How to get into contact without registering to use and search for people. VKontakte search for people by first name, last name and other data

Any user who has their own online account can access the resource. But the question often arises: how to use VKontakte login without registration and password, how to search by people or groups (communities). In the new VK website template (2016), there is no direct button for logging in and searching for users. This article will show you how to do this in a few clicks.

Login to VK without registration. Search for people or communities

In order to log into VKontakte without registration and search for people or groups, you need to:

  • go to the official page In contact with(will open in a new tab) and click the inscription located below “ Forgot your password";

  • then click " Click here"(proposal for restoring access);

  • on the next page click " Click here"(search by people);

  • The search page is now open. You can search by last name and first name, using additional information about the person on the right;

The social network VKontakte was founded in 2006 with limited access. The demand and relevance of the resource increased. It was decided to transform the project into a global social network covering dozens of countries and thousands of cities. At that time, similar solutions already existed, the most successful of them in the West. Initially, the development of the site was based on the example of Facebook.

But it caused negative reaction: The network was hit with numerous accusations of copying Western trends and simply plagiarism. At the same time, Facebook executives claimed that VK could have been involved in hacker attacks on their servers. However, the site continued to interest people.

Searching for people on VKontakte without registering and logging into a dating profile

There are currently over 90 million community members. You can find the right person at

How to produce correctly search for people on VKontakte? How can you most likely find a colleague, relative, childhood friend, classmate or classmate, or perhaps just an acquaintance? The VKontakte social network, as one of the largest in the world, provides search capabilities by various parameters - first and last name, photograph, school, institute, specified place of residence and work. If the search for VK by parameters does not produce results (and this is unlikely), there are additional search methods - for example, by mutual acquaintances, special search groups. It is also possible to search even without registering on the network, although of course, for efficient work It is highly recommended to be a registered VKontakte user. Read about all this later in this article!

This is interesting: How to properly set up your VK page:

So how do you start your search? To get started you will need a few things:

  1. Internet
  2. Computer and basic skills in using it, you can also use other devices - smartphones and tablets
  3. Account on the social network VKontakte.

If you do not yet have a personal VK account, we can assure you that creating one will not be difficult, you just need to follow the step-by-step registration steps.

VKontakte search

From your personal account, go to the friends tab, which is located in the left corner of the site:

Attention! If you have any difficulties with the search or have questions, ask them ◄!

As you can see, there are many search criteria, so finding a specific person or a whole group of people should not be difficult. By the way, it is worth mentioning that on the social network you can use the “Possible Friends” tab to search for your acquaintances.

Naturally, to make it easy for your comrades and colleagues to find your account, try to provide as much information about yourself as possible.

How to find a person on VK by photo

Also, for this search method it is not necessary to have your own account, that is, it is a search for people on VKontakte without registration!

The capabilities of the World Wide Web are expanding with enviable consistency, and the VKontakte network does not stand still, where you can find a friend not only by his last name and place of intended study, but also by his photo. It's simple, if he has his own account, then the search will take a matter of minutes.

Step one: Go to Google image search, to do this, enter the phrase “Google image search” in this search engine and go to image search. The same action can be performed in Yandex - just enter the query “Yandex search by image”

Step two: Provide a link to the photo you are looking for and upload the required file from your computer.

Step three: In the search engine you will be able to see photos and VKontakte pages with the desired or more or less suitable image. There will also be other social networks where the account contains this photo or image.

Search by email

Knowing only email address, it is possible to find a person using it. In order to do this, you will need to have its coordinates saved in your mail address book. If they are there, go to your VKontakte profile and go to the “Friends” tab. Next, you will need to click on the “Search for Friends” button, where you enter your email address and password.

By email address

When all the manipulations have been completed, a list of all addresses in your address book will appear, and information will also be displayed on which of them have registered accounts on the popular social network. Select the desired user and go to his page. It's simple.

