All-Russian test work for Russian 4

Basics general education

Line UMK M. M. Razumovskaya. Russian language (5-9)

Russian language

VPR in the Russian language in 5th grade. Reviewing assignments with the teacher

You are given 60 minutes to complete the Russian language test. The work includes 12 tasks.

On October 26 the All-Russian test work(VPR) in Russian language in fifth grade.

The purpose of the work is to identify at what level schoolchildren have mastered language material primary classes and whether you are ready for further training in the program.

The following will help you prepare for the VPR:

    You can see the analysis of the solution to the test work below on the page, and also download it in text form.

Documents related to the conduct of practical training in the Russian language in grade 5:

Task No. 1

Rewrite text 1, opening the brackets and inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

These are moonlit March nights! Every fabulous (1) forest. Other, new, sounds and sounds are heard. The owl hooted and...other invisible...owls responded to it somewhere far away. Squeaking quietly, the l..mouse... stung... through the snow and disappeared under a stump into a snowdrift... . The edge of the forest probed...the sting...of a cautious fox. In the bright.. night, the exit..t on the p..for the hare.. .

They also sleep in their warm (3) burrows and burrows. But in March days, I wake up more and more often. Sub..stay (2) in the blogs..born m..twelfths. The present in..sleep comes..t in s..r..din.. March. Happy..but, as if in the..sun, the sparrows are croaking. On, under the feet of the snow (h/c).(4)


Step one

We are working on spellings, inserting missing letters.

Reasoning algorithm:

Spelling No. 1

Verified vowel in the root


n..night -night

d..leko - far

nev..dimki - invisible


careful - watchman


l..sitsa -lisonka

feed - feed


on - field

in theirs - yours

born - birth

born -zImushka

m..dvezhata - from HONEY and VEDAT

Bear cubs

in..sleep - spring

In s..r..dine – heart (full consonance -ERE-)

In the middle

On horseback - forest

On the forest

tr..kicks - path


under the feet - legs


Spelling No. 2

Personal verb endings

seem..tsya – seem (I conjugation)

can be heard - hear (excl. IIspr)

can be heard

exit..t – exit (IIsp)

wake up...wake up - wake up (Ipr)

wakes up

arrival..t – to come (IIср)


fail..tsya – fail (Ipr)


exit..t – exit (IIspr)

Waking up...waking up (I sp)

wakes up

Spelling No. 3

Noun endings

in a snowdrift... – 2 pages, p.p.

in a snowdrift

hare... - after C

In the middle.. – 1 fold, p.p.

in the middle

spelling number 4

b after hissing

Mouse... - 3rd class.

Spelling chart No. 5

Alternating vowel in the root

Stand up - before ST and SH I write A

(except Rostok, Rostov, moneylender)

grow up

Spelling chart No. 6

TSYA, -TSYA in verbs

They go out (what to do?) feed...


The bear (what is he doing?) wakes up...

wakes up

The snow (what is it doing?) is falling through...


spelling number 7

Ending adjectives

In the light.. nights (WHAT?)

Spelling chart No. 8

Spelling of the consonant at the root of the word

Joy..but - joy


sne(h/k) - snow

Miracles...we are miracles

Spelling chart No. 9

Vocabulary words

In blogs

To the den



Other spellings

Ch…gums – CHU-SHU

ot..called - unchangeable prefix


sparrow..i – dividing b

Step two

Read the text again. We are working on punctograms. Where necessary, we put punctuation marks.

Reasoning algorithm:

Step three

Rewriting the text.

Wonderful moonlit March nights! The forest at night (1) seems fabulous. Other, nocturnal sounds and voices are heard. An owl hooted, and other invisible owls responded to it somewhere far away. Squeaking quietly, the forest mouse ran through the snow and disappeared under a stump in a snowdrift. A cautious fox ran along the edge of the forest. On bright nights, hares come out to feed in the fields.

Badgers and bears also sleep in their warm (3) burrows and dens. But in March days the bear wakes up more and more often. Bear cubs born in winter grow up (2) in dens.

Real spring comes in mid-March. The sparrows are chirping joyfully in spring. On forest paths the snow falls underfoot.(4)

When rewriting the text, the following are taken into account:

1. Compliance with spelling standards;

2. Compliance with punctuation standards;

3. Correct copying of the text (no missing or extra words, no words with a changed graphic appearance).

Task 2

Complete the language analysis indicated by numbers in the text for task 1:

(1) – phonetic analysis;

(2) – morphemic analysis;

(3) – morphological analysis;

(4) – syntactic parsing of the sentence


Step one

(1) – phonetic analysis;

At phonetic analysis words, you need to determine the number of letters and sounds, put emphasis in the word, highlight vowels and consonants, and classify them. To carry out the analysis, you need to know what vowels and consonants are and how the transcription is compiled. The parsing model is free.


o – [a] – vowel, unstressed

ch – [ch’] – consonant, voiceless, soft

n – [n] – consonant, voiced, hard

o – [ó] – vowel, stressed

th – [th’] – consonant, voiced, soft,


6 letters, 6 sounds, 2 syllables

Step two

(2) – morphemic analysis;

What is a morpheme? A morpheme is the minimal significant part of a word (root, prefix, suffix, ending). Morphemic analysis is the analysis of a word into morphemes (by composition).

Order morphemic parsing:

    Determine which part of speech the word belongs to;

    Find the ending and circle it (a word may have a zero ending, but an adverb may not have an ending);

    Select a part of a word without ending. This is the basis of the word;

    Find the root and highlight it with an arc

    Find the prefix and label it;

    Find the suffix and mark it with an icon;

Remember that some morphemes may not be present in a word.

Reasoning algorithm

growing up(2)

Grow up is a verb. We highlight the ending - yut, which indicates the third person plural form. They grow and grow and become overgrown. So, under is a prefix. Select the attachment. We find the root by comparing related words: growing, grown, plant (root with alternating vowel) Suffix - a- in verbs shows the meaning of the action, this is a suffix indeterminate form(overgrow)

So, there are four morphemes in the word: pod-rast-a-yut

sub- – prefix

Rast - root

A- – suffix

Yut - ending

growing up is the basis

Step three

(3) – morphological analysis;

To perform a correct morphological analysis of parts of speech, you must:

1. be able to determine the initial form of words;

2. know their constants and changeables morphological characteristics;

3. understand the syntactic role of words in a sentence.

The order of parsing an adjective.

I. Part of speech. General meaning.

II. Morphological characteristics:

Initial form ( nominative singular masculine);

Brief or full form; gender (singular); case, number.

III. Syntactic role

(in) warm(3) (burrows)

1) (in) warm (holes) – an adjective, denotes the attribute of an object: in (what kind of) warm holes;

2) initial form- warm; in plural, in the prepositional case;

3) in a sentence is a definition.

Step four

(4) – syntactic analysis of the sentence.

At parsing necessary:

    characterize the sentence according to the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative or motivating;

    By emotional coloring(by intonation): exclamatory or non-exclamatory;

    by the number of grammatical stems: simple (one grammatical stem) or complex (two or more grammatical stems);

    characterize a sentence by the presence of the main members of the sentence: two-part (there is a subject and a predicate) or one-part (there is only a subject or only a predicate), indicate which is the main member of the sentence if it is one-part (subject or predicate).

    characterize by the presence of minor members of the sentence: widespread (there are minor members) or non-extensive (no minor members).

    indicate whether the sentence is complicated by anything (homogeneous members, appeal) or not complicated.

    Underline all parts of the sentence, indicate parts of speech.

    draw up an outline of the sentence, indicating the grammatical basis and complication, if any.

Suggestion adj noun Verb Sent.. noun noun

Snow falls underfoot on forest paths(4).

(The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, common, two-part).

Grammar basis: snow (subject) what does it do? fails (predicate).

Minor members offers:

falls (where? under what?) underfoot - circumstance, permissible - addition;

falls through (where?) on the paths - circumstance;

forest paths (which ones?) – definition.

Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook.
The textbook, part of the “Algorithm for Success” system, is aimed at deepening and systematizing knowledge of phonetics, morphemics, vocabulary, syntax and text linguistics acquired in primary school; a systematic presentation of morphology begins. The textbook is built on a modular principle: each of the eight chapters includes six repeating sections: “About language and speech”, “Language system”, “Spelling”, “Text”, “Language and culture. Culture of Speech" and "Repetition". The textbook is accompanied by a CD with an audio application, which contains texts for listening to tasks marked with a special icon, as well as an “Appendix” tab.

Task No. 3

Place an accent mark in the following words:

Parterre, kilometer, modern, deepen.


This task tests mastery of spelling norms.

Answer: Parterre, kilometer, modern, deepen

Task No. 4

Above each word write what part of speech it is. Write down which parts of speech you know are missing from the sentence.

To complete this task, you need to remember the independent and auxiliary parts of speech.


Reasoning algorithm

Step one

1. (in) the garden (garden), branches (branch), apple trees (apple tree), (under) the weight (heaviness), fruits (fruit)

These words denote an object and answer the questions who? What? Therefore, these are nouns.

2. Bent - this is a verb, because. denotes an action and answers the question what did you do?

3. Bent (where?) in the garden, (under what) under the weight, (how? to what?) to the ground

The prepositions B, POD, DO express the dependence of nouns on the verb (they connect nouns with the verb)

sentence noun noun noun verb sentence noun sentence noun noun

Answer:In the garden, the branches of the apple trees bent to the ground under the weight of the fruit.

Step two

We determine which parts of speech are missing in the sentence.

The sentence does not contain an adjective, pronoun, numeral, adverb, conjunction, particle, or interjection.

Task No. 5

Write a sentence with direct speech. (There is no punctuation included.) Add any necessary punctuation. Outline your proposal.

    Styopa, how did you cross to the other side?

