New Year's menu for a nursing mother. What to cook for a nursing mother for the New Year. Tea and coffee - yes, alcohol - no

I don’t understand at all the indignation of mothers about the fact that they are not allowed to breastfeed their children in a public place. For a minute, they don’t let you feed, but they don’t let you expose your breasts. Of course, a hungry child has the right to satisfy his hunger at any time convenient for him, and his mother has the right to feed her child where and when she sees fit. But why do you need to demonstratively expose your breasts? If you are a nursing mother, you probably assume that the time will inevitably come to feed your baby, so take with you a cape, a scarf, a snood, and at least a fan, well, something to cover yourself if necessary. In the end, if it just so happens that you don’t have anything on you, step aside, turn away, choose a place that is not so crowded, so that you don’t embarrass yourself and don’t embarrass people. As for the specific situation in the museum, the issue, in my opinion, is controversial. Here, oddly enough, I am on my mother’s side. Simply because there is absolutely nothing to argue with her. Indeed, what kind of indecency can we talk about in connection with the exposure of the chest if families with children come to the Tretyakov Gallery and do not turn away in embarrassment from the paintings of Rembrandt, Michelangelo’s David without a fig leaf, do not cover the children’s eyes, etc. But this is done as trolling, to annoy the museum administration and the public. In general, I wouldn’t drag it infant during the SARS season public place, and then, if the incident took place in the Tretyakov Gallery, then sometimes there are such queues at the box office, sometimes you can stand on the street for an hour. Why torture a child? And then it would be possible to step aside again, why feed the baby ostentatiously in a crowd of people? Feeding babies is such an intimate moment that does not tolerate extraneous glances, strangers, not always positive thoughts, etc. But this, of course, is a personal matter for everyone. I don’t know all the details, but if I were the museum staff, I would never get into trouble with a nursing mother, and if her behavior, in their opinion, somehow violated the order established in the museum, I would (if I were an employee) offered her stole, scarf, or would take her to a more secluded place. Well, if a nursing mother started making a fuss in response to my (as a museum employee) proposals, defending her rights, I would leave her alone. Why take a sin on your soul, get into a quarrel with it, make it nervous, in the end, everything will affect the baby, it turns out that by your actions you are harming the baby, why is this?

We begin to prepare for the most beloved and long-awaited holiday long before the celebration itself, in particular, we carefully think through the menu. The answer to the question of what to cook for New Year, is most interesting to a nursing mother, for whom the list of permitted foods has been significantly reduced with the arrival of a baby in the house.

With our recipes, the holiday table will be full of original and very tasty treats that will not harm the baby in the least and will satisfy the gastronomic desires of the mother.

New Year's table rules for nursing mothers

When choosing “nursing” recipes for the New Year’s celebration, first of all you need to find out all the nuances of a woman’s nutrition during breastfeeding. After all, many products can not only provoke allergic reactions in the baby, but also cause severe flatulence. As a result, the baby is restless and violent negative reaction with crying.

What should a breastfeeding woman avoid?

  • First of all, the mother of a baby (less than six months old) should give up any allergic foods: eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits and other tropical fruits, with the exception of apples and bananas.

In principle, eggs can be used in cooking, but in very small quantities.

  • Also, avoid drinking too sweet drinks and desserts. Sugar in excess can easily cause diathesis in children, even through breast milk.
  • It’s worth removing from the menu and that’s it gas-forming products: white cabbage, legumes, peas, corn, garlic, smoked meats.
  • Since we have already mentioned smoked meats, we should immediately add to the list of prohibitions all store-bought sausages, sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup) and other chemical products in which the level of “eats” and monosodium glutamate is literally off scale.

To dress the salad, you can use sour cream or homemade mayonnaise. It will be no worse than the original.

  • Many favorite pickles are also prohibited: fish, pickled vegetables, salads and vinegar-based preserves.
  • Carbonated drinks, juices and, of course, alcohol, even if it’s champagne, are NOT allowed under any circumstances.

