What kind of water is called alkaline? Water pH: is alkaline water really good for you? What kind of water is needed for health drinks?

Alkaline mineral water Water is considered to be one that contains a high percentage of sulphate, lime carbonate and magnesia. The acidity of the salts of such water should be more than seven percent. Water containing this composition has a positive effect on metabolism in the body.

Produces alkaline mineral water with the addition of carbon dioxide into the bottle, this is done to prevent air from entering. Water of this type belongs to medicinal canteens; it should be consumed in doses. It is prohibited to use after the expiration date or for cooking.

Alkaline mineral water. General information


All alkaline mineral waters can be divided into three groups:

Varieties of alkaline mineral water. List

Nowadays, unfortunately, there are a lot of low-quality products and fake water on the shelves. It is not surprising that under the guise of alkaline mineral water, the buyer is offered water of unknown origin, which not only will not be beneficial, but can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Therefore, if a patient is prescribed to drink alkaline mineral water, you need to carefully study the list of manufacturer names.

Alkaline water from Russian producers

« Luzhanskaya» Alkaline mineral water is recommended for use in cases of frequent bloating, heaviness in the stomach, and heartburn. It is indicated as a mild antacid, in other words, it is used as a means to neutralize high acidity. Patients note an immediate effect when drinking Luzhanskaya mineral water.

Another brand of alkaline mineral water has a deposit in Ukraine " Polyana Kvasova" It consists of almost 100% salts, but unlike the mineral water “Luzhanskaya” and “Polyana Kvasova”, it is more mineralized. Indications for use are: diabetes and obesity. It can be taken both before and after meals, but different therapeutic effects are observed.

« Svalyava", another alkaline-mineral water from Ukrainian producers. It has average degree mineralization. Feature this brand of mineral water – high content boron Water with this content is recommended for patients with diseases of the liver, kidneys and biliary tract.

Thus, we see that brands of alkaline mineral water are good because they have varying degrees mineralization. Therefore, each patient will be able to choose the right one for himself.

In this list we have listed the names of alkaline- mineral waters, which are the most popular among consumers and have an impeccable reputation.

How to use water


Alkaline mineral waters have a number of indications for use:

Please note that you should not self-medicate!

When carrying out therapy with alkaline mineral waters, the doctor prescribes water indicated for a specific disease, in addition, the dosage, time and method of administration are strictly prescribed.


Since, in addition to indications for use, there are a number of contraindications:

Rules for taking alkaline mineral water

The most effective and beneficial influence The water that is consumed at special resorts comes from a natural well.

But it is possible to get the maximum benefit by drinking alkaline mineral water from the manufacturers listed above in our article at home.

The following general rules must be followed:

The principle of the effect of alkaline mineral water on the body

This water is intended to eliminate the existing deficiency of minerals and beneficial microelements in the body, as well as to restore the acid-base balance.

The principle of operation is that during the interaction of alkali metals with water, hydrogen is released, which is necessary for the cells of the body to perform their functions in the required volume.

How does alkaline mineral water affect the body?

  1. With its help, carbohydrate and fat metabolism is regulated.
  2. Helps speed up the process of removing waste and toxins from the body.
  3. Does not allow the formation of foci of inflammation.
  4. Strengthens the immune system.
  5. Due to the fact that it contains magnesium, the overall functioning of the brain, memory and heart muscle improves.
  6. Enhances the therapeutic effects of certain medications.

In this article we looked at the most popular types of alkaline mineral water, their beneficial features. I would also like to note that when using this medicinal water swelling disappears, memory and attention improve and the aging process slows down.

So-called alkaline water is a liquid of natural or man-made origin with a specific composition and physiological activity. The product is recommended for use as a means of treating or preventing diseases in accordance with the recommendations of medical specialists.

The use of mineral water with alkaline characteristics obtained from natural sources is included in the complex of balneological procedures. For persons requiring treatment away from resorts, packaged bottled products obtained from natural aquifers are offered.

In addition, drinking water that is artificially alkalized in production is available for sale.