    Styopa replied that they were fishing with an ordinary fishing rod

    Styopa went fishing with me yesterday, my grandfather said quietly

    According to Styopa, the best bite was early in the morning

Reasoning algorithm.

Step one

Sentence recognition and placement of punctuation marks.

Sentence No. 1 is simple, interrogative, complicated by appeal.


Styopa, how did you get across to the other side?

The second sentence is complex, declarative.

We place punctuation marks:

Styopa replied that they were fishing with an ordinary fishing rod.

The fourth sentence is simple, narrative, complicated by an introductory word.

We place punctuation marks:

According to Styopa, the best bite was early in the morning.

Sentence No. 3 with direct speech.

We place punctuation marks:

“Styopa went fishing with me yesterday,” said grandfather quietly.

Answer: No. 3

Step two

Drawing up a sentence diagram: “P” - a.

Russian language. Russian speech. 5th grade. Textbook
The book on speech development is an integral part of the Russian language educational complex for grades 5-9, which has proven itself well in schools and is known to teachers and students. Textbook “Russian language. Russian Speech" plays a special role in the complex. Its task is to help the student master oral and written language. He teaches how to have a conversation; make plans for creative work; write summaries and essays on a free topic, based on a painting, reviews and reviews; be able to see figurative means of language and use them in your speech. The book contains varied and interesting didactic material.

Task No. 6

Write down a sentence that requires a comma/commas. (There is no punctuation within sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

    Do you also collect postcards with city views?

    Take the entire series of postcards with views of Suzdal!

    Olya, show me your favorite postcard.

    Friends gave Olya a special album for her collection.

Reasoning algorithm

First step

Sentence recognition and punctuation.


Olya, show me your favorite postcard.

There are no commas inside other sentences.

Second step

Explanation of the basis for choosing the proposal

This is a simple sentence with an address that comes at the beginning of the sentence.

Task No. 7

Write down a sentence that requires a comma. (There is no punctuation within sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

    A lump of light snow will fall from a spruce branch and crumble into silver dust.

    There was a thunderstorm with strong wind and at night the old tree collapsed.

    Fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air and quietly fell to the ground.

    Heavy caps of snow lie on the spreading branches of pine and spruce trees.

Reasoning algorithm

First step

Sentence recognition and punctuation:


1. A lump of light snow will fall from a spruce branch and crumble into silver dust.

There are no commas inside this sentence, because... conjunction And connects homogeneous predicates (will fall and crumble).

2. There was a thunderstorm with strong winds, and at night the old tree collapsed.

This complex sentence. The first basis is a thunderstorm, the second basis is a collapsed tree. A comma is placed before the conjunction I.

3. Fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air and quietly fell to the ground.

There are no commas inside this sentence, because... conjunction And connects homogeneous predicates (were spinning and falling).

4. Heavy caps of snow lie on the spreading branches of pine and spruce trees.

There are no commas inside this sentence, because... union And connects homogeneous members (pines and firs).

Answer: No. 2

Second step

Explanation of the basis for choosing the sentence: This is a complex sentence. A comma is placed before the conjunction I. You can draw a diagram.

Read the text and complete tasks 8-12

1) This boy and this bird live on Bering Island. (2) Man and bird saw no land except an island surrounded by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. (3) The boy’s name is Volodya; he lives in wooden house island village, goes to school. (4) A large gull lives on the shore of a large colony of the same gulls, which scream, fight, fly over the surf, hunt all day long, and in the evening the whole colony gathers for the night

5) Volodya and I walked in the evening near the water and scared away the seagulls, they began to scream and rose up: hundreds of birds with huge wings like eagles flew along the shore. (6) But one seagull suddenly separated from the flock. (7) It flies towards us and descends. (8) I pulled back - the bird landed on my companion’s shoulder. (9) Volodya stopped; The seagull folded its wings and calmly began to look around, but the boy did not express surprise.

(10) In the spring, Volodya picked up an exhausted, wet chick on the shore that could not fly, warmed it, dried it and left it at home. (11) He carefully fed him and walked with his foster child to the shore. (12) The seagull grew up and returned to its colony, but something remained in the memory of the free bird. (13) Sometimes she flies in and sits for a long time on the roof of a log hut, and when Volodya comes to the shore, the seagull recognizes him. (14) If there are few people nearby, the bird lands on Volodya’s shoulder. (15) Friendship has a great many ways...

(According to V. Peskov)

Task No. 8

Identify and write down the main idea of ​​the text.


The main thought, the idea is the main thing that the author of the text wanted to say.

Answer. The main idea of ​​the text is expressed in the last (15) sentence:

"Friendship has many paths..."

The main idea of ​​the text can be given in a different formulation that is similar in meaning.

Task No. 9


We will find the answer to this question in sentence 9: “Volodya stopped; The seagull folded its wings and calmly began to look around, but the boy did not express surprise...”

Answer: The boy was not surprised when a seagull landed on his shoulder.

The answer can be given in a different formulation that is similar in meaning

Task No. 10.

Determine what type of speech is presented in sentences 5-9 of the text. Write down your answer.


Types of speech are varieties of language depending on what we want to convey in the text: tell, depict or prove something. There are three types of speech:

    Narration (reports on the developing action, conveys certain information in a time sequence);

    Description (the goal is a detailed story about a static object, image, phenomenon or person);

    Reasoning (explains, reveals certain features, proves or disproves something) .

Answer: narration.

Task No. 11

In sentences 6−9, find a word with the meaning “amazement, a strong impression of something.” Write this word down.


Answer: astonishment

Task 12

In sentences 10−12, find the antonym for the word “dry” and write it down.


Antonyms- these are words that are opposed to each other in meaning, but belong to the same part of speech. They have different spelling and sound.

We find the antonym in sentence No. 10

(10) In the spring, Volodya picked up an exhausted, wet chick on the shore that could not fly, warmed it, dried it and left it at home.

Answer: wet

On April 17, 2018, the All-Russian test work on the Russian language in 4 grades was launched. The first part of the VPR in the Russian language is dictation.

On April 19, 4 classes will have to complete the second part of the work, which includes 12 tasks, for which 45 minutes are allotted.

The test version consists of two parts, which are performed in different days and differ in content and number of tasks.

Part 1 contains 3 tasks: dictation (task 1) and 2 tasks based on the written text.

In 2018, participation in the VPR in 4th grade is mandatory. To prepare for the VPR 2019, the 2018 options are suitable.

Options for VPR in Russian language 4th grade 2018 + criteria

part 1 - dictation

Dictation part 1
Quests Criteria
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1

Part 2

VPR tasks test knowledge of basic language units, the ability to understand written information, recognize and adequately formulate the main idea of ​​a text, draw up an outline of the text read and ask questions about it, recognize the meaning of a word, select synonyms, and correctly place emphasis on a word. The tasks also allow us to identify the students’ level of proficiency in speech norms.

You are given 45 minutes to complete the tasks of Part 1 of the Russian language test.

When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, grammar reference books, spelling dictionaries, other reference materials.

If necessary, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded.

When evaluating answers, spelling and punctuation errors made by students regarding rules not studied in primary school are not taken into account.

Methodology for conducting a VPR dictation in the Russian language, grade 4

The text of the dictation is read three times.

I. Target setting for listening

− The teacher slowly and expressively reads the entire text of the dictation in accordance with the pronunciation norms of the Russian language. Reading should not be spelling, “prompting”.

− Students listen.

− On at this stage possible to identify and explain lexical meaning words unfamiliar to students (it is advisable to ask students whether all the words are clear to them).

II. Goal setting for writing from dictation

− The text of the dictation is read in separate sentences. The teacher reads the sentence. Students listen. Students begin to write down the sentence only after it has been read to the end by the teacher. The teacher dictates a sentence for recording, if necessary dividing it into small semantic segments.

− Students write down.

− When dictating a sentence, the teacher maintains a uniform pace and a calm tone, thereby preventing lag in writing. It is important to read loudly and clearly, pronouncing the words clearly.

− The teacher can inform students about placing the unstudied punctuation mark dash in a sentence, and also use orthographic pronunciation when dictating words with spellings that are not studied in primary school.

III. Target setting for self-test

− After recording the entire text, the teacher reads it again in its entirety from beginning to end, pausing between individual sentences.

− Students check what they have written.

Part 2 contains 12 tasks, including 9 tasks for the reading text given in the test version.

You have 45 minutes to complete the tasks in Part 1. You will also have 45 minutes to complete the tasks in Part 2.

Basic general education

Line UMK M. M. Razumovskaya. Russian language (5-9)

Russian language

VPR in the Russian language in 5th grade. Reviewing assignments with the teacher

You are given 60 minutes to complete the Russian language test. The work includes 12 tasks.

On October 26, the All-Russian test will take place in the Russian language in fifth grade..

The purpose of the work is to identify at what level schoolchildren have mastered the language material of the primary grades and whether they are ready for further training in the program.

The following will help you prepare for the VPR:

    You can see the analysis of the solution to the test work below on the page, and also download it in text form.

Documents related to the conduct of practical training in the Russian language in grade 5:

Task No. 1

Rewrite text 1, opening the brackets and inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

These are moonlit March nights! Every fabulous (1) forest. Other, new, sounds and sounds are heard. The owl hooted and...other invisible...owls responded to it somewhere far away. Squeaking quietly, the l..mouse... stung... through the snow and disappeared under a stump into a snowdrift... . The edge of the forest probed...the sting...of a cautious fox. In the bright.. night, the exit..t on the p..for the hare.. .

They also sleep in their warm (3) burrows and burrows. But in March days, I wake up more and more often. Sub..stay (2) in the blogs..born m..twelfths. The present in..sleep comes..t in s..r..din.. March. Happy..but, as if in the..sun, the sparrows are croaking. On, under the feet of the snow (h/c).(4)


Step one

We are working on spellings, inserting missing letters.

