Nutrition after the Assumption fast. Traditions in the Dormition Fast. What food is considered lean

A month after the Apostolic Lent, the strict Dormition begins. This is one of four multi-day fasts of the year. It was erected in honor of the Feast of the Assumption Holy Mother of God. The Mother of God, knowing the day of her death and preparing to depart into eternal life, fasted and prayed constantly, despite the fact that she led a pure and righteous life, and there was absolutely no need for fasting. Ordinary believers, the weak and spiritually weak, are encouraged to resort to fasting more often, turning to the Lord for help in every sorrow and need.

The duration of the Dormition Fast is short, and is only two weeks (from August 14 to 27). It ends with a feast). In terms of severity, the post corresponds.

How to eat during Dormition Fast?

During the fasting period, one should not quarrel and indulge in noisy entertainment. Eggs, dairy and meat products are excluded from the diet, and fish is allowed only on a holiday. It is also prescribed:

  • dry eating was established on Monday, Wednesday and Friday;
  • hot food without oil is allowed on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • on Saturday and Sunday it is allowed to add vegetable oil and wine to the dishes.

The first day of fasting falls on the feast of the Origin of the Honest Trees. Life-Giving Cross, installed in Constantinople to rid the inhabitants of the city of diseases that arose there in the last month of summer and often developed into epidemics. On this day, from the royal treasury, located in the St. Sophia Cathedral, they carried out the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. People venerated the relic and received healing.

In churches on this day, the veneration of the Cross and the small consecration of water are performed. In addition to water, they consecrate the honey of the new harvest. From that day on, the Church blesses its use, so on August 14 they bake honey gingerbread, pies and buns with poppy seeds, make pancakes with poppy seeds and honey. The people called this holiday.

The Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos ends the fast. On the eve of the holiday, in all churches during the evening service for worship, a shroud with the image of the Mother of God is taken out of the altar. Until the burial rite, the Shroud is in the middle of the temple, then it is carried around the church in procession. On Assumption, if the holiday falls on Wednesday or Friday, it is allowed to eat fish, and breaking the fast in this case is postponed to the next day. If August 28 falls on other days of the week, then there is no fasting.

Today, fasting, in full accordance with the charter, is mainly observed by monks, and relaxations are allowed for the laity. It is worth noting that, despite the strictness, the Assumption Fast has long been considered the easiest and most enjoyable in Rus', because the basis of the Lenten table includes young potatoes and various vegetables and mushrooms that have ripened by this time.

Dormition Fast: Nutrition Calendar for 2019

August 14 - Honey SaviorWednesdayDry eating - the consumption of unboiled plant foods is allowed: bread, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts and honey.
August 15Thursdayhot food without vegetable oil. You can cook lean porridge and soup, steam vegetables.
August 16FridayDry eating - eating food plant origin, not amenable heat treatment(bread, fresh, soaked or dried fruits and vegetables).
August 17Saturday
August 18SundayHot food with butter is allowed. You can stew vegetables and mushrooms, add browned vegetables to lean soup or borscht, and treat yourself to a glass of wine in the evening.
August 19 - Transfiguration of the LordMondayFish and wine are allowed on this day. Therefore, be sure to cook fish and seafood dishes for yourself and your household.
August 20TuesdayHot food without oil. A variety of soups and cereals are suitable without the addition of vegetable oil. You can cook millet porridge with pumpkin or potato dumplings.
August 21WednesdayXerophagy. You can eat fresh fruits and vegetables, pickles, sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, honey, nuts, dried fruits, seeds, gozinaki.
August 22ThursdayHot food without oil. On this day, you can cook semolina casserole with fruit, vegetable soup or lazy cabbage soup, garlic caviar.
August 23FridayXerophagy. You can eat sprouted wheat or rye grains, bake potatoes with salt, make a salad of pumpkin and apples with honey.
24 AugustSaturdayThese days it is allowed to eat hot food with vegetable oil, drink wine.
25-th of AugustSunday
August, 26thMondayXerophagy. You can bake potatoes, beets, pumpkins or carrots, make a salad of potatoes and beets or cabbage with prunes.
August 27TuesdayHot food without oil is allowed.