What kind of water is called alkaline?

Any tap or natural water is a solution of many mineral components, the ratio of which forms its acidic or alkaline properties. The acidity (alkalinity) of water is assessed quantitatively by the so-called hydrogen index, which is designated by the letter combination pH.

The minimum pH value is zero, which corresponds to the maximum acidity of the water, the maximum pH value is 14, which corresponds to the highest alkalinity.

Recent scientific data indicate that in exceptional situations pH values ​​may not fall within the generally accepted range, but these deviations cannot occur in drinking water. To understand the essence of the issue, you should know the following information:

  • neutral solutions are characterized by pH = 7;
  • in acidic solutions pH is less than 7;
  • in alkaline – pH greater than 7.

National hygienic standards establish that the pH in tap water can vary from 6 units to 9 units.

It follows that ordinary tap water, depending on the geological features of a particular area, can be slightly acidic or noticeably alkaline. Therefore, when thinking about how to make alkaline water at home, it makes sense to first check its acidity with test strips. It is very likely that the pH value of the water is already 9, therefore, there is no need to further alkalize it.

With the specific characteristics of water in each locality must be taken into account, otherwise its characteristics can be significantly deteriorated.

Effect on the body

All metabolic reactions in the human body take place in aqueous solutions Therefore, the composition and quality of water play such an important role that it is difficult to overestimate it. Water constantly entering the body with food and drinks is absorbed in the food channels, hematopoietic and lymphatic system, cerebrospinal fluid, other human life support systems.

For some pathological conditions the ratio of acidic substances and alkalis in the body changes, the balance shifts towards decreasing pH values. In such cases, it is useful to receive alkaline water in quantities prescribed by your doctor.

First of all, such a drink is necessary if you have a tendency to increase acidity. gastric juice. It allows you to somewhat alkalize food gruel, improve its digestion due to the successful functioning of enzymes, and minimize the likelihood of damage to the mucous membranes.

Important! Alkaline drinking water will be beneficial in the presence of inflammatory processes in the intestines, pancreas, bile and bladder due to the removal of accumulated mucus, improving blood supply to diseased tissues.

In case of violation metabolic processes The liquid environment that is part of all organs may become acidified, which leads to weakened immunity, high fatigue, and instability in relation to stress.

A change in the balance of acidic and alkaline components leads to the destruction of teeth, bone tissue, and disturbances in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. In case of such pathologies, after conducting comprehensive tests, a specialist can give recommendations on taking alkaline water.

Alkaline Water Manufacturers

Mineral waters supplied from resort springs have the best quality. It’s good if you have the opportunity to take treatment directly at the resort, drink freshly extracted water from the pump rooms under the supervision of medical personnel.

In addition, you can buy bottled natural water, which is extracted from the depths at resorts and then packaged in containers. The physiological activity of such water is somewhat less than the life-giving moisture of pump rooms, however, the healing effect will be noticeable.

The greatest healing power possess waters from famous resort places, the history of which goes back more than one century.

Water from Essentuki, obtained in springs No. 4 and No. 17, has alkaline properties. They have different degrees of mineralization, differ in salt concentration, and are recommended both for general strengthening procedures and for complex treatment. The waters of Russian resorts are characterized by a similar composition: “Lastochka”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Slavyanovskaya”.

Rich aquifers lie in Georgia, for example, Borjomi, which has medicinal properties for diseases of the digestive system and other organs due to the concentration of bicarbonates reaching 90%. In addition, Georgian resorts supply consumers with water: “Dilijan”, “Sairme”, “Nabeglavi”, which have a pH value greater than 7.

The waters of Transcarpathia show biological activity in relation to the human body: “Luzhanska”, “Polyana Kvasova” and others. They differ in mineral composition, indications for use, and are united by their alkaline nature, high values hydrogen index.

It should be noted that “Polyana Kvasova”, “Polyana Kupel”, in addition to hydrocarbonate and sodium ions, are saturated with boron and fluorine-containing substances, which allows them to be recommended for some forms of diabetes mellitus and disorders of mineral metabolism.

