Why do you dream of a white dress? Interpretation from various dream books. Dress dream book

dress as described - Seeing or wearing in a dream White dress portends heartfelt joy, an imminent marriage. Green dress - to the fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road; a yellow dress is a sign of lies, envy and gossip; red - for an important visit; gray - do some general cleaning or repairs; golden - get help from sponsors; multi-colored and motley - for many entertainments; pale - you will rest your soul in peace and quiet; a black dress portends sad news that will lead you into great upset. A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, or the wrong size, foreshadows a deterioration in affairs in all areas. A long dress reaching to the toes means condemnation of others for an unseemly act. To sew a dress for yourself - your hard work will be rewarded, and if it is sewn for you in an atelier, you will face meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will turn into disappointment. Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long disagreement. If in a dream you try on a dress, this portends obtaining a profitable place or occupation that promises a side income that will exceed the main one. A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will become bored with the lifestyle you lead and will want a change. A beautiful luxurious dress, and also a very expensive one, which you see on yourself in a dream, is a sign of joyful events in the family circle. Seeing an ugly or wretched dress on someone predicts troubles threatening from a rival. An untidy, wrinkled or dirty dress means that in real life you will meet a person for whom you have an insurmountable dislike. A torn dress means squabbles and disagreements at work; a patched one means a lot of trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property. A dress with frills suggests that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure. A dress with a belt - deprive of freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other frills - a sign that in reality you should be guided by more common sense rather than emotions and whims. A velvet dress in a dream means many fans in real life. A dress covered in sequins portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant suitor for your hand, who, naturally, will be immediately rejected. Wash or iron a dress - for an upcoming date., Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

dress as described - Wear a luxurious one - you will be content; buy - you will make peace with your friends; black - sad news; heavenly color or green - your wish will come true; yellow - envy, lies; white - marriage soon; sew - hard work will be rewarded; torn - squabbles; in spots - your honor will be affected; red - you will be important; flog - be thrifty; multi-colored - roads are waiting for you; gray - work awaits you; woven with gold - happiness and strong protection; many dresses - insult, slander; short - bad things., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

paint (painting) according to the description - Seeing freshly painted houses in a dream - foretells that you will achieve success in fulfilling your personal plans. Finding paint on your clothes promises you that troubles await you due to the rash judgments of others. To dream that you yourself are holding a brush in your hands is a harbinger of satisfaction with your current occupation. If in a dream you look at masterpieces of painting, this means that your friends will behave insincerely towards you, and you will discover deception where you least expected. If a young woman dreams that she is painting a picture, she will be deceived by her lover, who will prefer another. If in a dream you observe the dyeing of dresses and fabrics, this promises you good luck or misfortune - depending on the color of the dye: blue, red and gold are favorable, black and white are not very good., Miller's Dream Book

patch as described - Patches in a dream mean wasted work and a break in relationships with those you trusted as yourself. Seeing patches on someone foreshadows a decline in business and temporary hardships. Seeing your clothes patched in a dream means that in reality you will come to despair from the inability to make ends meet in family budget, full of holes, like Trishkin’s caftan. Putting patches on worn-out clothes in a dream means that annoying little things will cause you a lot of trouble when performing duties that you don’t like. Patches on brand new clothes foretell that you will encounter troubles that will mar an otherwise wonderful vacation. Patches on bed linen - your intimate life will undergo unexpected changes for the worse. Leaving the house in a dress with a patch that you are trying to cover up with something, ashamed of the looks of others - in reality you will try to hide from your husband or lover some circumstances of your former life. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

matter as described - Seeing matter in a dream foreshadows the acquisition of wealth; buying it in large quantities means you will experience joy in reality. Cutting fabric for clothes or linen in a dream portends changes both in the field of activity and in everyday circumstances. If in a dream you are sewing something from fabric, this portends that unfaithful friends, under the pretext of helping you, will actually hinder you, plunging you into losses and troubles. Rough cloth such as cloth indicates that you will show restraint and repel the attacks of envious people who are ready to use any chance to put a spoke in your wheels. Soft, thin, elastic matter foreshadows tender relationships between lovers, harmony between spouses, peace and harmony in family relationships. To paint matter means that you will put yourself at risk with your long tongue. Giving the material to the dry cleaner indicates that your course of action is emergency will be the only optimal and error-free one. Seeing satin material in a dream foreshadows large financial expenses. If you buy an atlas, beware of being deceived in real life. Sew something from satin - you will soon strengthen your position and achieve public recognition. Purple atlas means unexpected losses and equally unexpected gains. Wearing a dress made of satin material portends love that is passionate to the point of madness. Satin robe - for an imminent wedding. Satin ribbons - for the upcoming trip, before deciding on which, you will carefully weigh all the pros and cons of the opportunity given to you. Velvet matter means that your affairs will go in full accordance with your plans. Worn or worn velvet means that the favorable course of events may be disrupted due to your inflexibility and excessive pride. Seeing yourself dressed in a velvet dress in a dream means for married people that they can achieve fame far beyond the circle in which they have to move; For a young girl, such a dream foretells that she will be surrounded by a swarm of admirers who will follow her in the hope of receiving a sign of favor. Seeing a crepe in a dream means that in reality you will receive news of the sudden death of one of your relatives or friends. Wearing a crepe dress foretells that you will be beaten by a rival whom you, even in your thoughts, have never considered at least equal to yourself. Linen material seen in a dream is a sign of betrayal and selfish interests; sew from it bed sheets- to receive an unexpected inheritance. Seeing linen clothes or napkins foretells the purchase of an item designed to make the housewife's work easier. Linen tablecloth on festive table says that if you save on small things, you will lose on big ones. A plush seen in a dream foretells that you will forget what you went to your friend for, but you will spend a pleasant couple of hours with coffee and intimate chat. A dream in which cotton material appears means an increase in prosperity, if it is thin, and if it is rough, you will have to moderate your extravagance. In a dream, cotton fabric, colorful and flashy, is a sign of falsehood and pretense, and moderate, calm tones or faded - a sign of cooling in love. Flannel, the things from which you put on or wear in a dream, foreshadows a disease that will cause you a lot of trouble and inconvenience in old age. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

buy according to description - A dream in which you make big choice purchases, and upon calculation it turns out that you have no money with you - this is a harbinger of both large expenses and significant profits. Paying for purchases in a dream means freeing yourself from the anxiety that oppresses you about the condition of your loved ones. If you buy goods in a company store, department store or supermarket and acquire the best and most expensive, it means that in reality your business will quickly go uphill thanks to the significant support of friends who have extensive experience in business and long-standing connections in the business world. If you dream that you are shopping at the market or in small shops and stores, while gaining some small amount on each item, in reality you will lose more than you save by chasing cheapness. Buying a car in a dream is a sign that you will regain lost positions, having significantly succeeded in a new field. If you buy oranges and other fruits from hot countries, it means that difficulties and obstacles on your way will be easily overcome, and with considerable benefit for you. If in a dream you buy yourself underwear, this promises illness from overexertion. Purchased tickets to a theater or some other performance are a sign of unscrupulous deception and extortion. Jars with any contents mean the instability of your success and severe disappointment in case of complete failure. The loaf you bought portends profit if it is fresh, and loss if it is stale. Buying a dacha in a dream means receiving a rich inheritance; boards mean indulging in sadness and heartache; firewood means gossip about your address. If you buy jewelry in a dream, this portends success in business. Buying perfume yourself is a disappointment in your loved one, even if the perfume is bought by none other than him and just for you - it means that in reality they are waiting for you happy life and well-being in everything. A dream in which you buy paintings foreshadows an unsuccessful business; carpets - to make a big profit; lace - there will be no end to fans, so you will be faced with a difficult choice of whom to give preference. If in a dream you buy some medicine at a pharmacy, this portends a breakdown in business, and if it’s a laxative, you’ll be packing for a long journey. Buying ribbons means that in reality you will incur empty expenses. Buy a shovel - you may lose your place, a horse - you will spend your vacation in the lap of nature, having a great rest and gaining new impressions. Buy butter - you will live in complete pleasure, milk - you will be meanly and insidiously deceived, meat - a sign of a bloody deed or a serious illness. A dream in which you acquire a weapon means that you will arouse a negative attitude towards yourself from a person with whom you refuse to have an intimate relationship. If the weapon is a bow and arrow or other children’s toy that is not capable of seriously hitting, then in reality you will be forced to resort to the services of a lawyer to protect your interests. Buying shoes means minor troubles and inconsistencies. If you buy gloves in a dream, in reality you will show economy and thrift, but this will not allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses due to unforeseen circumstances. Buying a new belt in a dream means marital fidelity, and for a young girl it means chastity and maiden modesty before marriage. If in a dream you went to buy fabric for a wedding dress, it means that you will soon please your relatives by announcing your decision to marry a worthy person known to them, preferring him to your former admirer. If you buy a beautiful inlaid or carved box, you will find out the secret by reading someone else’s letter. Buying a fashionable hat means changing your image, if not your entire lifestyle. Buying an antique cabinet - you will achieve prosperity through hard work, modern furniture– you will achieve the same without much effort., Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

silk as described - Wearing silk underwear in a dream predicts in real life a return to the previous relationship in marriage and the regaining of lost family happiness. A torn silk dress is a dream warning of troubles at work due to possible oversights and inattention on your part. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

nudity as described - Nudity in a dream is an important event. Often people report that in their dreams they were completely naked or dressed only in underwear. Such dreams often reveal our vulnerability, which is hidden under the seemingly impenetrable cover of self-confidence. This vulnerability comes from that part of our being that we hide from others. Concealment can be CONSCIOUS, for example, concealing a TABOO, or less conscious, based on our universal conclusion: if others know all the ins and outs of a person, then he will not be in to the fullest accepted and understood by them, moreover, he will be completely defenseless. The peculiarity of "naked dreams" is their reverse connection with the fairy tale about the king's new dress. If you remember, the fairy tale is about two tailors who persuade the king to stand naked at the throne, while his courtiers pretend to admire the “new dress”. In the end, only a little boy dares to voice the obvious - what everyone sees, but is afraid to say out loud: “the king has no clothes.” In the "naked dream" or sleeping with underwear, you are fully aware that your outfit is either incomplete or non-existent, while others are completely calm about this. As soon as you begin to react to your nakedness, those around you also notice it, your SUBCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUSNESS is tired of constantly maintaining your “façade”, which is your real, open self to society. Perhaps the time has come to make a comparative assessment of the usefulness of hiding some qualities as opposed to revealing new facets your personality. Such an assessment can be universal in nature and apply to all aspects of life or to individual, or interpersonal relationships that require more sincerity on your part. Undoubtedly, such a dream may have an exhibitionistic or sexual connotation and be a wish fulfillment or fantasy. Do you consider yourself open to others or do you take measures to hide certain aspects of your life? How do you feel about your body?, Loff's Dream Book

wardrobe as described - Buy - well-being; hide something in it - you will have to limit yourself; see - frankness will attract people more than secrecy; for linen - engagement; for a dress - happiness., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

prom according to description - Seeing yourself in a dream at a prom in a white dress: for a woman - for a quick wedding., Dream Interpretation by Grishina

nudity by description - A dream in which you appear naked foreshadows a scandal and some unseemly deeds. If you saw someone else naked - get ready for ill-wishers to try to lead you astray. In addition, illness may hinder your success. If you dreamed that you suddenly noticed your nakedness and tried to cover it up, your noble feelings will conflict with the thirst for illicit passions. A young woman who admires her own nakedness in a dream will achieve a man in real life, but will not keep her. And this is also provided that she is well built: otherwise her reputation will generally be tarnished by some kind of scandal. If she dreamed that she was swimming naked in clean water, which means she will have to enjoy secret love. Seeing naked men bathing in clear water in a dream, she can count on a crowd of admirers. If the water is dirty, a jealous admirer will spread some malicious gossip about it. D. Loff interpreted “naked dreams” as follows: “Nudity in a dream is an important event. Often people report that in their dreams they were completely naked or dressed only in underwear. Such dreams often reveal our vulnerability, which is hidden under the seemingly impenetrable cover of self-confidence. This vulnerability comes from that part of our being that we hide from others. Concealment can be conscious, for example, hiding a taboo, or less conscious, based on our universal conclusion: if others know all the ins and outs of a person, then he will not be fully accepted and understood by them, moreover, he will be completely defenseless. The peculiarity of “naked dreams” is their reverse connection with the fairy tale about the king’s new dress. If you remember, the fairy tale is about two tailors who persuade the king to stand naked at the throne, and his courtiers pretend to admire the “new dress”. In the end, only a little boy dares to voice the obvious - what everyone sees, but is afraid to say out loud: “The king has no clothes!” In a “naked dream” or sleeping with underwear, you are fully aware that your outfit is either incomplete or missing altogether, while others are completely calm about this. As soon as you begin to react to your nakedness, others also notice it, your subconscious is tired of constantly maintaining your “façade”, which is your real “I”, open to society. Perhaps the time has come to make a comparative assessment of the usefulness of hiding certain qualities as opposed to revealing new facets of your personality. Such an assessment can be universal and apply to all aspects of life or to an individual or interpersonal relationship that requires greater sincerity on your part.” Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

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White dress

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dead man doing renovations


soiled clothes





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Seeing or wearing a white dress in a dream foretells heartfelt joy and an imminent marriage.

