. Then offer the baby to drink water. But this way of using medicine– a rarity. Doctors believe that injections are more effective. In addition, they are prescribed in short courses – 5–14 days.

special instructions

If a child experiences a feeling of nausea after taking the drug, it is necessary to reduce its dosage. To do this, you need to consult with your doctor.

Gliatilin ampoules and capsules should be kept out of the reach of the baby, where the temperature is no more than 25 degrees. The shelf life of capsules should not exceed three years, and the solution for injection - five years.

Analogues of the drug

If for some reason Gliatilin is not suitable for the child, parents can use medications containing the same active ingredient - Cereton, Cerepro, Noocholin, Delecit, Gleatser, Cholitilin. These analogues are produced in the form of ampoules. However, there are other forms of release in the form of capsules and oral solutions.

The pediatrician can replace Gliatilin with other nootropics. These include:

  1. Aminalon: contains GABA, which normalizes metabolic processes in the brain and the dynamics of processes in it. The drug increases mental productivity and has a mild psychostimulating effect. Has a moderate antihypoxic and anticonvulsant effect.
  2. Anvifen: helps improve GABA-mediated transmission of nerve impulses to the brain. Normalizes cerebral blood flow and restores metabolism in the central nervous system. Shortens the duration and intensity of nystagmus. Increases physical and intellectual performance. Normalizes sleep.
  3. Nootropil: This is a cyclic derivative of GABA. Normalizes synaptic transmission. Improves memory, attention, learning and does not have a sedative or psychostimulating effect.
  4. Pantogam: improves metabolic processes in the central nervous system, has a neuroprotective effect. The drug increases the brain's resistance to hypoxic disturbances and exposure to toxic substances. Has a sedative and mild stimulating effect. It has an anticonvulsant effect and reduces motor excitability. Increases mental and physical performance.
  5. Cortexin: penetrates the BBB to nerve cells. Normalizes higher functions of the central nervous system, learning, memory, attention. Increases neuronal survival under hypoxic conditions. Activates metabolic processes in nerve cells CNS and peripheral nervous system. Promotes restoration processes in the brain.

Gliatilin is a widely used nootropic in pediatrics. The medicine is used for various brain disorders. The drug has a minimum of contraindications and side effects and can be used for children of any age.

Nootropic drug. Cholinomimetic central action with a predominant effect on the central nervous system. Release of choline from active substance occurs in the brain; choline is involved in the biosynthesis of acetylcholine (one of the main mediators of nervous excitation). Alphoscerate is biotransformed to glycerophosphate, which is a precursor to phospholipids.

Acetylcholine improves the transmission of nerve impulses, and glycerophosphate is involved in the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine (membrane phospholipid), resulting in improved membrane elasticity and receptor function.

Gliatilin increases cerebral blood flow, enhances metabolic processes and activates the structures of the reticular formation of the brain, and also restores consciousness in case of traumatic brain injury.

It has a preventive and corrective effect on the factors of involutional psychoorganic syndrome, such as changes in the phospholipid composition of neuronal membranes and a decrease in cholinergic activity.

Thus, pharmacodynamic studies have shown that Gliatilin acts on the synaptic, incl. cholinergic transmission of nerve impulses (neurotransmission); plasticity of the neuronal membrane; receptor function.


Suction and distribution

After oral administration, absorption is 88%.

Easily penetrates the BBB, accumulates mainly in the brain (concentration reaches 45% of the level in blood plasma), lungs and liver.

Metabolism and excretion

85% is excreted by the lungs in the form of carbon dioxide, the rest (15%) by the kidneys and through the intestines.

Release form

Soft gelatin capsules, oval, yellow color, opaque; the contents of the capsules are a viscous colorless solution.

Excipients: glycerol, purified water.

Composition of the capsule shell: gelatin, esitol, sorbitan, sodium ethyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, titanium dioxide (E171), iron (III) meta-hydroxide (E172).

14 pcs. - blisters (1) - cardboard packs.


Capsules are taken orally before meals; the solution is administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

At acute conditions IM in a dose of 1 g (1 ampoule) per day or IV - from 1 g to 3 g per day.

For intravenous administration, the contents of 1 ampoule (4 ml) are diluted in 50 ml saline solution; infusion rate - 60-80 drops/min. The duration of treatment is usually 10 days, but if necessary, treatment can be continued until positive dynamics appear and it is possible to switch to taking capsules.

With chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, changes in emotional and behavioral sphere and multi-infarct dementia, the drug is prescribed orally at 400 mg (1 cap.) 3 times a day.

The duration of therapy is 3-6 months.


Symptoms: nausea. When this symptom It is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug.


Drug interactions with Gliatilin have not been established.

Side effects

Possible: nausea (as a result of dopaminergic activation), allergic reactions.

