How to use the social network Facebook. Games and applications on Facebook

Facebook is a social network with enormous possibilities. In addition to chatting, sharing photos and videos, pages of famous brands and events, here you can find Interesting games and applications. They will help pass the time spent on the subway and buses, and will not let you get bored on a rainy or cold day.

How to find games?

Games on Facebook are located in the left column under the “Applications” category.

Once you enter the Application Center, you find yourself in a real “realm” of games. Here you can find gaming applications of any genre, from “time killers” to large arcade games. The developers have sorted everything out - the left column presents categories of games, in each of which you will see several tabs: Suggested, Best, Trendy, Friends. By clicking on the application you like, you can read about it in more detail and launch it by clicking the “Start Game” button.

Important! Almost all apps will send you notifications and automatically post to your wall. However, you can manage your privacy settings and control your friends' access to these posts.

Best Facebook Games

Each user has their own favorite games. Some people play a mini-version of the legendary The Sims, some like to take part in capturing terrorists, and for others there is nothing better than good old solitaire games. However, there are games that attract millions of users, and we will tell you more about them.

1. Candy Crush Saga

Surprisingly, the leading position in the number of playing users is occupied by a simple “three in a row” puzzle. Released a year ago, it became the best savior from boredom for several tens of millions of users. Colorful design, interesting tasks, many levels - a perfect combination. By the way, the game is also available for iPhone, iPad and Android device users. The main caution is to not play on an empty stomach! The sweets look too delicious.

2.FarmVille 2

Online simulation games have always attracted the attention of users, and FarmVille 2 is no exception. In this game you will feel like the owner of a farm and start developing Agriculture and livestock farming. You have to buy fertilizers, build new buildings and communicate with your “neighbors”. Exciting and addictive, FarmVille 2 is deservedly one of the top games on Facebook.

3. Texas HolDem Poker

The love for poker is shared by millions of people around the world, so the online version of this card game simply could not fail to attract such a number of users. Select a game mode, place bets and launch Poker Face mode. In a word, feel like you are in a real casino!

4.Criminal Case

The only game on Facebook based on the “find the object” principle is confidently one of the most popular among users. Decent graphics difficult tasks and an interesting plot are the very components of success that attract the attention of millions. An ideal game for those who like to strain their eyes and test their attentiveness.

5. Dragon City

If you are looking for original role-playing games on Facebook, then be sure to try Dragon City. Your goal is to breed dragons, which you need to train and sell. The game is very bright and interesting, so you won’t get bored of it soon. The main feature is the absence of the “energy” item, which in other applications forces players to break away from the game at the most inopportune moment.

6. Pet Rescue Saga

Another puzzle game that works in a match-3 style. Your task is to free the poor animals by getting rid of the cubes. Bright pictures and many levels make this application so popular among users.

As it turns out, the most popular games on Facebook are puzzles that are great for killing time. Play alone, play with friends, make new friends. But do not forget that in real life There are many interesting and exciting activities. Good luck and bright victories!

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Facebook games

How to play Facebook games? Where to look for them? What do you need to play popular games on Facebook? Today you will find out the answers to all these questions!

All more people play a lot online games on the social network Facebook. This popularity is due to the fact that you are given a unique opportunity to play with thousands of players just like you from all over the world. Today we will tell you how to play the most popular games on Facebook.

To play games on Facebook, you need to do the following:

All facebook games are divided into categories, which you can see on the left side of the screen. There are many games here that you could previously play simply on a computer or on a console, like a Sony Playstation.

“Facebook games” are thousands of different applications that will interest any person.

The most popular Facebook games

Facebook Angry birds

We warn you right away - to play on Facebook in or any other game, you need your account on this social network.

In this game you need to shoot birds from a slingshot at green pigs that are on various structures. With each level, the difficulty increases, and you are given new birds, with the help of which you can achieve new victories much faster and more efficiently.

Facebook Angry Birds Star Wars

The meaning of the game is the same as simply in “Angry Birds”, but the local birds are reincarnated as the heroes of the film star Wars . At your service will be the local Darth Vader, Anaken Skywalker, Chewie, Princess Leia and many other characters from the famous film.

Bad Piggies on Facebook

In this game you need to make a flying or ground vehicle from available materials, which must transport the pig to the finish line. In this case, you need to destroy as few structures as possible in order to get extra points.