You can learn more about all the intricacies of a nursing mother’s diet from our articles on the website.

New Year's hot dishes for nursing

Recipes for main dishes for the New Year for a nursing mother are perhaps the simplest section in the matter of holiday nutrition. There are few prohibitions here, because mothers can and even need to eat meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, but...

  • The meat should be exclusively lean - veal, lean beef, rabbit. Poultry it can be turkey or chicken, preferably breast.
  • If you cook fish, then only low-fat varieties, preferably even sea fish (cod, hake, pollock, flounder). You can also indulge in red fish in moderation, such as salmon fillet or trout steak.

But do not forget that for all its benefits, the salmon family can cause allergies if consumed in excess.

  • Mom can eat almost everything from vegetables, except gas-forming ones (see above) and bright-colored vegetables (beets, carrots). They should be used with caution by those mothers whose children are not yet 3 months old.
  • As for potatoes, before cooking they should be soaked in cold water 20-30 minutes, and then rinse from starch.

New Year's “Accordion”: an original veal appetizer

  • We take a 300-gram piece of veal tenderloin and make cuts in it along the entire length (at a distance of 1 cm from each other), approximately 2/3 deep.
  • Insert thinly sliced ​​layers of cheese (100 g) and mugs into each hole fresh tomato(2 pcs.), alternating.
  • Add the meat on top, sprinkle a little black pepper, sprinkle with olive oil and wrap tightly in foil.
  • The veal accordion should be baked for 1 hour at a temperature of 180-190°C.

Fish with cream for nursing mothers

  • Cut trout fillet (300 g) into portions, rub with a mixture of salt (½ tsp), pepper (½ tsp) and olive oil(1-2 tbsp), then fry the fish for 5 minutes on each side in a frying pan until golden brown.
  • Then reduce the heat to low, pour cream (1 tbsp) over the fish, add a pinch of salt and cook the dish covered for 20 minutes.
  • 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add finely chopped fresh dill (1-2 tbsp) to the creamed trout.

For such aromatic and tender fish, it is best to prepare a classic side dish - mashed potatoes or rice

Chicken breast with vegetables


  • - 1 PC. + -
  • Zucchini - 2 pcs. + -
  • - ½ bunch + -
  • Bacon - 100 g + -
  • — 100 g + -
  • - taste + -
  • — 50 ml + -
  • - ¼ tsp. + -

How to cook chicken for a nursing mother

This is original dietary dish It’s very easy to prepare and any amateur cook can repeat it at home with his own hands.

  • Wash the zucchini, cut off the edges with the stalk and cut diagonally into oval slices, 1-1.5 cm thick.
  • Afterwards, place them in a greased baking dish, sprinkle with olive oil and salt to taste.
  • Chop the parsley with a knife, sprinkle with salt, and then grind with a wooden masher to a paste. With the resulting mixture, generously coat one side of the chicken breasts, cut into portions.
  • Next, wrap each chicken slice in a thin strip of bacon, place it on top of the zucchini circles, then cover with cheese slices.
  • Cook chicken in bacon for half an hour at 180°C.

Also on our portal you can get acquainted with others, no less delicious dishes for nursing mothers.

Despite the fact that the traditional New Year's salads "Olivier" and "Shuba" in their original composition are taboo for nursing mothers, we could not leave you on this holiday without symbolic treats and have prepared, adapted to the permitted products, step by step recipes these favorite snacks.

Salad "Olivier" for the New Year for nursing

  • Boil chicken breast (250 g) in salted water for 30 minutes.
  • We also boil two potato tubers and ½ carrots until tender.
  • Boiled chicken, 1 fresh cucumber without skin, ½ sweet and sour apple, peeled potatoes and carrots cut into equal cubes.
  • In the same way, chop the pulp of ½ avocado and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Season the salad with sour cream (100 g), salt to taste and mix.

