Suprastin or tavegil injections, which is better. Which is stronger: suprastin or tavegil? Difference from new generation antihistamines

Which is better - Suprastin or Diazolin? This question has been asked by probably every person suffering from allergies. Both of these medications are both. Both drugs are available in tablets. This is where their similar qualities end. This article will tell you what the difference is between the medications and which is better, Suprastin or Diazolin.

Cost of medicines

Every person who begins to compare medications first of all pays attention to the cost. Thus, “Diazolin” can be purchased in every pharmacy chain for only 60-70 rubles. You will find ten tablets in the package.

The price for the drug "Suprastin" is different. One pack of the drug costs approximately 130 rubles. This is almost twice as expensive as the analogue described above. However, the price of the drug "Suprastin" is justified by the fact that in one pack you can find twenty capsules. This is, accordingly, twice as much as its predecessor.

"Suprastin" and "Diazolin": indications and their comparison

What is the difference between these medications in indications. As you already know, both of them are antihistamines. They are prescribed during a reaction to one or another medicinal product, at atopic dermatitis, urticaria. Often these compounds are used to relieve food allergies. During a reaction to insect bites, both of these remedies can be used.

What's the difference? The drug "Suprastin" is often used in complex treatment viral diseases. Whereas Diazolin is not used for these purposes. However, Diazolin can be used in complex treatment bronchial asthma.

Contraindications for use

Which is better - Suprastin or Diazolin? Both of these medications are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. The compositions are not prescribed during exacerbation of kidney and liver diseases. Also, stomach ulcers and some intestinal diseases are a direct contraindication to correction.

The drug "Diazolin" is prohibited for use for epilepsy. "Suprastin" is contraindicated for bronchial asthma. The drug "Diazolin" is not approved for use in children under three years of age. The medicine "Suprastin" can be given to babies after 30 days of life. In this case, the medicine is usually crushed.

Method of using medicines

As you already know, you can use the drug "Suprastin" for children. The instructions indicate that the dose of medication should be crushed and diluted with a small amount of liquid. If desired, you can add the composition to food, but it should not be hot. The dosage of this product for adults and children over 14 years of age is one tablet. Frequency of application - up to 4 times a day. Children are usually prescribed from ¼ to ⅔ tablets, depending on body weight. It is allowed to repeat the dose up to three times per day.

The drug "Diazolin" is prescribed to adults, two capsules up to four times a day. For children single dose reduced to one tablet. The composition should be taken orally without chewing. This is prerequisite treatment.

Occurrence of adverse reactions

If you ask some consumers about the effectiveness of antihistamines, they will say that nothing can be better than Suprastin. After all, this drug almost never causes negative reactions. Unfortunately, this cannot be said about the drug Diazolin. The price and instructions for using the composition are already known to you. Now it’s worth knowing about possible consequences its application.

The medicine often causes nausea and stomach pain. It also promotes drowsiness, and in large doses impairs coordination of movements. The medication often provokes exacerbations of diseases of the stomach and intestines. After all, it is taken in quite large quantities.

Use of medications during pregnancy

As you already know, both medications are prohibited during pregnancy. However, there are quite difficult situations when a woman still needs similar treatment. In this case it is more safe drug"Suprastin" for children. The instructions indicate that the medication can be used on later pregnancy only in individual dosage and as prescribed by a doctor.

What can be said about the composition of Diazolin? This medicine should not be taken in any dose during pregnancy. Otherwise, the woman will not be able to avoid complications in the baby.

Which is better - Suprastin or Diazolin?

What conclusion can be drawn after comparing these compositions? Both drugs are antihistamines and have similar indications. However, they have absolutely different composition And active ingredients. It is worth noting that people who are intolerant to Suprastin can use the drug Diazolin and vice versa.

Considering the price and speed of action, users prefer to purchase the Diazolin composition. However, the drug "Suprastin" is safer. It has been tested many times. That is why the composition is approved for use for small children. While its analogue is not allowed to be used by persons under three years of age.

