How to upgrade a Pokemon: instructions, tips and secrets. The best and strongest Pokemon in all generations

Your coaching level greatly influences your success during the game. Accordingly, the higher the level, the higher the chances of catching a rare Pokemon, and increasing the CP level of already caught specimens. The coaching level also increases your chances of defeating representatives of enemy factions and capturing prestigious gyms.

But to increase your coaching level you need to earn a certain amount of XP.

Each time you get XP for:

  • Catching a Pokemon – 100 XP;
  • Pokemon evolution – 500 XP;
  • Hatching an egg in an incubator costs 100XP per kilometer;
  • Using a PokeStop – 50XP;
  • Train a Pokemon in your team's gym - XP varies;
  • Battles in gyms of a rival faction - XP varies;

Additionally, you can earn XP in the process of catching Pokemon:

  • Catching a new type of Pokemon – 500 XP;
  • Perfect throw – 100 XP;
  • Accurate throw – 50 XP;
  • Normal throw – 10 XP;
  • Twisted pokeball – 10 XP;

To get an extra throw bonus, you first need to spin the Pokeball and throw it at the center of the colored circle. The smaller the circle, the more points you get. Thus, if you catch a new Pokemon with an absolutely accurate throw (the first time), you can immediately earn 700 XP. The 500 XP bonus for catching a new Pokemon also applies to hatchery eggs, so if you hatch a new one, you can also earn 1000 XP right away.

XP for fights in arenas (in gyms)

Training in your faction, as well as fighting enemy Pokemon, allows you to earn additional XP. The closer the CP of your Pokemon is to the CP of your opponent and the more Pokemon you whiten, the more experience points you will receive.

Defeating your opponent and training in a friendly jim

If you want to increase the XP you gain in battles, use a Pokemon with a CP equal to (or lower than) the opponent's CP. As alternative option, you can find a friendly team with Pokemon that are weaker than yours and train gradually.

Battle FOR HR using lucky eggs

The first thing to do is to get to the level where they become available. When you activate this egg, you will be able to double the XP gained over the next 30 minutes.

One of the most profitable combinations is the combination of Lucky Egg and or, such a duet allows you to catch just a huge number of Pokemon. But before activating the bait and egg, check the number of available pokeballs and the capacity of the backpack. We remind you that additional ones can be obtained by using a PokéStop or purchasing them in the store.

Another interesting combination is the combination of Lucky Egg and. In this case, you need to calculate everything so that the Pokemon hatch within half an hour of the lucky egg. This will allow you to double your XP.

A good idea would be to activate Lucky Egg and start the evolution process of all the Pokemon you have. In order to get real results, you can catch a lot of Pokemon like Pidgey or, in general, those Pokemon that don't need to evolve large quantities sweets Pokemon evolution will give you maximum amount XP is 500, so the evolution of a Pokemon + Lucky Egg will give you 1000 XP as a result. Don't forget that catching new Pokemon also gives you bonuses, so the combination of catching Pokemon and their evolution will be a kind of super combo for XP.

How to level up quickly in Pokemon Go - step-by-step guide

Step #1. Don't transfer Pokemon.

Collect those Pokemon that are easy to catch and evolve, for example, Pidgey. The evolution of this Pokemon only requires 12 candies, so the more Pidgey, the better. In this case, you should delay activating Lucky Egg until you start evolving these Pokebirds.

Step #2. What to do after Pokémon evolve?

Before activating the Lucky Egg, you can activate a lure (lure or incense) to catch even more Pokemon.

Step #3. Activate Lucky Egg.

Now you can get double XP for every action within 30 minutes.

Step #4. Start evolving available Pokemon.

Step #5. Use the remaining time to catch some more Poké Beasts. In this case, you should visit places with a large number. If you are between several PokeStops, you can activate Lure Modules (a lure that binds to a specific PokeStop) to increase your chances.

