Fear of failure in a new position: mania or incentive? Don't get promoted at work

10 Ways To Get A Promotion At Work - Are You Ready For A Career Advancement?

Career - a completely natural process that is necessary for both the boss and the subordinate himself. But alas, even a very diligent employee often gets stuck in a career elevator. How to achieve the desired promotion and empowerment with a corresponding salary increase?

Where to expect a promotion - career secrets

What career growth can depend on, and why does your colleague, and not you, often get a promotion prize? Understanding the forms of career advancement:

  • Career "lift" according to merit. An employee's career growth directly depends on the results of the tasks assigned, if the company evaluates the work according to the scheme “what you have worked for, you got it”. As a rule, reputable companies prescribe in detail both the time that an employee must work in a certain position before promotion, and the skills that should appear in his career "arsenal".
  • Career "lift" according to preferences. This form of promotion can be divided into covert and overt. The first is based on certain hidden preferences, sympathies, and other emotional factors. The second, public one, is based on the professionalism and competence of the employee. The third (rare) form of preference promotion is based on "similarity" - similarity of characters, communication "on the same wavelength" or even commonality in the manner of dress. Variants 1 and 3 are rarely observed among competent and far-sighted leaders (it is not customary to interfere with sympathy and work among business people).
  • Career lift as a bonus for diligence. The term "diligence" includes not only the diligence and responsibility of the employee, but also complete obedience to his boss, agreement in everything, the obligatory accompaniment of the boss's joke with laughter, acceptance of the boss's side in any conflict, etc.

  • Career lift by "rank" or experience. This form of promotion is present in those companies where it is practiced to encourage an employee to be promoted for "seniority" either under the guidance of one boss, or for work at the same enterprise. V this case, the one who has worked longer will go to the promotion faster. A kind of “loyalty” to the company or to the management sometimes outweighs all the merits and potential of the employee.
  • Career lift with the participation of the employee. If the above options were for promotion without employee intervention, then this case is the opposite. The employee is directly involved in the promotion process. Either he is offered this promotion ("can you handle it?"), Or the employee himself declares that he is "ripe" for broader powers.

10 Ways To Get A Desired Job - How To Get A Promotion At Work?

The principles of promoting a career lift followed by most companies:

  • Quality work. The result of your work will be the decisive factor. Your reputation, dedication to work, proven effectiveness are the criteria on the basis of which top managers will make decisions - to promote or not to promote.
  • Teamwork. Work as a team. The office is not a retreat or a place to express one's position as a "sociopath." Be with the team: participate in projects, self-nominate yourself to work groups, offer help, form an opinion about yourself as a person who does everything, finds contact with everyone and develops comprehensively.

  • Never be late for work. It is better to come a few minutes earlier in the morning and go home in the evening a few minutes later than others. This will create the appearance of your "zeal" for work. Choose the “goal” position itself based on the capabilities of both the company itself and your own real opportunities... “I am easy to learn” - this will not work, you must be ready for anything.
  • Make the most of your learning opportunities and professional development- to the fullest. If there is a need to adjust the skills already acquired, ask for help for trainings, use the possibilities of additional courses, etc. Even you yourself, let alone the management, should not doubt your qualifications.

  • Sociability. Try to be on the same wavelength with everyone - do not avoid communicating with colleagues, corporate events and meetings. You must become, if not the soul of the team, then a person whom everyone trusts and whose reliability you are sure of. That is, you must become "your own" for everyone.
  • Remember to follow the procedure. Of course, you are already known and trusted, but in addition to internal candidates, external candidates are also considered. So it doesn't hurt to update your resume and write a cover letter. If there are rules for applying for vacancies, these rules should be strictly followed.

  • Discuss your promotion with your boss. It goes without saying that a leader must be aware of your goals and aspirations. And you may find his recommendations useful. "Heart-to-heart" conversation can lead to a promotion. Letters of recommendation from colleagues in senior positions will also be important.
  • Prepare for the interview. This is a procedure, carried out when moving from one position to another, is provided in most companies. The interview can be a defining moment in your promotion, so you should prepare for this stage well in advance.