Reasoning algorithm:

Spelling No. 1

Verified vowel in the root


n..night -night

d..leko - far

nev..dimki - invisible


careful - watchman


l..sitsa -lisonka

feed - feed


on - field

in theirs - yours

born - birth

born -zImushka

m..dvezhata - from HONEY and VEDAT

Bear cubs

in..sleep - spring

In s..r..dine – heart (full consonance -ERE-)

In the middle

On horseback - forest

On the forest

tr..kicks - path


under the feet - legs


Spelling No. 2

Personal verb endings

seem..tsya – seem (I conjugation)

can be heard - hear (excl. IIspr)

can be heard

exit..t – exit (IIsp)

wake up...wake up - wake up (Ipr)

wakes up

arrival..t – to come (IIср)


fail..tsya – fail (Ipr)


exit..t – exit (IIspr)

Waking up...waking up (I sp)

wakes up

Spelling No. 3

Noun endings

in a snowdrift... – 2 pages, p.p.

in a snowdrift

hare... - after C

In the middle.. – 1 fold, p.p.

in the middle

spelling number 4

b after hissing

Mouse... - 3rd class.

Spelling chart No. 5

Alternating vowel in the root

Stand up - before ST and SH I write A

(except Rostok, Rostov, moneylender)

grow up

Spelling chart No. 6

TSYA, -TSYA in verbs

They go out (what to do?) feed...


The bear (what is he doing?) wakes up...

wakes up

The snow (what is it doing?) is falling through...


spelling number 7

Ending adjectives

In the light.. nights (WHAT?)

Spelling chart No. 8

Spelling of the consonant at the root of the word

Joy..but - joy


sne(h/k) - snow

Miracles...we are miracles

Spelling chart No. 9

Vocabulary words

In blogs

To the den



Other spellings

Ch…gums – CHU-SHU

ot..called - unchangeable prefix


sparrow..i – dividing b

Step two

Read the text again. We are working on punctograms. Where necessary, we put punctuation marks.

Reasoning algorithm:

Step three

Rewriting the text.

Wonderful moonlit March nights! The forest at night (1) seems fabulous. Other, nocturnal sounds and voices are heard. An owl hooted, and other invisible owls responded to it somewhere far away. Squeaking quietly, the forest mouse ran through the snow and disappeared under a stump in a snowdrift. A cautious fox ran along the edge of the forest. On bright nights, hares come out to feed in the fields.

Badgers and bears also sleep in their warm (3) burrows and dens. But in March days the bear wakes up more and more often. Bear cubs born in winter grow up (2) in dens.

Real spring comes in mid-March. The sparrows are chirping joyfully in spring. On forest paths the snow falls underfoot.(4)

When rewriting the text, the following are taken into account:

1. Compliance with spelling standards;

2. Compliance with punctuation standards;

3. Correct copying of the text (no missing or extra words, no words with a changed graphic appearance).

Task 2

Complete the language analysis indicated by numbers in the text for task 1:

(1) – phonetic analysis;

(2) – morphemic analysis;

(3) – morphological analysis;

(4) – syntactic parsing of the sentence


Step one

(1) – phonetic analysis;

When analyzing a word phonetically, you need to determine the number of letters and sounds, put emphasis in the word, highlight vowel and consonant sounds, and classify them. To carry out the analysis, you need to know what vowels and consonants are and how the transcription is compiled. The parsing model is free.


o – [a] – vowel, unstressed

ch – [ch’] – consonant, voiceless, soft

n – [n] – consonant, voiced, hard

o – [ó] – vowel, stressed

th – [th’] – consonant, voiced, soft,


6 letters, 6 sounds, 2 syllables

Step two

(2) – morphemic analysis;

What is a morpheme? A morpheme is the minimal significant part of a word (root, prefix, suffix, ending). Morphemic analysis is the analysis of a word into morphemes (by composition).

Order of morphemic parsing:

    Determine which part of speech the word belongs to;

    Find the ending and circle it (a word may have a zero ending, but an adverb may not have an ending);

    Select a part of a word without ending. This is the basis of the word;

    Find the root and highlight it with an arc

    Find the prefix and label it;

    Find the suffix and mark it with an icon;

Remember that some morphemes may not be present in a word.

Reasoning algorithm

growing up(2)

Grow up is a verb. We highlight the ending - yut, which indicates the third person plural form. They grow and grow and become overgrown. So, under is a prefix. Select the attachment. The root -grow- is found by comparing related words: grows, grew, plant (a root with an alternating vowel) The suffix - a- in verbs shows the meaning of the action, this is a suffix of an indefinite form (overgrow)

So, there are four morphemes in the word: pod-rast-a-yut

sub- – prefix

Rast - root

A- – suffix

Yut - ending

growing up is the basis

Step three

(3) – morphological analysis;

To perform a correct morphological analysis of parts of speech, you must:

1. be able to determine the initial form of words;

2. know their constant and variable morphological characteristics;

3. understand the syntactic role of words in a sentence.

The order of parsing an adjective.

I. Part of speech. General meaning.

II. Morphological characteristics:

Initial form (nominative singular masculine);

Short or long form; gender (singular); case, number.

III. Syntactic role

(in) warm(3) (burrows)

1) (in) warm (holes) – an adjective, denotes the attribute of an object: in (what kind of) warm holes;

2) initial form – warm; in the plural, in the prepositional case;

3) in a sentence is a definition.

Step four

(4) – syntactic analysis of the sentence.

When parsing, you need to:

    characterize the sentence according to the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative or motivating;

    by emotional coloring (by intonation): exclamatory or non-exclamatory;

    by the number of grammatical stems: simple (one grammatical stem) or complex (two or more grammatical stems);

    characterize a sentence by the presence of the main members of the sentence: two-part (there is a subject and a predicate) or one-part (there is only a subject or only a predicate), indicate which is the main member of the sentence if it is one-part (subject or predicate).

    characterize by the presence of minor members of the sentence: widespread (there are minor members) or non-extensive (no minor members).

    indicate whether the sentence is complicated by anything (homogeneous members, appeal) or not complicated.

    Underline all parts of the sentence, indicate parts of speech.

    draw up an outline of the sentence, indicating the grammatical basis and complication, if any.

Suggestion adj noun Verb Sent.. noun noun

Snow falls underfoot on forest paths(4).

(The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, common, two-part).

Grammar basis: snow (subject) what does it do? fails (predicate).

Secondary members of the sentence:

falls (where? under what?) underfoot - circumstance, permissible - addition;

falls through (where?) on the paths - circumstance;

forest paths (which ones?) – definition.

Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook.
The textbook, part of the “Algorithm for Success” system, is aimed at deepening and systematizing knowledge of phonetics, morphemics, vocabulary, syntax and text linguistics acquired in primary school; a systematic presentation of morphology begins. The textbook is built on a modular principle: each of the eight chapters includes six repeating sections: “About language and speech”, “Language system”, “Spelling”, “Text”, “Language and culture. Culture of Speech" and "Repetition". The textbook is accompanied by a CD with an audio application, which contains texts for listening to tasks marked with a special icon, as well as an “Appendix” tab.

Task No. 3

Place an accent mark in the following words:

Parterre, kilometer, modern, deepen.


This task tests mastery of spelling norms.

Answer: Parterre, kilometer, modern, deepen

Task No. 4

Above each word write what part of speech it is. Write down which parts of speech you know are missing from the sentence.

To complete this task, you need to remember the independent and auxiliary parts of speech.


Reasoning algorithm

Step one

1. (in) the garden (garden), branches (branch), apple trees (apple tree), (under) the weight (heaviness), fruits (fruit)

These words denote an object and answer the questions who? What? Therefore, these are nouns.

2. Bent - this is a verb, because. denotes an action and answers the question what did you do?

3. Bent (where?) in the garden, (under what) under the weight, (how? to what?) to the ground

The prepositions B, POD, DO express the dependence of nouns on the verb (they connect nouns with the verb)

sentence noun noun noun verb sentence noun sentence noun noun

Answer:In the garden, the branches of the apple trees bent to the ground under the weight of the fruit.

Step two

We determine which parts of speech are missing in the sentence.

The sentence does not contain an adjective, pronoun, numeral, adverb, conjunction, particle, or interjection.

Task No. 5

Write a sentence with direct speech. (There is no punctuation included.) Add any necessary punctuation. Outline your proposal.

    Styopa, how did you cross to the other side?

    Styopa replied that they were fishing with an ordinary fishing rod

    Styopa went fishing with me yesterday, my grandfather said quietly

    According to Styopa, the best bite was early in the morning

Reasoning algorithm.

Step one

Sentence recognition and placement of punctuation marks.

Sentence No. 1 is simple, interrogative, complicated by appeal.


Styopa, how did you get across to the other side?

The second sentence is complex, declarative.

We place punctuation marks:

Styopa replied that they were fishing with an ordinary fishing rod.

The fourth sentence is simple, narrative, complicated by an introductory word.

We place punctuation marks:

According to Styopa, the best bite was early in the morning.

Sentence No. 3 with direct speech.

We place punctuation marks:

“Styopa went fishing with me yesterday,” said grandfather quietly.

Answer: No. 3

Step two

Drawing up a sentence diagram: “P” - a.

Russian language. Russian speech. 5th grade. Textbook
The book on speech development is an integral part of the Russian language educational complex for grades 5-9, which has proven itself well in schools and is known to teachers and students. Textbook “Russian language. Russian Speech" plays a special role in the complex. Its task is to help the student master oral and written language. He teaches how to have a conversation; make plans for creative work; write summaries and essays on a free topic, based on a painting, reviews and reviews; be able to see figurative means of language and use them in your speech. The book contains varied and interesting didactic material.

Task No. 6

Write down a sentence that requires a comma/commas. (There is no punctuation within sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

    Do you also collect postcards with city views?

