For baptism they bathe for three days. How to prepare for swimming in an ice hole? Where and when do they bathe at Epiphany?

The Baptism of Jesus Christ is considered one of the 12 main Orthodox holidays. Another name is Epiphany, which is explained by its descent in the form of a dove onto the water.

This is a non-moving holiday, which is celebrated every year on January 19 (in 2019 it falls on Saturday) and is not included in the list of official holidays and weekends in the Russian Federation.

Many believers are already wondering when they can swim at Epiphany in 2019, but to find the answer, we need to remember some ancient traditions.

Features and customs

In the evening, parishioners attend a church service, and on the night from 18 to 19, clergy bless water in churches and reservoirs, after which everyone can collect it in containers and plunge into the font.

You can collect water for 3 days from the 19th to the 21st, but Epiphany water on January 19th is considered the most energetically powerful.

The main tradition is swimming in an ice hole, which is carved in the shape of a cross and is called “Jordan”. The main requirement, according to the canons of the church, when choosing a place for an ice hole is a natural open body of water, a river. After consecration by the priest, the water becomes healing and can relieve illness, mental and physical torment.

Many believe that washing with baptismal water is equivalent to the forgiveness of a person’s sins, but this is not so: this requires visiting church, repentance and confession.

It is not at all necessary to dive and stay in icy water for a long time; it is enough to plunge your head three times and cross yourself 3 times before entering the ice hole.

Swimming in Moscow

In recent years, diving in ice holes has become quite popular among Russian residents. For example, the number of people who took the plunge in 2018 in the capital is about 120,000 people. Therefore, the number of places in Moscow where you can swim on Epiphany will increase in 2019.

As always, the days when everyone will have the opportunity to swim at Epiphany in Moscow, in 2019 will be the night from 18.01. on 19.01. and 19.01. until the evening - during this period, ambulance crews and rescuers will be near places of mass swimming.

Winter in the climate zone in which the Russian Federation is geographically located may surprise you with abnormal heat, as in some previous years. Then the reservoirs do not freeze, and it is simply impossible to make an ice hole. However, in 2019 in Moscow this will not be an obstacle to organizing places where you can swim at Epiphany. Based on the experience of 2017-2018, this list is about 60 points.

For the safe and comfortable stay of people in official places in each district of the capital, additional means and activities will be used:

  • anti-slip mats;
  • railings;
  • changing cabins;
  • hot drink outlets;
  • car parking;
  • lighting lamps;
  • biotoilets;
  • heating and medical care tents.

Usually, on the eve of the holiday, sanitary service specialists take water samples in the proposed swimming areas. Often the results of the analyzes are unsatisfactory, which is the reason for closing some reservoirs. For example, in 2018, 2 ponds were subject to such a ban - Pionersky and in the Catherine Park of the capital. The press service of the institution recommends that citizens first view the list of permitted places on the website of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for Moscow.


There will be 3 points in this part of the capital:

  1. Revolution square.
  2. Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on Chisty Vrazhek.
  3. Catherine Park (Suvorovskaya Square).


It is planned to hold events on the Bolshoi Garden Pond (Bolshaya Academicheskaya St.). In Khimki, at the reservoir, swimming will take place in 2 places:

  1. Dynamo Stadium, Leningradskoye Highway.
  2. Beach "Levoberezhny", Pribrezhny passage.

In the Northeast, the main scene of action is the Ostankino (Palace) pond.

Residents of the North-West will be able to come to such reservoirs as:

  1. Strogino floodplain.
  2. Bottomless lake.
  3. Moscow River - Northern Tushino Park.
  4. St. Svobody, st. Zhivopisnaya, st. Aviation.
  5. Derivation channel.
  6. Chernushka River in Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo Park,
  7. Landscape park "Mitino" (Baryshikha).
  8. Karamyshevskaya embankment.
  9. Kirov floodplain.


The area is characterized by the presence of many picturesque ponds:

  • Babaevsky.
  • Red.
  • May.
  • Silver-Grape.
  • Alder (Terletskaya Oak Park).
  • Putyaevsky.
  • Oleniy (Sokolniki Park).

Also popular among residents of the district are such vacation spots as:

  • Font "Vernissage".
  • Lake "White" and "Holy".


