Random winner on VKontakte. Useful VKontakte applications for working with communities

Holding competitions on VKontakte is one of the most effective ways to promote and attract people to the group. With the help of all kinds of competitions, you can not only increase the number of subscribers, but also revive your audience. Users are happy to repost in the hope of winning.

There are a huge number of regional communities that have become popular and gained a large audience due to the fact that they relied on promotional drawings for prizes for joining and reposting.

How to conduct sweepstakes on VKontakte

Today, for a competition to bring results, you need to try very hard, show imagination and spend money on the prize fund. The audience is already tired and has begun to participate less in such events, which is why administrators have a logical question: how to properly conduct a VKontakte drawing in order to interest users?

Despite the fact that each competition must be individual and creative, there are some features that are typical for events of this kind. Don't know how to run giveaways Just follow the basic rules.

Rules for holding competitions

The first thing to do is to organize the competition correctly so that as many people as possible can participate in it. more people and there was plenty to choose from. It is imperative to describe in detail the conditions of the drawing, that is, what actions need to be performed, what the prize will be, when and how the results will be summed up.

Basic moments

The following points will attract the user's interest:

  1. The visual component is very important, users will be more willing to take part in the competition if they see the prize, so place an attractive picture on the poster, ideally this should be an image of the prize.
  2. Don’t know how to hold a prize draw on VKontakte? First of all, do not forget that the main interest for participants is prizes. Therefore, write down information about them in detail. For example, the winner will receive pizza for first place, a 50% discount coupon for second place, and a 10% discount for third place. The more prize places, the more actively participants will be included in the drawing.
  3. Please describe the conditions in detail - what needs to be done to participate? The conditions should not be complex, and if there are several of them, then divide them into points. Example:
    • "You must be subscribed to our group."
    • "You should repost the post."
    • “You cannot delete a post before the end of the competition,” etc.
  4. Indicate the end date of the drawing and how the winner will be selected. For example, “On the last day of the month, using the application to select the winner, the results will be summed up, the process will be filmed and posted in the group. Good luck, guys!”

How to interest your audience

How to conduct “VKontakte” drawings in a group so that the competition is of interest to the participants? We need to add some creativity.

Come up with an occasion dedicated to some event, holiday or any other occasion. Despite the fact that everyone has long understood the purpose of competitions, it will bring more results if participants see in it interesting legend, which will add ambiance. The draw can be timed:

  • by calendar date;
  • release of a new seasonal collection of a store/brand;
  • launch of the season (skiing, summer, etc.);
  • the onset of summer;
  • as support for a promotion, sale, new arrival of goods, etc.

You can come up with a huge number of interesting and creative ideas.

When choosing a topic, do not forget that this tool makes it possible not only to gather an audience in the VKontakte group, but can also be an effective marketing tool that will help convey information about products to consumers, and most importantly, increase sales. So how can you conduct a “VKontakte” drawing among reposts as efficiently as possible?

What else to pay attention to

For good results you also need:

  1. Choose a thematic prize. You shouldn't play the microwave if your specialty is sporting goods. This approach will not only prevent you from attracting the maximum target audience, but will also put you in a stupid position. In addition to the fact that the prize must be consistent with the activities of the community, it must also be valuable either in value or uniqueness.
  2. Write a unique text. The key to the success of any competition is a bright picture and catchy text. Today, in the age of information overload, users scroll through the news feed very quickly, rarely stopping only at interesting posts. Your task is to hook a person and not scare them off. long text. Remember that the reader makes a decision in seconds.
  3. Advertise the competition. Don’t know how to hold a VKontakte giveaway? If the community size is less than 10 thousand participants, then count on good results no need to. Think over this point in advance, pay for advertising, negotiate with the administrators of similar groups about reposts. Cooperation with like-minded communities always produces results, but under no circumstances work with direct competitors.
  4. Remind subscribers about the competition. If the prize is valuable, then the competition can be extended over a long period. Some competitions last for a month, and many subscribers simply forget about it, and new community members may not even know about the competition. To avoid this, you can do the following:
    • pin the announcement of the competition in the community header;
    • publish additional posts about the draw with a link to the main post;
    • send out a newsletter about the competition (on your own website, on other resources, by mail).


The correctness of the summing up procedure should be approached with particular care.

Are you thinking about how to conduct VKontakte giveaways? The random winner must be chosen fairly. The key to future successful competitions is transparent and clean elections of the winner. If your goal is to develop the group and work with the audience, then additional risks are not needed. If results are suspected of being manipulated or other violations are detected, the group may be blocked altogether. How to avoid this?

