The first signs of the onset of menstruation in a girl. What are the symptoms before menstruation? PMS and its signs Signs of the imminent arrival of menstruation

Symptoms before menstruation in most women are quite pronounced. During this period, a woman’s irritability increases, her mood often changes, which poisons the life of both her and those around her. It is almost impossible to cope with this disaster, since hormones are to blame for everything.

Significant symptoms appear before menstruation

What is PMS?

PMS - premenstrual syndrome, includes a number of physical and psycho-emotional changes that are cyclical in nature. This condition of the female body is considered one of the most mysterious, since doctors have not yet been able to reliably identify the reasons for its occurrence.

The essence of premenstrual syndrome

How many days before the start of your period do PMS symptoms appear? The nature of the manifestation of pathological conditions in women is different, but most often, a deterioration in well-being is observed 1–2 weeks before the onset of menstruation, reaching its peak 1–3 days.

Before the age of 30, PMS appears in 20% of girls, but at an older age, every second woman suffers from it.

First signs and symptoms of menstruation

Doctors were able to identify approximately 150 signs of PMS, but each woman has her own unique list of manifestations of this pathology. Normally there should be no more than 4, o moderate severity cyclic syndrome is indicated by the number of symptoms 4–10; if there are more, they are diagnosed severe form PMS.

What happens in the body a week before critical days:

  1. Breasts hurt, increase in size, become painful, dense - this is one of the most obvious harbingers of PMS. At certain phases menstrual cycle The level of the hormone prolactin increases - the substance is responsible for the condition of the mammary glands.
  2. Severe swelling - occurs against the background of a violation of the water salt balance, the kidneys do not have time to cope with large amounts of sodium, fluid retention occurs in the body, which causes an increase in body weight by an average of 2 kg, and changes in the color of urine.
  3. Against the background of an increase in progesterone levels, libido decreases, but immediately before menstruation there is a sharp increase in libido, the vaginal mucosa dries out or the amount of discharge increases. High levels of the hormone provoke the appearance of acne, most often on the nose and chin, a woman is drawn to sweet and salty foods, and is constantly thirsty.
  4. Diarrhea or constipation, flatulence - in the background hormonal changes The balance of intestinal microflora also changes, which causes the development of stool disorders.
  5. A pulling pain in the lower abdomen may radiate to the lower back - discomfort occurs due to the growth and thickening of the endometrium, and enlargement of the ovaries.
  6. Mood swings, tearfulness, psychosis, apathy - the functioning of the nervous system in women largely depends on the state of hormonal levels; with a decrease in serotonin, the psycho-emotional state will worsen.
  7. Hormones are also responsible for the condition of cardio-vascular system, therefore, with PMS, arterial parameters often change - this manifests itself in the form of one-sided headache, attacks of dizziness, vomiting, disturbance heart rate, increased heart rate, tachycardia.
  8. Nausea and frequent bouts of vomiting can occur with the wrong choice of oral contraceptives or severe physical exertion. Sometimes the cause of unpleasant symptoms is the special structure of the uterus - before the onset of menstruation, it enlarges and compresses the endings of nerve fibers.

PMS during menopause is characterized by severe headaches

Menopause begins at 45–50 years of age, sometimes signs of menopause appear earlier. If after 50 years menstruation does not disappear and appears regularly, this may indicate a dysfunction of the adrenal glands, the presence of hormonal active tumor in the ovaries.

Sometimes after childbirth, cyclic syndrome occurs more easily, and over time it may disappear completely.

Menstruation or pregnancy - how to distinguish?

The manifestations of PMS and pregnancy are in many ways similar - swelling, unstable psycho-emotional state, increased appetite, cravings for sweet or salty foods, nausea, dizziness, bad feeling. Before the delay occurs, it is difficult to distinguish one condition from another, especially if menstrual cycle irregular.

What symptoms may indicate pregnancy:

  • the woman does not use any form of contraception;
  • signs of PMS have not appeared before, or premenstrual syndrome was accompanied by completely different symptoms;
  • PMS causes depression and depression, which are severe during pregnancy; mood swings;
  • during pregnancy, the stomach aches slightly, the pain is short-lived; with premenstrual syndrome, the discomfort is severe and can last for several days;
  • indicators basal temperature before menstruation drop to 36.7 degrees, if this does not happen, conception can be assumed, or inflammatory process in the cervix;
  • on the background higher level progesterone in pregnant women, thick vaginal discharge appears, which gradually acquires a watery consistency.

PMS is not a disease, but simply a malaise that needs to be overcome. All negative symptoms disappear with the onset of menstruation. But if your health deteriorates significantly before the critical days, you need to visit a doctor; based on the diagnostic results, he will be able to select medications that will help correct hormonal levels.

Before menstruation begins, significant hormonal changes occur in the body. At the same time, various signs of menstruation are noted. Often during this period there are painful sensations in the lower abdomen, swelling of the mammary glands and irritability are noted. Such symptoms are considered normal, but can sometimes indicate the development of a serious illness.

The second phase of the cycle begins on the first day of ovulation. At this moment, the egg is released from the ovarian follicle. It is impossible to name the exact date of transition to this phase. It directly depends on individual characteristics body, but normally the process occurs from the 7th to the 22nd day of the cycle.

At the time of egg release and after ovulation, women may experience the following symptoms:

  • minor bleeding;
  • general deterioration of health, fatigue, feeling of nausea;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Such unpleasant sensations before menstruation are considered normal and do not indicate the development of pathology. Once a woman's cycle is established, the second phase becomes completely predictable. It lasts between 13–15 days. The countdown begins from the moment of ovulation and ends when menstruation occurs.

Symptoms before menstruation, characteristic of the luteal (second) phase of the cycle:

  • nervousness, excessive emotionality, aggression and tearfulness;
  • the appearance of heaviness in the abdominal area;
  • hunger;
  • breast swelling, accompanied by minor pain.

About a day before the onset of menstruation, pain appears in the back, legs and lower abdomen. Muscle weakness and lack of strength are observed. Sometimes, within a few days, signs of the onset of menstruation appear, such as headache, dizziness, diarrhea and nausea. Women may even lose consciousness before their period begins.