Epiphany rites will be organized by local authorities at the following ponds:

  1. Borisovsky (Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, Borisov).
  2. Upper Tsaritsynsky.
  3. "Beket" (Country Highway).
  4. Upper Kuzminsky.
  5. Nizhny Lublinsky.
  6. Shibaevsky.
  7. Vorontsovsky (Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, Vorontsovo).
  8. Chernyavsky (Church of the Nativity, Chernevo).
  9. Sanatorium “Uzkoe” (Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Yasenevo).
  10. Tpoparevsky (recreation area "Tpoparevo").
  11. Nakhimovsky prospect.
  12. Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”, Zakharyino.


Mass baths await visitors on Meshchersky Pond and the Moscow River:

  • Filevsky Boulevard.
  • St. Bolshaya Filevskaya.
  • Rublevo.

Behavior rules

For safety, it is worth remembering and following simple recommendations from experts:

  1. Have a small snack with high-calorie foods to provide the body with the necessary energy. Avoid smoking before and after swimming to avoid additional stress on the heart.
  2. Quick entry to prevent hypothermia.
  3. Staying in the water for beginners is no longer than 20 seconds, maximum for trained people is 2 minutes.
  4. You should not dry yourself with a towel after getting out of the water, so as not to damage the capillaries of your skin in the cold.
  5. The fastest way to get dressed in dry clothes with a minimum of fasteners.
  6. Drink hot tea.
  7. Go for a short jog to warm up your body.

There are also a number of signs of hypothermia, in the event of which a bathing person needs emergency medical assistance:

  1. Sharp redness of the skin.
  2. Pain in the back of the head and temples.
  3. Fatigue and stiffness of movement.

It is worth remembering that this ritual is not mandatory, but a voluntary action, so if you decide to undergo it, it is important not to harm your body and your health.

Contraindications for swimming

To ensure that the celebration of Epiphany in 2019 in Moscow passes calmly and without incident, emergency care specialists have prepared in advance a list of restrictions with which it is strictly forbidden to swim in an ice hole:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and nervous system disorders.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Age up to 12 years.
  4. State of drug or alcohol intoxication.
  5. The presence of infectious diseases or gynecological inflammations.
  6. A state of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  7. Diabetes mellitus and diseases of the genitourinary system.

To dive into water, you should choose specially designated and prepared places where rescue service representatives are present. Diving alone is also prohibited, since in the event of an unforeseen situation no one can help a drowning person.

More about the rules of Epiphany bathing: video

Bathing in the wood is an ancient ritual that many people in our country perform every year. Soon you will be able to join the favorite Russian tradition, and from this article you will learn when is the best time to do so.

Even though the New Year celebrations are over, the series of holidays is not over yet. According to tradition, on January 19, believers celebrate the great Orthodox holiday of the Epiphany. There are many traditions and rituals associated with this day, and the most popular of them is swimming in an ice hole. Every year, thousands of people take a bath in blessed water to ensure their health and cleanse their souls of sins. We invite you to find out when is the best time to perform the ritual of bathing on Epiphany.

Swimming in an ice hole January 19, 2018

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most revered Orthodox events. Over time, this holiday acquired many traditions, and one of them was swimming in the wood. Everyone who decides to perform this ritual is simply obliged to know about its features so as not to harm their health.

Before the consecration of water, a hole called a Jordan is cut through the ice. It received this name in honor of the river in which the Son of God was once baptized. After this, the clergyman lowers the crucifix into the water and says a prayer. A person who decides to perform the ritual of ablution must plunge his head into the ice hole three times, but before doing this he must pray.

It is believed that with the help of Epiphany water you can get rid of ailments and sins. However, this ritual is not performed by all believers, because not everyone can expose their health to such a risk.

When is the best time to swim in an ice hole at Epiphany?

When to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany - on the eve of the holiday or on the day of the event itself? This question worries many people who want to swim in an ice hole. It is believed that on the evening of January 18, it is best to visit the church, pray and take holy water home.

At the end of the evening service, on the night of January 19, everyone can plunge into the already blessed water. The most suitable time period for this is considered to be the period from 00:00 to 01:30. According to legends, it was at this time that water acquires strong healing properties, which have repeatedly helped people get rid of diseases.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to perform the bathing ritual at night, then you can do it in the morning, afternoon or evening of January 19th. If, due to your health condition, you do not have the opportunity to plunge into ice water in mid-January, then simply wash your face with Epiphany water collected in an ice hole.