  • Do not strive to become irreplaceable in your current position. By becoming indispensable, you will show your bosses that no one can handle your job better than you. Accordingly, no one wants to transfer you to another position - why lose such a valuable staff in this place. Therefore, continuing to give yourself one hundred percent to work, take a sponsor and teach him all the wisdom. So that if there is a prospect of promotion, you can be replaced. At the same time, be sure to take on more responsible tasks to show that you are capable of more. Demonstrate your serious approach to work and responsibility at all levels.
  • Seek contact with management. Not sycophancy and obsequious obedience, but honesty, directness, a principled line of behavior - without participation in intrigues and collective undercover games, responsibility and other irreplaceable qualities. The management must respect you.

And don't sit still. As you know, under a lying stone ...

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The employee is offered a promotion. He is glad that he was appreciated, but he is afraid not to cope with new tasks, to be branded as a failure. And as a result, he thinks: maybe it's better to stay on the same place? At the same time - what if such a chance will not be presented again?

Do not think that your leader or any other top manager, once again moving to a new position, was in unshakable confidence in himself and his own strengths. Perhaps he was also circling the room, clutching his head and thinking: why did I just start doing this?

Are you afraid?

“Fear of failure or lack of confidence in their abilities can arise in any person, regardless of the level of promotion,” says Olga Lapshinova, HR Manager at KPMG's Tax Department. However, there is also a “risk group”. According to Lyudmila Henven, an expert at the ANCOR recruitment holding, there are people with low self-esteem and a high degree of anxiety, as well as perfectionists - those who are used to doing their job as efficiently as possible.

“Moving to a more responsible position, perfectionists are faced with the fact that they cannot immediately show the same high result as before, and they are very worried about this,” continues Lyudmila. “Anxious people have a different problem: they are highly dependent on the comfort and appreciation of others. Having received a promotion, a person not only goes beyond the already familiar duties, but sometimes changes the team. It is necessary to win the trust of new colleagues, and for someone who does not value himself highly, it is very difficult. "

Is fear so terrible

In addition to the need to interact with colleagues, fear is generated by the lack of experience in similar work, the impossibility of experimenting, the danger of losing all the gained positions in case of failure, says Ekaterina Lukyanova, consultant to Rabota.ru. But is it possible without fear at all? I try to imagine a person who never doubts and is not afraid of anything - and downs and small children come to mind.

“Doubt is the fear of the unknown,” says Lukyanova. - It is natural for a person to doubt and exercise caution, this makes him flexible, ready to change, and this, in turn, - necessary condition successful work on new position».

I agree with this opinion and Lapshinova. In her opinion, self-confidence can be increased, but uncertainty or fear cannot be completely eliminated. A reasonable amount of uncertainty always engenders discretion in decision making, which is helpful.

Assuming a new position:

1. Determine what result the manager expects from you, what tasks you must solve in the first place and in what time frame. Will you have assistants? Well, just take a closer look at him (and other key managers) - suddenly you find yourself so unpleasant to each other that you cannot work together.

2. Ask future colleagues who hold a similar position or perform similar tasks, what difficulties they have, what areas of work are considered "hot".

3. Remove Special attention establishing relationships with subordinates, so that later you can count on their support. Even if you have been working together for a long time, you need to prove yourself in a new quality. Hold organizational meetings of the department, organize mailings with information about new tasks. Talk to each about their responsibilities and outline development prospects.

4. Make a plan of action for the near future, discuss it with the leader. Divide more global tasks into subtasks. Determine what knowledge and skills you lack to successfully complete this job. Let the goals be specific, achievable, tied to specific deadlines.

Fear as a stimulus

If you "feed" fear, it will soon overshadow all your prospects with its wings.

Some are terribly panicked: “I will never be able to cope! Even Ivanov could not, how could I ... ”. If at this moment the suspicious alarmist, obsessed with the desire for perfection, “does not support, does not praise, does not note his merits in his current position, then he may close down, try to completely get away from solving the issue of his professional development. Any discussion will be torture and serious stress for him, ”recalls Olga Lapshinova.

Others are not burdened with fruitless self-criticism, and for them "such fear often becomes a signal to mobilize all their inner forces, an incentive to improve: if I am not confident in my abilities, then I need to figure out what I am missing and cope with it", - adds HR manager at KPMG.

This is the kind of reaction we should strive for. And remember that the main weapon against fear is experience. And where to get it, if a person, not having time to get used to it, runs away from his new position in horror?