Green dress - to the fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road;

A yellow dress is a sign of lies, envy and gossip;

Red - for an important visit; gray - do some general cleaning or repairs;

Golden – get help from sponsors; multi-colored and motley - for many entertainments;

Pale - you will rest your soul in peace and quiet; a black dress portends sad news that will lead you into great upset.

A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, or the wrong size, foreshadows a deterioration in affairs in all areas. A long dress reaching to the toes means condemnation of others for an unseemly act.

To sew a dress for yourself - your hard work will be rewarded, and if it is sewn for you in an atelier, you will face meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will turn into disappointment.

Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long disagreement.

If in a dream you try on a dress, this portends obtaining a profitable place or occupation that promises a side income that will exceed the main one.

A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will become bored with the lifestyle you lead and will want a change.

A beautiful luxurious dress, and also a very expensive one, which you see on yourself in a dream, is a sign of joyful events in the family circle.

Seeing an ugly or wretched dress on someone predicts troubles threatening from a rival.

An untidy, wrinkled or dirty dress means that in real life you will meet a person for whom you have an insurmountable dislike.

A torn dress means squabbles and disagreements at work; a patched one means a lot of trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property.

A dress with frills suggests that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure.

A dress with a belt - deprived of freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other frills - a sign that in reality you should be guided by common sense rather than emotions and whims.

A velvet dress in a dream means many fans in real life.

A dress covered in sequins portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant suitor for your hand, who, naturally, will be immediately rejected.

Wash or iron a dress - for an upcoming date.

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Many dreams have their own meaning and foreshadow future events in life; let’s find out why a white dress is dreamed of. Dreams contain certain information, if you decipher it correctly, you can avoid real troubles, achieve your goal, and not miss fate.

Why do you dream of a white wedding dress?

A dream about a snow-white wedding dress most often does not foretell bad events in a person’s life. This dream can be regarded as a harbinger of good and kind things. It promises a person a favorable completion of a long-started business. Perhaps your professional achievements will be highly appreciated by colleagues and superiors.

If the bride’s dress in your dream is distinguished by its sophistication and beauty, then this foreshadows excellent long-awaited news, hospitality and respect. Do you want to know why you dream of a white wedding dress? It usually dreams of good and pleasant events. A dream where there is a snow-white wedding robe is, as a rule, good sign. It is especially good if the bride’s wedding clothes are sparkling white and embroidered with pearls. This promises prosperity and a prosperous life. Below we will tell you why you dream of a white dress. different people and in different situations.

If you dream of getting married in a white dress

Dreams about upcoming marriage can be seen by both young unmarried women and ladies who have already entered into a legal marriage. If an unmarried girl dreams of getting married in a white dress, then this does not promise the fulfillment of her dream of an imminent wedding. However, the richer the dress in such a dream, the wealthier the chosen one will be. If a married woman had a similar dream, then this may mean some lack of attention on the part of her husband. Perhaps the situation may soon change for the better.

Alarming events may mean a dream in which the wedding dress has lost its original whiteness and looks unkempt. When a person sees a torn, wrinkled or cut dress during sleep, it’s also not very good. This may be a sign of an upcoming breakup with your partner. But there is no need to despair. The dream is a warning. If you take action and show your partner attention and care, things can still get better.

Why do you dream of a bride in a white dress?

If a bride in a wedding dress appears to a person during a dream white- this means waiting for certain events. They can be either positive or neutral, or not very pleasant.
To figure out why a bride in a white dress dreams, you need to know who dreamed about it. If a man had a similar dream and in the dream the bride is his chosen one, she is standing next to another guy - this dream is a harbinger of danger. It can also mean upcoming betrayal, deceit, betrayal. The kiss of the bride that a sleeping man received in a dream means respect from friends and success in business. If a woman saw a dream about a bride in a snow-white dress, then this usually becomes a harbinger of prosperity and a white streak in a series of events.

Why do you dream of seeing a white dress?

If a person saw an elegant white dress in a dream, then this means receiving good news. Why does a man dream of seeing a white dress? Such a dream can mean anxiety, cooling in relationships, or fear of loneliness. Perhaps such a dream indicates a desire for fame and self-affirmation, success, recognition.

If a woman has a dream and she holds and examines a white dress in it, then this means her desire for the male sex. In real life, this can also mean choosing a partner. A dream with a white dress for a young girl foreshadows her imminent wedding. If an unmarried person had a dream that she received a snow-white outfit as a gift, then this promises a quick meeting with her chosen one. It is also possible to propose marriage to them. Buying a white dress in a dream means that all troubles are a thing of the past and life is getting better.

Why do you dream about a woman in a white dress?

Seeing a woman dressed in a white dress in your dream - this dream has a mostly positive meaning. Why do you dream of a woman in a white dress? For men and women, sleep means imminent changes in life for the better. It portends success in business and recognition from management, colleagues, and friends. Sometimes such a dream warns men of impending deception or betrayal. If a lady in white was dreamed of by a representative of the fairer sex, this may mean achieving some goal.

Concern may arise from a dream in which a white dress is worn not just by a woman, but by a close relative or good friend. This threatens her with illness, illness. If a woman is dressed in a warm white dress, this means a possible flu or cold. If you dreamed of not a woman in a white outfit, but a very young girl or even a little girl, then this is a sign of joy and prosperity. We will explain below why you dream of a white dress in various forms and scenes.

Why do you dream about a wedding, a white dress?

A wedding in real life is a significant and joyful event. Let's find out why you dream of a wedding, a white dress? Seeing a wedding in a dream means a quick resolution of problems. If a person has a dream of a wedding and dances merrily at it, this means a misunderstanding with a loved one.

In general, a wedding celebration and a bride in a white dress symbolize joyful events, an invitation to a party or a party.

If a lonely person dreams of a cheerful wedding, then this is not a very good dream; you may soon have to participate in a funeral. However, if a person is married, then the dream most likely will not come true and nothing terrible will happen.

When at a wedding seen in a dream, the sleeping person is the bride or groom, then this is a surprise or a surprise. Perhaps such a person will face serious changes in life circumstances or move to a new home.

Why does a married woman dream of a white dress?

Most women have had a white dress in their lives. It can be a simple white dress or a wedding dress. If a woman chooses such a dress in a dream, this most likely means that in real life the lady will experience envy. It will apparently come from friends or good friends.
Why does a married woman dream of a white dress? If in a dream a lady steals a white dress from a store, then the dream foreshadows an imminent betrayal of her husband with a new partner. And perhaps such a dream is not directly related to the sleeping lady. It simply promises the imminent wedding of a close friend.

Why do you dream of wearing a white dress?

If in a dream there is simply a white dress, then this foreshadows mostly good and positive events. Sleeping with getting dressed can be interpreted in different ways. Let’s try to find out why sleeping people with different status in life dream of wearing a white dress.

If the dress is not just white, but a wedding dress, and an unmarried person puts it on in a dream, then the dream means that the real wedding will not happen soon. The size of the white dress worn is of particular importance. If it is loose and several sizes larger than necessary, then real marriage is still very far away. If the dress is tight, then most likely the future partner will be younger. If an unmarried girl wears someone else’s white dress in a dream, then in life she may like someone else’s husband or fiancé. When someone else's outfit doesn't fit, the girl will destroy other people's relationships, but will not build her own happiness. Here girls need to listen to one piece of wisdom. You shouldn't flirt or make advances with someone else's partner in real life. It is advisable to choose a free man.

If a divorced person wears a white dress in a dream, then this promises her a new relationship and a new marriage. The dream can be interpreted completely differently if a married lady is wearing a white dress. Most likely, this means a rift with her husband. If the dress does not fit or the woman quickly took it off, then the matter will not come to a divorce, the relationship will improve.

Many dream books have different interpretations of what a white dress means in a dream. It is important to remember that all thoughts can acquire real embodiment. The dreams that a person sees can warn in advance about pleasant and unpleasant things.

If in a dream you saw yourself in a white dress, the dream book considers this dream as a sign of progress in spiritual growth and promises you the respect of others who cannot help but notice the changes happening to you. The dream also indicates your moral purity.

Why you dream of a white wedding dress, the dream book does not give a definite answer. A dream in which you are sewing a wedding dress suggests that you are forcing events too much, thereby blocking the fulfillment of desires. A damaged or sloppy dress may be a harbinger of a breakup.

The dream book considers the dream in which you saw a white dress in a dream, admiring its beauty without taking any action, to be a reflection of your real feelings about the upcoming wedding. The dream allows for two scenarios: either the wedding will go great, or you will become famous.

According to the dream book, a bride in a white dress is very significant dream, which has a double meaning. On the one hand, the bride symbolizes purity, kindness and joy. On the other hand, the dream warns that the best human qualities may turn out to be just a mask.

Why you dream of a girl in a white dress largely depends on the personality of the dreamer. For a woman, a dream represents her optimistic and ambitious mood. For a man, such a dream can mean deception.

If a man dreams of a woman in a white dress, the dream reflects the sincerity of his intentions. For an unmarried dreamer, such a dream promises the beginning of a new romantic relationship or the revival of time-tested feelings. If a woman had a dream, the dream book sees here the habit of not flaunting her strengths.

As Miller’s dream book interprets, a white dress can be regarded as a good sign. The dream promises popularity and respect from others, high appreciation of the results of work, and successful completion of the task.

What you dream of about a long white dress will cause you considerable surprise. The dream promises that you will finally receive something you no longer expected to receive. Your personal qualities or achievements in any field will receive universal recognition. The dream suggests that perhaps you will hear news that will be beyond all praise for you.

The beautiful white dress you dream about means that you will receive an unusually warm welcome. The dream suggests that you will be admired and shown all kinds of signs of attention, respect and hospitality.

Why else do you dream of a white dress in a dream?

In order for the interpretation of the dream to be accurate, it is advisable to carefully examine the white dress. If it is new, clean, neat, the dream promises a joyful event. Stains noticed on white fabric can cause such serious damage to your reputation that your relationship with your loved one will suffer.

Interpreting the meaning of a dream about a wedding, where a white dress is an indispensable attribute, the dream book recommends that the dreamer not lock himself within four walls and go out into the world more often. The dream means that otherwise an important event or a fun party will take place without you.

A dream in which you were lucky enough to wear a white dress reflects your ambition. The Dream Interpretation rightly notes that you like to be in the spotlight and shine with your successes. The dream warns that you may have not only admirers, but also envious people.

