After rebooting the modem, wifi does not work. Why doesn't the router distribute Internet via WiFi? Solution to the problem. Why Wi-Fi doesn't work on your phone: possible reasons

It happens that when a device is connected to Wi-Fi, the Internet does not work on Windows xp, 7, 8, 10. Basically, a similar problem arises during the settings of a Wi-Fi router. However, there are situations when the Internet connection is present, but at a certain second it suddenly disappears. Moreover, the computer, phone or tablet itself has a Wi-Fi connection, but it is impossible to access the Internet.

The reasons that Wi-Fi is connected, but the Internet does not work and pages do not open can be very different, as well as solutions. You need to understand all the nuances in detail. Typically, violations occur due to the router itself or a PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.

For easier understanding, this article is divided into several main points:

  1. What to do if the source of the problem is router.
  2. Troubleshooting desktop and laptop computer.
  3. Solving the problem with the operation of the Internet on tablet or smartphone.

When Wi-Fi is connected, but the Internet does not work (limited), first of all you need to check the router and network access, because the source of the problem is rarely the devices used (laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.)

Wi-Fi not working due to router

Most likely, there are several mobile or computer devices that are connected to Wi-Fi. You need to connect them to your own network and if the Internet does not work on any device, the problem arose because of the router. In addition, you can connect your computer or phone to someone else’s Wi-Fi and see if the Network will start in this case. Once you are sure that the router is the source of the problem, you can try to solve it:

  • quite simple reboot the router, in some cases, even more than 3 minutes. If necessary, do this several times;
  • it is imperative to make sure that provider services are paid and there are no problems. To do this, contact the help desk of your Internet provider. It is possible to connect the Internet directly to the computer and see if it works without using a router;
  • check correct wire connection to the router. You should also carefully examine the indicators on the router itself (they should blink if they are working properly);
  • if the Internet works fine without a router - view settings. The settings have probably been reset and the substation is unable to connect to the provider. Due to the fact that there are several types of routers, the instructions for them will also be specific to a particular manufacturer. Information on settings can be found freely available on the Internet;
  • if someone else's Wi-Fi is used, perhaps the owner of the network did not have time to pay for the services of the provider.

Laptop or desktop PC is connected to Wi-Fi, but there is no Internet access on Windows xp, 7, 8, 10

If such violations are observed exclusively on a desktop or laptop computer(works on other devices), first you need to study the specific settings.

In this case, the first thing you need to do is reboot the laptop. After this, you need to make sure whether obtaining an IP address in automatic mode is set in the wireless connection characteristics. This can be done as follows: click on network icon right mouse button and select " Control center", then go to " Change adapter settings". Next, right-click on the adapter wireless network, call " Properties", then double-click on “IP version 4” and check whether the automatic mode for obtaining an address is set.
If the steps you take do not solve the problem, it doesn’t hurt to read the article. Very often the problem occurs precisely because of an outdated (after the next system update) or incorrectly working driver.

It may also happen that the browser displays an error DNS error or anything similar. In this case, you need to familiarize yourself with tips for resolving this issue, which can also be found on the Internet.

Problems with Wi-Fi network operation can be found not only on Tp-Link routers. But specifically in this article, we will try to deal with these routers. Let's consider possible reasons, over which the Wi-Fi network may not work, and why the Tp-Link router does not distribute Wi-Fi. More specifically, we will try to deal with the following problems:

  • The router is turned on and working, but the devices do not see the Wi-Fi network. That is, the router does not distribute it.
  • When the Tp-Link router distributes Wi-Fi, but the Internet does not work.

We have already dealt with the second problem, when there is Wi-Fi, but the Internet does not work, in the article and. See these articles, they have all the necessary information to solve these problems.

Well, if your laptops, tablets, smartphones and other devices do not see Wi-Fi at all, then the first thing you need to look for is the router. Let's figure it out now.

This article is suitable for all Tp-Link: TL-WR741N, TL-WR841N, TL-WR1043ND, etc.

What to do if your TP-Link router does not provide Wi-Fi?

First of all, we do:

  • Make sure Wi-Fi is turned on on your device. If you see your neighbors’ networks but not yours, then see this article further. If your Wi-Fi network is not displayed, for example, on your phone, but it is on your computer or tablet, then see the article on changing the channel.
  • If the router is new, you just bought it, then the network will have a standard name. You may simply not immediately see it among your neighbors’ other wireless networks. Try turning off the router and see which network disappears. Or, just configure your router via cable.
  • Reboot your router.