All women experience symptoms of menstruation before they appear and are considered normal. These are normal signs of approaching menstruation and do not indicate illness, but only if vital functions are not significantly impaired.

PMS criteria

PMS syndrome is considered a disruption of the normal course of the second phase of the cycle. Unpleasant signs before menstruation indicate abnormalities in activity various systems and organs. The duration of PMS varies from two days to a couple of weeks.

The main criterion for diagnosing premenstrual syndrome is cyclicity. The pathology is periodic. Before the approaching menstruation, PMS appears and disappears only after its completion.

Signs of premenstrual syndrome that are taken into account in the diagnostic process:

  • depression or severe aggression;
  • disturbance of emotional state. The woman becomes irritable, whiny;
  • a feeling of complete hopelessness and melancholy;
  • feeling of fear and anxiety;
  • lack of interest in everything that happens around;
  • weakness and increased fatigue;
  • memory impairment and decreased attention;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • pain in muscles and joints occurs;
  • swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands.

If five of these symptoms or at least one of the first four are present, a diagnosis of PMS is made.

What are the symptoms before menstruation?

Often women consider the normal signs of menstruation PMS syndrome. In fact, this is not only swelling of the mammary glands, the appearance of pain in the abdomen and uterus, rashes, but a set of symptoms indicating problems in the functioning of the endocrine system. There are several forms of premenstrual syndrome, characterized by certain symptoms - harbingers of the onset of menstruation:

  1. Neuropsychic. Many women complain of irritability, tearfulness, as well as aggressiveness and depression. There are also nausea, dizziness and flatulence.
  2. Edema. The mammary glands become excessively painful, and the arms, ankles and face swell. Women experience severe bloating before menstruation, increased sweating and itching.
  3. Cephalgic. A week before menstruation, a migraine appears. The woman becomes irritable. Symptoms such as dizziness and nausea are observed. Pain in the heart area and swelling are possible.
  4. Krizovaya. The most difficult form of PMS. It is characterized by sharp jumps in blood pressure, a feeling of heaviness in the chest and a strong (manic) fear of death.

Such sensations before menstruation are considered not just symptoms of approaching menstruation, but a complex condition that requires therapy.

Factors influencing well-being before menstruation

Signs of approaching menstruation appear in all representatives of the fairer sex, but the degree of their severity directly depends on a number of factors:

  1. Nutrition. Before the onset of menstruation, pathologies of the stomach and intestines worsen in women. Symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and flatulence are often observed. It is necessary to properly organize the diet, introduce a sufficient amount useful substances and eliminate junk food.
  2. Bad habits. Smoking and alcoholic beverages have a detrimental effect on all organs and systems.
  3. Emotional fatigue. There may be symptoms of PMS in women who are under constant stress or nervous tension. An unfavorable environment at home or in the work team also affects well-being. Mental work contributes to the appearance of premenstrual syndrome. Clinical manifestations in this case they are much more pronounced.
  4. Sedentary work and lack of physical activity. Blood stagnation occurs in the pelvic organs, and the uterus can no longer quickly reject the endometrial layer, and as a result, pain appears and metabolic disorders are noted.
  5. Pathologies. All diseases that are in the anamnesis become aggravated before critical days. Accordingly, the condition worsens.

It has been noted that women who are satisfied with their work and do not experience unpleasant emotions in the home atmosphere feel better before the onset of menstruation than the fair sex who experience financial difficulties or are under constant stress. Even minor troubles in life have a negative impact on the state of the body.

How to relieve pain

Treatment of painful periods includes the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • sedatives;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • complexes of minerals and vitamins.

Nimesil, No-shpa, Ketanov and Dexalgin effectively cope with pain syndrome, but it is not recommended to take them without a doctor’s prescription.

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis and identify the causes of PMS. Only in this way will it be possible to eliminate all unpleasant symptoms and prevent their reoccurrence.

Menstruation is a normal phenomenon that every woman experiences. reproductive age. Very unpleasant symptoms precede bleeding. At proper organization their manifestations can be reduced to a minimum.

Any mother secretly dreams that her beloved daughter will not only obey her, but also trust her little secrets. When adolescence arrived, and my little princess turned into a rebel, we avoided delicate questions about physiology for the time being. But I understood that sooner or later this had to happen. And it would be better for Alena to learn about this from me than to listen to her friends’ conjectures that are not always true. There is little hope for the Internet either. Despite the fact that all the young people are there now, just imagine for a moment what a search engine can show when asking for a similar topic.

As a result, I re-read a dozen information on the topic “signs of girls’ first periods,” and came to the conclusion that for most menstruation is not a shock; many people know about it. But, dear mothers, I have a plan according to which I personally built a conversation with Alena. It contains all the necessary information a child needs to know. And I share it with you.

Most girls experience their first period, or scientifically known as menarche, between the ages of 11 and 16. So around this age you need to have your first explanatory conversation.

Be prepared that your first period may last one or two days, or it may drag on for seven to nine days. Everything is individual. Smearing during the first few cycles is also acceptable.

Teach your girl to keep a menstrual calendar. This will help her track her cycle independently, and if any problems arise, this data will help the gynecologist.

Signs of the first menstruation in girls

1. First of all, girls notice how their appearance changes. The body is rounded, although for some the teenage angularity will persist for some time.

2. Hips become wider.

3. The breasts are enlarged and rounded. Although in most girls, the mammary glands begin to grow several years before menarche. It is believed that from the moment a girl’s breasts swell, it is worth counting 2 years - this is the approximate time of the onset of her first menstruation.

4. Dark spots appear on the pubic area and in the armpits. long hair. They are thinner than those of an adult woman, but the girl's genitals no longer look the same.5. The external genitalia slightly increase in volume, and the labia minora become darker.

6. Whitish discharge appears from the genital tract, or, as it is popularly called, leucorrhoea. This is not a pathology, but a normal phenomenon. Under the influence of hormones, the vaginal mucosa begins to function in a new way, secreting mucus. Leucorrhoea is mucus with desquamated epithelium. Normally it looks like a light whitish discharge.

