Magic rituals to attract money simoron. Simoron for money urgently is a get-rich-quick technique. Prince from outer space

AT recent times I noticed that I have less and less money, it seems that I don’t spend it on anything big, but I can’t save it. It feels like they just slip out of your hands. A friend advised Simoron rituals with money that helped her get out of a difficult financial hole.

She performed three different rituals, soon received a large bonus at work, and an old acquaintance returned the debt to me, which I had already forgotten about. Definitely, the rituals work! In this article, I will describe to you the most effective Simoron rituals that will definitely help you increase your material well-being.

Remember in Soviet time every second passer-by went with a shopping bag? And now, in some apartments it can be found. If it is not there, then you can take the usual mesh from vegetables. Only in a whole condition, not torn. Then you need to go out to the balcony or go to the window if there is no balcony.

Carefully inspect the windows of the house opposite, then hang a string bag on the outside of the wall of the house or balcony on the side opposite which the wealthy family lives. At this time, you need to repeat: "I catch wealth with a string bag."


Get a large piece of paper ready. Imagine that you have received a huge inheritance, write on paper what model of car you will definitely buy, what your future house will be like, what furniture you will furnish it with, what jewelry you will buy, what countries you will visit, which bank will store and multiply your finances and so on.

Such tactics help our dreams come true.


With the help of a banana peel, you can attract a large amount of money into your wallet. To do this, the peel is thoroughly rinsed under a stream of very warm water. If the water is turned off, then you can rinse in the basin with warm water. At the same time, do not forget to say: “I will rinse the banana peel, I will soon receive wealth.”


Bring home some balloons. Link them to any large bills and leave to fly throughout the apartment. During next days, until the balls finally fall, catch them and admire how easy the cash goes into your hands.


For this ceremony, you will need a green pot, always made of clay. Sprinkle its bottom with any banknotes, then fill it to the brim with semolina, which will attract wealth.

After that, the pot is placed on the windowsill, it is desirable that the windows face the east side. Then every morning go to the window with a pot and say: “Pot, cook, bring me wealth.”

money works

This is a fairly effective Simoron rite, but you need to prepare very seriously for it. To do this, they look for four large banknotes so that in their series there are letters: “ON”, “NYA”, “LI”, “CL”.

As you understand, they together make up the word "hired." After that, this cash is hidden in the pocket of the wallet, so much so that no one sees it. Soon your wealth will multiply.


For this ceremony, you need a good wallet, without scuffs, breakages and a charger from a smartphone. Before going to bed, the charger is plugged into the outlet, and the free connector is inserted into the wallet and left until the morning.

For an enhanced effect, large bills and AA batteries are prepared. Each battery is wrapped in a separate bill, left for a day. After that, it is undesirable to keep this charged money at home, but immediately spend it on useful and necessary things so that they attract new money to your house.


This ritual is suitable for brave people who are not afraid to seem strange. You need to go to the market or to the grandmother selling greens. Self service shops will not work. After that, taking out your wallet, ask the seller of greens, deliberately distorting the word: “Please give me this bunch, this one too.”

Don't ask the price, buy what you choose. Break off a few stems and put them in your wallet pocket. And stuff all the greens into your pocket, but so that the top sticks out from there. Immediately tell the seller: "Now I have green pockets full." And immediately leave from there without continuing the conversation with the seller.


With a pen, slowly draw the number "9" on your left wrist, mentally pronouncing "I coded myself for wealth." And don't tell anyone what the number on your wrist means. Soon you will receive an unexpected bonus.

red underpants

This is the most popular and amusing Simoron ritual. In the store you need to buy very attractive red shorts in your size. A woman buys women's, and a man buys men's. Thongs, as well as underpants with all sorts of inscriptions will not work. After that, at home, panties are washed by hand with ordinary soap.