  1. Choose the winner honestly, making the process as transparent as possible (video report, photo report or live broadcast).
  2. Submit your results strictly on time.
  3. Post a photo or video of the prize being presented.

Ask the winner to write a review, tell about their impressions of the giveaway, about the product, separating these types of posts separate topic in Group.

Competitions can trigger bans

Most community administrators know how to hold a VKontakte raffle, but they do not know that all kinds of competitions can also cause harm. There are a number of rules, failure to comply with which may result in blocking the community. Therefore, carefully study the requirements, choose conditions and prizes.

Virtual rewards in the form of gifts, votes, and stickers can only be given to participants in creative competitions, such as for the best drawing or photograph. When distributing virtual prizes for your activity in the community, you may be blocked.

If the community administrator complies with all the listed rules, then he has nothing to fear. Next, you can move on to the issue of determining the winner.

How to choose a winner

We have discussed how to conduct VKontakte sweepstakes, now let’s move on to how to choose a winner. For this there are various ways, but in most cases, a random participant who shares the competition post with friends wins. If you choose manually, the administrator may be suspected of deception, so it is better to use special services and record the process on video.

There are various applications that automatically determine the winner. It’s not difficult to find them; to do this, in the menu on the left, go to the “Games” section, and enter the name of the application in the search bar. What applications are there?

  • Lucky you. The most popular program with which you can very quickly and easily choose a winner. It’s easy to use: insert the link to the entry about the competition in the top field, and the link to the community in the bottom field. The program will automatically determine the winner from the list of participants who shared the post.
  • "Choice" The advantage of this application is that it can determine any number of winners who shared a post from those participating in the competition.
  • Random App. To get started with this program, you must allow access to your personal information. There are several options for choosing winners: those who shared the post, by likes, from all participants.


In addition to the official VKontakte applications, you can use the following sites:

  • Konkurzilla.ru. Working with the site is extremely simple; you do not need to install anything or open access to personal information. You just need to enter a link to the competition post, and you will receive a list of winners (you can select up to 100 people);
  • "Vkonkurs.rf". To select the winning participant, you must provide a link to the competition and press the “Define” button. It is possible to select several winners at once.
  • Megarand.ru. The site contains additional functions, such as setting a check for a specified time. This is convenient when the draw ends at an inconvenient time. You can specify the number of winners and the list of gifts they are entitled to. It is also possible to check whether all competition conditions are met.

There are a huge number of ideas for how to conduct VKontakte sweepstakes, as well as ways to determine the winners. The main thing is to do it honestly and openly, then everything will work out for you.

Hello, friends! In this article I have collected some of the most best services who will help you honestly and easily determine a random winner among VKontakte users.

If you need to choose a random winner for social media. Facebook network, or you are looking for list generators or instructions for using random.org, then look at these articles:

  • (Facebook)

Compared to social Facebook network, on VKontakte it is more difficult to create an automatic list of participants. Moreover, very often the organizers of competitions require numerous conditions from participants (for example, like + comment + repost), so the task becomes noticeably more complicated.

There are several ways to determine the winners in VK. You can draw lots using one of the existing applications in VK, determine the winner using special sites, or manually pull lists of comments, reposts, etc. I personally am inclined to believe that the sites for choosing the winner are - the best option, since many of them save the sample results, which looks more plausible. This is becoming more and more relevant, since due to frequent deceptions and fraud, users have become less trusting of pranks on the Internet.

Below you will find a list of the best services that I have found to date. If you know of other good sites and apps, please share them in the comments and I will add them to the list.

Applications on VKontakte

There are many special applications on VKontakte with which you can easily determine the winner according to the condition you need, for example, repost, like, etc.

Lucky you!

Sites for determining winners in VK

Above I gave several examples of VK applications with which you can easily and simply choose a winner. There is also an alternative method - drawing lots using special sites.




kamaninga.com is a very nice service for determining a random winner on VK based on reposts. You can make an instant draw or schedule the selection of the winner on a specific date. An example of what the end result looks like. Everything is very simple and transparent.

Mega Random

Using the Mega Random website, you can choose winners in three ways: “Instant”, “By time”, “By reposts”. Mega Random will create a separate page for you on the website, where you will find information about the competition, its author, and conditions. At a given moment, a draw will take place and participants will receive automatic notifications about the results of the competition. The idea itself is not bad, but in my opinion, there are too many advertisements on the site and therefore everything looks a little cheap.

VKontakte methods

VKontakte methods are the most complex way to manually pull lists according to a given criterion. Here you will have to do a little digging or ask a programmer for help. The methods below do not require access_token.