How to cook at home

If in this moment buy bottled product from sources therapeutic effect there is no way, you can prepare alkaline water for drinking at home. It should be remembered that the overwhelming desire to improve water quality should be limited common sense. You should not be guided by dubious advice from the first sources you come across, which can cause harm.

First you need to consult a doctor, analyze plain water, used for drinking, using test strips or special laboratory determinations that are performed in sanitary stations. It may very well be that its pH value is close to 9, which is quite allowed by the standards; then there is no need to specially prepare alkaline water, it already contains a sufficient concentration of alkalis.

If necessary, you can alkalize the water by simple recipe, which is the only true one at home. Need to take a glass drinking water with normal or reduced alkalinity and add baking soda powder in an amount depending on the initial analysis parameters.

Important! The maximum can be one teaspoon of soda powder per standard glass, the minimum is a pinch.

Many people are interested in how to determine acidity at home. For this, litmus paper is used. It should turn greenish-blue in an alkaline environment. You can also use a ph tester (ph meter). Acidity test strips are sold either in agricultural supply stores, aquarists, on online trading platforms, and are sometimes found in pharmacies.

Water is the main source of life. IN Lately There is a lot of talk about the benefits of alkaline water for human health, and this is the kind of water that is recommended to drink. It helps slow down the aging process of the body, regulates the pH level in the body, neutralizes the acid level, which ordinary drinking water cannot do, and prevents various chronic diseases.

This point of view was first expressed by many health experts. Manufacturers have not been left out, who always tend to claim that their product is the safest and healthiest. Bottled alkaline water, various devices and ionizers for its production at home have appeared.

It is difficult to cope with so much new information, sometimes completely contradictory. Let's find out what alkaline water is, how it is useful, whether there are side effects, harm and contraindications.

What is alkaline water

Alkaline water is water that has an acidity value of 8 or higher on the pH scale. If the pH is below 7, then the liquid is called acidic. With a pH value above 13 it is very alkaline. The acidity of ordinary tap water is within 7, i.e. she is neutral.

Alkaline water is characterized by a large number of electrons with negative charge. Such water is also called ionized. It is because of the presence of electrons that it is believed to be able to slow down aging by neutralizing cell damage.

There are different ways to increase the alkaline properties of water using special filters, faucet attachments and additives that change the acidity of ordinary tap water from neutral to alkaline.

What are the benefits of alkaline water for the body?

Most people's diet is rich in:

Refined sugars;

Hydrolyzed oils;

Excess sodium (salt);

Various chemical additives;

Synthetic hormones

and other substances. We must not forget that many products may contain pesticides and other harmful compounds. Added to this are frequent stress and lack of sleep.

All these factors contribute low level acidosis, which in turn leads to increased acidity of the body and the development of diseases.

Eating fresh natural vegetables and fruits can normalize the pH level in the body and protect against the development of acidosis, and help lose weight.

Proponents of alkaline water, despite the lack of proven scientific evidence, claim that alkaline water has the following properties:

Ultra hydrating, i.e. quenches thirst better than regular drinking water. Such water may be useful for people working in certain conditions that require large amounts of water replenishment. From a scientific point of view, alkaline water molecules are more easily absorbed by the body's cells, which helps quench thirst faster;

Increases immunity;

Contains minerals important for humans, such as magnesium and calcium;

Has many antioxidants that suppress the action of free radicals;

Neutralizes acidity in the body.

Benefits of Alkaline Water

The pH value of the body depends on the concentration of hydrogen ions. If there are too many of them, then the pH is considered to be acidic. Balanced acidity levels play an important role in maintaining health.

Our body consists of many cells in which various biochemical processes occur every second with the help of enzymes. But for their coordinated work a certain level of acidity is needed.

If it is more or less than the required value, then the enzymes will not work, and, therefore, the biochemical processes will also stop. This condition requires immediate treatment, otherwise irreversible processes may occur in many major systems of the body, including the heart, kidneys, and brain.