Another point in favor of Suprastin is the method of its use. So, the medicine can be crushed, chewed and added to food. The drug "Diazolin" is strictly prohibited from being used in this way. It must be swallowed whole.

Perhaps the main disadvantage of all antihistamines is that they cause drowsiness. That is why they cannot be used for mental work. Drivers are also forced to refuse medications Vehicle. But sometimes this is vitally necessary. The manufacturer of the drug "Suprastin" promises that it does not have a sedative effect. Therefore, you can take the medication and not be afraid of feeling unwell.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the drug “Suprastin” is significantly superior to “Diazolin” and many others similar drugs. However, the final choice always lies with the consumer and his prescriber. Before purchasing this or that drug, consult your doctor. Only a specialist can tell you correct solution, taking into account all the characteristics of your body.


Now you know which is better, Suprastin or Diazolin. It is worth remembering that both of these drugs are medications. That is why they should be taken only after receiving recommendations from a doctor. Uncontrolled use leads to the inevitable appearance adverse reactions. Use the services of doctors and get treated correctly. Good health to you!

In the last decades of the twentieth century, humanity was faced with a new epidemic, which seemed to appear suddenly and began to grow. We're not talking about some new infectious disease, this allergy forced me to pay close attention. According to statistics, every third adult in our country suffers from this disease, and every fourth baby already has symptoms of its development.

Many people consider the disease not serious, however, allergies can cause irreparable damage to the human body. There are quite severe allergic reactions when taking an antihistamine literally pulls a person out of the clutches of death. That is why today in almost every home medicine cabinet There is sure to be at least one medicine for allergies.

Among the most popular means in first place are Suprastin and Tavegil. These are first-generation drugs, inexpensive, and begin to act quickly and effectively. Many patients are familiar with them and continue to trust them, despite the fact that new generations of antihistamines have already appeared.

Suprastin – blocker of H-histamine receptors

Suprastin is familiar to everyone who has used antiallergic medications at least once in their life. medicines. The most classic H-histamine receptor blocker. It is cheaper in cost than other drugs, which is why it is so popular among allergy sufferers. A package of 20 tablets will cost from 120 to 150 rubles. It is taken several times a day, depending on the doctor’s prescription, but even in this case, the cost is cheaper.

Suprastin can be combined with other medications; it does not have high toxicity, which is also taken into account when prescribed by a doctor. It is often taken together with antibiotics or other strong tablets which may cause an allergic reaction in the patient. Children can be given Suprastin from 1 month; the dose must be determined by the attending physician. Among the disadvantages, one can only name its strong sedative effect; it is better not to take it if you have to drive later.

It is available in the form of tablets that are taken with meals, do not need to be chewed, and should be taken with plenty of liquid. The dose is also prescribed by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease. Suprastin also exists in the form of a solution for intravenous infusion, but it is used only in critical cases, only under the supervision of a doctor.

Tavegil is a first generation antihistamine

Tavegil – antihistamine first generation. Copes well with symptoms such as itching, skin rashes, and swelling. The duration of action lasts from 8 to 12 hours, it is enough to take it twice a day. Does not have a strong sedative effect. In terms of cost, it is slightly more expensive than Suprastin, packaging will cost on average from 200 to 250 rubles. For minor allergies, usually one package is enough for a course of treatment.

Available in the form of tablets, syrup, and also in ampoules. It is recommended to take before meals, with water only. It is not recommended to give the drug to children under 5 years of age; if there is a great need, the dose is determined by the doctor and must be kept under control.

In terms of their main characteristics, Suprastin and Tavegil have much in common.

What do Suprastin and Tavegil have in common?

Both Suprastin and Tavegil are first-generation antihistamines. At the initial manifestations of the disease, the doctor may prescribe one drug or another, as they perfectly relieve symptoms such as itching, rashes, swelling, signs of conjunctivitis, and urticaria. Both remedies are effective against insect bites. Solutions of Suprastin and Tavegil for intravenous infusion, relieve the threat of Quincke's edema.

When taking medications, the therapeutic effect occurs within 15-30 minutes. The active substances begin to act most effectively after two hours.

