Alien races that may be present on our planet. The three main alien races that influenced earth civilization

How many types of aliens are there in space? It must be a great many. It would be naive to believe that humanity is the only race in the infinity of space. Our universe holds many mysteries. We cannot know how many aliens live in it, but we can talk about how many types of aliens are known to ufologists today and what are the features of each of them. That is what we will talk about today.

Let's start from afar - let's turn to such a science as logic. One of the popular tasks in this discipline is: "Determine the type of this concept by volume." Alien is an indefinite concept. What does it mean?

As you know, all concepts are divided by volume into indefinite, empty, general and singular. Single - these are those that include only one element (A. S. Pushkin, Moscow). General - those that include two or more elements ("river", "planet"). The volume of empty concepts is an empty set. In other words, it does not include any object from the universe of reasoning ("perpetual motion", "water"). And finally, indefinite concepts - those whose scope has not been established to date. It is to them that "alien" refers. As you can see, it is impossible to establish clear boundaries of the concept that interests us.

Our knowledge of how many types of aliens exist is based on information received from contactees who claimed to have been able to visit a spaceship or talk to aliens. In addition, information about them was collected from mediums who established channels to communicate with them through channeling.

There is a special science - exobiology, which gives us more accurate information about different types of aliens. Ufologists, according to the stories of witnesses and the results of research, concluded that there are several races of aliens that differ from each other in appearance. Aliens have a completely different appearance, each race is defined by its temperament and unique features.


These amazing humanoids resemble insects in their own way. Insectoids are a specific, extremely rare race of aliens. They are characterized by large and bulging. The limbs of these aliens have a bizarre shape. They are sharp, reminiscent of claws or tentacles.

Insectoids have incredible features that allow them to carry out space travel at high speeds. Aliens of this species can withstand very high accelerations (up to 40 g). With gravitational overloads, they easily endure colossal stresses.

Even K. E. Tsiolkovsky determined the characteristic properties of insects. He personally studied cockroaches, conducted tests on them. This scientist was one of the first to determine that insects are able to endure gigantic accelerations and large differences in gravity much better than mammals and animals. It is not only during braking or the rapid flight of a spacecraft that intense stress arises. And in the event of a sharp change in the direction of the ship, an unthinkable load is noted. Only an alien ship is able to stop abruptly at full speed and, frozen for a moment, instantly change its course by 90 °.

three-toed giants

These aliens were most often seen in Lower Saxony (Germany). The distinguishing features of this race are as follows:

  • large growth (from two to three meters);
  • large luminous eyes, reminiscent of car headlights, as well as a huge head;
  • blurred external features, their ears and nose do not stand out;
  • representatives of this race have special skin, which has a light blue tint;
  • the limbs of humanoids are quite impressive: a clumsy long hand, larger than the head in size, only three fingers.

Ufologists have established that representatives of this race are male. It has also been observed that these giant cyclops never appear alone. A whole retinue of Lilliputians (of course, also of cosmic origin) will certainly accompany them.


Reptoids are very interesting extraterrestrial beings. This type of alien got its name because their skin is scaly. In addition, reptoids are cold-blooded, like amphibians. They have a bumpy torso, and long claws have been seen on the limbs of these aliens. Their terrible eyes glow with yellow and green tints. In the region of the mouth and nose, they have a blunt appendage resembling a trunk, giving these dragon-like creatures an almost human appearance.

Some argue that reptoids are characterized by a tendency to aggression, as well as to sexual violence against representatives of the human race. Contactees even liken these aliens to Satan and his army. It is believed that aliens of this species are representatives of the dark forces of the universe, belonging to the demonic sphere. According to some reports, any mention of the name of Christ causes a negative reaction among the reptoids. There is even an assumption that it is the representative of this race that is the prototype of the biblical snake, which tempted Adam and Eve in ancient times. Some believe that reptoids have very powerful energy, but at the same time they are extremely kind and sensitive creatures. However, the opinion about their hostility to humanity is still more common.


Space dwarfs, unlike reptoids, are peaceful creatures. Basically, they accompany other humanoids, more intimidating. However, there were also cases of single visits to Earth by space midgets.

Briefly describe appearance aliens of this type. The growth of these creatures is about a meter, they have short legs with hooves. The forelimbs of dwarfs are long, they have three fingers. The hands of space midgets are very thin. They dangle and hang down to the ground. However, this does not prevent the dwarfs from moving quickly, as well as running away from the persecution of the curious.

So, the appearance of space midgets is quite funny. As for the character, he is benevolent. Dwarfs are usually dressed in silvery spacesuits. A thin film that covers the nose, mouth and ears, like a mask, is on their face. It seems that dwarfs hide their appearance from us, leaving only their eyes open.

Perhaps some people saw not space aliens, but the inhabitants of the Earth in carnival masks and costumes? This question should be answered in the negative. After all, people with such features of appearance, such specific anatomical data, simply do not exist on our planet. And why would there be a carnival procession in Lower Saxony, a rather deserted place?

Synthetic workers

This race of aliens has its own specific features. Their representatives are believed to be even capable of telepathy. The growth of these creatures is about 1.1 m. Their intelligence is compared to that of a bee swarm. Representatives of this race were seen mainly on board their spaceships, as well as in the underground bases created by these aliens.

Gray humanoids

The growth of gray humanoids is also small. It ranges from 0.9 to 1.2 m. Representatives of this race are inconspicuous in appearance. They are distinguished by a lean body, their limbs are underdeveloped. The fingers of gray humanoids are very thin, with sticky suction cups or sharp claws at their tips. The classic image of the representatives of this race is as follows: a huge head (there is no hair), gray skin, blurry slightly convex nose, the line of the lips is poorly defined.

Evidence of gray aliens was received mainly from the inhabitants of America. In July 1947 in the state of New Mexico (city of Roswell) there was a famous crash of an alien spacecraft. It was the remains of gray humanoids (pictured above) that were then found at the accident site. Scientists conducted an autopsy of the bodies and found that the structure internal organs these aliens are truly amazing. They had no exit openings and digestive system, and instead of blood there was an unknown substance. The pathologists also did not find the liver and heart - perhaps these organs were absent in humanoids. As for the brain, its nervous tissues were significantly different from human ones. There was no gray matter in it, but the brain was well formed, had good structure.

In the state of Texas, wrecks were also recorded on board of which the bodies of gray aliens were found. In 1947 in the United States the visits of these creatures were very frequent. It seemed that this country was chosen for their research by aliens. The US authorities were seriously concerned about the frequent visits of uninvited guests. They seriously considered the possibility of their mass invasion and prepared for it. Fortunately, the invasion never took place.

Among the grays there is such an interesting type as long-nosed grays. The growth of these creatures is about 2.4 m. These aliens have a genetic structure similar to insects. They do not have external sex organs. In relation to people, these aliens are very aggressive. They are considered a group from Orion, whose main goal is supposedly to capture humanity and enslave it.

Another type is gray with Ceta Recycli. Many abduction victims and witnesses have described small, robotic creatures. Others noted that they were short, stocky aliens in dark overalls. Their faces are wide, depending on the lighting, they have a dark blue or dark gray tint. They have deep-set shining eyes, wide mouths and upturned noses. The other types mentioned by the witnesses do not look human.

Group from Sirius

According to some reports, the group from Sirius, like the grays, is involved in kidnapping. The growth of these creatures is about two meters. They have blonde hair, cut short. Their eyes are blue, having the following feature: vertical pupils, like those of cats. These beings are supposedly part of a group that has arrived from Orion to take control of our planet.

Humanoids in black clothes

There are also some types of UFOs, of which aliens can be easily mistaken for people, since their appearance practically does not differ from a human one. Humanoids in black clothes, for example, are very similar to us. It would seem that they should not cause horror among eyewitnesses. However, these humanoids are dressed in special black robes, which makes their appearance intimidating. Aliens belonging to this race have been found in almost all regions of our planet. Most often, eyewitnesses watched them get out of their ship, sinking to the ground in front of everyone. People from different countries it was reported that representatives of this race appeared in groups to carry out repairs to the ship.

Cases have been recorded when black aliens made contact with us. However, the tone of their communication, according to eyewitnesses, was demanding and impudent. They spoke quite well, and the manner of speaking of these humanoids resembled the slang characteristic of the criminal environment. Aliens have always worn black suits and black headbands.

