Regional hospital May 1 167. Polyclinic of the Krasnodar Regional Clinical Hospital

Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 not only bears the name of the first regional hospital, but every day with the work of each employee it proves its right to be called the first.

GBUZ KKB No. 1 was created as the first medical institution in the history of the region, opened in 1816. as the Cossack Military Hospital, later – the Ekaterinodar Military Hospital.

For the first time in the region in our hospital in 1871. a “special women’s department” is opening, before that medical benefit was only available to men.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the Ekaterinodar military hospital became the first multidisciplinary medical institution Kuban.

In 1948, the hospital was transformed into the first regional clinical hospital in the region. In memory of Professor S.V. Ochapovsky, who permanently headed the eye department from 1909 to 1945, the hospital is named after him.

Over the course of almost 200 years of history and to this day, Regional Hospital No. 1 is the largest medical institution in the region in many areas - bed capacity, the number of visits to the advisory clinic and the number of patients treated in the hospital, the number of operations performed, and consistently low hospital-wide mortality.

Throughout the years of its operation, the hospital has been a recognized leader in the region’s healthcare, a concentration of advanced medical technologies. Employees of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution KKB No. 1 are traditionally the first to master and implement the latest “breakthrough” technologies into daily practice medical science, the hospital constantly updates diagnostic and treatment equipment in accordance with modern development medicine.

In 2005 KKB No. 1 included the Thoracic Surgery Center, opened in December 2002, the first in the South of Russia. The hospital receives a new powerful impetus for development, new directions for providing specialized medical care– vertebrology, vascular surgery, x-ray surgery, cardio- and thoracic surgery. Uronephrological, neuroneurological and traumatology and orthopedic centers are being created on the basis of Regional Hospital No. 1.

The provision of orthopedic care, including joint replacement, has been organized. Over 6 years, the volume of surgical interventions for endoprosthetics of large joints increased from 150 to 2500 per year, which made it possible to take over the functions of the unfinished federal center for traumatology and orthopedics.

In 2007 Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 is the first in the region to receive the right to provide high-tech medical care on a par with leading federal clinics in the areas of cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery, traumatology and orthopedics. Subsequently, the types of high-tech medical care at KKB No. 1 were expanded - ophthalmology, urology, organ and tissue transplantation, abdominal surgery, maxillofacial surgery.

Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after. prof. S. V. Ochapovsky is the only medical institution in the South and North Caucasus federal districts, where operations are performed for cancer lesions in any part of the spine.

In 2009 In the Krasnodar region, on the basis of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution KKB No. 1, transplantology is being revived - transplantation of a donor organ - a kidney - is being carried out. In 2010 Doctors successfully performed the first heart, lung, and liver transplants in history in 2012. - pancreas. Currently, organ transplantation at the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution KKB No. 1 is carried out regularly, as planned. Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 is a leading non-federal transplant center. Every year, an average of 120 organ and tissue transplantations are performed within the hospital’s walls.

In 2012 A unique operation was performed to transplant an artificially grown trachea and part of the larynx. Such operations have not yet been performed in Russia.

In the same year, a method of plastic surgery for deep facial burns, which has no analogues in the world, was developed and put into practice using one full-thickness free autograft.

One of the results of the large-scale reconstruction of the hospital, begun by the administration of the Krasnodar region in 2006, was the construction of a helipad for delivery on the roof of a new building seriously ill patients. Since February 2013 receives a medical helicopter purchased by the administration of the Krasnodar region, which delivers critical patients from all over the region to Regional Hospital No. 1.

In 2013 The first stage of hospital reconstruction has been completed. An emergency department for planned and emergency hospitalization of patients was put into operation, 26 ultra-modern operating rooms, anesthesiology and intensive care departments, patient rooms and a powerful diagnostic and treatment complex, as well as a laundry, a canteen and a garage were opened.

Today, GBUZ KKB No. 1 is the largest modern clinical hospital in the South of Russia, a high-tech center of the Southern Federal District, where the most advanced technologies are developed and implemented. modern methods research and treatment of patients. To solve the assigned tasks, the hospital has sufficient bed, technical and personnel potential.

The main areas of activity are: diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular, oncological and thoracic pathologies, injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system; specialized neurosurgical, uronephrological medical care, eye microsurgery, combustiological (for burn injury) medical care, transplantation.

Every year from Regional clinical hospital No. 1 discharges more than 62,000 patients from all districts and cities of Kuban, as well as other regions of Russia.

Over the course of a year, the institution performs more than 50,000 operations.