If the problem persists:

Make sure your router is turned on. If you plug it into the outlet and the power indicator does not light, then it is possible that the power is turned off by the button on the router itself. If there is such a button. Usually it's signed ON/OFF.

TP-Link may not distribute Wi-Fi because the wireless network may be disabled. Again, using the button on the router itself. Not all models have such buttons. Take a close look at your router. This button is usually labeled WiFi and recessed into the body. You can press it with something sharp. Here's how it's done on the Tp-link TL-MR3220:

Click on this button and see if the Wi-Fi network appears on your devices.

If not, then we will check the settings. Go to the settings of your router via cable. I wrote how to do this in the article Nothing complicated: connect, type the address in the browser , or (depending on model), and specify the username and password. If you haven’t changed them, then admin and admin.

In the settings go to the tab Wireless. If the firmware is in Russian, then Wireless mode. And look carefully to see if the checkboxes next to two items are checked: Enable Wireless Router Radio(Enable wireless broadcasting of the router) and Enable SSID Broadcast(Enable SSID Broadcast). If not, install it and click the button Save(save). Reboot your router.

By the way, in the field Wireless Network Name(Network name), you can set a new name for your Wi-Fi network, which will be distributed by Tp-Link.

Basically, these are all the router settings that are responsible for broadcasting the Wi-Fi network and network name.

It is very important, after which your Tp-Link router stopped distributing Wi-Fi. Maybe something was changed or adjusted. You can describe your problem in the comments. I'll try to help with advice. Well, don’t forget to share your solutions, the information will be useful to many.

IN Lately wireless technologies have almost completely replaced wired ones from our Everyday life. And now almost every home, institution, office has WiFi router, allowing you to access the Internet on several computers or mobile devices at once.

WiFi technologies certainly have their advantages, but they also give rise to certain inconveniences. If you suddenly Internet disappeared with an active wireless connection, or to router access point If you can't connect at all, then you've come to the right place. In this article we will talk about the most probable reasons problems and give advice on how to fix them.

Problem 1: WiFi is connected, but there is no Internet

Since access to the Internet is carried out through network cable, supplied to the router (router) by the Internet provider (WAN port), and only then “distributed” via a LAN or WiFi connection, the first thing you must do is eliminate the problem on the provider side.

It's very easy to check this by looking at WAN indicator in the router. As a rule, this is a globe icon or the inscription “WAN”.

If WAN indicator is off, it means the cable is damaged or there is no connection with the provider. In this case you should contact the provider's technical support.

If indicator flashes, - there is a connection, but there is no Internet connection. This may be the result router failure. It will be required reboot. To do this simply turn it off with the button and turn it on after a minute. Wait until the router is completely configured (the gear icon stops blinking) and reconnect to WiFi on your computer. If the problem persists, contact your provider's technical support. As a rule, such problems are resolved by employees within 3 minutes.

Problem 2: The Internet periodically disappears

It happens that the Internet disappears and then appears again. There are several possible reasons.

1. Poor Internet connection. The best way check the quality of your Internet connection - use one of the tips from.

2. Router problems. Reboot it as described in the section above.

3. Poor WiFi signal. If WiFi indicator your computer or other device shows a weak signal, check how far the router is from the computer. The more walls there are in the way, the worse the signal. However, there may be another reason - poor contact with the antenna or its incorrect location. Make sure that the antenna is securely screwed to the router body and is not damaged.

4. Laptop WiFi adapter problems. A yellow exclamation mark may appear next to the WiFi icon in the system track. Try turning the adapter off and on. For this purpose, the laptop has a special function key— antenna or airplane icon (turns on airplane mode). Another way is done from under Windows systems: Click on the WiFi icon in the system tray and in the side menu that opens (Windows 8), move the Wi-Fi Mode slider first to the position Off, then On. Next, reconnect to the access point. If it doesn't help, restart your computer.