    Take the entire series of postcards with views of Suzdal!

    Olya, show me your favorite postcard.

    Friends gave Olya a special album for her collection.

Reasoning algorithm

First step

Sentence recognition and punctuation.


Olya, show me your favorite postcard.

There are no commas inside other sentences.

Second step

Explanation of the basis for choosing the proposal

This is a simple sentence with an address that comes at the beginning of the sentence.

Task No. 7

Write down a sentence that requires a comma. (There is no punctuation within sentences.) Write on what basis you made your choice.

    A lump of light snow will fall from a spruce branch and crumble into silver dust.

    There was a thunderstorm with strong winds and at night the old tree collapsed.

    Fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air and quietly fell to the ground.

    Heavy caps of snow lie on the spreading branches of pine and spruce trees.

Reasoning algorithm

First step

Sentence recognition and punctuation:


1. A lump of light snow will fall from a spruce branch and crumble into silver dust.

There are no commas inside this sentence, because... conjunction And connects homogeneous predicates (will fall and crumble).

2. There was a thunderstorm with strong winds, and at night the old tree collapsed.

This is a difficult proposition. The first basis is a thunderstorm, the second basis is a collapsed tree. A comma is placed before the conjunction I.

3. Fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air and quietly fell to the ground.

There are no commas inside this sentence, because... conjunction And connects homogeneous predicates (were spinning and falling).

4. Heavy caps of snow lie on the spreading branches of pine and spruce trees.

There are no commas inside this sentence, because... union And connects homogeneous members (pines and firs).

Answer: No. 2

Second step

Explanation of the basis for choosing the sentence: This is a complex sentence. A comma is placed before the conjunction I. You can draw a diagram.

Russian language. 5th grade. Workbook with test tasks
The workbook is part of the Russian language teaching and learning complex, edited by M.M. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, but can be used with a textbook corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard. It is designed to consolidate and test students' knowledge of spelling and improve their ability to understand and comprehend other people's statements, as well as to freely and correctly express their own thoughts verbally and writing taking into account different situations communication and in accordance with the norms of the literary language.

Read the text and complete tasks 8-12

1) This boy and this bird live on Bering Island. (2) Man and bird saw no land except an island surrounded by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. (3) The boy’s name is Volodya; he lives in a wooden house in an island village and goes to school. (4) A large gull lives on the shore of a large colony of the same gulls, which scream, fight, fly over the surf, hunt all day long, and in the evening the whole colony gathers for the night

5) Volodya and I walked in the evening near the water and scared away the seagulls, they began to scream and rose up: hundreds of birds with huge wings like eagles flew along the shore. (6) But one seagull suddenly separated from the flock. (7) It flies towards us and descends. (8) I pulled back - the bird landed on my companion’s shoulder. (9) Volodya stopped; The seagull folded its wings and calmly began to look around, but the boy did not express surprise.

(10) In the spring, Volodya picked up an exhausted, wet chick on the shore that could not fly, warmed it, dried it and left it at home. (11) He carefully fed him and walked with his foster child to the shore. (12) The seagull grew up and returned to its colony, but something remained in the memory of the free bird. (13) Sometimes she flies in and sits for a long time on the roof of a log hut, and when Volodya comes to the shore, the seagull recognizes him. (14) If there are few people nearby, the bird lands on Volodya’s shoulder. (15) Friendship has a great many ways...

(According to V. Peskov)

Task No. 8

Identify and write down the main idea of ​​the text.


The main thought, the idea is the main thing that the author of the text wanted to say.

Answer. The main idea of ​​the text is expressed in the last (15) sentence:

"Friendship has many paths..."

The main idea of ​​the text can be given in a different formulation that is similar in meaning.

Task No. 9


We will find the answer to this question in sentence 9: “Volodya stopped; The seagull folded its wings and calmly began to look around, but the boy did not express surprise...”

Answer: The boy was not surprised when a seagull landed on his shoulder.

The answer can be given in a different formulation that is similar in meaning

Task No. 10.

Determine what type of speech is presented in sentences 5-9 of the text. Write down your answer.


Types of speech are varieties of language depending on what we want to convey in the text: tell, depict or prove something. There are three types of speech:

    Narration (reports on the developing action, conveys certain information in a time sequence);

    Description (the goal is a detailed story about a static object, image, phenomenon or person);

    Reasoning (explains, reveals certain features, proves or disproves something) .

Answer: narration.

Task No. 11

In sentences 6−9, find a word with the meaning “amazement, a strong impression of something.” Write this word down.


Answer: astonishment

Task 12

In sentences 10−12, find the antonym for the word “dry” and write it down.


Antonyms- these are words that are opposed to each other in meaning, but belong to the same part of speech. They have different spellings and sounds.

We find the antonym in sentence No. 10

(10) In the spring, Volodya picked up an exhausted, wet chick on the shore that could not fly, warmed it, dried it and left it at home.

Answer: wet

“you can’t spill water”? Write it down Compose and write it down

2. Rewrite

1. How do you understand the meaning of the expression“you can’t spill water”? Write it down your explanation, continuing the sentence you started. Compose and write down sentence including this expression.

2. Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

The Northern Lights hold many secrets!4 Some of them already have an explanation.

1. How do you understand the meaning of the expression“you can’t spill water”? Write it down your explanation, continuing the sentence you started. Compose and write down sentence including this expression.

2. Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Above the Arctic Circle you can watch a wonderful spectacle. In the night sky... suddenly (h/c) multi-colored stripes of flash arc ribbons light up and flare up. They look like curtains of green, red and violet. The curtains sway..t..s light up the polar night... This is a real jump..ka! This amazing phenomenon may last for several days. It's called...the northern lights. In the darkness.. polar night.. brilliant stripes of flicker.. soundless.. but, although this is a real storm in the magnetic.. floor.. of the Earth. The fabulous glow can most often be observed in the polar regions.

The Northern Lights hold many secrets!4 Some of them already have an explanation.

1. How do you understand the meaning of the expression“you can’t spill water”? Write it down your explanation, continuing the sentence you started. Compose and write down sentence including this expression.

2. Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Above the Arctic Circle you can watch a wonderful spectacle. In the night sky..suddenly (h/c) multi-colored stripes of flash arc ribbons light up and flare up.. They look like curtains of green, red and violet. The curtains sway..t..s light up the polar night... This is a real jump..ka! This amazing phenomenon may last for several days. It's called...the northern lights.

In the darkness.. polar night.. brilliant stripes of flicker.. soundless.. but, although this is a real storm in the magnetic.. floor.. of the Earth. The fabulous glow can most often be observed in the polar regions.

The Northern Lights hold many secrets!4 Some of them already have an explanation.


  1. Imagine that you are on duty, you need to water all the flowers, and your class is rushing to the schoolyard - the weather is good there and everyone is playing ball. One classmate stuck around and helped you. What will you tell him? Write it down a sentence in which you express your Gratitude

(On) the l..edge.. there is a small..mouse¹ (H/h)neck. Her mink³ (on) x..died³ (in) the roots of old..y³ b..cuts. In a sleepy dream (h/c) melted, the first juicy tra(h/f) appeared. And then the mouse (from) wandered (into) the forest for food. She was looking for dry gr..acorns cones. And in the summer, the mouse galloped for the grains (in) the floor.. and put them in the cupboard..ku². From the grains she p..k..po(f/w)ki, brewed..a delicious ka(f/w)ku. But some of the grains were stored for winter, when it’s cold and dangerous to run (in) the snow! And what could you find there? Only dry branches. And (v) mink.. a delicious... both (d/t) was waiting for her.

  1. Say the words below, put an accent mark on them over stressed vowels.

Huge, confidence, set, got cold

Health, originated, called, longevity

Methods were encountered, suggested, frozen.

Favorite means failed, stable.

The boat, an attraction, means it has been preserved

Capital, citizens, laid, foundation

Iron, material, gets wet, it turns out.

Brave, afraid, tamed, amazing.

The owner, the favorite, has settled in and is returning.

Tears, turned away, wanted, sorting.

Housewives, fruity, served, ice cream

In front, pronounce, name, mixed up.

4.In the following sentences underline main members. If you can,graphically indicatesecondary members of the sentence. Over every word write what part of speech it is

The sellers put the treat in a waffle cone.

Primitive people brought fire into their homes.

The owner found a tiny kitten at the door.

The story of the unsuccessful performance spread throughout Italy.

Carefree Barsik was sitting on a wooden porch.

The cat ran away from Vova onto a high cabinet.

IN medieval Europe There were knightly tournaments.

Underground rivers flow under Moscow.

Mighty lions live in hot countries.

People make inexpensive teapots out of tin.

Ancient people worshiped large trees.

5.Write a sentence with homogeneous predicates. Underline homogeneous predicates.

When the sun rises, dandelions wake up and open their petals wide.

Under the rays of the hot sun, the fields brightened, the fields turned a little yellow.

With cold dawns, a rare strip of fog stretches from the swamp to the forest.

Agile tits and waxwings often fly to our garden for a treat.

The little fox hid in the far corner of the barn and looked around in fear.

The sun illuminated the rain-washed forest, the damp earth, and the dark foliage in the aspen grove.

To the side of the road you can still hear the quiet rumbling of frogs in the pond.

The wind shook the treetops, and the last leaves fell from the branches to the ground.

The sky was covered with dark blue clouds, and the first snowflakes fell from them.

The fox ran around the barn and tried to dig under it several times.

In the morning, the frost-silvered grass and thin ice on the puddles sparkled brightly.

The muddy banks of the swamp river have long preserved the patterned imprints of bird tracks.

In a dense spruce forest, birds take refuge from cold and blizzards.

Snow flakes covered the ground and dressed the forest in a fluffy coat.

Blue clouds with pink streaks of sunset slowly float across the sky.