7. Hormones also affect the skin: its oiliness increases, most teenagers have at least a mild degree of acne, which goes away with age.

8. Menarche can occur unexpectedly without any warning signs. Just one day the girl discovers blood on her underwear. Now you understand why it is important to be psychologically prepared for this.

9. But sometimes the signs of the first menstruation in girls can include phenomena reminiscent of PMS in adult women: irritability, tearful mood, apathy, aggression, nausea, swelling of the legs, headache.

10. Directly during menstruation, a girl may experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen. This condition can last 1–2 days. Cope with unpleasant sensations Antispasmodics or painkillers will help.

How the cycle is established

During the first year, a teenage girl’s cycle is in an unstable state. Hormonal surges gradually level out, and the internal genital organs mature. Therefore, during the first year of menarche there may be delays of 2-3 months, premature onset of menstruation, too much or scanty discharge. Most people have a menstrual cycle of 24–34 days.

When to be wary

If the young lady is already 16 years old, and the signs of the first menstruation in girls are not yet approaching, then you should sound the alarm. This is now considered a symptom of delayed puberty. Although a few decades ago this was the norm.

At the same time, the onset of menarche before age 10 indicates early puberty. Such children should be comprehensively examined, primarily by a pediatric endocrinologist and gynecologist.

The timing of the appearance of menstruation is influenced by factors such as:

  • infectious and somatic diseases in early childhood,
  • hereditary factor along the female line in the family,
  • unbalanced diet, lack of fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin E.
  • stress and anxiety can delay puberty.

This is how we discussed the signs of the girls’ first periods with their daughter. Frankly, everything went much better than I expected. Our children seem to me to be an order of magnitude older than we once were. Have you already talked about this with your daughter?

First periods in girls aged 11

To determine the approximate age of the first period, you should know how the girl’s body prepares for the onset of puberty. Already at 7-9 years of age, the endocrine system begins to produce sex hormones, which, when they reach the required concentration, stimulate the maturation of follicles in the ovaries and, as a result, the onset of menstruation. Usually, about one to two years pass from the start of hormone production to the first menstruation, so if at the age of 11 menstruation occurs for the first time, this will be absolutely normal.

The following factors also influence a girl’s puberty:

  • Heredity. In order for a mother to guess as accurately as possible when her daughter will have her first menstruation, she should remember at what age she herself encountered this phenomenon. In most cases this gives an accurate result, but there are exceptions. For example, a mother’s first period could begin at the age of 14, and a daughter’s first period at 11. There is also no need to worry in such cases, because normally the period should begin before the age of 16. In this case, the age of eleven years will be the lower limit of this time period .
  • Physical development. It is possible to assume that the first menstruation will begin at a fairly early age by analyzing the general development and development of secondary sexual characteristics. With the beginning of the production of follicle-stimulating hormone at the age of 8–9 years, the growth of the mammary glands, the “rounding” of the hips, and the appearance of hair on the pubis and armpits begin. If these signs appear early enough, then there is reason to believe that the onset of menstruation will be early.
  • The presence or absence of diseases. Chronic diseases of the endocrine system can significantly affect the age at which the first menstruation occurs. An important influence is also exerted by the presence of pathologies of the reproductive system, which may be a consequence birth trauma or individual genetic characteristics.
  • Body mass. Very thin or overweight girls may have problems with the development of the genital organs. The optimal weight is calculated using the formula: height in centimeters minus one hundred.
  • Lifestyle. Usually, in girls who lead a fairly active lifestyle, eat right and do not suffer from overwork, the menstrual cycle is established quickly and practically does not go astray, and the periods themselves are almost painless.

Read also 🗓 When and how to explain to a girl about her period

Therefore, taking into account the above factors, the mother should take care in advance that her daughter is aware of the processes that occur in her body. It would also be useful to teach the girl how to use personal hygiene products. Otherwise, the question of what to do if your period comes at age 11 has one answer: don’t panic.

What should your first period be like?

You can find out about the imminent onset of the first menstruation not only based on information about the girl’s health and heredity, but also from a number of indirect evidence. The first signs of menstruation in girls appear long before their actual onset, and so that the first critical days do not become an unpleasant surprise, you should carefully monitor the child’s health and pay attention to the changes that occur.

Girls' first periods can be either heavy or just a few drops of blood. This depends on the functioning of the endocrine glands and on the general state of health. Color (from red to brown - normal variants) is also determined by the individual characteristics of the body.

Signs of the first menstruation in girls 11 years old

You can recognize the imminent onset of menstruation in girls aged 11 years by the following symptoms:

  1. Mood swings, susceptibility to stress, aggressiveness.
  2. Decreased appetite.
  3. The appearance of acne on the face and back.
  4. Increased oiliness of hair and skin.
  5. The presence of whitish mucous discharge. Just before your period arrives, they become thicker.

Both mothers and the girls themselves should know the signs of girls’ first periods in order to have time to prepare mentally and physically. It is also important to teach a girl, literally from her first period, to follow the schedule of their arrival and keep a special calendar.

This will protect you from the unexpected onset of menstruation, and will also help you know when your next period will begin. In addition, this will help to monitor how the cycle is established and, if you notice any disruptions, consult a doctor in time.

Duration of first menstruation

For many girls, even if they seem to be very young and unformed, the onset of menstruation signals the next stage of puberty. Therefore, often the nature of the discharge and its intensity are no different from those observed in adult women. However, since menstruation is still a very individual process, some features may be present, such as meager or, conversely, quite copious discharge(their volume depends on the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone in the body, so even if only a few drops of blood appeared during the first menstruation, there is no need to worry). The first critical days last, as in adult women, from three to five days. There is no need to worry if they end a little earlier or a little later, because the cycle is just beginning to establish itself, and such failures are quite normal.

Deviations from the norm during menstruation

But, despite the fact that the fuzzy cycle allows for many amendments, there are also symptoms, the presence of which indicates that there are deviations. For example, the extremely abundant nature of the discharge indicates that there have been malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

In this case, it makes sense to show the child to a pediatric gynecologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist and take a blood test for hormones. In the future, when the cycle gradually begins to establish itself, it will be necessary to monitor its duration.