Then, two days before the new moon, pants are put on. All this time, imagine how wealth falls on you, how you spend money on things that you have long dreamed of, how you travel around countries. After a day, remove them and wash them again by hand, not forgetting to repeat: “I wash off the negative, I leave the intention.” Hang your underpants to dry.

On the new moon, put panties on your head, turn on any positive song on the topic of money, prosperity, finances. And start dancing merrily around the apartment. When you dance, take off your panties and try to throw them with your foot on your chandelier.

The attempts can be endless. As soon as they hovered on the chandelier, shout: "Underpants on the chandelier - wealth in the house."


You need to wait for the growing moon, after which they cut a sheet of green paper into small rectangles. Their number can be any. On each of them, any currency symbols are written with a pen:

  • Euro.
  • Dollars.
  • Rubles.

Once everything is done, take a bath, be sure to drip any favorite there essential oil and foam. Then prepare a glass of wine or champagne. Turn on some nice and relaxing music.

Soak in a bubble bath, shower yourself with homemade money, let it stick to you. While drinking an alcoholic drink, imagine how you bathe in wealth, what expensive things you can buy with them.

Live bait fishing

This ritual will help if money is urgently needed. To do this, you need to take a real fishing rod. If it is not there, then you can make it from any stick by tying a thread to its end. Any large bill that is in the house is tied to the other end of the thread.

Then they throw it into an open window or window and say: "Catch the money, big and small." If you are not shy of your neighbors, then you can shout out loud: “Money, hurry home.”


In order for the cash to stay in the house, they must love each other and multiply. To do this, you need to conduct a marriage ritual. Choose two large bills, turn on the Mendelssohn march. On a separate paper, make an impromptu marriage certificate with the signatures of the selected denominations of banknotes.

After the signature, open the wine or champagne, pour it into a glass, take a sip with a light snack prepared in advance. Say a few toasts for love, wealth, happiness of the newlyweds (cuts).

At night, put the bills in a beautiful box, where they will have to spend their wedding night. Light a small candle nearby with a pleasant smell. Keep another glass of champagne or wine nearby at night. Soon prosperity will come to your house.

Counting money

For this ritual, you need to go to any busy place, stand to the side so as not to disturb anyone, or go to the window of your apartment if they face a busy street. Start counting the old ladies passing by. While counting, imagine the grandmas accumulating in your wallet. The number of old ladies doesn't matter.

tea drinking

It can be done during the usual morning tea. For this ceremony you need small piece paper and gray pencil. Pour your favorite tea into a mug, put it on this piece of paper. Then we stir tea with a pencil instead of a spoon, fantasize about suddenly fallen wealth.

As soon as you finish your tea, pull out this piece of paper and write: "I have money." Hide this piece of paper in your wallet. You can throw a piece of paper out of your wallet only after an unexpected profit.


During each cleaning of the house, always say: "My floor - I attract prosperity." And it is desirable to wash the floor every day, as you know, bills do not like dirty apartments.


The most effective money rituals of the above are:

  • Cleaning.
  • Tea drinking.
  • Charger.
  • Red shorts.
  • Autobiography.

In order for prosperity to come to your home, no more than three of the most suitable rituals are performed. It is not recommended to use everything at once.

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Village Magic Specialist. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

Financial stability is an important component of a successful and stable life. It is money for many that is a symbol of success, wealth, allows a person to enjoy life, surround himself with all the blessings. However, reality is not always as cloudless as we would like. If money is flowing out of your life like water, try to seek help from higher powers. Famous Simoron rituals for money will help stabilize financial situation, strengthen and multiply it.

Simoron rite - what is it

Simoron is a special technique that is aimed at fulfilling the most cherished desires. The main difference from magical rituals:

  • the technique is not built on magic, but on the impact on the subconscious of a person;
  • at first glance, each Simoron rite seems a little absurd, for example, a ritual with red shorts on a chandelier or green socks.

Money prefers an easy attitude towards them, which is why the simoron technique is positive and cheerful.

