All that the accountant should be aware of the accounting of e-tickets for the train and the plane. Electronic Railways ticket for an advance report

The ticket, in essence, performs the function of the contract between the passenger and the carrier (p. 2 art. 786.Civil Code). It is equally fair in relation to both paper and electronic document. The benefits of electronic tickets appreciated most passengers. After all, it is not necessary to raise a queue into railway or aircraft, it is enough to go to the site (they are now and almost all airlines, and Russian Railways) and purchase a ticket by paying his bank card. The paper ticket is not made in this case, when entering the carriage or during the register, it is necessary only to present a passport, the data of which the representative of the carrier is checked with the data contained in the list of passengers. Meanwhile, to account for the tax consequences of the acquisition of electronic travel documents Accountant need to know some nuances. We will talk about them within this article.


Electronic tickets have a special structure and form, which are approved by departmental regulatory acts. Thus, the form of electronic travel railway documents approved Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of 21.08.2012 № 322 (Further - Order No. 322 ), and electronic tickets - Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of 08.11.2006 No. 134 (Further - Order No. 134 ).

When buying an electronic railway ticket, the passenger is issued control coupon that is extracting from automated system Passenger traffic management on railway transport. This coupon (we emphasize, it is a coupon that is part of an electronic ticket) in accordance with paragraph 2 of the order number 322 It is recognized as a document of strict reporting, that is, the BSO.

When purchasing an electronic ticket is made and issued to the passenger route receipt - an extract from the automated air transportation information system recognized by the document of strict reporting into force paragraph 2 of the order number 134 . And when registering for a flight, the passenger gets more boarding pass who confirms the fact of transportation itself. It indicates the initials and surname of the passenger, flight number, date of departure, the end time of landing on the flight, the number of landing room and the landing room number on board the aircraft ( paragraph 84 of the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of 28.06.2007 No. 82 ).

Due to the fact that both documents - and the control coupon, and the route receipt - recognize the BSO, each of them must contain mandatory information. What exactly - shown in the diagram.

To properly reflect the cost of electronic tickets in tax accounting, the accountant needs to know some nuances associated with these travel documents. Let's start with the recognition of the costs of buying them in the composition of tax expenses.

Profit Tax

Since speech B. this case It is about travel documents, which are usually used by commodited employees, we recall that the cost of acquiring these travel (as, however, other travel expenses) relate to other expenses related to production and implementation ( pP. 12 p. 1 Art. 264 NK RF). Of course, the costs must be economically justified, confirmed properly decorated documents and are directed to income ( p. 1 Art. 252 NK RF). Documentary confirmation of travel expenses for income tax is the advance report of an employee with attached acquittal documents, in particular, air or railway tickets (route receipts or control coupons).

But is it enough for the specified documents to justify the cost of travel? To answer this question, we turn to clarifications of the official body. IN Letter from 06.06.2017 № 03‑03‑06/1/35214 The officials of the Ministry of Finance explained that to confirm the cost of buying a ticket to electronic form we also need a route receipt, and a boarding pass . Moreover, the boarding pass (including the internet received during registration on the flight) must contain details confirming the fact of consumption by the accountable person of air transportation. Such confirmation is usually stamp on inspection .

In other words, even if the employee bought a ticket and registered for the flight via the Internet, a stamp "WORKED" should be stamp on the printed landing coupon.

If there is no stamp on the inspection on the printed electronic landing coupon, the fact of the flight is carried out by an accountable person, according to financiers, it can be confirmed in a different way, for example, a certificate of flight issued by the air carrier or its representative (see also letters from 01/09/2017 № 03‑03‑06/1/80056 , 06/19/2015 No. 03‑03‑07/35548 ). This certificate for justifying the costs will be needed in the event that the commander-in-room person loses the boarding pass (see  03‑03‑07/21187 , from 05/18/2015 No. 03‑03‑06/2/28296 ).