It is worth mentioning that when you activate Lucky Egg, each evolved Pokemon will give you + 1000 XP. If you start the evolution process of a Pokemon that was not yet in your Pokédex, you will receive +2000XP.

While playing, be sure to check the Rewards and Unlockable Items page to know which items will become available for free and when.

Happy pumping!

Experience Level Chart

Below is a list with the required amount of XP for level up. On this moment Only the required number of points for level 31 is known, but a Twitter user with the nickname Klik_Vox made a mathematical calculation of the required XP after level 31.

Required amount of XP to reach the next level

40) 5,000,000 (Confirmed)

The following requirements for HR are based on calculations:

In the incredibly popular Pokemon Go, you will improve not only the Pokemon themselves, but also your trainer character, earning experience and gradually increasing the level. Why is this necessary? An experienced trainer can catch stronger and rarer Pokemon; In addition, as you level up, you will encounter more and more wild Pokemon. You just need to earn enough experience.



In the incredibly popular Pokemon Go, you will improve not only the Pokemon themselves, but also your trainer character, earning experience and gradually increasing the level. Why is this necessary? An experienced trainer can catch stronger and rarer Pokemon; In addition, as you level up, you will encounter more and more wild Pokemon. You just need to earn enough experience.

Pokemon Go: how to earn experience

Luckily, there are plenty of quick, easy, and straightforward ways to gain experience in Pokemon Go. Your trainer will receive the most experience for evolving a Pokemon, but this, alas, is not the most common action. The easiest way to farm experience is to catch Pokemon with high-quality throws (even for a twisted throw you will get an extra 10 experience points) and constant visits to PokeStops.

Each visit to a PokeStop will give you an extra 50 experience points; try to find several PokeStops nearby and regularly walk in circles - PokeStops are restored very quickly.

If you decide to upgrade your hero through the evolution of Pokemon, then get ready - you will need a lot of candies and stardust, and the candies are unique for each type of Pokemon. But don’t get discouraged ahead of time: catch identical Pokemon, then exchange them for candies of the desired type and evolve the remaining Pokemon - 500 experience in your pocket.

Please note that in Pokemon Go there is a special item, the so-called Lucky Egg, the activation of which doubles the experience gained. The effect lasts for half an hour, and you can buy the Egg in the Pokemon Go in-game store.

What do you get experience for in Pokemon Go?

Below we provide a list of actions for which you will receive a guaranteed amount of experience. Please note: for contractions, including training ones, you may receive different quantities experience.
  • Pokemon Evolution - 500 XP
  • Pokemon Hatching - 200 XP
  • Visit to PokeStop - 50 XP
  • Catching a new Pokemon - 500 XP
  • Capturing a Famous Pokemon - 100 XP
  • Excellent Throw - 100 XP
  • Great Throw - 50 XP
  • Good Throw - 10 XP
  • Twist Throw - 10 XP

In the game Pokemon GO, you can not only look for new wards in the vastness of your own city, but also create them, evolving weaker species into stronger ones. However, this process has a number of subtleties and nuances, which we will talk about in this article.

To make upgrading your Pokemon in Pokemon GO as effective and profitable as possible, learn these simple tips and put them into practice.

Savings at lower levels

Until level 10, or until the space in your inventory for Pokemon runs out, it is not recommended to do anything with them. Just explore the area, catch everyone and accumulate stardust. After reaching this milestone, it will be time to think about what to do with the huge number of unnecessary fighters.

First of all, sort all the Pokemon in your inventory by number and study the resulting list. You will find that you have several dozen of the same type of fighters with different CP levels. Only the best and wards will be useful to you, and therefore you can simply get rid of the rest.

To do this, click on the button at the bottom right and select Transfer, and then confirm your intentions. For each Pokemon given to the professor, you will receive one candy of the corresponding type. Also, candies appear after or (in an amount of three pieces). Candies are only available to Pokemon of the first stage of evolution. For example, there are Zubat candies, but no Golbat candies. Thus, all forms of evolution trade for the same “currency”.