A cycle that is too short (up to 21 days) or too long (36-38 days) may mean that the girl has problems with the reproductive system.

Opinion of gynecologists

The main danger, as many doctors say, in the first menstruation is not the process as such, but the fact that the girl is often unaware of what is happening to her, which is why she can become confused and scared. Therefore, they strongly advise mothers to talk to their daughters about what menstruation is like in girls; for 11-year-olds and even a little younger, this will be extremely useful. It is also necessary to tell the child not only what menstruation is, but also what precedes its onset. So, when the first symptoms appear, indicating the imminent onset of adolescence, the girl will be able to understand what is happening to her and, if something happens, react in time. It is important to teach your child to independently monitor the duration of menstruation and the interval between them, because information about the duration of the cycle can give an extensive description of the general state of health.

It is also necessary to remember that after the first critical days a significant delay is possible. In most cases, this is also the norm, because within six months after the “start” of the ovaries, the cycle will form and become established. Because of this, jumps and crashes may occur. The maximum that can be done in this case is to teach the girl how to use sanitary pads and make sure that she always has them at hand.

It should be understood and adult woman, and to the little girl who is yet to become a woman, that menstruation is a completely natural process, and there is no point in being afraid or embarrassed about it. When explaining to your daughter what it is and how to live with it, you shouldn’t leave anything unsaid. After all, sooner or later the girl herself will find out about what her mother was once embarrassed to tell her about, but if she is warned in advance, she will be able to avoid many unpleasant incidents and mistakes. Assuming that your baby is about to get her period, you should also pay attention Special attention her way of life. During such a difficult period for the body, it is important to support it with proper nutrition (after consulting with a doctor, you can start taking vitamins E, K, D), healthy sleep(children at this age need to sleep at least eight hours), moderate physical activity (bus rides can be partially replaced by walking) and comfortable emotional state(stress should be kept to a minimum, because children are especially sensitive to it, and this may not affect the girl’s health, both general and reproductive in the best possible way). Support, understanding and a general atmosphere will help make the transition much easier.

How long does the first period last?

The normal duration of menstruation in girls is from 3 to 5 days. Under certain circumstances, menstrual discharge is present for 7 days. This duration is often influenced by genetics.

The first menstruation begins with a slight discharge. On the second and third days, the discharge is the strongest. They contain clots, which are also normal. The uterus is rapidly cleared of endometrium, renewed, and prepared for a new menstrual cycle. Therefore, already on the 4th day, the discharge becomes moderate, and on the 4th it turns back into a smear. If menstruation lasts only 3 days, the heaviest discharge is on day 2.

The duration of menstruation can also be judged by the mother's menstrual cycle. Often the duration is the same. There are no rules for your first period. They are very different. Both scanty and abundant discharge are regarded as the norm.

What to do if your period begins

It is best to spend the first day of menstruation at home, in bed. If critical days occur at school, you should not hesitate to report this to the class teacher, ask to go home. Notify your mother or other person about an important event in your life loved one. You can relieve pain with painkillers and antispasmodics. You can calm the nervous system with tincture of valerian and motherwort. If there is no gasket, you need to use improvised means. Tear off a piece of a clean sheet or diaper, or use gauze and cotton wool. Some gynecologists recommend using only such pads during menarche.

When does the menstrual cycle begin?

The first period does not mean that a girl will menstruate next month. It takes 2 years for the monthly cycle to develop. During this time, the girl’s hormonal levels should normalize. Its unstable position leads to a long delay or frequent occurrence of menstrual discharge. Absence of menstruation after the first critical days is allowed for up to 3 months. This can happen periodically for 1 year. In the second year the cycle will begin to improve. The girl will already be able to know when her critical days will come. Although you can’t count on the exact number of days in a cycle.

It is necessary to contact a specialist if monthly cycle The teenager did not improve in 2 years. During critical days, severe pain and bleeding are constantly present. This situation indicates the presence of pathologies in the reproductive system or diseases.


  • You are experiencing sudden abdominal pain.
  • And I’m already quite tired of long, chaotic and painful periods.
  • You do not have enough endometrium to become pregnant.
  • Discharge that is brown, green or yellow.
  • And for some reason the recommended medications are not effective in your case.
  • In addition, constant weakness and ailments have already become a firm part of your life.
  • An effective remedy for the treatment of endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, unstable menstrual cycle and others gynecological diseases exists. Follow the link and find out what the chief gynecologist of Russia recommends to you

    Reasons for delayed menstruation in adolescents 12-17 years old

    There comes a time in every girl's life when her period begins. Bloody discharge on panties first frightens a teenager, then becomes a common occurrence.

    But suddenly a 13-year-old girl experiences a delay in her period. What to do, what to think about, is there really something wrong in the body?

    By studying the characteristics of menarche and the first menstruation over the next 2 years, we can conclude that the reproductive and hormonal systems are restructuring. Untimely bleeding is normal in teenage girls. We will look at what causes their instability in this article.

    Features of puberty in girls

    Puberty in girls occurs between the ages of 8 and 18 years. The first signs of puberty are manifested by hair growth in the axillary and pubic area, an increase in the mammary glands and the volume of adipose tissue. If the mother notices these signs, it means that her daughter will begin menstruation in the next 1.5 - 2 years.

    Menarche often occurs between 11 and 14 years of age. Sometimes menstruation begins earlier, for example, at 9–10 years, or later, at 15–16 years. Deviation from the norm does not always indicate pathology, but this fact should not go unnoticed by parents and doctors.

    Girls who are prone to obesity and are physically developed experience early menarche. In thin teenagers, the first bleeding does not occur until the age of 12.

    The process of puberty is purely individual and genetically determined. If the mother herself saw her first period at 12–13 years old, her child will begin bleeding around the same period. However, due to the rapid maturation of modern youth, teenagers now have their periods much earlier than in previous generations. The difference today is 1 year.

    The regularity of menstruation in a girl aged 12–14 years depends on the proper functioning of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Improper functioning of these parts of the brain becomes the main cause of delay in adolescence.

    Why do girls have late periods?