A white lace dress seen in a dream promises that you will soon have a reason for sincere joy, a real holiday. The dream means a long-awaited meeting, a date. With whom exactly - the dream book does not specify, let it be a surprise.

The dream book does not give a very reassuring interpretation of why a friend in a white dress dreams. The dream means that your friend may have health problems.

Dreaming of a white dress and veil means that in the near future a joyful event awaits you, which will not only bring pleasant moments, but will also change your worldview. The dream says that you have to reconsider some of your views.

Trying on a white dress in a dream represents your secret desire to see yourself as a bride. A dream helps to identify potential rivals; in most cases, they become participants in the dream. At the same time, the dream book considers trying on a white dress in a dream not such harmless entertainment.

If you happen to try on a white dress in a dream, make sure it belongs to you. By putting on someone else's clothes in a dream, you take on the problems of its owner in real life. Since we are talking about a white dress, the dream book suggests that problems may be related to the sensual and intimate sphere.

Why the daughter dreams of wearing a white dress, the dream book explains by novelty in all its manifestations. The dream promises the daughter new acquaintances, new successes, new events and even new life. If a woman had such a dream, this fact confirms the meaning offered by the dream book.

Dream Interpretation White dress

Why do you dream about a white dress in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about a white dress foreshadows the receipt of a marriage proposal or another, no less joyful, event.

You have to engage in a common cause with those who in the future can become close friends and reliable assistants for you.

Who did you see wearing a white dress in a dream?

Seeing yourself in a white dress in a dream

According to the dream book, seeing yourself in a white dress means having a fun time with friends. You will be able to have a good rest, recharge with positive emotions, and communicate with like-minded people.

Why do you dream about a girl in a white dress?

Why do you dream about a girl in a white dress? A negative sign promising deterioration of health, illness. Such a vision foreshadows the approach of sad events, grief for the dreamer.

A woman dreamed of a white dress

For a woman, a white dress in a dream is a harbinger of improvement. financial situation. Expect finances to come from an unexpected source that you did not consider as profitable.

What did you do with the white dress in your dream?

Buying a white dress in a dream

Dreaming of buying a white dress means joyful events and pleasure. You will be able to find a common language with a friend or lover with whom you had a quarrel, finding out at the same time that the conflict arose out of nowhere.

Trying on a white dress in a dream

If you dreamed about trying on a white dress, you will soon receive an invitation to fun gatherings. This will lift your spirits and distract you from problems, so you can relax and unwind.

Wearing a white dress in a dream

A dream in which you wear a white dress is a reflection of serious ambitions. You like to be a visible and discussed person. But publicity also has back side, Do not forget.

Why do you dream about a white dress? The dream book gives the answer

Why might you dream of a white dress? Miller's dream book gives an interpretation of the best changes in your life that will be noticed and appreciated by others.

General definition (P. Globa)

If in a dream you saw a simple white dress, the dream book deciphers this as moral purity, sinlessness, a noble deed committed the day before. An action that will raise your status in front of colleagues, friends and relatives.

Long dress is long lasting spiritual growth, a chain of good deeds in the present and future. And also your desire to improve. Short - one action, but of such deep meaning that it will be remembered for many years.

Torn clothes

If you see a torn dress (white), the dream book speaks of a break in any relationship, love or friendship. If you tear your clothes, then a quarrel will occur on your initiative, but, most likely, on the wrong premises. For example, a slander against this person may be false. If someone tears your dress, it means that a loved one will leave forever, betray you.

A dream where the hem of a long dress is cut off to change the style can mean a sharp change in your views on a dubious event. There is also a difference between a torn and cut item of clothing. If torn sloppily means unexpected changes, but if cut specifically for improvement. appearance- this is the desire to correct mistakes through apologies and good deeds.

Psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about a white dress? Miller's dream book gives a positive interpretation and promises success in business, a successful deal, positive feedback and recognition from superiors. If you see yourself in a dress from the outside and you are pleased to see this picture, then expect a decent reward for your work. But apart from you, for example, in a store window, the dress may hint that the award is worth earning.

Plain white without decoration is the hidden admiration of fans. Beautiful, shiny, with flounces and rhinestones - success and the opportunity to be the center of attention. An elegant dress on another person is a desire to be in his place, which will most likely come true. Throwing away means refusing well-deserved compliments and being modest.

Psychologist S. Freud (dream book): white dress

It may mean that the woman is pleased with herself. Especially in appearance, figure and facial features. Wearing is a desire to attract attention. Hidden clothes - hidden desires. If the dress is neatly folded, then the girl is not yet ready for intimate relationships and has decided to wait further development events. Crumpled, dirty white clothes are an insult to the opposite sex.

Selling a dress or giving it as a gift, according to Freud, means giving up a relationship with specific person. Buying is the desire to win someone's heart. Finding is a dream about a non-existent prince whom the woman invented due to the lack of new acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation: white wedding dress for the newlywed

Before a joyful event, seeing yourself in a wedding dress means that someone is deceiving you. Unpleasant news will arrive soon; the fulfillment of the prediction should be expected in the near future. Perhaps at the wedding the details of the groom's secret relationship will be revealed, and an unexpected rival will appear. It can also mean betrayal of friends and family.

The second interpretation is more natural and not so formidable. A wedding dress before the celebration may be an omen that the girl was simply overtired the day before and was too worried about her fate. In this case, you just need to rest and calm down.

Actions in a dream

Clothes can not only be worn, they are given as gifts, washed, sewn. The dream book will explain what this means. Seeing yourself in a white dress and at the same time running away from someone means hiding from difficult problems, hiding from unsolvable problems. Most likely, this is the right action, since you are wearing white, which means you consider yourself right and are running away from bad and evil attitudes.

To run after someone is to try to correct the unpleasant opinion of others about oneself, to convince others, to achieve justice. Burning white clothes is a ardent resentment of unfair words, betrayal and infidelity. Sewing a wedding dress means rushing things, forcing them. This can be a blockage of secret desires and will lead to serious consequences, including illness or nervous breakdown.

Emotions in a dream

It is worth paying attention to what emotions you experience in a dream; your mood gives clear definitions of the future, which the dream book can decipher. Getting married in a white dress and experiencing joy is an unhappy marriage. Family quarrels and betrayals will haunt you throughout your entire life together.

Crying at a wedding, on the contrary, is a sign of joy. Fighting means doubts about fidelity; kissing during a wedding means treason. Seeing someone else's wedding in a dream means getting married soon. Seeing your own is an unfavorable image. This means death, illness, breakup of old relationships. Wearing a white dress means that in the near future (the next three days) you will find yourself in a situation where you will feel extremely awkward.

Changing the prediction

Dreams are a part of our life. If they promise trouble, then you have the opportunity to play it safe and change your future for the better. There is a ritual, the implementation of which will help avoid a bad prediction. To do this, you need to sew a couple of buttons from the inside out with red thread. A bright color will scare away failure and give confidence.

Seeing a white dress most often means success and attention, so as not to frighten it off, try not to force things. And also always remember that your future depends only on you, and no dreams can change it.

I dreamed about a dress - to receive good news, pleasant events. What happened will give you a lot of positive emotions and positive thoughts. You will think only about pleasant things.

What color dress did you dream about? What did you do with the dress in your dream? What dress did you dream about? How did you end up with the dress in your dream? What type of dress did you dream about? How many dresses did you dream about? Where did you see the dress in your dream? Who did you see wearing a dress in your dream?

What color dress did you dream about?

White dress Red dress Blue dress Black dress Pink dress Green dress Yellow dress Blue dress Purple dress Gold dress

Dreaming of a turquoise dress

A turquoise dress seen in a dream means in reality becoming attached to someone, being dependent. However, this addiction gives you extremely pleasant emotions.

I dreamed of an orange dress

If you dream of an orange dress, pay attention to your behavior. You should stay calmer and be less rude. The desire to attract attention and gain benefits will lead to trouble over time.

Seeing a lilac dress in a dream

If you dreamed of a lilac dress, in reality you will suffer from negativity. You shouldn’t think about bad things and take out accumulated aggression on others. This won't make anyone feel better.

I dreamed of a multi-colored dress

A dream about a multi-colored dress is a harbinger of quarrels with relatives. Their main reason will most likely be different points of view on the current situation.

Dreaming of a brown dress

Why do you dream of a brown dress? The dream indicates that you are more busy developing your body, and devoting less and less time to your soul. You should not leave the spiritual side of your personality without development.

What did you do with the dress in your dream?

Try on a dress Choose a dress Put on a dress Sew a dress Give a dress Iron a dress

Looking for a dress in a dream

If you are looking for a dress in a dream, in reality you will also search, but not for a dress, but for love. She will come on her own over time; intensive attempts to find her will not lead to any results.

What dress did you dream about?

New dress Long dress Beautiful dress Torn dress Children's dress Dirty dress Short dress Transparent dress Fluffy dress

I dreamed about an old dress

I dreamed of an old dress - an alarming sign. In reality, the financial situation will noticeably worsen. Because of this, troubles and frantic attempts to restore your capital will begin.

Dreaming of a shiny dress

A dream about a shiny dress reflects the desire to live on a grand scale. This desire is quite feasible, but putting it into practice requires effort; waiting alone will not help.

Why do you dream about someone else's dress?

Why do you dream about someone else's dress? You will begin to take on solving the problems of your loved ones and for this you will devote a lot of time and effort. Moreover, you will do this of your own free will, despite the fact that the results may not live up to expectations.

How did you end up with the dress in your dream?

Buy a dress Give a dress

What type of dress did you dream about?

Evening dress Ball gown Lace dress White wedding dress

I dreamed about a prom dress

Dreaming of a prom dress means a slight deterioration in well-being. Try to be more attentive to your health, but if you cannot preserve it, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Dreaming of a wedding dress

I dreamed of a wedding dress - a vision favorable in all respects. It promises pleasant experiences and happy moments in life. You will be able to take advantage of fate’s favor and meet new people.

How many dresses did you dream about?

Lots of dresses

Where did you see the dress in your dream?

Dreaming of dresses in a store

Why do you dream about dresses in a store? A dream is a reflection of emerging prospects. There will be a chance to change your life or accept a tempting offer. Take the chance while you can.

Who did you see wearing a dress in your dream?

I dreamed of a girl in a dress

Felomena's dream book considers a girl in a dress as a harbinger of new acquaintances. Seeing her in torn, unkempt or dirty clothes - in reality you will encounter lies, slander and negativity.

Why do you dream of a girl in a dress in a dream?

A girl in a dress seen in a dream should be assessed according to several parameters, and first of all you should pay attention to the dress. If it is beautiful and clean, there are new acquaintances ahead and fun parties. A torn, dirty dress is a symbol of troubles, lies, gossip and rumors. The color of the girl’s dress in a dream is also of considerable importance. Thus, a green dress in a dream symbolizes hope, a red dress symbolizes honor and respect, a gray dress symbolizes hard work, and a gold dress symbolizes happiness, which influential friends and patrons will help you find. girl in wedding dress in a dream - a symbol of imminent changes in life, which can be both positive and negative.

Dream Interpretation, explain to us: why does the bride in a wedding dress dream?

Why do you dream of a bride in a wedding dress? Such dreams are seen both by future brides and grooms, and simply by women, men and even small children. It is curious that most of them are simply sure that this is a kind of anticipation of an imminent marriage. However, it's not that simple.

Why does a bride dream in a wedding dress: general interpretation

Why do girls dream of a bride in a wedding dress?

Let's sum it up

Whatever “wedding” dream you see, know that in any case, a bride in a dream is always a bright sign, regardless of who sees her: a man or a woman, children, old people... If you do not pay attention to possible negative nuances of this dream, then a woman in white is a symbol of purity and innocence, everything bright and beautiful!

A dream in which you see a girl in a wedding dress should be interpreted based on several factors.

Firstly, this is the degree of familiarity with her. If this is your friend or relative, you probably want to make some changes in your life, and you are sure that this girl should take part in them one way or another.