Lush fir trees grow along the edge of the forest, giving off a resinous spirit.


Write down the text.

  1. Find the text contains a sentence with homogeneous predicates. Write it out this is a proposal and underline it contains homogeneous predicates.


  1. Write it out from the text 4th sentence.


1) Underline it contains the main members.

2) Above every word write

Write this word down and label its parts.


  1. Write it out from the 1st sentence all nouns in the form in which they appear in the sentence, indicate morphological characteristics of one of the forms (to choose from).
  2. Write it out from the 4th sentence all forms of adjectives with the nouns they refer to. Please indicate morphological characteristics of one of the forms of the adjective (to choose from).

Write down the text.

I'm sitting on the river, catching minnows. Mosquitoes are flying around me. A dragonfly landed on my fishing rod. The huge dragonfly rolled its beautiful eyes. Suddenly a dragonfly broke loose and glided over me.

1. Find a sentence in the text with homogeneous predicates. Write out this sentence and underline the homogeneous predicates in it.


2. Write out the 4th sentence from the text.


1) Underline the main members in it.

2) Above each word write what part of speech it is.

3. Write down 4 words from the spelling dictionary, put an accent mark above the stressed vowels:

4. In the 1st sentence, find a word whose structure corresponds to the diagram:

Write this word down and label its parts.


5. Write out all the nouns from the 1st sentence in the form in which they appear in the sentence, indicate the morphological characteristics of one of the forms (to choose from).

6. Write out from the 4th sentence all forms of adjectives with the nouns to which they relate. Indicate the morphological characteristics of one of the forms of the adjective (optional).


  1. Imagine that you missed (missed) a math lesson and you need to find out homework. What words would you use politely to ask for help from a classmate who was in class? Write down your request (the sentence must contain at least three words).
  2. Rewrite the text, opening the brackets and inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Unexpectedly the (h/c) curtain... opened up. (On) the stage.. there was a city square.. (d/t)b. The spectators saw..the flashlights flashing¹ (in) the entrances of the houses, (in) the windows the lights were An ice cream man appeared in a white apron.. he pierced the body with ice cream. They picked out the girls and waved at him. But he threw up his hands. It turns out that all the ice cream has already been eaten.

  1. Write down the words in which the stress falls NOT on the last syllable.

Funds, call, cement, quarter, repeat, funds, beginning, cement, leisure, shop, understood, document

  1. In which words does the stress fall on the second syllable?

put, quarter, repeat, kilometer, alphabet, kilometer, cakes, leisure,kilometer, hyphen, started, document,started, deepen, parterre, cakes

6. Indicate which part of speech the word is not included in the offer.

The last snow in the far field is melting.

1) verb 2) pronoun 3) adjective 4) preposition

6. Indicate the verbs of the 2nd conjugation, which is used in the 2nd person singular form of the present tense.

hiding, making noise, kicking out, being present, rushing around, looking, sculpting, thinking

7.Indicate the incorrect statement.

squeak - 1st conjugation, twirl - 2nd conjugation, carry - 2nd conjugation, read - 1st conjugation, decide - 1st conjugation, believe - 2nd conjugation, fly - 1st conjugation, endure - 2nd conjugation, drive - 1st conjugation, twist - 2nd conjugation, whistle - 1st conjugation, depend - 2nd conjugation

8. Indicate the noun in the instrumental case.

(see) in the picture, (stands) over a clearing, (gets) lost in the fog, (walks) along the trail, (writes) in a letter, (plays) with his sister, (goes) out into the street, (hurries) to a friend

9. In which case are the morphological features of a word CORRECTLY indicated?

will correct - present vr., units part, 3rd sheet, corrected - past. vr., units h., 3rd sheet, correct - present. vr., undefined f., they will fix it - bud. vr., plural Part, 3rd sheet, will ask – present. vr., units h., 3rd sheet, they will ask - bud. vr., plural h., 3rd l., ask – present. vr., undefined F, asked - past. vr., units h., 3rd l.

10. What did the author want to tell the reader?Define and write downthe main idea of ​​the text.

1 . (1) The circus elephant Baby could not stand loneliness: he pricked his ears and roared. (2) In the elephant enclosure, an employee had to sleep with him, otherwise the elephant would not give anyone peace with its roar. (3) Therefore, in the stalls near the elephant, they placed a camel on one side, and on the other- Oska the donkey.

(4) The elephant is very accustomed to his neighbors, he especially became friends with Oska. (5) Baby often stuck his trunk through the partition and gently stroked the donkey’s neck and back. (6) Once Oska fell ill with an upset stomach, and he was not given the usual portion of oats. (7) With his head sadly lowered, he, hungry, was bored in the stall. (8) And next to him, Baby, having eaten his fill, was having fun as best he could: he would put a piece of hay in his mouth, then take it out, and turn it in all directions. (9) By chance, Baby’s trunk with the hay reached out to the donkey. (10) Oska did not miss: he grabbed the hay and began to chew. (11) Baby liked it. (12) He began to rake up hay with his trunk and pass it through the partition to his donkey friend... (13) So we became witnesses of real animal friendship and care. ( according to V. Durov)

2. (1) In medieval Europe there were knightly tournaments. (2) In front of the admiring spectators, armed knights, clad in iron, riding on powerful horses, entered into single combat with each other. (3) But everyone’s favorite holidays were often overshadowed by the death of fearless knights.

(4) One day, the French king Henry II also decided to take part in a knightly tournament and compete with the famous knight Montgomery� in strength and agility. (5) This tournament took place in 1559, and the king was mortally wounded. (6) Since then, knightly tournaments have been prohibited. (7) Instead, they began to organize solemn skaki in a circle. (8) Such skaki called "carousel" (from the Italian words "caro� a" - round dance and "se � la" - saddle), which literally means “round dance in the saddle.”

(9) In the eighteenth century, French engineers came up with a mechanical carousel to entertain the people. (10) It was a huge circle with wooden horses and boats. (11) When the round platform was spun, the horses and boats began to move. (12) In this form, the carousel has survived to this day and has become one of the most popular children's attractions.

11. Replace the word "tournament, reliable, poor, "grandiose" familiar, seep, curiosity, get, inhabit, nickname, run away" word(s) close in meaning, write it down this word (these words

12. How do you understand the meaning of the expression"lion's share"? Write it down your explanation, continuing the sentence you started. Compose and write down sentence including this expression.


  1. Imagine that you need a book for class, but your home library doesn’t have it. What words would you politely use to ask the school librarian for help? Write down your request (the sentence must contain at least three words).
  2. Rewrite the text, opening the brackets and inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

4. In the following series of words find the letter "e" stands for the same sound or the same sounds, as in the word “laughter”. Write it out this word (these words).

5. In the following series of words find word(s) in which(which) the letter "yu" stands for the same sound or the same sounds, as in the word “beak”. Write it out this word (these words).

Blizzard, southern, trousers, loves.

6. In this series of words find word(s) in which(which) the letter "ё" stands for the same sound or the same sounds, as in the word “maple”. Write it out this word (these words).

Leads, rises, sings, stars.

1. Imagine that you need a book for class, but your home library doesn’t have it. What words would you politely use to ask the school librarian for help? Write down your request (the sentence must contain at least three words).

2. Rewrite the text, opening the brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Ostano(v/f)³ k.. (R/r)osa had a h..des..no³ n..title, which was very suitable for her. The boy (didn’t) sleep and came here early in the morning. While he was walking along the u(z/s)koy² to the stop(v/f)k.., his knee-length trousers were soaked in dew. Because there were tall grasses all around and drops of water stung on them. It was visible how, with the rays of the sun, the...t..s..crimson lights were igniting in them. Bird singing added to this amazing picture. The boy walked up to the sk..make.. threw an old.. red.. jacket on her and began to wait for the bus (s/s). The lights.. in the bus went out. was a cloudless

3. (1) A flock of sheep descended from the mountains, from summer pastures, to winter in the lowlands. (2) Halfway there, the shepherd suddenly discovered that there was no better guard dog in the pack. (3) - Karabash! - the shepherd called the dog. (4) The echo echoed far in the mountains, but the dog did not respond. (5) “Probably died,” the shepherd thought. “The dog, feeling its demise, leaves its owner.” (6) The shepherd grieved and grieved, and then he forgot. (7) A few days after the dog disappeared, the shepherd did not find his burka: he must have forgotten it at the summer camp. (8) The shepherd also regretted the burka. (9) In early spring, the sheep herd climbed into the mountains again, here the shepherd saw his burka, and next to it Karabash, the missing dog. (10) The shepherd understood everything: the dog remained to guard the cloak. (11) Around the cloak and the dog, all the grass was crushed and gnawed. (12) And the dog itself was different: bones and skin remained from it, and brown matted fur stuck out in clumps. (13) - Karabash! – the shepherd rushed to the dog, taking bread out of his bag. (14) But the dog did not accept either bread or affection. (15) She bared her teeth aloofly. (16) Then she left with her tail between her legs, without turning around when called. (17) She fulfilled her duty, but could not forgive the owner for forgetfulness. (according to L. Gurunts)

Which sentence contains a word with the meaning “sleeveless felt cloak among the Caucasian peoples”? 1) in the 1st sentence

2) in the 2nd sentence 3) in the 7th sentence 4) in the 12th sentence

4. In the row of words given below, find the word(s) in which the letter “e” denotes the same sound or sounds as in the word “laughter.” Write down this word (these words).

Detour, bumblebee, envelope, eat.

5. In the series of words given below, find the word(s) in which the letter “yu” denotes the same sound or sounds as in the word “beak”. Write down this word (these words).

Blizzard, southern, trousers, loves.

6. In this series of words, find the word(s) in which the letter “е” denotes the same sound or sounds as in the word “maple”. Write down this word (these words).

Leads, rises, sings, stars.