The advisory clinic receives more than 530,000 patients annually.

Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 provides any type of specialized medical care, from routine diagnostic and treatment methods to medical care using incredibly complex high-tech methods using high-tech technologies for diagnosis and treatment of complex diseases.

Since December 5, 2014, GBUZ KKB No. 1 is called the GBUZ “Research Institute - Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Professor S.V. Ochapovsky” of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory. New status the largest medical institution in the South of Russia received thanks to the comprehensive organization of research and methodological work, the active introduction of the most advanced technological developments into the diagnostic and treatment process.

In October 2016 chief physician Scientific Research Institute-KKB No. 1 Vladimir Porkhanov became the first academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in medicine in Kuban.

GBUZ KKB No. 1 ranks in Russia:

1st place in the number of lung operations,
1st place in the number of spinal surgeries using metal structures,
1st place in the number of simultaneous operations,
1st place in the number of operations for vascular injuries,
2nd place in Russia in the number of heart transplants, second only to the leading Federal Center transplantology,
2nd in the number of coronary artery bypass graftings,
2nd place in the total number of arterial reconstructions and reconstructive operations on the carotid arteries,
3rd place in the number of kidney transplants, second only to the FSBI “FSTIIO named after. ak. IN AND. Shumakov" and State Budgetary Institution "NIISP named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky",
3rd place in Russia in the number of open-heart cardiac surgeries using artificial circulation,
3rd place in the number of operations to correct heart valve defects,
3rd place in Russia in the number of coronary angioplasties,
4th place in corrections birth defects hearts in adults
5th place in the number of operations for aortic aneurysms.

The history of the founding of this hospital goes back to the distant past. In 1816, the first Cossack Military Hospital was opened in Ekaterinodar, later renamed the Ekterinodar Military Hospital. In 1908, the hospital became the first multidisciplinary medical institution in Kuban.

At the moment, GBUZ KKB No. 1 occupies a leading position in Russia in lung surgeries, spinal surgeries using therapeutic metal structures, in the number of surgeries for vascular injuries, and also first in the number of simultaneous surgeries.
Since December 2014, the GBUZ KKB No. 1 was renamed the GBUZ "Research Institute - Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Professor S.V. Ochapovsky" of the Ministry of Health. Given name the largest medical institution in the south of Russia proudly wears, thanks to the comprehensive organization of research and methodological work, the active introduction into the diagnostic and treatment process of the most advanced technological developments, the best and most modern medical equipment.

Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 is the only medical institution in the North Caucasus and Southern Federal Districts that performs operations to remove cancer lesions in any part of the spine.

Every year, more than 540 thousand patients come to the clinic for consultations and are served. Over the course of a year, the regional hospital performs more than 52 thousand different operations.

KKB is divided into several specialized medical departments:
. Thoracic Surgery Center
. Burn Center
. Surgical center
. Uronephrology Center
. Trauma and Orthopedic Center
. Center for Anesthesiology and Reanimation
. Therapy center
. Consultative and diagnostic center
. Neuroneurological Center

11 therapeutic departments:
. 4 cardiological,
. 2 neurological,
. rheumatological,
. endocrinological,
. nephrological,
. gastroenterological,
. pulmonary

27 surgical departments:
. 3 traumatology and orthopedic,
. 2 urological,
. Oncourological,
. 2 cardiac surgical, incl. Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery,
. 2 thoracic surgery,
. thoracic oncology,
. 2 surgical,
. abdominal oncology
. 2 neurosurgical,
. neurosurgical
. vertebrological,
. burn,
. oncological,
. coloproctological,
. vascular,
. surgical treatment complex heart rhythm disturbances,
. eye microsurgery,
. purulent surgery,
. gynecological,
. dialysis department,
. maxillofacial surgery.

For prompt medical intervention, the hospital has nine intensive care units, equipped with 200 beds.

Facial care

Procedures for facial care necessary to maintain a healthy appearance of the face and eliminate skin imperfections. This is nutrition, moisturizing, cleansing, anti-aging procedures - everything a woman does to look beautiful. Facial care is a set of measures aimed at improving appearance. First of all, facial care involves procedures aimed at maintaining facial skin in a healthy condition. ...

Contour plastic

Injection correction, contouring

Injection correction age-related skin changes or contouring is performed using materials based on botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport) and stabilized hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm). Contour plastic- totality cosmetological methods, used to eliminate aesthetic defects such as wrinkles and uneven skin.
Contour plastic is a type of injection method for correcting the shape, as well as the relief of tissues.
With the help of injection correction, you can form new lip contours, cheek lines, and define new uniform chin and so on. ...