Problem 3: Unable to connect to access point

A very common problem is when you cannot connect to a WiFi hotspot. There are several possible options here, so the procedure is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that your adapter is turned on and not in airplane mode. To do this in Windows 8, just click on the WiFi icon in the system tray and check the item in the sidebar that opens Airplane mode(it should be Off.) And WiFi(it should be On.). You can see the screenshot above.
  2. Next, check if the adapter finds desired point access. If it doesn’t find it, make sure your router is plugged in and working. Does not help? Let's move on to the next step.
  3. Restart the adapter using the method described in paragraph 4 of the previous section. If it doesn't help, reboot your computer.
  4. In case the adapter finds other WiFi networks, But does not see your access point, - there may be a problem with encryption. Try and configure WiFi security settings so that you do not need to enter a password - item “Wireless mode” -> Wireless protection -> Disable protection. That is, there should be no encryption on the network. After this, most likely, your access point will appear in the list of networks. If you really need a WiFi password, try changing the encryption type to WEP.
  5. If the computer does not find any WiFi network and rebooting does not help - perhaps the reason is that the adapter itself is broken.

Bottom line

We hope that this article included all possible options for WiFi problems and that one of our tips helped you. If we missed something or you have any clarification, please leave comments. And, of course, like the post and share it on social media. networks!)

Before you start figuring out why Wi-Fi or the Internet does not work, you should know (especially for those who have just purchased Wi-Fi router), that it’s not enough just to connect the provider’s cable to the router; it also needs to be configured (set up the Internet and Wi-Fi network). All of the methods described below are valid if Wi-Fi and the Internet were working for you before, and then suddenly stopped or you cannot connect a new device to Wi-Fi. For convenience, I divided the article into two parts, the first is devoted to the inability to connect to a wireless network, the second part will answer your questions if you are connected to a Wi-Fi network, but there is no Internet.

Cannot connect to Wi-Fi network.

Reboot the router.

The first thing you need to do if you have problems connecting to a Wi-Fi network is to restart the router. To do this, simply disconnect the power supply from the router and connect it again after a few seconds. After 1-2 minutes. The device will boot, then try connecting to the wireless network again. To avoid such situations in the future, I recommend updating the router firmware (perhaps the manufacturer knows about the problem and fixed it in the new firmware).

Enabling the Wi-Fi module on the laptop.

Check if Wi-Fi is turned on on your laptop, I won’t bother, I described all the ways to turn on Wi-Fi in the article How to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop .

Change the wireless network mode.

If you are trying to connect a device (laptop, smartphone) that is more than 5-7 years old, please note that it may not support modern mode Wi-Fi work -n. Therefore, you need to switch the router to an operating mode that is supported by the device or enable mixed mode b/g/n. More details about Wi-Fi operating modes are described. In order to switch the wireless network mode, you need to go to the web interface of the router, go to Wi-Fi settings and select the appropriate mode.

Removing a duplicate network SSID.

One of possible problems Inability to connect to Wi-Fi is a duplication of the Wi-Fi network (SSID). Suppose you come to your friends, their Wi-Fi network is called “Home”, you successfully connected to it. Time passed and you came across the same network name with other friends or at home. The laptop (this also applies to tablets and smartphones) tries to connect to the network using the previously saved password, but it fails because a new password is used for this name. To solve this problem, you need to remove from the list of saved Wi-Fi networks matching network.

To do this, right-click on network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select "Network and Sharing Center."

After this, you will see a list of saved wireless networks. If you see that the network you are trying to connect to is in this list, you need to remove it from this list. Select the network and click the "Delete" button. After this, you will need to enter a password to connect to the wireless network.

No Internet via Wi-Fi.

Internet payment check.

The simplest thing that can happen when the Internet is not working is that it’s time to pay for it or the provider is working on it. To clarify the situation, call your provider and find out if you have a debt for the Internet and whether work is being done on the line.

Static IP address.

One of the problems with the Internet not working may be that the registered static address does not have the network settings that are necessary. In this case, I recommend using automatic network settings retrieval. To do this, you need to go to the Network and Sharing Center. One way to do this is to right-click on network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select "Network and Sharing Center".

Another way is to use hotkeys + , enter the command ncpa.cpl and press Enter.

It doesn’t matter which method you used, the result will be the same - a window will appear on the monitor Network connections. Next, you need to double-click on the wireless connection. In the status window that opens, select “Properties” in the properties window “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”

Problem with the router.

The Internet may not work due to a router failure; the simplest thing you can do is reboot it. There are situations when the router resets the Internet settings, in this case you need to connect to it via the web interface and re-enter the Internet settings, in order to experience fewer problems with the router in the future, I recommend updating its firmware.


In this article, I described all the ways I know to solve problems with Wi-Fi and the Internet. If these methods do not help you, you can describe the problem in detail in the comments and I, together with the readers of this site, will try to help you.