Temperature without a thermometer - ways to measure by pulse and breathing rate. How to correctly measure an infant’s temperature with a mercury or electronic thermometer; is it possible to do without it? How to understand the temperature without a thermometer

Body temperature rises in response to infection. This is a peculiar defensive reaction, immune functioning. Doctors do not advise shooting down if the thermometer shows less than 38 degrees. You need to give your body the opportunity to fight on its own. But fever is dangerous: the body becomes dehydrated and health worsens. It is no longer possible to do without drugs.

It happens that loved ones feel bad, but there is not even a thermometer at hand. Something needs to be done, some medicine needs to be given. How to determine which one? Maybe it's not the temperature? A situation that brings us closer to panic and our loved ones closer to fainting. Knowing how to determine the temperature without a thermometer will come in handy.

  • the person feels weak;
  • he is shivering;
  • the face and neck become red or red spots appear on the skin.

Sometimes there is aching in the bones and inflamed eyes. Sometimes sweating increases.

All these signs cannot be absolute for determining high body temperature. It's even more difficult with small children. Some of them rush around the house eagerly, as if healthy. And if an adult wants to drink often, then kids have to be forced.

External heat indicators are individual for each person. Therefore, you should not rely on observation results.

How to measure temperature without a thermometer?

There is a measuring device in every home medicine cabinet. Anyone knows how long to hold a thermometer, how to use it, and read the readings (if the thermometer is not electronic). Why check the condition without a thermometer?

Situations vary. It can get bad anywhere where there is no home first aid kit and there is no life-saving thermometer. And you may not have a thermometer at home. Crashed. And we haven’t bought a new one yet.

We will measure in other ways:

When loved one begins to feel feverish, convulsions, delirium appear, urgently call an ambulance medical care. There's no time for measurements here. Most likely, your loved one is suffering from severe fever.

Occasionally, a situation arises when you urgently need to find out your body temperature, but, as luck would have it, you don’t have a thermometer at hand. There are many other methods that can help determine temperature. And it’s much easier to do this if there is someone next to you.

You will need

  • - pork fat.


1. The first method is known to virtually all people. It is necessary to touch the forehead of the sick person with your lips or eyelid. If there is a fever, the second person will quickly notice it. You can also touch it with your hand, but because the skin on it is more rigid, it will be much more difficult to realize the difference.

2. If you are alone, cup your palm, bring it to your mouth and exhale into it. At elevated temperatures, you will feel the heat in the wings of your nose.

3. Check your pulse. When body temperature increases by one degree, the pulse increases by an average of 10 beats per minute. Those. if your pulse is 30 beats higher than usual, then your temperature is about forty degrees. But this method Suitable only for those who know their “working” pulse. And, of course, before measuring you should not perform physical activities, drink tea, coffee or smoke.

4. When the temperature is increased or decreased, the body itself reacts to these metamorphoses. At low temperatures, you will experience drowsiness and weakness. Will you have a cool body, exclusively forehead and chest?. You will feel lethargic and may experience tingling sensations in your limbs.

5. Of course, the symptoms will be different if your body temperature is elevated. Look right, left, up and down. If it is difficult for you to do this, your eyes hurt, and your eyelids close, then this is the first sign of fever. Now close your eyes. You may feel a slight burning sensation under your eyelids.

6. As the temperature rises, a person experiences aching joints, intense thirst, and chills. Look in the mirror, if your cheeks are red and your eyes are sparkling, your temperature is elevated.

7. Measure your breathing rate. In an adult, their number should be 15-20 per minute, and in a child 20-30. If the number of breaths is greater, the body temperature is higher than typical.

You can forget to take a thermometer on vacation, lose it when moving, or simply break it. If someone in the family is sick and there is no place to get a thermometer, there are other ways.

Try your forehead

Body temperature rises and radiates primarily closer to the head. That’s why you need to touch your forehead or neck.

You should not determine the fever by your arms and legs; they just remove sweat and will be the coldest when you are sick.


If, with an unhealthy pallor of the face, a person has a red blush, this is one of the main symptoms of high temperature and heat.


A person with fever is lethargic, does not want to move, tends to do things and even doze. Most likely, there will be no appetite in the heat, which also reduces activity.


During a fever, a person loses a lot of water, so the continuous desire to drink as much as possible more water may also indicate an elevated temperature.


If the weather is hot and a person is wrapped in a blanket and shivering, most likely he has a high temperature of 38.