Alkaline water, as the name suggests, can reduce the acidity of the body. Thus, drinking a glass of alkaline water can actually strengthen many systems in the body.

The benefits of alkaline water are:

Normalization of the acid-base balance of the human body;

Neutralization and removal harmful substances acidic environment: waste, toxins, etc.;

Strengthening immune system;

Suppressing the action of free radicals;

Normalization of metabolic and metabolic processes;

Reducing the acidity of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract;

Improving brain function and increasing mental activity;

Slowing down the aging process;

Improving overall health.

Drinking alkaline water promotes loss excess weight, which is useful for those losing weight.

According to American research, alkaline water with a pH value of 8.8 may be beneficial for people with acid reflux. Increased stomach acidity neutralizes the effect of pepsin. This is an enzyme that is involved in the breakdown of proteins and plays a major role in the development of acid reflux.

Other studies have shown that it can reduce blood viscosity after intense exercise and can quench thirst more quickly in athletes.

According to research conducted in China, it may benefit those who suffer from:

High blood pressure;

Increased cholesterol levels;


Harm and side effects of alkaline water

However, as mentioned above, for normal functioning of the body, a balanced level of acidity is needed. Too alkaline an environment can also lead to the development various diseases, as well as too sour.

Of course, there are benefits to it. But the side effects and harms may outweigh and negatively impact your health. Here are some of them side effects problems that a person who regularly drinks alkaline water may encounter.

Gastrointestinal tract

One of side effects there may be a violation of natural acidic environment stomach, which will lead to disruption normal operation gastrointestinal tract.

The gastrointestinal tract performs wide range functions: from digestion to absorption nutrients, including a number important vitamins, for example, vitamin B12.

The main argument that supporters of such water appeal to is the improvement of stomach activity and digestion.

However, this is not entirely true, since it actually interferes with the normal digestion process. This is due to sudden changes in pH. People over 60 years of age should not drink it as the side effects on digestive processes may be more serious.

In particular, if used incorrectly, it can cause calcium malabsorption. When stomach acid decreases, absorption of this mineral can drop to dangerous levels. And it affects not only the condition of bones, but also the functioning of the brain, intestines and muscles.

The cardiovascular system

Animal studies show that alkaline water actually rejuvenates cells first. But with constant exposure to an alkaline environment, they begin to die, causing damage to muscle cells around the heart and other important tissues of the cardiovascular system.

Metabolic processes

Metabolism is an important process that should not be interfered with. Metabolic processes are important for obtaining energy and performing many other activities. It must be regulated so that a person receives enough of the necessary energy.

Disruption of these processes can lead to a number of serious illnesses, such as:

Metabolic alkalosis;


Mental disorders.

Side effects will be more pronounced if the alkaline water is not of natural origin, but artificially prepared.

Genitourinary system

The kidneys are the main excretory system of the body. The second one important function- Maintaining the body pH in a normal range.

For example, when the body's pH increases and becomes more alkaline, the kidneys begin to excrete more bicarbonate ions in the urine. When drinking alkaline water, their concentration in the body increases, and, consequently, the load on the kidneys increases.

At first, by taking on this problem, they can maintain a normal state by removing them from the body. But the moment will come when the kidneys will no longer cope with their function.

Therefore, such water is harmful for people suffering from kidney diseases.


Use large quantity Alkaline water can actually dehydrate the body at the cellular level.

Contraindications to drinking alkaline water

Availability urolithiasis;

Chronic kidney diseases, such as pyelonephritis, renal failure;

Insulin-dependent diabetes;

Disorders of the urinary tract.

If you decide to drink alkaline water, you should definitely consult your doctor.

How to make alkaline water

It is ideal to buy natural mineral alkaline water. But most people prepare it at home. There are two main ways to prepare it at home.

How to Make Alkaline Water with Baking Soda

To make alkaline water, use baking soda, which is alkaline in nature and has a pH level of 9.

To make such water with baking soda, you need to add no more than 1.5 tablespoons of soda to approximately 4 liters of purified tap water. Mix well until the soda dissolves.

