How dangerous is breast augmentation surgery? Risks of breast surgery. Consequences of breast enlargement surgery Why it is best to have breast enlargement surgery with us

Complications are typical for any surgical intervention, however, the risks of their occurrence may vary significantly. First of all, the surgeon assesses the woman’s health status and identifies contraindications, which include:

    Inflammatory and infectious processes in the area of ​​the mammary glands.


    Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

    Blood clotting disorder.

    Oncological diseases.

    Severe diseases of the liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, etc.

If breast augmentation is carried out in the presence of contraindications, the risks to the woman’s health and even life will be very high. In this regard, no surgeon will undertake such operations.

Complications in the early postoperative period

The most common early complications of breast augmentation surgery include:

    Hematomas and seromas. They develop as a result of accumulation of blood or wound discharge in the implant pocket. These complications are usually accompanied severe symptoms, so diagnosing them is easy. Small hematomas and seromas go away on their own. In some cases, their puncture may be required. If you do not consult a doctor in time, such complications can lead to the breast becoming asymmetrical and painful, requiring removal of the endoprosthesis and its reinstallation.

    Infectious complications. When pathogens enter a wound, both pronounced and subclinical forms can develop infectious diseases. They are usually manifested by fever, weakness, fatigue, and muscle pain. Treatment is usually conservative and consists of prescribing antibacterial drugs.

Long-term postoperative complications

Several months after surgery, some women may experience the following complications:

    Reduced sensitivity up to its complete loss. Usually there is a temporary loss of sensitivity in the nipple area. This complication develops as a result of damage to small nerve fibers, which are located in the skin. Sensitivity usually returns after a few months, without any medical help.

    Implant displacement. Develops as a result of violation of the rules of conduct during rehabilitation, in particular, violation of the regime of wearing compression garments, or as a result of non-compliance by the surgeon technical nuances operations. This complication is eliminated with repeated mammoplasty.

    Scar formation. Scars always form at the site of the incision, but in most cases they are thin and invisible. In about 1% of women, the scars stretch and increase in size, which affects the appearance of the breasts. They can be eliminated with surgery, but it is carried out no earlier than six months after mammoplasty.

Complications that are very rare

The rupture of the implant is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of its shell. Typically, this complication develops as a result of careless actions of the surgeon, as a result of destruction of the implant wall, manufacturing defects, or chest injuries. Modern implants are filled with silicone gel, which does not spread or react with tissues, so there are no serious consequences for a woman’s health in this case.

The rupture can be intracapsular or extracapsular. In the first case, the filler remains within the implant pocket, and in the second, it extends beyond the fibrous capsule. Both of these conditions are usually manifested by aesthetic changes - deformation, asymmetry, change in breast size.

Capsular contracture developed very often (in 40-60% of cases) when using old first and second generation implants. This complication is a normal reaction of the body to a foreign body. He tries to limit the implant to a fibrous capsule from other tissues. The problem is that this capsule is not elastic and compresses the endoprosthesis, resulting in a pronounced compaction in the chest. Modern implants are distinguished by a special type of surface that prevents the formation of capsular contracture. Therefore, currently the risk of developing this complication is less than 10%. It can increase under the influence of other factors, including:

    Subclinical hematoma.

    The pocket is not large enough for the implant.

    Infectious complications after surgery.

However, no connection was found between the likelihood of capsular contracture formation and the type of filler.

The latest models of endoprostheses can reduce the risk of developing this complication to 3%, while in some women it may be higher. Accurate data that would allow us to understand the reasons for the development of capsular contracture have not yet been obtained. Therefore, conscientious manufacturers include a warning insert in each package of implants, which states the possible development of capsular contracture, in which the appearance of the breast may change, which will require repeated surgery.

Other complications

As a result of breast surgery, various reasons Other specific complications may develop, including:

    It most often develops in cases where the implant is installed under the mammary gland, and not under the pectoral muscle. The situation can only be corrected by repeat mammoplasty.

    With this complication, the implants are located too close to each other, which leads to the effect of “fused” mammary glands. Synmastia usually occurs when the implants are chosen incorrectly, when they are too large. Complications can also develop due to the anatomical features of the breast.

    This name is due to the specific shape of the breast - it flattens and becomes like a tomato. A complication can also develop after a periareolar breast lift with subsequent installation of implants.

    Accompanied by the deposition of calcium salts around the implant. In this case, the woman complains of tightness and discomfort in the breast. Theoretically, you can get rid of calcifications with injections, but in practice this method has very low efficiency. The complication can only be eliminated through a repeat operation with replacement of implants.

    The silicone itself, from which endoprostheses are made, is an inert material, so allergic reactions to the implant can be excluded. Typically, complications in the form of allergies develop on medications, adhesive tape and some types of suture material. Allergic reactions treated with medication.

    This complication leads to the manifestation of the implant. In this case, the problem may not always be noticeable, but only when bending over, running or playing sports. This condition develops when there is insufficient volume of breast tissue, when the size of the implant is chosen incorrectly or when it is installed incorrectly. The complication is eliminated surgically.

    A very rare and at the same time very unpleasant complication. It is accompanied by breast deformation and the appearance of a second submammary fold. Externally, the effect of a bifurcated mammary gland is created. The main reason is the individual anatomical characteristics of the patient.