After bathing, do not forget to say a prayer again so that the ritual will benefit not only your body, but also your soul. Our ancestors attached special significance to such great Orthodox events as the Baptism of the Lord. Despite the fact that this holiday is of a religious nature, many folk superstitions are associated with it, which people previously preferred to believe.

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In every Orthodox country, church holidays reflect traditions, national mentality and historically established culture. In Orthodox countries, for example, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Greece, it is customary to swim at Epiphany. Thanks to the tolerance and love of the Orthodox Church, many good ancient traditions have survived to this day.

Customs and services for Epiphany

On January 19, the Church celebrates the great twelfth holiday - Epiphany, or the Baptism of the Lord. This day is distinguished by a number of traditions and the well-known blessing of water. However, Epiphany bathing is not just a health procedure.

In the annual church circle there are twelve holidays, called “twelve” (in Church Slavonic duodecimal). These are days dedicated to the most important events in the earthly life of Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as the most important historical events of the Church.

The traditions of their celebration have developed over centuries, and today they are celebrated all over the world, and, due to their prevalence, even cover the lives of non-religious people. This is a church sermon, the glory of the name of Christ, which goes beyond the church fence.

Historically, on the banks of the Jordan River on the eve of one of the Jewish holidays, during which ritual ablutions were performed, John the Baptist began his prophetic ministry with the words that before washing with water one must be washed from sins. John the Baptist himself baptized people symbolically - after all, the Lord Jesus had not yet ascended to the Cross and founded the Church - but in such baptism he called to be cleansed from sins by the grace of God. After the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan, the earthly path of preaching Christ began.

On the feast of Epiphany, holy water is consecrated with the Great Rite, they pray to the Lord for the cleansing and sanctification of homes and hearts.

Prayer service for Epiphany

The blessing of water in churches is usually carried out after the morning service - the Divine Liturgy on January 19, but in large churches it can be done the day before, on January 18.

The great consecration of water takes place once a year, on the great holiday of Epiphany. At this time, the clergy of churches located near rivers and reservoirs go out in a large religious procession to the ice hole and sanctify the water in it. Drinking water is also blessed separately.

A small consecration of water can be performed even daily, so there is always free access to holy water in the temple. In addition, you can order a prayer service for water in a church or at home to pray for your well-being and help for your family. At the end of the prayer service, take some holy water with you into an empty, clean bottle (but not an alcohol bottle).

During the water-blessing prayer, the priest, on behalf of the entirety of the Church, will ask for a prosperous life, for the health of those praying during the service, for the sanctification of the whole world by the Holy Spirit. After blessing the water, the priest sprinkles holy water on those around him and on the home or church - this is how the grace of God visibly comes to us.

The prayer service is performed as follows:

    A table with a clean tablecloth is brought to the middle of the temple, on which a metal bowl of water is placed, and a portable Cross and the Holy Gospel are placed next to it. A candlestick is placed on the table, on which wax candles appear.

    After the start of the service, Psalm 142 is read with an exclamation from the priest.

    After the Psalter, the repeated chant “God is the Lord” is sung with troparia. While the prayer is being sung, the priest censes the bowl of water in a cross shape.

    Then Psalm 50 is read, troparia and litany - a list of short petitions for salvation, health and well-being. At this time, the priest burns incense around the perimeter of the temple or house where the service is being performed.

    At the end of the incense, the prokeimenon and the words of the Apostolic Epistle (Heb. 2, 14-18) are read, and then the Gospel of John (chapter 5, verses 2-4).

    After reading the Gospel, a litany is followed, during which petitions are read for the consecration of water, which is censed by the priest in the shape of a cross. Then a special prayer is read, calling on the grace of the Holy Spirit to flow into the water.

    After reading the prayer, the clergyman takes the Cross (with the image of Christ facing him), passing it over the water in a cross shape. Then the entire cross is immersed in water under the threefold singing of the troparion “Save, Lord, Thy people” and others.

    Having taken the Cross out of the water, the priest kisses it (in Church Slavonic - kisses it), sprinkles all those present and the church or house around the perimeter.