    If a girl under 15 has never had her period, gynecologists call this an abnormal delay. physiological development. If menarche was timely, but the next menstruation did not begin as scheduled, it is important to establish the reasons for the delay and take therapeutic measures.

    Factors that influence the stability of menstruation in adolescents:

  • Hormonal imbalance. A rough voice, lack of mature mammary glands and male-pattern hair indicate a predominance of male hormones in a girl’s body. Unstable periods indicate estrogen deficiency.
  • Underdevelopment of the genital organs and trauma/surgery. Improperly formed organs, as well as damaged ones, can affect the timing of menstruation. The pathology is easily diagnosed during a gynecological examination. The optimal age for examination is from 15 years.
  • Increased mental or physical stress. Active lifestyle, desire to be on time everywhere, daily fulfillment large quantities lessons and visiting a tutor provoke a lack of free time and burn fat. Its lack forces the brain centers to block ovulation.
  • Bad habits. Smoking, taking narcotic drugs and alcoholic beverages delay the onset of menstruation in young ladies.
  • Medicines. Taking some medications can disrupt the smooth functioning of the reproductive system. The main culprits are synthetic hormones. Hormonal contraceptives Young girls should not use it, because they affect menstruation.
  • Psycho-emotional status. As a child grows up, relationships with parents and classmates may become difficult, and this affects the cycle. The situation is aggravated by first love, especially unrequited love. Experiences force the girl to withdraw into herself. Lack of timely bleeding increases stress. Menstruation improves on its own only after this factor is eliminated.
  • Sex. The onset of sexual activity during puberty causes a delay in menstruation in a 14-year-old girl (age deviations are allowed) and pregnancy. When a young lady is developing her personality, it is important for parents not to miss this moment and build a trusting relationship with their daughter. Proper sex education and knowledge simple methods contraception will prevent the consequences of early sexual activity in a growing child.
  • The desire to lose weight sometimes drives teenagers to exhaustion. A limited intake of nutritious foods and an unbridled desire for thinness become the cause of anorexia nervosa. This condition disrupts the functions of the entire body and negatively affects the sexual sphere.

    Symptoms of missed period

    A delay in menstruation in some girls affects the psycho-emotional side of the personality. The daughter gets irritated over trifles, takes her anger out on innocent people around her, or becomes lethargic and apathetic.

    If the years go by and there is still no menarche, you need to pay attention to the external image of the girl. If the figure does not change according to the female type, parents should show the child to a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

    If girls' second periods come with a delay of 20 to 45 days, there is no need to worry. Such cyclicity is not considered anomalous. But when there is no bleeding for several months or six months, or its duration fluctuates sharply (in one month there are 9 days, and in another - 3), you need to urgently contact a pediatric gynecologist.

    Doctors identify the complete absence of menstruation in a teenage girl, which is accompanied by a lack of puberty, with primary amenorrhea. If at the age of 14 a girl does not have pubic and armpit hair, the mammary glands do not grow and menstrual bleeding does not appear, the doctor will diagnose “amenorrhea”. For a 16-year-old girl with a full set of signs of puberty, the gynecologist will make the same diagnosis if she has never had her period yet.

    In general, no norms for the duration and regularity of the cycle have been established for adolescence. A simple calculation will help mothers track the regularity of bleeding. Having allocated a pocket calendar for menstruation, you need to keep it together with your daughter and mark the arrival of critical days. This is recommended for the first 2 years after menarche.

    When does the menstrual cycle begin?

    On average, the cycle is established within 2 years. At this time, it is important to monitor all changes and not allow the situation that there are no periods for several months, and the girl does not receive medical care. Such a problem must be discussed with a gynecologist.

    In order for the menstrual cycle to be regulated as quickly as possible, the girl needs to create certain conditions:

  • Adjust your diet in favor of fortified foods.
  • Reduce physical activity and, if possible, intellectual activity.
  • Protect your child from stressful situations.
  • Organize family outings fresh air.
  • Rearrange your daily routine so that sufficient time is allocated for night rest.
  • Some girls during puberty will benefit from consultations with a psychologist. Not every child normally perceives changes in his own body. Sometimes it suffers mental condition, and emotions run high. The task of the doctor and parents is to teach the child to perceive himself correctly.

    What to do if a girl aged 12–16 years is late in her period

    The reasons for delayed menstruation in girls aged 11, 13, 15 and 17 years, discussed in the article, in most cases are not accompanied by pain symptoms. But if a young lady feels severe pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region, but there is still no period, she should talk to her mother and visit a gynecologist.

    Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Perhaps the problem is associated with hypothermia of the pelvic organs or the development of an infectious disease in genitourinary tract. The doctor will sort everything out.

    The cause of delayed periods in adolescents may be polycystic ovary syndrome. The disease signals improper functioning of the appendages, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. Because of this, hormone production slows down and the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

    If menarche has not occurred, it will not occur under such conditions. Early diagnosis and timely treatment will help a girl avoid infertility in family life. Subsequently, the patient should regularly visit the gynecologist for preventive purposes. Optimally – once every six months.

    When do girls' periods come and how long do they last?

    Menstrual flow is a mirror of women's health. By their nature and duration, one can determine the state in which the body is located, and also calculate favorable days to conceive a child. No matter how unpleasant and painful the days of menstruation may be, you need to get used to them, because from the moment they first appear, bleeding will appear regularly every month, throughout most of your life.

    But why, when and why do girls get their periods? Why do there be problems during girls’ first periods? And how long do girls' periods last? We will try to answer these and other questions now.

    Formation of the menstrual cycle

    The period of the onset of the first menstruation for all girls is strictly individual. Usually this time occurs at 11-13 years, but there are unique cases when menstruation can begin at 5 or even 18 years. In many ways, the process of the appearance of the first blood discharge is influenced by several factors:

  • diseases suffered in childhood;
  • hereditary component;
  • diet;
  • environmental living conditions;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • individual development of the body.
  • The menstrual cycle in teenage girls is usually 21-35 days, and the period itself lasts 2-7 days. But not everyone immediately becomes regular. Why? The formation of the cycle during the first 2 years is considered the norm. Throughout this entire time, it can be 24 days once, 35 days the second time, and then even drag on for 1.5-6 months. There is no need to worry or sound the alarm, because the menstrual function is just developing.