It is important to remember that the purpose of bodily fasting and abstinence in food is to tame the sensuality of the flesh. Due to this, it will have less influence on the spiritual life of a person. However, one must fast wisely and judiciously, to the best of one's bodily strength. For the sick, infirm, pregnant women and children, the fast is allowed to be relaxed. Seriously ill people can eat dairy products, fish and meat during fasting, if necessary for health.

Video: the meaning and spiritual content of the Dormition fast

The Assumption Fast, unlike some other fasts whose dates are not constant, begins annually on August 14 and ends on the 27th.

The Assumption fast has been observed since ancient times of Christianity - the first mention of it has been known since 450.

What you can and can not eat in the post

The Dormition Fast is equated in severity with the Great Fast, which Christians observe before the Bright Ascension of Christ.

At the same time, it has always been considered easy, because during fasting you can eat new potatoes, vegetables, fruits and mushrooms - all that nature gives in abundance in August.

Apples and grapes can only be eaten after the Transfiguration of the Lord, which the Orthodox celebrate on August 19 - the people call this holiday Apple Savior.

During the Dormition Fast, like the rest, you can not eat meat, meat and dairy products, eggs.

Dry eating, according to the church charter, relies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In other words, these days you can eat bread, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts and honey.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays you can eat hot food without butter, and on Saturday and Sunday you can eat hot food with butter. Some wine is also allowed on Saturday and Sunday.

During the Dormition Fast, you can eat fish only on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, as well as the Assumption of the Virgin, if it falls on Wednesday or Friday. In 2018, the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos falls on Tuesday, which means there is no longer fasting.

It is important to remember that “you can’t eat” your neighbors during fasting, in other words, you can’t quarrel, get annoyed, and do any other actions that destroy peace between people.

How to fast

Church ministers remind that fasting is not a diet. During any fast, you must first of all take care of the soul. And the Assumption fast is a fast that a Christian performs for the sake of the Mother of God.

You need to get accustomed to fasting gradually. A person who has never fasted before, if he begins fasting abruptly, will rather ruin his health than come closer to holiness.

In order not to become irritated and impatient, each person must determine his measure of fasting, in other words, how much food and drink he needs per day, and gradually reduce this amount to the minimum necessary for life.

The essence of fasting is, first of all, in the restriction of pleasures, and not in the rejection of animal food. And the main rule is not to burden yourself with drunkenness and gluttony.

The saints always fasted strictly and advised others to prepare for saving and great deeds with the help of fasting. For fasting is designed to make the bodily nature light and strong, capable of obeying the demands of the spirit.

The seriously ill, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, the military, laborers, travelers, and children under 7 may not fast.

Military personnel, travelers, as well as those who work in a busy rhythm or study, may not fast as strictly as it is written in the Charter.

Getting married, celebrating a wedding and other celebrations during fasting is not allowed. Also, you can not take part in all kinds of entertainment events and drink alcohol.

The Assumption Fast is the culmination of summer, two weeks of spiritual and physical preparation for one of the most beloved holidays in the Russian people - the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos.

It is known that the Virgin Mary observed strict moderation in food all her earthly life, and during the three days of her Assumption she stopped eating food and only drank water. Thus, by imposing on themselves the restrictions of the Dormition Fast, believers imitate the Theotokos Herself.

When does Dormition Fast begin in 2018?

All multi-day Orthodox fasts have, as common features, as well as its features. Assumption fasting is comparable in severity to Great Lent. Just like Petrov Lent, it falls in the summer. And the similarity with the Advent is that its beginning and end have fixed calendar dates.

Therefore, to the question:When does Dormition Fast begin in 2018? the answer is easy - August 1 (14), that is, the same as in all previous years.

Two holidays fall on the Assumption Fast, known primarily by their “folk” names, but also having church significance Honey Savior (in the church calendar - the Origin (wearing) of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord) and Apple Savior (Transfiguration of the Lord). The first of them is connected with the ancient custom to bring the Holy Tree of the Cross to the streets and roads to ward off illnesses, which happened a lot in August. By folk tradition On this day, honey is brought to temples for consecration. This day is celebrated on August 1 (14), that is, from the feast of the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Cross of the Lord, and the Dormition Fast begins.