Ambitious climb up, suspicious dig deeper

“If your employer offered you a promotion, but you are not sure that you are ready for this step, answer a few questions for yourself,” advises Lyudmila Henven. - Firstly, are you interested in the proposed position; secondly, does it correspond to our long-term career plans; and, finally, are you willing to put in extra time for more intensive work, if necessary. If the answers are yes, go ahead boldly. "

By the way, according to Ekaterina Lukyanova, ambitious and suspicious people can develop their careers in different ways. For the ambitious, the sweetest thing to do is to get a promotion - along with responsibility and new responsibilities, they will acquire the desired independence, the opportunity for self-realization and authority.

However, expanding the range of competencies in one position is also career development and can also be accompanied by a salary increase, Lukyanova believes. According to her, such a development suits people who are suspicious, but at the same time possessing good intellectual potential and a high professional level.

When is it better to stay in the same place

According to experts, if an employee's promotion is associated with recognition of his merits and competence, in 80% of cases he has no reason to fear. “But, unfortunately, sometimes such decisions are taken thoughtlessly, without sound arguments and analysis,” says Olga Lapshinova. She recommends to be wary if: 1) the management itself does not know what it wants; 2) the situation is "stalemate": at least someone is needed who could solve pressing problems, "and then we'll see"; 3) the management does not have a complete idea of ​​what experience you already have, how your knowledge will be useful.

Unfortunately, it also happens that a person is promoted to a higher position only in order to simply "substitute" him. “For example, if the company is not all right with financial reporting, then they will try to put a person who is not too sophisticated in these matters to the position of a manager bearing criminal responsibility,” Ekaterina Lukyanova gives an example of a possible situation.

Two more reasons to "slow down" are the lack of leadership potential and organizational skills (if a person is offered to switch to leadership position), and lack of interest in the proposed work. Lyudmila Henven notes that if a person during the transition is guided only by the fact that he has been working in the company for a long time and “it is time to change something,” most likely he will not be able to cope with the new task. He will not have an incentive to give all his best.

If you have failed

In this case, the program is the minimum - to try to calmly return to the previous position, the program is the maximum - when you return, keep in your arsenal the experience that was gained even with an unsuccessful attempt, says Ekaterina Lukyanenko.

For this:

  1. Determine how clear the new responsibilities were to you.
  2. Restore the picture: the task, your actions, the result. Where did the difficulties arise? To get an objective picture, get the opinion of "neutral" colleagues.
  3. Ask your supervisor for detailed comments on your work, even if they are not very pleasant. How, in his opinion, was it necessary to solve this problem?
  4. Make a plan for your own development, outlining your strengths and weak sides in the desired role. What should you pay attention to in order to successfully cope with your responsibilities in the future? It might be worth attending a training, seminar, courses. Perhaps pay attention to team relationships.

The one who does nothing is not mistaken.

In modern life, there are two main career paths: either to become an irreplaceable specialist and grow horizontally, or to strive decisively up the career ladder (which does not negate the need to be a specialist). The second way is more popular - its algorithm already includes a linear growth of wages, social status and other privileges. It is the positive moments that are most often associated with the soft chair of the boss, and much less often - the gigantic responsibility that accompanies any high position.

It is especially difficult to experience a situation when, in your opinion, all the prerequisites for an increase exist, but it still does not happen: a classmate has already become the head of a department, a classmate is already a general director, and you are still a senior specialist with an actively developing complex of your own inferiority. Why is this happening?

Psychologist and HR consultant Ekaterina Vladimirova advises first to figure out what we ourselves expect from the promotion: “For some it is about money, someone is tired of current tasks, someone just got bored, and he is looking for options, to stay in the company. One is motivated for professional growth and development of managerial competencies, for another it is a stage, a stop of the social elevator, well, and the third is so narcissistic that giving out new business cards to friends is already an end in itself. "

The most difficult thing is to honestly admit to yourself why you want to be a boss. If the goal is just a big salary, then it is better to choose the horizontal path of development. If you want respect from friends and beautiful business cards, you should choose a company that is noticeable on the market and spend your energy on becoming a part of it. It makes sense to plunge into the abyss of corporate struggle only if responsibility for subordinates, projects and headwash from the boss does not seem to be an excessive price for a large salary, a place in a corporate parking lot and business class flights on business trips.


There are two linear growth strategies: in one company or by moving from one place to another. In both cases, the candidate must look like a person ready for promotion, that is, responsible, who has positively proven himself in previous areas of work, and so on. Only in the first case, the applicant is evaluated by people who know him quite well, and in the second - by specialists from the HR department, and, if successful, by a potential manager. What do they pay attention to first?