An increase in body temperature is one of the symptoms of infection child's body. This is how the immune system reacts to the penetration of bacteria and viruses. A defensive reaction kicks in and pediatricians do not advise interfering in this process. In cases where the readings become above 38 degrees, the body needs help. You can determine a child’s temperature without a thermometer, but a thermometer is still more reliable. If the necessary device is not at hand, time-tested methods will help out. They give approximate results, but sometimes this is enough to determine the fever and provide help.

How to understand that a child has a temperature

In newborns, “normal” body temperature varies. This is due to the peculiarities of the thermoregulation process. Every mother should know valid values to take action and avoid a critical condition. A value of 36.6 is established by the age of 5–7 years; before this age, a value of 37 and 37.5 degrees is considered normal.

You can find out about the malaise by appearance and the behavior of the baby. His condition changes dramatically, but attentive parents will not notice it. Let us highlight the signs by which we judge feeling unwell baby:

  • Blush, redness and spots on the cheeks;
  • Tearing;
  • Cold hands and feet;
  • Atypical lethargy, moodiness;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Hot neck and tummy;
  • Bright yellow urine;
  • Cramps.

Depending on age, symptoms manifest themselves differently. The presence of one or more signs should alert you, especially if the child is less than a year old. But don't rush with antipyretics. The listed symptoms can be caused by the most various diseases. It’s better to spend a little time and measure the temperature. Moreover, this can be done even in the absence of a thermometer.

Ways to check the temperature of children without a thermometer

When the temperature rises above 38 degrees, the child begins to develop a fever. You can detect hot spots without a thermometer. Touch your forehead with your lips or palm. TO sensitive areas of a person include the neck, armpits, groin parts, and elbow pits. When temperature fluctuates, they are hot. Traditional way helps, but with its help you can only detect problems in the thermal state of the body. It is almost impossible to measure them accurately and determine the difference between 37 and 40 degrees.

More effective method find out the temperature - check his pulse rate. An increase in temperature is often accompanied by disruption of the heart muscle. The pulse quickens, but in different ways, depending on age characteristics children. As you get older, your heart rate changes. For precise definition It is important to know the rules:

  • Newborns – 140 beats per minute;
  • 1 month – 1 year - 125–30;
  • 1–3 years - 115–125;
  • 3–7 years - 90–110;
  • 7–10 years - 75–80.

When feeling the pulse, use a stopwatch. If the push indicators exceed age norms by 15–20 beats, the child has a fever.

Young children are very active, so it is not necessary to set a timer for a minute. Feel the artery with your fingers and count the shocks in 10 seconds. When you multiply the resulting figure by six, you get an indicator of the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle in 60 seconds. The most sensitive pulsation is on the temples, neck, wrists and back of the feet.

You can tell if you have a high temperature by breathing. One year old child takes 25–30 breaths per minute. If you count more, the baby has a fever. The respiratory system of babies at 1–2 months is different. Newborn breathing rate is the highest among age groups. For admission required norm oxygen, the body is forced to take 35–50 breaths per minute.


Fever is a sign of infection, so fever in young children is considered dangerous conditions. The body reacts and resists, but it is not yet strong enough to defeat pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Adults should constantly monitor the temperature and condition of the child. Measurements with a thermometer are the most accurate and reliable, but if the necessary device is not available, use everything available methods. Even approximate indicators will help alleviate the condition with antipyretic drugs and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

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Video on the topic

Body temperature is very important indicator, which indicates serious malfunctions in the body. High or low temperature indicates that the body is fighting and resisting negative factors.

Therefore, the presence of temperature is not bad, but very good. After all, many people suffering autoimmune diseases, the temperature simply does not rise, because the body does not resist the virus, bacteria or other factors. As Hippocrates said, “Give me a fever and I will cure the sick!”

But what to do if there is a suspicion of changes in body temperature, but there is no thermometer at hand? Of course, you can touch a person’s forehead and roughly estimate changes in his body temperature. But some feel the temperature only when there are serious deviations, and minor fluctuations may go unnoticed. What to do if you suspect high temperature, and there’s no one nearby? In this article we will try to answer all these questions and tell you about popular ways to measure body temperature without a thermometer.

How to tell if someone has a high temperature

Here are some signs of fever in adults and children.