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated even with long-term use.


  • acute period of traumatic brain injury, mainly with brainstem lesions (including impaired consciousness, coma);
  • disorders of cerebral circulation of ischemic type (acute and recovery period) and hemorrhagic type (recovery period);
  • degenerative and involutional psychoorganic syndromes and consequences of cerebrovascular insufficiency, such as primary and secondary disorders of mnestic functions, characterized by memory impairment, confusion, disorientation, decreased motivation, initiative and ability to concentrate;
  • changes in the emotional and behavioral sphere: emotional lability, increased irritability, decreased interest; senile pseudomelancholia;
  • multi-infarct dementia.

Gliatilin is used to improve the condition of patients suffering from memory disorders, emotional lability, excessive sensitivity or irritability caused by insufficient cerebral circulation and involutional processes (dementia).

The medicine improves blood circulation in tissues, so it is often prescribed to restore consciousness after traumatic brain injury.

On this page you will find all the information about Gliatilin: full instructions on application to this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Gliatilin. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Nootropic drug.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.


How much does Gliatilin cost? The average price in pharmacies is 830 rubles for capsules and 650 rubles for a solution.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in the following pharmaceutical forms:

  • Gelatin capsules Gliatilin 400 mg with clear liquid inside. Sometimes they are mistakenly called Gliatilin tablets;
  • Gliatilin injections are a clear solution in ampoules (for intramuscular and intravenous injections).

In addition to the main component - choline alfoscerate, the solution contains water for injection, and the capsules contain a number of auxiliary components that ensure the integrity of the shell and facilitate the rapid penetration of the drug dose into the brain (stabilizers "E127" and "E171", esitol, sorbitans, glycerin and gelatin ).

Capsules are placed in a package of 14 pieces, and ampoules with a capacity of 4 ml are packaged in one and three pieces in a cardboard pack. In addition to the medicine itself, each package contains detailed instructions on its use, containing all the necessary information about the medication.

Pharmacological effect

The active substance of Gliatilin - choline, released in the brain, participates in the biosynthesis of acetylcholine, improves membrane elasticity and receptor function. Components of the drug:

  1. Have a preventive and corrective effect on the phospholipid composition of neuronal membranes;
  2. Reduce cholinergic activity;
  3. Act on the functions of receptors, synaptic transmission of nerve impulses and plasticity of the neuronal membrane;
  4. Activate the structures of the reticular formation of the brain;
  5. Increase cerebral blood flow and enhance metabolic processes;
  6. Restore consciousness in cases of brain injury.

Indications for use

What does it help with? Indications for use of the drug Gliatilin are:

  1. Autism;
  2. Increased activity with attention deficit disorder;
  3. Traumatic brain injuries accompanied by damage to the brain stem, impaired consciousness, coma;
  4. Rehabilitation of a child with cerebrovascular insufficiency, accompanied by memory impairment, disorientation, confusion and deterioration of concentration:
  5. Recovery period after and other circulatory pathologies;
  6. Mental development disorder: irritability, decreased concentration and lack of interest;
  7. Psychoorganic syndrome of involutional or degenerative nature;
  8. Postpartum complications.


The medicine is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • if there is individual hypersensitivity to choline alfoscerate or other components of this drug;
  • pregnancy and period breastfeeding;
  • children under 18 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, Gliatilin is not prescribed, since this period is a direct contraindication to the use of this drug. Gliatilin is also not recommended for use during breastfeeding. If there is a need to use this drug during this period, then lactation should be stopped for a while.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Gliatilin in capsule form is intended for oral administration. It is advisable to take the capsule before meals with a small amount drinking water. Do not chew or crush the capsule. The dose of choline alfoscerate and the duration of therapy are determined by the attending physician. Gliatilin can be used for long-term therapy.

Let's consider the average dosages and duration of therapy for various chronic conditions with Gliatilin capsules:

  1. – take 400 mg (1 capsule) orally from the first day of injury, 2 times a day, for a month.
  2. The rehabilitation period after the injury is to take 400 mg (1 capsule) orally 2 times a day for two months.
  3. Profound disturbances in movement, thinking, speech and mental activity after a stroke - take 400 mg orally (1 capsule) 2 times a day for six months. You can start taking capsules from the second week after a stroke.
  4. Early recovery period after a stroke - take 400 mg orally (1 capsule) 2 times a day for 2 months, starting from the second week after the stroke.
  5. Cerebral circulation disorders (dyscirculatory encephalopathy, chronic cerebral circulatory failure, etc.) – take 400 mg orally (1 capsule) 2 times a day, for 1 – 2 months.
  6. Dementia (dementia), Alzheimer's disease and dyscirculatory encephalopathy (cerebral circulatory disorders) with severe impairment of motor and intellectual function - first Gliatilin is injected for 5 - 14 days (one ampoule 2 times a day), and then taken for six months orally 400 mg (1 capsule) 2 times a day.
  7. Traumatic brain injury in children - within a week after the injury, Gliatilin is administered by injection (1 ampoule once a day), then from the second week 400 mg (1 capsule) is taken orally, 2 times a day, for 2 months.
  8. Brain contusion or polytrauma (damage various parts body) - within a week after the injury, Gliatilin is administered by injection (1 ampoule 1 time per day), then from the second week 400 mg (1 capsule) is taken orally 2 times a day for 2 months.