    This complication is accompanied by sagging of the mammary gland along with the installed implant. The highest likelihood of its development is observed in women with initial breast ptosis, and also if the endoprosthesis is installed under the mammary gland, and not under the muscle. In such patients, it is recommended to perform a breast lift and breast augmentation at the same time.

    One of the types of complication is “double fold”. In this case, a stepwise distortion of the lower pole of the mammary gland develops. The problem is purely aesthetic in nature and does not pose a threat to a woman’s health. Among the risk factors for this complication are: tubular breasts, severe ptosis, the use of implants is very big size and etc.

    A very rare complication that occurs only in a certain situation. When the pectoral muscles are tense, the implant “bounces” and becomes deformed. The problem most often manifests itself in women with developed muscles (bodybuilders, professional athletes). It is impossible to predict the development of complications, but they can be eliminated by repeated surgery.

    However, it is worth noting that modern research And scientific works, which have been previously conducted, have failed to find a convincing association between the risk of breast cancer and breast augmentation surgery.

    According to the FDA, there is a suspected link between breast implants and the development of anaplastic large cell lymphoma. However, there is no information about implant models, types of surgery (primary or revision mammoplasty). Experts were able to register 457 unique cases per year. Despite the fact that about 1.5 million women undergo breast augmentation surgery every year.

Many women who dream of enlarging their breasts or changing their shape do not dare to do so, fearing possible complications after surgery. For them, a beautiful bust remains a dream...

Of course, there are complications after breast surgery; there is no point in denying this fact. For various reasons, complications occur after any surgical intervention, including after. But, as statistics show, if all the surgeon’s instructions are followed, complications after mammoplasty occur much less frequently than after other surgical interventions. If the percentage negative consequences was tall, aesthetic breast surgery would have been banned.

Whether complications will appear is determined by a number of reasons: anatomical features, previous surgeries, plastic surgery techniques, the body’s reaction directly to the operation and endoprosthesis, and, naturally, how accurately all the doctor’s instructions are followed during the rehabilitation period. You need to know that the implant for a long time remains in the required position only due to the elasticity of the surrounding soft tissues, which were injured during the operation. Only after 2-3 months, when inflammation subsides, a connective tissue layer forms around the implant, which will securely secure it in the surrounding soft tissues. That is why during the first months after breast plastic surgery it is necessary to wear compression garments and follow all the instructions of the surgeon who performed mammoplasty.


By the way, not everything that happens to the mammary glands in postoperative period- these are complications. There are direct complications that do not necessarily have to happen, and side effects that are present in everyone and go away. different period time.

Side or undesirable effects of surgical intervention are usually called symptoms that appear in the operated area always and in everyone. These undesirable effects arise from tissue trauma and will certainly subside as the wound heals. But the rehabilitation period different people can last for different times - this is determined by the individual characteristics of the body.

The inflammatory process is a natural and mandatory response of the body to any wound or injury necessary for tissue regeneration. This reaction occurs even if there is no infection - this is aseptic inflammation.



After any surgery, the following local undesirable effects occur:

  • Edema - forms by the end of the first day after surgery and gradually increases, reaching its maximum size by 3-5 days. For 2-4 days the swelling remains unchanged, and then slowly subsides. The swelling goes away in the 3-4th week after surgery, but from time to time it may appear again: in the second period monthly cycle, after eating salty and spicy foods, after drinking alcoholic beverages, as a result of high physical activity. That is why only 3-4 months after mammoplasty you can see its final result.
  • Consequences of vascular damage: bleeding, bruises, hematomas. They can appear immediately after surgery, or only after a few days, gradually becoming noticeable against the background of swelling. The bruises disappear within a week. Hematomas take a little longer to disappear, and this period largely depends on their size.
  • Redness in the suture area (in spots or in the form of “marbling”) that occurs during the first days goes away within 2-3 days. If intense redness appears later, it means that an infection has occurred and must be treated separately.
  • Discomfort or pain that occurs with varying degrees of intensity. How much pain is felt is determined by each individual's pain threshold. But in any case, the pain is felt more strongly after surgery, which is accompanied by detachment of the pectoralis major muscle. Discomfort and pain can last 3-7 days, but they are removed with the most basic painkillers.
  • A change in sensitivity, and it can either increase or decrease. In the soft tissues of the breast there is a huge amount nerve endings, especially near the nipple. They may be injured during surgery or compressed by swelling later. Sensitivity is sure to be restored 3-6 months after surgery.
  • Formation at the incision site postoperative scar. You need to ensure that the seams remain dry and treat them with a solution of potassium permanganate for the first 7-10 days. Later, starting from the 3-4th week, the healed sutures should be lubricated with silicone ointment (Dermatix, Kelokot) or covered with an adhesive plaster "Mepiform". This must be done for 3-4 months until the seams become pale.