Some features of the simoron technique

1. Faith in the method.

First of all, faith in success in the head of every person is main principle which is mentioned in the Bible. The scripture says that people are rewarded according to their faith, if you sincerely believe in the power and effectiveness of the rituals performed, they will definitely change lives for the better and help solve financial problems. If you start the ritual with doubts and disbelief, then the result will be appropriate or not at all.

2. Simoron technique alone is not enough.

Many mistakenly believe that you can perform a ceremony and calmly wait for money to appear in your wallet. This is the wrong approach, which is obviously doomed to failure. The main goal of the Simoron ritual is to open up new financial opportunities for a person, suggest ways to solve material problems and increase profits.

The result of the action of the ritual may be an offer of a new, more paid job, a person may be visited by a useful person. professional field an idea that, by voicing, he will receive a salary increase or a bonus.

3. Money loves attention.

The consumer attitude is not tolerated by money, and such people leave quickly, without delay. That is why it is important to take care of finances and you need to start by buying a beautiful, roomy wallet, in which there is a decent compartment for banknotes. It is also necessary to periodically review the money, smooth out rumpled bills. And be sure to thank the money for the fact that they came into your life.

Red shorts on a chandelier will bring material wealth to the family

Such a rite is suitable for those who urgently need money and who are brave enough to carry out the ritual.

P two items are required:

  • red shorts;
  • beautiful chandelier.

First of all, you need to go to the store underwear and choose red shorts. It is important that you are happy with your purchase. At home, the purchased goods should be washed in order to wash off the energy of all people who have touched the linen. When the red shorts are dry, they are put on and not taken off throughout the day. It is advisable at this time to think about money as often as possible and repeat the installation to yourself:

Read also: Getting married with a ceremony

“I love money and money loves me! My life is changing for the better, money is flowing into my hands like a continuous river!”

Now the red underpants need to be removed and rinsed clean water. This will help wash away the negative energy, but leave the energy of the wish - to improve the financial situation. To reinforce your intention to get rich, say the words:

“I wash off the negative, I leave my desire!”

After that, the red shorts transform into magic item for the ritual on the next new moon. The ritual itself is as follows - at midnight you need to turn on beautiful music that inspires you, put red shorts on your head and start dancing in this slightly crazy atmosphere. When the music ends, the shorts must be thrown onto the chandelier, while repeating:

“Underpants on a chandelier - money to the house!”

This phrase activates the action of the talisman and very soon the red shorts will begin to attract money to you like a magnet. Red symbolizes the color of money and financial well-being, and the red underpants on the chandelier are a beckoning fire for money, which, like moths, will begin to flock to the light. How many clothes to hang on a chandelier? There are no restrictions in this matter - the minimum period is a day, and the maximum is a month. When the young Moon appears again in the sky, the ritual is repeated, and the linen is again on the chandelier.

Clearing the way for money

It happens that financially successful man suddenly begins to experience material difficulties, in which case it is urgent to clear the way for money. This will require a vacuum cleaner after several cleanings. It is necessary to slowly and thoughtfully clean the device, imagining how, along with dust and dirt, a road for financial receipts appears. You can not lose the thought of money and material well-being at the end of the process of cleaning the vacuum cleaner.

Note: as a rule, money disappears when a person does not treat it carefully and take care of it. Such a path for finance is the first step towards the right attitude towards money.

Charging water

Given that water is an excellent energy conductor, such a ritual is very effective. To carry it out, you need to draw clean water into a glass, put it in front of you, sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes, imagine your own financially independent and successful life as clearly and in detail as possible. It is advisable to provide a source of funds: winning the lottery, repaid the debt, increased wages. Then you need to open your eyes and drink water as if the event you presented has already happened.

