How to treat a lump on the wrist under the skin. Bump on the wrist on the top of the hand. Hygroma under the skin. Treatment with folk remedies, ointments, laser removal, surgical removal There is a tubercle under the skin on the wrist

A lump under the skin on the arm - what could it be? Answer to asked question you will learn from the materials of the presented article. In addition, we will tell you how to get rid of this trouble using traditional and alternative medicine.

general information

A lump under the skin on the arm - what could it be? Only an experienced specialist can answer this question unambiguously after a personal examination and passing all necessary tests. That is why, with such a deviation, it is recommended to immediately visit a doctor and not self-medicate.

Probable causes

A lump on the hand under the skin can have completely different origins. This could be an ordinary boil, or the development of melanoma, or even a malignant tumor. In some cases, such a deviation occurs as a result professional activity. Due to their unnatural position, joints can become deformed, causing salts to accumulate in them, which ultimately leads to the formation of seals. In this case, a lump on the hand under the skin is often accompanied by severe pain.

It should also be noted that this formation can occur after accidental injuries or severe bruises. However, the most common disease of this kind is hygroma (a lump on the arm under the skin below the elbow or on the palm). This seal is benign tumor. It usually occurs due to an inflammatory process that occurs in the tendons. At the very beginning, hygroma develops very slowly and practically does not cause any discomfort. But over time, it increases in size, becomes significantly denser and causes not only aesthetic inconvenience, but also painful sensations. In such cases, the patient should definitely consult a doctor.

Other reasons

Bumps on the hands under the skin, photos of which are presented in this article, can form from overexertion and stress, as well as metabolic disorders, the development of inflammatory and infectious processes. In any case, a person with such lumps should visit a doctor as soon as possible in order to rule out the presence of a malignant tumor.

Treatment with traditional methods

A lump under the skin on the arm - what could it be? Possible reasons We discussed the appearance of such seals above. Now your attention will be presented with information on how you can get rid of a benign formation on the hand.

After visiting a doctor, such patients undergo a procedure in which a small incision is made on the lump, and then all of it is sucked out. excess liquid. However, there are situations when the compaction lies very deep. In this regard, it is more advisable for the patient to take a course of hyaluronic acid, vitamins and antioxidants.

Alternative therapy

A lump under the skin on the arm - what could it be? Having answered the question posed earlier, we will also tell you how you can get rid of such seals at home.

Traditional methods for treating bumps on the hands include various lotions and baths. Although it should be added that such procedures will only be effective if the formation arose as a result of normal salt deposition.

So, let's present a few recipes against bumps on your hands:

A lump or hygroma of the wrist is a benign neoplasm that looks like a cyst-like protrusion. Pathological process develops both above the wrist joint and below - on it back side. Most often, the resulting growth on the hand does not lead to serious complications and causes only aesthetic discomfort.

Wrist hygroma is a neoplasm that resembles a cyst in size and type of occurrence. Inside the pineal body there is an organic capsule filled with viscous mucus with elements of fibrin threads - one of the types of protein structures.

With prolonged physical activity, the lump can increase in size, filling with fat secretion.

With severe manifestations, the growth of the cyst is characterized by the occurrence of hygroma of the wrist joint, which can become the main reason for the development of the disorder motor function hands. Most often, people over 25 years old suffer from hygroma of the wrist.

Why does a lump appear on the wrist?

The exact reason contributing to the manifestation of the pineal growth is on this moment not installed. In most cases, hygroma does not manifest itself, but develops due to complications of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the joints - enthesitis, tenosynovitis or bursitis.

Predisposing factors for the development of protrusion:

In addition to the reasons that influence the occurrence of pathology, hygroma can manifest itself based on a hereditary factor. So, if one of your relatives had hygroma, there is a high risk of developing the disease in the next generation.

In rare cases, a lump on the wrist on the top or bottom of the hand develops for no particular reason. Medical statistics and most tests indicate that hygroma does not differ in age or gender characteristics - the pathology can manifest itself in both a child and a mature person.