Nadezhda Kokotovich, Chief of the Cabinet Director General NIS (Gazpromneft) describes its reasoning when choosing a candidate for promotion: “The most important thing in a boss is humanity, I would even venture to say - kindness. In principle, I do not hire, and even less so I do not promote evil people. There is such a type - those who use the least power for evil. In second place, perhaps, is the ability to find non-standard solutions to problems, even the most trivial ones. If you consider yourself a leader, the apparatus you have created must work flawlessly. And one more thing: a leader, evaluating the results of work, relies primarily on his own opinion - a person who needs the praise of others will never be at the head ”.
Although leadership, responsibility and initiative are not always the defining qualities. When evaluating candidates for promotion, they also pay attention to how conflicted this person is, predictable for leadership, flexible, capable of compromises, and how good a politician he is. Igor Mann writes in his book The Marketing Machine: “A marketing manager can make a career without engaging in 'politics', it is almost impossible to make a career as a marketing director without engaging in 'politics'. If you are poorly versed in 'politics', then you better master it as soon as possible. " Are you ready for this? The office world is always intriguing, and whether it looks like a mouse tussle or a shark fight, it requires flexibility and skill to maneuver between different players. Sometimes this ability for political games becomes decisive in the selection of a candidate.


Satisfactory or even brilliant work results do not always guarantee career advancement. The boss judges subordinates not only by the results of their work, but also by non-verbal signs that are an indicator of loyalty: is the employee ready to work overtime, in what tone he speaks about the management and the company, how interested in the internal affairs of the company. That is, the manager is looking for confirmation that work for a person is "more than work."
Ekaterina (31) tells how, after working for a year as the head of the translation service, she was looking forward to a promotion: “I was aiming for the position of the head of the office work department. Reasons? Well, first of all, the previous “head of translators” went for a promotion to this particular position, and now he had to change the head of the sector, that is, the movement of personnel seemed to me absolutely obvious. Secondly, not long before that my salary had been raised, although I had not asked for it. Such advances, in my opinion, are not given out just like that. And finally, I objectively developed my potential in my current position, improving everything that was in my power. But instead of promotion, my salary was raised again. To be honest, I was somewhat surprised, and a month later I went to the HR department myself, asking to find me a new position in the company - there was nowhere to develop in the previous one ”.
Sometimes it is helpful to know what the situation looks like from the other side. Vera, the immediate boss of Ekaterina, perceived her as follows: “Katya is really a wonderful employee, but she mentioned many times that she does not associate her future with our company.
In this situation, I believe that a salary increase is more beneficial for both parties - the employee knows that we value him, and we do not risk bringing to a high management position a person who can leave us. " In this case, there is a lack of communication between the employee and the management and, possibly, the wrong behavior of Catherine herself.
“Often a person wants to be promoted, but does not give his superiors a chance to find out about it,” comments Ekaterina Vladimirova. - It seems that he works in the sweat of his brow, and I am convinced that the manager knows about the desire to grow in the company, but in fact he never spoke about his plans directly. And if he did, then on the contrary - that he would not refuse to develop somewhere else. This is exactly what happened to Catherine. Naturally, the bosses are confident that the leading motivation of the subordinate is monetary, and periodically increases the salary, but does not intend to delegate responsibility to an employee who is at risk. "
Communication with the immediate supervisor is the most important point of the program if you plan to grow within the organization. By supporting feedback, you will not only understand whether or not you are satisfied with your direct work, but also learn the strategic plans of the company and the principle by which you are moving up the career ladder.