  1. Rapid breathing. The breathing of a patient with elevated body temperature becomes more frequent, especially after 38 degrees. The normal number of breaths an adult takes per minute. Children breathe a little faster, breaths per minute. If this number is significantly higher, the person most likely has a fever.
  2. Red cheeks. With elevated body temperature, the complexion changes, this is especially noticeable in children. The cheeks become bright red - this is noticeable to the naked eye.
  3. Thirst. This common symptom elevated temperature, since the body loses heat during heat exchange a large number of moisture. If a person complains that their mouth is dry and they feel thirsty more often than usual, they most likely have a fever.
  4. Hot breath. Ask the patient to blow into your palm. This is very effective method checking body temperature. Even at low temperatures, your breath will be noticeably hot. The method is also effective because you can measure your own temperature. Blow on the clenched fist of your hand - at elevated temperatures, the breath will seem burning.
  5. Cold extremities. Often, when the temperature is high, the child’s feet and hands remain cold and cannot warm up in any way. This happens due to narrowing blood vessels. This is enough dangerous phenomenon– in addition to antipyretics, you need to rub your legs and arms, massage, wrap them up, and apply them to a heating pad. Such manifestations indicate a temperature above 40 degrees.
  6. Pulse. If you have a stopwatch and know how to take your pulse, this will help you determine your approximate body temperature level. Measure your pulse and compare it with the norm. For example, pulse healthy child eight years old at rest is approximately 100 beats per minute. If the measured pulse is 120 beats, then the difference is 20. We multiply it by the number 0.1 and get the number 2. This means that the temperature is increased by 2 degrees, that is, it is 36.8 degrees. The diagram, of course, is not accurate, but it allows us to at least approximately know the level of temperature increase.
  7. Hot areas of the body. You can quickly check your temperature by simply placing your hand on your forehead or temples. There are some areas of the body that heat up the most at high temperatures, these can be identifiers. This axilla, bend of the knee, groin fold.
  8. Cramps. If a child experiences convulsions, especially long-term ones, it means that the temperature has exceeded 40. This is very dangerous; you cannot self-medicate. You need to give the child an antipyretic, call an ambulance, remove the outer layer of clothing, dry the baby warm water and wait for the doctor.

To determine the baby's body temperature, you can use special thermometers that are built into the pacifier. You can measure body temperature with ear and infrared thermometers, which give results after bringing the device to the patient’s temple in literally a matter of seconds.

An elevated temperature may indicate viral, bacterial or infectious diseases. In general, a huge number of diseases can be accompanied by high fever. If the temperature is above 39 degrees or as a patient Small child, self-medication is very dangerous - call a doctor immediately. You should also call ambulance even at a low temperature, if the child has neurological abnormalities, the risk of seizures in such a baby is high.

Signs of low temperature

The situation may occur much less frequently low temperature body, which also requires timely attention. If the baby's temperature drops, he may become sleepy, lie down on the bed, his hands and feet become cold, and his face becomes pale. At the same time, the forehead and chest begin to get cold, and a tingling sensation is felt in the limbs.

In this case, you need to drink a glass of hot sweet tea, wrap the patient in a warm blanket and put him to bed. A short-term and slight drop in temperature is most often not dangerous and can occur due to overstrain - both emotional and physical. If the temperature does not rise after measures taken, it is better to consult a doctor. In women of fertile age, a decrease in temperature may be associated with the onset of pregnancy.

Reduced or elevated temperature the body is just a reaction to an underlying disease or external influence. The human body is very smart and in many cases tries to “get rid” of problems on its own. Even if you managed to bring your temperature back to normal, pay attention to the disease itself and try to find out the cause of the incident. Monitor your body temperature - it will tell you about the state of your body.

Video: how to measure body temperature without a thermometer

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How to determine body temperature without a thermometer: measure without a thermometer

The temperature of the human body always rises in response to the penetration of a pathogenic infection into the body. That is why when colds we observe the temperature.

By and large, an increase in body temperature is a kind of protective reaction of the immune system, which thus tries to destroy the infection.

Interestingly, even doctors do not advise starting to lower the temperature if the reading on the thermometer scale is no higher than 38 degrees.

However, high heat poses dangers to the body and the body:

  • There is a risk of dehydration.
  • Well-being decreases.

In such cases, antipyretics are necessary, but how can one determine the temperature if there is no thermometer? The choice of drug depends on the degree of fever, but without a thermometer it is quite difficult to determine the temperature, but it is possible.

External signs

First of all, it is necessary to monitor the patient’s well-being, external signs his behavior and well-being will help determine the presence of temperature without a thermometer.

The patient will experience the following symptoms:

  1. Weakness in the body.
  2. Chills.
  3. The face and neck become red.
  4. The eyes become inflamed and the sclera turns red.
  5. Sweating increases.

Each of these signs can be absolute in order to correctly determine whether a person has a temperature, even without using a thermometer.

It can be somewhat more difficult to determine the temperature in young children, since sometimes they can run and play feverishly, as if they were healthy, and parents for a long time They simply don’t notice the child’s temperature.