If necessary, you can produce repeat courses taking Gliatilin capsules, maintaining intervals between them of at least 4 - 6 months. Remember, the longer the course of therapy, the longer the break should be until the next one.

Solution for injection - instructions

Intended for parenteral use. The solution can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

For intravenous drip administration the contents of 1 ampoule should be diluted in 50 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The rate of intravenous administration should not exceed 80 drops per minute. The dose of choline alfoscerate and the duration of therapy are determined by the attending physician. If positive dynamics appear, it is recommended to switch from the parenteral form of the drug Gliatilin to the oral form (capsules).

  • For adults in acute conditions, they are usually prescribed intramuscular injection 1000 mg of choline alfoscerate or intravenous administration of 1000-3000 mg of choline alfoscerate per day.

The recommended duration of therapy with the parenteral form of the drug is 5-10 days, however, if necessary, the attending physician can increase or decrease the course of injection administration of choline alfoscerate.

Side effects

The use of the drug Gliatilin may cause side effects in the form of nausea and allergic reactions.


The main (and usually the only) sign of an overdose is nausea. No specific therapy is required; it is recommended to discontinue the drug or reduce the dosage.

special instructions

Gliatilin has no effect on the ability to drive vehicles and perform potentially dangerous species activities requiring high speed psychomotor reactions.

Drug interactions

No significant interactions with other drugs have been established.

Neurologists often prescribe Gliatilin to children who are developmentally delayed or have congenital neurological pathologies. The drug is expensive, belongs to the group of nootropics, and therefore has many side effects. It is not surprising that many mothers doubt whether they should buy such a medicine at all. How Gliatilin works on children and whether it is really effective, read our review.

Gliatilin increases the speed of interaction between neurons, and this has a positive effect on the child’s mental abilities.

Composition and effect of the drug

Gliatilin It is produced in the form of capsules and ready-made solution. The active ingredient of the drug is choline alfoscerate. The solution also contains water. The capsule form has a more complex composition: glycerol, esithrol, sodium ethyl parahydroxybenzoate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sorbitan, food colors E171, E172, gelatin, water.

Once in the bloodstream, choline alfoscerate results in chemical reaction with the participation of enzymes (protein molecules that accelerate biochemical processes) is converted into substances that are essential for the body:

  • vitamin B4 (choline), which accelerates the transmission of nerve signals;
  • glycerophosphate, involved in the construction of nerve tissue.

Gliatilin improves blood supply to the brain, restores normal work CNS (central nervous system), restoring the sensitivity of nerve cell receptors.

When is it appointed?

Gliacilin is nootropic modern drug, which acts directly on the cerebral cortex. Pediatric neurologists prescribe it for serious disorders of the central nervous system that arose as a result birth injuries or congenital characteristics:

  • neurological problems in premature infants;
  • muscle hypotonicity;

The drug is prescribed for central nervous system disorders.

  • behavioral disorders, difficult socialization (autism);
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD);
  • speech development delay (SDD);
  • pronunciation problems (dysarthria);
  • strong excitability.

Indications are also any trauma to the skull, in which the brain was damaged, coma or loss of consciousness occurred. In addition, if a child suddenly begins to experience deviations in behavior and expression of emotions, a neurologist can also prescribe Gliatilin.

The product strengthens memory, helps to concentrate on a specific task, increases motor activity, and relieves strong unmotivated mood swings.

In what form is it produced, how is it stored, how much does it cost?

Gliatilin is produced by the Italian pharmaceutical company Italfarmaco S.p.A.

Forms of release of the medicine:

  • Capsules are intended for use after 2 years. The cardboard package contains instructions and a blister with 14 opaque oval capsules. Their contents are a colorless gel-like substance with a viscous consistency. Shelf life - 3 years.
  • Gliatilin solution is used for intramuscular or intravenous administration and is used in the treatment of newborns and children up to two years of age. Sold in cardboard packs, each containing 3 clear glass ampoules with a volume of 4 ml. The medicinal liquid is transparent, odorless and colorless. Shelf life - 5 years.

If the child is under 2 years old, the doctor will prescribe injections.

Regardless of the release form, the drug should be stored at room temperature not exceeding 25°C.