Let's take an example of what happens to the simplest wound, for example when a finger is cut. Even a very small wound heals in 7-14 days - the longer it is, the deeper and larger it is in area. There will be inflammation in any case: redness, swelling, possible bruising or discharge, and, of course, pain. Then the wound slowly cleanses and heals, and in the center there will be a scar (an area connective tissue) - it is formed if the epidermis does not have time to “converge”. Marginal epithelization - the so-called regeneration of the upper layer of skin - can be 5 mm. If the damage takes large area, then a scar will necessarily form, since connective tissue cells are more active and divide more quickly. At first, the scar is very dense and bright red in color, sensitivity in this place is impaired (it is stronger or, conversely, less). Little by little, the scar becomes pale and decreases in size, it becomes softer - this is how it “ripens”, and over time it is completely or almost invisible. You need to know that if you sunbathe while the scar is bright red, it will become pigmented. Perhaps over the course of 1-3 years the pigment will lighten, or perhaps not - it may remain forever. This sequence recovery process(healing of any wound) is absolutely natural and normal. But if there are disturbances in the functioning of connective tissue in the body and immune system, hypertrophic and keloid scars form.


Complications after surgery are manifestations that arise in the postoperative period and are the result of a previous operation or an atypical reaction of the body to a foreign body (implant). The development of complications is not a natural process at all.

Reasons that can lead to the development of complications after breast surgery:
1. Pathological reactivity of the body, that is, individual characteristics present in any organism.
2. The body’s response to the endoprosthesis, which is a foreign body.
3. Previous surgical operations.
4. Failure of the patient to comply with the time limits for going to
5. Failure to comply with the doctor’s instructions for taking the vaccine medical supplies, diet, lifestyle.


Taking into account the timing of occurrence, all complications after surgery are usually divided into early and late.

  • Early complications occur a couple of hours after the operation or within 5-7 days after it.
  • Appearance late complications possibly 7 or more days after surgery.


List of complications that may arise after breast surgery:

  1. Hematoma is formed when, due to bleeding occurring from damaged vessels, blood accumulates in the soft tissues surrounding the implant. The appearance of a hematoma in the early postoperative period can be caused by elevation blood pressure, it may appear due to blood clotting disorders or against the background diabetes mellitus. To prevent the formation of a hematoma, drains are placed in the implant bed - they must drain fluid on the first day after surgery on the mammary glands. In more late dates The formation of a hematoma can be caused by premature cessation of wearing compression garments, violation of the regimen recommended by the doctor, high physical activity, and having sex in the first postoperative days. Since the hematoma can result in displacement of the implant, it must be eliminated - for this it is necessary to perform a puncture and aspiration, and sometimes a revision of the postoperative wound.
  2. Infection of a postoperative wound manifests itself high temperature body, increased swelling, redness around the suture, pain. As preventative measure Antibiotics are administered during surgery.
  3. Seroma- This is the accumulation of tissue fluid around the implants. It occurs due to the dissolution of a voluminous hematoma or the reaction of soft tissues to the implant. Since seroma can become infected or lead to displacement of the implant, it must be removed - usually this is done by aspiration or drainage.
  4. Rotate or implant displacement can occur due to a nearby hematoma or accumulated seroma, as well as due to violation of the regime. The consequence of implant displacement is a change in shape mammary gland. To correct the situation, an operation is needed, but it can only be done 3-6 months after the previous one.
  5. Allergy, occurring on silicone implants is an extremely rare phenomenon.
  6. Big postoperative scar (hypertrophic or keloid) are rough, thick and clearly visible scars. Such a scar can form if the patient has a genetic predisposition to this - a tendency to hypertrophy (thickening). To eliminate hypertrophic or keloid scars, additional treatment is required, and preventing their appearance is much easier: when the wound heals, you need to use compressive bandages, drying antiseptics and healing drugs.
  7. Waviness, rippling, ripples, contouring edges implant- these are all names of one type of complication, in which the implant becomes “wavy” and its contours are clearly visualized. Contouring and waviness may be noticeable when the breasts are in a resting position or only during movement or when the torso is bent over. This type of complication most often appears in thin women with a small volume of integumentary tissue and poorly developed breasts if they have had an endoprosthesis with a soft gel installed. To remove ripping, you need to do a second operation and install an anatomically shaped implant with a dense gel filler or polyurethane coating, and at the same time do lipofilling.
  8. Secondary If primary ptosis results in natural causes, then to the formation of a secondary one - mammoplasty. The fact is that the chest, as a part of the body that is in a suspended state, is affected by gravity: the greater the weight, the stronger the force of gravity. Secondary ptosis requires surgical correction.
  9. "Ball in a Sock"(ball in sock) or accelerated development of secondary ptosis. The occurrence of secondary sagging often occurs if the implant is located under the mammary gland, especially if the original ptosis was present before mammoplasty. After increasing the volume and weight of the breast, it quickly descends along with the endoprosthesis. The situation can be corrected by performing a second operation: you need to reinstall the implant under the pectoralis major muscle and perform a breast lift using a prosthesis.
  10. Ptosis of the prosthesis(bottoming out) - sliding of the implant down chest wall. If during implantation the submammary fold is destroyed without its subsequent fastening, the implant may descend below it and slip out. And the breast will remain in its original state.
  11. Implant shell rupture- an extremely rare phenomenon, the cause of which can be injury chest. If the rupture is spontaneous, that is, it occurs without an external message, the manufacturer provides a new implant free of charge. Absolutely all companies producing silicone endoprostheses provide them with a lifetime warranty.
  12. "Double bubble"(double-bubble). After augmentation mammoplasty, a transverse stripe is formed on the lower slope of the breast - this is the appearance of the previous submammary fold, preserved after breast reduction. This defect can be eliminated by performing lipofilling and rigototomy at the same time, or by performing a repeat operation.
  13. "Waterfall"(snoopy or waterfall deformity) - a complication in which soft breast tissue slides off a fixed implant. A “waterfall” may occur if there was initially increased stretching and large volume soft tissues and the prosthesis was installed under the pectoralis major muscle. To eliminate this defect, it is necessary to perform repeated surgery, and it is possible to use a larger implant and shift it to a lower position, as well as a breast lift on the implant.
  14. Breast fusion or synmastia(sinmastiya) can occur if an endoprosthesis that is too large was used or if the surgeon wanted to reduce the interthoracic gap too much. Synmastia can be eliminated only during a repeat surgical operation, narrowing the implant bed and installing a smaller prosthesis.
  15. "Tomato"(tomato breast) - flattening of the breast cone, shaped like a tomato. Such deformation can occur after periareolar lifting with endoprosthetics.
  16. Excess skin in the area of ​​the submammary fold after vertical mastopexy with endoprosthetics.
  17. Fibrous or capsular contracture. Naturally, the implant is perceived by the body as a foreign body, and the body creates a protective layer of connective tissue around it. That's what it is fibrous capsule. After the installation of endoprostheses, a fibrous capsule is always formed (!!!), but in some patients it remains thin and elastic, and in some it becomes so dense that it compresses the implant. In the latter case, discomfort occurs, there may be pain, the breast hardens and changes shape, waviness and contouring of the endoprostheses are created.