This is useful: — secrets and features of the contact version for mobile devices!

Other search methods

If your manipulations do not bring the desired result, try to look for people who are part of the closest social circle of the person you are looking for. Look at their lists of friends and perhaps the right person will be among them.
We hope that after a long search you will be able to find your friend or colleague, and our advice will help with this. Don't lose friends so you don't have to look for them for a long time.

Hello, dear friends and blog guests! Today we will sort it out with you the desired function V in social networks, namely, searching for people on VKontakte by last name and first name, as well as other parameters available to you. What is it for? Well, you never know?! You always need to find someone! Lost acquaintances, friends who disappeared somewhere, or maybe a person you liked who flashed by and disappeared into nowhere. This is why we are here with you today! Well? Let's get started?! Go...

Someone already has an account on social networks, and someone else only intends to settle there, but in the end he will do it sooner or later, such is the rhythm of our lives today that each of us is simply obliged to register in social network. Since you simply cannot do without social networks now... EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING is there!

And in order to choose which social network to register on, there is probably no need to explain to you now - this is, of course, Vkontakte! Why? Because this is currently one of the most popular social networks on RUNet, which is in high demand among all ages, including the youngest and oldest - Everyone sits there and constantly communicates!

Well, now let’s move on to the most important thing, why we have gathered here today, in fact...

How can you quickly search for people on VKontakte by last name and first name?

Are you most likely already logged in to the VK social network? If not, then do so, and if you are not registered yet, then register quickly! And how to search for people on VKontakte by last name and first name without registration for free - I’ll tell you at the very end of this post! But for now, you and I will be searching for people on VKontakte with registration...

I repeat that the Vkontakte social network is very extensive and has a huge amount of information in its database for each of its users. This is what you and I will use for our own selfish purposes in order to find the person we need, no matter how much she hides from us in the wilds of the Internet!

As you know, every registered user of a social network, anyone, leaves a lot of personal information there when registering:

  • Full Name
  • Age or year and date of birth
  • Registration and actual residence address
  • Photos and photo albums
  • Educational institutions he attended, including primary school etc.
  • Place of work and study
  • Your hobbies and interests
  • Marital status and presence of children

And this is not all that is listed that can be found on you and me in our social network accounts! Do you feel that this mass of confidential information is publicly available on the Internet and everyone can find out anything they want about us?! What are we going to do now?

VKontakte search for people by last name and first name

And so, go to your VK page, earlier, in old version There was such a “People” tab, now for some reason it is missing, but it doesn’t matter. You need to do this trick in the link...

Yes, just insert the phrase “people” after the slash and a page will open where you can search for people on VKontakte by last name and first name, as well as other possible parameters that you have available. Here is an example of a search page:

On this page, almost limitless possibilities open up for you to search for VK people! You can search for any person you need by numerous parameters or by those that you have at the moment:

  • If you have a first and last name, enter them in the required fields and press search
  • After this, the system database will give you a certain group of people similar according to the data provided
  • To weed out from this list greatest number unnecessary, you need to enter into the search some other data of the person you are looking for, for example, region of residence, age, school where he studied. If you know, then forget it
  • Then your choice will be sharply reduced and you will hopefully be able to find the person you need on VKontakte

This is how you can find almost any individual you need, if you put in a minimum of effort and time, using the Vkontakte social network!

What about searching for people on VKontakte without registration for free? You can do this even if you are not a registered user of this social network!

This will help you promote the VK group!

Many of you who have your own accounts, pages, public pages, groups and not only on VKontakte, but on any social network, are engaged in SEO promotion and promotion on the Internet, in order for traffic to increase and the audience to multiply. All this is done in order to increase earnings on the Internet on social networks. And this is an indisputable fact!

But not everyone knows where and how best to cheat so that it is effective and safe. I want to give you a little hint about this...