If you dream unknown girl in a wedding dress, then you should pay attention to it - how beautiful, rich, and how decorated it is.

Based on this, conclusions are drawn about possible future changes: will they be pleasant or will they have to go through some trials.

Why do you dream of wearing a beautiful white wedding dress?


Isabella Marie

A new dress means the beginning of a new life, new acquaintances, new incidents. This dream is especially significant for girls.
Lunar dream book

Golden dress - envy; dirty - trouble; new - wealth; matting - annoyance; leaky - trouble.
Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Wearing a dress is a success; buy - to envy; wedding - illness; rich - quarrel; embroidered - joy.
Newest dream book

A woman’s dress, if she tries it on, promises separation or a quarrel with her beloved man; a man buys - the wedding will not take place in the near future; he sees a wedding dress on a woman - an affair with a married woman.
Family dream book

If a young woman saw a beautiful dress in a dream, in reality she will arouse everyone’s admiration.

But a torn dress foreshadows her condemnation for unlawful behavior.

A woman who tries on a dress in a dream will unexpectedly encounter a rival in love. But if she dreams that she has lost weight in order to wear a dress, she will get rid of her rival and achieve the love of her chosen one.
Slavic dream book

Seeing a red dress on yourself means tears.
Dream Interpreter

A red dress - wearing one according to the dream book foreshadows grief and tears.
Dream Interpreter

Seeing an ordinary dress does not have any special meaning; To see a rich dress on a rich person promises honor and elevation in ranks, to the poor - misfortune, and to the sick - death; To see a soiled or torn dress on oneself is a sign of sadness and unhappiness; Wearing a new dress portends joy, profit and success in business; seeing your dresses on fire means boredom, slander, insult, loss of litigation and a quarrel with friends; to see a dress of light and bright color on yourself - foreshadows an elevation in dignity, an increase in fame and an increase in wealth; to lose a dress means to lose honor; For a man to wear a woman's dress, it means deception, and for a woman to wear a man's dress, it means temptation.
Dream book of the 21st century

Wearing a good dress in a dream is a sign that you will be given some kind of honor, very expensive - to envy, trouble, dirty - to displeasure, shame, with holes - to trouble, lies, embroidered - to joy.

A very long dress is a surprise, a short one is a sign that you will receive a gift.

A dress made of matting is a sign of annoyance, a dress made of paper is a sign of profit, a wedding dress is a sign that success awaits you in business; mourning - to a new friend.

Having a large neckline is a sign that changes in everyday life are coming.

Buying a silk dress for yourself in a dream means that, due to your mistake or stupidity, you may become dependent on a very dangerous and scary person.

Seeing a blue dress in a dream means mental suffering.

Wearing a green dress in a dream - fortunately, such a dream is especially favorable for girls - is a harbinger of happiness in love, mutual understanding with a loved one, and imminent marriage.
Azar's Dream Book

Yellow dress - envy, lies; heavenly color or green dress - your wish will come true; a black dress is sad news.
Dream book of lovers

If a girl dreams of a well-made dress, this means that she will be admired by members of the opposite sex.

Her dream of a torn dress foretells that her lover will condemn her actions.

Trying on a dress - dreams of a rival in love.

If in a dream a girl watches her figure in order to wear the dress that she likes, this means that she will achieve a reciprocal feeling from the person with whom she is in love.
Dream interpretation horoscope

The dress is beautiful - to the envy of your friends.

A wedding dress - for an imminent wedding.
Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a well-made dress in a dream from Thursday to Friday means meeting former classmates.

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Sunday to Monday, in which your dress is torn, foreshadows reproaches for misbehavior.

If in a dream from Monday to Tuesday you are trying on a dress, this indicates that you have a rival, whom you will learn about from the people around you.
Dream book for a bitch

Olya Panina



as far as I know, this does not bode well (white clothes always mean illness, etc.) but you can interpret this either as something you saw in reality, or just thinking about it

Rita Vladimirskaja

Bad sleep for illness

Mila Pretty

sick.... take care of yourself and your health!

Ushakova Tatyana

To a painful experience or to illness.



Hello! Can you please tell me? I had a dream where I was standing with my mother on the balcony and a girl dressed in white was walking towards me, but it wasn’t a dress. She walked with such a look as if she wanted to do something to me, I told my mother, mom, you see she says I see, I say close the door quickly and I’m all awake. What could this mean?


Hello, can you explain what the dream is about? I dreamed of a white girl and a black, white life as if she was helping her mother and aunt and in the end she gave 2 silver chains and two gold crosses. and the black one enveloped her little sister and said that she would hang herself, what is this for?


In a dream, I called my English teacher to agree on some extra classes (we communicate well), at that moment she was studying with another girl, we began to negotiate, she asked me something, and at that moment a girl said in the background “maybe we can study!” and then the dream jumped to a completely different place. The teacher was walking along the road to the house (she was pregnant), it was dark on the street, there was no one around, and a girl in white was coming towards her long dress it looks more like a shirt, waist-length hair, dark, white face, barefoot. She stood in front of the teacher’s face and said something, smiled a little slyly and disappeared, the teacher was like a zombie, then she didn’t understand anything, and quickly went home, and here is the background, this girl in white walked after her very intently.
My teacher is really pregnant, I communicate with her very well, I value her, I pay a lot of attention to her, she is like a friend or even like a mother to me.


Hello! I dreamed of a stranger beautiful girl a brunette in a white dress who repeated one phrase: “Feel how cold I am.”


I dreamed of a girl in a white skirt and T-shirt on a bus, and I admired her slender figure, then she got off at the bus stop and continued to admire her in the window until the bus moved on.


For the third time in a row I have been dreaming about a girl in a white T-shirt, a blonde, in the last dream she tried to seduce, as it were, but I did not give in to temptation, the main thing is that I have never seen her face.


It was night, I was standing with a friend near the private house of my grandmother, suddenly the friend went into the house for some reason and several girls, three in my opinion, walked past me, one stopped and waited for me to approach her, realizing that I would not come, she herself came up to me and mother and stepmother offered to take the flower, I didn’t take it, I turned back, first there was a black car behind me and bam it disappeared, I turn my head again and together with this girl there are already three children standing, two on the left side of her and one on the right, holding her by the hands are trying to come to me, I told them not to come and drove me away, she again offers me to take this flower, I refused and went into the yard to the house and was followed by her cheerful laughter, I don’t know this girl and have never seen her.


I saw in a dream a girl about 12 or 11 years old, she was in a white dress and she had a wreath on her head, she had light brown hair and blue eyes, she smiled at me and ran and I ran after her and then she stopped and I really wanted to hug her and I hugged her then she disappeared. I don't know what this is for.


I sleep on my right side and feel that the curtains begin to move and a girl in white comes down from the windowsill, stands next to me and is silent.


I walked with my girlfriend hand in hand. she was in a white dress with brown flowers, we felt good and calm, she smiled, we walked as if on fluffy white clouds, I don’t remember anything else.


First the road. Then I was directed along it and at the end I saw three girls I knew, they were friends with each other, but I had known one of them for at most a week. They were wearing white dresses and looked like they were returning from prom. Then someone jumped out of the window, I didn’t see who exactly or I don’t remember.


I dreamed of my house where one half was celebrating a wedding. another funeral. My girlfriend was in a white chic dress getting ready to go to the wedding. But I chose the part of the house where the funeral was held. This part was divided by region, i.e. a person from Syzran could sit in that part of the house where the Syzran sign was.. Just don’t laugh for too long))


Hello! Please tell me. I dreamed of a road, the day was sunny, bright. My former business partner was standing by the road in a strange white dress and a white scarf on her head, with her little daughter, and suddenly my eldest son sat down at her feet and began to do something. And she He looks at me with a malicious smile and cuts his gray toenails and moves his legs towards him. Immediately my late mother crosses the road and looks at me with displeasure. My mother died six months ago. Thank you.


I dreamed that I was in an unfamiliar place completely alone, the dream was not colored, suddenly I saw a girl in white. I didn’t talk to her and had absolutely no contact. I saw her in the distance and from behind


A former employee came to the office, she quit with a scandal, we quarreled on this basis, now we don’t communicate, and then she came all in white, a stylish white coat, white high boots. I didn’t make a fuss, I greeted her, offered her coffee, she agreed, then I don’t remember


As soon as I fell asleep, I saw a swamp in which the girls were standing. There were many of them and they were all in white dresses. Not wedding ones, but simple ones summer dresses to the knee. They were all young and had dark hair. Only their ages were different. Then I see them trying to get out of the swamp, in which there were trees here and there, and I can only see them up to their hips when they are trying to get out. Then I look, and they are already running and I look at them from behind. They all hold on to their dresses, lifting them up. I woke up and fell asleep as usual. Everything repeats itself, but there are fewer girls. And so on several more times. It really scared me.


I was walking past the shopping center along the alley, and my classmate, a girl, was running nearby, all in white and sportswear, white knee-length sports leggings, a white T-shirt, with a funny face, white sneakers, she had a ponytail on her head, she ran past and turned around and smiled


My brother was fishing. He fell into the water. I was standing on the shore. When he began to swim to the shore, a girl in white slowly began to emerge vertically from the bottom dress with white blindfolded. Next to him, but he didn’t see her. I started screaming loudly so that he would look back. But she suddenly started shaking him from behind. He was like he was in a fever! I stopped screaming, and she stopped shaking. And so on several times .Then I pulled his hand and it disappeared under the water.


My wife and I went to the dacha for an overnight stay, about one in the morning we went to bed, I fell asleep right away, my wife was still watching TV. That evening I dreamed of a girl all in white and with dark hair. When I opened my eyes I saw this girl standing near the TV. Waking up in the morning I saw that my wife was sleeping on another bed, I asked her why she moved there, she replied that when we were sleeping, supposedly some girl lay down in the middle, she felt cramped and she moved to another bed. That’s how it all happened.


Good afternoon I had a dream on Sunday that my friend (Oksana) was sitting in a long white embroidered beautiful dress, and was going to put on one earring and a ring. I ask her why one (after all, they usually wear two), and she says: So fashionable!.. I say, well, if you just put your hair on one side, but I myself think how she will wear this one earring and try to imagine the image... what does this dream mean? and our mutual friend recently had a dream that this same friend (Oksana) was getting married, that she was having a wedding (although she was married and she didn’t see her husband in the dream), but it was as if there were tables along the street for a holiday (but she didn’t I saw them covered), and Oksana was sitting at the table chatting with her friends, and she didn’t see her in a wedding dress.


I dreamed that my grandmother died, for some reason the coffin stood at school in the classroom where I studied in elementary school (1st -2nd grade) and went with my best friend to say goodbye to my grandmother. I cried a lot. For some reason my friend was wearing white. Then it turned out that the grandmother was alive.


A friend of mine who likes me a little had this dream. He was a little scared and immediately told me, although we had been in a semi-quarrel for a month.
He dreams that he is in a forest, like something out of a horror movie, bare black trees, densely overgrown, fog spreading along the bottom. He leaves the forest towards the chapel. It is essentially located almost in a swamp, and is also gloomy. He looks at the swamp, foggy vapors swirl thickly above him. As I understood, somewhere in the center of this “beauty” I was lying in a white dress, unconscious. And ghostly hands (dark) are reaching out to me from the swamp (she clarified that they were ghostly, not dead). So he didn’t particularly describe how he got to me in the swamp, but when he started to lift me into me, these hands were clinging and he had to forcefully pull me out. Then he picked me up and carried me to the ground near the chapel. I laid it down and saw with horror that I was not alive, but not dead either. He woke up in horror. I had a dream on September 19, Friday, in the afternoon, after lunch (I don’t know the exact time), 26 lunar day.