Eyewitnesses experienced fear during communication with them, as these creatures threatened them, and also demanded not to tell anyone about their visit. Aliens in a conversation were interested in the profession and life of their interlocutors. A variety of small household items were very curious to them, which surprised the eyewitnesses. Some even thought that these aliens were recluses who for a long time living apart from civilization. Others have suggested that they are secret workers living on the military bases of the Fourth Reich.

Nordic type aliens

Representatives of this race are very similar to people. Their appearance has features that are inherent in the Nordic race:

  • high growth;
  • blond hair;
  • pleasant appearance.

Nordic-type aliens usually avoid humans, however, according to eyewitnesses, they have a benevolent and peaceful nature. These aliens were mostly men, but there were also women who had amazing beauty. American T. Beturum provided information about one such alien named Aura. He said that he met with her at night in deserted places. The alien flew on a spacecraft that landed in 1952. The aura persuaded Beturum to establish a "Sanctuary of Thought" on our planet. The goal of this community was to be peace on Earth.

The types of aliens that have visited Earth are numerous. We only talked about Aliens scare you? Let's try to find out if they are dangerous.

Are aliens dangerous?

Describing different kinds aliens, whose photographs, unfortunately, are few, we can conclude that among them there are both peaceful and hostile. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally state that aliens are good or bad. Types of aliens hostile to humanity (reptoids, long-nosed gray humanoids, groups from Sirius, etc.) threaten us with reprisals. They predict future catastrophes on our planet. On the contrary, peaceful species of aliens speak of calmness and goodness. There are also such aliens who are aimed at creating colonies on Earth. According to a fairly common version, with the help of earthlings, aliens want to change and improve their gene pool. To this end, the aliens secretly abduct members of the human race and test them. So there are hybrids that are created by aliens. Species, races and varieties of hybrids are probably numerous. At the very least, their descriptions differ significantly.


Almost all types of aliens on Earth are distinguished by an increased interest in the features of human biology. However, not all of them are kidnappers. What types of aliens take people on their ships for research? Many victims claim that it is gray. Victims of abductions or just observers often talk about how certain types of extraterrestrials performed medical experiments on the reproductive organs of people. Some say that they were forced to have sexual relations with aliens. Others were shown newborns or embryos resulting from contact between aliens and humans.

What are the intentions of different types of aliens? Why are they creating hybrids? Some believe that they want to get a "superior race" by combining best qualities alien and human. Space guests want to prevent their disappearance or save people. It is also possible that friendly species of aliens intend to relocate groups of people to distant planets. The fact is that human society, as they believe, is heading towards self-destruction.

Now you know what types of aliens exist. Photos and images of aliens will help you correctly classify them in case of a possible meeting. And it should not be excluded - you need to be prepared for anything.

There are many races and types of aliens, which became known to mankind both after direct contact of individuals with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, and as a result of the use of channeling and other meditative spiritual practices. Depending on the frequency of contact and the nature of communication, some races of aliens are known more than others.

We single out the main types of aliens in terms of active interaction with humans.

Race of aliens - Andromedans (Andromedans)

It is known that this is a spiritualistic race of ancient angels, originating from the galaxy of the same name - Andromeda. Being an offshoot of the human race in the process of evolution, they are the leaders of the Pleiadians and the race from the Constellation Cygnus - peaceful amphibians. The goal of the Andromedans is to help the beings of our Milky Way galaxy develop, mentors and spiritual curators. Aliens from Andromeda do not have a physical body in our understanding. There is an opinion that the image of angels appeared after the first contact of a person with this alien race. Contacts with humanity occur quite often. It is known that aliens from Andromeda have a division of individuals into male and female, however, people know almost nothing about their reproduction, nutrition, ways of resting and other similar things.

According to the surviving Old Testament and other ancient religious sources, it is known that the Andromedans, both male and female, previously actively entered into physical contact of a sexual nature with people.

It is noteworthy that, having a non-physical nature, the Andromedans could and can interact with a person as a biological species in all spheres of our life - both spiritually and mentally, and physically.

This is the most interesting race of aliens for people, because. it is she who has a strong influence on us and, having once shared her precious genes with us, takes care of humanity as her offspring, understanding us and trying to help us.

Time of membership in the GF: Approximately 3.5 million years.
Location: Approximately 150 - 4,000 light years from Earth.
Life Form: Humanoids.
Height: 1.7 - 2.12 meters for men and 1.63 - 1.93 meters for women.
Eyes: A little more human.
Lips: Thin, light pink.
Ears: Slightly smaller than a human and set lower.
Hands and feet: With long fingers.
Communication: Andromedan language ranges from a dialect similar to Italiano-Spanish to a more tonal guttural sound.
Special Ability: Known throughout the galaxy as masters of all forms of science.
Need for sleep: about 2 hours a day.
Fleet: Traditional form sombrero-like ships - reconnaissance ships measuring 15 - 20 meters. Lenticular command ships up to 800 meters long.
Andromedans include 2 types of humanoid creatures:

The first is \"Caucasian\" which ranges from the so-called \"Nordic\" type (blonds, blue eyes, fair skin) to \"Mediterranean\" (hair: blond to brown, eyes: gray to brown, skin : tanned).

The second type is typically "Oriental", with dark hair, dark Asian eyes, and pale to dark brown skin.

Race of aliens - Arcturians (Arcturus)

Like the Andromedans, they are a non-physical race living in the universe or the reality of pure love. Members of the Confederation of Humans.

One of the most advanced civilizations in our galaxy. They consciously exist in five dimensions, they are the prototype of the civilization that humanity should become. The energy of this civilization has a healing effect on people emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Arcturians interact with humans exclusively on an emotional and mental level. We cannot have any physical connection with them due to the serious barriers separating us.
The lifespan of an Arcturian ranges from a few hundred Earth years to one and a half thousand years. There are individuals of both sexes - male and female. Outwardly, both men and women look very similar, there are no special external differences between the sexes.

GF membership time: 3.75 million years ago
Location: The star Arcures in the constellation of the Boot, 36 light-years from Earth.
Life Form: Horse-like creatures.
Height: The body is tall and thin: 2.3 - 2.64 m for men, 2.19 - 2.49 m for women.
Eyes: Larger than human, pale blue or dark brown.
Ears: Similar to those of a horse, but more rounded and smaller.
Arms and legs: On the arms 4 long thin fingers are very flexible.
Hairline: Vanilla to dark brown in color with a mane behind the head.
Communication Tonal language, sounds a bit like Chinese or Vietnamese.
Special Abilities: Known in the Galactic Federation as masters of time (galactic calendars, etc.), great ability in science and philosophy.
Need for sleep: 1 - 3 hours a day.
Fleet: Reconnaissance ships are diving bell shaped, 12.2 - 23 m in diameter. Planetary command ships are lenticular in shape, over 22.5 km long.

Race of aliens - Aryans (Blondes) (Aryans (Blondes))

The Nordic Blond humanoids work with the Grays, a very dangerous race. There is an opinion that the Aryans were captured by the Reptoids, have implants, tend to change their loyalty from the Reptoids to the Confederation of Humans.

Type A humanoids are genetically similar to humans. They have natural human growth, light skin and hair. These individuals have been abducted by the Grays or are the descendants of the abducted, raised by the Grays as servants and completely subservient.

Race of aliens - Blue (Star Warriors) (Blues (Star Warriors))

Blue, have translucent skin, large almond eyes and small stature. The main idea of ​​their teaching is \"Follow your feelings\", in your own way, by means, without succumbing to anyone's influence.

The Blues have intervened very actively and continue to intervene in human affairs to this day. Their goals are not always clear. The blue ones either appeared on Earth and existed side by side with people for quite a long time, then left our planet for centuries.

This race of aliens does not differ in special spirituality. They can be friendly towards people, but they can also be aggressive. Previously, there were open armed confrontations between people and the Blues, but representatives of Andromeda and Aktur saved people from death.

There is an assumption that the once common race, which was lower in development than the modern Akturians and the Blues, went in development in two ways. As a result, spiritually and technically advanced Akturians and devoid of spirituality, but possessing their own technologies, the Blues, were formed. The “technologies” of the Blues are quite different from the concepts of technical progress people, so we perceive representatives of this race of aliens as fictional characters, dressed in medieval armor hung with energetically active amulets. Although their "armor" actually has nothing to do with our medieval weapons and defenses. Probably people during early medieval borrowed from the Blues the external form of weapons. This is where all the similarities end.