How to upgrade Pokemon in Pokemon GO for candies?

When you finish giving weak Pokemon to the professor, you will find that you have accumulated several dozen candies of such common Pokemon as , and . It may happen that you have other fighters appearing more often. Now go through the list again and find the strongest Pokemon of each type. Below their descriptions there are Power Up and Evolve buttons. The second button is evolution, which consumes only candies, not stardust (it must be saved up to at least level 15).

The stronger the next form of a Pokemon, the more candies needed for evolution. Since you have to pump Pokemon in Pokemon GO often, these numbers will soon be roughly remembered, but first we suggest you use it with detailed information.

After evolution, the Pokémon completely changes its form and becomes much stronger than it was before. It’s better to try to accumulate candies for all stages of evolution at once (from 1 to 3 in the worst case), so that then in one fell swoop you can turn the strongest fighter of the first level into a powerful and extremely useful comrade. Also, Pokemon with a high IV are better at evolving.

After level 15, you will begin to regularly catch relatively strong Pokemon, including other wards. After their evolution (and sometimes it is completely inaccessible), it will be useful to increase the CP bar to the maximum. This is where the candies and star dust that you have so persistently saved will come in handy.

It is stupid and wasteful to spend this resource on Drowzee and Hypno, or Zubats and Golbats. It is much wiser to wait for Arcanine or Dragonite, who will become your main character until the end of the game. However, if you get a fighting Pokemon with very high CP compared to other animals, you can spend a couple of thousand units of stardust to get a powerful fighter.

Evolution of Magikarp

And this is what the most incredible evolution in Pokemon GO looks like. To get from, you need to catch 101 fish!


Collect Pokemon using Poke Balls while moving slowly around the area. If you move by car or public transport, then movements on the game map will not be counted towards you. It is better to travel on foot, by bicycle, rollerblades, skateboard or scooter.

Why collect them all?

Many people still wonder why it is necessary to collect all the fairy-tale animals. For example, there is an opinion that there is no need for a duplicate Pokémon.

However, all these animals are worth collecting so that later the unnecessary Pokemon can be taken to the professor, and in return you can get candy for each type of Pokemon.

You will need candy in order to give it to your main Pokemon. It is worth noting that the Pokemon will not eat candy that is not intended for it.

To feed the animal, click on Power Up and it will start eating, and the more candies you give it, the more increases the chance that the Pokemon will grow and get a “level up”.

To find out how many candies you need to increase the monster's level, click on the button Evolve.


If you want to send a Pokemon to the professor, go to the Pokemon section, then scroll to the very bottom of the menu and find the key Transfer. It's worth mentioning that trading Pokemon for candy is irreversible. You also won't be able to return the Pokémon to its pre-upgrade state.


It is also worth noting that in order to develop your Pokemon you need Star dust, which you can get in much the same way as candy. It is acquired when you level up your Pokemon, and also when your trainer level increases.

It is advisable not to spend Star Dust at the very beginning of the game on the first Pokemon that have a small base CP (Combat Points), i.e. power points ), since after some time there is a high probability that you will have more promising characters, and their improvement can bring much more benefit.

Pokemon Trainer

Each Pokemon has its own trainer, and the higher its level, the easier it is to upgrade an ordinary Pokemon to a more advanced one, such as Pidgey in Pidgeotto.

Internet is a must

Unfortunately, at the moment the game only comes with the Internet turned on, which, of course, is its big disadvantage. You will also need to enable geolocation on your device.

When you launch the game, you will see the game map. It will show a real map of the surrounding area. The map will also display various objects, such as forests, bridges, sites, monuments, and various organizations. All these objects in the game are called PokeStops.


Experience is gained by finding PokeStops, which means that the more PokeStops found, the higher the experience, and the higher the experience, the greater the chances of finding a rare Pokemon.