Of course, all mandatory details should also be in the route receipt. If in it, for example, the cost of transportation is not specified, such a receipt may not be the basis for recognizing costs (see Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 09/26/2012 No. 03‑07‑11/398 ).

note. If the air ticket purchased in a non-documentary form (e-ticket), then the acquittal documents confirming the cost of purchasing airfall for the purposes of taxation, according to the Ministry of Finance, are an automated-generated information system Air Transport Registration Route receipt of an electronic document (airline ticket) on a paper carrier, which indicates the cost of the flight, and a boarding pass confirming the flight of the accountable person to the route indicated in the electronic flight.
An important nuance : To confirm the costs, mandatory details of e-tickets decorated on foreign languagesafer translate into Russian (see The letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of 03/22/2010 No. 03‑03‑05/57 ). The translation will not be required if the ticket selling agency will issue a certificate in Russian, which contains all the necessary information (see letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of 03/24/2010 No. 03‑03‑07/6 , from 03/22/2010 No. 03‑03‑06/1/168 ). However, the FNS believes that the transfer of an electronic ticket to confirm costs is not necessary, since most of its details are filled in accordance with a single international codifier (that is, with the replacement of Cyrillic symbols to Latin) (see Letter from 04/26/2010 No.Shs-37-3 / [Email Protected] ).

A similar approach is applied to substantiate the cost of buying electronic railway tickets. In particular, the document confirming the goals of taxation of the cost of their acquisition is the control coupon (see letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 07.06.2013 № 03‑03‑07/21187 , dated 04/14/2014 No. 03‑03‑07/16777 ). Additional documents confirming the payment of the ticket, including extracts confirming the payment of the bank card, is not required (see letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of 15.10.2014 № 03‑03‑07/51936 , from 25.08.2014 No. 03‑03‑07/42273 ). In addition to the control coupon, transportation costs can be confirmed (if necessary) the boarding pass. It contains the necessary information about the trip (the time of departure, the fare, etc.). Therefore, with the help of this coupon, the organization may substantiate the cost of travel of a commoded worker in the train ( The letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 04.04.2014 № 03‑03‑07/1677 7).

Deduction VAT

In accordance with p. 7 tbsp. 171 NK RF VAT on passing expenses to the place of office business trip and is referred to. By general rule Default of the "entrance" VAT is produced ( p. 1 Art. 172 NK RF):

- based on invoices exhibited by sellers when purchasing a taxpayer of goods (works, services), property rights;

- or on the basis of other documents In cases provided for in § 3., 6 - 8 tbsp. 171 NK RF.

In short, the existence of an invoice is not mandatory condition For making to deduct VAT on pass costs. At the same time, the tax standards are not directly called a different document (an alternative to an invoice), which can be the basis for applying a tax deduction.

However, it is said that when purchasing services for the transport of commoded workers in the book of purchases, either invoices or files filled in the prescribed manner (their copies) are registered. In this case, VAT in the document must be shown a separate line. And if so, decorated on the commodited employee of the strict reporting form (for example, a route receipt or a control coupon), in which the amount of VAT is allocated, is the basis for the use of deductions for this tax. This follows Letters of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 09.01.2017 №SD-4-3 / [Email Protected] .

Thus, the "entrance" VAT can be taken to deduct, if the flight receipt of the airflight or in the control coupon of the electronic railway ticket will be allocated (see also letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 02.26.2016 No. 03‑07‑11/11033 , from 01/30/2015 No. 03‑07‑11/3522 , from 07/30/2014 No. 03‑07‑11/37594 ).

note. Note on the route / receipt of the electronic air ticket and in the control coupon of the electronic railway ticket of the carrier's identification number or the agency, which made this ticket, is not provided. Therefore, when registering electronic tickets in the book of shopping, instead of the TIN / PPP, the seller needs to be made of a fiber (see the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 28.05.2015 No. 03-07-11 / 30876).
Unfortunately, it happens not always. Some carriers do not indicate the tax tax in a separate line. On this issue, there are also official explanations. In particular, in Letter from 01/10/2013 No. 03‑07‑11/01 The Ministry of Finance reported that the tax deduction on such travel documents cannot be provided. Therefore, the amount reflected in them, in accordance with pP. 12 p. 1 Art. 264 NK RF It is included in other expenses related to production and implementation.

But if an invoice was set to a travel document (even if the carrier agent or the subagent), then the taxpayer is entitled to take it to deduct VAT, although the amount of tax in the electronic ticket is not shown a separate line (see Resolution of the FAS BJO dated November 27, 2012 in case numberA19-5831 / 2012.). And this is true, because by virtue paragraph 18 of the Rules of Book of Shopping The basis for the tax deduction is equally the invoice and the invoice, and the strict reporting form. Simultaneous tax specification in both documents is not required.