  1. Imagine that during a math lesson you needed a ruler, but you forgot (forgot) it at home. What words would you use politely to ask your classmate(s) for help? Write down your request (the sentence must contain at least three words).
  2. Indicate a sentence with homogeneous predicates.

3. In which case are the main members of the sentence CORRECTLY indicated?

The rains washed the dusty treetops.

1) rain washed 2) crowns washed 3) dusty crowns 4) tree crowns

4. In the sentence below, above each word write what part of speech it is.The builders were building a long tunnel underground.

5. find a word whose structure corresponds to the scheme:

6. Indicate the word WITHOUT A PRESIDENT.

7. In the following series of words find word(s) in which(which) the letter "I" stands for the same sound or the same sounds, as in the word “ball”. Write it out this word (these words).

Family, lighthouse, sailor, five.

9. Find in a sentence a word that containsvoiceless consonant at the end of a word. Write this word down.

E it was a huge circle with wooden horses and boats.

10. Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

1. Imagine that you needed a ruler during a math lesson, but you forgot (forgot) it at home. What words would you use politely to ask your classmate(s) for help? Write down your request (the sentence must contain at least three words).

2. Specify a sentence with homogeneous predicates.

1) When the sun rises, dandelions wake up and open their petals wide.

2) Under the rays of the hot sun, the fields brightened, the fields turned a little yellow.

3) With cold dawns, a rare strip of fog stretches from the swamp to the forest.

4) Agile tits and waxwings often fly to our garden for a treat.

3. In what case are the main members of the sentence CORRECTLY indicated?

The rains washed the dusty treetops.

1) rain washed 2) crowns washed 3) dusty crowns 4) tree crowns

4. In the sentence below, write above each word what part of speech it is. The builders were building a long tunnel underground.

5. Find a word whose structure matches the diagram:

6. Indicate the word WITHOUT A PRESIDENT.

1) thunder 2) burn 3) protest 4) go astray

7. In the row of words given below, find the word(s) in which the letter “I” denotes the same sound or sounds as in the word “ball”. Write down this word (these words).Family, lighthouse, sailor, five.

8. Indicate a word in which the number of letters and sounds matches.

9. Find a word in the sentence that has a voiceless consonant at the end of the word. Write this word down.

It was a huge circle with wooden horses and boats.10. Rewrite the text, opening the brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

D..outright-d..outright I heard a story (h/s) about (V/v)orob..another lake..ro³. G..they said that g..gan..³ bream¹ and h(u/u)dor..shch(u/u)ki are caught there. One thing surprised me... Why are sh(u/y)ki and bream so big, and the is (V/v)orob..other.


Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

There is a small, long-nosed bird, the snipe. The hunters (called) her to..airy..m³ bar(f/w)com². And I (couldn't) find it¹. After all, snipe (f/w) does not look like (f/w). The bar(f/w)ka has a kurch(a/ya)vaya wool(d/t)ka, and the snipe has eyes(d/t)ky feathers and a long beak(h/f). But one day I’m walking with (D/d)zhek (across) the b..lot and I hear someone b..t. What is (Un)vid..we are neither b..rana nor o(v/f)tsy. There are hummocks and reeds all around... See..true - summer..t (in) the sky.. bird. And when she quickly dives..t down (s/s), the feathers (f/w)ki (on) her sh(i/s)rock..x wings..yah and hv..ste make such a sound(g /To). What kind of substitute bird.4

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

There is a small, long-nosed bird, the snipe. The hunters (called) her to..airy..m³ bar(f/w)com². And I (couldn't) find it¹. After all, snipe (f/w) does not look like (f/w). The bar(f/w)ka has a kurch(a/ya)vaya wool(d/t)ka, and the snipe has eyes(d/t)ky feathers and a long beak(h/f). But one day I’m walking with (D/d)zhek (across) the b..lot and I hear someone b..t. What is (Un)vid..we are neither b..rana nor o(v/f)tsy. There are hummocks and reeds all around... See..true - summer..t (in) the sky.. bird. And when she quickly dives..t down (s/s), the feathers (f/w)ki (on) her sh(i/s)rock..x wings..yah and hv..ste make such a sound(g /To). What kind of substitute bird.4

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

There is a small, long-nosed bird, the snipe. The hunters (called) her to..airy..m³ bar(f/w)com². And I (couldn't) find it¹. After all, snipe (f/w) does not look like (f/w). The bar(f/w)ka has a kurch(a/ya)vaya wool(d/t)ka, and the snipe has eyes(d/t)ky feathers and a long beak(h/f). But one day I’m walking with (D/d)zhek (across) the b..lot and I hear someone b..t. What is (Un)vid..we are neither b..rana nor o(v/f)tsy. There are hummocks and reeds all around... See..true - summer..t (in) the sky.. bird. And when she quickly dives..t down (s/s), the feathers (f/w)ki (on) her sh(i/s)rock..x wings..yah and hv..ste make such a sound(g /To). What kind of substitute bird.4

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

There is a small, long-nosed bird, the snipe. The hunters (called) her to..airy..m³ bar(f/w)com². And I (couldn't) find it¹. After all, snipe (f/w) does not look like (f/w). The bar(f/w)ka has a kurch(a/ya)vaya wool(d/t)ka, and the snipe has eyes(d/t)ky feathers and a long beak(h/f). But one day I’m walking with (D/d)zhek (across) the b..lot and I hear someone b..t. What is (Un)vid..we are neither b..rana nor o(v/f)tsy. There are hummocks and reeds all around... See..true - summer..t (in) the sky.. bird. And when she quickly dives..t down (s/s), the feathers (f/w)ki (on) her sh(i/s)rock..x wings..yah and hv..ste make such a sound(g /To). What kind of substitute bird.4

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

There is a small, long-nosed bird, the snipe. The hunters (called) her to..airy..m³ bar(f/w)com². And I (couldn't) find it¹. After all, snipe (f/w) does not look like (f/w). The bar(f/w)ka has a kurch(a/ya)vaya wool(d/t)ka, and the snipe has eyes(d/t)ky feathers and a long beak(h/f). But one day I’m walking with (D/d)zhek (across) the b..lot and I hear someone b..t. What is (Un)vid..we are neither b..rana nor o(v/f)tsy. There are hummocks and reeds all around... See..true - summer..t (in) the sky.. bird. And when she quickly dives..t down (s/s), the feathers (f/w)ki (on) her sh(i/s)rock..x wings..yah and hv..ste make such a sound(g /To). What kind of substitute bird.4

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

There is a small, long-nosed bird, the snipe. The hunters (called) her to..airy..m³ bar(f/w)com². And I (couldn't) find it¹. After all, snipe (f/w) does not look like (f/w). The bar(f/w)ka has a kurch(a/ya)vaya wool(d/t)ka, and the snipe has eyes(d/t)ky feathers and a long beak(h/f). But one day I’m walking with (D/d)zhek (across) the b..lot and I hear someone b..t. What is (Un)vid..we are neither b..rana nor o(v/f)tsy. There are hummocks and reeds all around... See..true - summer..t (in) the sky.. bird. And when she quickly dives..t down (s/s), the feathers (f/w)ki (on) her sh(i/s)rock..x wings..yah and hv..ste make such a sound(g /To). What kind of substitute bird.4

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

There is a small, long-nosed bird, the snipe. The hunters (called) her to..airy..m³ bar(f/w)com². And I (couldn't) find it¹. After all, snipe (f/w) does not look like (f/w). The bar(f/w)ka has a kurch(a/ya)vaya wool(d/t)ka, and the snipe has eyes(d/t)ky feathers and a long beak(h/f). But one day I’m walking with (D/d)zhek (across) the b..lot and I hear someone b..t. What is (Un)vid..we are neither b..rana nor o(v/f)tsy. There are hummocks and reeds all around... See..true - summer..t (in) the sky.. bird. And when she quickly dives..t down (s/s), the feathers (f/w)ki (on) her sh(i/s)rock..x wings..yah and hv..ste make such a sound(g /To). What kind of substitute bird.4


Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

On the sand..no³ shallow..³ one sharp (v/f)ka f..vut³ small..some² bits¹. At night...they sleep (in) holes... Such a hole is called a hole. (On) shallow..many holes, because the h..ek colony is very large..l..shay. During the day they learn to swim and catch small fish. Late.. in the evening.. the birds are... resting.. t. Old birds are smart and vigilantly guard their chicks. When an enemy (h/c) approaches, they a flock and rush (at) him. The birds are screaming so loud..t Everyone is scared..t. Even the huge eagle-b..loose-tailed (could not) stand it..l and managed to run away (from) the ch..ek filed..she.4

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

On the sand..no³ shallow..³ one sharp (v/f)ka f..vut³ small..some² bits¹. At night...they sleep (in) holes... Such a hole is called a hole. (On) shallow..many holes, because the h..ek colony is very large..l..shay. During the day they learn to swim and catch small fish. Late.. in the evening.. the birds are... resting.. t. Old birds are smart and vigilantly guard their chicks. When an enemy (h/c) approaches, they a flock and rush (at) him. The birds are screaming so loud..t Everyone is scared..t. Even the huge eagle-b..loose-tailed (could not) stand it..l and managed to run away (from) the ch..ek filed..she.4

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

On the sand..no³ shallow..³ one sharp (v/f)ka f..vut³ small..some² bits¹. At night...they sleep (in) holes... Such a hole is called a hole. (On) shallow..many holes, because the h..ek colony is very large..l..shay. During the day they learn to swim and catch small fish. Late.. in the evening.. the birds are... resting.. t. Old birds are smart and vigilantly guard their chicks. When an enemy (h/c) approaches, they a flock and rush (at) him. The birds are screaming so loud..t Everyone is scared..t. Even the huge eagle-b..loose-tailed (could not) stand it..l and managed to run away (from) the ch..ek filed..she.4