Blues have representatives of both sexes, they actively mate and mate with people during contacts, however, both within their race and in contact with earthlings, they leave very meager offspring. In addition, born children rarely survive. However, this function in them is more than compensated by the period of life. The Blues live for 2-3 thousand Earth years and, having a very real physical body, are endowed with the function of ultra-fast regeneration of damaged tissues.

Race of aliens - Centaurians (Centaurian)

This is a type of Nordic Blondes that came from Alpha Centauri. They, like the Pleiadians, seek to help us in spiritual growth, but they do not play as active a role as other races, despite the fact that they have contacts with some people on Earth.

Time of membership in the GF: 1.1 million years ago.
Location: Constellation Centauri: Proxima Centauri, Alpha Centauri; distance from 4.3 to 1000 light years from Earth.
Life Form: Humanoid and Reptoid Species
Height: Humanoid Centurians: resemble humans; 1.8 - 2.4 m. men, muscular and well built, women are also well built, 1.65 - 2.1 m.
Reptoid Centurians: females up to 2.4 m, males slightly shorter
Eyes: Humanoid Centurians: Brown, black, blue, green, or earthy, sometimes rounded.
Reptoid Centurians: Round, bulbous with a vertical pupil like a reptilian, light red or golden in color.
Hands and feet: Reptoid Centurians: narrow, 6 toes that end in a sharp, curved claw. On the feet there are 5 long toes with a curved claw.
Skin: Humanoid Centurians: Slightly tanned white to dark brown. The hair is blond, brown, black or red.
Reptoid Centurians: scaly, spotted, green and blue or green and red
Communication: Humanoid Centurians: slightly guttural, reminiscent of German, but tonal sounds reminiscent of Chinese.
Reptoid Centurians: very guttural
Special Abilities: Excellent strategists, often GF Liaison Consuls. They are distinguished by the ability to bring groups of different beings to agreement, all this is achieved in a peaceful and harmonious way.
Need for sleep: 2 - 4 hours a day.
Fleet: 2 types of ships seen above Earth: A multi-purpose reconnaissance ship, shaped like a bell with a large lenticular round wing attached to one side. Diameter 14 m, height 9.1 m. The command ship looks like a cigar with a bulge in the middle. Length 60 m.

Race of aliens - DAL (DALs)

This is a Nordic type race that came from the DAL Universe. They are the descendants of the Lyrans and are very advanced technically and spiritually, about 300-1000 years ahead of the Pleiadians. They help the Pleiadians in much the same way that the Pleiadians help us.

Race of aliens - GORN - Reptoids (Reptoids - GORN)

A reptilian race with the Draco controlling the Gray-A's by installing implants the same as the Grays implant into Earthlings. They are also at the heart of the organization of kidnappings. The main goal is to infiltrate using newly created implanted "half-breeds", "hybrids" to destroy the Confederacy of Humans. Reptoids are carnivorous towards humans, using them as food.
Genetically similar to reptilians, this is a very advanced race, but they are extremely negative, hostile and dangerous towards people, considering them an inferior race. They perceive us roughly as we perceive a herd of cattle. There is a supposedly controlled planetoid or asteroid inhabited by 30 million of these lizards that entered our solar system in the mid 90s of our calendar.

They view Earth as their own ancient outpost and seek complete control of the planet upon their return. Their own planet is no longer fit for life and they need another one to live on.

Race of aliens - Grays (Greys)

From the perspective of the scientific community, the Grays are a frequently described race by abduction victims. Here they are represented by a race with unknown motives and goals. They kidnap, study, test, etc. in accordance with their vague goals.

Various conspiracy theories are often a mixture of science and fiction. It is believed that the Grays were wrecked on one or more ships and were found by the US government. The government has made a secret pact with the Grays, allowing them to kidnap people in exchange for their technology. The Grays didn't keep their end of the deal.

This race of aliens was called gray by the color of their skin. This is a humanoid alien race, divided into three subtypes.

Gray - Type A
This type is generally understood as \"Gray\". Also known as Zeta Reticuli from the star system Zeta Reticulan (Star Bernard) from the vicinity of Orion. Apparently a militaristic race with a well-defined social structure that keeps science and "conquest of the worlds" as primary goals. They are usually 1.2 meters tall with large heads and black eyes. They have limited facial features, a slit mouth, and no nose. They have evolved beyond the need for a reproductive system or digestive system and reproduce by cloning.
Their genetics is partly based on insects. Their science is very broadly studying other forms of life and genetic engineering. The Type A Grays are believed to have been involved in altering the genetic make-up of humans over thousands of years. Apparently, they are trying to genetically interbreed with people in order to create a "mixed race", "hybrids", which will be more perfect than the original races.

There appear to be two main social classes. Some of them are sharper, rougher, more assertive. More peace-loving, others are more inclined to conduct business and take a diplomatic approach to establish control over people.

They do not have emotions (by human standards) and appear cruel to the human race. They are able to take human lives without any apparent reason. They can presumably use human bodies (substances) for nourishment and are therefore carnivorous towards humans.

It is known that these Grays actually serve the superior reptilian race and are trying to prepare the Earth for their arrival by taking control of the planet in various ways. They enjoy the freedom they have on Earth, away from their masters, and would like to help humans in their confrontation with the reptiles.

These Grays have established bases in New Mexico and Nevada, as well as many countries around the world.

Gray - Type B
Tall Grays from Orion. Usually about 2 - 2.4 meters tall with similar features to Type A except for the presence of a large nose. These Grays also have technology that allows them to do something that looks like a "miracle". These Grays are less hostile to humans than Type A, but still are. They seek to exert influence through political control, the conclusion of agreements with government officials. Their main bases appear to be in the Aleutian Islands.

Gray - Type C
These are the shortest of the Grays - about 1.3 meters tall. The facial features are similar to the Grays with Zeta Reticuli. They are also hostile to humans, like Type A. They are from a star system from the outskirts of Orion called Bellatrex.

Race of aliens - Lyrians (Lyrians)

This is a very ancient parent race from which branches of humans and humanoid races descended, including all the Nordic types, the Orions and even the Grays. A fully militant early stage civilization, they have raised their goals significantly and are now technically and spiritually at the level of the Pleiadans.

Constellation Lyra. Main planet- Dotumi, e Lyra system. Colonized in Lira 6 star systems, 17 planets. The second most important (possibly) in the constellation Lyra is the Vega system, alpha Lyra. Population: \"Nordic \", tall blond, height 6-8 feet (2 meters). Well developed, muscular, shoulder-length hair, fair, straight, thin. The face is beautiful, the physique is correct, the demeanor is fatherly, cautious, kind. The effect of their presence is warmth, a feeling of delight from outgoing power. Earth-type clothing, tight-fitting. Communication is telepathic.

In addition to the constellation Lyra (6-star systems colonized there), the Lyrans also settled in the Pleiades, Hyades, Epsilon Eridani, Tau Ceti, Rigel of the constellation Orion. The Hindus also live on Earth: they moved from Lyra to Maldek, the fifth planet of the Sun system, after its destruction they live on Earth.

Alien Race - Orion Empire (Orion Forces)

The Orions came from two opposite races. The "Council of Light" was one from the Betelgeuse star system, the powerful evil Orions equally originated from the Rigel star system. The Orions have taken control of many planets in our galaxy, but are always in balance with the Intergalactic Confederation. The militant part of the Orion Empire was defeated 200,000 years ago by the Intergalactic Confederation and they have not threatened Earth since. They are currently being prepared for the "transition to the 4th level", just like we are on Earth. In fact, some people on Earth are reincarnated Orions who are here to integrate their negativity and lift both of our worlds from there.

Race of aliens - Pleiadians (Pleiadians)

The Pleiadians are a collection of aliens from the Pleiades star system. They are also from various times in the future, from 500 to millions of years ahead. The Pleiadian culture is very ancient and was "sown" from another universe of love long before the Earth was created. They have formed a huge society that operates with love, ideas and ideals that we are not yet aware of.