On Apple Savior, a new harvest of apples is traditionally consecrated, but for the Church this day is important as a big holiday, one of the Twelve - the Transfiguration of the Lord.It was installed in memory of the event on Mount Tabor, where the Savior, together with the three closest disciples Peter, Jacob and Jon, went to pray. And there, praying, He, according to the word of the Evangelist Matthew,He “transformed before them, and His face shone like the sun, His clothes became whitelike light." At the same time, the Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Him. The Feast of the Transfiguration precedes one day of prefeast - August 5 (18), and it will be followed by seven days of afterfeast - from August 7 (20) to 13 (26). In honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, as one of the great holidays, believers are allowed to eat fish at a meal.

What can you eat in Assumption Fast?

Assumption Lent meals exclude meat and meat products, fish, seafood, eggs and dairy products. Relaxation is allowed on the feast of the Transfiguration, when you can eat fish. But in many ways the questionwhat can you eat in the Dormition fast, and whatit is impossible, it must be decided individually - depending on the state of health, age, preparedness specific person. Separately, it is worth considering the lean diet of children - for them, refusing food containing calcium and other substances important for a growing body can lead to undesirable health consequences. All these questions are best discussed with your confessor.

Thanks to the abundance of vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, garden greens that August gives us, the food of the Assumption Lent is varied, nutritious and rich in vitamins. It is not for nothing that the Dormition fast has long been called a gourmet among the people.

Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that in the matter of abstinence from one food or another, Orthodox believers are guided by the monastic charter, and this is not possible for everyone. Fasting is by no means a diet, and if fasting to the fullest extent (for example, on days of dry eating) irritates others, then it is obvious that such an “assault on Heaven” achieves the opposite goal.

Here it is appropriate to recall the admonition of John Chrysostom: “The one who believes that fasting is only abstaining from food is mistaken. True fasting is the removal from evil, curbing the tongue, putting off anger, taming lusts, ending slander, lies, and perjury.

It is much easier to endure the restrictions of fasting if you observe moderation the day before, without arranging a plentiful meal “finally”.

Dormition fast: meals by day

The calendar is compiled according to the strict monastic charter. Lay people usually fast less strictly (for example, without dry eating, eating fish, etc.). The monastic charter gives an idea of ​​the degree of severity of one or another for fasting in church tradition. What will be lean food for you - empty buckwheat or a fish cake in the canteen at work, it is best to decide in individually and consulting, if possible, with his confessor.

As already mentioned, in terms of abstinence in food, the Dormition Fast is similar to Great Lent. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the monastery charter provides for dry eating - eating unboiled food, while tea, coffee, compotes, kissels, decoctions are replaced with water and juices. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, hot meals are allowed, but without vegetable oil. On Saturdays and Sundays - hot food with vegetable oil.

Dormition fasting schedule, meals by day:

Hot food without oil - boiled vegetable food without oil is allowed: soups, cereals, boiled and baked potatoes, stewed and baked vegetables, mushrooms.

Dry eating - uncooked plant foods are eaten: raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, sprouted grains, nuts, honey, bread.

Along with hot food, fish and seafood are allowed, and some wine is also allowed.

Dry eating - uncooked plant foods are eaten: raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, sprouted grains, nuts, honey, bread.

Hot food without oil - boiled vegetable food without oil is allowed: soups, cereals, boiled and baked potatoes, stewed and baked vegetables, mushrooms.

Dry eating - uncooked plant foods are eaten: raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, sprouted grains, nuts, honey, bread.

Hot food without oil - boiled vegetable food without oil is allowed: soups, cereals, boiled and baked potatoes, stewed and baked vegetables, mushrooms.

Dry eating - uncooked plant foods are eaten: raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, sprouted grains, nuts, honey, bread.