There are differences between them, so only a doctor can prescribe one or another remedy for treatment.

The main differences between the drugs

TO distinctive features two medications include:

  1. Active ingredients. Suprastin has - chloropyramine hydrochloride, near Tavegil - clemastine.
  2. When taking Suprastin, the patient feels drowsiness and inertia; when taking Tavegil, there is no such strong effect, so it is prescribed to patients who cannot be treated at home, go to work, or drive a car.
  3. Age restrictions for taking Suprastin are not recommended for children under one year of age, and Tavegil should not be given to children under 5 years of age. In practice, doctors sometimes act differently: after 1 month, children are already prescribed Suprastin, if necessary, in a small dose, and they begin to give Tavegil after a year, also out of urgent need, only in syrup.
  4. The form of release of drugs is also different; Tavegil is produced, in addition to tablets, ampoules, and also as syrup.
  5. Suprastin is produced in Russia; it is not used in other countries, but Tavegil is produced in Hungary and is widely distributed in Europe.
  6. Tavegil copes better with allergy problems that affect the skin (itching, rashes), while Suprastin quickly eliminates symptoms such as nasal congestion and sneezing. It is also used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, while Tavegil is not used in the treatment of problems of the respiratory system.

Indications for use of Suprastin

Having gotten to know the first generation antihistamines better, each patient, under the guidance of his doctor, chooses the optimal remedy for himself.

Suprastin has the following therapeutic effects:

  • Relieves allergic reactions to insect bites.
  • Helps eliminate seasonal allergic manifestations (allergic rhinitis).
  • Removes signs of conjunctivitis.
  • Relieves itching.
  • Prevents drug or food allergies.
  • Heals different types dermatitis (contact, atopic).
  • Prevents, with timely injection, Quincke's edema.
  • Used in the treatment of eczema.
  • Has proven itself in the treatment of serum sickness.

Suprastin is prohibited for pregnant women and nursing mothers. If there is a need to take medication during lactation, you should stop breastfeeding for a while.

Also at risk are people who have suffered an acute myocardial infarction. It is also prohibited during acute attacks of asthma, prostate hyperplasia in men, and open peptic ulcers.

When to choose Tavegil

In what cases does Tavegil work better:

  1. Seasonal allergic manifestations (hay fever).
  2. Skin rashes, itching.
  3. Insect bites.
  4. Hives.
  5. Eczema is acute or chronic.
  6. Anaphylactic shock, edema (used intravenously).
  7. Prevention and treatment of various allergic manifestations(used intravenously).

In what cases is it undesirable to use Tavegil:

  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • For bronchial asthma.
  • Children under one year old are not allowed, under the supervision of a doctor up to 5 years old, as needed.
  • Use cautiously with various antidepressants.
  • sensitivity to the drug.

Every suffering person is looking for the best remedy from this disease. Among the most popular drugs, Tavegil or Suprastin are usually chosen. Although their mechanism of action and purpose are the same, there are significant differences.

Suprastin or Tavegil - which is better?

In terms of effectiveness, both medications are good. Allergy symptoms such as itching and burning in the nasopharynx, runny nose, lacrimation and swelling of the mucous membranes are quickly eliminated. In addition, the onset of action of both Suprastin and Tavegil is the same - after taking the medicine, the signs of the disease disappear within 30-60 minutes.

What is stronger - Tavegil or Suprastin?

The agents under consideration belong to the first generation of antihistamines, which are characterized by speed of action, intensity of elimination, short term the effect produced (no more than 8 hours) and relatively severe side effects, especially for the liver. Thus, it is impossible to say with certainty which of the drugs is stronger. Only a doctor can choose the right medicine in accordance with the required indicators and laboratory test results.

What is the difference between Tavegil and Suprastin?

The difference between these remedies is the active substances used to treat allergies. Tavegil is developed on the basis of clemastine, and Suprastin is developed using chloropyramine. Despite the fact that both substances are histamine receptor blockers (H1), the first does not produce a sedative effect, while the second has an almost hypnotic effect. Therefore, Suprastin is more often prescribed for therapy at home or, in extreme cases, for taking at night.

