How to become interesting at school

Many girls want to become popular among classmates, friends and schoolchildren. If you are one of them, know that anyone can achieve their goal. You just need to know how to become the most popular in school and class.

If you can’t boast of beauty, relaxedness, charm or intelligence, it’s possible to become the epicenter of attraction. Believe in yourself and follow a few simple rules.

Before I tell you how to succeed and become popular at school, I’ll tell you what not to do. Wrong actions, instead of getting results, will doom your efforts and attempts to become popular to failure.

  1. You should not gain favor with classmates and friends through flattery.
  2. Even if friendship with a certain girl or group of students will be beneficial, do not put yourself down to create a friendly relationship.
  3. Copying the behavior of popular girls and imitating manners will not lead to anything good.
  4. Don't date boys in order to appear worthy and interesting.

Schoolchildren, seeing that you happily fulfill their wishes and follow their lead, will communicate, but such friendship cannot be called sincere. Do not forget that by sacrificing pride and dignity, you will not be able to gain real popularity in school or class.

Step-by-step action plan

  1. Communicate with all your peers without trying to join a specific group. You will achieve popularity if your circle of friends is unlimited. Talk to everyone and don't neglect anyone.
  2. Remember, the key to popularity is goodwill. You will not be able to achieve your goal with the help of aggression and anger. If your character is complex, try to become kinder and focus on pleasant communication and sincere friendship.
  3. Support good mood. A smile will help attract the attention of children from school, provoking them to communicate. Go to school in the mood.
  4. Will help increase popularity and attractiveness. During school years, boys fight for attention beautiful girls. Take care of your skin, nails and hair. Choose stylish, beautiful and clean clothes.
  5. Meet older students. Friendship with high school students is perceived by peers as an indicator of coolness. By gaining their trust, you will be on the right path to the top of popularity.
  6. Do something fun and interesting. With the help of an unusual hobby, you will attract attention and attract interest. Having chosen an interesting activity, be it dancing or wrestling, try to achieve success. As a result, there will be an incentive to share achievements with peers.

Here's how to become popular in school. When moving towards your goal, do not behave extremely defiantly, do not impose yourself and forget about embarrassment. Otherwise, instead of popularity, you will gain a reputation as a frivolous schoolgirl who thinks only about herself.

Video tips

Be a relaxed and natural person. As a result, your peers will consider you interesting person, spending time with whom is very pleasant. Don't copy an existing school star.

How to become the most popular in class

All girls dream of becoming popular among their classmates. Nevertheless, some girls are invited to holidays and given gifts, while others are ignored.

If you think that your popularity among your peers is minimal, try to correct the situation with step by step instructions. By following the recommendations, achieve your goal and climb to the top of popularity, which can even go beyond the classroom.

  • Take care of your appearance . Even if you don’t shine with exceptional beauty, pay as much attention to your image as possible. Keep your nails and hair clean, wear neat clothes and take care of fresh breath. Agree, greasy hair and torn tights will alienate your classmates.
  • Find your style . It is not necessary to go to extreme measures involving dyeing your bangs green color, using a large amount of cosmetics and accessories. It's better to dress properly. Only the right items will help hide figure flaws, and a fashionable haircut will highlight the beauty of your face.
  • Actively participate in class life . Alternatively, you can publish a school newspaper, participate in extracurricular activities, keep a diary, come up with skits and quizzes. If acting skills If you don't shine, try becoming a school director.
  • Use your talents . If you know how to embroider, sing, dance or draw, use your talents to win over your classmates. Invite them to the next concert or competition in which you intend to participate. As a result, your classmates will be able to learn something new about you. None of the school competitions, exhibitions or concert programs should take place without your participation.
  • Be interested in history and the world . You will be able to gain popularity among your classmates if you can interest them. Knowledge about sports, music, fashion trends or the latest in cinema will help. Tell your classmates about interesting things, trying to keep the conversation from becoming a one-sided lecture.
  • Hospitality and generosity . If a classmate asks for a book or CD with an educational video, don’t be greedy. Invite your classmates to visit, entertain and treat them. If it's your birthday, try baking your own cake and treat the whole class. Demonstrate your culinary skills and attract attention.
  • State your point of view . Regarding events that happen in class or at school, you should have your own point of view. Express it with reason. Treat other people's opinions with respect.
  • Special attention pay attention to developing a sense of humor . A girl who is constantly serious and gloomy will not be popular at school or in class. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise, instead of a school star, you will become a jester. Watching humorous TV shows, reading jokes and anecdotes will help develop a sense of humor.
  • Unexpected action . You can make a huge impression on your school colleagues with the help of an unexpected act. For example, ask a handsome friend to meet you after school or drive up to the school threshold in the side seat of a nice car. Making an impression by using cigarettes, hard liquor, or psychotropic substances not worth it. They will only bring bad fame.