It would be interesting to mention that at PokeStops you can find not only Pokeballs, but many other items associated with these fabulous monsters, including:

*Potion- restores 20 units of life to a Pokemon after a battle

* Super Potion - restores 50 units of life and can only be found after level 10 Pokemon

* Hyper Potion- restores 200 life unitsand can only be found after level 15 Pokemon

* Razz Berry- a berry that makes it easier to catch Pokemon and can be obtained after reaching level 8 or when leveling up.

* Revival ( Revive)- revives the Pokemon along with full life.

* Eggs- everyone has a Pokémon inside them. Place the egg in the incubator and after passing a certain distance it hatches.

* Lucky Egg - they may contain premium items, and they can also be used to temporarily increase (for 30 minutes) the experience gained.

* Incense (Incense)- makes it possible to lure Pokemon to the place where you are for 30 minutes.

* Great Pokeballs- a version of improved pokeballs that increase the chances of catching stronger monsters.

* Ultra Pokeballs- an even more accurate and improved version of Pokeballs that can be used to catch the most powerful Pokemon.

* Master Pokeballs- most best view Pokeballs, which can be used to catch the most legendary Pokemon with 100% probability.

* Incubators (Egg Incubator) - an item that allows you to grow creatures from eggs.

If you want to get a discovered item, just go to it (it is represented by an icon on the screen of blue color) and swipe your finger across the screen of your smartphone or tablet from bottom to top.

An empty PokeStop turns purple, and if you need another similar item, wait 5-10 minutes and the PokeStop will turn blue again and you can pick up another similar item.

1. Before the game, it is better to put on comfortable shoes and prepare a bicycle or other means of transportation (not too fast).

Pokemon are common, rare, and very rare. To find the rarest Pokemon, you need to travel a long distance.

Simple Pokemon- you will find them by walking less than 2 kilometers.

Rare Pokemon- you can find them by walking from 2 to 5 kilometers.

The rarest Pokemon- you can find them by going through from 5 to 10 kilometers.

How to search for Pokemon in Pokemon Go

2. Carefully watch the indicator showing the distance traveled.

When walking around the area with your phone on, keep an eye on the indicator in the lower right corner, where there is a list of Pokemon that are nearby. Data on the distance to these Pokemon can be viewed under the icon of each (they are in the form of paw prints).

1 trail = 100 meters

2 tracks = 200 meters

3 tracks = 300 meters, etc.

If no traces are visible, then the Pokemon is lost. However, it is worth noting that this footage is not accurate. Sometimes the data can be off by 50 or 70 meters. All information depends on several technical data. It would also be useful to say that the closer you get to the Pokemon, the faster the indicator on your radar will blink.

3. Bonuses and battles

Game developers at at this stage can only earn money through the Pokemon GO virtual store, where players can use real money to buy things that will help them collect as many Pokemon as possible.

But in this store you can also receive bonuses absolutely free. To get them, just click on the shield in the upper right corner.

If you want to increase the number of your bonuses, then when walking, pay attention to the GYMs (arenas). These are small pedestals depicted along with Pokemon figures and located on the virtual map of your device.

* But it’s worth mentioning that first, your Pokemon must reach level 5, and only then will you be able to master the arena, which can later be used to participate in Pokemon battles.

The battles are not at all difficult, so any player can understand everything. Each player has 2 attacks: a regular one and a special one, which requires charging the indicator.

You can also dodge your opponent's attacks. Remember that different Pokemon react differently to attacks from another monster.

Pokemon catching places

4. Moving grass on the map

Sometimes you may notice animated grass moving on your map. This means that this location contains a lot of useful things for several Pokemon. Try to visit such areas if it is very important for you to collect as much as possible.

According to the developers, in the future other signs may appear on the map that there is something in a particular place.