“You are the best! I will only recommend your clinic to all my friends. I myself came on the advice of girls from my city. They spoke with such admiration, and now I am convinced of this myself. I had breast augmentation surgery with a lift! How I can't wait to see the new one, beautiful breasts" Galina, 27 years old and others

Mammoplasty or breast surgery is one of the most popular and sought after operations.

Every year, many women come to surgeons wanting to make their bust bigger. Intervention techniques, as well as the implants used, are constantly being improved. However, mammoplasty remains a full-fledged operation, after which, theoretically, complications may arise, especially if the patient ignores the recommendations of doctors during rehabilitation period.

Why complications arise

Every woman planning breast surgery must study the list of possible complications. On the Internet you can find many unpleasant photos that cause serious doubts. That's why we devote Special attention the topic of problems that a plastic surgeon’s patient may encounter, as well as ways to prevent and treat them.

They use the most modern equipment, high-quality drugs and consumables, as well as modern, advanced implants that do not have the disadvantages of earlier models. All our services and consumables, including consultations with specialists before and after the intervention, implants, stay in the ward, anesthesia and compression garments, are included in the price. Still, complications after surgery are possible, although their risk is minimal.

Complications may occur due to:

  • individual characteristics of the body and its unpredictable reactions;
  • non-compliance with doctor's recommendations after surgery.

Even if a problem has arisen, it can be dealt with, especially if you address this issue right away.

IMPORTANT! If something bothers you after surgery, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible!

Types of complications

Complications can occur after any intervention on the mammary gland. They can be divided into two large groups:

  • general - caused by the surgical intervention itself;
  • specific - related to the implant and features of the anatomy of the mammary gland.

The first group includes the following problems:

  • pain;
  • swelling;
  • seroma or hematoma;
  • increased body temperature;
  • keloid scars;
  • changes in the sensitivity of the nipples or other areas of the breast;
  • non-physiological discharge.

Specific complications include:

  • capsular contracture;
  • cracks or rupture of the implant;
  • skin ripples (ripping);
  • deformations of the mammary glands;
  • rare complications.

Swelling of the chest or abdomen

Like pain, swelling of the breast and sometimes the abdomen after mammoplasty is a normal reaction to surgery. If it persists for more than three months or increases unexpectedly, a complication is said to have developed. Most often its cause is:

  • wearing compression garments for insufficiently long periods;
  • exposure to heat or ultraviolet radiation in the early postoperative period (hot shower, sauna, sun exposure, etc.);
  • early physical activity.

IMPORTANT! Wearing a special bra, as well as following your doctor’s recommendations on physical activity, drinking regimen and salt intake will help speed up the resorption of swelling.

Seromas and hematomas

Seromas and hematomas are areas of fluid accumulation: tissue or blood. Unlike edema, they have more or less clear boundaries and, as a rule, are located in the lower part of the mammary gland, since they move there under the influence of gravity. The skin over the gray area has a normal color. When a hematoma develops, the accumulation of blood colors it in various shades of red, bluish or purple. During palpation, the woman will notice slight pain.

Small seromas and hematomas go away on their own. Larger lesions may fester. Only a doctor can correctly assess the degree of danger and prescribe treatment! Depending on the severity of the complication, drug therapy or drainage of the formation is prescribed. In this case, excess fluid is pumped out using a long needle.

Increased body temperature and inflammation

Fever is not uncommon after mammoplasty, especially if implants were installed during the process. This is a normal reaction of the body to tissue damage and invasion foreign body. An increase in temperature up to 38 degrees in the first days after surgery is considered acceptable. It is necessary to sound the alarm if:

  • The thermometer reading exceeded 38 degrees;
  • fever persists for more than 14 days;
  • the temperature dropped and then rose sharply.