Hello Tatiana! I saw my beloved woman in a white dress, we met and kissed so eagerly... I want to understand why such a dream... we haven’t seen each other for two months! Thank you in advance


I don’t remember the beginning, but it all started with the fact that I was talking with an old friend (in the dream it seemed to me that we had known each other for a long time) in life, I I don’t know her, we were talking and suddenly she said that something was wrong with me, I didn’t pay attention, went home, when I went to the mirror I saw that I was standing in sunglasses, I seemed to have taken them off, went to bed, I was sleeping, I dreamed that I was sick (I also remember this feeling, similar to too much alcohol, although I didn’t drink), then I fell asleep further, woke up from an incoming message (and yes, for some reason I slept with glasses on), there comes an SMS from this friend, so that I don’t look back, I’m naturally undermined, but there’s something wrong with me, I don’t understand what’s happening around me, or rather, I don’t understand what’s wrong with me, I go to my mother’s room, I get to the kitchen, I try to close the door behind me , I see a little girl in a white dress, and not this scary one like from many films, abnormal, but I’m still scared, I hit her in the face, but it seems to my mother that I’m cutting through the air and hitting the door (she seemed to walk through it) , then I wake up in reality...


I found a photo in which there seemed to be my young mother and sister in white dresses, and under the photo there was another photo of some old woman.


blonde girl in a white blouse and short skirt. We were driving with her to the store. We got lost in the store. I looked for her and couldn’t find her. then I saw a fight on the street and someone took the car we arrived in, also white


Hello! My name is Irina!
I’m married, I dreamed that I saw my sister in a white dress as if she was having a wedding (she’s not married yet) we’re celebrating in Murmansk, where lived before, and I go up the stairs, also in a white wedding dress


Hello, the day before yesterday I saw our neighbor in a dream, but she had already died, she was somewhere around 100. I was in their yard with my brother, and she looked at me through the window in a white dress and waved her hand to me, she smiled a little! And after 2 days I saw in a dream that I was at school and my friend ran up to me and told me our physics teacher had died! And I started crying in my sleep!


Hello, today I dreamed of a girl, all dressed in white, white-skinned (I myself am very white in skin type), with bright lips and eyes, terribly similar to me, but only with long hair, she stood in a white light or background and looked intently on me..

maybe this will help somehow, but yesterday I broke up with my boyfriend, he called me by a different name and there was a scandal.


I was sleeping on the bed and she grabbed my legs and pulled me towards her, but I tried to get out of the way, but then my dad lay down in a dream, they took me and she told me why I wanted to replace myself with someone else and that’s when my dad woke me up


I really hope you can help me understand the meaning...

Yes, that’s the gist of it, I had a dream ex-girlfriend, not just an ex, but the one I still love. At this point in time, twice as much time has passed since we were together, and still we have only warm thoughts about her. We broke up on my initiative. Lives in another city, we don’t communicate at all.

The essence of the dream is that she gives us a ride in her car with my current wife to our tram stop, and when we got off, I remember that I forgot my hat in the car, and it seems like spring, it’s warm outside, but I understand that I need to pick up the hat, I say this is to my wife, she says, well, take it... I went to pick it up and we find ourselves already at the next stop (the dream just changed dramatically) and my ex is standing in a white short skirt (although she practically never wore a skirt before), the skirt is white-white, just snow-white all over, the ex her heel gets stuck in a grate on a ditch, I’ll help her get out, but I understand that my wife is waiting for me at our stop, I say this and that, I’ll quickly go by tram to my stop.

I get on the tram, the first door and I am amazed, there is a partition about the steel part of the tram and in this part, there are young punks, like boarding school kids, practically children, and I see that one Corman came towards me, I caught him by the hand, slapped him on the head... and I think we’ve been driving for a long time to the stop, I knock on the door and when it opens I see that I’m not at my stop, but even further away from mine and I think it’s all screwed up, my wife definitely won’t believe that this could happen (a tram with a partition that stops only on demand and, in addition, went in the wrong direction that it was supposed to go, but in the other direction)

As a result, I get off the tram, walk towards the road (the road is about 10-15 meters away) to get on a minibus and along the road at high speed (110-120 kilometers per hour) a military armored vehicle (some kind of the latest one, which does not exist in reality) flies by and the alarm clock is ringing...


I dreamed of a girl from work, she was wearing a white dress with black elements emphasizing the contours of the dress. The dress was short. She looked at me and smiled. what is it for?;)


I had a dream in a white dress and she said that someone in your family will die and my mother died and she again said wash your face three times and look in the mirror and you will see your mother, I tried a hundred times but didn’t see it. send an SMS to the number 89263129065 and don’t call, just hurry up


My friend stood on the porch in a white dress and called me (with a wave of her hand), I could not reach her, since there was a large massive gate on the way. [email protected]


The events take place on the beach (sand beach) of some body of water, either the sea, or a huge lake. I’m standing on the shore with someone, I don’t remember who, but I’m inclined to think it was a guy. We’re standing closer to the water, and from the opposite edge of the beach (that is, further from the water), girls in white dresses begin to approach, their dresses look a little like wedding ones, but still not quite wedding ones - they are just white dresses made of beautiful light fabrics. The girls came out as if they were dancing slowly and began walking in a crowd towards the city, from the beach, I followed them, walking behind me I admired them and their outfits.


I dreamed about the corridor of my apartment. It was night. In this corridor stood a girl in a white dress and with long black hair. In the dream I felt fear and hopelessness. A faint glow emanated from the girl. She started to approach me. I started screaming and calling for help, but there was no voice.


I’m in a dark and cold large room, suddenly a girl in a white robe appeared from somewhere, I didn’t see her face, suddenly she kissed me, my soul suddenly felt good and calm, when suddenly a noise was heard and as if darkness began to cover us, she grabbed my hand and we were somewhere we ran, the darkness was catching up with us, we found ourselves in a dead end and there was no way out anymore, the darkness covered the girl and she disappeared and I woke up. What is this for? The wash away of this dream has been tormenting me for half a year now.


I was in an unknown hostel, in the room on the floor there was a body covered with a fabric table, I took off the blanket, and there was my ex (they broke up for 3 years so-called) in a white wedding dress with her left breast exposed, smiling and stretching out her arms, I hugged her and kissed her her. everything is awakening.


I dreamed of a woman I knew. She was wearing a white dress (not a wedding), a dress about knee length, with beads, beautiful. From the neckline, her breasts were clearly visible (not small, by the way). I complimented this woman in a dream, saying you look good, but she didn’t believe me


I'm playing a team online shooter, I'm behind all the players, I'm running out of ammo, but there are a lot of characters that need to be destroyed, all of them, as expected, are dressed in a pale color, I find a box of ammo, but the weapon doesn't reload in amazing ways, I take another weapon with a row of stacked boxes and a girl of 1.5 meters tall, pale face, pale dress with a hood, I shoot at her point-blank but I can’t kill her, she grabs me by the throat, I wake up P.S. THE GIRLS HAVE NO EMOTIONS ON THE FACE


My grandmother saw me in a dream in a white robe. My daughter came to me, she was looking for me, I was hiding. Not finding me, she left. What does this dream mean? Grandma says it’s not good. I’m scared.


My friend dreamed of Seryoga taking off his classmate Yulia Raguli’s panties, and then Katyukha coming out in trousers and a bra, and then a dick, she’s wearing a white dress. But that was before that. When I was in Zil. And there is a flower, and a pool, she briefly approaches me and then intermittently.
Help me understand. Otherwise it’s kind of fucked up...


She seemed to be following me and appeared in various places.
She was brown-haired, with bright red lips and large gray eyes in a floor-length pancake white dress.


Hello! I dreamed of a friend with whom we don’t communicate at all, in a white dress with a guy, he was in a suit, and I was happy and waved my hand to her, as if I was going somewhere. Why would that be?


Hello! A friend of mine had a dream, in this dream she saw me with a guy in a white dress, I was very happy and waved my hand to her, as if I was leaving with him somewhere. Tell me, what is this for?


I dreamed of a girl in a white dress, I looked at her and thought how beautiful she was, where did she come from, and behind her a girl in black appeared and I was very scared.

[email protected]:

Hello! I dreamed of my lover’s family. That I was at his house, children were walking there. My lover came out of the bedroom and put on me a very beautiful red short dress like a ballroom or something, embroidered with pearls on the sides, and next to him his wife came out and put on a white one for herself. dress and stands next to him and says that she bought it to seduce her husband. The dresses were both short and like ballroom dresses and there were also a lot of cakes in the house. I took off the dress and was about to leave. He takes the cake alone and sits on the sofa and waits for me and his wife says that he will stay with them, she bought a dress and will wear it for him to remind him of the wedding, and he seems to think that he will buy it for me and is waiting for me so that he can leave with me with a cake. And his wife left somewhere at that time and did not appear at her place the house was gone and the children were walking and helping me look for my phone.


I dreamed of a girl in a white dress, with long black hair and red lips, she was standing somewhere in a meadow, the sky was clear and the meadow was green. But I dreamed of two girls, the second girl looked like the first, but I don’t remember what she was wearing, and what place she was in, I just remember that they were in different places


A girl in white came and extended her hand to me. Please answer what this is for, thanks in advance


Hello, I had a dream about a classmate. She was wearing a short white dress. But I don’t remember what the raid was about. Here she passes by. At this time I touch her on the shoulder and ask how she is doing? She says that everything is fine, but for some reason she looks tear-stained. He tells me that I haven't changed at all. And silently leaves. After that I looked in the mirror. And I saw that she was dressed tastelessly. I was wearing a yellow long dress. And the black shoes are not new. And on top of the dress there was a long gray bone, it seems. What does it mean? Tell me please!


I dreamed that I was an acrobat. I’m wearing a white fluffy wig, beautiful white makeup and a white, very beautiful costume for the performance. I performed all sorts of complex acrobatic actions and in the end, I jumped from something high and landed successfully. I made the final gesture and smiled happily.


I broke up with my boyfriend, but since he calls me I often have bad dreams.. Once I had a dream that a woman seemed to be attacking him in the form of a big black worm, and I killed her.. And after our last conversation, I had a dream as if we were standing next to cemetery and he says that he really wants to die. I stood next to him in a white dress, hugging him, saying that it was too early for him and that he should live..


I dreamed of my friend in white, I had been quarreling with her for a month already, she was with a doll, also in white, she said something like: “don’t forget me,” and I answered: “I certainly won’t forget,” because she was a lot times she set me up in different situations.


Hello Tatyana, I dreamed of my beloved girl in all white only with a warm cape and a warm cape on her head, well, they had three black petals on them when she saw me, she ran from the window and was scared of me, what does this mean?


I dreamed of a friend! She is now, in real life, in the same situation as me! I dreamed of wearing a white lace dress with red underwear! And she showed off this very dress in my house! I was doing something in the bathroom at that time! There were a few more girlfriends! With whom we don’t communicate in real life!


I’m sitting at school, I think there’s an exam in literature, they ask me to write a poem about love without thinking, I answer love is stupid without love there is no relationship and then the dream ends abruptly at school, a white light shines very very brightly and a woman in white appears and says you passed the test and she says follow me, we go through the tunnel, there are 2 wide glass pillars standing very brightly and she says choose love or feeling, I say love, because without love there are no feelings, she says think everything


My friend came to my mother in a dream wearing my white coat

Naciba-ona moya daughter:

Ya videla bivsheqo parnya on menya tyanul za kist ruki A potom uvidela yeqo podruqu s druqim parnem Ona ​​bila v belom platye i u neyo bila svadva s novim parnem Moy bivshiy mne skazal za toboy ya sleju ne pechalsya ti ochen pravilniy chelovek Then ya ye qo poteryala i na menya struya vodi nachala litsya


in the doorway I saw a girl in a white savon and it seemed to me that it was my daughter. I became very scared. I started screaming, but I didn’t hear my voice. This girl was walking towards me. When I heard my voice, she disappeared


I had a dream like this. It seems like I’m in another village for a funeral, and there I met her. Her hair is white and she’s dressed all in white, then she disappears. After the funeral I met her again, and that’s how I woke up.