Approximately the tip of a knife requires soda per glass of water.

How to make alkaline water with lemon

Lemon is acidic in nature and has a pH level below 7. When added to water, it becomes alkaline and its pH level becomes higher than neutral.

To prepare lemon water, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to a glass of purified water.

Alkaline water can be made by infusing wood ash or chicken egg shells.


There comes a time in every person’s life when he thinks about how to improve his well-being, restore strength and weakened health. There are many most different ways, but one of the best means Alkaline water is rightfully considered. At home, it is prepared for drinking according to several simple and affordable recipes.

What is alkaline water?

A person’s well-being is largely determined by the internal acid-base balance, or, as it is also called, pH level. Often, an incorrect diet, the use of alcohol and various medications lead to a violation of the level of acidity in the natural fluids of the body, which leads to malfunctions internal organs. The situation can be corrected, and alkaline mineral water will help with this.

What is it, the benefits and harms of drinking with an unusual name - these questions concern many. It is not difficult to answer them: unlike ordinary drinking water, which has a neutral pH level of 7, alkaline acidity can reach 9-10 pH. And since the human body is 80% water and has an alkaline environment, you can maintain the optimal level of acidity with the help of alkaline water. By normalizing the internal pH, it will be possible to get rid of various diseases, help the body fully absorb beneficial microelements, improve metabolism and even blood composition.

Who will benefit from this drink?

Alkaline water for drinking at home is useful for every person, since its consumption helps prevent the development of various diseases of internal organs. But this specific liquid is most effective in treating the following ailments and conditions:

  • gout, obesity and other pathologies that develop against the background of metabolic disorders;
  • peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • malfunction of the pancreas;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • diabetes mellitus without insulin dependence;
  • liver and biliary tract diseases;
  • food poisoning;
  • infectious diseases;
  • depression and emotional stress.

Read also:

In all of the above cases, water with an increased pH is simply irreplaceable. It normalizes the functioning of the diseased organ, has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates blood circulation, effectively removes toxins and promotes rapid tissue regeneration. It is also believed that alkaline water has pronounced tonic and antidepressant properties.

Who shouldn't drink it?

Despite the fact that water with a high pH has many beneficial properties, in some cases it is still better to avoid drinking it. The following ailments are considered contraindications:

  • chronic form of bilateral pyelonephritis;
  • impaired renal function (failure);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes;
  • some diseases of the genitourinary organs.

If you have any of the above diseases, it is better not to drink alkaline water without the advice of your doctor.

How to make alkaline water?

Any pharmacy and most stores sell alkaline mineral water. Few people know how to prepare this drink at home, although it is not at all difficult. There are several recipes that allow you to make ordinary water healing, leveling the acid-base balance.

  • Baking soda. In 1 liter of purified water you need to add 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. soda and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. You can improve the taste of the drink by adding a small amount of sugar.
  • Lemon. Cut 1 fruit into 6-7 pieces, place in a container with 2 liters of purified water and add 1 tsp. salt. Before drinking, the alkaline water obtained in this way must be covered with a lid and left for 10-12 hours at room temperature.
  • Ash. A bag made of natural fabric must be filled with ash and washed along with its contents cold water. The ash remaining after washing is placed in a container with water and infused for 12 hours.
  • Eggshell. The shells of 2-3 eggs must be thoroughly washed, crushed, placed in purified water and left for 10-12 hours. This way you can get alkaline water rich in calcium.
  • pH drops. Special products with a high concentration of alkaline minerals can be purchased at any pharmacy. You need to prepare “special” water strictly according to the instructions that come with the pH drops.
  • Filter. To prepare an alkaline liquid, an ionizing filter is often used, which saturates ordinary water with alkaline minerals. You can buy it in specialized stores and some pharmacies.

One of the most simple ways To obtain alkaline water, electrolysis is considered - a method of purifying water from bacteria and charging it with positive ions. The electrolysis device can be purchased in specialized stores, but its cost is quite high.

How to drink “special” water correctly?