The conclusion of a contract for the carriage between the passenger and the carrier is certified by the password to Kumen (ticket). Direct document - a document of the established form, where the name, number and series of the document, the name of the station and the departure road, station and destination roads, the number of passengers, the cost, time of the ticket, the number of the train, the number and type of car, the room, place, time of arrival and Departure of the train.

Tickets for the form and method of registration, issuing several varieties:

Blanc ticket - From color patterned paper with watermarks consists of 3 parts (right - ticket, left - the kissira root, the middle part is cut by the cashier, depending on the distance of the trip along the corresponding border) is issued for each passenger, is filled manually. The train number and the date of departure is indicated in the composter.

The design of the blank combined tickets is made at stations with a small passenger traffic, in the absence of an ACS express terminal.

On the ticket must be needed a needle composter, where the departure date and year are indicated by Arabic figures, and the month - Roman. When making blank combined tickets, it is allowed to use assistant stamps.

Changing such tickets is made as follows: the ticket is folded in half and pull out a small corner. At the same time, it is impossible to break the composit signs.

Forms of Express System Blanc Ticket - it is drawn up automatically through a ticketing device on a blanke on a slim, consists of 3-parts:

1 - a travel document, made on the basis of the paper "Railway pattern", has watermarks, a hologram containing the "Russian Railways" inscriptions, "20", has a number corresponding to the checkout number and a cashier coupon containing 1 or 2 letters and 13 digits;

This pass document is the only one who gives the right to travel. If the passenger came to landing only with the first layer, then it is allowed to travel, but it is necessary to draw up an act of a general form.

2 - the control coupon is intended for use by a wagon conductor to control the availability of places and further financial and statistical control. The rights of travel does not give, stored at the Wagon Explorer, at the end of the trip surrendered to the boss for further processing.

3 - Course Coupon, is designed to control financial activities Cashier. The travel document and the checkpoint is given to the passenger, the Cassira coupon remains at the cashier who has arranged a travel document. When a Cassira coupon is detected, the wagon conductor must report this to the boss.

The deviation of the main travel document and the control coupon is carried out by the wagon conductor with the use of a manual composter, which ensures the destruction of the hologram on the first layer of the slip due to the formation in the hologram zone of the hole with smooth edges. In practice, the destruction of the hologram is carried out by taking the hologram.

1 line:

Train number (3 digits, 2 letters - special cipher)

number, month, train departure time (8 digits)

price: two groups of seven digits - the cost of the ticket and the cost of the reserimar, which constitutes the cost of the ticket

number of people passing on one travel document

document type

2 Row:

Foreign route (10 characters), in brackets are seven-digging stations codes

After the designation of the route can be indicated "firms" if the tariff of the corporate train is applied

3 Row:

After the word "locations" indicates the number of the place or several numbers at a group trip. If the rooms are followed in a row, the number of the first and last place is indicated through the dash, if the numbers are not followed, they are separated by commas. The characteristic of the coupe (men's, female, mixed, integer) can also be printed. Then the machine puts the sign that closes the string (rectangle or some other sign). The string is completed by the abbreviated name of the railway of the formation of the composition or trailers of the wagons.

4 string (contains service information):

Series and Direct Document Room (must match the type printed on the Blanc - black)

Protective code (3 digits) - Random combination of numbers or letters is issued by a random magnetic oscillation generator

Letter and digit (from 1 to 4), denoting the terminal, issued a travel document

Seven number that indicates the order number in the system

Six numbers denoting the date of registration of a travel document

Seven characters that are cash number

After the cash number, the order number can be specified by phone, the codes of states and the price of a ticket for them are indicated.

5 Row:

The number of the passenger document submitted to the execution of a travel document, surname and passenger initials. At the same time, if the passenger issued a moneyless or preferential travel document, then this line will begin with the series and the number of the document giving the right to benefit or free travel.

6 Row:

Full cost of a travel document, including a ticket, a placentar, insurance and commission fees. When driving in high-cost cars in this line, service services (U0 - bed linen is provided, hygienic set, printed product kit, U1 - in addition to U0 services are provided from the Wagon - Restaurant 1 time per trip, U2 - Power available 2 times etc.).