Hot food with oil - you can eat boiled vegetable food, including with the addition of oil: soups, cereals, potatoes (fried, boiled, baked), stewed and baked vegetables, mushrooms, bread. Some wine is allowed.

Hot food with oil - you can eat boiled vegetable food, including with the addition of oil: soups, cereals, potatoes (fried, boiled, baked), stewed and baked vegetables, mushrooms, bread.

Dry eating - uncooked plant foods are eaten: raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, sprouted grains, nuts, honey, bread.

When does the Dormition Fast end in 2018?

The Feast of the Assumption is always celebrated on August 15 (28) - it ends the Assumption Fast. It belongs to the fixed dates church calendar not tied to Easter. Therefore, the end date of the Dormition Fast does not change in different years.

Assumption in 2018 falls on Tuesday, there is no fast on this day.

The Dormition Fast is one of four multi-day fasts established Orthodox Church, which in 2018 began on August 14.

This is the only fast dedicated to the Mother of God and begins two weeks before the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, which Orthodox world celebrates August 28th.

Unlike some other fasts, the dates of which are not constant, the Assumption Fast has a specific start and end date. Lent begins on August 14 and ends on August 27 each year.

The Dormition Fast has been known since the very first centuries of Christianity - around the year 450, Saint Leo I the Great, Pope of Rome (440-461), clearly indicated the Dormition Fast among four church fasts, each of which falls at a certain time of the year.

It was finally installed at the Council of Constantinople in 1166 in honor of the church feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.

This multi-day fast begins with another holiday - the Origin (wearing) of the honest trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, which literally means " procession". In the people it is also called the Honey Savior.

The meaning of the post
The word "assumption" does not mean death at all, but sleep. Thus, the feast of the Assumption can be understood as deliverance from the fear of death, which awaited every person before the Resurrection of Christ, that there is no more sorrow for this death, and there is no death itself either.

According to church tradition, the Mother of God learned about the time of her transition from this world, and prepared for it by fasting and fervent prayer, although she did not need to cleanse her soul or correct her - her whole life was a model of holiness and sacrifice.

At the appointed hour, candles burned in the room, and the Mother of God reclined on a decorated bed, surrounded by loved ones. loving people. Suddenly, the temple was lit up with the light of Divine glory, and the Lord Himself descended from heaven, surrounded by Angels, as well as the souls of the Old Testament righteous. Without any bodily suffering, looking at Her Son and as if falling asleep, she gave Him her pure soul.

During the burial, the apostles carried the bed with the Most Pure Body, and a huge procession of believers accompanied him with sacred songs. Tradition says that the Apostle Thomas did not have time for the burial, and he was allowed to enter the cave on the third day in order to give him the opportunity to bow to the Blessed One for the last time. However, in the cave they saw only funeral sheets, pleasantly fragrant, and the body of the Virgin was not there. Then they realized that the Lord had taken her pure body to Heaven.

In the evening of the same day, during a meal, the Mother of God appeared to the apostles and told them to rejoice, for she is with them all the days.

Therefore, fasting for the Orthodox is an imitation of the feat of the Mother of God and her purity, as well as the praise of the Most Holy One, who tirelessly planted and established the Christian Church.

The belt of the Mother of God and the holy clothes are kept with reverence, divided into parts, and still work wonders, like numerous icons. With special solemnity, the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated in Gethsemane, where she was buried.

What you can and can not eat in the post
Assumption fast, according to the church charter, in its severity is equated to the Great. But on the other hand, it was always considered easy, because you could eat new potatoes, vegetables, fruits and mushrooms.

Grapes and apples are allowed to be eaten only after the Transfiguration of the Lord, or as the people call this holiday of the Apple Savior, which the Orthodox celebrate on August 19.

Dishes for those who fast
During this fast you can not eat meat, dairy products, eggs.
During this period, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, dry eating is supposed, that is, bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts and honey.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, hot food without oil is allowed, and on Saturday and Sunday, hot food with oil, wine is also allowed.

During the Assumption Fast, it is allowed to eat fish only on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Assumption, if it falls on Wednesday or Friday, and the breaking of the fast begins the next day.