If you have a good Internet connection, try to reload the game more often to get rid of inactive phantom Pokemon that may be present on your map. If you notice rare and new Pokemon on the map, it is also better to restart the game to quickly find out their location.

5. Urban Pokemon

IN big cities It's much easier to find Pokemon since there are quite a lot of them. But the same cannot be said about small populated areas- regional centers, villages and hamlets. Unfortunately, this is a game that is more geared towards a resident of a big city.

6. Spending Pokecoins

If you want to spend some money to collect more Pokemon, train and win battles in the arenas, then go to the Pokemon Go virtual store. But try not to spend money on buying Poke Balls, as they can be found by visiting Poke Stops.

7. Monitor your battery charge

Pokemon GO uses a lot of power because it requires multiple programs to run on your device, including Mobile Internet, camera and GPS. You can use the power saving mode and it is better to activate this mode before you go outside and start playing.

It would be a good idea to get an external battery (power bank).

Pokemon Go: how to catch?

8. Catching monsters

You won't find a tutorial level in this game, so you should know some details about catching Pokemon. To catch a monster, you need to throw a ball at it (trap = pokeball). When you spot a Pokemon, you will have green, quickly flashing circle - this is your sight, and the narrower it is, the greater the chance of catching a Pokemon.

If the circle is orange, catching the Pokemon will be a little more difficult, and if red, then it’s very difficult, because in this case the monster is angry. In the case of a red circle, you will have to calm down the pokemon by giving him, for example, fruits, which you can also find during the game, or purchase in a virtual store. Simply put, feed him. And then feel free to catch it.

You can also simply catch angry Pokemon using the Great Poke Ball or the Master Poke Ball (improved traps), if you have them.

8.1. The Pokeball is worth spinning.

Before throwing a Pokeball at a Pokemon, you should spin it - touch the ball, hold your finger on it, and spin it like a regular ball before throwing it. This is a little more difficult to do, but with a successful throw you get more experience points.

10 secrets about the game Pokemon Go (video)

9. We fight with other players and capture the arena

When you reach level 10, you can start fighting in arenas. However, do not rush into this, as it is better to wait and properly upgrade your hero, as well as your Pokemon. In addition, you should get familiar with the area and stock up on resources that will help you quickly develop in the future.

Once you have reached level 15, you can start gather a team, so that together you can recapture the arenas where you can train your Pokemon. If you leave good Pokemon to guard the arena, you will make it more prestigious without unnecessary destruction of all the Pokemon in it. Upgrade the arena the normal way, even if it takes longer.

From each guarded arena you will receive daily 500 Stardust and 10 coins. During this period, it is advisable to begin to understand the combat system in more detail. At the same time, do not overdo it with improving Pokemon with the help of Star Dust, since the difference in the effectiveness of monsters is not very large.

10. Strong Pokemon.

Experienced players advise at the beginning of the game not to improve their Pokemon gradually, but to instantly jump to the 3rd stage. If you have 25 candies for Gastly and want Gengar, you shouldn't upgrade it to Hauntera until you have 125 candies for it.

Try to improve all the way right away, because if you do this gradually, then you may well end up owning a large number of underdeveloped Pokemon, which will not be much stronger than newcomers. But newcomers can be upgraded to strong Pokemon using about the same amount of resources.

Use the arc on your Pokemon's profile to find out about its power.

This may seem too obvious, but if you're in a hurry, you can ignore the arc. If you have several Pokemon with similar power points (CP = Combat Points), you will be able to determine the strongest one.

*Combat Points in Pokemon GO represent your monster's power level. The higher it is, the stronger the Pokemon, which means it will deal more damage in battle.

Increase level quickly

Keep Pokemon like Pidgeys, Rattatas, Weedles, Caterpies and other monsters, whose upgrade costs range from 12 to 25.

How often can I collect rewards from GYMs (arenas)?

You can collect your prize every 21 hours. Users advise waiting until the next morning to collect the maximum number of rewards.