    All the worshipers take turns kissing the Holy Cross, the priest at this time sprinkles everyone with holy water (this is why women are not recommended to actively put on makeup before going to church: the makeup will run; in addition, in order not to attract unnecessary attention from the worshipers and not be distracted by impressions, and concentrate on prayer).

    Now those praying at the prayer service draw water from the bowl. Of course, water can also be collected by people who did not order a prayer service or who accidentally entered the temple. However, this is no longer entirely correct: it turns out that such people will acquire the shrine dishonestly (after all, only those who ordered a prayer service and those who prayed after it can collect water).

How to make an ice hole, Jordan for Epiphany

In many temples near reservoirs, the water in the reservoir (river, sea, lake) is also blessed. In the cold, if there is ice on the water, they cut out a cross-shaped hole, which is also called “Jordan” (from the name of the Jordan River, that is, people seem to plunge into a small Jordan) with a ladder. At the ice hole there are usually two warm tents, tents (for women and men), a gangway and a ladder are laid to the ice hole.

Of course, if you are lucky, a bathhouse may be heated at your arrival and there will be an entrance to the ice hole from it. Then you will combine business with pleasure.
Or take the risk and flood the bathhouse on Epiphany night on the shore.

What to take with you to Epiphany, to swimming in an ice hole

It is worth taking a large towel with you if you want to take a dip and, of course, come in time for the start of the service: otherwise it will only be a “health” event, and not a spiritual feat.

    During the blessing of the water, the priest will immerse the cross in the water. At the end of the prayer service, go into the tent and put on a swimsuit (it is better to maintain decency; you can also wear a long swimming shirt over the swimsuit, which is sold in the church). When entering the water, hold on to the railing. If you have the strength, cross yourself, saying: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” and then immerse yourself headlong. Repeat three times and get out.

    If you don’t have the strength, cross yourself, on the shore say to yourself: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” - plunge once (you don’t even have to dive headlong) and get out.

It is known that, according to pious legend, on Epiphany night the sky opens and during January 18-19, water is blessed in all reservoirs. Therefore, if you want to plunge at home, make the sign of the cross before immersing yourself and say the prayer we named “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” In this case, it is better to be dressed in swimming trunks or a swimsuit, otherwise it will turn out to be a strange ritual; it is indecent to pray naked (you will still stand before God).

It’s even better to visit the temple, pray during the service, prepare and take communion, and then draw holy water.

Contraindications to swimming in an ice hole

Remember that it is better to take care of your health, “God protects those who are careful.” Of course, plunging into an ice hole is a feat in the name of the Lord, and its spiritual significance is difficult to exaggerate. But there are diseases and pathologies that are a contraindication to dipping:

  • Hypertension, angina pectoris - due to a sharp narrowing of blood vessels due to temperature changes, you can get a heart attack or stroke;
  • Hypotension (constantly low blood pressure) - again, the blood vessels react in such a way that a person may faint;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, ARVI - you can get serious complications;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Epilepsy and traumatic brain injury, as well as atherosclerosis;
  • Pathologies of the nervous system;
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system - diabetes, thyrotoxicosis;
  • Eye diseases - again, narrowing of blood vessels can lead to deterioration of vision, etc.;
  • Respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis and asthma;
  • Any inflammatory processes in the body - in the genitourinary, digestive, reproductive systems;
  • Find out if you have an allergic reaction to cold.

Please note that in parishes and churches, ice holes are supervised by the administration of the locality; rescuers and doctors are always on duty here, but swimming in an “amateur” ice hole can be really dangerous. And in any case, don’t swim alone! You never know how your body reacts, even if you previously practiced swimming in an ice hole.
In fact, this is not only dangerous, but also not spiritually useful if you have not prayed or received communion.

Family bathing for Epiphany

Women's health is especially fragile, but many women boldly decide to swim at Epiphany in order to perform a feat for God's sake, asking Him for special mercy.

It is especially recommended to bathe at Epiphany in case of infertility. Alas, many families today are infertile. Women have been trying to get pregnant for years, and both spouses are undergoing treatment. Over time, relationships can break down due to disappointment, and resentment toward life and God—the Creator and Almighty—appears. This is a completely wrong direction of worldview. The Lord is our hope. He works miracles. Without abandoning medical treatment, you must definitely resort to the Heavenly Doctor.