Facebook worms

The essence of this game is to destroy the worms of the opposing team. Your arsenal will include various bombs, grenades, cannons, pistols and much more. This is a turn-based strategy that is popular all over the world. Several people can take part in the game at once.

A strategy in which you will have to create your own clans and attack other players to take gold. You will be able to control an entire army of warriors who can plunder entire cities. Or you can just mine in a friendly manner useful resources and get rich. You choose which strategy to follow more

Need for Speed ​​World on Facebook

In "NFS World" on Facebook you are invited to become a racer of a super-fashionable car and conquer the roads of various cities. At your service is a huge selection of a wide variety of sports cars that you can tune at your discretion. Each victory in the race brings money with which you can buy new spare parts for the car.

You need to cut the fruits with sharp knives and not let them fall. Each beautiful cut is scored with additional points.

A first-person shooter game. You get points for killing enemies and completing tasks. At the beginning of the game, you can choose one of four characters offered to you. Each character has special skills in relation to one weapon.

Jetpack joyride on Facebook

You are invited to try your hand at construction. You can build a whole world at your own discretion. The player controls a character who can destroy or build blocks, transforming them into fantastic shapes.

Most Facebook users have probably noticed how more and more people are becoming fans of one or another mini-game. Why not, because Facebook has a pretty good web platform, a powerful API and a lot of convenience for developers to create applications. Undoubtedly, any game is interesting to play. But the most exciting thing about them is that thousands of other Facebook users can play with you, including your close friends. In other words, it takes regular mini-games to a completely different level. What could be more interesting than playing free games, while at the same time expanding your list of friends?

In this collection you will see the 25 most popular games on Facebook. If you have a dream of creating your own mini-game, you should definitely see each one on this list. This way you can grasp their meaning and understand what attracts the thousands of users of the social network.

It's not only a game, but also a library that can grow forever. With her you can spend your time pleasantly and unnoticed.

In this wonderful 2D game, Facebook users can work, play and communicate in an animated world. You can decorate your home or buy yourself a pet.

Translation – Duty room


  1. anna
    October 13, 2010 at 15:35

    Unexpected, but great selection! games)))

    just for a working day x))) thank you))

  2. Mishail
    April 12, 2011 at 9:35 pm

    Excellent review, brought to you from although it is strangely dedicated to toys

  3. alona
    January 31, 2012 at 0:45

    hello everyone, I'm looking for neighbors for the game farm ville

  4. why is popular not included? card game into "fool"?
    February 18, 2012 at 08:49 pm

Social networks, in Lately, offer space not only for free communication, but also for a pleasant pastime. Each social network has many games and applications to make it interesting for you, as a user, to spend your time on the social network.

Facebook, naturally, does not give the palm to other social networks in this matter. There are also many different games and applications that you can find if you go to the “Applications” section.

This section is located in your left menu, literally under your photo. There you can find all the requests for games and applications. At their core, requests are ordinary invitations from friends to games and applications that they like.

All Facebook apps look like a set various functions. There are notes, questions, creation of events, and much, much more.

But there is still some differentiation between applications. Because it stands apart special kind applications, which are essentially programs that run inside the social network itself.

And all Facebook subscribers can use them. All programs have their own themes, some programs can help you “kill time”, some help you get acquainted or communicate.

If you click the “Application Requests” button, you will see invitations from your friends to various applications and games. You have the opportunity to accept the invitation. After which you will be taken to the add application page.

But it is possible to completely block programs from accessing your page. If you think that such invitations are spam, then you can easily complain to the site administration about it.

Immediately after you allow the application to use information from your account, you are to the fullest you can enjoy the game or application.

Requests from games are built on the same principle as from applications. If you go to “Game Requests”, you will see a list that you can get into based on the invitations that are visible to you.

You can accept the invitation, or hide it from any user. By the way, the same can be done with applications. It is possible to block game invitations from any Facebook user, if suddenly you do not want to receive invitations from any individual person.

You can also find games and applications through the site’s search form by simply entering the name, or part of it. The system will display a list of materials from which you will already select what you were looking for.

You can, of course, type “games” or “applications” into a search engine, then the system will show everything that has these tags, even those that are on the pages of users and groups.

After you select what you need from the list, you can go to the page and learn more about the selected content.

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