Moreover, Tavegil has more contraindications and side effects, although it causes them less often. Suprastin, on the contrary, has a high frequency negative consequences, but less severe.

As practice shows, allergic diseases are one of the most common ailments modern people. They are diagnosed in patients of different sexes and ages, and the exact mechanisms of their occurrence are still not clear to doctors. Therefore, there are currently no treatments for such pathological conditions, which could give a hundred percent effect. But at the same time, there are medications that cope well with allergy symptoms. Which one should you choose? What is better Cetirizine or Suprastin or Cetrin?

What Suprastin is better or Cetirizine?

Suprastin and Cetirizine are antihistamines, most often they are used to treat allergic diseases. But these medications contain different active ingredients and affect the body slightly differently.

So, Suprastin is considered a first generation medicine. It contains such active ingredient, like chloropyramine. This substance copes quite effectively with allergies by blocking the activity of H1-histamine receptors.

Cetirizine is the source of the component of the same name – cetirizine. This medicine belongs to the second generation (more modern) drugs. It also effectively blocks the same H1-histamine receptors, but in addition prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions and significantly facilitates their course.

Suprastin can be used to treat patients of different ages; it is prescribed to infants from one month old in an age-appropriate dosage (only in medical institutions). True, this medicine is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Cetirizine is prescribed to children from six months of age (in the form of drops), and it is also not indicated for pregnant and lactating women, due to the lack of reliable information about the safety of such a medicine.

Suprastin can be purchased in the form of tablets and ampoules for injection, Cetirizine is sold in the form of tablets and drops for internal use.

The average cost of twenty Suprastin tablets is one hundred and twenty rubles, and ten Cetirizine tablets is about fifty rubles and more (depending on the manufacturer).

The main difference between Suprastin and Cetirizine is that they belong to different generations of medications. Therefore, Cetirizine is much less likely to cause side effects, and if they do develop, they are less pronounced than when using Suprastin. However, doctors say that Suprastin is characterized by a stronger antiallergic effect.

Modern experts are confident that it is better for readers of Popular Health to keep Cetirizine in their home medicine cabinet than Suprastin. The latter is best used exclusively in medical institutions to relieve acute allergic reactions that cannot be eliminated with other medications. It is worth noting that in developed countries Suprastin is not indicated for children under twelve years of age.

It was found that Suprastin has a drying effect on the mucous membranes. If we are talking about dry mouth, then in principle you can tolerate it. But the medicine can significantly thicken the mucus in the lungs, making it more viscous. Therefore, the use of Suprastin in the correction of acute respiratory infections is fraught with the development of various complications, including pneumonia.

Many more patients note that Suprastin makes them drowsy, which makes it difficult to perceive information. Cetirizine is not capable of causing such side effects, so it is better to give it preference.

Which is better Cetrin or Suprastin?

Cetrin is actually an analogue of the above-mentioned Cetirizine, it contains the same active substance. It can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of syrup and tablets. Cetrin is used to correct allergic reactions various types And to varying degrees severity, can be prescribed to children from two years of age. Tablets are given only to children over six years old.

The peculiarity of Cetrin (as in principle of Cetirizine) is that it is capable of not only blocking the activity of histamine receptors. This substance does a good job of reducing the amount of histamine synthesized by the body, and also reduces the intensity of eosinophil migration to the site of the allergic reaction. Thanks to this, there is a significant reduction in the severity of late manifestations of hypersensitivity reactions. In addition, cetirizine has general anti-inflammatory properties. Its use as a course for preventive purposes helps reduce the frequency of manifestations of bronchial asthma in patients with this diagnosis. In the same way, the medicine reduces the likelihood of relapses of other allergic reactions.

It is enough to take Cetrin only once a day, and it begins to act twenty minutes after consumption.

Suprastin is quite inconvenient in this regard, since it requires administration up to four times a day; the positive effect of use occurs after fifteen to thirty minutes.