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

On the sand..no³ shallow..³ one sharp (v/f)ka f..vut³ small..some² bits¹. At night...they sleep (in) holes... Such a hole is called a hole. (On) shallow..many holes, because the h..ek colony is very large..l..shay. During the day they learn to swim and catch small fish. Late.. in the evening.. the birds are... resting.. t. Old birds are smart and vigilantly guard their chicks. When an enemy (h/c) approaches, they a flock and rush (at) him. The birds are screaming so loud..t Everyone is scared..t. Even the huge eagle-b..loose-tailed (could not) stand it..l and managed to run away (from) the ch..ek filed..she.4

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

On the sand..no³ shallow..³ one sharp (v/f)ka f..vut³ small..some² bits¹. At night...they sleep (in) holes... Such a hole is called a hole. (On) shallow..many holes, because the h..ek colony is very large..l..shay. During the day they learn to swim and catch small fish. Late.. in the evening.. the birds are... resting.. t. Old birds are smart and vigilantly guard their chicks. When an enemy (h/c) approaches, they a flock and rush (at) him. The birds are screaming so loud..t Everyone is scared..t. Even the huge eagle-b..loose-tailed (could not) stand it..l and managed to run away (from) the ch..ek filed..she.4

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

On the sand..no³ shallow..³ one sharp (v/f)ka f..vut³ small..some² bits¹. At night...they sleep (in) holes... Such a hole is called a hole. (On) shallow..many holes, because the h..ek colony is very large..l..shay. During the day they learn to swim and catch small fish. Late.. in the evening.. the birds are... resting.. t. Old birds are smart and vigilantly guard their chicks. When an enemy (h/c) approaches, they a flock and rush (at) him. The birds are screaming so loud..t Everyone is scared..t. Even the huge eagle-b..loose-tailed (could not) stand it..l and managed to run away (from) the ch..ek filed..she.4

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

On the sand..no³ shallow..³ one sharp (v/f)ka f..vut³ small..some² bits¹. At night...they sleep (in) holes... Such a hole is called a hole. (On) shallow..many holes, because the h..ek colony is very large..l..shay. During the day they learn to swim and catch small fish. Late.. in the evening.. the birds are... resting.. t. Old birds are smart and vigilantly guard their chicks. When an enemy (h/c) approaches, they a flock and rush (at) him. The birds are screaming so loud..t Everyone is scared..t. Even the huge eagle-b..loose-tailed (could not) stand it..l and managed to run away (from) the ch..ek filed..she.4


Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

All winter¹ the sparrow² (H/h) lived in the old³ stove pipe. Ch(u/y)house (not)pogi(b/p) baby.³. (in) February cold. But (at) this night.. (H/h)i felt..that it had become l..plotted. In the morning he burst out of the pipe and looked around. 4

The branches of the willow drooped and began to look not like the trees of a village but like green hair. I saw strange, tight knots on each hair..sync.. . Yes, it's awesome

D..rain drops roll down..weight..jump (from) the (on) the kidneys..ku. So (on) one but (f/w)ke jump..t down (h/s) along the forest..empty..steps..kami r..guys at the..entrance. Willow her...sleep.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

All winter¹ the sparrow² (H/h) lived in the old³ stove pipe. Ch(u/y)house (not)pogi(b/p) baby.³. (in) February cold. But (at) this night.. (H/h)i felt..that it had become l..plotted. In the morning he burst out of the pipe and looked around. 4

The branches of the willow drooped and began to look not like the trees of a village but like green hair. I saw strange, tight knots on each hair..sync.. . Yes, it's awesome

D..rain drops roll down..weight..jump (from) the (on) the kidneys..ku. So (on) one but (f/w)ke jump..t down (h/s) along the forest..empty..steps..kami r..guys at the..entrance. Willow her...sleep.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

All winter¹ the sparrow² (H/h) lived in the old³ stove pipe. Ch(u/y)house (not)pogi(b/p) baby.³. (in) February cold. But (at) this night.. (H/h)i felt..that it had become l..plotted. In the morning he burst out of the pipe and looked around. 4

The branches of the willow drooped and began to look not like the trees of a village but like green hair. I saw strange, tight knots on each hair..sync.. . Yes, it's awesome

D..rain drops roll down..weight..jump (from) the (on) the kidneys..ku. So (on) one but (f/w)ke jump..t down (h/s) along the forest..empty..steps..kami r..guys at the..entrance. Willow her...sleep.


Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

(Y/t)ya entered the wide..entrance, (under)t..was (on) the elevator..and stopped in front of the..large door..u. Then the girl d..became (from) the pocket of paper (f/w) into the cell..ku and drilled..the apartment number. That's right - (A/a)n's apartment was in front of her. (T/t) axis and (k/kk) carefully hid the l..stock back. Then she slowly tore off the coat, although it was completely clean. Then she put her hand through the button... the bell.

But the thread (didn’t) start ringing. Everything was clear..but: (Y/t)os.. horror..but (didn’t) want to ring the doorbell.

When you quarrel with your best friend, you fight hard, but nothing can be done... you have to.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

(Y/t)ya entered the wide..entrance, (under)t..was (on) the elevator..and stopped in front of the..large door..u. Then the girl d..became (from) the pocket of paper (f/w) into the cell..ku and drilled..the apartment number. That's right - (A/a)n's apartment was in front of her. (T/t) axis and (k/kk) carefully hid the l..stock back. Then she slowly tore off the coat, although it was completely clean. Then she put her hand through the button... the bell.

But the thread (didn’t) start ringing. Everything was clear..but: (Y/t)os.. horror..but (didn’t) want to ring the doorbell.

When you quarrel with your best friend, you fight hard, but nothing can be done... you have to.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

(Y/t)ya entered the wide..entrance, (under)t..was (on) the elevator..and stopped in front of the..large door..u. Then the girl d..became (from) the pocket of paper (f/w) into the cell..ku and drilled..the apartment number. That's right - (A/a)n's apartment was in front of her. (T/t) axis and (k/kk) carefully hid the l..stock back. Then she slowly tore off the coat, although it was completely clean. Then she put her hand through the button... the bell.

But the thread (didn’t) start ringing. Everything was clear..but: (Y/t)os.. horror..but (didn’t) want to ring the doorbell.

When you quarrel with your best friend, you fight hard, but nothing can be done... you have to.


Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

(M/m)alvina and (P/p)yero see.. trill (on) the stage and (not) m.. wash the words.. out of su.. delight. (B/b)uratino hv..s..lifted his nose and lifted his weight..lo..bent to his..friends..yam. They decided that during the day they would study... and in the evening.. play in this .

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Unexpectedly... the (h/c)iy³ curtain... opened up. (On) the stage..³ there was a city (d/t) square..(d/t)b.¹ The audience saw..the flashlights flashing (in) under..the driveways of the houses, (in) the windows the lights come An ice cream man appeared in a white apron.. he pissed his body with ice cream. They picked out the girls and waved at him. But he threw up his hands. It turns out that all the ice cream has already been eaten.4

(M/m)alvina and (P/p)yero see.. trill (on) the stage and (not) m.. wash the words.. out of su.. delight. (B/b)uratino hv..s..lifted his nose and lifted his weight..lo..bent to his..friends..yam. They decided that during the day they would study... and in the evening.. play in this .

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Unexpectedly... the (h/c)iy³ curtain... opened up. (On) the stage..³ there was a city (d/t) square..(d/t)b.¹ The audience saw..the flashlights flashing (in) under..the driveways of the houses, (in) the windows the lights come An ice cream man appeared in a white apron.. he pissed his body with ice cream. They picked out the girls and waved at him. But he threw up his hands. It turns out that all the ice cream has already been eaten.4

(M/m)alvina and (P/p)yero see.. trill (on) the stage and (not) m.. wash the words.. out of su.. delight. (B/b)uratino hv..s..lifted his nose and lifted his weight..lo..bent to his..friends..yam. They decided that during the day they would study... and in the evening.. play in this .

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Unexpectedly... the (h/c)iy³ curtain... opened up. (On) the stage..³ there was a city (d/t) square..(d/t)b.¹ The audience saw..the flashlights flashing (in) under..the driveways of the houses, (in) the windows the lights come An ice cream man appeared in a white apron.. he pissed his body with ice cream. They picked out the girls and waved at him. But he threw up his hands. It turns out that all the ice cream has already been eaten.4

(M/m)alvina and (P/p)yero see.. trill (on) the stage and (not) m.. wash the words.. out of su.. delight. (B/b)uratino hv..s..lifted his nose and lifted his weight..lo..bent to his..friends..yam. They decided that during the day they would study... and in the evening.. play in this .

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Unexpectedly... the (h/c)iy³ curtain... opened up. (On) the stage..³ there was a city (d/t) square..(d/t)b.¹ The audience saw..the flashlights flashing (in) under..the driveways of the houses, (in) the windows the lights come An ice cream man appeared in a white apron.. he pissed his body with ice cream. They picked out the girls and waved at him. But he threw up his hands. It turns out that all the ice cream has already been eaten.4

(M/m)alvina and (P/p)yero see.. trill (on) the stage and (not) m.. wash the words.. out of su.. delight. (B/b)uratino hv..s..lifted his nose and lifted his weight..lo..bent to his..friends..yam. They decided that during the day they would study... and in the evening.. play in this .