    Another question is if bloody issues don’t start, and the girl is already 16 years old. Then you need to consult a doctor with the question “why are you not getting your periods?”

    Well, the time of formation has finally passed, and the “red days” have chosen the most suitable cycle for themselves and their “mistress”. Therefore, it’s time to start keeping a cycle calendar, which will display the start time of the next menstruation, the onset of ovulation and delays. By controlling the menstrual cycle, you can both speed up and delay the arrival of your period, but when doing this you need to know that it is very easy to disrupt the clear phase work of the body, but to establish it, you will need effort, time and patience.

    Phases of the menstrual cycle

    All processes occurring in the body of a girl can be described in phases, each of which corresponds to a specific change occurring in the ovaries:

    With the beginning of the menstrual phase, the first day of menstruation and the menstrual cycle begins. Simply put, this phase is menstruation. During this period, the endometrial layer is rejected in the woman’s reproductive system and its subsequent exit from the uterine cavity in the form of bleeding. The duration of the menstrual phase depends on the final maturation dominant follicle, is determined by the individual characteristics of each girl and ranges from 7 to 22 days.

  • Follicular phase.

    In the period before ovulation, the hormone estrogen dominates in the body. His work is aimed at active growth of the endometrial layer and creating ideal conditions for receiving a fertilized egg (provided that pregnancy occurs). Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, the growth of follicles is activated, which “bear” female reproductive cells. During the ripening process, one dominant follicle appears with an egg ready for fertilization. A few days before ovulation, active production of estrogen begins. About a day before it reaches its maximum, which causes a surge of luteinizing hormone. It is under its action that the body of the follicle ruptures and the fully matured egg is released. On this “note” the follicular phase ends and ovulation begins.

  • Ovulatory phase.

    Ovulation is the most critical phase of the cycle, during which a mature egg begins to move through the fallopian tubes towards fertilization by sperm. With a regular cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs on the 14th day. But due to the fact that each girl’s menstrual cycle has its own duration, the day of ovulation usually occurs 11-16 days before the start of the next menstruation. As the egg moves through the fallopian tubes, the endometrial layer continues to increase in thickness. From the moment the egg leaves the follicle until it reaches the uterine cavity, it usually takes 3-4 days. If a girl’s plans include pregnancy, then fertilization should occur within 24 hours from the start of ovulation. If fertilization does not occur, the egg begins the process of degeneration.

  • Luteal phase.

    After ovulation is completed, the follicle begins the process of producing hormones and turning into the corpus luteum. The cells of the corpus luteum begin active production of the hormone progesterone, which stimulates the growth of the endometrial layer for the implantation of an already fertilized egg. If pregnancy does not materialize, the corpus luteum dies after 2 weeks. Along with it, the level of progesterone begins to decrease, the endometrium stops growing and the time for the menstrual phase comes. That is why menstruation comes again, and everything repeats from the beginning from month to month.

  • Is primary dysmenorrhea the destiny of nulliparous girls?

    There is an opinion that painful sensations during menstruation are more common in young nulliparous girls. Pain begins to appear 1-1.5 years after the start of the first menstruation and is observed mainly with a regular cycle.

    The painful process begins a few hours before the start of menstruation and can last the entire first day of the cycle. The nature of the pain is cramping and spasmodic, and is localized in the lower abdomen and lower back. Spasms may also be accompanied by:

    The period of onset of the first critical days

    Girls' first periods come with the onset of puberty. In most cases, this occurs between 11 and 15 years of age, which is considered normal. For some girls, the onset of menstruation may occur earlier or later, depending on the following reasons:

    • hereditary predisposition;
    • transferred to childhood diseases;
    • physical development;
    • infectious diseases;
    • stressful situations;
    • diet;
    • accommodations.

    The onset of menstruation may also not occur due to an unbalanced diet and lack of vitamins. If menstruation does not begin upon reaching the age of sixteen, this may indicate endocrine diseases, hormonal imbalances or strong emotional experiences. If menstruation does not begin, then you need to consult a gynecologist to identify the exact cause.

    With the onset of her first menstruation, serious changes occur in a girl’s body. In order to prepare in advance, you need to know the signs of the onset of menstruation.

    Signs of first menstruation in girls

    The first signs of menstruation in girls appear individually, it depends on many factors. The most common signs include the following:

    1. Premenstrual syndrome is the most common manifestation in the week before menstruation. It is expressed in frequent mood swings, tearfulness and irritability. PMS is accompanied by severe headaches that cannot be relieved by painkillers. To relieve premenstrual syndrome, it is recommended to spend more time outdoors and eat a balanced diet.
    2. The appearance of atypical discharge. They can begin several months before your first period. The discharge is most often clear and does not have an unpleasant odor. If the discharge is accompanied by itching and burning, this is not normal. In this case, you must urgently contact a specialist.
    3. Begins fast growth mammary glands. In addition, the nipples enlarge and become darker in color. For some girls, even a year before their period, their figure begins to acquire more rounded shapes.

    Read also 🗓 10 year old girls got their periods

    In addition to the above symptoms, the first menstruation is often accompanied by nausea, and in rare cases, vomiting and weakness. The girl's general condition may worsen during this period. If the girl does not have chronic and infectious diseases, then the period of the first menstruation will pass without a strong deterioration in well-being.

    Features of the first menstruation

    Discharge during the first menstruation is in most cases scanty. The amount of discharge depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the presence of any diseases. Approximately (during the first menstruation) the discharge amounts to 150 ml of blood. The menstrual period is 3-7 days.

    The menstrual cycle can take up to several months to establish. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly when the next menstruation will occur. On average, this period can range from 21 to 30 days. In some cases it can increase to six months.

    The first menstruation is most often accompanied by such symptoms as pain in the lower abdomen, itching, and increased sweating. These symptoms can appear at absolutely any age and are considered normal. Also in most cases, nausea, dizziness and weakness occur. Possible increase in body temperature. If the temperature reaches 38 degrees and does not subside for more than two days, it is recommended to contact a medical facility. Low-grade fever, which rises 1-2 days before the expected menstruation, is the norm; in this case, it should not significantly worsen the girl’s well-being. During the first menstruation, these symptoms can frighten a girl, so it is necessary to prepare her in advance.