Types of hygroma

According to the type of manifestation, hygroma is divided into two types - single-chamber and multi-chamber. Most often, the capsule develops in a single, single-chamber version, less often - it is characterized by the appearance of several pineal bodies.

Also, the types of neoplasms are distributed according to their location. The lump may occur on the wrist joint, the back of the hand, or tendons. Hygromas with external or inside the wrists are practically no different.

Hygroma symptoms

Acuity clinical signs depends on the size and location of the protrusion. Thus, a small formation does not cause a person any discomfort, and he himself may not even know about its presence. As a rule, the size of the pineal body does not exceed 3-5 cm in diameter. To the touch, the lump is hard, and in strong light it is translucent, like a liquid bubble.

If the lump continues to grow, the first sign of pathology may occur - pain in the wrist area. This occurs due to stretching of the capsule containing synovial fluid.

When nerve fibers and small vessels are compressed, the following symptoms may appear:

  • feeling of numbness or tingling;
  • neurological sensations;
  • congestion inside blood vessels.

Advanced neoplasms can lead to more serious problems, one of which is a violation of venous blood outflow from the affected area, which manifests itself due to compression of the veins.

In case of such complications, symptoms include:

  • swelling around the hygroma;
  • blue or dark color skin;
  • increasing or throbbing pain;
  • pulse disturbance;
  • cooling the area;
  • severe limitation of motor function of the hand or the entire arm.

Doctors note that in more than 30% of cases, neoplasm can pass without any symptoms. Most often, an asymptomatic course is detected when the size is small or when the ball is located between the connective ligaments.

A lump on the wrist on the top of the hand can open on its own. In this case, a wound forms in the area of ​​the affected area, from which exudate flows from time to time. If there is a spontaneous autopsy, it is necessary to carry out necessary measures on disinfection.

Why is hygroma dangerous?

In most cases, hygroma does not pose a significant danger to the patient’s performance and health. Therefore, in the initial stages, the neoplasm is often not removed unless it interferes from an aesthetic point of view.

In case of involuntary injury to the pineal gland and subsequent opening inner shell, synovial fluid may enter the area articular surface, which leads to inflammatory reactions and suppuration.

Also among possible complications, experts highlight a decrease physical activity hands, inability to lift weights, as well as inflammatory and degenerative diseases.

Diagnosis of hygroma

When a lump appears on the hands, it is necessary to carry out the most complete diagnostic measures, thanks to which it will be possible to exclude the presence of malignant neoplasms or other, more serious pathologies.

Diagnosis of the disease primarily includes a detailed collection of the patient’s medical history and examination.

X-ray is a mandatory examination that is prescribed if a hygroma is suspected.

In this case, the doctor may prescribe additional tests:

  1. Ultrasound examination of nearby tissues of the hand.
  2. Computer and magnetic resonance therapy.
  3. Puncture of internal fluid with biopsy.

Additional examination is prescribed not only to confirm the diagnosis, but also to exclude more severe pathological processes.

Treatment of hygroma on the wrist with folk remedies

A lump on the wrist on the top of the hand can be easily treated at home. However, before using any alternative medicine methods, you should consult your doctor.

Most often, patients who are against medications or physical therapy use a rather interesting method - applying a copper coin to the affected area and tying it tightly with a bandage or tourniquet.

The following traditional methods of treatment are also used:

  1. Bladder plant or physalis. To prepare the extract, it is necessary to grind the fruit of the plant to a mushy state. Apply the resulting mixture to the cone and wrap it with cotton cloth or cellophane. Secure with a bandage and keep it overnight. In the evening of the next day, repeat the procedure. Use for 2 weeks until the cone is completely dissolved.
  2. Pine tincture. Pour chopped tree branches with water and boil for 30 minutes. Then, using soda, flour and yeast, knead the dough into a pancake and bake in an electric oven. Then, covering the bump with a bandage, gradually pour the hot broth onto the surface of the fabric. Remove the bandage, cut the previously made pancake and place the soft side on the hygroma. Repeat for 1 week before bedtime.
  3. Red clay. Mix 3 tbsp. l. clay and 1.5 tbsp. l. warm salted water until smooth. Spread the resulting mixture onto the painful area and cover with polyethylene, securing with a bandage. Repeat for 2 weeks.
  4. Sagebrush. Grind the stems of the plant, place the resulting mixture on a thick cloth and cover the painful area with it. Use for 10-12 hours for 2 weeks.
  5. Cabbage compress. Knead cabbage leaf, lubricate with honey and apply to the hygroma, having previously secured it with a bandage. Use within 8-10 hours, replacing the cabbage leaf every two hours.
  6. Salt compress. To make it, you need to take 0.5 liters of hot water in which to dissolve salt (no more than 150 g). Moisten gauze with the resulting solution and carefully wipe the painful area. Then apply a clean cloth and secure with an elastic bandage. It is recommended to do compresses for at least 1 week.

For the most lasting and fastest results, it is best to use an integrated approach from traditional methods. If the lump does not decrease within the specified time, you must visit your doctor, who will prescribe the use of conservative medicine or surgery.

Local preparations for hygroma: gels and ointments

Without prescribing surgical intervention, the most effective medications are special gels, ointments or creams that allow the hygroma to resolve at the initial stage without any trace. Almost all components of medications have a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The most commonly used drugs for the treatment of hygroma are provided in the following table:

Drug name Description and effect on the disease Application
Vishnevsky ointmentInexpensive drug used for various diseases skin. Application on the affected area reduces inflammation and has an antibacterial effect. Using ointment speeds up the healing of wounds and cracks.Apply the drug to cotton gauze or a napkin, the size corresponding to the painful area. Secure with an elastic bandage and cover with cellophane film. Use for 1-2 weeks before bedtime throughout the night.
TraumeelHomeopathic medicine used to relieve inflammation. Also used for burns or subcutaneous ulcers.Apply the ointment to the hygroma and cover with a soft gauze cloth. Secure with an elastic bandage and leave to soak until the morning. The full course of treatment can last up to 1 month. It is also recommended to massage the painful area with Traumeel ointment during the day.
LipomixA modern remedy for the treatment and elimination of various subcutaneous diseases - from wen to atheroma. Has a devastating effect on hygroma.Apply the cream to clean, dry skin 2 times a day - morning and evening. Lipomix must be used on a regular basis for 3-5 weeks. It is advisable to rub the cream until the cyst-like surface completely disappears.

The use of various creams or ointments in most cases has a positive effect on the course of the disease and allows you to completely eliminate skin tumors. Also medical supplies are most effective when combined with massage procedures and warming up the diseased area.

A lump on the wrist on the upper or lower arm can be effectively treated with a homemade ointment, the main components of which are Analgin and iodine.

To use, you need to grind Analgin tablets to a powder and mix with iodine. Apply the resulting ointment to the damaged area 3-4 times a day.

Physiotherapy methods

If medications do not have the desired effect, doctors resort to the use of physiotherapeutic procedures that can eliminate hygroma, measuring no more than 2-3 cm in diameter.

The following physiotherapy methods are most often used to treat the disease:

  1. Warming up or “Minin reflector”. A fairly simple and painless way to treat the affected area. The device is placed at a distance of 35-60 cm from the tumor. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes. up to 5 min.
  2. Mud wraps. The use of mud wraps has a positive effect on the development of inflammatory processes and eliminates pain. The use of therapeutic mud involves heating it, then applying it to the pineal body, and then wrapping it with a transparent film for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Ultraviolet irradiation of the area. Characterized by exposure to low frequency electromagnetic waves, the rays of which penetrate 1 mm under the skin, causing a regenerative effect of surrounding tissues.
  4. Electrophoresis using iodine. A special gasket, previously moistened with iodine, is placed under the actively charged anode. After that, an electrode is applied to the surface of the gasket and pressed against the hygroma. The procedure is carried out for 25-30 minutes.

The lump is not amenable to physical therapy if there is a rupture of the capsule with synovial fluid. In this case, the walls of the hygroma on the wrist should be thin, without the presence of suppuration and infectious diseases. Regardless of whether the formation is located above or below the arm, physiotherapy is prescribed in the same way.