There have been many documented cases of healing from infertility and the joy of motherhood for desperate women after praying in front of the “Helper in Childbirth” icon. The Church blesses us to strengthen our faith and support drug treatment in case of infertility with regular prayers. You should never despair: remember the will of God and the fate of the parents of the Mother of God Herself, who only in old age were able to find their long-awaited Daughter, who became the Queen of Heaven.

Under no circumstances follow any rituals or contact psychics. One of the pious Orthodox traditions is a prayer for the gift of children and for a successful release from the burden (easy childbirth). It can be ordered at any temple. There are a number of saints who have special grace in helping pregnant women and those wishing to give birth to a child, and on Epiphany, and on any day, you can order a prayer service to the Lord Jesus Christ or the Mother of God. The Lord is the main Helper and Patron of everyone, and the Mother of God is the Intercessor before God of the human race. You can order a prayer service for the gift of children in front of any icon of the Mother of God; they especially pray for this in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”, “Helper in Childbirth”.

If you want to bathe a child, the father should hold him in his arms, dip him once and immediately wrap him in a towel.

Customs for Epiphany

The following are the correct traditions:

    Fasting before the holiday. On Epiphany Eve, according to the Charter of the Church, you cannot eat until the first star (if you don’t have the strength, eat), and then you ate kutya, just like on Christmas - this is a sweet porridge with honey and dried fruits.

    On the eve of the holiday, January 18, they also went to the All-Night Vigil. Today in some churches it is celebrated at night, along with the Liturgy - again, like on Christmas Day. In most churches, in the evening, on the eve of Epiphany, water is blessed in temples and reservoirs. Sometimes, in order to avoid danger on a body of water at night, it is consecrated only on January 19th.

    It is worth visiting the temple and on the morning of January 19 - come to the Liturgy, having prepared for Confession and Communion.

    After the Liturgy, if a reservoir is being consecrated and it is located nearby, priests and parishioners solemnly go to it in a procession of the cross. The rite of consecration of the water, which will be called the Great Agiasma (great shrine), is performed only by the priest. They will lower the cross into the hole three times and then bless the people with it.

    Water is also consecrated, but not so solemnly, in the temple. On this day, and often for three days or a week, large tanks are installed in temples, and whole lines of people line up for them. Don't use a large volume of water - you can always add it to regular water with reverence. Place a donation for holy water: this is drinking water purchased by the temple, because even though the Lord blesses the water, you need to be careful: in no temple do they take water for Epiphany simply from dirty reservoirs. It is purchased with funds from philanthropists.

An important Epiphany miracle is that, according to the testimony of many people, holy water does not spoil for a whole year: scientists have even found that holy water has a changed molecular composition. This is a miracle of God, and not the effect of silver, from which temple crosses are made (after all, wooden crosses are often immersed in water).

May the Lord protect and enlighten you!

Taking part in Epiphany bathing: rules and advice

Many Orthodox people do not miss such a tradition as bathing at Epiphany, which accompanies a major holiday, namely the Baptism of Christ. This event is considered a very important and significant church holiday. This day is usually celebrated to commemorate the baptism of Jesus on the Jordan River. Considering that the ceremony took place in the river, people try to plunge into the water on this special day. It is believed that such an action can give strength, cleanse from sins and get rid of diseases. However, doctors can argue about the latter, since it will be difficult for an unprepared body to endure even a short swim in ice water, and even in the cold. For this reason, those who want to spend this day according to all church rules need to conduct Epiphany bathing very carefully. An unhardened body should avoid excessive hypothermia, as this can be very dangerous.

When is swimming

Many people who want to swim are interested in bathing at Epiphany. It is worth noting that the blessing of water on this church holiday is carried out in 2 stages. The first comes on Christmas Eve, that is, in the evening on the day before Epiphany itself. In this case, special events are held in the church. The second stage is the water procedures themselves in the open air. Here you need to find a suitable body of water - a river or, and then carry out the consecration ceremony. All this is done exclusively by clergy, who read prayers and immerse the cross in water 3 times.

The feast of Epiphany itself is the final day of Christmastide. On the eve of this important event, according to church laws, it is forbidden to eat anything, since this is a time of strict fasting. It is also unacceptable to eat fatty foods on the holiday itself. On Epiphany, it is customary to serve kutya and Lenten dishes on the table.