How to determine temperature

Every person knows how to measure temperature with a thermometer, but how to do this if there is no device?

There are a few simple ways get the necessary information on temperature without a thermometer. The data may not be very accurate, but it will allow you to determine whether there is a body fever, and accordingly, it will be possible to make a decision on treatment or choosing the appropriate drug.

The easiest way to find out if there is fever or temperature is by touching the patient's forehead. This is the simplest method and it does not always give an accurate result.

You can touch your forehead with your palm or lips, and by how hot it is, you can conclude that heat is present.

An erroneous perception of temperature can occur if cold perspiration appears on the forehead, which cools the forehead in a peculiar way and does not allow one to know for sure whether there is a temperature.

Another point is the temperature of the toes and hands. If they are cold, this means that the patient has a high fever, and even without measuring it with a thermometer, it is clear that the fever is above 38 degrees.

The second method of determining body temperature without using a device is to monitor the patient's breathing. The following criteria can be noted here:

  • Breathing at fever becomes rapid and heavy.
  • A healthy person takes from 12 to 17 inhalations and exhalations per minute. Larger number indicates fever.
  • The number of inhalations and exhalations at temperature more than doubles.

To complete the picture, you can measure the patient's pulse. When there is a temperature, the pulse always jumps; a person’s heart beats much faster during a fever. Moreover, there is a pattern - every extra 10 beats per minute is 1 degree of temperature.

That is, with a norm of 80 beats per minute, one can understand that if a person’s pulse is 100, then his temperature at that moment is approaching 38 degrees.

And, of course, there are signs of a serious complication when no thermometer is needed to determine the fever. If the patient begins to have a fever, convulsions and delirium are observed, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

At extremely high temperatures there is a risk of damage to both internal organs, but the brain.

The video in this article will show how to measure body temperature correctly, from a medical point of view.

When one of the family members is sick, I can understand the high temperature even without a thermometer. I immediately pay attention to my heartbeat. If it is rapid, then in any case the temperature is at least 38 degrees.

Measuring temperature without a thermometer

Methods for determining body temperature

There are several ways to determine body temperature without a thermometer, taking into account the symptoms of a sick baby.

  1. "Fire" on the body. Doctors recommend checking the temperature in places such as the groin and armpit area, and the hollows behind the knees. You need to apply your hand to these places with the back of your hand. If the bends of your fingers feel hot, then you can say with confidence that your body temperature has risen above 38 degrees.
  2. Cold feet and hands. If you see that your child has a fever, but his toes and hands feel cold to the touch, this also indicates a fever.
  3. Thirst. This symptom does not always manifest itself, but often the patient may complain of dry mouth. This also indicates dehydration due to increased temperature.
  4. Hot stomach, neck and forehead. If you feel that your baby’s tummy or forehead is very hot, and this cannot be confused with anything else, it means that the body temperature is close to 39 degrees.
  5. Pulse. If you know the baby's pulse when he is healthy, then if you suspect a fever, you can determine the temperature from the pulse. To do this, count the frequency of beats per minute. Let's say you get 130 hits. Now subtract from this value normal value pulse (in children under 5 years old it is 100 beats). The result is a figure that needs to be multiplied by 0.1 and added to the normal temperature value of 36.6. In our case, we get the following result – ()*0.1+36.6=39.6
  6. Cramps. If you notice that your baby has seizures that last less than 3 minutes, this also indicates that the temperature has risen to 39 degrees.
  7. Complexion. When body temperature rises, a change occurs skin. You may see your baby's face turn red or have bright red spots, usually on the cheeks.
  8. Breath. When a child has a fever, his heart works at increased speed. This can be clearly seen from the baby's breathing. If the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, then changes in breathing will not be noticeable. But as soon as the value rises to 39 degrees, the baby will begin to breathe much more often and it will seem more difficult for him to do this.

By these signs you can always find out the temperature without using a thermometer. It is not possible to determine its exact value in this way, but it is quite possible to understand that the baby needs to be given an antipyretic or call an ambulance.

Dry heat danger

In addition to how to determine whether a baby has a temperature without a thermometer, it is worth finding out what indicates extremely high readings. A temperature of 40.5-41 degrees can be noticed by symptoms such as inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and lack of sweating. If you give your baby an antipyretic, but he continues to “burn” and does not sweat, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. At such moments, the clock counts. Urgently wipe the baby with water at room temperature, insert a candle and wait for the ambulance to arrive.

You can measure your baby's temperature different ways, however, it is simply not possible to do this accurately. Therefore, try to always keep a spare thermometer in the house, and at the first symptoms of the disease it is better to stay at home.