The Pleiadians launched a project to contact and inspire humanity to reclaim their energy and create better reality for themselves. They are here as messengers from another universe to help the Earth move from the third level to the 4th and to assist each of us in our personal quest for awakening, remembrance and knowledge. As the project progresses, more aliens join the group, some from other systems. The group later changed its name from Pleiadians to Pleiadians Plus.

The Pleiadians say their reason for contacting us is a chance for tyranny in the future and they have returned to inspire us as much as possible to start creating our own reality and change the future. They teach personal and social metaphysics, love and purity. The Pleiadians speak as one, there is no individual identification. They do not appear in a physical form despite saying they can. They say it's safer to go through the canal and doesn't require as much attention.

Race of aliens - Sirius (Sirius)

Members of the Human Confederation. They are an aquatic, obscure race who are an evolved version of dolphins and whales. They say they live in Christ consciousness and are in a solar system that is very connected to our own in a physical sense. They also play a role in helping the Earth, but they do so at more subtle key points, like through the whales in our seas.

Race of aliens - Vega (Vega)

Members of the Human Confederation. Another known species extraterrestrials of a human type of a "more highly spiritually developed" nature, who seem to be aware of the situation on Earth and take some possible actions. They are from Arcturus and from Vega.

One of the most famous races of aliens, outwardly almost indistinguishable from humans. Spiritually more advanced than humans. Apparently, they are aware of the lawlessness that is happening on Earth, they help as much as they can.

Race of aliens - Hybrids (Hybrids)

Almost all types of aliens have a great interest in human biology. Very often eyewitnesses or victims of abductions describe medical experiments on the reproductive organs of people. Some report being forced into interspecies sexual relations. Others were shown embryos or newborns resulting from such contacts between humans and aliens. Hybrids are more similar to humans than other aliens, although they retain the typical alien shape of the eyes and skull. In some situations, Hybrids show the ability to telepathy.

Origin: The result of crossing Grays and humans
Height: 1.74 - 2 meters
Weight: 40 - 55 kg.
Eyes: Human, blue
Hair: Dark brown, black
Skin: Pale gray
Gender: Man and woman
Breeding: Possibly the result of selective breeding between Grays and humans. The Grays remove eggs and sperm from humans and combine the DNA of the Grays with the DNA of humans specially selected for this purpose to create the Hybrids.
Communication: Telepathic and verbal
Characteristics: The look is very similar to humans; subtle body; high forehead; the head is slightly rounder and slightly larger than that of humans. \"Hybrids \" more than other aliens are similar to people, although they retain the gray color of the skin typical of aliens.

Alien Race - Ancient

They are usually described as mantis-like humanoids with cold, black, almond-shaped eyes and yellow-green skin. They are quite tall, from 1.5 to 2 meters. Like most space races, the Ancients are very thin, with elongated limbs and fingers. Unlike other aliens, the Ancients are extremely cold, and sometimes with great hostility, towards people. They are absolutely not interested in the knowledge and achievements of our civilization. The tales of those abducted by the Old Ones are notable for their macabre details of the barbarian medical experiments. The Ancients often accompany the Grays, as if they were leaders or overseers. From this fact grew the hypothesis that all races of aliens coexist in some kind of galactic civilization and that some types are derived from others through genetic experiments.

Origin: Unknown
Height: 1.5 to 2 meters
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Cool black almond eyes
Hair: unknown
Skin: Yellow-green leather
Gender: Not known
Reproduction: Not known
Communication: unknown
Characteristics: They are very thin, with elongated limbs and fingers.

Alien race - Human Confederation (Intergalactic Confederation)

It is more commonly referred to as the "Intergalactic Confederation", led by the Ashtar Command. Consists of an organization of groups of aliens born in positive energy who help the human race and wish to protect it. Includes: Vegan (Vega), Arcturian (Arcturus), Sirian (Sirius), Pleiadian (Pleiades), Lyrian (Lyrians), Dalian (DALs) and Centaurians (Centaurians).

Alien Race - Type B People

Genetically similar to us (Type A people), as well as people who serve the Grays. They are from the Pleiades, they also look blonde with fair skin. This type is a product of pure evolution, spiritual, friendly, blood related to humans and the only aliens that can be trusted at the moment. They once offered their help to the earth leaders in dealing with the alien situation, but they were refused and have not interfered since. These aliens are believed to be the ancestors of the human race. Basically, they are not present on Earth at the present time due to serious problems on the premises of their home.

Alien Race - Type C People

Very little is known about them. Presumably they are very highly evolved, spiritual type, very friendly to earthly people.

Race of aliens - Reptiles (Reptilian)

A very rare type of alien. In terms of physical parameters, they are also thin and lanky, like many other types, but at the same time they have a bright pronounced signs reptiles: scaly, like some lizards, skin, large snake eyes, clawed limbs. Nothing is known about their intentions and sphere of interests on Earth.

Race of aliens - Chupacabra (chupacabra)

According to some researchers, Chupacabra began to visit the Earth quite recently. However, their striking resemblance to the chimeras and gargoyles in Gothic architecture suggests that they have been on Earth for a very long time. Chupacabra is described as unintelligent small animals, no more than half a meter tall, with large slanting eyes, outgrowths and tubercles on the head, spikes on the back. They are cautious and shy, but cruel, like wild predators. They feed on herd animals, sucking the juices from their bodies, but do not touch people. There is a theory that they are the result of an unsuccessful genetic experiment of an alien civilization.

Origin: Unknown
Height: 1.2 - 1.8 meters
Weight: 50 - 60 kg
Eyes: Red, oval, with pointed edges
Hair: None
Skin: Dark brown
Gender: Unknown
Reproduction: unknown
Communication: Unknown
Characteristic features: There are two thin sharp fangs; some eyewitnesses report that there is a pair of wings; on the back is a comb that glows in the dark; paws are webbed with three fingers.

Race of aliens - Bellatrians

GF membership time: Became a member a few years ago.
Location: One of the brightest stars in the constellation of Orion, approximately 112.5 light-years from Earth.
Life form: The main species is reptoid, migrated from the constellation Sagittarius 25 million years ago.
Height: 2.45 - 3 meters for a man, 2.6 - 3.12 meters for a woman.
Eyes: Large, red or dull yellow, directed upward
Lips: Thin.
Ears: Absent, there is only their "trace" - a circle with a diameter of 7.5 cm immediately behind the eyes.
Hands and feet: On the hands they have 6 long, clawed fingers. On the feet they have 5 fingers, at the ends of which there is a small and very sharp claw. There is a small tail.
Skin: Scaly, like a crocodile, and comes in green, yellow, brown, or red colors.
Communication: Language rough guttural, many whistling and growling sounds
Special abilities: Good diplomats and leaders; in the past, as part of the Alliance, they ruled this sector of the Milky Way for 6 million years.
Need for sleep: 5 - 8 hours a day.
Fleet: Reconnaissance ship similar to a beetle or dewdrop, size 30.5 - 122 meters. Mothership - similar to a long tadpole, size 1.6 - 640 kilometers.

Race of aliens - Neonatals (neonate)
Neonatals (neonate) - are similar at the same time to both the "gray" and the "Roswellians". In many ways, they resemble people, or rather, newborn babies, hence the name ("neonate" - a child under the age of a month).
Intentions: Not known
Origin: Unknown
Height: Small height
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: unknown
Hair: unknown
Skin: Not known
Gender: Not known
Reproduction: Not known
Communication: Telepathic
Characteristic features: With a disproportionately large head, long limbs, four-fingered.