Taking a Money Bath

If you need money s urgently, perform the ritual simultaneously with water procedures. For this you need:

  • prepare several handfuls of coins, it is desirable that the money be from different countries;
  • prepare one paper banknote of the maximum denomination, it is extremely important to earn this money with your own labor, in no case should you borrow it;
  • chop cabbage;
  • cut lemons into slices;
  • you will need small items that symbolize wealth and good luck - a frog, hotei, photographs of money and financially successful people.
  • In the evening, fill the bathroom with water, add sea ​​salt or foam must be green, decorate the bathroom with prepared figures, photographs and symbols. The banknote must be placed in the most visible place. Put cabbage and lemon into the water and calmly enjoy the water treatment. Imagine that cabbage and lemon are money sticking to you.

In this article:

Money is an important part of our life. They give a feeling of confidence and calmness, freedom and comfort. It is money that helps to experience all the delights of life, which is truly beautiful, especially if it is not burdened. financial problems. However, not everyone is so smooth. There are situations when a person works at several jobs at the same time, but his financial condition still remains unstable and shaky, with money flowing away like water. What to do?

What is it and how is it? Let's sort it out in order and in all the details.

faith in the method

The Bible also emphasized that each is rewarded according to his faith. If you believe that the Simoron rituals aimed at money work, then they will work. And if you perform the ritual with deep doubt, then the result will be doubtful, or rather, it will not happen at all.

To each according to faith. Even the Bible emphasizes this. If you believe that Simoron works, it will work. If you do methods without the confidence and knowledge that it will work, then there will be no more money.

Don't expect freebies

After completing the ritual, you should not lie down on the sofa and expect that now money will fall on you from the sky. A freebie will not work, because now the universe is more than ever ready to give you new opportunities and you need to grab on to them, since they are easily imported into money. What does it mean? You may get a pay raise, a bonus, a promotion, and with it a higher salary, you may have a brilliant idea, and so on.

love money

For money to love you, you will love them, only for real. Start taking care of money like you would your own. Keep them in a good purse, fold them facing you and all in one direction. Smooth out bills so that they are even and never wrinkled. Thank money for coming to you, for the fact that it exists at all, treat it like your best friends.


Simoron rituals for the receipt of finance

Clearing the money path

If the flow of money coming to you suddenly dried up and is not going to be renewed, you should perform the following ritual. Take a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner and start slowly but surely cleaning it of dust, mentally imagining how you clear the path cash flow letting him back into your life. Concentrate on your thoughts and do not stop meditating until you have completely cleaned the unit of dirt. In the very near future, the money will return to you again and will be constant companions of your life, if you do not forget to confess your love to them and take care of them, like a lover.

Charging water

Charging water with material abundance is a good method, because water is a strong conductor of energy. To attract money with water, pour boiled or distilled water into a glass and place it in front of you. Sit back, close your eyes, and begin to visualize images of well-being and abundance. Imagine how you get the right amount of money, win the lottery, learn about a 10-fold increase in income ... Imagine what you want, then drink water while getting real pleasure, as if what you imagined was an undeniable fact or an already accomplished event which cannot but rejoice. The ritual should be repeated once a month or even more often.

"Money Bath"

This is a very effective and enjoyable technique. Prepare in advance a couple of handfuls of coins of any denomination and even any country. After taking the banknote of the largest denomination that you have, it is better to worry about the maximum possible denomination in advance.

By the way, you must earn this bill on your own, and not borrow it.

After that, chop the cabbage and prepare the lemons. Lay out all the above attributes in the bathroom, taking also all kinds of symbols of wealth and prosperity, for example, a toad, hotei or other figurines, talismans, amulets. If you do not have any, you can use photos of money, rich people, presidents.

Type water into the bathroom, add green foam or salt, hang a photo around the room, arrange the figures. Place a banknote in front of you so that you can see it when you take a bath. Dip the lemon slices and cabbage into the water.