As a rule, such changes indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the surgical area. It can also cause the following symptoms:

  • redness of the breast;
  • swelling of certain areas of the breast;
  • sharp pain when touched;
  • discharge of clear fluid or pus from the postoperative scar or from the nipple.

The body can react to inflammation very sharply, including nausea and vomiting, dizziness, skin rashes and even loss of consciousness. Such problems arise in very advanced cases, when patients ignore the doctor’s recommendations and do not contact him when the first signs appear.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the severity of the process. In severe cases, repeated surgery to remove the implant is required.

Pain after mammoplasty

Pain itself is a natural reaction of the body to surgery. It is associated with tissue damage, as well as their stretching if an implant was installed. The intensity of sensations may vary, as it depends on the type of access, the volume of intervention, as well as the individual sensitivity of the body.

The pain is most severe in the first days, then gradually subsides. Most women note the complete disappearance of discomfort 2-3 weeks after the intervention. In this case, it cannot be called a complication.

If the pain suddenly becomes stronger, is accompanied by an increase in temperature or other symptoms, it indicates the development of a pathological process!

Keloid scars

Doctors at the GALAXY Beauty Institute make incisions so that the scars are not noticeable after healing. Normally, they are a thin, light line that is visible only upon careful examination. In some cases, the scar after healing remains pronounced, brightly colored and even bulges above the surface of the skin.

The cause of complications may be:

  • individual tendency to form keloid scars;
  • prolonged wound healing;
  • excessive tissue tension around the healing incision;
  • early use of absorbable creams.

In some cases, complications can be prevented with the help of ointments or with the help of a cosmetologist (for example, laser resurfacing).

IMPORTANT! If the patient already has keloid scars from other operations, it is better to refuse mammoplasty.

Loss of skin sensitivity

Loss of sensitivity in certain areas of the skin after mammoplasty is quite common. It involves cutting small nerves during surgery, especially if the incision is around the areola. In most cases, sensitivity is restored 2-6 months after the intervention. To speed up this process, doctors may prescribe B vitamins, antioxidants, or physical therapy.

Capsular contracture

This complication is associated with the development of scar tissue. This process, like many others, is natural, but in some women it is so pronounced that the implant becomes severely contracted and deformed. There are four degrees of capsular contracture:

  • 1st degree: breasts are natural visually and to the touch;
  • 2nd degree: there are no visual changes, a compaction is detected when palpated;
  • 3rd degree: the shape of the mammary gland is changed, the tissue is hard to the touch;
  • Grade 4: the gland is severely deformed and very dense to the touch, pain often occurs.

Severe contracture (grade 3-4) requires removal of the implant. Taking vitamin E, regular breast massage, and physical therapy will help reduce the risk of complications.

Damage to the implant

There are many rumors surrounding this complication. Previously, surgeons actively used prostheses filled with solution table salt or liquid silicone, which actually cracked over time and spread inside the fabrics. That is why it was recommended to change implants every five years.

Surgeons at the GALAXY Beauty Institute use only modern dentures, equipped with a durable two-layer shell. It is elastic and does not become damaged even after many years of use. The only reason for damage to the walls can be a strong physical impact due to injury, but even in this case, the silicone does not leave the cavity in which the prosthesis is located.

Breast deformities and their unnatural appearance

Selecting the shape and size of an implant is one of the important tasks of a plastic surgeon. At the GALAXY Beauty Institute, computer modeling is carried out, which allows you to visualize the approximate appearance of the bust after surgery.

IMPORTANT! If you do not take into account the age and anatomical features of a woman, the breasts may become deformed or simply look unnatural.

Here are the most common problems:

  • sagging breasts due to loss of skin elasticity; the problem is solved by installing an implant under the muscle or performing a repeat operation with skin tightening;
  • implant contouring for slender girls; the deficiency is eliminated by the lipofilling procedure;
  • displacement of the implant when wearing compression garments for insufficiently long time; complication requires reoperation;
  • too wide a distance between the glands or their visual fusion (“monoborax”, synmastia) due to incorrect selection of the implant or incorrect formation of the pocket; if desired, it can be eliminated by repeated surgery;
  • skin ripples (ripping or “washboard effect”) - waves on the skin that change depending on the position of the body; the problem is solved by replacing the implant or breast lipofilling procedure.

Rare complications

Rare complications of mammoplasty include:

  • allergy to the implant (manifested by skin rashes and swelling, requires removal);
  • calcium deposits in the implant area (removed only if the defect is large);
  • atrophy of gland tissue;
  • damage to the milk ducts and inability to breastfeed after plastic surgery.

Breast surgery is a full-fledged operation that requires careful preparation, skillful execution, as well as careful adherence to the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period. In this case, the risk of complications will be minimal, which means that a beautiful bust will delight the patient all her life.

Mammoplasty is good way restore the shape of a woman's breasts. A woman who decides to undergo surgery must follow all doctor’s instructions. In preparation for surgery, you need to pass all tests and be examined by a therapist and anesthesiologist. If this is not done, there is a risk of complications or unsuccessful breast surgery. According to statistics, this situation occurs in 4% of women.

Loss of sensitivity of the nipple and areola

Minor sensory disturbances may be associated with edema. The swelling will subside and sensitivity will be restored.