One of the most difficult tasks- inform your superiors that you are ready for a promotion. How to do this so as not to look too persistent, but at the same time, so that your desires are known? Dmitry Fomenko, director of the organizational function at NIS (Gazpromneft), recalls the following case: “Once an employee demanded (he came almost every day for a month!) that he is bored. A month later, I suggested that he part with the company. He slammed the door, saying that we were not ready to assess his potential. Well, maybe. But before looking at the potential, I want to see real results. "
No one will promote an employee whose activities in the current place are not very satisfied, and, moreover, they speak about it directly. The inability to read the implicit dissatisfaction of the bosses says only one thing - it is too early to dream of a leadership position, but it is worth paying more attention directly to your area of ​​responsibility and observations. Learn to be a politician.
Here's another typical situation: you are hired by a company, promising a position "for growth", but not immediately, but in the foreseeable future. Too persistent desire to inform everyone around about your readiness to take a leadership position is a futile strategy. If your expectations are not met, it will be quite difficult to save face. And even more difficult is to really assess the reasons why this happened. Feelings of resentment can make it difficult to look at the situation from a distance. In the heat of the moment, you can break wood and not only close the path to promotion, but also lose your real place.
This is what this situation looks like from the point of view of the employee and the employer. Elena was expecting a promotion from the position of the sector director to the head of the department: “When I first joined the company, I was immediately promised that in a year I would be the head of the department. Not the last, by the way, the man promised. I put in my best efforts, resolved even those issues that were not directly related to my sector, and I was sure that I was working for the future. But when the previous director left, an outsider was appointed to take his place. And he was of the same nationality as the CEO (I work for a branch of a foreign company). I am not ashamed to inform my employees that there is little that shines for Russians in this company. " Klaus, Deputy General Director,

You are hardworking, diligent, and seem to be doing a pretty good job. At your current place, you are already getting bored. It's time to think about empowering, but for some reason your career has stalled. You are upset to notice that employees who are younger than you, or those who came to the firm later, have already moved up the career ladder, and you remain in the same position. Why aren't you getting promoted?

The most common reasons for “downtime” in career development are:

Disregard for appearance. Whether we like it or not, they are still greeted by their clothes. Are you a nonconformist, and think that appearance is empty? Then do not expect a promotion and do not be offended that they do not tend to take you seriously. It is very difficult to take seriously a person who walks around with a sandwich stain on his pants for a week. Subconsciously, the management builds such a chain: if you are unable to keep track of even your own clothes, how can you entrust a whole department to you? And what kind of face of the company will you be when you come to negotiations in these stained trousers?

Non-verbal signals. By the way, about manners. They should not run counter to unspoken norms. If in your company or department it is customary to joke and joke, do not go around. In most large firms, on the contrary, it is customary to wear a mask of a serious and business person... In this case, you put yourself in a losing position, appearing everywhere with a constant smile on your face. Psychologists say that subconsciously such a gesture can be considered as ingratiating, behavior of the weak.

Of course, smiling does not always indicate your helplessness, but to make sure that your style of behavior matches corporate culture- look at more successful colleagues. If the most serious and focused ones move up the fastest, and you still remain in the same position that you took five years ago, perhaps your friendly smile and jokes are really out of place. If you dream of a career advancement, why not try on the mask of a slightly more serious and ambitious person? Conversely, if your department is fun, why don't you tap into it? Of course, you can declare this and reject such advice with anger. But remember, do you always show your real feelings? For example, answering a friend's question in the negative if these jeans make her look fat, or when mom gives you New Year utter nonsense, or when you smile at a friend you hate? Life in society periodically requires wearing masks, this is normal.

Complainers are not liked. The quickest way to dig yourself a hole in the workplace is to complain. Complain to your bosses that others are to blame for the failures, complain to colleagues in your department that bosses do not appreciate you, and employees of other departments cry that you have to work with incompetent idiots. If you do this often enough and emotionally enough, you will not only be promoted, but most likely fired. The fact is that a complaint is most often perceived as a shift of responsibility. And there is a grain of it common sense: if everything is really so bad at your current place, why did you come to it and why are you still staying? If not, why are you complaining? ..

Personal life comes first. This mistake is especially characteristic of women. It is in our nature to strive to start a family, take care of a husband, create a good atmosphere in the house and take care of children. But times change and that's all more women dream of self-realization in the profession. This does not mean that you need to abandon your family and become a blue stocking. But if you want to balance your personal life and career growth, you have to learn to be flexible - that is, to switch between traditional "female" roles and the role of an employee of the firm. When requesting leave from work for personal reasons, do not tell in detail how seriously ill your child is (especially if the manager is a man); you can talk about this with your husband, mother or friend. Do not start telephone conversations in the office with the words: "Yes, sissy" or "Hello, dear." If you leave your post earlier than usual, because you are running on, we do not recommend sharing this joy with colleagues. They may not appreciate it. As well as the leader, to whom such news will surely reach. Be more discreet, do not demonstrate at work that personal life comes first for you. On the contrary, mention more often how you think it is important for modern woman career growth and how glad you are to join this company. At home you can be a wonderful wife and mother, but at work you are a professional.