Setting the right flow will bring excellent results

Now you can dive into the bathroom and enjoy the feeling of being a rich person. Cabbage leaves sticking to you are money. Having completed water treatment, gather cabbages and lemons, throw it in the toilet, saying:

"Swim and tell all the money to come to me."

"Easy Money"

Buy a large number of gel balloons that you inflate, then tie money to them. Let the money balls fly around your home, hovering around you. At the same time, you need to joyfully jump and catch them.

"Catch, money"

Make a fishing rod from improvised means, and tie money to its end. Throw a fishing rod out the window and say:

“Catch big money for small money!”

Alternatively, you can just look out the window and shout out loud:

"Money!!! Home!!!"

Money pants

For the ritual, red panties with ruffles or lace are required. When there is not a soul at home, put these same panties on your head, while feeling inspired and feeling how the money flows into your hands, then take off your panties and throw them on the chandelier, loudly shouting your cherished desire.


Throwing panties must be done the first time. If something didn’t work out for you, don’t calm down until the cowards are on the chandelier. Just remember that while doing this you can’t get angry or focus, you must continue to feel all the same happiness from the fact that you are rich, successful and self-sufficient. When the goal is achieved, it is necessary to compose a funny conspiracy for money and pronounce it every day to cowards hanging on the chandelier, for example:

Glory to the Red Shorts!
Day and night, tra-la-lam!
They carry out an important service,
They bring money to my house!

Red is the color of money. it is on the red color of underpants that money will begin to strive, like moths to a light, filling your home with wealth, prosperity and good luck in all endeavors.

simple truths

Before you begin to perform any of the above rituals, read the simple truths that everyone who wants to get rich should know:

  • The universe is very generous and its abundance is endless. She can give you as much money as you want;
  • Each person is allowed only what he can afford. We invent all the restrictions ourselves, and they exist only in our brain. Only Simoron rituals help to remove these restrictions with their immediacy and effectiveness.

Simoron technique very quickly and effectively allows you to solve financial difficulties. But this does not mean at all that you can do nothing while waiting for money to rain from the sky. You will have to work on achieving the goal, and fun methods will support and guide you along the way.

Simoron technicians

The main task of the fun science simoron or oxymoron (sometimes erroneously called siromon) is removing clamps and blocks from a person. Show how easy and simple it is to achieve your goals. Convince that the universe is infinitely kind and generously shares its wealth.

Funny and sometimes ridiculous rituals, cheerful affirmations and self-persuasion help to escape from the everyday world. A positively minded person sees more opportunities for the realization of their fantasies. If you don't like a ritual, then you shouldn't do it. Nothing good will come of this. You need to find one that will evoke a pleasant response in your soul. All actions must be performed with drive and passion. After fulfillment, “let go” of desire and get down to business. And at this time the Universe will work on its implementation.

Attracting money

Are very popular money raising techniques. After all, who does not want to have a little more finances, move up the career ladder or win at gambling.

First you need to prepare a beautiful house for finance. It is advisable to buy a new beautiful and roomy wallet. Well, if it is red or green. It is advisable to periodically take out the banknotes living in it, stroke and thank them for coming. And the wallet itself is recommended to be charged. To do this, the plug from the included charger place in the wallet compartment and leave overnight. Help raise extra money money amulet or a pinch of semolina, filled up in one of the compartments.

Quick receipt of the amount

The following techniques are suitable to quickly receive a certain amount. First, think about how much money you need to get. The amount must be specific and real. Request: "I want a million" will not work. Let it be 15 thousand for repairs, 10 thousand for rest and requests like them.

All proposed methods must be carried out in good mood. Do not be afraid to look ridiculous and ridiculous, because this is the whole point of fun science. Every day must be greeted with a smile and joy, not forgetting to thank the Universe for the blessings bestowed by it. And then luck, success and material well-being will never leave their owner.

The effectiveness of the proposed methods is evidenced by many positive reviews.