If the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos falls on other days of the week, then there is no longer fasting.

How to fast
Church ministers remind that it is necessary to get accustomed to fasting gradually. A person who has never fasted before is more likely to spoil his health than to approach holiness if he starts fasting abruptly. In addition, he will become irritated and impatient.

It is believed that each person needs to determine his measure of fasting, how much food and drink he needs per day, and gradually reduce the amount, reducing it to the minimum necessary for life.

And the main rule is that you do not need to burden yourself with drunkenness and gluttony. It is important not to forget that the essence of fasting, first of all, is not to refuse animal food, but to limit pleasures.

How to properly observe great post: traditions and advice
Fasting is designed to make our bodily nature strong and light, which could obey the movements of the spirit and fulfill its requirements. All God-loving people felt that fasting is a very powerful means to prepare for salvific and great deeds, the saints always strictly fasted and advised others.

Fasting is not as strict as it is written in the Charter, the sick, pregnant women, military personnel, as well as those who work in a tense rhythm or study can.

Of course, a special topic is a children's post. Sometimes it is better to agree with children that they will eat less sweets during fasting, for example, than to impose restrictions on them in dairy and meat food.

The most important thing that "you can't eat on fast" is your neighbors, that is, do not get irritated, do not quarrel and do not commit any other negative acts that destroy peace between people.

The Dormition Fast had three peaks - three holidays, which simple people called Spas.

On the first day of Lent, which is also popularly called the Honey Spas, according to tradition, the consecration of honey from the new collection is performed, and from that day on, its consumption is blessed. On this day, they baked honey gingerbread, pancakes with poppy seeds and honey, pies, buns, buns with poppy seeds.

In addition, on August 14, water is blessed in churches, which is why the Honey Savior is sometimes called the Savior on the Water. On the day when the Assumption Fast began, the entire Orthodox people swam in rivers and lakes, as if washing away their sins and bad thoughts. According to tradition, after August 14, swimming in the reservoirs was already prohibited.

Consecration of apples
Apple Spas - vernacular name The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord fell at the time of picking apples. Baskets full to the brim were carried to churches where the priest blessed the new harvest. After that it was possible to eat apples. They baked apple pies and gingerbread, cooked compotes and jams.

The Third Savior, which is timed to coincide with the feast of the Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands of the Lord Jesus Christ (August 29), was called differently by the people: the Savior on the Canvas, Linen, Bread and Nut. From that day on, believers could eat nuts from the new harvest.

The Savior of the Bread was called the holiday because the day before the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos was celebrated, with which the end of the harvest was associated. On this day, they baked pies from the flour of the new harvest and said: "The Third Savior has stored up bread" or "If the Third Savior is good, there will be kvass in winter."

The people also called the third Spas Orekhov, since at that time, according to tradition, nuts were collected.

As you know, it is in August that the largest number of marriages occurs. And, if marriage in 2018 is scheduled for the last month of summer, it is better to spend it before the start of the Dormition Fast or after.

From August 14 to 27, it is strictly forbidden to marry and get married, as this is considered a great sin.

Fasting is a time for repentance, prayer, and abstaining from entertainment, and not just avoiding all kinds of food. There is a belief that young people who get engaged during the Dormition Fast will never be happy.

Dormition Fast 2018. Dormition Fast begins: Tuesday, August 14. The post only lasts two weeks. Ends on Monday 27th.

This post is the only one of all that is dedicated to Mother of God. That is why it begins fourteen days before the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In 2018, this Orthodox holiday is celebrated on Tuesday. If other fasts and their dates are inconsistent, then Ouspensky differs in that it begins and ends exclusively on these dates.

People have adhered to it since ancient times of Christianity. The very first mentions that appeared about him date back to the four hundred and fiftieth year. It turns out that the Virgin Mary during her life on earth constantly adhered to strict moderation in food.

Three days before her Assumption, she completely stopped eating any food. She only drank water. And if you begin to fast, impose the restrictions of this fast on yourself, then you will imitate the Holy Mother of God herself.