7 Row:

Date and time of arrival at the destination station

Ticket ACS Express, decorated through the transaction terminal.

These tickets are issued by passengers independently through special terminals. In this case, the passenger independently enters all the data. A ticket consists of two parts - a travel document and a tear-off control coupon (no in the figure). The passage document after checking is given to the passenger, and the control coupon is stored at the conductor. After the flight, LNP surrenders with all coupons.

If the passenger wants to exit a previous destination station, then he needs to give a control coupon. In this case, as well as when using a blank combined ticket or the CIS ticket ticket without checkpoints, the wagon conductor must rewrite the ticket data for a special form. It is necessary in order to report to the head of the train for the implementation of launched laundry sets.

Receipts of different fees

Receipts of different fees are issued to passengers when carrying out various types of tickets - restoring lost tickets or reissue travel documents to an earlier or later date of departure.

Receipts of different fees decorated at the box office, the rights of travel do not give. When making a different kind of surcharge, the head of the RS-97 receipts, the passenger has the right to follow the route specified on the receipt.

Receipt of different fees of form RS-97

Direct documents of the CIS countries

When making travel in the CIS countries, passengers issue travel documents on forms applied by these countries. At the same time, the text on the ticket should be in two languages \u200b\u200b- in Russian and national. Forms forms used in the CIS countries practically do not differ from ours. The fare in these tickets is indicated in the national currency. When making a travel document in Ukraine It should be remembered that paid at the checkout linens denoted by letters "UP",the last name of the passenger is not printed.

Travel Document ACS Express, decorated in Ukraine

Blank combined ticket, decorated in Ukraine

Group Travel Document - Direct document, decorated for a group of passengers. Registration of such tickets is made on the senior group. When landing, the senior group places a ticket and a list of groups, certified at the checkout. The conductor must be checked by documents with the information specified in the list. When data discrepancies, it is necessary to report LNP and the responsible landing. In the column "type of document" indicates the letter "G"

Childish- Ticket purchased for children from 5 to 10 years. The child's age is determined at the start date of the trip. For up to 5 years at the checkout, the launched boarding passages of ACS Express are acquired at the box office. In the absence of such a coupon, it is necessary to report LNP.

Free - Free railway transport workers are issued for travel through the railway network. At the same time, it is necessary to issue a boarding pass for ACS express at the checkout. Without it, the transport requirement of the right of travel does not give.

Forms of transport requirements

service Transport Requirement for the purchase of a travel document for travel throughout the railway network in all trains and cars intended for the transport of passengers in cargo trains, on locomotives, with the right of free use of bedding (instead of coupon)
annual transport requirement for the purchase of a travel document for travel in the jewelry car of trains of all categories within the railway raced in it
annual service transport requirement, which gives the right to purchase a travel document for free travel in the specified type of car in long-distance trains and suburban reports within the service area of \u200b\u200bone railway, as well as travel to locomotives
transport requirement for the purchase of a travel document for travel in suburban trains from place of residence to the place of work (up to 200 km), employees of train brigades, employees of traveling machines are allowed to travel to the second-class cars of passenger and fast train (if there is a mark in the requirement - stamp), In the same order, 4 form can be used by workers in building organizations (up to 300 km), bridge and tunnel detachments (up to 500 km).
4U. the transport requirement for the purchase of a travel document for travel in suburban reports is issued by students of secondary schools, professional schools, universities (children of employees of Russian Railways) for travel distance up to 200 km.
one-time transport requirement, gives the right to acquire a travel document for travel in long-distance trains, in the car of the specified category, according to the specified route
6A. one-time (travel) transport requirement, gives the right to purchase a travel document for travel in long-distance trains, in the carriage of the specified category, on the specified route, in the requirement indicates a competence or service document.
6V. one-time transport requirement, gives the right to purchase a travel document for travel in the wagons of "SV" fast trains, on the specified route
6g-1 one-time transport requirement, gives the right to purchase a travel document for travel in the jewelry cars of all trains, according to the specified route, the participant of the Great Patriotic War is issued, the certificate number is indicated.
outfit for the carriage of goods for personal and family needs in the luggage, cargo car, Container
permission to transport in the luggage car tools and materials
9A. the provisional requirement for personal needs, gives the right to purchase travel documents for 48 trips per year to acquire food and consumer goods in hard cars, suburban and local trains, is issued to employees of Russian Railways, which have dependents living on line
9b the provisional requirement for personal needs, gives the right to purchase travel documents for 24 trips a year to acquire food and consumer goods in rigid cars, suburban and local trains, employees of Russian Railways, who do not have dependents
consultation requirement for the purchase of a travel document for travel in second-class wagons of all trains for treatment on demand medical institution (period of validity of 3 days, in exceptional cases can be extended by the attending physician), with the reverse departure you need a mark of the medical institution, certified by signature and printing)
transportation requirement for the purchase of a travel document for travel in suburban trains (local - if there is no sufficient suburban message on the site, with the permission of the head of the road) for personal need to a distance of 150 km