A girl in a white dress with a hood stood next to my bed and asked: Boiling water? I got scared and woke up!


Hello! My son dreamed of a girl in white, her face was not visible, she handed him a towel to dry himself, as he came out wet from the lake. Please tell me what this could mean?


I dreamed of a friend of mine, she was wearing a short white dress, in this dream she said that my dad told her where I was (dad died 3 months ago). Then we talked to her and she left.


Today, a classmate wrote in her classmates (social network). We haven’t talked to her for 7-8 years. That she dreamed of me in a white wedding dress.


I dreamed of a girl whom I had seen in real life several times. She was wearing a white dress, more like a wedding dress, but without a veil, and she was pregnant. We were in a place where there were a lot of green trees.


I dreamed that a girl with an incomprehensible face in a white dress ran across the road and looked at me and said: “Thibault, Thibault, Thibault.” And only I saw her.


Hello. I dreamed of a girl in a white dress or floor-length nightgown (not Samara from the call)) She appeared in my apartment. And I tried to approach her, but it didn’t work, as soon as I approached I immediately fell exhausted. Then her image changed, she was already in simple clothes, but I still could not approach, even when I approached, time seemed to slow down, and she either walked away from me or stood still. But she didn’t move in my direction.


I had a dream. A girl in a white dress and next to him a healthy face, Black Skalils, as if smiling, and a flat body, white or black.


Seeing in a dream a girl in a white long dress with bottom black hair


in a dream I dreamed that the girl whom I asked the Lord was visible to me in a dream in a white jacket, I saw her from the waist up, she was visible, she smiled and looked into my eyes, but everything around her was dark


Today I dreamed of a girl with light red hair and she begged me not to kill her. She grabbed me and bit me. Then I screamed in my dream and woke up at 0:03 Some other guys 2 and 2 girls were girls with short hair there were, and the guys were blond


Hello, I dreamed that someone brought me to the cemetery and there was a church nearby, and when I wanted to approach the church, a little girl in white was running towards me from the cemetery, this really frightened me, what could this mean?


Good afternoon! I’ll tell you about a dream that I had just a couple of hours ago. I was in an incomprehensible city, roads made of hard clay and stone houses with beautiful stone arches! I understood that I was in another country and knew such a thing that in my country in my there will be a gay parade in the city tomorrow. A girl comes up to me, doesn’t even come up, it’s as if she’s floating through the air, she was wearing a snow-white dress, the dress was unusual, it was knee-length and looked like a robe and hair, this girl had amazing hair color, they were gold with white sparkles, she came up to me and asked what we would do with this gay parade, I told her that we would burn them, she laughed and disappeared, I walked around this city and went out to the square, it was round and there were stone steps along the edges, as I understood it was something like benches, because people were sitting on these steps and I knew some of these people, my friend and his girlfriend were there. I began to approach them and then that girl appeared again in a white dress, she came up to me, took me by the hand and led me along, we walked up to these steps and sat down, silently looked at each other, then she said something to me, but unfortunately I don’t remember what, I remember her voice was a little rude, but she was very joyful and cheerful, then we kissed several times and I moved to another city. Then I immediately realized that this was Russia, but it was not my city. And I saw that the gay parade was starting, I went to them, I apparently wanted to offend these people, but then another friend of mine comes up, grabs me by the hand and says that I shouldn’t and asks me to go with him, we cross the road, go into the courtyards and I see a building, its shape resembled a crescent and it was three doors and I saw this girl in a white dress as she walked into one of the doors, I followed her, went in, saw a large room in the style of ancient Rus', a huge table and people sat at it in modern clothes and were discussing something, but this girl was not among them. I went out into the street and started asking people about her, had they seen her or maybe someone knows and saw another person I knew, I went up to him and started asking about that girl and in a conversation I told him that during the day earlier we were in the Czech Republic and there I saw her and would really like to find her. And then I saw her among the people, she turned in my direction, smiled and I woke up! I was very puzzled by this dream, it was reality, I felt myself and everything around is as if this is not happening in a dream but in the real world, although who knows, maybe dreams have a second life. I would really like to know what this dream could mean! I’m still worried, I think that she wanted to say something, but at the same time she seemed to be playing!


Hello! daughter had a dream, a woman in white says she won’t be happy in life, but deceased grandmother this woman is being driven away from her daughter


I dreamed of a colleague in a white dress, she sat down next to me, looked at me... then a gap, I don’t remember what happened... then she appeared in a green dress, again looked sweetly, said that she was offended by me. I like my colleague. I had a dream on Saturday and Sunday


I dreamed of a colleague a little older than me, a pleasant, sweet girl, I like her moderately, I dreamed of wearing a knee-length white evening dress, the dress was pure white with a moderate cleavage, the first such dream


dreamed of a young daughter with infant in a gray blanket in her arms and next to her is a 5-year-old girl in a white dress. it was raining lightly, I was leaving on the tram, and they were waving at me

Julia me:

I dreamed that a girl in a white wedding dress walked past me and then I told my friend this, she said that it was death that came for you


I keep having the same dream for a week. A girl in a white torn dress, pale, very beautiful, with red lips and blue eyes touches my cheek and I wake up. before this she says “Don’t touch her otherwise you will suffer.”
I haven’t slept for almost a week, she gives me half an hour or 40 minutes and touches me.
The worst thing about this is that I always lucid dream, but here I am not able to resist her. It seems to me that I am going crazy, help me understand what this is.
Thank you in advance!


I dreamed of a girl dressed in a white dress entering my window, I kicked her out, but she still came in. The two-room apartment was young and beautiful


My grandmother dreamed of a girl in white, then she took her hand tightly and disappeared. What is this for?


I dreamed that I was sleeping, I opened my eyes and next to me stood a girl in a white scarf and dress, with her back to me, I didn’t see her face. Maybe it's a woman, not a girl. The face is not visible. But in the dream I understood that she was not dangerous. And I woke up.


Hello! First I dreamed about work colleagues, then in the room I see some unfamiliar thin man playing with a little girl in a white dress, then she puts him on his knees, blindfolds his eyes and mouth with a white cloth or ribbon and begins to choke him. I’m already lying on bed, I try to scream or move, but I can’t, although I make every effort. And suddenly another girl in a white dress or nightie with black eyes without pupils appears in front of me and looks at me, as I understand it, either warning me not to interfere, or what She sees me too. I couldn’t scream, although I tried. I woke up groaning and as if pushing myself with my hands.


I saw my girlfriend in a white dress and was smiling and jumping happy


I dreamed of my friend’s house, I looked into the room and saw a girl in white and brown hair


I dreamed that a girl of about 16 or 18 years old was running, I don’t know, I ate if I was standing on my feet, but she didn’t stop to catch up, I started running, but all in white clothes, who is the spirit Sonic, this is the truth, it’s part of it


at night I felt that the blanket was being pulled off me from below, I opened my eyes slightly and saw either a girl or a woman dressed in white, she was thin, stood slightly bent over and pulled the blanket off my legs, in my sleep I said “why are you doing this? “My voice was not natural, like some kind of Dracula. I noticed that my wife woke up next to me and immediately fell asleep, and I also suddenly “passed out.” (I haven’t watched horror films for a hundred years).


[email protected]
Hello. I don't know if it was a dream or if I saw her in reality. This happened tonight. I dreamed of a friend, I woke up abruptly (at night, the room was dark, the curtains were closed and the outlines of the furniture around were a little visible), I opened my eyes (I was lying facing the exit of the room, I sleep with my little son on the same bed, and my husband is in the living room separately from us) and saw the silhouette of a tall young girl in a long white robe, her feet did not touch the floor. The moment I saw her, she, in the same position, facing me, moved towards the hall where her husband was sleeping, disappearing from view behind the wall. Naturally, I got scared, started reading “Our Father” and could not sleep for a long time, feeling that someone was in the apartment. I can’t understand: either it was a dream within a dream (i.e. I dreamed that I was sleeping, woke up, saw a girl and then woke up for real, or it happened in reality). It may be funny, but I believe in “something like that.” And today a friend called me and said that the day before yesterday she saw me in a dream in a coffin, but I was alive, we both cried, she told everyone that I was alive, but those around me said that I died. We shouted and asked not to bury me, but they didn’t listen to us. I tried to get up from the coffin, but it didn’t work, something was stopping me and holding me back.


I saw my friend in a place that sold out, she was in a white dress and took off her friend; it was summer, June


I dreamed of my last apartment, completely painted white and in the middle of one of the rooms there was a girl stained with blood, while she was eating a baby.


I was in my house and I saw a girl and she had a candle and then she disappeared and different ghosts started peeking out from around the corners and then I saw Death with a Grim Reaper


I dreamed that my girlfriend took away the boy I liked, it was already dark outside, I cried because of betrayal and I met two small children on the playground, they held hands and took me to their home, they have a large family and I played with the children and I wanted to go home and I was walking towards the exit and near the door there is a room on the side and I walk and hear one two three and at three I decided to stop and a fat girl with black hair and in a white dress flew out at me and she also had black spot on her face and she said, if I were you, I wouldn’t follow these numbers and I ran back into the living room and screamed, but the children were no longer in the house, they seemed to have disappeared and I was left alone with this woman and I wanted to kick her, but I didn’t kick awoke.


I dreamed of a girl in a white dress, not a wedding dress, but an ordinary one. She stood with her back to me and cried. It was so realistic, it even seems to me that I saw her face, but unfortunately I don’t remember it, and then I was thrown out of the dream.


Hello. My name is Vladimir. One night I had the following dream: Me, my wife, my parents and my brother are sleeping in the same room. I slept separately from everyone. Suddenly the door opens and appears big woman in all white. She looked around at all the sleeping people and fixed her gaze on me. Then she tore off one blanket from me / I was covered with two / and disappeared.


I dreamed that a woman in white stood at the blast furnace and covered me with a white sheet


I had such a dream and woke up in tears. dream I’m walking down the street with a 6-year-old man with a shaved head and I don’t understand something, there’s a girl hanging on her, no face visible, only a white dress and bare feet and my mother tells me to knock down the coffin and go to bed, I’m in shock

It has long been known that a wedding and everything connected with it is not just a dream. Such a dream always occurs on the eve of some important event. Over hundreds of years, people have learned to correctly interpret dreams and accurately determine the events that follow this phenomenon.

In this situation, it is very important to remember the details, because the correct interpretation of this dream depends on what color the dress was, what was happening around, how you saw yourself and other nuances.

Here are examples of various nuances:

  • In the dream, the wedding dress was worn on a mannequin.
  • You just chose the outfit.
  • The wedding dress was dirty.
  • You receive it as a gift.
  • You sew or decorate your outfit yourself.
  • You mend the holes.
  • In a dream you threw away your dress

See from the outside

If you had a dream in which you had to look at your wedding dress from the outside, this could hint at a lot of things. It is important who and what kind of it it was on.

Sew, buy, or at least try on

It’s one thing to see a wedding dress from the outside in a dream, and another thing to do something with it. There are a lot of options - you could try it on, choose it for yourself, sew it and even throw it away.

And before you explain why you dream about a wedding dress, remember the details. In addition, do not forget to remember your emotions during sleep - they are also the key to deciphering what you see.

1. Often in a dream you have to try on a beautiful, new bride’s dress. Measuring it in a dream is a sign of change, something new. Perhaps you have to try on a new role in life, new acquaintances and communication await you in an unusual format for you.

  • For an unmarried girl, trying on a new wedding dress is an opportunity to get to know interesting man in reality, but it will change a lot in your reality.
  • If a married lady had to try on an outfit, then you know that you are in for a new stage relationship with your spouse.

If in a dream you had to not only try on a wedding dress, but also show off in it, twirl for a long time in front of the mirror and happily examine yourself, then this may promise new job, increase, income.

Trying on beautiful wedding clothes and being satisfied in a dream means that in reality you will remain a leader, a winner, perhaps, you will have to try on in life new position, new status. Changes await you.