In the Dormition Fast, fish is allowed only in holidays church holidays: the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Assumption of the Virgin. But on one condition: they fall on Wednesday or Friday. In 2018, the Transfiguration of the Lord is the nineteenth of August, Sunday. And the church holiday of the Assumption is the twenty-eighth of August, Tuesday. So this year, you won’t have to eat fish during the Dormition Fast.

So, there are two weeks of spiritual and bodily cleansing ahead. But what should you eat and what should you not? Find out which fruits are the exception. And what is there to fast properly?

What can and what can not be eaten in fasting?

The Dormition Fast, like the Great Fast, is strict in its church charter. Just as Christians observe the restriction of the use of certain foodstuffs before the Bright Ascension of Christ, so here, before the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, people must take into account and observe a certain self-restraint.

But, unlike that post, this one is much shorter. And at the same time in the summer in abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. That is why this post is also called easy. After all, nature gives eggplants, cucumbers, peppers, new potatoes, tomatoes. You can eat mushrooms, full of fruits: peaches, plums, pears. There are melons and watermelons.

The only exceptions are apples and grapes. They can be included in the diet only after the Transfiguration of the Lord, which the Orthodox celebrate on August 19th. The people also call this holiday Apple Savior.

Meat, eggs, milk, alcohol are banned during the Dormition Fast. Eliminate them from your diet. Find out what the schedule of the food calendar should be on these fast days. And do not forget that repentance and prayers are the most important stage of spiritual cleansing.

Menu for every day

August 14, Tuesday. Hot food without oil is allowed. Can be boiled vegetable soups, cereals, potatoes, mushrooms, bake vegetables in the oven.

August 15, Wednesday. Preference is given to raw fruits and vegetables. This day should be dry eating. That is, it is allowed to eat raw food in the diet. On this day, they eat dried fruits, crackers, honey, nuts, bread.

August 16, Thursday. You can boil and bake vegetables, including mushrooms, but without oil. Eat soups, cereals, make mashed potatoes, bake in the oven. The diet of lean hot dishes without oil is varied.

August 17, Friday. Again dry eating - alternates every other day. Eat raw foods such as cucumbers, tomatoes, plums, peaches, watermelons, melons, etc. Salads - without oil. You can, for example, prepare a salad of fresh cabbage with carrots and sprinkle with lemon juice. Allowed bread, honey, crackers, nuts.

August 18, Saturday. Prepare hot meals with butter. The diet can be varied: vegetable stew, fried potatoes, squash or potato pancakes, etc. Red wine is allowed in reasonable quantities.

August 19, Sunday. A big holiday is the Transfiguration of the Lord or Apple Spas. Only now you can start eating grapes and apples. Believers say that apples on this day are magical. If you are spiritually cleansed, this delicacy will help make your wishes come true. On this day, in addition to hot food with butter, it is allowed to drink wine in small quantities.

August 20, Monday. On the day of dry eating, you can not brew fruit drinks, compotes. You can only drink juice and water. They are consumed with nuts, prunes, dried apricots and other dried fruits. Do not forget about honey, bread and sprouted grain.

August 21, Tuesday. On the day of eating hot food without oil, it is worth steaming buckwheat. It can be eaten with beet or carrot salad with nuts. You can make pumpkin puree with rice and apples. And eat other boiled/stewed hot food without oil.

August 22, Wednesday. Dry meal. Change the soup freshly squeezed juice. The monastic charter provides for the use of uncooked herbal products nutrition.

August 23, Thursday. On the days of eating hot food without oil, it is recommended to steam oatmeal with muesli and honey - satisfying and healthy. You can cook pearl barley with carrots and mushrooms or lean cabbage rolls. A great option is boiled asparagus beans with corn.

August 24, Friday. On the day of dry eating, eat raw plant foods. Suitable dates, figs, walnuts, peanuts, raisins, barberries and other dried fruits, honey, crackers, bread.

August 25, Saturday. You can cook fried, boiled, baked dishes with butter. A great alternative to meat and sausages are vegetable casseroles and snacks. Such dishes are low-calorie. But at the same time rich in vitamins and minerals. Some wine is allowed.