Through the Internet, you can buy tickets both at domestic trains and international ones in the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Far Abroad (France, Germany, etc.), as well as in Abkhazia. The procedure for designing the ticket is approximately the same, but some rules (children, baggage, animals, benefits, documents) may vary. On the rules of travel in international communication Read more written.

Buying a ticket happens like this:

  1. In the form of ticket search you write, from where and when you are going. You are displayed a list of trains in this direction to the selected date.
  2. Choose a train, then - type of car (molding, coupe, sv, etc.). You can also choose a specific car and places in it - for most cars, schemes are available on which the location of places are noted, which are busy, where toilet or wardrobe, etc.
  3. Enter passenger data - be very attentive, then you can not fix anything.

Then choose the payment method. More information about payment methods. Pay for tickets, get them by email or download CO. And that's all! If you want, you can set up - it's free.

You need to know when buying an electronic train ticket

  • If less than 1 hour left before sending a train from your station, it is impossible to buy a ticket via the Internet.. At the checkout at the station - you can. In the report of Ukraine - Russia for trains, where electronic registration is not available, online ticket sales stops 48 hours before the departure of the train.
  • Preferential tickets (except for children) via the Internet should not be issued. Only personally at the checkout.
  • Check out e-tickets for organized group Passengers online can not.
  • In one order may be no more than 4 tickets (including children, and adults) and only in the cars of one class. Places in different types of wagons are made up different orders, in different types Coupe and SV (men's, female, mixed) - too. In one double coupe, you can make no more than 3 tickets (including one children's unless).
  • If you have several tickets in one order and you want to get paper tickets on the Russian Railways form, they will be discharged at once. Get one ticket from order is impossible.
  • After buying a ticket (paper or electronic - it does not matter), no changes can be made to it. Be careful, indicating the passenger data, especially the name and document number. Renewal of electronic tickets online is also not produced. You can only pass the ticket and buy a new one.

Protection of children in trains

  • Children under 5 can travel on trains for free, without a separate place (that is, on one shelf with adults) - in second-hand, general and sedentary cars, coupe and sv. But the ticket will still be necessary, it is necessary, without him they will not rise. You can issue a children's ticket via the Internet and separately, but it will be able to sit down on the train only with adults. In a report with Finland, privilege is valid until 6 years, with Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, the rules are similar to domestic Russian, with other countries of Europe - up to 4 years.
  • One adult can carry only one child for free to 5 years. If children are more, it is necessary to arrange separate tickets at the children's tariff (as from 5 to 10 years old), and they will have separate places.
  • If you buy two adult tickets to the luxury car (buy a coupe), then you can make a free ticket to the child. This concerns wagons of class 1a and 1m (if the carrier "GrandExpress" is 1st, 1a and 1m). Nuance: There are no children's tariff in the wagons of these classes. If one adults goes and two children under 10 years old, then there are still two adult tickets + one free.
  • Children from 5 to 10 years drive at the children's tariff (in Russia, to the CIS and Baltic countries). Their tickets are cheaper than adults (on average twice as cheaper), while children are provided with a separate place. You can buy a children's ticket separately from an adult, but it will not be able to sit down in the train of a child up to 10 years without accompaniment, it is prohibited.
  • From 10 years - an adult rate. But during school year For schoolchildren there are benefits in second-class, common and sedentary cars of fast and passenger trains. Tickets at a discount can be purchased on the site, and when landing, be sure to make a certificate from school.

International report

The main thing: the passenger is obliged to comply with passport and administrative (including visa), customs and other rulesinstalled when driving by rail in international communication, both in relation to oneself and with respect to its hand luggage, luggage and turning.