Remove things you have in abundance if you need more space.

Of course, you're unlikely to give up anything too valuable in your Pokemon Go bag. But you may be able to get rid of some Potions, Revives, and Razz Berries.

Rename your Pokemon according to each one's attack type.

By doing this, you will speed up your game and quickly understand your advantages in the battle in the arena.

Join a local coaching group on social media.

If you have just started playing, are looking for like-minded people or new friends, then this step may help you. You will be able to discuss strategies, secrets and findings. But be careful when talking to strangers online.

Everything you need to know about Pokemon Go in brief

Pokemon GO Secrets

Pokemon GO does not work when the smartphone is locked.

One of the biggest drawbacks of the game (along with the rapid absorption of battery drain) is inability of the game to work when the phone is locked, or when you want to temporarily minimize the game, close it or turn off the Internet. In any of these cases, the game will have to be restarted.

To reduce battery consumption, you should download Battery Saver. Such a program may already be on your phone or you can download it. Once you have turned on the power saving mode using this application, wait until your screen dims a little.

After this, you can safely put the device in your pocket and continue searching for PokeStops and Pokemon.

*Also you can simply remember the approximate location of the pokestop, turn off the game and walk to it. For comfort you can start the pedometer, which can also be downloaded - it does not consume much energy and can function in the background.

Upgrading Pokemon with Luck Eggs

If you are still at a low level and you come across a rare lucky egg ( Lucky Egg), save it for the future.

The most common Pokémon in the game are Pidgey and Weedle, and candy for them is not very difficult to find. If you collect about 28 Pidgey or Weedle, 15 Rattat Pokémon, and, if you really want, several Caterpie Pokémon, and also have the necessary upgrades for them, try the following:

Using an egg Improve all your Pokemon by immediately giving each one a couple of dozen candies. As a result of this step, you will receive 1000 experience for each evolution. Next, you should transform all the Pokemon, while leaving one Pokemon from each group (preferably the strongest), and then improve the strongest.

As a result, you will have several strong Pokemon, as well as several levels.

How to find Pikachu in Pokemon Go

Among the huge number of Pokemon Go players, there are many who want to get Pikachu, so the question arises of how to catch it.

There are already trainers who were lucky and were able to find him, but there are other players who decided to cheat a little, and this is how they did it:

It is worth noting that Pikachu is the most popular Pokemon not only in the animated series and Japan, but throughout the whole world. This animal has a multi-million army of fans who can be seen at almost every geek meeting.

At the beginning of the game, you can choose one of three Pokemon that are offered to you: Chermander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur. However, few people know that if you leave them undetected and just pass by, then soon, continuing your search, your phone will vibrate, signaling the appearance of Pikachu. If Pikachu does not appear, try repeating the process of leaving the proposed Pokemon 5 times.

Where did this secret come from?

Such a secret was most likely created as reference to the animated series, Where main character Eshu was unable to become the owner of any of the three much-coveted Pokémon. And all because he simply slept through the day when Pokemon were distributed. In the end, he was left with only the Pokemon that no one chose - the yellow and fluffy Pikachu, who, despite his irritability and the fact that he is electric, became a true friend of Ash.

If you want to get Pikachu, but have already started the game, you will have to start it again. But if you don't want to start over, then just hope you get lucky.

Pokemon Go cheats

1. We walk while sitting

In this augmented reality game, you need to walk around the city, visit parks, houses, cafes and various attractions to find Pokemon and achieve certain goals.

Can be used various ways movement (bicycle, roller skates, car, but not moving very fast) or you can attach the phone to a player (with records), to a ceiling fan or to a bicycle wheel so that it constantly spins and covers kilometers quite quickly.