In addition to the festive feast, water procedures are considered mandatory. They are important because water on this day is considered healing and can relieve many ailments. As for what time Epiphany bathing begins, he recommends plunging into the water from 12 midnight to 4 am on January 19th. It is during this period that blessed water gains its greatest strength.

Many people believe that you can only swim at Epiphany when the water is blessed by the priest, since it can treat both diseases of the internal organs and various wounds. Moreover, blessed water relieves stress and psychological stress. For this reason, it is recommended to keep it at home. If it is not possible to visit an open reservoir on Epiphany, you can put water on the balcony at night. The next morning it should acquire healing properties, although not as strong as after consecration by a clergyman.

Features of Epiphany water

Water is very important for every living creature. It is found everywhere and can work wonders on its own. However, many attribute additional positive qualities to it after it is consecrated by clergy.

The Bible says that one day God even punished humanity and washed away everything unclean from the earth with a flood. It is also believed that water on the feast of Epiphany can wash away sins from a person. Thanks to the prayers read by the clergy, the water becomes holy. As a result, it has special properties. The liquid that was collected at Epiphany can be stored for a very long time. Sometimes it sits quietly in bottles for decades and remains fit for human consumption. The main purpose for which Epiphany water is used is getting rid of sins, unclean things, saving the soul and getting closer to God.

Why do people bathe at Epiphany?

As for how many days you can swim for Epiphany, in this case, after the end of the night church service on January 19, the Procession of the Cross begins. Its completion is considered to be the consecration of the ice-hole with a cross, after which one can begin water procedures. It is believed that water, after its consecration, does not lose its healing properties throughout the day, so everyone has the opportunity to undergo this ritual.

This tradition is interpreted in different ways. Some people plunge into water solely for preventive purposes, so as not to get sick. For others it is important to atone for sins in this way. But there is also a category of people who swim in icy water solely to prove to themselves or other people that they are capable of this small feat.

Experts do not recommend swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany for those who have not fasted for the required time and have not attended church. In this case, there will be no healing effect of water, since it works exclusively in combination. Moreover, out of habit, the body can react negatively to hypothermia, which will lead to the development of a serious illness.

It has long been believed that swimming in an ice hole three times on Epiphany has a positive effect on health, eliminating all ailments, but it is better not to perform such a procedure without prior preparation. Moreover, it is forbidden to swim in an ice hole while intoxicated.

How to use holy water

Epiphany water is considered very popular among Orthodox Christians. At the same time, it is widely used not only by those people who periodically attend church and live by all its rules, but also by simply baptized people. The holiday of Epiphany is considered very important, so even those who do not fast and do not go to church try not to miss it. Holy water can be found in many homes. It is used for various purposes.

The water that received its power at Epiphany is considered special. This has been confirmed by many studies. Some time ago it was proven that the liquid consecrated on this church holiday is close in density to water from the Jordan River. The healing properties are also explained from a scientific point of view. Doctors believe that the healing qualities of holy water depend on the magnetic field, which changes slightly on January 19 of each year. However, these data cannot be considered accurate. The phenomenon of holy water has not yet been fully studied.

It is believed that Epiphany is the time to bathe and draw water, as it acquires special qualities and becomes sacred. You can not only bathe in it to remove all ailments and sins, but also collect it to use afterwards. It is believed that such water will be stored for a long time and can be drunk even after a year.

Knowledgeable people claim that Epiphany water is best consumed before meals. You can wash your face with it in the mornings and evenings to start and end the day absolutely clean. It is believed that such water relieves anxiety, improves immunity and relieves a number of ailments. You can use it to wash wounds and gargle when you have a cold. Holy water helps little ones especially well.

The benefits and harms of swimming in an ice hole

Since ancient times, plunging into an ice hole was considered an integral ritual of Epiphany celebrations, so everyone knew when and what time swimming for Epiphany began. In this way, people tried to improve their health, which could really be achieved by hardening.

Back in the 19th century, a hypothesis was published that winter swimming could treat everything from a mild headache to hypertension. However, a lasting therapeutic effect is possible only in cases where a person hardens his body gradually.