This concludes my story for today and I want to say goodbye to you and see you again!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I devoted one of my last articles entirely to the topic. There were a lot of ways (including) that can help in this difficult matter. However, the social network Vkontakte is the largest in RuNet (hundreds of millions of registered users) and, accordingly, provides the greatest chance of success. Many people understand this and start the search with her.

But Lately. Without this, you will not be able to register or log in. Of course, this somewhat limits the circle of those who would like to, but various reasons cannot register on this social network (there is no mobile phone at hand, the number is already linked to another VK account, access to which has been lost, etc.).

Good that You can search for people on VKontakte without authorization. You still lose something, but the main functionality that allows you to find the person you need in this social network is preserved. Let's look at this a little more closely.

Search on the “People” tab without registering in VK

There is a high probability of finding people through the network if they are still relatively young, and therefore socially active. In this case, it’s worth starting with Contact. In this case, it would be desirable to know the first and last name of the wanted person, as well as at least the approximate date of birth, place of residence, years and place of study. The fact is that most users have this data and it is by this data that they can search.

So, first you will need to go to the main page of this social network - Because For some reason we don’t want to register or don’t have the opportunity, so let’s get straight to the main thing. At the very bottom of the main (or any other) Contact page you will see a small menu, among which it will be easy to find the item "People"- that’s exactly what we need.

On the page that opens in VK, enter in the top line the first and last name of the person you are looking for:

Please note that in my case, VK returned only two results, which is simply great, because you won’t have to look through thousands of profiles or try to filter them. But using the more common full name, VKontakte found as many as one hundred thousand people, which clearly makes it impossible to manually filter them by viewing profiles:

Moreover, you can waste time in vain, because among these “Ivanovs” real people There aren’t that many people with that last name - after all, this is the first “original” pseudonym that comes to mind when you don’t want to register under your real full name for some reason.

To significantly speed up the search for the person you need in Contact, it will be enough use filters from the right area open page. There you can specify the country and city of residence of the person you are looking for, and, for example, when searching former classmates and fellow students, it will be possible, accordingly, to indicate the school and university where they studied (indicating the class, faculty, year of graduation).

This will weed out extra people from the final list, if, of course, the one you are looking for has indicated his real data, and not “taken from the air.” If you have information about at least the approximate age of the person you are looking for, then by all means use this (VK allows you to set the range of the estimated age of people). If you know your exact date of birth, you can specify it in the drop-down menu of the lowest “Advanced” filter.

Unfortunately, Kontatka is full of long-abandoned pages, and all your search efforts may be in vain if the person you found has not visited his page for a long time, and he has not indicated any other information in his contacts. You can check the date of the user’s last visit to your page at the very top:

There is a possibility that without finding specific person online, you can find his relatives(if you know them), and through them reach the subject you need. It is advisable to use all possible options to increase the likelihood of success.

Searching for people on VKontakte via Yandex or Google

If you still don’t want to register in VKontakte or can’t (just below I’ll give an example of searching by photo through this social network, although this is only available for registered users) and searching using VK does not give results, then you can try search for a person using Yandex or Google. After all, their search algorithms are more advanced, and they may be able to achieve something that could not be done directly on the website of this social network.

Search engines allow use different operators when entering a query(read about this in articles about and about ), which, among other things, allow you to limit the search area to one or more sites (in our case it will be To do this, just enter the following construction into the search bar: First Name Last Name

If this method seems complicated to you, then you can use the advanced search form, which is available from both Yandex and Google (just follow the links provided). There, it will be enough to fill out only two fields: the request (by entering the first and last name of the person you are looking for) and the site on which the search will be conducted (in our case, this is

If this does not help you, you can still try to register in Contact and try to find the person you need by his photo, even if you do not know his first name, last name, or any other data. Oddly enough, the probability of such an event is quite high - you just need to know how to do it. Actually, read about this below.

How to find a person through Contact by photo (registration required)

How to do it?