    For painful periods, it is recommended to take a painkiller, but it is unacceptable to abuse them. If you have any diseases, it is advisable to consult a doctor to choose the appropriate drug. Painkillers, in particular the non-steroidal group, have an extensive list of contraindications and side effects, which is why not every product is suitable for a girl.

    The menstrual cycle in girls

    In girls, the normal menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 30 days. It is worth considering that it may be unstable for another two years from the beginning of the first menstruation. If the cycle fluctuates, then this is considered absolutely normal.

    There is no need to sound the alarm if your period does not arrive on time. Keep an eye on your girl's cycle, but it's always worth remembering that it can change at this age. If your periods have stopped for more than six months, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Such a long delay in menstruation may indicate any diseases or dysfunctions internal organs. Most common reasons long delay are diseases of the endocrine system and hormonal disorders. Such diseases can be dangerous to the health of a teenager, so it is necessary to establish the cause of a long absence of menstruation as soon as possible.

    Menstruation is a sign of a woman's health. Usually, bleeding first begins at about 12-15, give or take a couple of years. Their approach is indicated by special signs of menstruation, which every girl should know.

    Those who have not yet had a period should carefully monitor the changes that occur in the body. So, what signs can signal the approach of your first period?

    First of all, this is physical and puberty: breast enlargement , their sensitivity and even pain, hip expansion – from girlish, almost boyish, they transform into feminine. Also indicates approaching menstruation pubic and armpit hair growth , which means the beginning of the functioning of the gonads. In addition, in most cases, the first signs of menstruation manifest themselves as light creamy discharge .

    If you, as a teenager, noticed one or more of these symptoms, you need to inform your mother. There is nothing to be ashamed of, because this is a natural process of growing up. Read more about your first period

    If you are an adult woman

    It is not difficult for an experienced woman to determine the signs of menstruation in a week - this is when they appear. Usually this:

    • engorgement of the mammary glands - they increase in volume, become denser and more sensitive. also in in some cases There is pain in the nipple area. Sometimes, along with breast enlargement, dry mouth appears;
    • In young girls, signs of the onset of menstruation are expressed in increased acne, localized on the forehead. Of course, if you are approaching the noble age of 45-50 years, then this symptom will most likely be absent. But according to statistics, up to 30-35 years of age it is observed in 99% of women;
    • another bright one pronounced signs before menstruation - nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Most often, they appear immediately before the onset of menstruation and accompany bleeding for 2-3 days. Such sensations are complemented by aching pain in the lower back.

    Although these symptoms are considered normal, their intensification may be a sign of some kind of abnormality. Therefore, visit your gynecologist regularly and monitor your cycle using a calendar.

    This annoying PMS

    Some women mistakenly refer to normal period symptoms as premenstrual syndrome. After all, this is not just breast swelling, acne or abdominal pain, but a whole set of neuropsychic symptoms that signal endocrine disorders. Signs of PMS before menstruation are divided into 4 types, depending on the form of the syndrome.

    1. In the neuropsychic form of the disease, a woman becomes irritable, tearful or aggressive, feels weak to the point of nausea, and becomes depressed. Among physiological signs PMS of this form is caused by flatulence.
    2. The edematous form of PMS manifests itself as acute pain in the breasts, swelling of the face, ankles, and hands. Patients also experience bloating, itchy skin and increased sweating.
    3. The cephalgic form occurs accompanied by migraine, irritability, nausea and dizziness. Often these symptoms develop into pain in the heart area, numbness of the fingers and swelling.
    4. The most severe, crisis form of PMS is characterized by a jump in blood pressure, severity in chest and manic fear of death.

    Remember, premenstrual syndrome is not just a sign of menstruation. This is a complex condition that requires treatment.

    Symptoms are present, but menstruation is late

    Sometimes it happens that there are signs of menstruation, but no menstruation, and this worries any woman. If you have experienced all the required symptoms, and your period is late, this most likely indicates pregnancy.

    Doing the test before the delay is useless, since hCG level still too small. If, even after a long wait, the critical days still have not arrived, and the test is still negative, you need to urgently go to the gynecologist and have an ultrasound done.

    A similar picture may indicate a tumor on the ovaries, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorder or acute infection. The cause of amenorrhea (prolonged delay of menstruation) can be abortion, miscarriage, stress, overwork or a long absence of a sexual partner.

    What should concern you

    Usually the menstruation itself is preceded by a slight whitish discharge, this is normal. But if the spotting before your period becomes profuse or changes color, it is better to go to the doctor:

    • If thick, curdled flakes are discharged from the vagina, thrush may be suspected. It’s not scary and can be treated quickly, but you shouldn’t delay going to the clinic;
    • if you have recently given birth and your cycle is just recovering, your period may be preceded by black spotting;
    • pink discharge, reminiscent of ichor, warns of cervical erosion. This may also be a symptom of endocercevitis and other infectious diseases;
    • if brown spotting begins before your period, which is usually a harbinger of endometriosis and hormonal imbalance, you need to get tested by a gynecologist;
    • The most dangerous thing is the thick mucous greenish-yellow discharge, signaling purulent cervicitis.

    Of course, all these phenomena may be random and not pose a danger to women's health. But to make sure of this, you should visit a doctor and listen to his recommendations.

    The following factors may influence the intensification of PMS symptoms:

    • gynecological and chronic diseases;
    • improper work schedule, including night shifts;
    • influence of harmful substances;
    • lack of sleep;
    • unbalanced nutrition;
    • stressful situations, conflicts.

    There is an opinion that PMS is the body’s reaction to the absence of pregnancy, which is the logical conclusion for everyone physiological processes, which occur in the female body throughout the entire menstrual cycle.

    Manifestations of upcoming regulations

    For each woman, the symptomatic manifestations of PMS can be completely different. Many factors influence what symptoms you may experience before your period, including:

    • genetic predisposition;
    • Lifestyle;
    • age indicator;
    • general health.