Diligent performer. Probably the most common complaint is, "I work so hard, why am I not getting promoted?" The correct answer is that is why. No, no, no one invites you to work carelessly to move up the corporate ladder. It is usually not just those employees who do a good job that are promoted, but those who, along with this, offer ways to optimize it, improve, and move the company forward. But be careful: start with “rationalization proposals” in the area for which you are responsible. Employees and managers in other departments are unlikely to be happy if you teach them to "do the right thing."

Hermit Syndrome. If you act like a hermit crab, you are unlikely to get promoted, no matter how brilliantly you work. If you are not capable of successful communication on an equal footing, then how will you be able to lead? Of course, you might argue that the boss doesn't need to be nice to his subordinates. You may not need to be polite, but you will have to communicate - and much more often than it was necessary to do it as a performer. A boss with undeveloped communication skills is the trouble of the whole company. After all, you have to explain to the team what you want, motivate your employees, represent the company at meetings with partners and shareholders, conduct final stages interviews for key posts. It is impossible to do all this without having a talent for communication and self-presentation. The way out for you is books on emotional intelligence and communication skills, as well as various psychological trainings where you will be taught to open up and interact with other people.

Lack of feedback. Experts advise to “keep your finger on the pulse” - to talk to your boss regularly. But to begin with, not about increasing, but about the effectiveness of your work. Do not hesitate to ask your direct manager from time to time to give you "feedback": to point out the strengths and weaknesses of your activity and those areas in which it is worth developing. Not all bosses know how to do this on their own. Meanwhile, without knowing the opinion of your superiors about your work, you will not be able to ask for a promotion on time and in the right form. There are additional benefits to this strategy: Your boss is likely to appreciate your zeal for self-improvement - especially if they see real improvements. And, perhaps, he will offer you a higher position.

Silence or excessive persistence. It is undoubtedly necessary to talk about an increase. If you remain silent, most likely you will remain in the same place. But it must be done correctly - on time and with tact. Pay attention to how your predecessors coped with this task. If possible, talk to them: maybe they already know the right approach to. It also happens that an employee is initially hired with the prospect of a possible promotion. By following all of the above tips, prove that you deserve it. But don't blow your trumpets around every corner as you dream of the speedy promotion you were promised. V best case it will be perceived as bragging, at worst - as dissatisfaction with their place and pressure on the leadership. Then there is a chance not only not to get a new position, but also to lose the old one.

You worked quietly and peacefully, not striving for the heights of the career ladder, and suddenly you were dumbfounded with an offer for a promotion.

What to do - buy champagne and joyfully welcome a new stage in life, or dismiss the appointment before it's too late?

Don't let others decide for you

In any case, take your time. Tell your boss that you value their trust, but you want to think it over properly. Brace yourself - it won't be easy to think. You have to make a decision on one's own.

If you succumb to weakness and run with your doubts to your friend / mom / husband / wife, well-meaning family will impose a superficial subjective opinion on you.

Who it is worth talking to is the person who releases the position that is offered to you. He should be asked about specific factual things - about the nature of the work, about current problems, about relationships with partners.

You need to understand the real reasons why he leaves the position. It is one thing when a specialist goes for a promotion himself, and quite another when he wants to slip away to another company for a vacancy of a similar level.

Sometimes people refuse a place, confusing matters to the extreme, and the accumulated mistakes fall on the shoulders of an unsuspecting follower.

Forget about possible privileges for a while

By accepting the offer, you, most likely, will receive certain material advantages - a comfortable office, a raise in salary, a higher status in the company.

All this, of course, is good and important. But - don't be tempted by the outside.

A few extra thousand a month will not bring you happiness if every day of fulfilling your duties turns into torture for you.

Only take the job you think interesting.

Soberly assess your strength

A new position usually involves new responsibilities. Sometimes they are radically different from the previous ones. A classic example is the transition from the position of an executive employee to a "step" of the manager.

Many high-profile professionals turn out to be lousy organizers. Before you take the boss's chair, ask yourself can you:

  • demand and insist on your own;
  • delegate authority;
  • listen and hear others;
  • be the soul of the company and inspire people,
  • behave freely in public;
  • with ease to comply.

You may be better off choosing - that is, acquiring additional competencies rather than changing positions.