Meat under a “fur coat” for a nursing mother

  • Boil 300 g of veal (beef or turkey) in water with salt (2 tsp), peppercorns (½ tsp) and laurel (2 leaves) for 60 minutes.
  • In a separate pan, cook 1 beet, 1 carrot and 2 potatoes. We clean the boiled and cooled vegetables.
  • Peel a large green apple.
  • We grate all prepared products separately.
  • Cut the meat into small cubes.

Preparing homemade mayonnaise for meat under a “fur coat”

  • Pour ¼ tsp into a deep bowl (jar). salt, ½ tsp. sugar, pour in 15-20 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 150 ml olive oil, 1 tsp. mustard and beat in 1 egg. Just do it carefully so as not to damage the yolk.
  • Insert the blender blade into the container, grabbing the yolk, and turn on the machine for 10 seconds. The knife cannot be lifted. In 10 seconds the whole mixture will turn white. Beat it for another 10 seconds and the mayonnaise is ready.

Assembling the salad

  1. Place potatoes on the bottom of the dish, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and grease with mayonnaise.
  2. Next comes a layer of carrots + salt + mayonnaise. Then we place the meat and pour homemade mayonnaise over it.
  3. After that, lay out the apple, and finally cover the salad with beetroot mixture, stirred with a pinch of salt and mayonnaise.

Vitamin cheese and vegetable salad for a snack

  1. Cut a bunch of watercress coarsely.
  2. Cut cherry tomatoes (100 g) into 4 slices and add to the chopped salad.
  3. Finely chop the dill (½ bunch) with a knife, and grate Parmesan cheese (50 g), then combine the products with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Dress the salad with olive oil or sesame oil, salt the dish to taste (1 pinch is usually enough).

Caesar salad for nursing mothers

  • Tear 200 g of boiled chicken fillet into thin fibers by hand.
  • We tear lettuce leaves (2 bunches) coarsely by hand.
  • Cut the bran bread into small cubes and dry it in a frying pan until it becomes croutons, then add it to the salad.
  • Place Caesar in a salad bowl and sprinkle with grated cheese (50 g) on ​​top.

For the dressing, prepare homemade mayonnaise (see recipe above), add it to the salad, also add a pinch of salt and mix everything.

On the website “Your Povarenok” there are many more delicious and simple salads for mothers of infants.

The New Year's menu will not be complete without dessert, so we offer dear mothers a selection of not only healthy, but also very tasty homemade sweets with a minimum content of flour and eggs.

Oatmeal Apple Pie Dessert Recipe


  • Kefir – 300 ml;
  • Oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • Extra flour – 1 cup;
  • Granulated sugar – 60 g;
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp. with a slide;
  • Sweet and sour apples – 2 pcs.;
  • Sweet vanilla – 1 pack;
  • Cinnamon – ½ tsp;
  • Butter – 50 g.

How to make dessert for nursing mothers

  1. Mix sifted flour, oatmeal, granulated sugar, vanilla and baking powder in a common bowl.
  2. Place the butter in a plate and melt it in the microwave.
  3. Pour kefir and melted butter into the dry mixture, then knead the dough as if for pancakes.
  4. Prepare the filling: cut the apples, peeled and seeded, into thin slices, place them on the bottom of the baking dish, having previously sprinkled it oatmeal. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of the apples and fill with dough.
  5. Bake the pie in the oven (preheated to 180°C) for 40 minutes.

Homemade cottage cheese muffins

  • Place 200 g of cottage cheese and 50 g of sour cream in a blender bowl. Beat 2 eggs there, pour in 2 tbsp. melted butter, add 200 g of granulated sugar, 200 g of extra flour and ½ tsp. slaked soda.
  • Whip all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, and then distribute into the cupcake molds, filling them 2/3 full.
  • Bake the cupcakes for 20-25 minutes at 180°C.

For avid sweet tooth lovers, we have prepared a couple more dietary recipes desserts that are very quickly prepared and served maximum benefit both mother and baby.