    The following sensations and first signs will help a woman know that her period is approaching:

    • the woman becomes irritable;
    • a depressed state occurs, a feeling of causeless melancholy, depression;
    • she becomes very whiny;
    • is decreasing arterial pressure;
    • problems with concentration and memory appear;
    • having problems sleeping;
    • a woman feels pangs of hunger;
    • , due to fluid retention, weight increases;
    • Gases accumulate in the intestines and other problems appear in the digestive system;
    • General body temperature may increase.

    For many women, the first warning signs of menstruation are pain; PMS is most often characterized by pain in the head and chest, as well as a pulling sensation in the back.

    PMS classification

    Depending on the combination of symptoms, premenstrual syndrome can take different forms:

    • edematous. This form is characterized by acute pain in the mammary glands, swelling of the extremities, itchy sensations on the skin and increased sweating;
    • cephalgic. Specific symptoms This form of PMS includes dizziness, nausea and even vomiting, headaches that radiate to eyeballs. Heart pain may occur;
    • neuropsychic. Psycho-emotional disorders are predominant. The woman is depressed, is in a depressed state, can cry for no reason, get irritated, show aggression, and there is a dislike of sharp sounds and bright light. Increased fatigue and weakness also occurs. Appetite increases or decreases, constipation and bloating occur;
    • crisis. On the eve of critical days, representatives of the fair sex may experience crises. Blood pressure rises, the pulse becomes faster, arms and legs go numb, fear of death and pain in the sternum appear. This form of PMS is typical for women with hypertension and those with kidney problems. This condition can be caused by stress, fatigue and excessive physical activity.

    PMS can occur with varying degrees of severity. If a woman experiences 3-4 symptoms that go away with the onset of menstruation, this is a mild form. In severe forms, most of the listed symptoms appear 5-14 days before the onset, and each time it becomes more difficult to cope with them. Hormonal therapy is most often used to combat premenstrual symptoms.

    Based on the time of onset of symptoms and the degree of their severity in different phases of the menstrual cycle, 3 stages of PMS are distinguished:

    1. Compensated. This is the most favorable stage. The signs of PMS with it do not change for years, do not intensify, and with the advent of regulation they completely disappear.
    2. Subcompensated. Signs of PMS begin earlier and are more intense, but by the time menstruation arrives they also disappear. The woman's condition is considered satisfactory.
    3. Decompensated. The most severe stage, which has a rather poor prognosis. Symptoms increase over the years, the number characteristic features increases, they can appear on any day of the month. A woman may feel unwell throughout her menstrual cycle.

    An explanation of each PMS symptom

    The severity of PMS in most cases depends on how deep the hormonal disorders go and what the initial state of the woman’s nervous system is. In this case it is very important psychological attitude: in a woman who is active and busy with interesting things, premenstrual symptoms are less noticeable than in pessimists who are completely focused on their illness. Each PMS symptom has a specific explanation:

    • . Its first reason is a decrease in estrogen production in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Since adipose tissue can also produce this hormone, by accumulating it the body eliminates estrogen deficiency. Due to a deficiency of glucose in the blood, an uncontrolled feeling of hunger may occur, and some women “eat up” their experiences and troubles with goodies;
    • emotional swings. Aggression, irritability, anxiety and depression can be caused by a deficiency of endorphin, dopamine and serotonin (pleasure hormones), their production during this period is significantly reduced;
    • be sick. The enlargement of the uterus before menstruation is explained by the increase and loosening of its internal mucous layer. The organ begins to compress the nerve roots, which, when irritated, provoke a gag reflex. Taking contraceptives and hormonal drugs. If a woman has been prescribed certain medications and then signs of PMS begin to appear, it may be worth reconsidering the prescription. A woman may also feel sick if she becomes pregnant, so before going to the doctor, you should do a test;
    • . If there are no menstrual irregularities, then nagging pain in the lower abdomen before regular periods is normal. But if the pain is unbearable, and even strong painkillers do not help eliminate it, you should definitely consult a doctor; perhaps this is a symptom of a serious illness;
    • elevated body temperature. Before the arrival of critical days, a temperature of 37-37.4 is normal; if it rises higher, it means that inflammation has begun in the uterus or ovaries, against the background of which other pathological symptoms may arise;
    • acne. Similar symptoms before menstruation are caused by endocrine disorders, problems with digestive system, decreased immunity and lipid metabolism disorders caused by changes in hormone production;
    • swelling. Changes in hormonal levels provoke a slowdown water-salt metabolism in the body, this leads to fluid retention in the body;
    • . In the second half of the cycle, the body is actively preparing for a possible conception, the level of progesterone increases significantly. The lobules and ducts swell, and blood circulation increases. The breast tissue is stretched and a dull pain appears in them even at the slightest touch.

    Signs of the onset of regulation in adolescents

    Puberty in girls begins at 11-14 years of age. After this has happened, that is, it may take 1.5-2 years until the hormonal levels are completely established and the menstrual cycle is normalized. The onset of the first menstruation in girls can be determined by specific signs that appear several years before their arrival. 1.5-2 years before this, the girl develops a whitish or yellow secretion, the intensity of which intensifies shortly before the regulation.

    A nagging pain may occur in the ovaries, which is provoked by their growth and stretching. In this case, the signs of PMS appear weakly, but if there are deviations from the norm, the signs of the syndrome in girls may coincide with the symptoms of adult women.

    Most often, girls may only develop pimples due to hormonal fluctuations that affect the condition of the skin.

    Manifestations in premenopause

    After 45 years female body gradually begins to show the first signs of aging, which include a decrease in the level of sex hormones. They begin, metabolism slows down, aggravates chronic diseases, the condition of the nervous system may worsen, which further intensifies the manifestations of PMS.

    In the run-up to critical days, severe headaches appear, dizziness may occur, sweating increases, pulse quickens, mood often changes, and depressive states occur. Very often, such symptoms cause severe discomfort to a woman, which can only be dealt with by those who are able to regulate the concentration of estrogen, progesterone and other sex hormones in a woman’s body. The selection of drugs and the prescription of dosage can be done exclusively by the attending physician, who makes a decision based on the form of PMS, the severity and general health of the woman.