The positive effects of water procedures in winter have really been proven. But for this you need to know how to properly swim in ice water at Epiphany. Without regular hardening, such experiments can lead to negative consequences. Moreover, people often drink a glass or two to be brave. This is especially harmful and dangerous, since if you overdo it with alcohol, the body's reaction to hypothermia can be unpredictable.

It should be taken into account that when immersed in cold water during the Epiphany frosts, the body temperature instantly decreases. This may cause shock. Immersion in ice water forces the body to activate its reserves, as the body cools sharply by at least 3°, and the skin temperature decreases to 15°. After swimming, the body will be very tense to compensate for the heat deficit. All this requires a lot of oxygen, so even oxygen starvation may occur.

Based on this, we can conclude that swimming in ice water on the feast of Epiphany is an activity for trained people. You should not test the strength of your body without preliminary training.

Every person should know how to bathe correctly at Epiphany for the first time, so that later they do not regret their actions and do not treat a lot of diseases.

Cooling should occur gradually. First, you need to take off your outer clothing and spend some time like that, then take off your shoes and stand with your bare feet on the snow. Then you can undress to the waist and rub your body with rich cream or oil.

Immediately before immersing yourself in ice water, you should thoroughly stretch your muscles so as not to get a muscle spasm. Before immersing it in water, the body must be at normal temperature, that is, not overheated or frozen. If the pre-workout has made your muscles very hot, you need to wait a while until they cool down.

The time that a person can spend in ice water without further consequences should not exceed 15 seconds. After bathing, you need to rub your body well with a terry towel. The legs and arms are treated first, and the chest last. Immediately after the rubdown, you need to go into a warm place, warm up and eat.

Many people wonder whether it is worth swimming in clothes, or whether it should be done naked. Here everyone chooses the option that suits themselves. There are no strict rules, but you need to understand that taking off wet and icy swimming trunks or a swimsuit in the cold can be very difficult. For this reason, many people prefer skinny dipping at Epiphany.

If a person understands that his strength and preparation are not enough to plunge into an ice hole on the street, he can swim at home on Epiphany. It is believed that on January 19, all the water on the planet is filled with miraculous power, so there should not be much difference in the effect.

Hello, dear readers! On January 19, all believers celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, the most ancient Christian holiday. Since ancient times in Rus' it was believed that bathing in Epiphany water relieves many ailments. Swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany - what is it? A tribute to fashion or, indeed, is there healing of soul and body behind this? This is what we are talking about today.

Some believe that the roots of this holiday date back to pagan culture. Currently, on the night of January 18-19, the consecration of holy water and springs takes place. Many people line up to take holy water or bathe in the consecrated spring.

According to the Gospel, it is believed that on this day Jesus Christ came to the Jordan River in Bethabara, where John the Baptist was, in order to receive baptism from him. John, who preached the imminent coming of the Savior, was surprised when he told Jesus that he should be baptized by him. But in response, Jesus replied that “It is fitting for us to do all righteousness” and received baptism from John. During baptism, the sky opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus Christ with the words “You are my beloved Son, in you I am well pleased!”

Usually at this time there are severe frosts in Russia, they are also called Epiphany frosts. But the frosts seem to have passed, and the weather is now relatively warm throughout Russia.

On the eve of Epiphany on January 19, special ice holes are cut down on reservoirs and rivers in many cities, and even in small villages where there are churches, in which anyone can plunge. Many do this because of true faith in God, while others simply do it for extreme sports.

But for whatever purpose a person plunges into the icy water in an ice hole, first of all he needs to be prepared for this, not only physically, but also mentally. This is, after all, stress, especially for the body of an unprepared person. An unprepared body can experience a feeling of cold, but only for a short time. The hardening method is based on this.

You need to know that water has the ability to perceive any information, while changing its structure under the influence of the source of information. When entering the ice hole, first of all, you need to be in the mood for the good and useful. Water feels this and will respond to you with what you want.

How does the body react to swimming in an ice hole?

Constantly swimming in an ice hole in winter is one of the ways to harden the body, prevent colds, and train blood vessels. But if a person decides to swim in an ice hole once a year at Epiphany, won’t his body be harmed? How can his body react to such severe stress as immersion in ice water?