If suppuration develops inside the pineal gland, the patient is prescribed therapeutic puncture, which involves pumping out purulent contents from the skin capsule. The puncture method is carried out with the simultaneous use of antibiotics, which eliminates the development of infectious diseases and pathogenic processes. Cones are also used for washing hormonal drugs.

Upon completion of the puncture, an elastic orthosis or plaster tape is applied to the diseased area, which allows for complete fusion of the tissues of the washed capsule. The supporting bandage is removed after 1-2 months.

Surgical removal of hygroma: indications for surgery

If traditional methods of therapy do not have the desired effect, the patient is prescribed surgical intervention.

The main indications for surgery on hand hygroma include:

  • active growth of a tumor-like lump;
  • penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the hygroma and the presence of suppuration;
  • sharp pain when moving the hand;
  • painful sensations at rest due to pressure on the neurovascular endings;
  • cosmetic wishes of the patient;
  • high chance of lump rupture;
  • body size more than 15 mm;
  • multilocular type of disease.

To perform the operation, the doctor introduces the patient under local anesthesia. If the intervention is performed on a child or the patient’s condition is assessed as severe, general anesthesia is used.

Preparing for surgery

An operation to eliminate hygroma should be carried out after comprehensive diagnostic measures, including a thorough examination of the growth. This is necessary to ensure that the lump is a hygroma and not a cancerous tumor. In especially severe cases, neurosurgical treatment methods are used. After confirming the diagnosis, a decision is made to undergo surgery.

In addition, the doctor may send the patient for additional examinations:

  • blood analysis and biochemistry;
  • general analysis of urine and feces;
  • tests to detect HIV, hepatitis or other sexually transmitted diseases;
  • fluorography of the lungs.

The patient must determine a convenient time for the operation and appear at medical institution 2 hours before the intervention. After surgical intervention, the painful area must be immobilized by applying a thick bandage or plaster.

Laser removal: indications

Using a laser to remove skin tags is relative new method surgical intervention. The laser method of removing a lump differs from surgical intervention in the size of the incision itself. After laser therapy, a puncture is mandatory to eliminate possible relapses.

Benefits of laser treatment:

  • there is no need for general anesthesia;
  • reducing the risk of infection;
  • absence of bleeding due to the soldering of blood vessels;
  • a small incision and an almost invisible scar after surgery;
  • exclusion of injuries to nearby tissues;
  • reduced risk for scarring;
  • fast recovery;
  • good for children.

Compared to the classical method, the use of laser therapy increases the risk of recurrence of the disease, which is explained by the impossibility of suturing the junction of the synovial bursa of the articular surface. Indications for laser intervention are no different from indications for conventional surgery.

Carrying out and preparing the laser method

The technique of laser excision of hygroma involves making two separate punctures using special endoscopic devices. This is necessary so that while the first device begins pumping out synovial fluid, the second one evaporates at the same time cellular structure neoplasm membranes.

After the main stage, the cyst is treated with painkillers and sutures are placed on the surface of the wound. The total procedure time is from 30 to 60 minutes. Preparation for laser therapy is identical to traditional methods, which includes undergoing full examination, choosing a good surgeon and compliance with basic recommendations.

Recovery time

Recovery and rehabilitation of the patient after the classical or laser method is the most important part of the postoperative period. Fast healing and the elimination of all symptoms is determined by compliance with the recommendations. If there are no complications, complete healing occurs in 1-2 weeks, depending on the size of the lump and the type of intervention.

Tips to follow after surgery:

  • Mandatory wearing of an elastic splint or cast for the prescribed amount of time.
  • Limit excessive stress on the hand and nearby joints for up to 1 month.
  • Compliance with a set of exercises that allows you to gradually develop the diseased surface.
  • If necessary, actively attend physical therapy.

Following the advice allows the patient to get rid of a number of complications and reduce the risks of further manifestations of hand hygroma.

Possible complications

As after any operation, when removing the pineal protrusion, various complications may occur.