Now you know what you can prepare for the New Year for a nursing mother. So don't worry about having to give up your favorite foods. Believe me, with our recipes your feast will be as tasty and plentiful as it always was on this long-awaited holiday.

Bon appetit!


Unfortunately, many dishes that are traditionally considered New Year's are not recommended for nursing mothers, as they can negatively affect the baby's digestion. Therefore, to the question of preparing a festive New Year's dinner in a family with infant need to come with special attention. should consist only of those dishes that cannot harm the baby.

What is contraindicated for a nursing mother?

4. Canned vegetables - corn, green pea, marinades can cause colic.

5. Spices, onions, garlic, change the taste of breast milk, the baby may refuse to breastfeed.

6. Products that can cause: citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries, tropical fruits (mango, avocado, papaya, etc.), milk, eggs, honey, nuts and sugar, delicacy fish.

8. You should also avoid lard and fatty meat - these products can cause indigestion, as they contain a large number of saturated fatty acids.

9. Despite the temptation, you should refrain from eating sweets, cakes and pastries with cream.

This list seems to cover all the products that usually end up on festive table. Don’t panic, you can also prepare a feast for the whole world using “allowed” products!

What can a nursing mother do?


For a nursing mother, you can prepare cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce and other greens. Instead of mayonnaise, use as a dressing vegetable oil or sour cream - such a dish will not harm the child. Instead of the beloved Olivier, you can make potato salad. And if you replace the sausage with boiled lean meat, and chicken eggs- for quail, you will get a low-calorie and tasty dish.

Boiled liver salad with carrots is also very healthy for a nursing mother. You can prepare a salad of boiled tongue with herbs, beans and crackers, a salad of grated beets with sour cream and prunes, a salad of chicken breast with fresh cucumbers and pine nuts, turkey salad with avocado, lemon and green apple etc.


To prepare hot dishes, use lean meats or: beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey, hake, cod, pollock and navaga are suitable. Give preference to baked foods - fried foods are harmful to babies. As a side dish, baked vegetables, boiled potatoes, crumbly buckwheat, cooked in a pot with butter and seasoned with herbs.


Fresh and frozen berries (cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries), and souffles, homemade cookies without margarine, biscuits based on quail eggs, cottage cheese cakes and desserts with fruits, oven-baked apples and pears, fruit salads seasoned with low-fat yogurt without dyes or preservatives.


Refurbished fruit juices, smoothies and cocktails can negatively affect the baby’s health, so they should be excluded from the menu. A nursing mother is recommended to eat compotes and fruit drinks made from berries and dried fruits, as well as juice from green apples.

The most popular holiday in our country is approaching - New Year. If shortly before this day you became a mother, please accept our congratulations, you have already received the greatest gift. From this moment on, your life changes radically, its center shifts - from you to your little miracle. Now you will make all decisions taking into account the interests of your baby.

So the New Year's feast, as well as the menu for all subsequent weekends, should be planned based on the principle “do no harm,” because everything you eat gets into the blood, and from there into breast milk. Therefore, you will have to give up many familiar products. And many young mothers on the eve of the New Year are deciding on the question: what tasty things can they treat themselves to?

Let's start off with, what should you limit yourself to?:

  1. Products that can cause allergies in your baby. Chocolate, citrus fruits, red caviar, red fish, mackerel, seafood, exotic and brightly colored fruits and vegetables;
  2. Products that increase gas formation. Fresh vegetables and fruits (especially grapes, White cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini), milk, confectionery and bakery products with yeast, legumes (peas, beans);
  3. Mushrooms – high risk of food poisoning;
  4. Out-of-season fruits and vegetables are a source of nitrates;
  5. Industrial canned food, mayonnaise, sausages and other products containing artificial colors, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other “chemicals”;
  6. Carbonated drinks are not healthy for anyone at all.

In addition, onions, garlic, and seasonings are not harmful, but they change the taste of milk.

Thus, almost all of our usual products are banned. But you can find a way out of this situation.