Most often, the sensitivity of the nipple and areola is not affected by submarinal (under the breast) and axillary access. It is disrupted with periariolar access (the border of the areola and the skin on the chest).

Numbness of the breast after plastic surgery

This in most cases occurs because the nerve branches were crossed during surgery and time is needed for their recovery. The recovery period is different for everyone, on average about six months.

If this is not done in advance, severe consequences, complications and scars may occur after mammoplasty.

Purulent wounds around the implant

Occurs in 1–4% of patients. The reason may be:

  • natural rejection breast implant;
  • entry infections during the operation.

It may appear a year or more after surgery. They are treated with antibiotics, and in severe cases the implant is removed.


Any operation is associated with infection. The first factor is the qualifications of the surgeon and his professional work experience. The second factor is the patient’s failure to comply with hygiene requirements after surgery.

Accompanied by a temperature above 38 degrees, redness and purulent discharge. Antibiotics and antiseptic drugs are prescribed, and if difficult cases the endoprosthesis is being removed or replaced.

Seroma and hematoma

It is normal for a small amount of fluid to collect around the breast prosthesis, but seroma after mammoplasty is a lot of clear serous fluid.

The more extensive the surgery, the more likely it is that seromas will appear. If the gray is left unattended, it can persist for a long time and cause hardening. Surgically removed using a syringe.

Any irritant can cause gray matter:

  • reaction body onto the prosthesis when the capsule has not yet formed;
  • physical loads, injuries;
  • early refusal of wearing compression linen;
  • non-compliance restorative period.

To prevent seroma formation, you should wear compression garments for at least 6 weeks.

A hematoma is a collection of clots of dried blood in sacs around a breast implant. It is accompanied by severe swelling, fever, and inhibits muscle mobility. Treatment of the hematoma is mandatory.

Tissue death

Tissue death - necrosis - occurs when the implant compresses the blood supply in the chest due to scar tissue (capsule) growing around it.

To prevent this from happening, in 1968 W.C. Dempsey and W.D. Latham suggested installing a breast implant subpectorally (under the pectoralis major muscle).


Immediately after the operation, the surgeon applies a special plaster to the scar. It makes it possible to maintain body hygiene at first.

It is important to allow scars and cicatrices to heal quietly in the first months. Surgeons recommend:

  • Not scratch scar, but let it heal and form;
  • smear the formed scar with a special silicone gel;
  • stick silicone strips that allow the skin to breathe and do not allow water to pass through, and also visually make the scar invisible;
  • don't visit swimming pools, postpone a trip to the sea;
  • Not load chest area, scars should not stretch.

After a few months, the incision line will not be visible at all. But if a woman’s visible part has an unaesthetic appearance and it bothers her, plastic surgery there are ways to fix this:

  • excision of a scar or scar;
  • grinding.

There cannot be the same time period until complete recovery. Therefore, if the scar is red, you need to wait until it turns white. Otherwise, you can get a keloid.

Breast change

After surgery, breasts may change shape and become denser. This change is called capsular contracture.

Essentially, a capsule of fibrous connective tissue is formed around the implant, which thickens and thickens over time. Normally, the capsule is very thin and measures 1/10 of a millimeter. But with capsular contracture, the capsule grows to 2-3 mm or more.

It gradually squeezes and compresses the implant, which leads to its deformation, and therefore to a change in the shape of the breast and to pain. In severe situations, it leads to atrophic changes in breast tissue.

If capsular contracture is detected, corrective surgery is performed. The implant is changed and the capsule is removed.


In the first days, this is a natural reaction to a foreign body; the temperature after mammoplasty will be 37 or higher. In the following days, a “hangover” condition may occur. The surgeon will prescribe antibiotics and monitor the patient's condition.

Possible complications associated with implants

A capsule is formed around the breast implant. Capsular contracture is more common with silicone implants. Capsular contracture, consisting of fibrous tissue, begins to compact the implant, which leads to pain. The aesthetic appearance of the breast also deteriorates.

Operation for severe capsular contracture allows you to remove the capsule itself and the endoprosthesis. Mild cases do not require surgery.

Implant rupture

High quality implants undergo many stages of testing at factories, which indicates their safety. They are filled with state-of-the-art cohesive gel and come with a lifetime warranty. Even if the implant ruptures, the gel will not leak into the soft fabrics and will not harm the patient's health.

Implant rupture may not be visually noticeable. But it is detected on a mammogram or MRI.

Severe tears can ruin the appearance of the breasts and cause inflammatory process, swelling and pain.

Deformation of the endoprosthesis

If after mammoplasty one breast has become larger than the other, this will disappear in the first months after the operation, when the swelling goes down.

In another case - with an incorrectly selected endoprosthesis or placement.

In the third case, deformation may have occurred:

  • More susceptible to deformation saline implants.
  • Has the meaning volume implant filling: normal and overfilled. When overcrowded, there is less wrinkling.
  • Textured endoprostheses are more deformed and wrinkled than smooth ones.
  • Implants "under the muscle" are deformed to a lesser extent.
  • TO special type deformations can also be attributed double bubble complication.

Implant displacement

It takes time for a breast implant to become firmly entrenched in the tissues. To do this, immediately after the operation the patient is dressed in compression garments. To avoid asymmetry and displacement, it is recommended to completely avoid physical and strength loads on the chest and upper abdomen for three months.