Agree, the steps that I propose to take to achieve the goal are as simple and understandable as possible. At the same time, they are very effective and have repeatedly demonstrated their effectiveness in practice.

During their school years, all children try to gain popularity among their peers. Especially in high school, when they begin to rapidly mature physically and mentally. When trying to get the desired status, the main thing is to avoid making a serious mistake. In an effort to gain popularity, you can commit rash and ill-considered actions, which you later have to be ashamed of.

What is popularity and why is it needed?

While studying at school, children study various disciplines every day in order to gain knowledge. They constantly make attempts to gain status among classmates and friends. There is nothing wrong if a girl strives to gain popularity. Each person needs to get to know each other for the sake of exchanging opinions and useful data, which has a positive effect on the development of communication skills, which will definitely come in handy throughout adult life.

Communication skills - the ability to talk to by different people without hesitation. During such communication, a person learns to understand psychology, which helps in school, at work, and even in creating relationships.

In the article, I shared methods for achieving popularity at school and in the classroom, which are widely used by teenage girls. Surely at school you saw how friends, in order to gain popularity and attract attention, use bad habits. Remember, for teenagers, alcohol and cigarettes are forbidden things that have nothing to do with real popularity.

Before you take action, think carefully about whether you need great popularity. Identify the reasons why you are still unpopular. It may turn out that popularity is not needed; a couple of good friends are plenty.

Don't try to change to please your peers. You will achieve success if you can live in harmony with yourself. Time will pass, your environment will change, but you must remain yourself. Each new change will make you better and more natural.

If you are looking for popularity and sympathy from your friends and classmates, be sure that you will succeed! Even if it seems that you lack beauty, charm, intelligence or relaxedness, the most important thing is to believe in yourself. Any girl can become the center of attraction if she follows simple rules.

But before we talk about how to become popular among your friends and girlfriends at school, look at what you should never do:

  • ingratiate yourself with your classmates;
  • humiliate yourself in order to earn someone's friendship;
  • imitate the manners of popular girls, copy their behavior;
  • dating guys just to be considered interesting and worthy of attention.

If your friends see that you follow their lead and easily fulfill their slightest desires, they may communicate with you, but this will not be sincere friendship. If you start sacrificing your dignity and pride, you will not achieve real popularity at school or in a company, no matter how hard you try.

How to become the most popular girl?

To begin with, watch your appearance and demeanor. If a girl looks good, she feels confident. But buying yourself expensive and beautiful things and cosmetics is not all. Insanely expensive clothes can fit simply terribly due to poor posture or a crooked gait, and no amount of makeup will hide dirty hair and sloppy appearance. Therefore, when buying another outfit, you need to choose what suits you. This should make you stand out from the crowd, but at the same time you should look natural. After all, your friends don’t like those who show off. And quiet people and bores are not particularly respected either. How are you used to behaving? Maybe spend time alone, ignoring your classmates? Or by reprimanding and cruelly ridiculing them? Or annoying with your fuss and talkativeness?