The main difference between Cetrin and Cetirizine is in the form of release: Cetrin is sold in the form of syrup, and Cetirizine in the form of drops. Otherwise, these medicines are completely similar.

In any case, before using this or that drug, it would be a good idea to consult with a specialist.

Doctors say that today almost every second person suffers from an allergy to some substance. Individual intolerance can develop in anyone, sometimes it is diagnosed even in newborn children. Unfortunately, doctors cannot offer one hundred percent effective method therapy of allergic diseases. Existing methods Treatments are aimed only at correcting unpleasant symptoms. Patients with allergies are most often prescribed antihistamines. Let's talk about what to choose: Tavegil or Suprastin; we'll clarify which is better for children.

In order to understand which drug is best for a child, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of these drugs, their mechanism of action, as well as a list of contraindications and side effects.

Tavegil for children and adults

This drug contains clemastine hydrofumarate. This active component provides the long-lasting antihistamine effect of Tavegil.

Doctors usually prescribe this medicine for therapy:

Hay fever;
- allergic rhinitis;
- itching;
- urticaria;
- allergic dermatitis and dermatoses;
- contact dermatitis.

Tavegil can also be used as a component complex therapy during treatment:

Chronic and acute eczema;
- allergic reactions caused by taking medications or animal bites.

Who is prescribed Tavegil?

This drug is available in the form of injections and tablets.
The tablets help adults and children from six years of age. Injections can be used to treat children over one year of age.

Possible side effects

Tavegil in some cases can cause headaches and nausea. In addition, this drug sometimes causes constipation and dryness in the mouth. oral cavity.


Tavegil cannot be used to treat children under one year of age. Also, this medicine is not indicated for those with individual intolerance to its components. It is not prescribed to women carrying out breast-feeding.

Suprastin for children and adults

This drug contains chloropyramine hydrochloride. It can be purchased in the form of tablets or solution for intramuscular or intravenous administration.

Suprastin is usually used to treat:

- angioedema(Quincke's edema);
- serum sickness;
- seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis;
- conjunctivitis;
- contact dermatitis;
- skin itching;
- acute and chronic eczema;
- atopic dermatitis;
- food and drug allergies;
- allergic reactions to bites of various insects.

Who is the drug prescribed for?

Suprastin tablets can be used to treat children over one month of age. They are ground to a powder and mixed into baby food.

Possible side effects

Suprastin quite rarely causes side effects, which are temporary and quickly disappear after discontinuation of the drug. However, in the vast majority of cases, its consumption leads to the development of severe drowsiness.

The drug can cause fatigue, dizziness, nervous agitation, tremors, headaches and euphoria.

Sometimes this medicine provokes abdominal discomfort, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, appetite disturbances, and pain in the upper abdomen.

Other side effects are also possible.


Suprastin cannot be used to treat patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. This medicine is not suitable for pregnant women, newborns (both full-term and premature). It is not used for acute attacks of bronchial asthma and during lactation.

What's best for a child?

Both drugs cope quite effectively with allergic reactions. They act quickly and rarely cause side effects. Doctors cannot say which medicine is stronger; the effectiveness depends on the individual characteristics of the little patient.

Suprastin is more often used to treat young children - parents can give it to the baby on their own, while Tavegil is administered to babies only intramuscularly.

Older children are more often given Tavegil - it does not have a sedative effect and has powerful antihistamine properties.

Suprastin gives a positive effect within a quarter of an hour to half an hour after administration, and continues to act for three to six hours (sometimes a little more).

Tavegil begins to act just as quickly, but its effect lasts longer - up to eight to twelve hours.

Statistically, Suprastin causes side effects more often than Tavegil.

Both drugs should not be used for more than one week. But in some cases, Tavegil therapy can last up to twenty days.

Thus, for the treatment of children early age Suprastin is better suited. Schoolchildren are more often prescribed Tavegil.

It is best to say what is suitable for the baby when allergic diseases, only a doctor can. Experts take everything into account individual characteristics the child, the type of illness and the presence of concomitant problems, and only after that a therapy is selected.