If after three months adjustment is still needed, additional procedures are prescribed.

A loose pectoral muscle may cause discomfort during the postoperative period, but this goes away over time as the muscle and implant adjust to each other.

Saline implants are more likely to dislodge because they are heavier than silicone ones.

An implant that is placed above the muscle is more susceptible to displacement than an implant that is placed under the muscle.

Double fold (or double bubble)

Double bubble after mammoplasty is a serious aesthetic complication. The chest does not look like a single whole, but as if folded.

30% of women have a specific anatomical feature Cooper's connective tissue ligaments. These ligaments are located under the breast and support the weight of the entire glandular part. After surgery, when swelling goes down, a small percentage of women face this problem. Surgeons offer correction.

During correction, an incision is made, part of the breast tissue is excised, carefully straightened and fixed in a new place to a new submammary fold.

The double fold after mammoplasty will still be noticeable for some time, but after a week this deformation will disappear. Patients after such correction must wear compression garments for two weeks.


This is a specific complication of breast surgery, which is associated with the individual characteristics of the body. The mammary gland becomes deformed and its aesthetic appearance is lost.

A deposit of calcium salts forms around the implant - calcification. During examination and palpation, the surgeon identifies foci of calcification and may suggest implant replacement or correction surgery.

There is no prevention for this complication.

These deposits may be mistaken for tumors on mammography.


This is an aesthetic complication after mammoplasty, in which the implants are located very close to each other. Visually, the mammary glands seem to have “grown together.”

The reason may be:

  • too much choice volumetric breast implants;
  • anatomical location of the mammary glands.

To avoid symmastia, an experienced surgeon should select correct volume breast implant, otherwise you will have to make a correction with smaller implants.

Skin ripples

Mostly such ripples occur on cheap breast implants. Ripples after mammoplasty can also appear when the capsule covering the implant is not fully formed on one of the breasts. If the ripples do not go away, the surgeon suggests correction.

When the volume of native breast tissue is small, they are mainly installed breast implants"under the muscle."

Reduced efficiency of breast cancer diagnosis

Breast implants and silicone have not been proven to cause cancer. Patients who have had a gland removed due to cancer are fitted with endoprostheses.

Sometimes it happens that a patient came for mammoplasty and an oncological disease was detected.

Experienced surgeons sometimes combine operations: during mammoplasty, for example, fibroadenoma is removed. And the removed material is sent for further examination.

Endoprostheses make mammography examinations more difficult, which reduces the effectiveness of diagnosing cancer.

To prevent the implant from rupturing during palpation and examination, it is necessary to warn the doctor about its presence.

Decreased ability to breastfeed

Breastfeeding issues are discussed with the surgeon in the preparatory period. Both saline and silicone endoprostheses do not have negative influence on pregnancy and fetal development even in the event of rupture.

With periariolar access (through the isola incision), the ability to breastfeed is significantly reduced or completely lost, as the ducts are crossed.

With submarinal (under the breast) and axillary access, the mammary gland is not injured. But if there were complications, the risk of impaired ability to breastfeeding remains.

After breastfeeding, at least 6 months later, you can begin preparing for mammoplasty.

Capsular contracture

In medicine, capsular contracture is a formation that consists of dense fibrous tissue. It forms around the implanted implant, gradually squeezing it. But it is a normal reaction of the body to a foreign body.

But you should consult a doctor when signs of capsular contracture begin to bother you. Among them, hardening of the neoplasm and its increase in size are noted.

The causes of contracture formation are:

  1. Accumulation serous fluid around the implant, which leads to its detachment.
  2. Inflammation.
  3. Non-compliance recommendations specialist during the rehabilitation period.
  4. Hematomas, formed after surgery.
  5. Wrong size implant.
  6. Hit silicone between the implant and fibrous formation as a result of rupture of the first.

In cases where capsular contracture has big sizes, repeated surgery is performed to remove it.

In order to prevent the development of such a complication, it is necessary to follow all the specialist’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period, use implants with a textured surface, wear special compression garments and regularly visit a specialist.

If your chest itches or there is a lump in the area where the implant is located, you should consult a doctor.


Often after mammoplasty, patients complain that their breasts hurt. Unpleasant sensations worry for 2-3 days after surgery, provided the healing process is normal and all doctor’s recommendations are followed. But you should know that the duration of the recovery period is individual in each case.

After mammoplasty, the nipples may hurt, which is also not a deviation, provided that painful sensations do not increase, but gradually disappear.

The causes of pain are injury to soft tissues during surgery and their stretching during the recovery period.

Swelling of the abdomen

Swelling is a normal reaction of the body to surgery.

But abdominal swelling after mammoplasty is not observed in all patients. Often, an unpleasant symptom occurs when access during surgery is carried out under the breast.

It appears gradually. Swelling immediately after a breast augmentation procedure is observed only in the mammary glands. After 1-3 days it drops onto its stomach. By appearance it is swollen, and when pressed, marks may remain.

Color skin changes only when there is bleeding. In this case, bruises and hematomas appear on the abdomen.

Unsuccessful plastic surgery can lead to swelling mammary glands. In this case, the symptoms will be pronounced, they will constantly increase and worsen.