Race of aliens - Fomalhotans

GF membership time: Folmachota Confederation, a neutral star nation, became a member 3 years ago
Location: Bright Star constellation Pisces, approximately 23 light years from Earth
Lifeform: Humanoid type: The Pleiadian rebels who first colonized Formaholt 250,000 years ago are found on the 3rd and 4th planets of Folmachot.
Reptoid type from Bellatrix in Orion who colonized the 2nd planet of this system 200,000 years ago. After the devastating wars ended 20,000 years ago, these two types created the Folmahot Confederation.
Height: Humanoid type: they are also called \"Nordic aliens\" ("Scandinavians\"). Men are about 1.85 m, women are from 1.65 to 1.83 m.
Eyes: Humanoid type (1): blue or gray
Humanoid type (2): gray or black
Reptoid type: red or pale yellow, with a vertical pupil
Lips: Humanoid type: almost human
Reptoid type: thin
Ears: Humanoid type: almost human
Reptoid type: absent.
Hands and feet: Humanoid type: almost like a human
Reptoid type: on the hands they have 6 long, clawed fingers. On the feet they have 5 fingers, at the ends of which there is a small and very sharp claw. There is a small tail.
Skin: Humanoid type (1): blond or slightly tanned, blond hair;
Humanoid type (2): dark brown, dark or brown hair;
Reptoid type: scaly, on the head there is a large bony crest
Communication: Humanoid-type language - lyrical, slightly guttural
Language: reptoid type - guttural
Special abilities: Courage and scientific ability.
Need for sleep: 2 - 6 hours a day.
Fleet: Humanoid type: The reconnaissance ship is egg-shaped, measuring 18.3 - 26 meters. The mother ship is multi-storey cigar-like, size 3.2 - 1.920 km.
Reptoid type: A reconnaissance craft resembling a beetle, with a diameter of 30.5 meters. Motherships are similar to amoeba, ranging in size from 13 to 14,400 km.
Race of aliens - Eridanians

A hostile civilization that tries to fight almost everyone with whom it has no trade relations. It is also difficult to conduct trade relations with her, because by hook or by crook he tries to lure out the greatest benefit for himself.

More accurate data on the types of aliens is revealed by the science of exobiology. According to the results of the research and the stories of witnesses, ufologists found out that there are certain races and types of aliens that differ in appearance. The appearances of Star Guests are completely different, and representatives of each race have unique features and dispositions.

Mysterious insectoids from unknown stars

The appearance of these amazing humanoids resembles insects. This is a very rare, specific race of aliens. They are characterized by motionless compound eyes, large and bulging. The limbs are sharp, bizarrely shaped, resembling tentacles or claws.

The incredible features of insectoids, if they really exist, would allow them to easily carry out high-speed space travel. Aliens of this species withstand colossal accelerations (up to 40 g) and freely endure enormous stresses during gravitational overloads.

The characteristic properties of insects were known even to K. E. Tsiolkovsky, who personally conducted research and tests on cockroaches. He was one of the first to establish that insects are much better than animals and mammals to endure powerful drops in gravity and gigantic accelerations.

Given the speed and incredible capabilities of alien ships, only insectoids can endure their lightning-fast maneuvers. Intense stress occurs not only during the flight or braking of a spacecraft. An unthinkable load inside the ship occurs with a sharp change in its direction. Only an alien ship can stop abruptly at full speed, and, frozen for a second, instantly change course by 90 degrees.

Three-toed giants of Germany

Most often, these aliens were seen on German soil - Lower Saxony. TO hallmarks aliens of this race include:

  • Huge growth, from 2 to 3 meters.
  • They also have large luminous eyes, like car headlights, and a giant head.
  • The external features are washed away, the nose and ears do not stand out.
  • Alien giants have special skin - a light blue hue.
  • Surprise and impress the limbs of humanoids - a long clumsy hand, larger than the head, and only three fingers.

These giant cyclops have been determined to be male. Extraterrestrial giants never appeared alone - they were always accompanied by a whole retinue of cosmic midgets.

Violent reptoids

There is another classification of extraterrestrial beings - reptoids. This name, this kind of aliens, was not accidental, a distinctive feature of these aliens is their skin - scaly, cold, like that of amphibians. The torso is bumpy, with folds, the limbs are pumped long claws. Terrible eyes glow with green and yellow tints.

Reptoids have a tendency to aggression and sexual violence against people. Eyewitnesses liken these ruthless creatures to Satan and her infernal army. Aliens of this species are referred to the demonic sphere of the Universe, to cruel dark forces.

According to some reports, it turned out that any mention of Christ awakens a negative reaction in reptoids. They even admit that the prototype of the snake that tempted Adam and Eve was precisely a demonic creature from the Reptoid race.

peaceful space dwarfs

Basically, these types of aliens accompany other, more intimidating humanoids. But there were cases of lonely visits of space midgets to Earth. The image of dwarfs is curious - they are about 1 meter tall, their legs are short, with a hoof, and there are also 3 fingers on the front long limbs. The arms look very thin, hanging down and dangling close to the ground. But this does not prevent these creatures from moving quickly and running away from curious eyewitnesses.

The character of space dwarfs is benevolent. They wear silver suits and have a thin film on their faces that covers their mouth, nose, and ears like a mask. It seems that Star Guests hide their appearance from people, showing only their eyes.

Maybe eyewitnesses saw people dressed in carnival costumes and masks? Of course not. There are no people with such anatomical data and external features on Earth. And who would think of starting a carnival procession in the deserted regions of Lower Saxony?

Synthetic Helpers

This is a special alien race that has some brain activity and telepathic abilities. Synthetic humanoids of short stature, about a meter. Mostly mysterious creatures have been seen aboard spaceships and in the territory of underground alien bases.

Gray aliens attack the USA

Humanoids of this race also do not differ tall- it ranges from 0.9 to 1.2 meters. In appearance they are inconspicuous, with a thin body and underdeveloped limbs. The fingers are very thin, with sharp claws or sticky suction cups at the tips. Gray skin, a huge head without hair, indistinguishable facial features with a slightly bulging nose and a poorly defined lip line - this is the classic image of a gray alien.

All information about gray aliens is mainly obtained from America. In July 1947, an alien ship crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. The bodies of gray humanoids were found at the accident site.

During the autopsy, scientists found that the aliens have an amazing structure of internal organs. Digestive system and the exit holes of the aliens were absent, and the blood was replaced by an unknown substance. Pathologists did not find a heart and liver - perhaps these organs were not present in humanoids either. The nervous tissues of the brain differed significantly from the human gray matter, but the brain had a good structure and was well formed.

UFO crashes were also recorded in the state of Texas, where the bodies of gray aliens were also found aboard space dishes. Unexpected alien visits in 1947 became more frequent in the United States, and it seemed that the Star Visitors had chosen this country for their research. The American authorities were so stunned by the frequency of the appearance of aliens that they were seriously preparing for their massive invasion. But fortunately, nothing happened.

Humanoids in black clothes - the space army of the Nazis?

This type of alien is very similar to the human image, but horrified the eyewitnesses with their black robes. Aliens of this race were seen in almost all regions of the Earth. They were usually seen exiting a spaceship that landed on the ground in full view. According to witnesses, humanoids appeared in groups and made repairs to their aircraft.

Black aliens made contact with eyewitnesses, but the tone of their communication was brash and demanding. They spoke well, and the manner of speaking was similar to the slang that is typical of the criminal environment. The aliens were always dressed in black suits and black headbands.

While communicating with the aliens, eyewitnesses experienced fear, as the humanoids regularly threatened them and demanded that their visit be kept secret.

In a conversation, the aliens were interested in people in their life, profession. Witnesses were surprised by the curiosity of aliens with all sorts of small household items. Some of them even concluded that the Star Guests are recluses, distant from civilization for a long time or secret workers of the military bases of the 4th Reich.

Cosmic beauty of the Nordic type

These types of extraterrestrials are very similar to humans and have also been attributed to immigrants from Germany. The image of the aliens was characterized by features inherent in the Nordic race, namely:

  • tall
  • Pleasant appearance
  • blonde hair

Most of the aliens were men, but there were also women of stunning beauty.

Information about the amazing alien Aura was previously provided by the American T. Beturum. He said that he had meetings with a mysterious individual in deserted places at night. An alien piloted a flying saucer that landed in 1952. She persuaded Beturum to create a special society on Earth called the "Sanctuary of Thought", the purpose of which is to preserve peace on our planet.

Nordic-type aliens avoid people, but based on eyewitness accounts, they have a peaceful and benevolent character.

Are aliens dangerous to humans?

After analyzing all types of aliens, we can conclude that aliens are both hostile and peaceful. Aggressive humanoids threaten with reprisals and predict catastrophes on Earth, while peaceful ones speak of kindness and tranquility.

There are also aliens whose goal is to create colonies on our planet. There is a version that with the help of earthlings, the aliens want to improve and change their gene pool. To do this, they secretly kidnap people and test them.