1.1 PokemonGoAnywhere

You can also move in the virtual world while remaining motionless in the real world using the PokemonGoAnywhere tweak. This tweak makes it possible to move around the game using taps on the screen. The developers of this tweak also said that more features will appear in the future. You can find this tweak in the repository


If you own a jailbroken phone, you already know that Pokemon Go can detect a jailbroken phone. But if you use the PokePatch tweak, there is a chance of bypassing the jailbreak test. The add-on is located on the developer's repository

3. Pokemon Lock

You already know that the game cannot be played when the phone is locked. With Pokemon Lock, this problem can be solved. Disable the iPhone unlock password (this is the only way to use this tweak) and use this tweak to play directly on the lockscreen. You can find Pokemon Lock in the following repository:

Pokemon Go for iPhone and Android users

4. To help Google account holders

The game Pokemon Go was accused of gaining full access to the user's confidential information, including mail and photos, and this information could be used to transfer to third parties. Once the player has logged in using his account on Google, the game begins to collect information about him.

Red Owl has advised iPhone owners that when they log into Pokemon Go using their Google account, game creators Niantic Labs get full access to this account, but the game does not inform the player about this in any way.

As a result, several ways to solve the problem have appeared on the Internet. Here is the most common one:

To prevent games from receiving complete information about your account, you need to follow this link, then click on the line with Pokemon Go, and then click “Delete”. Once you take this step, you will probably not be able to re-enter the game, but you will be able to continue playing without logging out.

The strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Here you will find four lists that rank the strongest Pokemon based on category. The first three lists represent the categories: attack, defense and endurance, but the fourth list represents the most powerful Pokemon based on the totality of all data.


10. Venusaur

Stamina: Top 10 Pokemon

1. Chansey

2. Snorlax

3. Wigglytuff

5. Vaporeon

6. Jigglypuff

7. Rhydon

8. Mewtwo

9. Kangaskhan


Overall: Top 10 Pokemon

1. Mewtwo


3. Mew

4. Articuno

5. Snorlax

6. Moltres


9. Arcanine

In this guide we will learn how to how to download pokemonPokemon Go (pumping up pokemon the best way), and also learn some secrets and tricks in their development.

The game preaches the theory of evolution and in order to alwaysTo be on top, you must definitely evolve your pocket monsters. But not everything is so simple, because everything depends not only on the level of Pokemonsters, but also on your level (character level).

It's worth noting that not all Pokemon can evolve. A notable and common example is Jinx, who only has one form. Most Pokémon have two sequential, and some three sequential, evolutionary forms. There is even a Pokemon with three random forms of evolution at one stage - this is Eevee (read about how to get the desired evolution). In order to evolve, you need a certain number of Pokemon candies (each type has its own). After you have accumulated them, you can perform evolution, to do this, click on the desired pocket monster and select Evolve, watch an animated scene and get a new pet.

Now you knowhow in Pokemon Go upgrade your pokemon , now let's look at some specific aspects of pumping.

How to download Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Now let's answer the questionhow to download pokemon pokemon go . The most important rule is that you need to download all the Pokemon. After all, after their evolution CP becomes two times more, and therefore they will be twice as effective in battle.

Second point, if you haveseveral identical Pokemonsters that you want to level up, then choose the one with the stripe CP pumped in as much as possible myself CP more, so this strip will be transferred to the evolved pet and you will need to spend less dust on its further pumping (or not at all).

If your Pokémon has three forms of sequential evolution and you have saved up for the first, do not rush to evolve it right away. Better save some candy for two evolutions at once andimmediately make it level three. This is good because you immediately get a three times stronger Pokemon, and most importantly, while you are saving up for the third form, you may get a stronger Pokemon of this type, which will be more worthy for evolution (and most likely this will be the case, since the higher the level your character, the more powerful pocket monsters come your way).

Whom to download Pokemon Go And what pokemon to level up It's up to you to decide, but I would advise you to familiarize yourself I'm with you , this may influence your choice.

Now, having studied guide to leveling up pokemon in pokemon go , You know who is better to download And How.

Have a good game!