  • As the dream book says, a dress that tore on you in a dream, or you got it dirty by spilling something on yourself, or ruined it in some other way - all these are not good signs. Perhaps there is a risk of breaking off a close relationship with your loved one; a serious conflict awaits you, which could end in separation.
  • I wonder why you dream about the dress in which you got married in your dreams? If in your dream you are a bride, wearing a beautiful new outfit and veil, this promises you a serious step in reality, which will lead to big life changes - of course, for the better.

It doesn’t matter whether you are married in reality or not - according to the dream book, the appearance of the bride and the wedding in a dream foreshadow a new stage in reality, a good position in society, a clean, excellent reputation and success.

The dream book indicates to you that some disappointment awaits you, hopes may collapse, and melancholy will come instead. Maybe you wear rose-colored glasses? In any case, try to evaluate the world soberly, so as not to suffer later from disappointed hopes.

  • If in a dream you had to darn, wash, or otherwise put your clothes in order, this means that in reality you have already encountered troubles, but are trying to correct the situation.
  • A dream in which you were given a wedding dress promises a rich admirer.

White, yellow, blue, green

That's why it's a dream - in it the wedding dress can be anything you want. A lot depends on its color - why you dream of a white dress, blue, yellow, green or red, the dream book will tell you.

  1. The classic version is white, so to understand why you dream of a white dress, you should take into account not its color, but the other details mentioned above.
  2. It’s curious why you dream of a red bride’s dress: this is an indication that your personal, intimate life is boring, you urgently need some changes. Think about it - it’s not in vain that the dream book says, a red dress in a dream means it’s time to change something in reality.
  3. If you dreamed of a yellow or gold wedding dress, this hints at envy. Perhaps your friend is getting married, or your friend is doing well in her personal life - admit that you are jealous, this is what the yellow wedding dress indicates.
  4. Blue or green promises fulfillment of desires.
  5. But it’s easy to say why you dream of a black dress - it foretells sad news.

Whatever your dream - whether you dreamed of a red robe, a beautiful bride or a ruined outfit, try to soberly interpret what you saw and draw the right conclusions.


Romantic dreams

Almost every girl, even a teenager, has a period in her life when she dreams of her wedding.

  • She begins to worry about who will become her husband, she begins to read mystical books, make dreams, or just make fortunes.
  • Such thoughts are reflected in night dreams, and even nightmares.
  • If a girl sees herself as a bride, chooses a white dress in a store, or simply shows off in the mirror, the dream book writes that such a dream means that she is subconsciously trying on a new role.
  • Pay attention to what happens in your dream, whether the outfit fits, whether it is being sold to someone instead of you, and whether it is affordable.
  • Then the dream book will help you understand the obstacles that may occur on a girl’s path to the dawn of her femininity and beauty.

If in a dream the white dress turned out to be not what you wanted, there was no choice in the store, the dream means the girl’s lack of self-confidence or limited possibilities and choice of grooms. If a village woman has such a dream, it is advisable for her to move to the city if she wants to arrange her life.

Because in the village she can generally be left alone or marry someone who is not the best the best option and then suffers with it all his life. For a city dweller, the dream book predicts a limitation in choice or lack of self-confidence, some restrictions. If you dreamed of a white wedding dress, which turned out to be narrow and small, then the girl idealizes love. In real life, she needs to give herself more freedom and correctly assess the situation.

What does it mean to have a dream if the girl in it regularly changes dresses, admiring now one or the other? The dream book writes that in fact she is simply trying on the role of the bride.

There will be no real changes in life in the near future. But, if you liked some white dress and you left in it, it means that’s exactly what the girl imagines personal life.

In reality, she will also decide on her requirements for the groom, but real changes will still have to wait a long time. Such dreams are often seen by teenagers or very young people, especially at the beginning of adolescence, when everything related to love is new, mysterious and unusual for them.

Dreams of an adult girl

Why does an adult girl dream of seeing a wedding dress on herself? The dream book writes that this dream has several interpretations. If she has a fiancé and plans to become a bride and receive a proposal from him, then her hopes will not come true. Even if she marries in the near future, it will definitely not be to him and she will only rejoice in her freedom. Sometimes such a dream predicts falling in love and a new hobby.

Why did you dream of wearing a white dress that was delicate, sparkling and romantic, like a real princess?

  1. If the dream was fantastically beautiful, tender and airy, then the girl is in vain building castles in the air.
  2. In the near future, she will face great disappointment and a long period of loneliness.
  3. Sometimes the dream book predicts illness or danger of getting into a catastrophe, so you should be careful and take care of yourself.
  4. Wearing a wedding dress at a friend’s wedding means quarreling with her over a man.
  5. A dream in which he finds himself between two brides even means female discord and quarrels, or love for a married man if the other girl turns out to be unfamiliar to you.
  6. It is for this reason that the dream book writes that you should be careful in your personal life, since rivalry in love is possible.

What does it mean in a dream in which you dreamed of a white wedding dress made of clouds or snow, very beautiful, glamorous and absolutely fantastic?

  • The dream book writes that very soon you will experience great disappointment and castles in the air will melt away like smoke.
  • However, falling into pillows in a beautiful dress, smelling flowers, or simply spinning in front of a mirror and dancing - good sign, promising in real life falling in love and reciprocity in love.
  • A mirror in this context foreshadows real life changes.
  • However, in some rare cases it portends a wedding, and a calling to a career as an actress or singer. Natural imagination and artistry require their embodiment in life.

Being a bride at your own wedding means sadness and loneliness. To win the groom away from a beautiful stranger's girl in a white dress - this is how it will happen in real life.

Especially if you dreamed of a familiar place or person. Seeing a loved one with a bride in a white dress is envy of her or an indication of the unavailability of this person. But sometimes such a dream shows your hope for the best and excellent results, the sincerity of your chosen one and subtlety in communication.

Women's dreams

If an adult or married woman dreams of a wedding dress, what does this mean? If it was white, then the dream book predicts you joyful moments, pleasant memories, and sometimes the return of your first love or a meeting with your former chosen one and news about him.

If you dreamed of a wedding dress in which you got married, such a dream means the death of one of the spouses, infidelity or divorce. But those who have adult daughter, an event may occur as a result of which the girl becomes a bride and can get married in her mother's dress. Some dream books predict remarriage or problems in your personal life.

Why did the middle-aged woman dream about a wedding dress? This is a very bad sign, promising health problems. If a beautiful and young woman dreams of it, then she will soon receive inspiration in creativity or take up a new business. Sometimes such a dream predicts a love interest and passionate falling in love.


Why else do you dream about a wedding dress?

Why do you dream of a red wedding dress - such a dream expresses the desire for more intense sensations in sex with your partner, do not be embarrassed and tell him about it when the opportunity arises.

Once you openly express your secret desires, your sex life will radically change for the better.

Also, such a dream can foreshadow disappointment and tears, so you should not trust secret things to people you barely know.

Why dream of trying on a wedding dress - if in a dream you spent a long time twirling in front of the mirror in a snow-white wedding dress and could not stop looking at yourself, it means that in reality you will have the opportunity to earn additional money, which will give you not only pleasure, but also a decent additional income .

  • Why do you dream of a gold or yellow wedding dress in a dream - the envy of those around you in reality, blue or green - the fulfillment of cherished desires, black - sad news, a wedding dress - a sudden marriage.
  • If you dreamed that your daughter was standing in a chic wedding dress, it means that in real life some joyful event will happen in the family.
  • If in a dream you see many joyful brides in snow-white dresses, it means that in reality you will experience a lot of joy and fun.
  • Throwing away your wedding dress in a dream means disappointment in someone close to you. Seeing the funeral of a bride in a wedding dress means shattered dreams.


What does Miller's dream book say?

This dream book is also called the bestseller of the century. Psychologist Gustav Miller has come up with certain schemes that can be used to explain the past, present, and even predict the future.

He conducted an analysis between images in dreams and events occurring in life, and then collected and structured all the “dependencies” in chronological order.

The most famous dream book of the past is Miller's Book (from Gustav Hindman Miller), published in 1901, but at that time there were a lot of other famous dream interpreters. For example, the dream books of Mrs. Lenormand.

So what does the “soothsayer” point to in his “ explanatory dictionary"dreams?

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress according to Miller in a dream means that in the near future pleasant acquaintances will appear in the friendly circle of a large company.

If the outfit was dirty or even torn, then negative consequences cannot be avoided; separation from a loved one or a quarrel with friends is possible.

What does a dream mean according to Vanga’s dream book?

However, he does not foretell anything favorable for the one who just saw herself in a wedding dress, and if she also dances, then trouble will certainly not be avoided.
Note! When you dream of something like this on the eve of a personal wedding, there is nothing wrong with it - most likely, this is a reflection of your own experiences in preparation for the celebration.

  • But if the bride nevertheless sees a dream in which she tries on an outfit in the presence of her betrothed, then perhaps the matter will not reach the registry office; some unforeseen circumstances may prevent this.

  • Nowadays, Vanga’s dream book is especially popular - it is not like the bulk of similar books and has an original interpretation.
  • It's not good to see a dress in black- you can be widowed, short - to a short-lived marriage or breakup, too long - the relationship will be uncertain for a very long time.

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress for a woman who is getting married

For any married girl, it will always be curious to unravel the meaning of a dream in which she happened to see herself in a wedding dress. Moreover, the specific meaning of such a dream tells the lady to pay attention to her relationship with her husband, is everything really so good, is it worth fixing something before it’s too late?

Married women dream of themselves in a wedding dress no less often than unmarried women.

Trying on an outfit directly means big changes or a new stage of married life. If you see your daughter in the snow-white robe of a bride, then amazing joy will come to the family.

Why does an unmarried woman have a dream if she sees herself in a wedding dress?

At your wedding

An excellent sign that everything will soon change for the better and the troubles that surround you will only be beneficial, and no need to worry when there are a lot of guests in a dream, everyone is having fun, and the dreamer sees herself in an incredibly beautiful wedding dress.

At someone else's wedding

It also happens that the dreamer sees herself in a wedding dress, but at the same time she is at someone else’s wedding.

Such a dream promises an invitation to a wedding, for example, of friends (acquaintances), where:

  1. There is an opportunity to find your betrothed;
  2. Or definitely have fun.

    Replacing other people's roles in the main event of a dream indicates a subconscious desire to radically change your life.

Why see yourself in a wedding dress in a photograph?

Looking at a photo in a dream is a bad omen, in particular, this means complete apathy towards oneself, towards one’s personal or family life, even to the point of indifference to one’s appearance.

Seeing yourself in the mirror dressed in a wedding dress is also not a very good omen.

However, if you consider your own photographic image of the bride, then you should know that the subconscious pushes for changes, “asks” you to pay attention to your life and begin to change it in a positive and affirming way.

Why see yourself in a dream in a dress and veil

Not every dream is interpreted as straightforwardly as we would like, everything significant lies in the little things and details, and more precisely, in the attributes and accessories of the celebration, where there is a solution.

Of course, first of all it’s worth remembering whether there was a veil:

  1. If she's on the bride(in a dream), then we must expect grandiose changes, which will, naturally, be for the better. And the combination of a veil with a torn dress has the opposite negative meaning for a girl getting ready to get married, the wedding simply may not take place.
  2. If the accessory was somewhere separate, not on the head, then a series of troubles will cover your head, and, perhaps, your health will deteriorate.
  3. In general, to see yourself in a dream in a wedding dress, but without a veil(if upon awakening they remembered that it was she who was not there and this worried him) - a good sign that says that the difficulties that have arisen will certainly be dealt with.

A veil is more often a good omen than a bad one. But you need to pay attention to the condition of the veil itself - its integrity, size, beauty, etc.

Since we are talking about wedding “devices,” it would be useful to mention shoes.

Trying on, choosing or being in them is an excellent reason to rejoice, since the path of change can be passed with ease and everything planned will come true in favor of the dreamer.