The Earth was created by the Divine Mother approximately 5 billion years ago. However, the first life forms appeared on its surface about 1 billion years ago. Shortly after the beginning of time, aspects of Divinity fragmented into a group of souls called the Eternal Ones. One of the Eternal Ones created the Central Sun of this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy, in the cluster of stars now known as the Pleiades. This huge soul then fragmented into smaller souls called Founders.

Founder and - beings of the twelfth dimension evolved back into Divinity. However, they retained their individuality and did not join the spiritual hierarchy. These great beings traveled throughout the universe using the power of thought as their means of transportation. There are no restrictions for them. They can shape themselves into any shape they choose and, at will, enter any dimension at any time. They can move forward and backward in time at will.

In the Vega star system, the Founders created a heavenly planet and named it Lyra. It was a special place, a place where they could come to explore the form. This was the original Garden of Eden, and it existed long before Paradise on Earth. Modern cosmology considers Lyra to be the birthplace of the human form. Contrary to the idea of ​​mass consciousness, human form did not appear on Earth; it originated on Lyra and was recreated on Earth by genetic engineering after many millions of years.

The Pleiadians who gave birth to life on Earth were the descendants of the ancient Lyran race of Primal Creation. The Lyra star system vibrated in twelfth density, which is in the realms of Divinity.

When Divinity decided to explore duality, the world of Lyra appeared. And the souls living on it lowered the vibration by five levels - to the seventh density. This was the original fall from grace. From a scientific point of view, the Star Lyra became a supernova about a billion years ago. This forced the Lyrans to migrate. Some took refuge in the Pleiades and began to develop on a seventh density world. Over time, the Pleiadians created life on Earth. Many of these entities have already evolved back into twelfth density but are still involved in the Earth experiment. Other descendants of the Lyra race include the Vegans and Sirians, which will be discussed later.

Great experiment

Approximately 100 million years ago, the Pleiadians began to create life forms on the surface of the Earth based on carbon and silicon. Before continuing the history of the Earth, I would like to digress and explain how life was created. All physical life is created on the basis of an etheric template - an encoded geometric pattern, shaped by higher intelligence and lowered in vibration until it fuses into the format of an RNA/DNA molecule. Protein molecules are very much like an organic computer, and the ether template is the real program of this computer.

The program develops from pure consciousness to the subatomic state, and finally to the atomic state. Pure consciousness can be thought of as the binary numbers of a computer program (that is, the basic building blocks of a program). The subatomic level is analogous to machine language, and the atomic level could represent a higher level language such as BASIC or COBOL.

All life-sustaining programs originate in the Universal Mind, the vast mind complex that represents the mind of God. Within this field of the mind are the Akashic Records, much like memory storage devices, except they are actual energy fields held in place by a continuum of time. As evolution proceeds along the timeline, it leaves an electrical charge in the ethereal substance.

The process is in many ways reminiscent of experiments, when a neutrino leaves a trace in a Petri dish, or an electron leaves a trace on an oscilloscope. While a footprint or imprint is just a record real event, the Akashic environment creates a holographic image of the event. Then, by tuning into a specific place on the timeline, the image can be re-examined as a view. virtual reality". This process is reminiscent of watching a 3D video about the events of the past, but not just visually, but with all the physical and emotional sensations.

In essence, this is how people remember past life experiences. Each person's personal Akashic Record is contained in the auric field. etheric body fifth density of that person. The brain is simply a receiver of electromagnetic impulses emitted from the aura. Memories of the current life of the soul are stored in cells physical body. From the etheric body, memories of past lives can be brought into the cells of the physical body and a traumatic event from a past life can be explored in the current body.

This rather detailed explanation of the pattern of life is provided to illustrate that life was not a sudden or "one-time" event that happened as a happy accident. Rather, it was a premeditated and programmed event that could later be reprogrammed and changed through any number of permutations. Moreover, each permutation could be multidimensionally studied as many times as the researcher wants.

From an alien perspective, this was the opportunity that Earth offered to the Pleiadians. The Earth timeline was spread out in front of the higher dimensional mind, providing endless possibilities for evolution. If you're familiar with computer programming, you know that a program can be run any number of times, always getting the same answer. However, if you change one line of code, the whole program changes. Working out the evolution of the Earth, the Pleiadians proved to be great experimenters.

They entered a template, and if the resulting life form did not meet expectations, they entered the data into a separate segment of the timeline in the Akashic Record, and then reworked the template and tried again. For almost 90 million years, the Earth has been a giant laboratory for developing exotic and unpredictable life forms.

Now on Earth, most of these forms are missing. One of them, dinosaurs, existed on Earth for many millions of years. Approximately 10 million years ago, the Pleiadians decided to come to Earth themselves and reap the fruits of their labor. And although they had a carefully programmed and formed humanoid at their disposal, they were not ready for the earthly experience. While in seventh density, they never took physical form. They explored the closest approximation to the form in the form of huge balls of bluish-white light, similar to stars.

Many times they tried to create bodies and land directly on the planet itself, but the intensity of the magnetic field limited their stay on the surface to a few days. After this period, undesirable changes occurred in the created bodies. Therefore, they prepared biologically evolved humanoid forms and merged these forms with fragments of their essence using the incarnation process.

The rest of their essence (99%) still resided in higher realms. Despite a significant drop in vibration, the Pleiadians, who incarnated on Earth 10 million years ago, created a Garden of Eden on the planet. It really was heaven, at least modern standards. The density of the Earth was only four octaves below the level of their world on the Pleiades.

When the descent into form was complete, they began to lose conscious awareness, which they projected into the tiny fragments of soul essence residing in humanoid bodies. As a result, there was a colossal loss of memory. The Pleiadians forgot about their huge oversouls in heaven. They have lost most of their intuitive and psychic abilities. The Pleiadians mingled with the energy field of the Earth and became trapped in their humanoid forms. The Pleiadians mated and their offspring became a port of entry for many other souls from the higher realms.

Some incarnations took place consciously, as a result of an agreement between parents and incoming souls, others - unconsciously due to the density of the Earth's magnetic field. Unconscious incarnations have brought souls to Earth that do not have the understanding and balance necessary for peaceful growth and development. As a result, the consciousness of souls on Earth continued to fall in vibration.

The Pleiadians on Earth were a soft female race that became attached to the female nature of Mother Earth. As the fall in vibration continued, they began to attract energies that were not in harmony with their original energies. In addition to unconscious incarnations, the Earth began to attract the attention of aggressive races from other star systems. Some of them were already vibrating at a low enough speed to land on the planet and mix with the Pleiadians. And very soon the Earth turned into a melting pot for souls from all levels of Creation, both highly developed and not.

As you may know, over time, conflicts and struggles began, and the young civilization was destroyed and scattered over the entire surface of the Earth. Over the next 10 million years, 16 different civilizations flourished and disappeared on Earth. Now the civilization of the planet Earth consists of many races of beings mixed as a result of interspecific crossing and experiments.

The native race of the Earth (which is descended from the Pleiadians) is called the Adamic race. These are the souls who chose this planet as their original sphere of development and whose genetic roots go back to the first souls who took on a bodily form. In other words, Earth is their home planet. The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis is largely symbolic, although its dynamics played out a billion years ago on Lyra, 100 million years ago on the Pleiades, and 10 million years ago on Earth. Adam really represented the Heavenly Father, and Eve the Divine Mother. The garden represented the state of their consciousness before separation, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil represented the worlds of duality in which they were embodied. When the male and female aspects of God descended into duality, they forgot their true origin; they were lured, hypnotized and bound to themselves by the lower densities.

Inbox and Starseed

As time passed on Earth, entities from the higher realms tried to develop different ways entering the Earth's magnetic field without losing consciousness or forgetting who they really are. They tried to incarnate with full memory through the process of birth and interbreeding with the people of the Adamic race. Such entities have been called "starseeds" because they had neither prior earth programming nor previous earth incarnations. The essences of the all-seeding crop were different from most earthlings. Some became great scientists, others - outcasts and losers. However, they all had one common feature: at some point in their incarnation, they almost completely forgot who they really were and where they came from. Some forgot immediately after compaction and entry into the womb. Others were born with full awareness but gradually lost it as they interacted with the Adamic race.