Remember that a girl who is not only always visible, but also knows how to please, can become popular both at school and among friends. And for this you need to communicate correctly, show interest and goodwill, and have self-esteem. Of course, there may be people in the class who are unpleasant because of vulgar behavior or rudeness, and you don’t want to be friends with them at all. And it is not necessary! It is better to find those who are close in views and character. They may study at the same school, or they may find themselves participating in a tourist club or theater studio, being regulars at dog breeding forums, or activists in a youth movement. Don’t look for a way to become popular in any one circle, since at school you can express yourself from any side - both academically and public life, and in creative.

How to become popular among guys?

Like everyone else, guys love cheerful and sociable girls more. But this does not mean that you need to chat with them all your free time without a break.

A sociable person not only speaks himself, he also listens carefully. Be interested in how the guys are doing, discuss topics that are close to them. You probably don't know much about football, carburetors, or motorcycles, but you don't have to. After all, you can ask them to tell you more. Or read one or two articles on the Internet and keep the conversation going by asking questions. Everyone is pleased when people are interested in him or his hobby.

This is how you can quickly become popular among guys - just listen to them, let them talk about themselves. At the same time, there is no need to be shy or, conversely, to impose yourself and behave provocatively. This way you will earn not popularity, but a reputation as the most frivolous girl in school, who dates everyone indiscriminately and thinks only about herself and the guys.

Be natural and relaxed. Strive to be considered an interesting girl with whom it is pleasant to spend time. Figure out what is good for you and what is bad, what is useful and what is not. Don’t try to be like someone else, become the one that all the girls want to imitate!

Everyone wants to be the center of attention, have many friends and easily find language with people. Teenagers especially want this. And since they spend more time at school, they try to become popular there. And how to achieve school popularity?

Probably, first we need to consider some of the mistakes that schoolchildren make when trying to get that desired popularity. So, you can't:

1. Humiliate yourself in front of someone so that they communicate with you, notice you, etc.;
2. Copy the behavior of other popular kids at school;
3. Adjust to others for the same reasons as in point 1;
4. Dating someone so that everyone thinks how interesting you are and worthy of attention and respect.

Now let's look at 5 ways to become popular at school.

Method number 1. comfort zone

Be prepared to step outside your comfort zone in order to become popular. Not all people like having the attention of many people focused on them. Not everyone can communicate, joke, or flirt in public. But this is how the popular “live”, so you need to be ready to sacrifice some of your comfort if something happens.

Method number 2. efforts

There is a big difference between “trying hard” and “working tirelessly towards your goal.” To gain popularity, don't try your best. After all, if you observe, the popular ones never put much effort into becoming who they are

Method No. 3. appearance

Watch yourself. No one likes to talk to a person whose clothes are straight out of a garbage dump, whose hairstyle is a la “pasta factory explosion,” untidy nails, etc. Of course, this does not mean that clothes should only be from the most expensive stores or from -abroad. Everyone has different capabilities. You just need to take care of yourself and be a neat dandy. But don’t get carried away, otherwise people will think that you are not interested in anything except yourself.

Method number 4. confidence

You need to not doubt yourself, not to give up. So, this time it didn’t work out to gain popularity. So it will come out next. Confidence and self-belief are the key to popularity.

Method No. 5. goodwill

Don’t think only about yourself, but there are also those around you who may need your help. Therefore, benevolence, empathy and the ability to be useful to others will help you become popular and find new friends. It is very important to be able to listen to a person. And help can be just a kind word.

As you can see, becoming popular in school is not that difficult. You just need to open up to people. Good luck!

A cool girl always means the attention of her classmates, many friends, and the sympathy of boys. We will now tell you what you need to do to become the most popular girl in your class and at school.

How to achieve "cool girl" status

To make your peers like you as much as possible, follow these tips.