The railway should not monitor compliance with these rules.If you have problems on the border - these are only your problems, no compensation for the fact that you have not followed some rules and disembark you, not provided. Be careful.

  • Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Abkhazia can be riding in the same documents as within Russia: passport of the Russian Federation, passport, sailor passport, foreign document; Children - by birth certificate.
  • In the rest of the countries (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, far abroad) - only by passport, a sailor passport or a foreign document.
  • Minors (up to 18 years) Russians can cross the border either with their parents or with the presence of a notarized consent of the parents (guardians, trustees) to cross the border of the Russian Federation.

On international trains and rules in them.

How to fill in the name when buying a railway ticket, if you have a foreign document

The main rule: both in the document and in the ticket.

  • If in the document two options (Russian letters and Latin), then when traveling within Russia and the CIS, in the FUL's ticket, write Russians, and when traveling to far abroad - Latin.
  • If the document is all in the national language (not by Cyrillic and not Latin), write as in the document.
  • If there is no patience, this field is not filled.

Pleasant travel!

Start buying a ticket

The advantages of the e-ticket for the train will first rate not appreciate the modern generation, accustomed to the purchase of a couple of clicks with the mouse, and those people who remember kilometers, with difficulty moving queues in a ticket office at the railway station, especially in the summer. How well, that these times remained in the past. Let's deal with how to use the electronic ticket for the Russian Railways train.

What is an electronic ticket?

Not immediately, but progress touched OJSC Russian Railways. Now on the official website of the organization, as well as through mobile app You can make up and pay electronic tickets. The Commission is not taken to pay for payment bank cards, and in some cases even "Yandex. Money".

The cost of tickets on the official site is exactly the same as in the ticket office. Please note that this does not apply to intermediary sites that can hold the commission for their services.

What is an electronic ticket? This is a contract of service that is between the passenger and Russian Railways. It exists in the form of a digital record in the carrier database.

An indisputable advantages include the fact that such a ticket, in contrast to paper, it is impossible to lose. And also the fact that you can buy it without leaving the house, via the Internet.

The shortcomings of the same ticket, probably not.

How to buy?

First, you need to register on the website of Russian Railways. In addition to the login and password, it will be necessary to introduce F. I. O. and the address of the existing email. Then log in to the site.

In the form of the left on the main page, enter the departure and destination items, the date you need a ticket.

From the list you need to choose a suitable train, type of carbon (coupe, reserved seats). Next, you need to click on the type of car type, for example, a coupe.

List with numbers unfold. Click on the button with the car number. For example, No. 13.

Now you can see the wagon schema, availability, and also familiarize yourself with additional features:

  • is there a relay and air conditioning;
  • whether power is provided;
  • is it permissible in the car to transport domestic animals, etc.

The form that needs to be very closely filled with personal data is accurately as an identity document. Please note that it is no longer possible to make corrections after paying the ticket. If you made a mistake in the last name, name, document number, then for such a ticket you will not miss the train. Be extremely attentive, check several times. When purchasing an electronic ticket, all responsibility for the information specified in it lies on the person who was done by registration.

Pay attention to the checkboxes "Arrange the FSS benefit", "specify the number of the bonus, electronic or roadmap." If there are benefits, be sure to mark it.

Go to the selection of space. After the backup is given only 17 minutes to pay for the ticket. Otherwise, reservation will be removed and the procedure will have to be repeated. It is impossible to book places without payment.

How to use the electronic ticket for the Russian Railway train? After payment, you will need to print it or save on your mobile device.

To print a ticket, you need to go to your personal account. To do this, scroll to the end up, in the upper right corner, find your name and surname next to the word "exit." Click on your name with the surname. Right see the table. You need to click on the "Orders" line in the "My tickets" section. Now you can print.

Please note that there are trains, for example, accelerated trains that will not work for an electronic ticket. On the site you can only see the availability of places and the fare, and then you have to visit the cashier at the railway station. But this is more exception than the rule. On the main mass of trains tickets can be bought through the site.

Bed linen When purchasing a ticket in the coupe turn on automatically. If a reserved car is selected, then the payment of linen can be made both through the site and directly in the train conductor.

The sale of electronic tickets is mainly opened 45 days before the departure of the train.

To find out what the e-ticket for the Russian Railways train looks like, take a look at the picture below.