Botulinum toxin preparations

Botox, Dysport

Drugs botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport) are used to eliminate facial wrinkles by temporarily blocking a specific muscle group. They “turn off” active facial muscles, and the person stops involuntarily squinting, frowning and wincing. Botox And dysport- These are drugs based on botulinum toxin. Botulinum toxin, which is essentially a toxin, is produced by the microbe Clostridium botulinum. ...

from 393

Aesthetic correction of hypermobile wrinkles using botulinum toxin type A


A drug " Dysport"(Dysport) is similar in composition to Botox, differing only in a lower concentration of the active substance - botulinum toxin type A.
Since the 80s of the last century " Dysport"was successfully used to treat neurological diseases caused by disorders of muscle tone (spasms), and in the 90s the drug began to be used in aesthetic medicine." Dysport"is a drug that has a muscle relaxant effect on the human body." Dysport"contains a complex of botulinum toxin type A-hemagglutinin. The mechanism of action of this drug is based on the ability of the drug to block the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at neuromuscular synapses. ...

from 472

Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with modern methods

Despite the fact that sweating is a natural process of the body, for many people it can cause a lot of inconvenience: stains on clothes, bad smell, constantly sweating hands and feet.

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) really becomes a problem, because it interferes with normal social activities. As a result of softening of the skin and changes in its acidity, hyperhidrosis creates conditions for the development of fungal infections. Also, constant sweating can cause dermatitis and skin irritation.
Treatment of hyperhidrosis is indicated for constantly sweaty palms, increased axillary sweating, and severe redness of the face during stress. Diagnosing hyperhidrosis is usually not difficult. ...

from 577

Administration of botulinum toxin type A (Dysport)

Hardware cosmetology

Hardware cosmetology is a modern direction in cosmetology, based on the use of a variety of devices for face and body care. There are a great variety of them, and often the same procedure using the same device can be called differently.

from 133

Laser puncture, Electropuncture, Application reflexotherapy, Cranioreflexotherapy and others



Microiontophoresis based on the principles of physiotherapy. It allows you to use special electrodes to introduce active substances deep into the skin, splitting them into ions 0.5 microns in size. It is used mainly to rejuvenate and improve the tone of the skin of the face and body.

The drug is applied to a certain area on the face or body, after which the doctor massages this area with special attachments of the device (with electrodes at the end). The effect is completely painless, only a slight tingling sensation is felt. Substances in an ionized state are more active. Therefore, the dose of ionized substance is significantly less than with injection. This minimizes the risk allergic reaction on the active substance, and also exclude the systemic effect of the administered drug. The combined effect of the substance and current significantly increases the absorption of the administered substance. Active drugs Thanks to deep penetration, the applied product stays in the skin for a long time and gives excellent results. The effect is completely painless, only a slight tingling sensation is felt. The procedure is suitable for any skin type. After the procedure microiontophoresis applied to the skin cosmetic product, which consolidates the resulting effect. The procedure lasts until the drug is completely absorbed into the skin. This usually takes no more than 20 minutes.

from 122

Skin iontophoresis, Cavitary galvanic influence


Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound in hardware cosmetology it is used for ultrasonic facial cleansing or ultrasonic peeling.

Thanks to ultrasonic massage you can: improve your metabolism; provide a greater flow of oxygen to cells;
increase the effectiveness of medicinal substances. But its most important characteristic is the ability to introduce products and various cosmetics into the lower layers of the skin. ...

from 190

Ultrasonic puncture


Darsonvalization is based on the influence of high-frequency pulsed currents. This method allows you to treat and prevent the following diseases: acne (acne), hair loss, decreased tone and turgor of the skin, violation metabolic processes skin, etc.

One of the most popular methods of skin treatment using current is the process darsonvalization. The essence this method– impact on human skin using a flow of impulses that has certain properties. These properties include high frequencies (140 kilohertz) and high voltage (40 kilovolts). The technique was named after its developer, the French physiologist d'Arsonval. It is still in the 19th century. made a proposal to start using current in medicine. True, adjusted for the fact that the current will have a high frequency. ...

from 123

Darsonvalization of the skin


Hardware myolifting

Myostimulation is a complex method of influencing the body with modulated impulses electric current ultra-low amplitude (100 mA). Microcurrents gently affect the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, blood vessels, muscles, and remove metabolic products due to the gentle lymphatic drainage effect. ...

from 142

Myoelectric stimulation, Cavitary electrical stimulation and others


Ultraphonophoresis is carried out during ultrasonic facial cleansing or separately and combines vibration and thermal effect, due to which deeper insertion is possible useful substances into the epidermis.