Most often, patients complain of swelling of the arm or hand. However, as experts assure, this effect is natural and goes away within 1-2 weeks after the intervention. If swelling or redness increases, and there is no improvement after the specified period, the patient should consult a doctor.

The following complications also often occur:

  • infection of the wound with subsequent suppuration;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • damage to nerve endings and impaired sensitivity of the hand;
  • remission;
  • formation of a scar surface or adhesions.

In 35% of patients, hygroma may recur. In most cases, this depends on disruption of the cellular process or incomplete excision of the contents within the capsule.

A lump or hygroma on the wrist is not dangerous disease, but under some circumstances can lead to various complications. In order to reduce the risk of developing the disease in the hands or other parts of the body, it is necessary to follow basic prevention methods. As for hygroma of the wrist, most often the disease manifests itself from above.

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Video about a lump on the wrist

Why does a lump appear on the wrist:

A lump under the skin on the wrist, or hygroma, is not such a rare occurrence. In fact, it is a benign neoplasm filled with fibrin strands and mucous fluid. The appearance of such a capsule is accompanied by painful sensations and severe discomfort. Most often, the soft ball is localized on the hand or in the area of ​​the wrist joint.

The cyst can also appear on the elbow, on the leg near the bone, under the armpits, near the lymph nodes, on the neck and other parts of the body. The neoplasm does not pose a danger to human health, since it is a benign growth that is not prone to degeneration into a cancerous tumor.

Causes and symptoms

A dense growth on the hand cannot pop out suddenly. Scientists have not yet established the exact reason for its appearance, but there are a number of factors that can cause a lump to appear on the arm in the tendon area. The main ones are the following:

Hygroma on the wrist considered an occupational disease, which mainly affects people who engage in daily monotonous hand movements. For example, athletes, secretaries, violinists, seamstresses, tennis players, etc.

Regardless of the factor that triggered the development of the disease, treatment must be timely and of high quality.

A lump on the wrist under the skin looks like a ball with a diameter of about three centimeters, but in an advanced stage it can reach a size of 5 cm or more (not to be confused with a hernia).

Hygroma looks like painless growth, at rest does not cause any particular inconvenience. Uncomfortable sensations can appear only with excessive hand activity.

There are the following types of hygroma on the wrist:

  • A lump on the surface of the palm (the hygroma is localized on the palm itself or on the inside of the wrist).
  • Hygroma of the wrist joint (a growth appears on the back of the hand).
  • Hygroma on the finger (thumb, index, etc.), localized on the phalanx.

Hygroma on the wrist is quite easy to diagnose because it has its own characteristic features . Small cystic formations do not reduce hand mobility and do not cause severe symptoms. Only large cones cause physical discomfort. This is explained by the fact that the hygroma puts pressure on the blood vessels and nerve endings.

The following signs are characteristic of cystic formation:

  1. Strong fixation to surrounding tissues.
  2. Clearly defined boundaries of the neoplasm.
  3. Absence of pain (it appears only in case of contact with nerve threads).
  4. The structure of the cyst is soft and elastic.
  5. Unpleasant sensations when moving the hand (if the cyst is large in size).
  6. Pale skin (if the tumor compresses the blood vessels) and impaired blood flow to the hand.

Cone tends to constant growth . Wen can grow at different speeds: both slowly and rapidly. Intensive cyst growth can be determined by the following indicators:

  • the sensitivity of nerve endings increases;
  • the presence of constant dull pain that intensifies with wrist movement;
  • the skin tone in the affected area changes;
  • a foreign body is felt between the joint and the skin.

Why is a cystic neoplasm dangerous?

You should not ignore the appearance of a lump on your wrist, especially if the lump grows quickly. The appearance of a cyst under the skin should be a reason for compulsory visit doctor

Otherwise cystic formation may provoke development of purulent tenosynovitis, which will lead to disruption of the hand joint.

When the capsule is opened independently, its walls self-regenerate, which causes relapse, that is, the cyst forms repeatedly, sometimes even several at the same time. Most often, the compaction is localized on a large wrist joint, and specifically in the wrist area.