Now that we've figured out how to make your own alkaline water, we need to figure out how to drink it properly. When consuming healthy liquid, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • drink water at least 30 minutes before meals, if you have gastritis and peptic ulcer- after meal;
  • drink water at room temperature, and for people with stomach diseases - slightly warmed;
  • The daily norm is 3 ml of alkaline water per 1 kg of body weight.

Human internal organs have an unequal pH balance, since some have an alkaline environment, while others have an acidic environment. In order to normalize the functioning of organs and systems, they drink alkaline water, and we will try to figure out what it is, as well as what benefits and harms are present.

What is alkaline water

To answer the question of what exactly alkaline water is, you need to determine the pH value. It is responsible for the level acid-base environment and is written with values ​​from 0 to 14 units. Zero is a completely acidic environment, 14 is completely alkaline.

However, based on numerous reviews from doctors, we can conclude that acidity sometimes drops below 0 or, on the contrary, rises above 14. In this case, a value of 7 is considered ideal, or neutral.

So what is alkaline water? It is a liquid with a pH value above 7, while running or bottled water always has a value below this.

But popular alkaline water manufacturers claim that the pH of their products reaches 8 or 9 units, and sometimes higher. Believe it or not is up to you. The main purpose of such a drink is to regulate the level of acid-base environment.

Alkaline water - benefits for the body

For metabolism

For people who are obese or want to lose a few extra pounds, alkaline water is a must. It has the ability to increase absolutely all metabolic processes in the body, takes part in the metabolism of fats and proteins, and synthesizes carbohydrates, not just centimeters on the waist, but precious energy. In addition, water is an excellent means of cleansing from toxins, waste, and heavy metal salts.

For the urinary system

Alkaline water has a noticeable effect on the kidneys and the entire urinary system as a whole, but only if you understand what it is. The benefits and harms directly depend on how exactly you take the water. The doctor must highlight the main indications for admission. Water has diuretic properties, relieves inflammation and pain in the kidneys, and controls the excretory organs of men and women. It should be used for fine sand and stones in the kidneys or bladder, as well as for cystitis.

For the liver

Alkaline water restores liver function, frees it from toxins, heals microdamages and improves the filtering functions of the internal organ. The liquid is recommended for use in cases of hepatic jaundice, Botkin's disease, suspected cirrhosis and accumulation of tumors in the liver and gall bladder.

For diabetics

Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by poor absorption of glucose and its increased concentration in the blood. Drinking alkaline water removes excess sugar and enhances the action of receptors that supply glucose to cells. The state of health is normalized, sensitivity to insulin increases.

For acid-base balance

An imbalanced pH balance is called uncompensated acidosis. This disease is accompanied by an increase in acidity, which rapidly weakens the immune system. In order to eliminate this condition, the body tries to normalize the level of alkali, taking valuable minerals from bone tissue, muscles, teeth, nails, and hair. When drinking alkaline water, this balance is normalized over time, eliminating the likelihood of developing diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

For the nervous system

Alkaline water has a positive effect on the activity of the central nervous system and the psycho-emotional environment in general. But it is important to know what it is before drinking the composition. The benefits and harms directly depend on the existing disorders. Alkaline water eliminates the consequences stressful situations, fights insomnia and nightmares, suppresses chronic fatigue and depression. Much in the functioning of the central nervous system depends on the quality of the water we drink.

For the heart and vascular system

This water is prescribed for consumption by heart patients to prevent heart attacks, coronary disease, arrhythmias, hypertension. Alkaline water also cleanses blood channels from cholesterol deposits, makes the walls of blood vessels and arteries strong, reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis.

For bone tissue

An increase in acidity leads to the fact that the body begins to draw valuable minerals and vitamins from the bones. Bone becomes loose, the risk of fractures increases, gout, osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism, etc. develop. As soon as a person starts drinking alkaline water, the acidity reaches the optimal level of 7 points. The musculoskeletal system is strengthened, teeth stop crumbling, and nails stop peeling.