See yourself from behind

When a young girl sees herself not only from the side in a dream, but exclusively from the back, and at that moment she is in a beautiful wedding dress without flaws, this means that true love and respect from others awaits her in life.

In dreams

If we take the situation as a whole and observe in a dream a scene where the dreamer in a wedding dress admires him from afar, like an outside observer, then she will face changes either in her work or in her personal life, which are certainly excellent.

Sometimes, from vivid impressions, a woman can suddenly “wake up” in a dream and experience all the sensations with maximum realism. Such dreams have great power and influence on fate.

What dreams portend marriage

Despite the fact that a dream with a wedding dress is popularly interpreted as negative (to illness, failure), in various dream books it mostly has a positive meaning.

And of course, any unmarried girl would like to think that such a dream is prophetic, and in the near future she will certainly become a wife.

Yes, in some interpretations this is exactly the case:

  • If a lonely girl If you dreamed of a bride in a white robe, then this is probably a sign of a meeting with her betrothed.
  • See your girlfriend in the role of a beautiful bride - to a happy quick marriage or to a long-awaited meeting.
  • Bride Friend throws a bouquet, and the dreamer catches it - devotion and fidelity to her chosen one (for a single young lady) or to marriage.
  • Wash wedding dress - soon to wear the same in real life for walking down the aisle.
  • measure a snow-white dress means a transition to a new stage of relations with your boyfriend, which will be an essential quality level for receiving a marriage proposal.


Meanings of wedding dress colors in a dream

The color of a wedding dress seen in a dream is of paramount importance and radically influences the interpretation of the dream.

Why do you dream of a white wedding dress?

The white color of the bride's attire is the most common (especially in the case of her first marriage), since initially it symbolized not only her virginity and purity, but also signified the entry into a new phase of life, associated with a clean slate.

  • A wedding dress made of expensive snow-white material, seen in a dream, means a quick meeting with very close friends. Friendly communication will take place in a very fun atmosphere and will bring a lot of positive impressions to everyone present.
  • If a sleeping woman sees a white wedding dress on herself, this means that she will soon make new (reliable and devoted) friends.

Why do you dream of a black wedding dress?

Seeing a black wedding dress in a dream (according to Miller’s dream book) is not a very good sign. It's no secret that the color black in our minds is associated with grief and sadness. This is exactly how the black color of the wedding attire, which appeared to the gaze of a sleeping person, is interpreted.

  1. A wedding dress made of black material can be a sign hinting at the failure of the supposed rosy plans or a harbinger of the imminent receipt of very sad news.
  2. If we use another association associated with the color black (it can be associated with excessive isolation and fear), then the interpretation of the dream can have a completely different meaning.
  3. Such a dream may give you a hint about the need to get rid of excessive modesty and self-doubt, since it is these qualities that hinder your career advancement and prevent prosperity. The more modest and closed the style of a black wedding dress, the less frills and frivolous elements it has, the more relevant this particular interpretation of this dream is.

Why do you dream of a red wedding dress?

Red is a very ambiguous color. It can be associated with both health and danger, both love and excitement, as well as caution. When interpreting dreams associated with a red wedding dress, it is also necessary to take into account the age, marital status and gender of the person who saw such a dream.

Why might you dream of a red wedding dress?

  • For a mature woman, such a dream can foretell either the proximity of pleasant events for her, or her increased demand for social activities.
  • If a very young girl had such a dream, this means her deep dissatisfaction with her intimate life and indicates a hidden desire to add sensuality and bright colors to it.

A dark red wedding dress can foretell the imminence of an active conflict, which can be provoked by internalized aggression. A dark red dress can also be seen in a dream on the eve of a major victory in a lawsuit or in a sports competition.

  • For a married woman, a dream about trying on a red wedding dress may foretell a meeting with a homewrecker or an overly envious friend.
  • If a man tries on such a dress in a dream, this indicates that he is in the grip of empty and unfounded worries. In this case, all he needs to do is get rid of unnecessary anxiety.
  • A woman may see a wedding dress painted in any shade of red on the eve of a new love affair.
  • Such a dream, dreamed by a person in an official marriage, may simply indicate the presence of a secret extramarital affair in his life.

A dream in which a red wedding dress appears can be classified as a warning dream. Having seen such a dream, first of all you should remember what exactly the shade of the wedding dress was. If it is one of the dark shades, you should immediately look for the source of possible anxiety or aggression and prevent the brewing of an open conflict.

If there are no grounds for alarm, such a dream may simply indicate that it was dreamed of by a person who has achieved certain success. In this case, the dream is intended to warn a person against excessive pride.

Regardless of the reason for the dream in which there is a red wedding dress, the person who sees it must definitely think about his anxieties, problems and unsatisfied secret desires.

Who's in a wedding dress?

An equally important detail of any dream is the personality of the person participating in it. This is what largely determines the nature of the interpretation of sleep.

Why do you dream of a bride in a wedding dress?

The first thought that comes to the mind of anyone who sees such a dream (after all, it can be seen by a child, future newlyweds, women and men) is a harbinger of an imminent wedding. However, in the interpretation of sleep, everything is not so straightforward.

  1. If a woman who does not have the slightest intention of getting married soon sees a bride in a wedding dress, this means that she will soon have to participate in some kind of public event.
  2. Seeing a bride in a soiled wedding dress is an unkind sign, foreshadowing a loss of trust between previously close people.
  3. If you see in a dream your relative or good friend as a bride dressed in a wedding dress (especially on the eve of a real wedding celebration), this should not be considered either a sign or a prediction, since this dream is nothing more than a projection real events.

But if the bride’s dress turns out to be dirty, such a dream should be considered a harbinger of unpleasant events that are possible during the wedding. You should be prepared for the fact that good name brides will try to get dirty. An equally negative sign should be considered a dream in which the bride is dressed in a torn dress or veil. It is likely that the wedding may not take place at all.

Why do you dream of a girl in a wedding dress?

A girl dressed in a wedding dress is a dream that is positively interpreted in almost all dream books. It means rapid changes in the personal life of the person who dreamed of it.

  • A similar dream that a young girl had may foretell the onset of imminent positive changes in her personal life (it is possible that she herself is destined to become a bride).
  • A lonely woman who has dreamed of a girl in a wedding dress will most likely meet her chosen one.
  • For established couples, such dreams foreshadow a new round of romantic and touching relationships.
  • A dream involving a girl in a wedding dress can be a harbinger of happy changes in life: someone will receive a long-awaited promotion, opening up broad prospects for career growth. Someone will be given an extremely advantageous offer that will significantly improve their quality of life.

Why do you dream of a friend in a wedding dress?

Such a dream foreshadows unbridled fun, a lot of gifts and pleasant surprises, and the nature of real events directly depends on the mood of the dream character. If your friend, dressed in a wedding dress, is cheerful and carefree, the news awaiting you will be the same.

  • A man who sees his girlfriend in a wedding dress will expect significant profits, career growth and successful investments.
  • A dream involving a friend dressed as a bride foreshadows a pleasant meeting or a happy marriage.

If in a dream you catch a bouquet thrown by a friend dressed in a wedding dress, for you this means either the boundless devotion of your chosen one, or an acquaintance awaiting you soon, which will inevitably end in a successful marriage.

  • The interpretation of a dream involving a friend in a wedding dress largely depends on the appearance of this dress. An expensive and beautiful dress portends good luck in all matters, long trips and pleasant acquaintances. A dress that is too shabby is a sign that promises various kinds of troubles, conflicts and deprivations.

Why do you dream about your daughter in a wedding dress?

A daughter’s wedding, seen in a dream, marks happy changes in life and the relegation of routine everyday problems to the background. At the same time, it is very important what kind of outfit your daughter was wearing in the dream you saw.

  • A lush snow-white dress symbolizes cloudless happiness and a prosperous personal life, the achievements of loved ones and the onset of wonderful changes in all areas of your life.
  • If your daughter’s wedding dress was painted red, blue or some other color, this foreshadows the ill will and gossip awaiting you from your envious people. Only complete calm and immunity to the machinations of ill-wishers can make any of their efforts in vain, so do not pay any attention to them.

Why do you dream about a wedding dress on your sister?

Dreams associated with your sister's wedding are harbingers of serious changes both in your mutual relationships and in relation to her own destiny. At the same time, her status in real life is of great importance.

  • If in reality the sister is not married, then seeing a dream in which she is dressed in a snow-white wedding dress is a very unkind sign, foreshadowing the onset of a dangerous illness.

If your sister is already officially married, then such a dream will already have a favorable meaning, promising you the fulfillment of your cherished desires and the implementation of your goals, and the sister will play a leading role in this process.

  • If a pregnant woman dreams of such a dream, this is a very favorable sign, foreshadowing an easy and painless birth.

Interpretations of actions with a wedding dress

The participant in the dream is able to perform various actions with the wedding dress, which cannot but affect the interpretation of the entire dream as a whole. What list of actions is considered in various dream books?

Try on

This action means the entry into your life of any innovations or unexpected events that could affect a change in the usual way of your life. Trying on a wedding dress (in a dream) means crossing a certain boundary in relations with your chosen one, after which they will inevitably move to a qualitatively new level, opening up the possibility of concluding an official marriage.

If a person sees such a dream on the eve of his real wedding, this indicates excessive preoccupation with the upcoming event, which will definitely happen. If a person (of any gender) this moment does not even think about marriage, such a dream suggests that he may soon become a public figure.

If you buy in a store

Buying a wedding dress in a dream is a very good sign, telling your subconscious that you are able to establish contacts with absolutely every person in your circle of friends, and therefore you will have to resolve all old conflicts and reconcile with those who have hitherto opposed you .


A dream about washing someone else's wedding dress is interpreted ambiguously. For a married woman, such a dream foreshadows some kind of trouble in the workplace. Unmarried girl who sees such a dream will soon receive some news. Sometimes a dream about washing a wedding dress for an unmarried woman foreshadows an imminent marriage.


24 Julia (12.12.2014 08:27)

Good day! I had a strange dream, although I was married, but in the dream I started a new life, changed everything, never wanting marriage for anything in my life, but for some reason I see myself in a white wedding dress and a white veil, everything around me is shining as if the groom he is in a hurry but we are late for the registry office, I leave early with all the guests, leaving the groom and his father, they promise to be on time, but the groom does not come to the registry office, I am standing in a white dress next to my family, we leave the registry office in the rain, the dress gets dirty with splashes of dirty puddles, one friend holds my hand, stroking me, trying to calm me down sobbing,

and the guy whose husband I was going to marry disappeared, they came home with his family and everyone else, but he’s not anywhere and I’m looking at photos everywhere, me and someone’s face can’t be seen because of the glare of the sun, then he’s standing with his back hugging me, then it’s simple in the photo you can see that there are two but only my face, then I look at my phone and type “beloved” and there is a photo of the guy I didn’t remember the truth and I’m just staring at the phone not understanding why my beloved disappeared and how it happened in the first place, and then I talk to his father he tells what, how and why and where the groom then does something abruptly and since I forgot everything and generally forgot about the groom, I look at the phone for missed calls from my loved one, call back and say you are who I don’t remember you, don’t call, I hang up, and his dad is like “ smart girl"

And that’s it, I leave their house, alone in a white dress, it’s raining, I walk and cry, not knowing where I’m going and why I’m living, then someone calls in the distance somewhere ahead, and I’m teary, I can’t see who’s there in my mascara. , I stop, it seems that he is unattainably very far away,

But suddenly the same distant voice whispers something good in my ear and I feel that someone is suddenly hugging me, instead of fear I feel warmth, I calm down, the rain stops, the dress becomes snow-white again and everything shines again and he smiles at me holding my hand, but I don’t recognize him, I forgot or don’t know who it is, I let go of his hand and leave, he follows me, but doesn’t catch up, I get lost in the crowd, I understand that I need him, I try to come back, I try to remember him, but I can’t and I wake up