Traditional ways to achieve wealth are best accompanied by Simoron rituals for money. They are easy to perform, often do not require a long time, but are considered one of the truly effective rites to attract wealth.

Choose an overcast day: rain, wind, snow, hail. Go outside and collect raindrops, snowflakes, gusts of wind in your palms. Put it all in your pockets. You can say it in different ways, for example:

“Everything that fell into my hands, everything immediately became money. Rain and snow, and strong wind, thoughts make omnipotent. Let it rain from heaven, it brings money into my pocket.

The stronger the bad weather, the more powerful the desire for income and profit from the soul of a person should go. Then soon there will be an opportunity to earn, to receive some kind of financial supplement.

Wallet charging

Put as many different bills and coins in your wallet as possible. On the night of the new moon, put the wallet on charge, as usual mobile phone. To do this, connect the charger to a power outlet, and insert the output for the phone into the wallet. Keep the wallet closed so that the energy does not come out of it, but only comes in. Leave the wallet on charge until the morning. Money should recharge and begin to multiply, that is, additional income will appear.

wad of money

For this ritual, money is bought for pranks. A pack of fake money should be put on the desktop. They must always be in sight. Simoron ritual for money lies in the desire to mentally turn a comic pack into a real one.. It is necessary to believe in the materiality of thoughts, and then everything will come true.


The inscription is written on a sheet of paper:

"How much is taken from the wallet will be returned three times."

Every time money is taken out of the wallet, the phrase is spoken to oneself. Money should get used to this spell and return in abundance.

Tea ceremony

Take a transparent glass. Black tea is brewed in it, honey is added. A sheet of green paper, the color of money, is laid out under the glass. With a new pencil, preferably red, tea is mixed. Mentally, you need to pronounce the required amount of money, knowing exactly what and how much you need. Then the phrase is written on the sheet on one side:

"Tea, give me money!"

On the other hand, the hidden amount. The sheet is folded and put into the wallet. The paper cannot be thrown away until the hidden amount appears. It should be in the wallet very quickly.

luring money

Is taken semolina and falls asleep in a small red bag. Manku first needs to speak:

“Manka, money money. Manka, take care of the money.

The bag is put in a wallet, it will be a magnet for money.

Money calculator

Such a Simoron ritual for money totals the required amounts, and they suddenly appear in the wallet. A code is written on paper - from letters and numbers. You need to guess gradually: your name (first letter) - a number; last name - a number, patronymic - a number, the thing you dream about - a number. As a result, you will get the amount of funds to which you should strive.

Piggy bank

A pot is taken, preferably clay. It is dyed in green color. If a person knows how to draw, you can decorate with green flowers. Then they begin to put coins, banknotes into the pot, money is covered with semolina. The pot is placed on the windowsill. The sun should warm the money mixture in the pot. When the fortuneteller approaches the pot, he pronounces the words from the famous fairy tale:

"Pot, boil!".

Money must appear, increase. You just need to constantly add a coin or bill to the pot. How to care for a pot of money.

bank assistance

On a new moon, go to a bank that works around the clock. Exchange money in a bank, or withdraw a banknote from a card through an ATM. Go home and hold the money in your hand so that they receive the energy of the moon. Night lunar exercises and banking energy together will create a powerful attraction. Money will be drawn into the wallet.

Portrait of a millionaire

Write a new biography on a beautiful piece of paper. Imagine yourself in it successful businessman, director or representative of the desired profession. The description should be detailed, beautiful, without crime. A simple description of good luck. Be sure to paint prosperity, wealth, a luxurious lifestyle. The biography is framed like an expensive award or photograph and hung on the wall. It will materialize under the gaze of a person, dreams will gradually come true. You can’t throw out a biography picture, get angry if there is a slow fulfillment of a desire. Read it more often and believe, then what is written on the sheet will be more achievable and closer.

There are a large number of rituals for money, all of them are effective, if you believe very strongly. Wealth comes to those who strive to succeed.