In this case, there are the following options for the location of the cyst:

  1. A lump on the wrist from the inside, that is, on the wrist joint next to the radial artery.
  2. A lump on the outside of the wrist or on the hand itself.

It must be said that in the first case, removing the tumor is somewhat difficult, since the tumor is located next to the artery.

Diagnosis of pathology

Hygroma can be diagnosed even if visual inspection because it has a characteristic appearance.

However, to exclude the development malignant neoplasm, the specialist prescribes additional examinations.

These may be the following procedures:

  • X-ray of the wrist.
  • Computed and magnetic resonance tomography.

Using the above methods, it is possible to detect the development of complications or a malignant tumor at an early stage of formation.

Treatment of hygroma

Treatment of the tumor is carried out in the following ways: conservative therapy; surgical intervention. The first method includes the following activities:

Simultaneously with the above procedures, a specialist may prescribe a puncture, which involves suctioning exudate from the capsule using a syringe. Medicines with glucocorticoid and antibacterial compositions are injected into the cavity, freed from purulent fluid, the action of which is aimed at combating pathogenic microflora, pain relief, and stopping the inflammatory process.

Using any of these treatments involves stopping all activities that involve hand movements.


Treatment with medications is prescribed in case of an inflammatory process caused by compression of nearby tissues. The specialist first determines the nature of the neoplasm - aseptic or purulent.

In the first case, drug therapy is successfully used, in the second, treatment is carried out only surgically.

In this case, drug therapy itself is not an independent method and is used only in combination with other methods of treatment. For example, during an operation to remove a tumor or after it, that is, during the rehabilitation period antibiotics are prescribed.

In the treatment of aseptic inflammation they are used the following groups drugs:

  • Corticosteroids with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects.
  • Antihistamines that block the production of histamine in tissues.


Physiotherapy is indicated for hygroma localized in any part of the body, since it eliminates residual effects after an inflammatory process that causes the development of a cyst. The following methods are used to treat tumors:


If the lump under the skin grows rapidly and causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient, the specialist prescribes surgery to remove the hygroma.

In this case, it does not matter at all on which side of the wrist the cyst is localized. When removing a cystic neoplasm, they are most often used minimally invasive methods, limited to puncturing the cone.

The hygroma is punctured, all the fluid is drained from it and hormonal drugs are administered to prevent relapses. In the advanced stage, an incision is made through which completely remove the tumor, and the remaining wound is treated with antibiotics.

Other treatments

Laser. This is the most modern, low-traumatic method of treating hygroma. Excision of the cone occurs under the influence laser beam. After opening the capsule, the doctor grabs the cystic formation with forceps, pulling it up and cutting it off with the same beam.

After the cone is completely removed, stitches are placed on the wound. When using this method, recovery occurs much faster. Conservative therapy used only in cases of small hygroma (no more than 5 cm).


The effectiveness of this method is questionable, but in some cases the methods traditional medicine are still used. The most popular are the following recipes:

Possible complications

Although hygroma on the hand does not pose a serious danger to human health, its appearance should not be ignored. Uncured neoplasm in neglected form may cause more serious consequences.

Complications in this case can be different. The main one is destruction of motor function of the wrist and hands with the subsequent development of purulent tendovaginitis or bursitis.

Protect the tumor from accidental damage and crushing, as this can damage nearby tissue. In addition, spontaneous opening of the capsule leads to recurrence of the lump, and perhaps several at once.

Timely treatment of a cystic tumor on the wrist will help avoid complications. Having noticed the first signs of cyst development, it is necessary urgently visit a specialist and take measures to eliminate the bump, even if its size is not too large. Otherwise, an overgrown hygroma can provoke a violation of the motor function of the hand.

A hygroma on the hand (often called a tendon hernia) is a round formation of a benign tumor nature.

Such a lump looks like a bone that has jumped out of a joint, but is a capsule filled with liquid, in which fibrin threads are sometimes detected. The number of formations can be different - from one to several (multi-chamber hygroma).