Ultraphonophoresis called a combination of influences medicines, which are introduced into the tissue, and the effects of ultrasonic vibrations. When using phonophoresis, the greatest possible effect for certain medicinal or cosmetic substances. This happens because, under its influence, the molecules of these substances begin to acquire reactivity and high mobility, which significantly increases the amount of the substance that actually enters the tissue. The amount of substance that is administered to the patient ranges from 1 to 3 percent of the substance that was applied directly to the skin. But this will depend mainly on the frequency of the sound vibrations, but practically manifests itself in an increase in quantity with increasing duration of exposure to sound vibrations plus their intensity. Drugs that are administered for ultraphonophoresis, penetrate through the pores into the upper layers of the skin. They will enter the bloodstream 60 minutes after the actions are performed, where they will reach the highest concentration after twelve hours, and will remain in the tissues themselves for a couple of days.
Thanks to the combined effect, the effect of three types of substances is potentiated: vasodilators, absorbent, and anti-inflammatory. ...

from 155

Ultraphonophoresis medicinal

Face massage

Face massage- a necessary component of cosmetic skin care. It helps improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism, strengthens muscles, and keeps the skin smooth, young and elastic longer.

Face massage– an integral fundamental cosmetic care for sensitive skin faces. Massage cosmetic procedure is rightfully considered one of the most important, since massage improves blood circulation in the skin tissues and also normalizes metabolism. In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting that facial massage significantly facilitates the release of metabolic products. Thus, massage procedures allow sensitive skin breathe, which avoids blood stagnation, and also significantly strengthens tissues and muscle tissue. It is also worth remembering that these processes, namely improving their course, contribute to better preservation of smooth, young and elastic skin. ...

from 190

Cupping massage, Acupressure massage

Body care

Correct body care can prolong youth and beauty for many years. Poor environment, overwork, stress, lack of sleep - all this has a destructive effect on the beauty of our body. All these factors must be offset by careful care.

The main thing to pay attention to is proper nutrition. Food must contain the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. The second way to body beauty is physical exercise. , group classes, a swimming pool, and even just morning exercises at home will allow you to get rid of habitual joint pain, make your body more plastic and flexible, and fatigue will accumulate less.
Third good remedy- Steam, water, massage have an amazing effect on the skin. The tone increases, the metabolic process accelerates, and the mood improves.
It is important for the beauty of the body whether it is done. Areas of the body where there is unwanted hair, after epilation they become smooth and pleasant to the touch, changes appearance generally. Cosmetologists will be able to offer you several hair removal options (sugar, wax, laser or photoepilation). ...

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 04.02.2015

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 82

Operator name: State budgetary healthcare institution "Research Institute - Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Professor S.V. Ochapovsky" of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory

Operator location address: 350086, Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, st. 1 May, 167

Start date of personal data processing: 02.01.1948

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Krasnodar region

Purpose of processing personal data: Purposes of processing personal data of employees of the State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute-KKB No. 1": accrual wages employees, maintaining personnel records, maintaining accounting records, including those related to medical activities. The purposes of processing personal data of dismissed employees of the State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute-KKB No. 1": maintaining personnel records. The purposes of processing personal data of relatives of employees of the State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute-KKB No. 1": maintaining personnel records. The purposes of processing personal data of patients of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Research Institute-KKB No. 1": automation of medical activities, accounting, including those related to the implementation of medical activities. The purposes of processing personal data of representatives of contractors/partners of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Research Institute-KKB No. 1": implementation of activities related to the conclusion of contracts and the fulfillment by counterparties/partners of contractual obligations. The purposes of processing personal data of candidates for a position at the State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute-KKB No. 1": maintaining personnel records.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: Documents have been developed defining the operator’s policy regarding the processing of personal data, local acts on the processing of personal data, as well as local acts establishing procedures aimed at preventing and identifying violations of the law Russian Federation, eliminating the consequences of such violations. Organizational and technical measures are applied to ensure the security of personal data when processed in information systems ah personal data necessary to fulfill the requirements for the fourth and third level of security. Accounting of machine storage media of personal data is carried out. Rules for access to personal data processed in the personal data information system have been established. All actions performed with personal data in the personal data information system are registered and recorded. Rules have been established for the backup and recovery of information and personal data. Control and monitoring of measures taken to ensure the security of personal data and the level of security of personal data information systems is carried out, making it possible to detect facts of unauthorized access to personal data. A person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data and a person responsible for ensuring the security of personal data have been appointed. The operator's employees directly involved in the processing of personal data are familiarized with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, including requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the operator's policy regarding the processing of personal data, and local regulations on the processing of personal data. Reliable storage facilities, security and fire alarms are used.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, health status, The following personal data of patients is processed: passport data (series, number, date of issue, by whom), registration data, place of residence data, insurance number of an individual personal account, details of a mandatory insurance policy health insurance, benefit category, health data, contact details (telephone number, address Email). The following personal data of employees, including dismissed ones, is processed: passport data (series, number, date of issue, by whom), citizenship, knowledge data foreign languages, registration information, certificate of no criminal record, information about place of residence, work experience, information about certifications, advanced training, professional retraining, information about awards (incentives), honorary titles, information about military registration, taxpayer identification number, details of the mandatory medical insurance, details of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, information about social benefits, contact information (telephone number, email address), information about changes in official position, information about the use of vacations. The following personal data of relatives of employees is processed: degree of relationship. The following personal data of representatives of counterparties/partners is processed: contact details, number and date of power of attorney. The following personal data of candidates for the position is processed: contact information, information about advanced training, professional retraining, information about past places of work, personal data that the candidate considered necessary to include in the resume.