  • Make sure your appearance is as attractive as possible. Do beautiful interesting hairstyles. Wear fashionable clothes and various accessories: jewelry, belts, hairpins and hoops. Moreover, you can completely learn how to make jewelry yourself - then they are guaranteed to be original and unique.
  • Develop the qualities of a leader in yourself. A cool girl is definitely decisive, brave, with her own opinion on every issue. Never be afraid of how your classmates and friends will evaluate you - remain independent.
  • Be sociable and relaxed. Be bolder in communicating with boys, peers and slightly older guys. There is nothing to be ashamed of - you are the best!
  • When thinking about how to become a cool girl, it wouldn’t hurt to pay attention to self-education. Study well, be active in class, and be creative in your homework. This will help, firstly, to gain confidence in your abilities, and secondly, it will force your classmates to take your opinion into account, because you will become smart.
  • Stay up to date with the latest innovations in fashion, music, etc. Your peers will certainly appreciate your knowledge and will consider you very modern.
  • If you have something that others don't have, gently show it off. For example, it could be some interesting toy, a music disc with the autograph of a famous artist. If one of your relatives has an expensive and stylish car, then ask him to pick you up from school in it a couple of times. Calculate everything so that your peers will definitely see you getting into a luxury car.
  • At the same time, it is very important to be well mannered. Never quarrel with anyone, do not be rude to teachers and friends, acquaintances. Don't offend or humiliate others. Respect your elders. Be polite and honest. Learn to sincerely feel sorry for those who feel bad or difficult. Always offer your help to other people if you can be useful to them in some way. Such human qualities always evoke respect and sympathy.
  • Know how to stand up for yourself. Despite the previous point, you should still always be able to protect yourself from attacks from other guys. Learn to say a categorical “no.” Never go against the lead of those who say: “Do it..., or are you weak?” Always answer this by saying that you are not “weak”, you just don’t want to do it, which means you won’t. Be adamant.
  • Make new acquaintances. The cool girls always have a large number of friends, fans and just friends. Moreover, it is desirable that among them there are boys and girls older than you - this always evokes respect and admiration from peers.
  • Start dating cool guy. Together you will become a real threat to the entire school.
  • Smile. A sincere smile will help you win over other people.

Since not only girls, but also boys want to be popular among their peers, we have prepared another interesting article on this topic -

How to become popular at school? This question worries millions of girls! Popularity allows you to feel on top, constantly be surrounded by friends and fans, and also increases self-esteem. The World of the Girl website for girls will tell you how to become popular in school or class without much expense or effort.

1. Be yourself

Perhaps the main piece of advice from the Girls’ World website is that you need to remain yourself in any situation. There is no need to break yourself, transform yourself into some kind of glamor doll, in order to become popular at school. Believe me, this will not make you happier. For a moment you may think that you like being “in this way,” but as time passes, you will get tired of hiding your true self from your friends, fans, etc. Therefore, if you have already decided to become popular, start doing it sincerely, be real.

2. A friend is your support

Before you attract crowds of people at school, you need to stop being a hermit, your friend should become yours reliable support, support and a “start” to popularity. Start small: talk to the girls in your class, organize a bachelorette party. Rumors about how cool it was at your house will go beyond the class, and girls from other classes will also want to chat with you.

3. Active participation in school life

Do you want to be popular at school? Don't refuse to participate in all events! Activists are always noticed and people are drawn to them. Concert dedicated to Teacher's Day? Yes, with pleasure! Preparing whatman paper for a class competition? Yes please! Raise your hand yourself, your activity will be noticed in the class, and then by the whole school.

4. Create a page for your school on a social network

Do you want everyone to recognize you at school? Create a page for your school on a social network! You will be its administrator, invite your classmates, then high school students, and everyone, everyone, everyone. If the school is large, there will be a lot of people. Organize active communication in this group, hold competitions, etc.

5. Organize a flash mob

Propose the idea of ​​organizing a flash mob to your friend, she will definitely support you. Then enlist the support of your classmates, organize a meeting through social media(so everyone will know what you are going to do). And during one of the breaks, for example, during the lunch break, suddenly organize a flash mob. Be the ringleader, you will definitely be noticed!

As you can see, there is nothing difficult or impossible to become popular in school or class. We also recommend reading the article on our website.