In addition to its unaesthetic appearance, the formation brings a lot of problems: it increases in size over time, interferes with normal movements and is often accompanied by severe pain.


The exact reasons for the appearance of hygromas are unknown, but doctors tentatively identify a group of patients , most susceptible to the occurrence of this pathology:

Clinical manifestations

At the very beginning, the disease does not have clinical symptoms and the patient, as a rule, does not pay attention to the formation. But over time, the ball begins to grow. At this stage the tumor is characterized by the following symptoms:

Diagnostic measures

Diagnose hygroma in the wrist area it is not difficult for a specialist.

First, the doctor examines the formation and prescribes radiography to confirm the diagnosis.

In some cases, a more detailed examination is required, including ultrasound, puncture or CT.

Localization of hygroma

Usually , hygromas occur in the area of ​​large joints of the legs and arms(and much less often can form on other parts of the body, for example, on the neck), but most often such formations are found on the wrists. In this case, there are two options for tumor formation:

Treatment of a lump on the arm near the hand

Patients, having discovered a hygroma, often wonder: Is it necessary to treat this formation? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. If a lump appears on your hand like a bone, but it does not bother you (that is, it does not cause pain, does not interfere with work) and is acceptable from an aesthetic point of view, then there is no urgent need to eliminate it. In cases where the hygroma is painful and interferes with joint movements, treatment should begin as early as possible.

Except surgical methods To eliminate the defect, there are also conservative methods (both traditional and folk). However, such methods are effective on initial stages diseases and can be used only when the hygroma does not hurt and does not cause discomfort, except for aesthetic unattractiveness.

Folk recipes


As mentioned above, with advanced hygromas appointed surgery. In this case, the surgeon makes a puncture in the hygroma and draws out the contents from it, then injects hormones into the formation that stop its further growth, and bandages the wrist.

Wrist hygroma (synovial cyst) is a fluid-filled cyst consisting of tendons and joint linings. Pathology can occur without any obvious reason. Both adults and children are equally susceptible to it. Can this disease be cured? Today we will find the answer to this question.

Hygroma on the hand is the lot of knitters, typesetters, seamstresses, typists, golfers, badminton players, as well as those who play tennis and table tennis. Wrist cysts often affect professional musicians - keyboardists, violinists, pianists, cellists, etc. The reason for such selectivity lies in constant load on tendons and joints, as well as in traumatizing their membranes.

Hygroma develops slowly and gradually. First, a round lump forms on the wrist - soft, pliable and practically painless. After some time, its circumference reaches 5-6, or even 10 cm. With such large sizes even a state of rest can bring unbearable pain. In all other cases, discomfort occurs only during physical activity.

Symptoms of the disease

A small and uncomplicated hygroma of the hand goes unnoticed for a long time. But any progress of the disease will immediately make itself known with the following symptoms:

  • Consolidation of subcutaneous formation;
  • Pain in the area of ​​the tumor is aching in nature;
  • Changes skin located above the tumor;
  • Impaired sensitivity of nerve endings.

Depending on the number of capsules in the formation, two types of hygromas can be distinguished:

  1. Single-chamber – consists of one capsule;
  2. Multi-chamber – consists of two or more capsules, diagnosed in advanced cases.

Causes of synovial cyst

There are many reasons why this disease develops. Here are the most important ones:

  • Repetitive, monotonous work done with your hands;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Previous trauma, especially untreated. It could be a sprain severe bruise hands, fall on arm, dislocation, fracture;
  • The presence of diseases such as bursitis (inflammation of the joint capsule) and tenosynovitis (inflammation of the joint membrane).

How to relieve pain in your hand?

As soon as the hygroma of the wrist begins to hurt severely, you should provide the affected hand with absolute rest. Ideally, the arm should be immobilized with a splint. Can't stand the pain? Take any painkiller and consult a doctor immediately.

Treatment measures

How to treat hygroma with medications? For this, there are several generally accepted methods, the choice of which depends on the cause of the tumor, its size and general clinical picture. Let's look at them in more detail.