To protect against cancer

Recent studies have proven that alkaline water inhibits the development of malignant tumors. What it is? First of all, cancer. The benefits and harms of the drink for the prevention of neoplasms have been confirmed, and the valuable properties clearly predominate. A decrease in acidity and normalization of its indicators lead to the fact that capillaries stop developing in the tumor area. The cancer simply resolves. It is especially important to drink water for people living in hot regions.

For immunity

There is no way around the benefits of alkaline water for the immune system. Protective functions decrease when acidity levels rise. The body takes minerals from important systems and organs, which increases susceptibility to viruses. Alkaline water blocks the penetration of bacteria, treats inflammatory processes, enhances the effect of medications. You need to drink it during an epidemic of ARVI and influenza, changing seasons, frequent travel or business trips.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Thanks to hitting directly gastrointestinal tract the activity of the esophageal organs is normalized. Alkaline water stabilizes acidity in the stomach, restores the integrity of the intestinal mucous membranes and its microflora. Water is prescribed to be taken for colitis, inflammatory processes in the pancreas, gastritis against the background of high acidity and strong discharge gastric juice.

Alkaline water – TOP most popular

Alkaline water is produced by leading mineral water manufacturing companies. To accurately answer the question of what kind of drink this is, you need to read the mineral composition on the back of the bottle. Then all doubts regarding benefits and harms will disappear by themselves.


Water concentrates a lot of hydrocarbonate salts, which account for about 90% of the total volume. It is mined in the Caucasus and Georgia. It is in wide demand due to the normalization of digestive processes and increased vitality.


It has been produced for a long time, and therefore has won the trust of consumers. The manufacturer supplies for sale a variety of various types mineral water, but alkaline water “No. 17” and “No. 4” is considered the best. Vodka “Lastochka”, “Slavyanovskaya” and “Smirnovskaya” are considered analogues of “Essentuka”.


Ukrainian alkaline water, which is extracted in Transcarpathia. It is distinguished by an increased accumulation of salts (more than 95%) and minerals, which are more numerous than in Borjomi. It is used for digestive problems (heartburn, flatulence, stomach pain, heaviness, high acidity, etc.). Relief comes immediately.


Its effects are similar to the previous version, but it contains much more minerals and salts. Also includes carbon dioxide. Recommended for use by type 2 diabetics, obese and overweight people. It is famous for its diuretic and laxative properties.

Alkaline water is harmful to the body

Alkaline water, like any other composition, may include certain contraindications. We have already figured out what it is. Now let's look at the harm.

1. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, consult your doctor. The benefits and harms of the drink depend on the individual health status. In some cases, alkaline water may be contraindicated for this condition.

2. When renal failure, urolithiasis, bilateral chronic pyelonephritis, the dosage must be observed, otherwise water can equally bring beneficial properties and harm.

3. If the pH balance is normal, you should refrain from drinking alkaline water or drink it once a month. The same goes for low acidity; you shouldn’t go too heavy on the composition. Otherwise you will encounter side effects. They are manifested by vomiting, nausea, dizziness, confusion, tremors of the arms and legs.

4. You should not drink exclusively alkaline water, removing regular, filtered water from your diet. Alkalinization of internal organs is as dangerous as a lack of salts. Everything should be in moderation, remember this.

How to make alkaline water

Alkaline water is obtained by adding soda or lemon. Before you prepare the drink, make sure you need it. At home, preparation is carried out using one of the recipes.

Recipe No. 1. Alkaline water using baking soda

Soda contains a lot of alkali, so when it is added, the water is enriched. Mix 240-250 ml. filtered water with 0.6 g. soda, allow the crystals to dissolve. Use immediately after shaking.

Recipe No. 2. Alkaline water with lemon

Mix 800 ml. filtered water with 1 lemon, cut into 6 parts. Do not squeeze juice from citrus fruit. Leave the jug with the solution overnight at room temperature. In the morning the water will be ready. You can enrich it with 15 grams. Himalayan salt to increase the concentration of minerals.

Alkaline water is a real godsend for people with increased acidity. We figured out what it is. The benefits and harms of the drink for human health were also studied.