How is the landing?

How to use the electronic ticket for the Russian Railway train? With a printed leaflet or mobile device and a document that was listed in the ticket, you go to the fit on the train and make it all this conductor. You do not need to visit the cashier. The conductor has lists of passengers who purchased an electronic ticket. It will check the data and misses you in the train. That's all.

If for some reason you could not print a ticket or download it to mobile devicethen you need to go to the cashier at the station or find the self-service terminal and get a boarding pass there.

If the electronic ticket is purchased to the international message train, the boarding pass can be obtained in an international ticket office.

What is electronic registration?

Before using the electronic ticket for the Russian Railways train, you need to go through the registration procedure. In most cases, when paying the ticket, it is automatically produced. This means that, except for the selection of the seating coupon, you do not need any additional actions, the information has fallen into the system. This signals a special symbol.

If you chose a train without electronic registration, you will see a warning inscription with red letters. This means that you cannot buy a ticket via the Internet, you need to visit a ticket office or a self-service terminal.

How to return a ticket?

The return procedure can be implemented through your personal account on the site or at the checkout upon presentation of the seating coupon and the document to which the ticket was issued.

When returned, the Commission is held.

Is it possible to reorganize a ticket?

How to use an electronic ticket for the Russian Railway train if you decide to change the date of departure or place in the car after purchase? Request. For the service will have to contact a ticket office.

On another passenger or on trains of the international message, the renewal is not produced.

If problems or questions arose when buying a ticket, you need to contact the address [Email Protected] In the message, specify your login, date and time of purchase, order number, F. I. O. Passenger. Support service works around the clock.

Electronic reporting

If you have made a trip to the service, then the accounting documents will be requested by the acquisitions. In the case of a paper ticket, everything is clear, and how to report, if electronic was purchased?

By order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (No. 322 of 21.08.2012), the control coupon belongs to the papers of strict reporting. Therefore, it is enough for you to visit my personal account on the Russian Railways website, the "My Orders" section, and print the ticket form, just as you did in order to take the train. This document will also be conveyed to the accounting department.

Now you know how to use the electronic ticket for the Russian Railways train. Agree, so much more convenient?

OJSC "Russian railways"(Russian Railways) explained the new fare rules on the new form of an electronic ticket, which came into force on June 14, 2012." In connection with the emergence of a number of publications in the media, mistakenly interpreting travel conditions on the new form of an electronic ticket, the transition to which took place on June 14 , Russian Railways and FPK inform, "the message says. The press release says that regardless of the method of registration for long-distance train (electronic registration or registration at a ticket office), the passenger must receive a document with the note" Landing Coupon ". providing him with unhindered admission to landing. The landing coupon can be printed from personal Cabinet Client on the usual sheet A4 or copied to any electronic mobile device.

Passengers who make the purchase of travel documents on long-distance trains on the Russian Railways website at the last stage of tickets after the payment "Payment" is invited to go through the electronic registration procedure, that is, it is proposed to receive an electronic ticket. Passengers who have passed electronic registration when buying an e-ticket on the Russian Railways website, in return for the previous form of an electronic document is now issued an electronic ticket consisting of two parts: control and landing coupons.

The control coupon is a document of strict reporting (i.e. confirms the purchase of an electronic ticket) and certifies the transportation contract between the passenger and the carrier company on railway transport, it is issued individually to each passenger. Landing coupon is a document that is confirmed by the right to land on the train. Currently landing on the train, passengers who have passed electronic registration can be carried out on the landing coupon and a document certifying the identity and only on a document certifying the identity.

That passengers who did not pass electronic registration when buying an e-ticket, only the control coupon will be issued. For landing in the train of one control coupon, it is not enough: it is necessary to either pass electronic registration, or contact the control coupon in the cashier or the transactional self-service terminal, and print an ordinary ticket on the strict reporting form. The control coupon is a financial document, and, if necessary, the passenger can provide it to the accounting department to confirm the fact of making a trip (earlier for a similar report it was necessary to issue a regular ticket).

Russian Railways and FPK recommends passengers to use new form The electronic board coupon with the barcode: it can be submitted to the conductor on the screen mobile phone or any other gadget, or print before landing on the train, like an electronic aviation ticket. Over time, the presentation of such a coupon will become mandatory.