Used to treat hygroma of the wrist joint on early stages its development. In this case, mud wraps, heating, paraffin therapy, and electrophoresis are used. These options are unacceptable when acute inflammation, as a result of which the capsule ruptures and its contents spill into the surrounding tissue.


It makes sense for non-advanced forms of hand hygroma. The essence of the procedure is to suck out the contents of the capsule using a syringe with a long needle. In addition, puncture allows you to determine the presence of cancer cells in the tumor.

Recently, doctors have resorted to using puncture less and less often, since suction of fluid is fraught with frequent relapses. The fact is that the syringe cannot destroy the capsule shell. Not only does it not disappear anywhere, but it also begins to secrete a new portion of pathological fluid.

If you are one of those patients on whom a puncture was used, be sure to use bandages or elastic bandages. It will also be necessary to limit as much as possible physical activity on the affected hand.

Surgical intervention

Removal of hand hygroma is carried out in two main ways:

  1. Tumor excision – complete excision of the tumor and suturing of healthy tissue to the subcutaneous fat. At the end of the operation, which is carried out under local anesthesia and lasts about 30 minutes, a tight bandage is applied to the wrist. The stitches can be removed on the seventh or tenth day of the operation.
  2. Laser burning of the capsule is one of the most modern and popular methods of treating hygroma. The tumor is removed using a laser beam. Healthy tissues are not damaged during the procedure. The advantages of the laser include a small percentage of relapses and quick rehabilitation.

Prevention after treatment

To avoid recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • Massage your brush regularly;
  • Avoid placing heavy loads on the affected joint;
  • Do physical therapy several times a week;
  • Visit your doctor from time to time for a preventive examination.

What should you be wary of?

Never crush or puncture the wrist hygroma. This is not only very painful, but also extremely dangerous. You can push the fluid into the joint cavity or allow it to move into the surrounding tissue. It may even seem to you that the tumor has resolved, but in reality this is not the case. Well, the most undesirable outcome of such self-medication is the addition of a secondary infection, which will lead to the development of inflammation and suppuration of the capsule.

Grandmother's recipes for cysts on the arm

Treatment folk remedies involves the use of various compresses, which sometimes contain the most unexpected ingredients. The most best recipes in front of you:

  • Place a copper coin on the hygroma and wrap it tightly with a bandage or cloth. Leave the bandage on for two or three days. To enhance the effect, you can heat a coin on fire and soak it in table vinegar;
  • Soak a piece of gauze or bandage in the pine needle infusion, apply it to the formation and bandage your hand tightly. As soon as the bandage is dry, soak it in the infusion again;
  • An ordinary cabbage leaf smeared with high-quality honey relieves inflammation well. Tape it to the affected area and walk all day. In the evening, replace the dried cabbage with a fresh leaf;
  • Here's another recipe based on cabbage: grind the leaves in a blender and squeeze the pulp through a strainer. You will need cabbage juice, drink half a glass of it in the morning and evening. This should be done before meals. The course of treatment should last at least a month;
  • Red clay also helps a lot: mix it with water to a paste consistency and apply it to the inflamed area;
  • You can also use the juice of wormwood: crush the leaves and stems of this plant in a mortar, apply the resulting juice to the hygroma, and wrap a warm scarf on top;
  • You can make lotions from a 70% alcohol solution. They also need to be wrapped first with polyethylene and then with a warm scarf;
  • Make compresses from pieces of kombucha;
  • Soak your hand in an infusion of hay dust, and then rub the swelling with Vaseline;
  • A compress of ficus leaves gives a good result: cut 6 leaves of the plant, fill them with 0.5 liters of kerosene (purified) and place in a dark place for ten days. At the end of the specified time, strain the tincture and use as compresses. They are made very simply. Soak a gauze bandage in sunflower oil, apply it to the hygroma, place a linen bandage dipped in ficus tincture on top. Keep the bandage on for about half an hour, repeating 3-4 times a day;
  • Steam your hand hot water(about 20-30 minutes), grease the capsule with honey, and place a piece on top parchment paper. Wrap everything in a warm scarf and walk like this all day. Repeat daily until complete recovery.