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Unexpectedly... the (h/c)iy³ curtain... opened up. (On) the stage..³ there was a city (d/t) square..(d/t)b.¹ The audience saw..the flashlights flashing (in) under..the driveways of the houses, (in) the windows the lights come An ice cream man appeared in a white apron.. he pissed his body with ice cream. They picked out the girls and waved at him. But he threw up his hands. It turns out that all the ice cream has already been eaten.4

(M/m)alvina and (P/p)yero see.. trill (on) the stage and (not) m.. wash the words.. out of su.. satisfaction. (B/b)uratino hv..s..lifted his nose and lifted his weight..lo..bent to his..friends..yam. They decided that during the day they would study..and in the in this f..des..nom theater...4



Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary. The guys generally get close quickly. And (in) summer..m³ camp..³ friendship a hypnotic (s/s). Look..yesterday they still (didn’t) know what someone’s name was, but today they’re already (not) break And now (V/v)arya and (G/g)ala together have prepared... competitions¹.. have drawn up a g..zeta. Maybe summer friendships are not as strong as school friendships, which grow stronger year after year. But (in) camp.. the guys will instantly find out who is the first to (v/f) t..comrade (u/y) to help.. come, and who is the first to pro(h/s)b.. (not) respond..t..sya. Who will find something to do even (in) the summer heat, and who (in) these days are just... a holiday.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary. The guys generally get close quickly. And (in) summer..m³ camp..³ friendship a hypnotic (s/s). Look..yesterday they still (didn’t) know what someone’s name was, but today they’re already (not) break And now (V/v)arya and (G/g)ala together have prepared... competitions¹.. have drawn up a g..zeta. Maybe summer friendships are not as strong as school friendships, which grow stronger year after year. But (in) camp.. the guys will instantly find out who is the first to (v/f) t..comrade (u/y) to help.. come, and who is the first to pro(h/s)b.. (not) respond..t..sya. Who will find something to do even (in) the summer heat, and who (in) these days are just... a holiday.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary. The guys generally get close quickly. And (in) summer..m³ camp..³ friendship a hypnotic (s/s). Look..yesterday they still (didn’t) know what someone’s name was, but today they’re already (not) break And now (V/v)arya and (G/g)ala together have prepared... competitions¹.. have drawn up a g..zeta. Maybe summer friendships are not as strong as school friendships, which grow stronger year after year. But (in) camp.. the guys will instantly find out who is the first to (v/f) t..comrade (u/y) to help.. come, and who is the first to pro(h/s)b.. (not) respond..t..sya. Who will find something to do even (in) the summer heat, and who (in) these days are just... a holiday.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary. The guys generally get close quickly. And (in) summer..m³ camp..³ friendship a hypnotic (s/s). Look..yesterday they still (didn’t) know what someone’s name was, but today they’re already (not) break And now (V/v)arya and (G/g)ala together have prepared... competitions¹.. have drawn up a g..zeta. Maybe summer friendships are not as strong as school friendships, which grow stronger year after year. But (in) camp.. the guys will instantly find out who is the first to (v/f) t..comrade (u/y) to help.. come, and who is the first to pro(h/s)b.. (not) respond..t..sya. Who will find something to do even (in) the summer heat, and who (in) these days are just... a holiday.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary. The guys generally get close quickly. And (in) summer..m³ camp..³ friendship a hypnotic (s/s). Look..yesterday they still (didn’t) know what someone’s name was, but today they’re already (not) break And now (V/v)arya and (G/g)ala together have prepared... competitions¹.. have drawn up a g..zeta. Maybe summer friendships are not as strong as school friendships, which grow stronger year after year. But (in) camp.. the guys will instantly find out who is the first to (v/f) t..comrade (u/y) to help.. come, and who is the first to pro(h/s)b.. (not) respond..t..sya. Who will find something to do even (in) the summer heat, and who (in) these days are just... a holiday.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary. The guys generally get close quickly. And (in) summer..m³ camp..³ friendship a hypnotic (s/s). Look..yesterday they still (didn’t) know what someone’s name was, but today they’re already (not) break And now (V/v)arya and (G/g)ala together have prepared... competitions¹.. have drawn up a g..zeta. Maybe summer friendships are not as strong as school friendships, which grow stronger year after year. But (in) camp.. the guys will instantly find out who is the first to (v/f) t..comrade (u/y) to help.. come, and who is the first to pro(h/s)b.. (not) respond..t..sya. Who will find something to do even (in) the summer heat, and who (in) these days are just... a holiday.

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary. The guys generally get close quickly. And (in) summer..m³ camp..³ friendship a hypnotic (s/s). Look..yesterday they still (didn’t) know what someone’s name was, but today they’re already (not) break And now (V/v)arya and (G/g)ala together have prepared... competitions¹.. have drawn up a g..zeta. Maybe summer friendships are not as strong as school friendships, which grow stronger year after year. But (in) camp.. the guys will instantly find out who is the first to (v/f) t..comrade (u/y) to help.. come, and who is the first to pro(h/s)b.. (not) respond..t..sya. Who will find something to do even (in) the summer heat, and who (in) these days are just... a holiday.


Card No. 14

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.(K/k)ostya re(d/t)ko needed (to)rest..³ . He always worked joyfully...but also diligently...but. (In) childhood..he often collected grapes and berries. In the summer, he constantly tended geese and was the village's p..assistant.

Card No. 14

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.He grew up (K/k) strong.. and tall, and began (to) beat his father (in) the floor early.. . He tried (to) keep up with the adults, he worked (from) morning (until) night. And what a nice guy he grew up. Cre(b/p)some health and paternal¹ owl(d/t) quickly brought him good luck. Even the long...winter...years he (didn't) sit idle. I wove baskets and clothes and repaired wooden utensils. And I dreamed of one thing - to become a wizard!

Card No. 14

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.(K/k)ostya re(d/t)ko needed (to)rest..³ . He always worked joyfully...but also diligently...but. (In) childhood.. he often collected grapes and berries. In the summer, he constantly tended geese and was the village's p..assistant. Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.(K/k)ostya re(d/t)ko needed (to)rest..³ . He always worked joyfully...but also diligently...but. (In) childhood.. he often collected grapes and berries. In the summer, he constantly tended geese and was the village's p..assistant.He grew up (K/k) strong.. and tall, and began (to) beat his father (in) the floor early.. . He tried (to) keep up with the adults, he worked (from) morning (until) night. And what a nice guy he grew up. Cre(b/p)some health and paternal¹ owl(d/t) quickly brought him good luck. Even the long...winter...years he (didn't) sit idle. I wove baskets and clothes and repaired wooden utensils. And I dreamed of one thing - to become a wizard!

Card No. 14

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.

Card No. 14

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.(K/k)ostya re(d/t)ko needed (to)rest..³ . He always worked joyfully...but also diligently...but. (In) childhood.. he often collected grapes and berries. In the summer, he constantly tended geese and was the village's p..assistant.He grew up (K/k) strong.. and tall, and began (to) beat his father (in) the floor early.. . He tried (to) keep up with the adults, he worked (from) morning (until) night. And what a nice guy he grew up. Cre(b/p)some health and paternal¹ owl(d/t) quickly brought him good luck. Even the long...winter...years he (didn't) sit idle. I wove baskets and clothes and repaired wooden utensils. And I dreamed of one thing - to become a wizard!

Card No. 14

Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.(K/k)ostya re(d/t)ko needed (to)rest..³ . He always worked joyfully...but also diligently...but. (In) childhood.. he often collected grapes and berries. In the summer, he constantly tended geese and was the village's p..assistant.He grew up (K/k) strong.. and tall, and began (to) beat his father (in) the floor early.. . He tried (to) keep up with the adults, he worked (from) morning (until) night. And what a nice guy he grew up. Cre(b/p)some health and paternal¹ owl(d/t) quickly brought him good luck. Even the long...winter...years he (didn't) sit idle. I wove baskets and clothes and repaired wooden utensils. And I dreamed of one thing - to become a wizard! Card No. 14 Rewrite text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks where necessary.(K/k)ostya re(d/t)ko needed (to)rest..³ . He always worked joyfully...but also diligently...but. (In) childhood.. he often collected grapes and berries. In the summer, he constantly tended geese and was the village's p..assistant.He grew up (K/k) strong.. and tall, and began (to) beat his father (in) the floor early.. . He tried (to) keep up with the adults, he worked (from) morning (until) night. And what a nice guy he grew up. Cre(b/p)some health and paternal¹ owl(d/t) quickly brought him good luck. Even the long...winter...years he (didn't) sit idle. I wove baskets and clothes and repaired wooden utensils. And I dreamed of one thing - to become a wizard!

This benefit fully complies with the federal state educational standard(second generation) for primary school. The book contains 25 variants of standard tasks of the All-Russian Test Work (VPR) for a primary school course. Answers to assignments are materials for the teacher and can be easily removed, which increases the objectivity of assessing student knowledge. The collection is intended for 4th grade elementary school students, teachers and methodologists who use standard assignments to prepare for the All-Russian test for a primary school course.

Option 1 5
Option 2 11
Option 3 17
Option 4 23
Option 5 29
Option 6 35
Option 7 41
Option 8 47
Option 9 53
Option 10 59
Option 11 65
Option 12 71
Option 13 77
Option 14 83
Option 15 89
Option 16 95
Option 17 101
Option 18 107
Option 19 113
Option 20 119
Option 21 125
Option 22 131
Option 23 137
Option 24 143
Option 25 149
Keys/Answers 155

Explanation of the sample test work
90 minutes are allotted to complete work on the Russian language. The work consists of two parts and includes 15 tasks.
The tasks of parts 1 and 2 are completed on different days. Each part is given 45 minutes to complete the tasks.
When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, grammar reference books, spelling dictionaries, or other reference materials.
If necessary, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded.
Instructions for completing tasks of part 1
test work
45 minutes are allotted to complete the tasks of Part 1 of the Russian language test. Part 1 consists of 3 tasks.

Instructions for completing tasks of part 2
test work
45 minutes are allotted to complete the tasks of part 2 of the Russian language test. Part 2 consists of 12 tasks.
Write down the answers to the tasks in your work on the lines provided for this. If you want to change an answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.
We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

VPR. Russian language. 4th grade. 25 options for typical tasks.