  1. When immersed in cold water with your head, the central nervous system instantly awakens, and the work of many centers is activated.
  2. At the same time, the body’s defenses are released; the body temperature after contact with cold water reaches 40⁰. We know that this temperature is destructive for viruses, bacteria and diseased cells.
  3. During stress (positive) from immersion in ice water, the human body produces the hormone adrenaline, which has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, increases mental energy and activity. In addition, adrenaline has a pronounced anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood composition, relieves pain, swelling and spasm.

Swimming in the Epiphany ice hole

Of course, to get into icy water, I repeat, you need a special attitude. But attitude alone is not enough. There are certain rules that will help you perform this ritual correctly.

  1. Firstly, you need to swim only in a specially equipped ice hole. It will be good if the descent into the ice hole is equipped with a ladder with handrails.
  2. Secondly, never go swimming in an ice hole alone. Unforeseen circumstances may arise and you may need help.
  3. And one last thing. When planning to swim in an ice hole, dress properly. For swimming, take a swimsuit or a simple shirt, flip-flops or so that you can walk comfortably on snow or ice. To change clothes, take dry clothes, but such that they can be put on quickly.

How to swim in an ice hole correctly

Approach the ice hole slowly, go down into the water carefully, preferably holding on to the handrails, slightly tilting your body forward so as not to slip. Do not dive or jump into the water under any circumstances - this is life-threatening.

When swimming, according to church rules, you need to plunge your head into the water three times. But if you are not in the mood for this, then you should not do this; immerse yourself in water up to your neck. You should not stay in the ice hole for more than 1 minute to prevent your body from becoming hypothermic.

If you have a child with you, be sure to monitor his well-being and hold his hand. With small children, I personally would not recommend performing such a procedure.

Get out of the water also very carefully, holding on to the handrails so as not to slip. Immediately after this, try to take off your damp clothes and rub yourself dry with a towel. Although, a towel is usually not required: the body dries itself instantly - double checked from personal experience. And immediately put on dry underwear.

If you feel that you are cold, then make vigorous movements, and when you come home, drink hot tea to warm up.

Who should not swim in an ice hole - contraindications

  • Acute diseases of the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, otitis media and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, heart defects);
  • Epilepsy, consequences of traumatic brain injury, encephalitis;
  • Endocrine diseases, including diabetes mellitus;
  • Acute conjunctivitis, glaucoma;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How I swam in an ice hole - personal experience

I had the opportunity to experience such happiness three times. True, the first time was in late autumn in the village of Velikoretskoye. This village is famous for the fact that once, back in the 19th century, a peasant found an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker under the roots of a pine tree on the banks of the Velikaya River. This icon subsequently healed many people and since then it has been very revered. Now this icon is in the Tryphon Monastery in the city of Kirov. With this icon, every year in June the Velikoretsk religious procession takes place, which brings together tens of thousands of people from all over Russia and beyond.

The second time I plunged into the hole was at Epiphany. I want to tell you about my feelings.

That time the frost was about 20⁰. But it so happened that a group of us, when returning from fitness, decided to go and swim in the ice hole. For a whole week, remembering that I had to go swimming, everything inside was cold with fear. But since I promised, I have to go.

The ice hole was blocked by a tent, in which people undressed and entered the ice hole. After standing in a short line, we also went into the tent, quickly undressed and went to the ice hole. A ladder with a handrail descended into the hole. As I entered the water, I felt my legs burn. There was only one thought in my head: don’t stop! Entering the hole, I felt small needles piercing my body, but still I plunged headlong into the water three times!

Coming out of the hole, my body was burning. My skin blood vessels must have dilated so much that I felt hot. The skin immediately dried out. Only on the head were icicles. Having quickly dried our heads with a towel and changed into dry clothes, we left the tent. The queue to the ice hole increased even more.

But most of all I liked the feeling I had after the ice hole. There was an amazing lightness, joy and feeling, I would say, pride in myself - I could do it! The most interesting thing is that after such a bath I didn’t even sneeze even once, which means that such a bath was only beneficial for me.

The third time I plunged into an ice hole at Epiphany was 2 years later. Remembering that day, I had no intention of swimming in the ice hole. Everything happened spontaneously, my friends arrived and said, “Let’s go swimming, dress accordingly!” Got ready in 3 minutes. And again I felt that unforgettable thrill of immersing myself in ice-cold water.

Dear readers, have you swam in an ice hole? It was interesting to know about your feelings from ice water, write about it in the comments.

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.