It turned out that the most favorable period of development for memory loss is the age between two and eight years. Therefore, another technique was developed, called "entry". The soul volunteered to enter for the first few years of biological life, then it "swapped places" with another incoming soul. The new soul took on a biological form and continued to inhabit it. This was a bit risky because the new soul had to "download" the previous soul's life information into the memory banks and immediately begin to function in third density.

Some entrants have been more adept at this than others. Over the past 10 million years, many races of beings from many star systems and galaxies have come to Earth. They came from many levels and dimensions: some through incarnation, others through implantation, and still others directly from spaceships. It is estimated that at one time or another about 55 star systems were involved in working with the Earth.


Today, the Orions are the dominant race on Earth, but this has not always been the case. Although the Earth was visited by many groups and in some cases interbred with its inhabitants, until 500,000 years ago the Adamic race did not dissolve enough to become a minority. Around that time, entities from the star systems of Rigel and Betelgeuse, located in the constellation of Orion, came to Earth. At that time, the Adamic race had a very peaceful, feminine nature. The Orions carried the aggressive masculine principle and came as "gift-bearers". With expertise in mind control and manipulation, they quickly subdued the Adamic people and began to spread throughout the planet. The Rigel faction had the appearance of reptiles, and the Betelgeuse group were tall, red-skinned people who looked like Vikings. The Rigel faction became known as the "Dark Lords" and the Betelgeuse group became known as the "Lords of Light". These names are used only for the purpose of conveniently and habitually demonstrating the extreme polarization of these two groups.

Groupings of Orion were aggressive not only in relation to the Earth, but also in relation to each other. The planetary war between the Orions from Rigel and the Orions from Betegeuse took place between 500,000 and 200,000 BC. Two civilizations were fighting for control of the Earth, so aggressive energies began to dominate the Earth. Many wars took place on the surface. During this time, several civilizations flourished and disappeared. Most of of these civilizations was destroyed by chemical and nuclear weapons, and Mother Earth herself was drawn into the wars. Although both Orion races were quite aggressive and warlike, the souls from Betelgeuse turned out to be more peaceful than the representatives of Rigel. The "Council of Light" Betelgeuse wanted to consolidate its presence as the rulers of the Earth, but the people from Rigel retained control of the planet. This is where in some scriptures the Earth appears under the name "Urantia".

The civilization of Orion is one of the relatively young, but rapidly developing civilizations, significantly ahead of the earthly one. She preaches "technos" - the technogenic cycle of evolution, and therefore, in terms of the level of development, she is one step below the super-civilizations of Sirius and Cygnus. But they have already mastered the technique of interstellar flights, have achieved outstanding success in mastering the mental capabilities of their body. They have long ago realized the dream of K.E. Tsiolkovsky to create space settlements on huge artificial orbital stations located in convenient orbits. They are not afraid of comets and asteroids, external protection is so reliable and effective. They are not dangerous to the powerful radiation emanating from their suns: special protective films protect all living things. Their achievements in science are great. They are energetic, kind, natural, loving…
Orions have dark brown skin with a greenish tint. Their average height is 185 centimeters, but among the male half, many reach 3 - 3.5 meters. They are athletically built, with broad shoulders, powerful muscles, very strong physically and unusually hardy. They are literally bipolar. Against the background of its powerful body and broad shoulders, the head of an Orion with signs characteristic of Negroids seems disproportionately small, which, however, does not in the least affect their mental abilities. Orions physically look much more modest than the male half, but, like them, they have signs characteristic of Negroids. Among them there are very beautiful ones, as evidenced by their portraits in front and profile. Orion beauty is looking at you from the portrait. She has huge and hot, like their sun, eyes of black or dark brown color. The nose is correct, softly rounded and slightly widened at the tip. Lips are full. Ears are small and rounded. The forehead is convex. And a long, slender, slightly convex neck from the front. Very thick, finely curly black hair grows on the head. Just like the inhabitants of the earth from the island of Fiji in the Pacific Ocean or ancient rock paintings in the mountains in northern Australia! And this is not a coincidence, but more on that below. Sometimes the hair is shaved, which is reflected in the figure. This procedure is mandatory for members of the crew of a stellar expedition. But at home they are happy to wear their magnificent hair and often with the help of special holders give it the shape of a turban. And they love to decorate them with long hairpins depicting various space symbols: stars, arrows, pyramids ... They are made of platinum, gold, aluminum alloys, as well as from metals unknown to us.

Earth Orions

After Supreme Council Reasonable Humanoid Civilizations allowed Orion to settle on Earth, he landed his troops on the huge island of Lanka in the Indian Ocean. Most of this island is now at the bottom of the ocean. Only its northern tip is still on the surface. This is the island of Sri Lanka, also known as Ceylon. Later, the Orions settled in those areas of the planet where it was warm: Africa, Australia, India, the islands of the Pacific and Indian oceans. As a result of adaptation to earthly conditions and intermarriages with other peoples, they have changed somewhat, but, in general, they have retained many of the features and knowledge of their ancestors, especially in medicine, magic and witchcraft. Orions - earthlings belong to the black race. They have a muscular body, wide bone, extraordinary endurance. Only they were able to endure the backbreaking labor on the plantations that the white slave traders had doomed them to. It is not surprising that in our time many high results in sports belong to them. By nature mobile, sociable, musically gifted, temperamental, sexually active. In those regions of the Earth where the influence of the Orions used to be felt, the cult of sex occupied almost the first place. It was reflected in religion, ritual dances and even in architecture. Monuments of that era, including temples that preached the cult of sex, still exist in South India. This is what the young, strong and love-hungry Orion blood means! Who can resist her! “Desire is the basis of the Universe,” says the ancient Indian book on architecture “Shilpa Prakasha”, “all living things arose from desire.” Many ancient peoples, which had already begun to degenerate, into whose blood the descendants of the Orions poured their blood as a result of mixed marriages, received a new vital impulse. They are distinguished by great vitality and fertility. An example of this is the people of India, the result of a mixture of black Orions with white-skinned Dessites - Aryan peoples who came from the north after the death of Hyperborea. By the way, the resettlement of the Orions on Earth also pursued this goal.

The descendants of the Orions have always coexisted with the Egyptians along the southern border of the most ancient civilization on the Nile. Their cultures influenced each other. Dark-skinned figures are found in ancient reliefs and drawings of Egypt, and Egyptian symbolism is found in ancient states south of Egypt. In our time, Sudan, a state with a black population, occupies a vast territory south of Egypt. From the southeast it borders on Ethiopia. During the time of Ancient Egypt, this entire territory was called Kush, and was known in history as the Kushite kingdom. The Kushites lived here - the black people. These were, as reported biblical prophet Isaiah, tall people fearsome, aggressive people speaking a strange language.” The pharaohs of Egypt always sought to expand their possessions at the expense of their southern neighbors, but met with stubborn resistance from the Kushite warriors. And only Pharaoh Ramesses II from the 19th dynasty managed to accomplish this. Five hundred years later, in the VIII century BC. already black peoples captured Egypt and founded their Ethiopian dynasty. By their nature, the celestial Orions are mortal, but they, like the super-civilizations of Sirius and Cygnus, have mastered various methods of life extension. In order to save themselves from death and get rid of the aggressive energy accumulated during their lifetime - the imperila, they also practice a “cleansing trip” of their souls to Earth to instill in the bodies of newborn earthly Orions. The soul is a bunch of energies so far unknown to modern scientists, which determine the essence of a person, his mind. When an earthly person dies or perishes, the soul is separated from his body. After some time, the energy of the soul is "recorded" on the beam of the ethereal channel, which connects the Earth with the star. It is the ray that plays the role of transport when the soul goes to the constellation of Orion to its true homeland, to its true body. During the "recording" there is a slight loss of soul energy. This lost part of the rational soul of the Orion randomly finds a new "master", but it can only be an animal. The "remainder" of the soul will remain so on Earth as long as animal life exists on it. He goes through the animal cycle of evolution. And if life on Earth exists long enough, the “remainder” of the soul can complete the full cycle of evolution in the animal stage and then move into the human body. If life on Earth ceases, these “remnants” of souls, which did not have time to complete the full cycle of evolution in the animal stage, will disperse into Cosmos. More details about the origin and features of the imperil, about death and immortality are described in the previous article “Civilization of the Swan - the patron of mankind. The Secret of Death and Immortality.
Orions today

Due to interbreeding and soul fragmentation, the Orions make up almost 80% of the current population of the Earth (based on the bloodline models above). The masculine, aggressive traits of the Orions are so pervasive and ingrained in the Orions that most people consider these traits inherent in "human nature."