So what might it look like New Year's menu for a nursing mother:

  1. Main hot dish. You can bake meat or fish in the oven with a small amount of spices.
  2. Boil colorful vegetables for a side dish. Frozen mixtures combining different kinds vegetables, a great variety. Choose according to your taste. Such a side dish will be bright, beautiful, festive, and healthy at the same time.
  3. Salads. If you experiment, you can prepare your favorite salads, but replacing some of the products in them. The same traditional New Year's salad "Olivier" can be eaten by a nursing mother if you replace the sausage with boiled chicken fillet and mayonnaise with sour cream.
  4. Dessert. You can bake apples with dried fruits, stuff prunes with sweet cottage cheese, or prepare a cottage cheese-banana dessert.

The main thing is to show your imagination, decorate the dish beautifully, and find someone who will either look after the baby or help prepare the festive dinner. And then the dishes on the New Year's table will be tasty and healthy, taking into account your diet.

And of course, it’s worth remembering that alcohol while feeding your baby is not your story. But you can pour juice into a beautiful glass or wine glass, preferably one that is intended for feeding children from 3 months.

If you really want to enjoy something tasty, but undesirable, then, probably, a little bit is okay. It is important to observe moderation: you can eat one small sandwich with caviar, but half a jar would be clearly too much. Also, you should not try everything at once: it is advisable to introduce new products one at a time, once every 3 days, so that you can notice the baby’s reaction. So if you can’t imagine the New Year, for example, without tangerines, it’s better to try to eat a couple of slices in advance, and don’t overdo it on the holiday itself either. Of course, what is and what is not is up to you to decide.

Happy New Year!!!

Every nursing mother, long before the holiday, prepares a menu for the New Year's table and asks the question, what can she eat for the New Year? Due to allergies, some foods are prohibited, so you will have to work hard and look for recipes that will be both tasty and healthy.

What is allowed to eat?

What should you not eat?

Any alcohol is prohibited while breastfeeding. When drinking alcohol, it passes into the mother's milk, after which breastfeeding can be done no earlier than after 6-7 hours. Doctors do not recommend drinking alcoholic beverages during the entire feeding phase of the baby.

For a while, you should forget about fatty, smoked, spicy, and canned foods. The diet also means avoiding processed foods, pickles, sauces, mushrooms, and game.
For the sake of the baby’s health, you can endure all the restrictions and do a little remodeling regular recipes standard dishes.

Examples of New Year's recipes for nursing mothers

Light salad with avocado

green apple – 1 piece
chicken or turkey fillet boiled with salt – 200 grams
avocado – 1 piece
lettuce leaves - 1 pack
For refueling:
olive oil, salt, lime juice - to taste

Baked carrots with cheese

carrots – 0.5 kg
hard cheese – 150 grams
parsley - for decoration
vegetable oil

Cooking steps:
1) Mix Parmesan and salt.
2) Cut the carrots into thin slices, fold them, add salt and place in the microwave for 60 seconds.
3) Grease an oven dish with oil and place carrots in the form of roses
4) Place cheese and parsley on top
5) Bake for 25 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees

Baked chicken with apples

The chicken carcass is washed, dried, rubbed with salt, and green apples are placed inside in slices. Next, you need to put the chicken in a baking bag, put it in the oven and bake for an hour and a half at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. About 20 minutes before readiness, you need to pierce the bag with a knife to form golden brown crust. Boiled rice, vegetables, and mashed potatoes are suitable as a side dish.

Also, the New Year's table for a nursing mother will be decorated with: stuffed fish, steamed cutlets (from chicken fillet and turkey), and a rabbit in the sleeve. You can cook beef meatloaf in the oven.

For sauce lovers, as an exception, you can make homemade mayonnaise. It is prepared like this: egg, sunflower oil(160 ml), mustard (to taste), salt (0.5 tsp), sugar (0.5 tsp), lemon juice (1 tbsp) beat with a blender until smooth.

Happy New Year!