You create an entry in your community, where you publish a photo with a gift and describe the conditions for receiving it. IN required condition included - joining your community and reposting (clicking on the “tell friends” button) under the entry with this promotion (in VK). Without this, there is no point in holding this competition. Other conditions are at your discretion. You also choose the number of winners. Usually this is 1 person. The period is also at your discretion, I did it for 1 month. Here is an example text:

Where can I get non-standard characters in the form of VKontakte emoticons?

In this text, for example, non-standard digit-symbols 1 and 2 are used. They cannot be found among the standard symbols. And I found them in this group.

Use them or not, decide for yourself. 🙂 But definitely, pranks decorated with emoticons look more attractive.

What do you need?

  1. Choose a prize that you will give to one of those who repost your post (it does not have to be any product, it can be 100 rubles to the phone account). I recommend giving only what you actually have in stock, and so that the picture does not differ from what you will actually give. It is advisable to entrust the image to an experienced designer, it needs to be attractive :) Here are examples of images that I made in Photoshop:

  2. Set the promotion period and write the text of the draw with all the conditions. You can copy them from others. Here are 3 links to communities where only giveaways are published:
  3. After the publication of our action, unfortunately, crowds of people wishing to participate will not come to us. And all because they simply don’t know about it yet. Your task now is to notify as soon as possible a large number of VKontakte users. To do this, you need to select a public or group and buy advertising there for this post. What matters here is whether you work with all of Russia or only in your city. Based on this, you select a group to buy advertising. Nowadays there are many groups and public pages where they post only such information. Some do it for free, others pay. The cost is different everywhere. I even remember in my experience there was a community to which you pay money, give the drawing text and image, they post it on their site and choose the winner themselves. Since the message about the giveaway was posted in their community, they had to order another advertisement in another group to repost this post from their community. Otherwise I would just order advertising for this post from my community. It turned out that in this way I promoted not only this competition, but their public. I still recommend that you do not buy in communities where only sweepstakes are published, since you will notice that after the winner is determined, your group will be unsubscribed en masse. Where then should you place it, you ask? If you work only in your city, then I can recommend news communities in your city.
  4. Next, you will need to choose a winner. I use - Random.app / Prize draws.
    I have already told you how to choose the winner. It is advisable to make a video. I usually do this using Qip Shot. You can download it from here: https://welcome.qip.ru/shot
    Using it, you can take both video and screen photos (screenshots). You can capture the entire screen or a specific area. You can also add arrows, frames, text, etc. to the screenshot.
  5. Here are 2 examples of videos shot using it. In the video, the winner is first selected, and then his presence in the group is checked.
    Video #1
    Video #2
  6. Well, the last step is presenting a gift to the winner. If he lives in another city, you will have to send it by mail or transport company at your own expense.

Cost of organizing the competition

  • 1000 rub. — approximate value of the prize (may be higher or lower).
  • 300 rub. - the work of a designer.
  • 1200 rub. — approximate advertising budget if you buy advertising for 600 rubles. 2 times: after the publication of the drawing and in the middle of the term. The more you spend on advertising, the better.
  • 400 rub. — the approximate cost of delivery by mail or shopping center to another city.

Total: 2900 rub. Afterwards, I advise you to be sure to measure the number of people who have joined your community. Once you know this number, you can divide it by expenses and see how much 1 subscriber cost you. 🙂 That’s all, if you have any questions, write in the comments. Bye everyone! 🙂

If you decide to organize a competition, then pay attention to the method by which you will determine the winner. This is necessary in order not to lose followers and avoid possible risks. If you do not approach this issue seriously, then questions about deception will arise, and no one needs this. The main rule of an online event is honesty when choosing the lucky person who will receive a gift. Today we’ll break down how to choose a winner on VKontakte based on likes and reposts.

Today we will not dwell on the process of organizing giveaways. Read more about this in the article “VKontakte competitions: secrets of successful implementation.” But we will answer the question of how to choose a winner on VKontakte based on likes and reposts.

If you are striving for promotion, then be careful when determining the winners of ongoing competitions. Remember Golden Rule for all Internet sites: the lucky winner must be determined honestly and transparently. Ideally, the entire process should be broadcast live. This step will help avoid conflict situations. It is advisable to add a photo or video report, and also ask the winner to take a photo with the gift. The winner can also leave a comment on their community page under the competition post.

But if you decide to determine the winner manually, you risk running into negative comments and suspicions of fraud. This will negatively affect the brand image.