You can buy Gliatilin with a prescription. The drug is expensive: the average price of capsules is 640 rubles, solution - 670 rubles.

Dosage and application features

Only a doctor can prescribe Gliatilin to your baby. Each neurological disease has its own nuances, and you do not need to select the dosage yourself, especially if the child is very small.

Usually, newborns and children of the first two years of life are prescribed Gliatilin injections, because the child is not able to swallow the capsule.

The duration of treatment depends on the diagnosis:

  • for chronic disorders, the course ranges from 1.5 months to six months;
  • in the acute period of the disease, for example, in case of injury accompanied by coma or loss of consciousness, a short 10-day course is prescribed.

For children who are able to swallow a capsule, the instructions for use instruct them to do this before meals with water.

If the child’s reaction to the drug is sharply negative (began to be capricious, nervous, aggressive, etc.), the use of the drug should be stopped, consult a neurologist and receive a new prescription for another treatment.

Since Gliacilin excites the central nervous system and stimulates brain activity, it should be injected or taken in the morning and in the first half of the day. Taking the medicine after 18:00 may cause insomnia.

Contraindications and side effects

Gliatilin has only one contraindication indicated by the manufacturer - hypersensitivity to some component of the drug. A mother can guess about poor tolerance if the child complains of nausea. When the dose is reduced, the discomfort usually goes away.

Nootropic drugs, including Gliatilin, have been used in pediatric practice for a long time. They are safe, effective, and irreplaceable for children with serious neurological disorders. However, in some children, taking the drug causes emotional and behavioral abnormalities:

  • tearfulness;

Tearfulness is one of the side effects.

  • aggressiveness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • vocal tics (coughing, snorting, noisy breathing, etc.).

This usually occurs towards the end of the first week of treatment, although in some particularly sensitive children negative reaction occurs 2-3 days from the start of the course. In this case, you should immediately stop taking Gliatilin and consult your doctor about replacing the drug.


Reviews about the drug are mixed. In some children, the condition immediately improves while taking Gliatilin, while in others, parents do not notice any positive changes. However, in general, both mothers who use the drug as prescribed by a doctor and practicing pediatric neurologists speak of this remedy as one of the most effective.

Elena from Rostov-on-Don writes in a review:

“The district neurologist prescribed Gliatilin to the child. My daughter was born premature, so she has been registered at the clinic since the maternity hospital. Now she is already two years old. We constantly take courses of maintenance medications that improve cerebral circulation. After the appointment, I doubted for a long time whether to buy Gliatilin. I was afraid of the side effects. But I have a lot of confidence in the doctor, so they started treatment. They prescribed us half a capsule twice a day, and it was not easy. How to give medicine if it is coated? The doctor advised to do this: fill the capsule hot water, wait until the gelatin dissolves, and give the child half of the resulting liquid to drink. The remaining solution can be put in the refrigerator and given a second time. daily intake. Regarding the reaction, I can say that my daughter did not have any nervousness or insomnia. A month and a half after the start of the course, she began to speak in sentences and uses many new words. I think the drug helped us.”

The capsule can be dissolved in a small amount of water and given to the baby.

Veronica from Novosibirsk gives this review:

“After birth, my son’s physical development. At 8 months the child did not try to stand on his legs, did not crawl, did not even sit. Gliatilin injections worked a real miracle, I can’t call it any other way! After the fourth procedure, my son crawled, after the fifth he sat down, and after the last 10th procedure he confidently stands on his feet! At the same time they did warming with ozokerite and massage.”

Children's psychiatrist Antonina Vasilievna speaks positively about the drug:

“Gliatilin is a modern effective nootropic drug. In my practice, there were only 2 cases when a child complained of nausea. Allergic reactions there was none at all. Another question is how justified the use of capsules is if a small patient cannot swallow them. Opening and drinking the contents is wrong, since the medicine will be absorbed worse, which means its effect will be blurred and incomplete. It’s better to take a course of injections and get results.”


Gliatilin has no direct analogues. However, in the group of nootropic drugs there are many pharmacological nootropic drugs that provide similar action on the child’s brain and central nervous system. Information about them is presented in the table.

An analogue of Gliatilin is Picamilon.

Let's sum it up

Gliatilin is an effective nootropic drug that improves cerebral circulation and has a positive effect on the development of the central nervous system of children. It helps children with developmental delays “catch up” with their peers, improves emotional and behavioral reactions. You cannot use the medicine yourself. A treatment regimen should be prescribed by a pediatric neurologist.

Yulia Ulitkina

Name Active substance Release form price, rub.
Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate Tablets 125 mg 230
Solution for injection 50 mg 430
A complex of low molecular weight water-soluble polypeptide fractions isolated from the cerebral cortex of livestock Solution for intramuscular administration 890
Nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid