Pain on the left side of the face. For what reasons does the skin on the face hurt and what measures to take. The most complete classification of facial pain

There is such medical term like prosopalgia due to facial pain of unknown origin. This section of medicine is still considered difficult, since the etiology of pain can be hidden behind pathologies of the nervous system, ENT organs, or dental abnormalities.

So, for an accurate diagnosis, an examination by several narrow specialists is required.

Facial Pain Division

When the cheekbone or other part of the face begins to hurt, it is necessary to determine what kind of sensations are present.

There are 4 main types of facial pain:

  1. Somatalgia.
  2. Sympathy.
  3. Pain of a different kind, both long-term and short-term.
  4. Prosopalgia.

Somatalgia can manifest as a neurological reaction trigeminal nerve, prosopalgia of other types of nerves, neuralgia of the existing lingual, pharyngeal or upper laryngeal nerve canal. With sympathalgia, it begins to hurt in the face along the overpass of the arterial canals, pulsating, burning pain. In addition, facial vascular pain may manifest itself in the form of a severe facial migraine or a dangerous carotid-temporal syndrome.

Prosopalgia of various origins can make the cheekbones and face hurt, expressed in hypochondriacal depressive states and depression. And also prosopalgia of the face can manifest itself due to pathologies of the internal organs.

Sore cheekbones and jaw

If the jaw and the cheekbones of the face begin to reduce you should think about the development of joint dysfunction, arthritis or arthrosis. At the same time, similar signs can manifest themselves in vascular pathologies, when there is a shortage of blood supply. For the elimination of what you need to contact a vascular surgeon to eliminate the causes of the disease.

If in the muscles of the jaw spasms are present in the moment of yawning or at its final stage, then you should visit a dentist, surgeon and neurologist. Especially if there was an injury earlier, which reminds of itself with a spasmodic effect during yawning and a slight swelling of the face. In this situation, cold compresses should be used.

Also worth eat soft foods, since chewing hard foods provokes excessive tension in the muscles of the cheekbones. It should be remembered that during the period of yawning, part of the muscles weaken, and then enter a hypertonic state at the end, provided that before that they experienced increased tension.

If a person’s jaw begins to hurt, and with it the head, it is necessary to pay attention to possible impact factors such as:

In cases where reduction of the jaw is aggravated by the laying of the ears there is a need to go to an appointment with an ENT doctor. Since often the pathology of the larynx and the development of tonsillitis, as well as the development of an oncological disease, can often act as the cause of this symptom.

It happens that the reason for this may lie in neuralgic diseases. Here it is recommended to permanently eliminate the habit of propping up the head with the hand, as well as to conduct a telephone conversation with the tube clamped between the shoulder and the ear. A relaxing massage under the ear should be periodically performed with the application of heat.

Facial pain as a symptom

A large number of diseases of the human body often signals itself precisely by the fact that the face begins to hurt.

For example, facial migraine characterized by particularly prolonged pain stretching for hours and even days. An important property of pathology is the absence pain points, but nausea and vomiting may occur. The reason for this is a disease of the sympathetic node of the neck from above or sympathetic entanglement of the external carotid artery and its adjacent branches.

Accumulation of pain occurs mainly in the eye sockets, ear and upper jaw. In rare cases - in the nose, bridge of the nose, arm or temple. Moreover, the face can hurt, pulsing in the carotid and no less important temporal arteries with a drop in blood pressure. The development of a headache is not excluded.

Periodically, such an ailment occurs as neuralgia of the nasociliary junction called Charlene's syndrome. At the same time, the orbit and the eyeball can hurt with penetration into the nose, for the most part at night time. Ganglionitis of the ciliary switch occurs in conjunction with herpetic eruptions on the skin tissue of the forehead and nose. Do not omit the possibility of the presence of keratitis and iridocyclitis of the eye.

Main the focus of pain is often identified inner corner of the eye. Having checked this theory, you can click on this inflamed point of the face. Often the cause of the disease manifests itself in ethmoiditis, herpes, sinus hypertrophy, frontal sinusitis and viral infection. To relieve pain and confirm the diagnosis, it is required to treat the nasal mucosa with adrenaline and dicaine. It is advisable to perform this action with instillation of the eyes.

With Sluder Syndrome face starts to hurt - upper jaw, at the base of the nose, around the perimeter of the eye. It is important that the pain sensations are for a longer period of time relative to trigeminal neuralgia. Pain trigger points are not observed, but the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, discharge from one sinus is noted, sometimes lacrimation, sneezing, increased salivation, and swelling of facial tissues.

Frey's syndrome caused by attacks of temporal and ear localization. Moreover, these points can hurt for half an hour. Often this is caused by the inflammatory process of the parotid gland, combined with a malfunction of the cardiovascular system.

These actions can occur with signs of increased sweating, reddening of the ear tissues during eating, and an increase in blood pressure. Neuralgia of the nerve processes of the glossopharynx can cause pain in the lower jaw, pharyngeal wall and tongue.

In this case, the patient experiences:

  • Difficulty with swallowing.
  • Deformation of taste sensations.
  • Pressure drop.
  • Fainting.
  • Dangerous bradycardia.

With ganglionitis the top of the neck usually the face, back of the head and neck begin to hurt. In this case, the pain may be short-term, but prolonged discomfort is not uncommon. As a rule, at the time of diagnosis in patients with similar symptoms, Horner's syndrome may be detected.

Along with this, Horner's syndrome is also fixed in the presence of a neoplasm in the upper lung, as well as in the presence of other types of tumors, pathologies of the aorta and heart, and increased eye or blood pressure.

Diagnosis of possible pathologies

First thing should see a specialist and describe the exact signs. After that, the doctor, based on the collection of anamnesis and the results of the examination, will write out directions for the required examination methods. Most often, when the cheekbone begins to hurt, a general blood test, x-ray of the nasal sinuses are prescribed, computed tomography.

Where by blood study the number of leukocytes, as well as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). If their values ​​are too high, then we should talk about the likely presence of ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis or sinusitis. When taking rheumatic tests with a positive result, a negative process of inflammatory arteritis of temporal localization is revealed.

An x-ray examination of the sinuses allows you to confirm or refute the suspicion of sinusitis. In case of tissue damage, the image will reflect the darkening of the area being examined, which requires immediate contact with an ENT specialist.

If it starts to hurt in the eye socket in violation visual functions according to the results of a tamographic examination, a neoplasm, cerebral aneurysms, multiple sclerosis or sinus thrombosis of cavernous genesis can be determined. In such cases, a mandatory consultation with a neurosurgeon, ophthalmologist, rheumatologist, ENT doctor and dentist is necessary.

Treatment of identified diseases

When starting to get rid of ailments, it is worth remembering that self-medication is dangerous to health. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the appointments of a specialist.

In combination with main medicines anticonvulsants designed to eliminate neuropathic pain may be prescribed. Antibiotics combined with non-steroidal drugs of group B may also be prescribed.

Often, the treatment of diseases of a neurological nature is carried out through reflexology. Excellent recommendations are given to acupressure, psychotherapy and acupuncture.

Also can prescribed antidepressants, antibiotics and tranquilizers due to the fact that the basis for the pain syndrome can be a weak state of mind or psychological pathology.

Pain in the face can be caused by many reasons. And whatever the reason may be, it is in any case tolerated very unpleasantly and painfully. Most often, the pain is constant, that is, it does not subside. It becomes impossible to function normally in this state, so the first thing to do is to consult a doctor. If on this moment there is no such possibility, it is necessary to determine as accurately as possible what causes half of the face to hurt, and try to reduce the effect of pain on the body. Indeed, often discomfort in the face can be given to the eyes, teeth, and ears. Even doctors forbid severe, unbearable pain to endure, so the treatment process should begin by determining the causes.

The frequent question of what hurts the left side of the face and eyes worries many people. Doctors recommend first of all to identify the most painful point, the so-called focus. This will help not to be mistaken in determining the cause of the discomfort. However, this method is useful only in the first stages of the development of inflammation, until the pain has spread throughout the face. Otherwise, it becomes simply impossible to determine which half of the face hurts more, right or left.

The causes of such pains vary from banal stressful situations to serious neurological diseases, it can be either a severe bruise or a developing infection with violent inflammatory processes.

Pain that occurs directly in the muscles of the face refers to neurology. With neuroses, work is reduced nerve centers that regulate muscle function. As a result, certain muscles are in constant tension, which entails sharp pains in a certain part of the face.


A syndrome that is associated with inflammatory processes in the nerve endings. As a result, pain occurs, usually in one part of the face, which can also be accompanied by unpleasant rashes. Symptoms can also include: a violation of the facial expressions of a certain area of ​​​​the face, dry eyes, a violation of the functions of taste buds. The nature of the pain and its location depend on the localization of the inflamed nerve.

The most common cause of pain, translated from Latin as "half of the head." This disease disrupts the functioning of the blood supply, due to which a sufficient amount of nutrients does not reach the brain. The symptoms of a migraine are quite simple - continuous, sometimes throbbing pain on one side of the face and head, which may be accompanied by nausea.

An increase in pain can occur with a sharp increase in sound or bright light.

Bruises and injuries

Pain in the facial area often spreads to the entire lateral part, the pain is quite sharp, often accompanied by swelling and subcutaneous hemorrhages.

It occurs due to diseases of the sinuses, as a result of which the temperature rises, there is pain in the ears and eyes.

Glaucoma, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the orbit - all these diseases are accompanied by complications such as sharp pain head and one side of the face.

Atypical facial pain

Most often, if the right side of the face and the right eye hurt, it is caused by bruises or an infection that caused inflammation. Everything is extremely simple here: violation of the functions of tissues entails painful sensations. If the focus is located on the right side of the face, then the pain will gradually spread over this area.

Particular attention should be paid to inflammatory processes in the left side of the face. For people who have not experienced such a problem, it may seem very incomprehensible how pain can be felt exclusively in one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face and head. However, such cases are quite common. A migraine may be the primary cause of pain. This pathology often also affects the left eye and temples.

A fairly common cause of pain in the left area of ​​the face and head is osteochondrosis of the neck. Pressure on the arteries that supply blood to the brain can cause pain. This is caused by the fact that useful material, which nourish the brain, do not come in the right amount, which provokes the appearance of spasms. A symptom can be pressure surges, pain in the temples and around the eyes.

If the left side of the face and eyes hurts, you should immediately consult a doctor, because often the pain does not subside, but spreads throughout the face and head

How to get rid of pain

In order to ease the hours of waiting for a doctor or completely relieve pain, you should resort to the following procedures:

  • Painkiller. But you should not get carried away with such drugs, because they only muffle the pain, and do not cure.
  • Massage. This procedure can not only relax, but also relieve pain.
  • Compress. Cold compresses and bandages have an analgesic effect, this can significantly relieve pain and wait for a doctor's appointment without discomfort.
  • Air and sleep. Modern world brought a huge amount of technology and gadgets into human life, the use of which is often the cause of pain in the face. A walk in the fresh air or a full healthy sleep can be excellent medicines.
  • Aromatherapy. Some experts say that ordinary medicines will help relieve pain. essential oils, the smell of which perfectly soothes and relaxes.
  • Coffee. But only in the case of absolute certainty that the pain in the face is caused by increased pressure.
  • Psychotherapy and antidepressants. Often severe discomfort occurs due to emotional state a person that only a competent psychotherapist can cope with.

These tips are universal, but will not save you from severe pain. Resorting to alternative medicine and folk methods, you can significantly harm your health. If the left side of the face and eyes hurts, you should immediately visit a neurologist. The doctor will pick up the right drugs, which stabilize the metabolic processes in the body, tone the vessels.

Prevention of such pains consists in a good mood and reduction of stressful situations. Health Care - important aspect life of each person, so you should not self-medicate, but first of all - give preference to professionals.

Facial pain- often, these are pains in the face, which are caused by various diseases or other reasons. Pain in the face can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Face hurts - causes of pain.

The trigeminal nerve always greatly affects the human nervous system, the face has a wide network of nerve endings, each nerve node connects to a network. Connected preganglionic fibers run to the cervical angle, which are located in the lateral horns. spinal cord. Part of the fibers approach the cranial nodes - pterygopalatine, ear, ciliary and others, if they do not break. Innervation is carried out by the brain stem and nerve nuclei of different cranial nerves, each nerve approaches a specific area and turns into a network of nerves, from which the fibers are directed to the ganglia. The nerve ganglion is a formation of nerves, a reflex center, it includes motor, sensitive sympathetic and other cells. When the node is affected, the person shows different symptoms of facial pain. Severe autonomic reaction, redness, sweating, peresthesia. The ganglia are connected to the trigeminal nerve. Ganglion - a knot of nerves, the ganglion has a sheath and connects cells and tissues. Pathologies in the neck, head, face, and other external parts of the body can cause facial pain on the left and right side. There is a classification of facial pain, each part of the face is responsible for the disease of some organ, or may be the cause of a particular disease, so they created a classification of points and zones on the face that are responsible for the disease or for specific human organs.

Classification of facial pain

Why does the face hurt on the right or on the left side? 1. Somatalgia:

  • - neuralgia of the nerve is a disease that is accompanied by pain in the face and separately in the areas affected by the disease, there are frequent attacks of burning pain, depending on the severity of the disease.
  • - neuralgia of the laryngeal nerves, larynx - pain in the larynx, instant or permanent.

2. Sympathy - throbbing pain in the face in the arterial trunks, accompanied by vegetative reactions:

  • - facial vascular pain (migraine) - a neurological disease accompanied by severe and frequent headaches or pains in different areas of the face, the pain can last from several minutes to several days.
  • - sympathalgia, damage to the innervation of the face (neuralgia of the ear node, auriculo - temporal syndrome ...).

3. Other pains, different parts of the face, long or instant pains. 4. Hysteria, hypochondriacal - depressive state - a syndrome that is characterized by other symptoms and syndromes, such as: inhibition of movement and brain activity, as well as a bad mood. 5. Disease of the internal organs, prosopalgia.

Diseases that cause pain in the face.

Facial migraine lasts a very long time, it is accompanied by sharp and aching pains in the face, or pressure on the eyeballs, can turn into a headache, is accompanied by a drop in mood and mental anxiety (in some cases, a day), sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, pain is localized in most in the vessels, not in the nerves. Occur when the upper cervical nodes, carotid arteries and its branches are affected. The main part of the pain falls on the ears, upper jaw, eyes, while blood pressure decreases. Headache in the left or right side of the face. Charlene syndrome- acute pain in the eyeballs, or orbit, may spread to the nose, attacks occur at night. May be accompanied by herpes rashes on the skin of the nose and forehead. Herpes is a skin disease in which pimples with an inflammatory process appear on the skin of a sick person. The main epicenter of pain is the corner of the eye, if you press on this place, you can cause an attack of pain. Causes of pain can be sinusitis, herpes, viral reaction. To relieve pain, you can drip your eyes, or smear the nasopharynx with adrenaline with dikain. Sluder syndrome- very prolonged pain in the nose, in the upper jaw, around the eyes. Symptoms are expressed by reddening of the mucous membrane, lacrimation, frequent sneezing, salivation. The node is connected with the branches of the trigeminal nerve and therefore the pain can go to the occipital region., Or the neck or other places. To confirm the diagnosis, the mucous membrane is lubricated with dikain. Frey's syndrome- (nerve in mandible) - pain in the ear and temporal region. Last approximately 20-30 minutes. During eating, sweating and redness of the ear area occur. This autonomic disorder(disorders in the work of the heart or vascular system, may be represented by arrhythmia, bariccardia, high blood pressure, or other autonomic diseases). A common cause of the disease is inflammation of the ear gland. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve- tongue pain rear wall pharynx, pain in the lower jaw. The disease changes the taste of food, accompanied by difficulty swallowing. When an attack develops, it may be accompanied by fainting, bariccardia, and a decrease in pressure.

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Ganglionitis of the upper cervical node- Pain that can last from a few seconds to hours. Pain in the face, neck, neck. Examination may reveal Horner's syndrome. Also, the disease is accompanied by additional sensitivity. A herpetic rash often appears in the zone of innervation. Horner's symptom manifests itself for other reasons. Often it manifests itself with a tumor of the upper part of the lung or with other types of tumor, thyroid gland, diseases of the aorta, or with heart disease, with high blood pressure and eye pressure. If such a symptom occurs, you should consult a doctor. Glossalgia, glossodynia- burning, tingling in the region of the tongue, lasts a very long time and constantly. Often attacks of severe pain occur at night. There is stomalgia. This condition occurs with gastric insufficiency. For dental diseases, the pain syndrome lasts a very long time (up to several days), it can pass into the neck and even under the shoulder blade. Possible fever, pain may increase on contact with cold water. In the face, pain can occur with prosthetics, or with pathology of the bite. Or with other diseases associated with dentistry. Pain in the face with sinus disease- sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, it occurs as a result of inflammatory processes, there is chronic and acute frontal sinusitis), sinusitis (inflammation of the nasal sinus, one or two, an infectious disease, as a result of an acute cold, cough or scarlet fever, or other similar diseases) and other. Pain in the sinuses of the nose, with a return to the eye, may be accompanied by tinnitus, it is difficult to breathe through the nose, the temperature rises, and the state of health worsens. Persistent chronic pain. Postherpetic neuralgia- may occur as a result of a herpes infection, accompanied by pain in the rash. Persistence of pain for a long time. Ganglion damage and inflammation. Temporal arteritis- palpation of the artery in the temples, acute fever, pain in the temples, lasting from several hours to a day. In a few weeks, the walls of the artery thicken, nodules appear in it. Vascular thrombosis is possible, partial or permanent blindness is also possible. It develops in old age, along with various rheumatic diseases. Pain in the face may develop as a result of eye disease- inflammation, tumor, trauma, glaucoma. With glaucoma, pain from the eye can move to the temple, while the eyes turn red and the pupils dilate. Vision drops sharply. Conjunctivitis is accompanied by redness of the eyes, burning in the eyes, souring, mucous discharge. Pain in the face can be caused by a disease of the internal organs. For example: angina is a disease in which a person feels pain in the chest area, the pain appears during physical exertion or emotional stress, after eating, the pain goes to another area (shoulder, shoulder blade, head), an ulcer. Zones Zakharin - Geda, these are zones that divide the face into and classify pain.

Zakharyin-Ged zones.

1 - hypermetropia (or farsightedness, poor vision of objects that are located far from a person), 2 and 8 - glaucoma (this is a serious eye disease, during which pressure on the eyeballs increases), 3 - stomach, 4 - nasal cavity, 5 - back tongue, 6 - larynx, 7 - part of the tongue, 9 - cornea, 10 - chest cavity.

Each zone on the face, and the pain caused in it, can be a sign of some kind of serious illness, or a problem with some kind of internal organ.

What examination is prescribed if the face hurts:

If there are pains in the face, then you should immediately consult a doctor, you need to describe the symptoms in detail. The doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations when he examines you. Perhaps he will order a blood test of a person. An increase in white blood cells may indicate an inflammatory process in the body. Positive samples may indicate an activated rheumatic process. The doctor may order an x-ray. Sinus lesions may be seen on x-rays. An otolaryngologist can help with such illnesses. With pain in the eye area, visual impairment, you need to undergo computed tomography - to exclude multiple sclerosis, vascular aneurysm, thrombosis, tumors and other diseases. Perhaps you should contact an ophthalmologist, dentist, neurosurgeon, rheumatologist.

Facial pain treatment:

Self-medication can be dangerous to human health, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you do not turn to doctors, then a serious complication may develop. Doctors use anticonvulsants for the treatment of neuropathic pain. These are mainly drugs such as: gabapsepin, carbamazepine (a drug that is used to relieve seizures and to relieve convulsive seizures) and others. They can also use non-steroids, group B drugs, xefocam, dicloburp. These drugs are prescribed in complex treatment with other antibiotics. If the diagnosis has already been established, and the disease is chronic, then self-medication and self-administration of drugs is possible. For example: gabapentin, 300 mg, 1 tablet, it is possible to increase the dose of the drug. The recommended frequency of administration is 1 tablet 3 times a day. If a migraine develops, then self-administration of antimigraine or other similar drugs is possible. In some cases, doctors allow patients to leave for home treatment, without their supervision, but in cases where facial pain is not caused by some serious illness. Reflexology is used in the treatment of neuralgia. They also use acupuncture, acupressure, psychotherapy, tranquilizers, antidepressants and other strong drugs and antibiotics. Much attention is paid to psychological treatment, since the disease can be caused by a psychological disorder or a bad state of mind.

Facial pain occurs mainly when various lesions, glossopharyngeal nerve, pterygopalatine ganglion, geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve, nasociliary nerve. With trigeminal neuralgia, intense paroxysmal pain appears in the zone of innervation of the nerve branches on the face. Pain attacks are accompanied by flushing (redness) of the face, lacrimation, sweating, sometimes swelling, herpetic eruptions, motor activity of facial muscles, and a decrease in skin sensitivity in the trigeminal nerve innervation zone.

Causes of facial pain

With neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve, severe paroxysmal pain appears in the pharynx, tonsils, root of the tongue, angle of the lower jaw, in the ear canal, in front auricle. The onset of a painful attack is often associated with talking or eating. With neuralgia of the pterygopalatine node (Slader's syndrome), paroxysmal arching pain appears first in the deep parts of the face, then spreads to the palate, tongue, skin of the temporal region, and the eyeball. The pain lasts for several hours, and sometimes days. There is swelling of the eyelids, hyperemia of the conjunctiva, abundant secretion of saliva, nasal mucus, tearing, flushing of the skin of the cheeks.

The defeat of the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve leads to the appearance of burning paroxysmal or constant pain in the ear area with irradiation to the face, occipital region and neck. There are herpetic eruptions in the external auditory canal, paresis of the muscles of the face (mimic), dizziness. Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve is associated with diseases paranasal sinuses nose, jaws and teeth, deviated septum. It is characterized by paroxysmal excruciating pain in the region of the eyeball, half of the nose. The pain gets worse at night. The skin of the forehead and nose is edematous, hyperemic, sometimes with a rash.

When examining the eye, signs of conjunctivitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis are determined. Changed nasal mucosa. Soreness is determined in the region of the inner corner of the orbit. With angioedema of the branches of the external carotid artery, against the background of general malaise, there is a paroxysmal, boring, short-term pain in the face. Sometimes it is dull, pressing, radiating to the temporo-parietal and frontal regions, eyeballs, and nose. There is pain in the area of ​​the vessels. A pain attack can be provoked by the use of alcohol, ice cream, mental fatigue and emotional stress.

For pain attacks of trigeminal neuralgia, carbamazepine (Finlepsin) 0.05 g 3 times a day, tranquilizers (trioxazine 0.3 g 3 times a day, seduxen 0.005 g 2-3 times a day) are used, antihistamines(diprazine, pipolfen 0.025 g 2-3 times a day, diphenhydramine 0.03 g 3 times a day) in combination with B vitamins and nicotinic acid. With neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve, it is necessary to lubricate the palatine tonsils with a 10% solution of novocaine. With neuralgia of the pterygopalatine node, the distal part of the middle turbinate is lubricated with a 3% solution of cocaine, analgesics, seduxen are given inside.

In case of damage to the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve, analgesics, desensitizing agents are prescribed (1 ml of 2% or 1 ml of 1% diphenhydramine solution intramuscularly). With neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve, the mucous membrane of the anterior part of the nasal cavity is lubricated with a 5% solution of cocaine with adrenaline. To relieve pain attacks in angioedema, novocaine blockades are made with a 1% solution of novocaine along the vessels. To prescribe the treatment of pain in the face caused by neuralgia, it is necessary to seek the advice of a neurologist.

Questions and answers on the topic "Pain of the face"

Question:Hello. I have been treated by dentists, neurologists and psychotherapists, but nothing helps, the diagnosis is burning pains in my face, life is like hell, I have been suffering for 3 and a half years, will tes help me?

Answer: Hello. TES with stomalgia is quite effective. But I would not start by buying the device home. It is necessary to do 4-5 procedures in medical conditions on a professional apparatus. If there is a reliable effect - you can buy your own. If there is no effect, then it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, look for foci of infection, make an EEG, perhaps try antidepressants. But all this is at the discretion of the observing doctors.

Question:Hello, I would like to know what my diagnosis was. I turned to Laura with severe pain in the left side of my face, my eye hurts, in the area where the gums are. The pain radiates to the forehead, but there is no nasal congestion as such. At the moment the nose is clear. Did an x-ray. Description: Intensive homogeneous reduction of pneumatization of the alveolar bay of the left maxillary sinus with a clear horizontal level in middle third sinuses. Is it possible to bypass the piercing? They prescribed antibiotics. But they didn’t really explain what the picture was all the same and how serious everything was.

Answer: Hello! You have Acute left-sided purulent sinusitis. I would recommend puncturing, and then do washings by the method of moving liquids (cuckoo). In this situation, it is also required to sanitize the nose by instilling vasoconstrictor drops (Xylen, Tizin, etc.), after which, after a minute, rinse with a solution of sea water (Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Dolphin or saline, etc.), then Chlorhexidine 0.05% (1:1 with water) or Miramistin by pipette, then Isofra 3 times a day for a week. After a full-time examination, the doctor will prescribe you a course of antibiotic therapy.

Question:Hello, I have an unpleasant pain in the left side of my face, my nose is stuffed up and often the phlegm from my nose comes out in the form of yellow liquid and when bending the body down, the face seems to swell. Is it possible to treat with some drugs at home or do I need to see a doctor?

Answer: Hello! You most likely have maxillary sinusitis (sinusitis). First you need to make an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses, if there is inflammation, then the doctor will determine the treatment depending on its nature! Most likely, broad-spectrum antibiotics will be prescribed, for example. Amoxiclav 1000 mg, also vasoconstrictor drops or sprays! Good health!

Question:Hello. Since January of this year, I have been suffering from pain in the right side of my face. The cheek swells a little and turns red - barely noticeable. Sometimes there is no pain at all, but it is worth catching a cold or somehow interfering with the body - like treating your teeth, and everything starts again. I recently removed a wisdom tooth - on the 4th day a runny nose began, pain on the right side of the face, it throbbed and shot into the ear (right). I drip with otipix, candibiotic. The temperature was 37.8. Now it seems to be cured. The runny nose has passed, but the right nostril is clogged, I constantly have to blow my nose. The right side of the head is a little deafened, the ear is stuffed up, but it hears. Tell me, what could it be? I already went to dentists, to neurologists - they all say that everything is ok in their part, it's something else.

Answer: Good afternoon Consult an otorhinolaryngologist for a consultation. It is necessary to do a computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses. Most likely this odontogenic sinusitis. After the examination, the correct treatment will be prescribed.

Question:Hello. I woke up in the morning with pain on the right side of my face! The pain did not subside in the evening, a headache was added! Which doctor should I contact and what can it be! It hurts to even touch your face!

Answer: Good afternoon. This may be an inflammatory process of the paranasal sinuses, or trigeminal neuralgia, which is most likely. To ENT and neuropathologist.

Question:Hello. The doctors of our clinics cannot understand what is wrong with me. The fact is that for about 2 years now my temperature has risen every 1-2 months (not higher than 37.5) and lasts for about 1-2 weeks. It happens that there is no temperature, but the face hurts, the eyes burn and ache, the head, shoots in the ear, herpes pours out, the body and face swell, the condition is like with a disease, but there is no temperature. Recently, I had pains to the right of the Adam's apple, in the throat, as if there is something on the wall of the larynx, it just hurts very much, aching pain goes to the head, ear, forearm. I was recently diagnosed with chronic cystitis, I don’t know if this has something to do with it. I don't even know where else to turn. What tests are needed. I am 28 years old and have not given birth yet. I'm afraid to even imagine what will happen next. Help me understand where to turn and what to do.

Answer: Good afternoon. If your condition is accompanied by herpetic eruptions, then this may be due to a chronic herpes infection. Consult with an infectious disease specialist for additional examination and treatment.

Probably the most unpleasant and unbearable is facial pain. Especially if it cannot be appeased with improvised medicines in order to at least slightly extend the time before a visit to the doctor. However, you still have to do this, since there are a lot of reasons why a face can hurt. It is from clarifying them that the choice of a method of treating pain depends.

Causes of soreness of the face

It is best to consider this issue by the localization of painful sensations. This will increase the likelihood of finding the root cause. At the same time, in order to find out, you should try to listen to your pain. However, this method is not very suitable if the pain, due to its strength, has already covered the entire face.

  • Tissue injury, skin irritation by a certain element.
  • Allergic reactions to cosmetics or other irritant.
  • Inflammatory processes due to skin lesions by pathogenic microflora.
  • Moles can also hurt. Their soreness may be due to trauma or degeneration into malignant neoplasms.
  • Acne often hurts. This means that an acute inflammatory process occurs in them.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Inflammatory processes in the teeth.
  • Damage to bone structures and paranasal sinuses.
  • cluster headaches.
  • Atypical soreness.

What hurts the left side of the face or the right? - it all depends on which side the inflammatory process occurs. At the same time, in a post-stroke state, due to a hemorrhage in the brain on the left side, the right side of the face is damaged and sometimes hurts and vice versa.

Soreness of the face may be associated with muscles. In this case, it may cause malocclusion, osteochondrosis of the neck, frequent nervous strain, mental illness, neurology.

Pain in the face can cause migraines, diseases gastrointestinal tract, violations in cardiovascular system, organs chest cavity. It is noteworthy that pain can be associated with the development of glaucoma and other eye diseases. It often accompanies people suffering from strabismus.

Diagnosis of pain in the face

To find out the cause of pain in the face, it is not enough to know the place of its localization. To do this, you need to contact a number of specialists, in particular a therapist and a dentist.

A visit to the dental office is necessary to examine the oral cavity and exclude dental diseases, carious damage, pulpitis, periodontitis. Often, an x-ray is prescribed if the examination does not give clear indications. Wherein diseases of bone tissue in the mouth area are treated by a maxillofacial surgeon who practices and treats dentistry.

The therapist has the right to appoint a person a complete examination of the body. Any inflammation is very often displayed on blood counts. Magnetic resonance imaging may also be recommended. In cases with neuralgia, the examination is carried out using computed tomography.

Treatment of pain in the face

Based on the examination indicators, a number of procedures are prescribed for a sick person. Antispasmodic drugs may be recommended to block the pain associated with neuralgia. In some cases, complex combination medications are prescribed. However, if the pain becomes unbearable, surgical intervention is possible.

Dental diseases are treated with root canal cleaning and fillings. This is possible if the disease has not yet completely destroyed the teeth. Otherwise, removal and subsequent installation of implants will be necessary. If the toothache is phantom in nature, the patient is advised to take sedative medications.

As a result, any facial pain requires some kind of treatment. Each of its species is subject to it. Therefore, the sooner you contact a specialist, the greater the chance to quickly get rid of the pain.

Why does the face hurt?

People often experience a variety of spontaneous and persistent pain and different occasions they are interested in: “Why does half of the head hurt, why does half of the face hurt, why does the right side of the face hurt, why does the left side of the head hurt, does the face hurt, etc.” In this article, we will try to answer all these questions, and if this article is located on a site dedicated to neuralgia, this does not mean at all that the above symptoms are related to neuralgia.

The mechanism of development of pain syndromes

Pain in half of the face or head can be a manifestation of various diseases in origin and mechanism of development. Depending on the localization, headaches and facial pains are distinguished. The latter are also subdivided into symptomatic, vascular and neuropathic. Even episodic facial pain or headaches are a reason to see a doctor. Lack of adequate treatment and control of pain leads to chronicity and progression of the disease.

The final diagnosis can be made by the doctor on the basis of a survey, a clinical examination and these additional methods of treatment. However, before taking it, you can conduct a preliminary self-diagnosis, this will help determine which doctor you need to contact.

Symptomatic facial pain

They can be associated with diseases of the teeth and jaws, ENT organs, eyes and temporomandibular joint.

  • Toothache in most cases is easily identified, but with acute inflammation pulp is often observed its irradiation along the nerve branches. The pain is felt not only in the affected tooth, but also in the entire jaw, it can be given to the ear, temple, cheek or neck. When a wisdom tooth erupts, it can also spread to the entire half of the jaw or face. A consultation with a dentist will allow you to finally determine the diagnosis and treatment.
  • Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis) can also be manifested by pain in half of the face if the process is one-sided. At the same time, patients are also concerned about difficulty in nasal breathing, nasal discharge, fever and general weakness. Outside of an exacerbation, pain may be the only symptom. The ENT doctor will accurately determine the location of the inflammation and its cause. This will depend on the treatment strategy.
  • Eye pain, most often, is a symptom of glaucoma, they are accompanied by pupil dilation and visual impairment. The eyeball can hurt with traumatic injuries, as well as with conjunctivitis. When these symptoms appear, you need to contact an ophthalmologist.

Pain with sinusitis, as one of the symptomatic varieties of pain.

Neurogenic pain syndromes of the head and face

In this case, the pain is neuropathic in nature, that is, it is not caused by the action of a damaging factor on tissues and organs and does not perform an adaptive function. Painful sensations are the result of functional changes in sensory fibers or damage to the central nuclei of the brain. A typical symptom of neuralgia is severe paroxysmal pain in the zone of innervation of the entire affected nerve or one of its branches, intense, piercing, but short-lived and disappears spontaneously.

neuropathic nature of pain

There are primary and secondary neuralgia. In the first case, the most probable cause pain is considered to be compression of the nerve by nearby vessels or the formation of a persistent pain focus in the central nervous system. Secondary neuralgia occurs as a result of long-term pain or reactive changes in facial tissues. Painful sensations in this case are less intense, but longer and can persist in the interictal period.

characteristic of neuralgia. These are points on the skin or mucous membrane, touching which causes a pain attack. Fear of irritation of these zones makes patients refuse not only to see a dentist, but also to brush their teeth and wash their faces, and also temporarily limit themselves in eating.

There are several types of neuralgia, which differ mainly in the localization of pain:

  • With the defeat of the trigeminal nerve, it occupies the entire half of the face. If only one of its branches suffers, the pain zone is smaller: the upper or lower jaw hurts, less often the superciliary region and half of the forehead;
  • Neuralgia of the ciliary node (Oppenheim's syndrome) is manifested by a sharp pain in the orbit, at the base and wing of the nose on the affected side. Attacks are accompanied by lacrimation, redness of the skin and nasal congestion;
  • With ganglionitis of the pterygopalatine node (Slader's syndrome), it is localized in the upper jaw, the eye area, the root of the nose and on the hard palate, it can radiate to the neck and back of the head;
  • Irritation of the ear-temporal nerve (Frey's syndrome) is manifested by pain in the temple area in front of the auricle, as well as in the lower jaw;
  • When the occipital nerve is damaged, strong pain in the back of the head and lower part of the neck, which extends to the region of the forehead and orbit.

Treatment for neuropathic pain can be medical or surgical. With the secondary nature of the lesion, an important role is played by the elimination of the original cause of nerve irritation. A good effect is the use of physiotherapy.

Pain of vascular origin

  • Cluster headache (Horton's syndrome) is manifested by short-term bouts of severe burning pain in the orbit, forehead and temple, which can spread to the entire half of the face. In addition, there is reddening of the skin, conjunctiva, lacrimation and nasal congestion on the side of the lesion. Attacks follow one after another with an interval of several hours to a day, forming a pain bundle. The provoking factor is the intake of alcohol and vasodilators. An attack of pain is best stopped by anti-migraine drugs (serotonin agonists), but they do not help prevent its recurrence.
  • Migraine is a severe unilateral throbbing headache with an epicenter in the orbit, forehead and temple. Attacks are accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting, sound and photophobia and last from several hours to 2-3 days. Simple analgesics do not have an analgesic effect in migraine; specific anti-migraine drugs are used to relieve an attack. Treatment is also necessary in the interictal period.
  • Cervicogenic headache is similar in manifestations to occipital neuralgia. During an attack, the back of the head, neck and the entire half of the head hurt. Visual disturbances, sound and photophobia, nausea are possible. The intensity of painful sensations is significantly lower than with migraine or neuralgia, simple analgesics and anti-migraine drugs are few and ineffective. The reason is infringement vertebral artery in the cervical region. The attack is provoked by sudden movements of the head and a long stay in an uncomfortable position. The basis of treatment is the normalization of the state of the cervical spine with the help of physiotherapy and manual therapy, medications are used to relieve pain during an attack.

main cerebral artery

Each of us is often faced with the occurrence of some pain in the face.

These sensations can appear and disappear quickly, or they can be quite long-term.

The pain may have point localization, the skin or some part of the face may hurt.

Let's try to figure out what causes the occurrence of certain pains.

Reasons why the skin on the face hurts

The skin of the face is extremely sensitive, therefore it is highly susceptible to the influence of negative factors.

There are many reasons for the onset of pain: malnutrition, age, chronic sleep deprivation, poor cosmetic care, allergic reactions and many others. Accurately determine the cause, so that later it can be successfully eliminated, perhaps according to the specific sensations of a person.

Pain and itching of the skin.

If the skin of the face hurts and itches, this may indicate inflammatory processes, infections and nervous tension. When the skin on the face hurts and itches, constant scratching can only aggravate the situation.

To eliminate such a problem, the attending physician will prescribe the regular use of a refreshing lotion and an antipruritic agent.

Painful sensations on the skin in the cheeks.

Most often, the cause of such pain is bursting blood vessels. With age, blood begins to circulate through the vessels more slowly, forming stagnation in some areas.

It is where the blood stagnates that the thin vessels of the face usually burst, causing a lot of discomfort.

Such a problem requires serious treatment. In the event that the skin on the face hurts due to bursting blood vessels, the electrocoagulation procedure, which is carried out in clinics, can significantly help.

In the future, it is worth adhering to certain rules for prevention: exclude spicy foods from the diet, avoid hypothermia and overheating.

Skin hurts due to cracking.

The cause of crackling can be chapping, lack of vitamins and chemical exposure. If a person feels that the skin on the face hurts for one of these reasons, the best option treatment - the use of silicone cream with vitamin A capsules.

Cream and vitamin must be mixed proportionally and applied to damaged areas. Also, it will not be superfluous to use this vitamin inside. Rubbing the skin with a solution of warm milk and olive oil has a good effect.

Reasons why half of the face and the face as a whole hurt

The appearance of pain in the face, as well as pain on the skin of the face, can have many causes:It could be:

  • irritation of the facial nerve, as well as the muscles of the eye;
  • various injuries of bones related to the facial part of the skull;
  • migraine;
  • headaches (cluster);
  • osteochondrosis, etc.

Muscle pain may indicate a violation of the jaw bite, frequent stressful effects, mental and neurological diseases, and trauma.

Eliminating such causes is the task of a neurologist who treats with drugs. The bone origin of discomfort, when half of the face hurts, may have causes such as:

  • caries, pulpitis and periodontitis of a neglected state, as a result of which osteomyelitis develops. This disease is purulent inflammation in the bones of the face. As a rule, the left side of the face or the right side hurts - the one in which the process of decay takes place. Pain comes with high temperature, general malaise of the patient;
  • injuries of various kinds, especially fractures of the bones of the face;
  • radiating pain in the ear, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.

Pain with neuralgic causes is the most difficult to diagnose. From the area in which a certain nerve is affected, the right side of the face or the left side hurts. This disease is diagnosed and treated by a neurologist.

There are people who complain of atypical facial pain. This name is given to pain that does not have a specific cause. They could not establish even the most thorough research.

The result of a depressive state, past hysteria, past neurasthenia and disorders of a similar nature, are psychogenic pains in the face. Dental disease is also often the cause of pain in the face.

When a person's face and head hurt, migraine is considered the first reason for this. The peculiarity of migraine is that painful sensations are present only on one half of the face and only in very rare cases spread to the other.

The pain of a boring nature can torment a person for 18 hours, sometimes even thirty-six hours. The risk zone includes female individuals aged 20-30 years.

If the left side of the face or the right side hurts, and the pain is quite strong and occurs serially, these are probably cluster pains.

There are cases in which pain is given to the eye - it turns red and watery. Representatives of the risk group are men who abuse the use of alcoholic beverages and smoking.

The onset of a hypertensive crisis is preceded by redness of the face, severe headache. A person clearly feels how the right side of the face or the left side hurts.

As a result of a sharp rise in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, pain in the heart and tinnitus appear.

When a person begins to worry about pain in the face, the best way out is to see a doctor.

In practice, situations are known when patients present such a complaint to a specialist - their face and head hurt.

There are a lot of provoking factors for such symptoms.

The most used term to explain the pain sensation of the face and head is prosopalgia.

This is a sign during which the patient complains of discomfort in the front of the head.

There is a large list of diseases that can directly have such initial symptoms.

Therefore, sometimes it is difficult even for a qualified specialist to make an accurate diagnosis during the initial diagnosis.

Causes of head and face pain

When the face hurts due to some unexplained reason, then this is the situation when you should consult a specialist.

Often, in such a case, the use of medications is prescribed in order to eliminate the painful symptoms and treat the immediate cause of the disease.

There are situations when, in addition to the fact that the face hurts, there are skin rashes, allergies.

The patient has various skin pathological processes on his face.

The result of painful discomfort will be injuries, the result is the formation of swelling and hemorrhages under the skin.

If the head hurts, then this is only the result of the unpleasant sensations that have appeared and the return of symptoms to the entire scalp.

The most difficult to examine are neurological situations, during which it is necessary to properly establish which nerve has been damaged.

During this, the patient feels that the left or right half of the face hurts.

In order to treat the disease, medications and physiotherapy are used.

Classification of facial pain

Painful sensations of the face can be classified as follows:

  1. Trigeminal neuralgia, prosopalgia during damage to other nerves, with somatic receptive fibers - neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal, upper laryngeal nerves.
  2. Pain in the face along the arterial trunks. Burning, pulsating, which is accompanied by a pronounced autonomic reaction: vascular facial pain, pathology associated with damage to the autonomic innervation of the face.
  3. Complex facial discomfort.
  4. Prosopalgia during hypochondriacal-depressive states, hysteria.
  5. Prosopalgia during illnesses within the body.


Diseases in which the face and head hurts:

  • Migraine of the face is characterized by a longer duration of a painful attack. Appears in the process of damage to the upper sympathetic node of the neck, the plexus of the carotid artery. Discomfort is concentrated in the eye sockets, upper jaw, ear, occasionally - in the nose, temple, hand, associated with pulsation of the temporal and carotid arteries, reduced blood pressure. Sometimes the head hurts on one side.
  • Charlene syndrome. It is characterized by sharp pain in the eyeball, giving in the nose for 25 minutes to several hours, often at night.
  • Ganglionitis of the ciliary node may be accompanied by a herpetic rash on the skin in the nasal and frontal parts, possibly damage to the eye with the formation of keratitis. Discomfort is concentrated in the inner corner of the eye. By pressing on this point, it is possible to provoke paroxysmal discomfort. Often the provoking factor of the disease is ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, enlargement of the nasal concha, infection (herpes virus). To confirm the diagnosis and eliminate discomfort, it is possible to lubricate the nasal mucosa with Dikain with Adrenaline, at the same time it is permissible to drip an eye.
  • Sluder's syndrome - neuralgia of the pterygopalatine ganglion. It is characterized by the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the upper jaw, at the base of the nose, near the eye. Discomfort is longer than during trigeminal neuralgia. Often there is redness in the nasal mucosa, discharge from one nostril is formed, in rare cases, lacrimation, increased salivation, swelling of the skin of the face. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to lubricate the mucosa of the posterior parts of the nasal passage with Dikain's solution.
  • Frey's syndrome - neuralgia of the ear-temporal nerve. It is characterized by burning painful sensations of short duration (up to half an hour), mainly in the temple area and near the ears, while eating there is intense sweating and redness, fever, hypersensitivity. These are point vegetative-vascular disorders near the ears. Often, diseases of the parotid gland (viral, abscess, after surgery) will be a provoking factor in the pathology.
  • Glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Discomfort is concentrated in the base of the tongue, tonsils, behind the lower jaw, there is a change in taste perception, swallowing becomes difficult. In some cases, it is likely that fainting, bradycardia, low blood pressure. The attack can be eliminated by lubricating the base of the tongue, tonsils with Dikain.
  • Ganglionitis of the upper cervical ganglion. Cramping discomfort from 3-5 minutes to a whole day, pain in the cervical region, occiput, shoulder girdle. During the examination, Horner's symptoms, discomfort of the paravertebral points in the neck, and sensitivity failures are differentiated. The node is affected during infections (with herpes - a rash forms as blisters), poisoning, traumatism of the cervical spine. A similar pathology is observed during various dangerous diseases. Therefore, when such signs appear, it is imperative to consult with a specialist and carry out a comprehensive diagnosis.
  • Glossalgia, glossodynia. It is characterized by painful sensations in the region of the tongue, unpleasant discomfort (long-term and constant), burning, tingling, numbness. Unpleasant sensations are also present in the oral mucosa - stomalgia. Often a similar condition is observed during pathological processes digestive tract.
  • Painful sensations during dental diseases are of a long-term nature. Pain can radiate from the tooth to the entire jaw, neck and, in some cases, the shoulder blade. Discomfort is provoked by cold water, an increased temperature is likely. Pain in the facial part occurs during pulpitis, periodontal disease, pathological bite processes, after dental prosthetics and as a complication after anesthesia.
  • Painful sensations of the face during diseases of the paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis, frontitis. Discomfort is observed (often bursting) in the area of ​​the sinuses, radiating to the eyes, probably to the ears. Complicated nasal breathing or nasal discharge, increased temperature, worsening of the condition are noted. Discomfort is prolonged (one or two-sided).

Simultaneous pain in the head and face

When a patient complains that he has a headache in the temporal part and on his face, then in many situations this is associated with migraine.

This diagnosis has a specific feature. The person claims that a certain part of the face hurts.

Symptoms are observed only on any one side of the head and infrequently passes to the second.

Such discomfort can be characterized as strong, having a boring manifestation.

It is not able to continue for 1-2 days. Migraines are most affected by females in the age range of 20-30 years.

In the future, the symptoms become weaker. In a situation where the right or left half of the face hurts, the main provoking factor will be the emerging cluster headache.

Situations are noted when the patient complains of difficulties with the eyes, at a time when painful discomfort simply radiates to the nerves of the visual organs.

Often, with such symptoms, males who have addictions (excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and constant smoking) come to a specialist.

The doctor quickly determines the signs by the mucous membrane of the eye, which is very watery and reddening.

If the patient complains of pain on the left or right side of the face (notes redness, burning sensation, headache), then this may indicate a hypertensive crisis.

In addition, there are sudden pressure drops, nausea, a gag reflex, ringing in the ears occurs, temples begin to throb and the heart hurts.

Concentration of symptoms on the left side

Pain in the temples can manifest itself in any part of the head. This applies to the occipital region, forehead, temples, areas near the eyes.

According to the type of manifestations, painful sensations can be acute and aching in nature, there is a burning sensation or pulsation.

It seems to most that this is unlikely that only the side of the face hurts, however, this is not uncommon.

As mentioned earlier, migraine is considered the main provoking factor in the occurrence of pain in the left side of the head.

It can cover areas near the eyes, temples, the left side of the forehead or jaw.

For example, even before the onset of a migraine, the patient observes the following symptoms: the eye begins to flicker, spots appear, flashing “flies”.

During a migraine, the head or the skin of the face often hurts, it can swell and become extremely susceptible.

At the end of the attack, the patient feels drowsiness, lethargy and increased fatigue.

There are many people who suffer from weather sensitivity.

Manifestations are a sharp spasm, pressing discomfort or pain in the temporal part on the left, near the ear, forehead or back of the head.

Similar symptoms appear 3-5 hours before precipitation, significant warming or cooling.

Change climatic conditions affects the arterial intracranial pressure for a certain number of people.

Additional signs, in addition to the above, are breaking in the teeth or jaw, pain at specific points near the eyes, in the neck.

During the appearance of an infection inside the body, the patient complains of boring, pulling pain in the left side of the head and face.

This condition can be provoked by caries that has fallen into the nerve endings of the teeth, a cold ear, from which discomfort is transmitted to the occipital or temporal part.

First aid

It is often possible on your own to reduce symptoms during pain and migraine of the face by such methods:

  • taking an anesthetic;
  • making a massage;
  • applying a cold compress to the face or inflamed areas;
  • breathing fresh air;
  • rested;
  • taking a warm shower, sometimes washing helps;
  • having done aromatherapy;
  • putting orange peels, lemon peels or white cabbage leaves near you;
  • when the cause of the pathology is low blood pressure, then you should drink sweet tea or coffee.

Otherwise, such traditional medicine can be harmful. For example, not every migraine goes away after taking painkillers.

In such a situation, you need to contact a specialist.

When the face and head in the temples hurt, it is necessary to contact a specialist without delay and describe the symptoms in detail.

The specialist prescribes the necessary examinations after the examination. Self-treatment fraught with dangerous complications for the patient's body.

If you do not consult a doctor, then the likelihood of irreversible consequences increases.

Useful video

IN medical practice it is not uncommon for patients to come to the doctor with such a complaint - their face hurts and their head hurts. There can be many reasons for these symptoms.

Among medical terms, the most suitable for explaining the pain of the face and head is prosopalgia. This is a symptom in which a person complains of pain in the head and face. There is a long list of diseases that can have just such initial symptoms. Therefore, sometimes it is difficult even for an experienced doctor to make a correct diagnosis at the first examination.

It is facial pain that can appear as a result of irritation of the facial muscles, nerve endings, as a result of damage to the facial bones and the anterior part of the skull, with inflammatory processes on the skin, due to migraines. Cause pain symptoms there may be osteochondrosis, cluster headaches and other diseases that can simply give sensations to the facial muscles. In this case, the patient may complain of pain all over the face or in its individual parts. Muscle pain can appear in certain areas and have the following origin:

  • neurological and mental diseases;
  • malocclusion or problems with teeth;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • sensations after injuries;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical regions;
  • blurred vision and swelling of the eyes.

If a person hurts for any of the above reasons, then this is the case when it is necessary to contact a neurologist. Most often, in such cases, you will be prescribed medication to relieve pain symptoms and treat the very cause of the disease.

Of course, there are cases when the cause of pain on the face is skin rashes, allergic reactions. In humans, various skin pathologies can appear on the face. The result of pain are injuries, the result is the formation of edema and hemorrhage in the subcutaneous layer. And the accompanying headache is only the result of tolerable discomfort and the return of symptoms to the entire surface. skin heads.

Neurological cases are considered the most difficult for diagnosis, in which it is necessary to correctly determine which of the nerves is affected. In this case, a person may feel that half of the face hurts. It can be the right side or the left. Medicines and physiotherapy are used to treat the disease.


If the patient complains of simultaneous pain in the head and on the face, then in most cases this is due to migraine. This diagnosis has its own peculiarity. The patient says that a certain side of the face hurts. The symptom appears only on one part of the head and rarely spreads to another. This pain can be described as severe, having a boring character. It may not stop for 18-36 hours. Migraines are most common in women between the ages of 20 and 30, then the symptom subsides over time.

In the case when the right or left side of the face hurts, the main cause is serially occurring cluster headaches. There are times when a patient complains of an eye problem, while pain simply radiates to the nerves of the organs of vision. Most often, with such a symptom, men who have bad habits go to the doctor, namely, the abuse of alcoholic beverages and constant smoking. The doctor can immediately identify the symptoms by the mucous membranes of the eyes, which are very watery and redden.

When a patient complains of pain in the left or right parts of the face (it also turns red, as if on fire, the head starts to hurt), then all this is the main symptom of a hypertensive crisis. In addition, there are sharp jumps in pressure, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus appears, temples pulsate and the heart hurts.

Headaches can occur anywhere on the head. It can be the occipital region, forehead, temples, areas around the eyes. According to the type of manifestations, pain sensations are sharp, aching, a burning sensation or pulsation may appear.

How to separate a section headache on the left side of the head and face. It may seem to many that it is very strange when only a part hurts, but, alas, this is not uncommon. As mentioned earlier, the main cause of pain on the left side of the head is a migraine. It is able to capture areas around the eyes, the temporal region, the left side of the forehead or jaw. For example, even before the onset of a migraine, a person can observe certain symptoms: the eye gives out various flashes, spots appear, flashing dots or stripes. All this is popularly called “darkening of the eyes”. With a migraine, the skin often begins to hurt on the head or face, it swells and becomes especially sensitive. And after a migraine attack, a person feels sleepy, lethargic and quickly gets tired.

Another reason why the left half of the head hurts is such a diagnosis as osteochondrosis. At the same time, calcium salts are deposited in the vertebrae, which begin to compress the cervical arteries responsible for supplying the brain with blood. From this, nutrients cease to flow in sufficient quantities, causing spasms and collapse of blood vessels. There is also a lack of oxygen in the brain, which causes dizziness. In this case, the pain becomes aching and pulling. The distribution of intracranial pressure is also distorted. It can constantly rise and fall, which manifests itself as a pulsation in the temples, inside the head, or pain in the eye area.

There are people who suffer from weather sensitivity. These can be sharp spasms, pressing sensations or pains in the left temple, the area near the ear, the frontal or occipital part. Such symptoms appear a few hours before precipitation, a sharp warming or cooling. Changing weather conditions affect blood and intracranial pressure in some people. In addition to the above symptoms, breaking in the teeth or jaw, pain at certain points around the eyes, in the cervical regions can be added.


When an infection occurs in the body, a person may complain of symptoms such as boring, pulling pain in the left half of the skull and face. The cause of this condition may be caries, which has penetrated to the nerve endings of the teeth, a cold ear, from which sensations are transmitted to the back of the head or to the temple. A cold or injured muscle will often become inflamed and give pain with any movement or touch to the face, turning the neck or head.

First aid

Often, you can alleviate your condition with pain and migraines in the following ways:

  • taking an anesthetic drug, such as an antispasmodic;
  • having massaged the head, neck, back, shoulders;
  • applying a cool compress to the face or inflamed places;
  • breathing fresh air;
  • having a good rest;
  • after taking a warm or hot shower, there are times when even ordinary washing helps;
  • after aromatherapy, breathing in essential oils;
  • putting orange or lemon peels or white cabbage leaves next to you;
  • if you know for sure that headaches are caused by low blood pressure, then drink sweet tea or coffee.

But these tips will only help with minor pains that happen to you regularly, and the diagnosis has long been established. Otherwise, with such folk methods, you can only harm yourself. For example, not every migraine can go away after taking pain medication. Most likely, you can not do without a visit to a neurologist.


The neurologist will be able to correctly prescribe special preparations, which will help normalize metabolism, tone the vessels in the brain.

The doctor is able to determine whether the pain is really the result of minor disorders or inflammation, or if it is symptoms of a tumor, head injury, or stroke. A more detailed picture will be shown by an examination using ultrasound or MRI.

There are many diseases of the face. To date, this a big problem. Not everyone knows that our beauty depends directly on the work of the brain, spine, sinuses, vision and hearing. Pain in the face is difficult to diagnose. The causes of the disease are very different.

The main causes of facial diseases

Pain in the face occurs if there are problems in the functioning of the nervous system, organs of hearing and vision, skull, spine. As a rule, the face does not hurt completely, only certain parts of it. There are a number of reasons:
  • Disorder of the nervous system.
  • Pain in the muscles.
  • Disease of the bones of the facial part of the skull.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Osteochondrosis.
Pain in the muscles of the face occurs when mimic and chewing functions are disturbed. This can be caused by:
  • mental disorders;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • injuries of a different nature.
Pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bones of the face is often caused by:
  • fracture of the skull and nose (see also -);
  • inflammation and disease of the bones;
  • improper functioning of the temporomandibular region;
  • skin pathologies.

What diseases cause pain in the muscles of the face

Muscle pain is most often associated with pain syndrome and disruption of the masticatory and facial structures. This occurs on the basis of the following diseases:
  • Osteochondrosis. Pain in the spinal column gives pain to the neck and face.
  • Disease of the teeth. Incorrect bite affects the functioning of the masticatory muscles.
  • Neurosis and mental disorders. When tense, the muscles are constantly in a state of increased tone, which causes pain.
  • Injuries in the region of the jaw and temporal part that cause long-term illness of the facial muscles.
  • Severe stressful situations cause a condition where the jaw muscles tighten and cause pain. Read also -.

What diseases hurt the bones of the face

A disease of the bones of the face occurs in the following cases:
  • Fracture of the base of the skull and nose . There are hemorrhages and smudges on the face, hematomas, discharge of fluid from the ear, nose deformity, and acute pain.
  • With wrong bite everything happens in the jaw area over time huge pressure on the muscles in this area, which smoothly passes to the bones of the face and causes pain.
  • Osteomyelitis - a serious disease that is accompanied by purulent formations in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bones of the skull. The occurrence of the disease is associated with a complication of pulpitis, periodontitis, caries. The temperature rises, the face swells.
  • Disorders in the work of the temporomandibular joint caused by past inflammatory diseases of the ear, toothache, various infections and injuries. In this case, aching pain can be both temporary and permanent.

What diseases hurts the skin of the face

Skin diseases on the face are a fairly common problem. In some cases, the disease is not so easy to get rid of.

Some people from birth develop pigmented neoplasms - moles. As a rule, they are benign and do not affect the health of the person. In exceptional cases, spots turn into malignant tumors and require surgical intervention. Symptoms that signal that you need to see a doctor are the following:

  • the mole starts to hurt;
  • there is bleeding in the area of ​​the spot;
  • a sharp change in the color and contours of the mole;
  • size increase.
All of these symptoms lead to pain. Therefore, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

Acne - a skin disease that most often occurs in adolescence transitional age. Blackheads that are on the skin on the surface can be squeezed out at home. Deep acne causes pain, you can get rid of them only in a medical facility.

Important! If you decide to squeeze out the blackheads yourself, carefully treat the wounds with an alcohol solution to prevent infection.

allergic reactions on the face can be caused by the use of incompatible with your skin, cosmetics or by direct contact with the allergen. Allergy manifests itself in the form of skin redness, runny nose, tearfulness and difficulty breathing, which can cause Quincke's edema. And here you can not do without an ambulance.

Disease of the facial nerve is associated with inflammatory processes on the face. If the neoplasms progress, increase in size, the facial nerve is compressed. This causes quite unpleasant pain sensations. Not always the causes of a neurological disease can be eliminated.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • Violation of the work of facial muscles. If you look at a person, you can see that one side of the face is working normally, and the other is in a suspended state without movement.
  • The difference in facial expressions can be seen when a person speaks or smiles.
  • Lack of taste while eating.
  • Dryness of one eye from the side of the inflamed nerve.
  • Violation of salivation.

Despite the severity of the disease, facial neuritis in most cases, it is cured completely, no symptoms remain on the face.

The facial nerve is responsible for the work of the muscles. The functions of the sense organs are taken over by the trigeminal facial nerve, the disease of which is also widespread.

Clinic, diagnosis, treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve (video)

Let's watch the video. A specialist neurologist talks about the symptoms, causes and dangers of the disease neuritis of the facial nerve. Distortion of the face, how long the disfiguring defect lasts. Tomography and methods of treatment.

Trigeminal nerve disease

According to statistics, more than one million people in the world suffer from this disease, most of them women in the age group from 50 to 70 years. Causes of the disease: allergic reactions, endocrine system disorders, psychogenic and metabolic disorders. A person is tormented by pain in the eyes, nose, tongue, upper and lower jaws. Attacks happen often, mainly in the cold season.

During brushing teeth, talking, eating, acute pain attacks occur. Sometimes the pain is just unbearable. There have been cases of people committing suicide.

Important! If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the disease of the facial nerves can become secondary. This can lead to irreversible processes in the facial area.

The diagnosis of an atypical disease is made if, after a thorough examination, no other known diseases are identified.

Experts suggest that this disease associated with disorders of the nervous system and psychogenic disorders. At the same time, the brain ceases to produce substances necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, which causes painful discomfort in the facial region. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • Pain can be observed both on one side of the face, and on both sides at once. Bilateral disease is difficult because it is difficult for a person to understand from which side the syndrome is enhanced.
  • Atypical pains occur constantly at night, during stressful situations, when overheated.
  • The pain can be burning, sharp, aching, throbbing. All patients are different.
  • Together with facial pain, the oral cavity may hurt.
  • Pain may subside for a while, and then resume again.
  • Against the background of this disease, pain occurs in the neck and head.

Please note that most diseases of the muscles, bones of the face, skin diseases associated with dysfunction of the nervous system.

Diagnosis and treatment of facial diseases

All diseases of the face can be divided into two main categories: neuralgic diseases and diseases of the temporomandibular joint.

Diagnosis of the disease neuralgia of the facial nerves does not cause special difficulties from neurologists, as it proceeds quite brightly, with strong painful sensations. There is paralysis on one side of the face. Asymmetry can be seen with the naked eye. In order to avoid a secondary disease, you must immediately contact a specialist.

Neuralgia is treated in two stages. Initially, the pain syndrome is removed with the help of the following drugs:

  • strong hormones to relieve inflammation, such as "Prednisolone";
  • to relieve edema, Furosemide is prescribed;
  • painkillers: "Analgin", "No-shpa", "Drotaverin";
  • metabolic medicines if the motor functions of the face are restored slowly.
The patient goes through the first stage within a few days to remove the main syndrome. At the second stage, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: ultrasound, massage, acupuncture, paraffin therapy, exercise therapy.

The course of treatment of neuralgic diseases can be quite long (up to 8-10 months). In about 75% of cases, the face is completely restored. If there is no improvement during this period, surgery will be required.

Important! If you have symptoms of neuralgic diseases, you should immediately contact a neurologist.

At home, prevention should be carried out using folk remedies to prevent seizures, improve blood circulation and relieve pain:
  • A hard-boiled egg is applied to the site of pain. The pain subsides as the egg cools.
  • Decoctions of yarrow and mountaineer root are taken orally.
Despite the variety of methods of treatment, today the main method is surgical. In order to prevent the occurrence of neuritis, hypothermia and head injuries should be avoided whenever possible.

Diseases of the temporomandibular joint

They affect about 40% of the population. Behind medical care Not all apply, attributing the pain to a toothache. In fact, this disease occurs on the basis of caries and periodontal disease. A person during chewing, talking and yawning begins to feel discomfort. In a neglected state, the pain intensifies. Several major diseases are diagnosed in this category:
  • Arthritis . The lower jaw does not move well, swells, the temperature rises, all this is accompanied by significant pain.
  • Arthrosis . Violation of the motor function of the jaw, pain in the ears and muscles of the joint.
  • Ankylosis resulting from past infections and injuries. There is asymmetry of the face, the movements of the lower jaw are limited.
  • Musculoskeletal dysfunction . There is a restriction and blocking of the movements of the lower jaw, asymmetry of the face, pain in the temporal region and ears.
Diseases of this group require long-term treatment from one to two months to several years. Key recommendations:
  • food should be soft, one that is easy to chew;
  • the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.
  • cold and warm compresses. The former relieve pain, the latter reduce the likelihood of seizures;
  • to reduce the compression of the teeth, it is necessary to correct the bite. This is done only in a medical institution, a special device is used. If teeth are missing, care must be taken to install dentures;
  • physiotherapy and massage;
  • surgical intervention, which is used if it is impossible to get rid of the disease in another way.
To avoid long-term treatment, if you experience pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe teeth, jaw, ears and, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Skin diseases of the face

They are much easier to carry, but you should not run them.

When acne or dermatitis, it is necessary to give up cosmetics for a while. Apply cleansing lotions to your face daily.

Moles on the face should not be touched if they do not interfere. If birthmark begins to hurt and bleed, then it is diagnosed as a malignant formation. The mole will have to be removed surgically.

allergic reactions require examination by an allergist to determine the allergen. For treatment, drugs such as Suprastin, Tavegil are used. If allergic reaction so strong that it squeezes the throat and it is almost impossible to breathe, then this is most likely Quincke's edema. Here you need to call an ambulance and also undergo an examination. A minute of delay can cost a life!

Atypical facial disease belongs to a separate category, it occurs infrequently. The disease is accompanied primarily by a severe headache for no particular reason. To establish an accurate diagnosis, computed tomography of the head and neuropsychological testing are used. Associated diseases are: brain tumors, diseases of the trigeminal nerve, skull base, and multiple sclerosis.

To treat the disease, analgesics, antiseptics, antidepressants, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, nootropics are used. Potent drugs, such as: "Carbamazepine", "Milgamma". Depending on the concomitant disease, surgical intervention is possible.

As women say jokingly: “The face is our face! We will walk with him until the end of our days.” It is important to understand that facial diseases in a neglected state can leave a mark for the rest of your life. If you experience even minor pain in the facial area, you need to run to your doctor!

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