How winners are determined by likes and reposts on VKontakte

Note that you don’t have to come up with new methods. There are many different programs and special services that help in the process of organizing and conducting sweepstakes. As a rule, the basis of such services is a random number generator, which selects the winner in a chaotic manner. Which service to choose, built-in or third-party, is decided by each organizer independently. There is only one fundamental point - openness of the process.

VK internal resources for selecting winners

So, we offer you a selection of applications that are available on the network itself.


So, let's summarize. There are a lot of useful applications that know how to determine the winner based on likes and reposts on VKontakte. The programs do not differ much in how they operate. All that remains is to choose the appropriate option. Good luck in organizing and conducting draws.

How to make a contest or giveaway on VK? Every day, many companies hold VKontakte competitions. At the same time, some receive influx of new subscribers and clients, and others in best case scenario they give out gifts just like that, at worst - get banned(ban on publishing posts for a week until the community is completely blocked).

The fact is that VK has a set of rules regulating this method of promoting groups, such as competitions and sweepstakes. Violation of the rules may result in sanctions, including lifelong ban. Complaints about the competition to the support service are written by users themselves, including competitors. In this post we will tell you how to create a contest or giveaway that will help and will not lead to negative consequences.

Goals of competitions

First, it’s worth thinking about the goals of the competition. You shouldn't do pranks because everyone does it. Create and conduct competitions only with a full understanding of why you need it and how it will work for you.

  • Attract subscribers to the group;
  • Promote sales;
  • Tell about a new product/service;
  • Image, recognition;
  • Loyalty.

VKontakte competitions can be held for one of the above purposes or include several.

There are often competitions in which you really want to participate, but the participation mechanism is so complex that you either scroll past it or postpone it until later. From this follows the main rule for creating conditions for participation in competitions - create a mechanism for participation as simple as possible, this will attract many more participants. Also, try to be very specific about what you need to do to participate and add a call to action at the end.

Here are the most common examples of competitive conditions:

  • repost (there will be a lot of freeloaders);
  • add your photo to the topic;
  • VK beauty contest;
  • comment competition;
  • creative competition (poems, drawings, videos);
  • photo in the store or with the product;
  • photo review (win-win competition).

Today, the walls of many VK users are littered with reposts of various competitions, and some specifically create fake accounts just to participate in competitions, so a competition with reposts, although it turns out to be effective in terms of attracting new subscribers and increasing reach, does not work well in attracting clients. The conditions here are simple: join the group, repost it on your wall and don’t delete it until the end of the giveaway. But making several reposts is already too much.

Be sure to indicate the timing of the event and make it limited so that users do not put off participating (and then completely forget) and participate right now.

How to post?

The design of the text with the terms of the competition and the attached picture should also be given attention.

The text should be divided into paragraphs, and each paragraph should be highlighted using emoji, which fits the meaning. Such text will be easier to read and perceive by users. Here is an example of a concise description:

Using an image attached to the post, you need to attract attention and, in an even more concise form, inform about the conditions, prizes and the date of summing up.

Prizes for the competition

Most SMM specialists are confident that the success of the competition largely depends on the value of the main prize (that’s why everyone is playing latest version iPhone). But it is not always necessary to set aside such a budget for a competition - it is in such competitions that the most “ professional participants”, while others, on the contrary, may have doubts - “I won’t participate, I won’t win such a prize anyway / or it’s a scam.”

It is best to play not one prize, but several and make them desirable primarily for your target audience. You can also give away your product or service.

In addition, according to the rules of VKontakte, in order to hold a competition you must immediately determine what the prize will be. And if there are several of them, write down which prize corresponds to which place, so that there is no confusion and dissatisfaction later.

Attracting participants

If you have already managed to talk about your giveaway on all your pages and even on your website, but there are still few participants, there are two more great ways to promote yourself:

  1. Paid: .
  2. Free: find all the giveaway groups in your city, most of them will be happy to repost your competition completely free of charge.

Determining the winner of a competition or drawing

Depending on the conditions of the competition, there are several main ways to determine the winners.

  1. We produce using special services, random number generator, etc.
  2. According to the results audience voting(beware of markups).
  3. Expert jury— for this method of selecting winners, it is worth describing in detail who will be on the jury and by what criteria to select the winner.

If you do not want to be accused of rigging the results of the competition, then provide evidence that everything was fair. For example, make a live broadcast of the drawing or at least just a video recording. As a last resort, you can take a screenshot of the service page that identified the lucky winner.

After the winner is determined, write a post where the winner’s name is a link to his page, then he will receive a notification and other community members will see that everything is fair. And under the entry with the competition, publish a link to the post with the results.