To relieve swelling, it is recommended to apply cold to the abdomen, wear compression garments after surgery, and eat right. In the first days after surgery, you should not take a hot bath, shower, or visit a sauna or bathhouse. In severe cases, it is necessary to use homeopathic remedies in the form of creams to relieve swelling.

Preventive measures and reducing the risk of complications

After any plastic surgery you must:

  • Do not visit pool, sauna, bathhouse, solarium, from 4-6 weeks.
  • Do not take hot baths.
  • Homemade aquatic Procedures should be taken only with a special silicone strip on the incision, and not earlier than after a week.
  • In the first 7-10 days sleep on your back with your head elevated so that swelling subsides faster and discomfort decreases. Two weeks later - on the side. Not earlier than in a month - on the stomach.
  • Even if the patient is compression underwear, do not lift weights. This threatens complications and new operations.
  • Don't engage sports. Intense workouts for the chest area and upper section abdomen and back can displace the thoracic endoprosthesis from its location, which again threatens complications and correction.
  • Do not exercise for the first time after surgery sex. This may cause the seams to come apart. It is recommended to start planning pregnancy no earlier than a year after mammoplasty.
  • Don't fly to airplane in the first few weeks after surgery.
  • Accept medicinal medications prescribed by the surgeon.

Breast augmentation is the most common Plastic surgery, which accounts for 22% of all surgical interventions in the USA, and 16-18% in Russia and Germany. This fact alone indirectly indicates the relative safety of mammoplasty, which is confirmed by current data. medical research and statistics from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). Modern implants, unlike those used 30 years ago, are made from non-toxic silicone and a durable cohesive gel that does not harm the woman’s body. Most major manufacturers, such as Allergan and Mentor, provide a lifetime warranty on endoprostheses, which means that in case of any accidental damage not related to external physical impact or complications, the company will replace them free of charge. It is worth noting that such cases are rare. in St. Petersburg We have accumulated many years of experience in aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries in breast replacement, lifting, and reduction mammoplasty. etc. Thanks to the modern material and technical equipment of the clinic and the high professionalism of plastic surgeons, such operations are possible at all stages (from initial consultation to full recovery) are performed comfortably and without complications for our patients. Answering the question how dangerous is breast augmentation surgery, we can point to risks (they exist, as with any surgical intervention) and methods for solving problems that theoretically can be encountered.

Features of breast augmentation surgery and contraindications

Breast replacement surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The average duration of surgery is 1.5 hours. For 1-2 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor and nurses, and then can be discharged from the clinic home. During the rehabilitation period, you must follow all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon. For example, it is important to wear special compression garments, avoid physical activity, baths and solarium for the period prescribed by the doctor.

Risks of breast augmentation surgery

The healing process of breast tissue after endoprosthetics takes 6-12 months. The implants take root in the capsules, a new breast is formed, and postoperative restrictions are gradually removed if the rehabilitation goes well. It is during this time that complications may appear:

  • Seromas are an accumulation of serous fluid in the capsule, that is, in the cavity between the own tissues and the implant. The problem is solved by making a small puncture and installing a drainage tube through which the liquid is pumped out.
  • Decreased sensitivity of nipples and breast tissue. As a rule, the problem goes away on its own within 6 months.
  • Capsular contracture - defensive reaction body to install a foreign body, which, unfortunately, is almost impossible to predict. Leads to pathological growth of fibrous tissue around the implant, which leads to its compression and deformation. Externally it manifests itself in the hardening of the mammary glands and a change in their shape. The problem is solved by repeated surgery.
  • Implant displacement. The textured surface of the implants, as well as special compression garments that must be worn during rehabilitation, make this likelihood minimal.
  • Implant rupture. It is not so easy to damage the shell of a silicone implant - one might even say it is almost impossible. Modern endoprostheses have the consistency of soft marmalade. Therefore, even if a rupture occurs, migration of the gel into the body tissue is excluded.

Complications inflammatory in nature after breast augmentation surgery are rare. If necessary, the plastic surgeon will prescribe preventive antibacterial therapy. Otherwise, if all the doctor’s recommendations are followed, the result of mammoplasty is a beautiful and natural breast, which is almost impossible to distinguish from natural breasts. Our doctors are always in touch and guide their patients from the initial consultation to full recovery.

Why is it best to have breast augmentation surgery with us?

They are among the TOP 3 best specialists in the city. Over 20 years of work, we have successfully performed about 10 thousand operations - aesthetic, reconstructive, life-saving. The clinic’s advanced material and technical equipment, professionalism and impressive experience accumulated by our doctors allow us to perform endoprosthetics, lifts, reduction mammoplasty and other operations on the mammary glands using the most gentle and delicate methods. Patients at all stages of the operation feel comfortable, recover quickly and willingly share positive positive results. We are proud of our plastic surgeons and offer:

  • for mammoplasty and other operations;
  • stay in high-comfort wards with meals, nursing care and round-the-clock supervision by a doctor on duty;
  • implants from reliable global manufacturers: Allergan, Mentor, Motiva, Polytech;
  • medical offices equipped with new generation European equipment;
  • own laboratory, which allows you to quickly obtain accurate diagnostic results, and intensive care;
  • service with our plastic surgeons and other doctors;
  • profitable
  • for patients from other cities.