Since the time of the galactic wars, the constellation of Orion has evolved significantly, and most Orion civilizations now vibrate in a more high densities. However, the strong magnetic energies of the Earth have slowed down the progress of the Orions of the Earth and prevent the same rapid development as their counterparts in the constellation Orion. Much of what the terrestrial Orions are going through now has already been completed 100,000 years ago on Rigel and Betelgeuse. Emissaries from these stars were not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the Earth for many years, which limited assistance to our planet.

Help is now coming from the Confederation and other galactic organizations representing hundreds of star systems. When the Orions developed to a certain extent on their home planets, they were accepted into the Confederation of Planets, so today they help along with other organizations that are part of the Confederation.

Note: These galactic groups are named for convenience only and are not recognized by the members of these groups themselves. The diagram at the end of the chapter shows many of the names of the organizations that make up the Confederacy and the races that make up each group.

Illuminati, Lucifer, and the Confederation of Planets


The angelic being Lucifer influenced both factions of Orion. Lucifer is the god of duality: light against darkness or darkness against light. In fact, Lucifer is indeed a great being of light, having polarized against darkness to the point of giving it strength. There were many loving beings in Heaven who were overwhelmed by the condition of the Earth and who wanted to help restore the light. Lucifer brought them closer and convinced them to take the side of Betelgeuse and fight against Rigel. When the beings of light joined him, they took on the veil of duality and became trapped in the lower vibrations of the Orions. This is known in ancient scriptures as the “Lucifer Rebellion”. In a certain sense, the light and darkness of the Orions were reflections of the non-acceptance of selves of other selves. Both civilizations of Orion were masculine in nature and, along with the Sirians, continue to dominate the more feminine races of Earth right up to the present day. Orion brought patriarchy to Earth, which eventually replaced the existing matriarchy on the planet.


For the last 200,000 years, control of the Earth has changed hands between Rigel and Betelgeuse. Orion's latest resort is an organization commonly known as the "Illuminati", which means "enlightened ones". This organization originated thousands of years ago as a secret society of occultists and mystics. It includes fraternities, communities, mystery schools and financial institutions. The true history of the Illuminati is too complex to go into details now. Suffice it to say that the original Illuminati society was created in order to take power away from Orion and return it to the Adamic people through advanced spiritual teachings and scientific methodology. The Illuminati flourished during the time of Atlantis and inspired many of the great technical and spiritual achievements of that time.

Brought to Earth by the Pleiadians as a true mystery school, this organization was later corrupted by the Sirians, another alien group responsible for many of today's religions. The Illuminati have been controlled by the Betelgeuse faction from time to time. The Betelgeuse Council of Light practiced "white magic", a form of mind control and ritual designed to banish darkness and favored by some members of the spiritual hierarchy. Representing the positive pole of duality, the Council of Light was highly polarized against darkness. Many of the members of the Betelgeuse Council of Light are higher dimensional beings drawn into the Earth drama by Lucifer and his angelic helpers. As long as polarization exists, the pendulum will always swing. Therefore, a grouping from Rigel (dragons) penetrated the environment of the Illuminati and upset the balance towards the pole of suppression and concealment of the light. A few recent centuries ago, a powerful "hungry" Rigel group introduced the practice of "black magic".

And today the Illuminati is still controlled by the Rigel group. Later, the Illuminati broke up into several smaller societies, including Freemasons, Rosicrucians, the Knights of Malta, and international banking communities founded by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others.

Confederation of Planets

In the 20th century, due to advances in technology that led to the creation atomic bombs, it became apparent that the polarization of the Illuminati would lead to the destruction of the Earth. As a result, the intervention of the Confederation of Planets, an intergalactic organization directed by Divinity, was allowed. The interference was allowed because there were a small but sufficient number of souls on Earth asking for help, and also because the destruction of the planet would create a strong imbalance in neighboring worlds within the solar system. Once upon a time solar system the destruction of the planet has already taken place. The planet known as Maldek was located between Mars and Jupiter, in what is now the asteroid belt.

The confederation has evolved beyond the dualistic nature of the Orion factions. Members of the Confederacy began to quietly infiltrate Illuminati society, often outwardly agreeing with the decisions made by the modern power structure, but slowly bringing in ideas of unity and unification. Such interference gradually shifted the balance of power in the opposite direction of the Orion factions, although at the time of this writing the Rigel faction still holds 60% of the power, the Betelgeuse faction 20%, and the Confederacy 20%.

Now many members of the Illuminati society do not know who is who in the organization. There are spies and counter-spies. There are those who “backed up”, claiming to have been hired without knowing anything. In individual societies of the organization, such as the De Molay group, there are those who know almost nothing about their real roots. There are also many splinter factions, such as the Trilaterals, who have become the backbone of the government. These are the US State Security Agency (and the State Security Council), the Federal Reserve and the CIA.


You may be wondering why it took so long for the Earthly Orions to evolve before coming out of aggressive energies. Apart from the Earth's dense magnetic field, part of the reason can be found by looking at the Sirians. The Sirians from the Sirius star system have been meddling in the affairs of Earth for thousands of years. They were one of the first alien races to interbreed with the Adamic/Pleiadian breeds. Like the Pleiadians, they are the descendants of a star in the Lyra system that went supernova many millions of years ago.

Unlike the Pleiadians (more like humans), the Sirians, in their natural state, have large eyes (diamond shaped) and lighter skin. Now they are peaceful, but they had a lot of confusion in the past. Many times they tried to take over the Earth because their home planet was heavily polluted as a result of wars. Many Sirians became gods in earthly mythology because they possessed unusual psychic abilities and a messiah complex. They enjoyed power over others, which contributed to the drop in vibration as a result of interbreeding. There are stories that the ancient gods (Sirians) interbred with the Nordic people (Oriots and representatives of Antares); over time, this led to the fall of ancient Egypt and Greece.

The Sirians conquered the Earth approximately 10,000 years ago and had a great influence on Egypt and the Holy Land. The priests-pharaohs of ancient Egypt were the descendants of the Atlanteans - a civilization that disappeared 25,000 years ago. The Atlanteans reincarnated in Egypt around 11,000 BC. They were assisted in the construction of civilization by the Pleiadians of the seventh density. The Great Pyramid was built by the Pleiadians. They also brought to Egypt the secret knowledge of the mysticism of the Atlanteans. When the Sirians conquered Egypt and began to interbreed, the vibration of the Egyptians dropped so much that the Pleiadians had to remove the secret knowledge, as the Sirians misused it to destroy the Earth.

In the last period of the development of Ancient Egypt, the Sirians interbred intensively. They became new kings, pharaohs and priests, and later Malachites and Israelites. In The Gods of Paradise, William Bramley explains how these "gods" subjugated the people of Egypt and instigated conflict, caste division, and social systems in the region.

IN bible stories predominantly Sirians. Jehovah, the God of Moses, was once a seventh-density Syrian. In part, this explains many of the contradictions in the Old Testament. In the early Bible, Jehovah is portrayed as an evil and jealous God who frequently visits the Israelites and sends pestilence, plagues, and other punishments on their enemies. As the leader of a power-hungry alien race, Jehovah has tyrannically ruled the Earth. He demanded strict obedience to his doctrine, better known as the Ten Commandments. In the book Gods of Paradise, the author tells that the alien rulers of the Earth maintained their dominion by instilling division and enmity between tribes and peoples, preventing unification, which would strengthen the Adamic race enough to throw off the chains of the Illuminati. In his book, he suggests that Adam and Eve were the progenitors of a race of slaves created to work in the mines and harvest the Earth for the Sirians. According to his theory, the reason for the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden was the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, which could give them true spiritual knowledge, which the slave owners (Sirians) would not have tolerated.

The Sirians have been a major factor in the continued deterioration and corruption of the Illuminati. In essence, a secret alliance was concluded between the Sirians and the Rigel group. In Bremley's book, the Sirians and Orions are referred to as the "Keepers". The control of the world's religions by the Guardians has been, and is, one of the best-kept secrets of modern times. Moreover, it seems that it was they who had a hand in most of the wars that have taken place on Earth since ancient Egypt.