Go to the most popular communities (look at the number of subscribers, because the success of the entire event depends on this) and click on the “Suggest news” button:

After this you can start creating an application to find the person you need in VK(with photo attached). To do this, click on the “Submit news” button, enter the text of the application, attach a photo of the person you are looking for and send it for moderation. After the group’s moderators approve it for publication, it will appear on the main page of this group and will be seen by many thousands of people who have subscribed to the news of this community (this is why it is important to choose the most popular groups of this kind).

All this significantly increases the likelihood of successfully finding people through VKontakte, even if you do not know their first or last name, but only have a photograph. It is possible that in the comments to your application someone will respond and tell you who may be depicted in this photo. Group for searching people through VK can be found for almost any city in the CIS countries, because this social network is very popular among the Russian-speaking audience.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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You always need to find someone! Lost acquaintances, friends who have disappeared somewhere, or maybe a person you like who has sunk into your soul and disappeared into the vastness of the Internet. The editors will give you good advice for searching people on VKontakte. Right now, social networks are quickly and rapidly conquering space from the Internet, and a huge number of people gather there. I hope you, dear reader, agree with this?
Someone already has an account on social networks, and someone else only intends to register there, but in the end he will do it sooner or later, this is our algorithm today modern realities that each of you and I is simply obliged to register on a social network. Since without social Networks are now simply difficult to get by.

And in order to choose which social network to register on, there is probably no need to explain to you now - this is, of course, Vkontakte! Why? Because this is currently one of the most popular social networks in Runet. networks, which is in high demand among all ages, including even elderly opponents of social media. networks. Everyone sits there and constantly communicates with each other!
Well, now let's move on to the topic itself.

How can you quickly search for people on VKontakte by last name?

Are you most likely already logged in to the VKontakte social network? If not, then do it! The social network Vkontakte is very extensive and has a huge amount of information in its database for each of its users. It is this database that we will use for our own selfish purposes to find the people we need among the millions of users of this social network. networks! As you know, every registered user of a social network, “anyone,” leaves a lot of personal information there when registering: This

  • Full Name
  • Age or year and date of birth
  • Registration and actual residence address
  • Photos and photo albums
  • Educational institutions in which he studied, including primary school, etc.
  • Place of work and study
  • Your hobbies and interests
  • Marital status and presence of children

And this is not all that is listed that can be found on you and me in our social network accounts! Do you feel that this mass of confidential information is publicly available on the Internet and everyone can find out everything they want about us?! What are we going to do now?

VKontakte search for people by last name and first name

And so, go to your VK page, before, in the old version there was such a “People” tab, now for some reason it is missing, but it doesn’t matter. You need to add something like this in the link...

Yes, just insert the phrase “people” after the slash and a page will open where you can search for people on VKontakte by last name and first name, as well as other possible parameters that interest you. Here is an example of a search page:

On this page for searching people on VKontakte, almost limitless possibilities open up for you! You can search for any person you need by numerous parameters or by those that you have at the moment:

  • If you have a first and last name, enter them in the required fields and press search
  • After this, the system database will give you a certain group of people similar according to the data provided
  • In order to filter out the largest number of unnecessary ones from this list, you need to enter into the search some other data of the person you are looking for, for example, region of residence, age, school where he studied. If you know, then fill it out
  • Then your choice will be sharply reduced and you will be able to find the person you need on VKontakte

This is how you can find almost any person you need, if you put in a minimum of effort and time, using the social network Vkontakte!
What about searching for people on VKontakte without registration for free? You can do this even if you are not a registered user of this social network!

This will help you promote the VKontakte group!

Many of you who have your own accounts, pages, public pages, groups and not only on VKontakte, but on any social network, are engaged in SEO promotion and promotion on the Internet, in order for traffic to increase and the audience to multiply. All this is done in order to increase earnings on the Internet on social networks. And this is an indisputable fact! In today's realities, many have turned their VKontakte public pages into mini offices for providing certain services.