Categories of subjects whose personal data is processed: Categories of subjects whose personal data is processed: employees of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Research Institute-KKB No. 1", including those dismissed, their relatives, patients of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Research Institute-KKB No. 1", individuals, who are representatives of contractors/partners of the State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute-KKB No. 1", candidates for positions in the State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute-KKB No. 1".

List of actions with personal data: The processing of the above personal data is carried out through mixed processing, with transmission via secure data channels. Processing includes: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, destruction of personal data.

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for processing personal data: The Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, Federal Law No. 323-FZ dated November 21, 2011 “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, Labor Code Russian Federation, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute-KKB No. 1".

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Krasnodar named after Professor S.V. Ochapovsky is the largest hospital, and indeed medical institution in the south of Russia. It’s really huge—it’s a whole medical town.

Regional Clinical Hospital Krasnodar

We can say that the Regional Hospital is the main hospital of the Krasnodar region and the city of Krasnodar. By all means complex cases- Patients are sent here. Also, the hospital has the most modern equipment in the Krasnodar region for diagnosis, treatment and research and is working a large number of highly qualified doctors.

The hospital has been operating since 1816 and celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2016.

The hospital operates a research institute where medical research is conducted.

Treatment in hospitals is free, but there are also paid services, at the request of the patient. To receive assistance, a compulsory medical insurance policy of the Russian Federation and a passport are sufficient. Registration in Krasnodar and attachment of a policy are not required. The hospital is obliged to provide assistance to any citizen of Russia.

The hospital has more than 1,200 beds for patients. Every year, the hospital admits more than half a million (530,000) patients, performs more than 50,000 surgeries and discharges more than 62,000 patients.

The hospital is not only the largest medical and research institution in the Krasnodar region, but also one of the largest in Russia:

  • Occupies first place in Russia by number of operations for vascular injuries
  • Occupies first place in Russia by number of lung surgeries
  • Occupies first place in Russia by the number of simultaneous operations
  • Occupies first place in Russia by number of spinal surgeries using metal structures

In total, the Regional Hospital has 30 inpatient departments, included in 9 special centers.

Specialized centers of the Krasnodar Regional Hospital:

  • Burn Center
  • Thoracic Surgery Center
  • Therapy center
  • Surgical center
  • Trauma and Orthopedic Center
  • Consultative and diagnostic center
  • Center for Anesthesiology and Reanimation
  • Uronephrology Center
  • Neuroneurological Center

Polyclinic of the Krasnodar Regional Clinical Hospital

There is a clinic at the hospital " Polyclinic diagnostic block Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1, which includes 15 departments:

  • Physiotherapeutic department
  • Kuban interregional medical-genetic consultation
  • Krasnodar Regional Diabetology Center
  • Department of Diagnostics and X-ray Surgical Treatment Methods
  • Department of Functional Diagnostics
  • Laboratory of Radioisotope Diagnostics
  • Hyperbaric oxygenation department
  • Clinical diagnostic laboratory
  • Krasnodar regional center radiation and occupational pathology
  • Department of Manual Therapy and Reflexology
  • Audiology clinic
  • Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics
  • Violations Department reproductive functions and barren marriage
  • Krasnodar Regional Allergy Center
  • Endoscopy department

Address and telephone numbers of the regional hospital in Krasnodar