August 26, Sunday. On the day of eating hot food with butter, you can make a vinaigrette. As an option - braised cabbage with mushrooms, green bean lobio. So that it’s not boring at all, cook pies (on yeast dough and water) or dumplings with cherries, potatoes, cabbage. Finding lean recipes online today is easy and simple.

If you purposefully want to fast, find out what things are allowed to be done on these days, and what actions should be refrained from. Read who is allowed not to fast. And what beliefs exist regarding the Dormition fast.

What should be done and what should not?

There is a category of people who do not have to fast. These include: pregnant women, breastfeeding. In addition, seriously ill people, children under the age of 7 years. As well as those who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

During fasting, you can not arrange a wedding celebration, get married, celebrate any holidays. The use of alcohol is prohibited. It is forbidden to participate in various kinds of entertainment events.

If someone nevertheless decides to break these rules and, for example, get married, then there is a belief that the young will never be happy. Two weeks is not such a long time. So it's better to wait. And hold a wedding after the end of the post.

You can not smoke, envy, lie, swear, swear. It is necessary to sincerely repent of your sins, pray, attend church and church services. Do as many good deeds and deeds as possible.

If you don’t know what continuous weeks are, then find out as soon as possible! After all, there are not only church prohibitions. There are days when people can walk for a whole week. Get to know the concepts of continuous weeks. Perhaps, in anticipation of the great Orthodox holidays, it will be easier for you to survive the Lenten time.

What are solid weeks?

The concept of "solid week" in the Church Slavonic calendar is a week. That is, these are the days from Monday to Sunday when there is no fast on Wednesday and Friday.

These special days established by the Church. They allow you to relax a little before a multi-day fast or relax after it. The special days of the continuous week are as follows:

  • Christmas time from 7.01 to 18.01 (from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany).
  • Publican and Pharisee - "floating" dates, two weeks before Lent.
  • Maslenitsa is also a "floating" week of dates, before Lent. But meat these days is already banned. But eggs, fish and dairy products are still allowed.
  • Easter (Light) - "floating" on the dates of the week after Easter.
  • Trinity - seven days before Peter's fast after the Trinity.

Do you think fasting is purely abstaining from food or something else? Find out what is true fasting? What should be observed and how to behave? Read all the most interesting right now!

What is the truth of the post?

Fasting is not only an exclusion from the diet of certain foods and abstaining from the usual menu. True fasting is purification, eradication of evil, aggression from oneself, curbing one's tongue, exclusion of anger, taming one's passions and lusts. It is very important these days not to lie, to stop slander, condemnation and discussion.

Become spiritually pure! Remember that you can not swear in the post. It is advisable not to quarrel with anyone, not to quarrel, not to get annoyed with or without reason, not to “eat” other people in fasting, not to snarl, not to snap, not to get annoyed and not to commit any vile deeds for which one can be ashamed. Become cleaner, kinder, do not destroy peace between people!

Assumption fast is also called gourmet, because these days there are a lot of fresh fruits and vitamins. Garden greenery abounds. Despite the restrictions, the diet can be nutritious and rich.

Irritability and impatience should be excluded. Determine your measure of behavior and eating. Keep everything to the bare minimum. normal life. After all, on August fasting days there is a wide range of possibilities for a fruit and vegetable diet. Agree, it is much easier to fast in the summer than in spring and winter.

Since the Assumption fast is a time of repentance and prayer, then refrain from drinking alcohol. Red wine is allowed only on Saturday and Sunday in moderation. Also exclude all kinds of entertainment, visiting entertainment facilities and entertainment events.

Some people associate fasting with diet. Under no circumstances should this be done! After all, fasting is not a diet. This is the time when you need to read prayers, take care of the soul. Do not forget that in this post you make all the restrictions for the sake of the Mother of God. It is important to bring your soul closer to holiness.

Spiritual and food restriction is a great opportunity to purify your soul and become closer to God! The truth of fasting is in purification. No need to be aggravated by overeating and drinking. Be patient and take care of your soul.

See: SUSPENSION post. Meaning and spiritual content.