Household chores according to the lunar calendar. Lunar calendar of household chores and cleaning

  • Don't believe? To get started, do a simple experiment. Soak your laundry on the waning moon - and the dirt will come off by itself! Meticulous Western researchers have calculated that on such days housewives spend a quarter less washing powder. Hence the conclusion: we arrange large washings when the lunar crescent is “in damage” - this is the rule of the waning moon. And it has also been noticed that it is better to fight the most persistent spots when the Moon is in water signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. But linen dries faster in the days of Air: when the Moon is in Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.
  • Astrologers say: on the new moon, our heavenly neighbor takes a deep breath and absorbs water better. So the closer to the new moon you start cleaning the apartment or go to wash the car, the longer the floors, carpets, furniture, and sides of your iron horse will remain clean. Be especially vigilant when cleaning parquet, plank floors and other wooden surfaces from dirt: never touch them with a wet rag on the growing Moon on the days of Water: the tree will attract water, the parquet will warp, and the boards will bend and creak.
  • A separate song - washing windows! No matter how and with what they were rubbed off - from a newspaper (as our grandmothers did) to the latest gel - nothing helps: solid stains! But cloudy window panes are not only a lack of light in the house, but also a blow to the energy of the apartment: neither health nor financial flows they won't get through to you. Fortunately, glasses are easily cleaned on the days of Air and Fire (when the Moon is in Aquarius, Gemini, Libra or in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Then there will be no divorce!
  • The main thing in the house - Fresh air. The owners of a musty dwelling will never be healthy, successful, rich. This is especially true of modern homes, where furniture is saturated with a variety of synthetic resins, walls are built from phenolic panels, and waterproof paints turn the kitchen into a steam room. There is only one way out - to ventilate!
  • Seems so easy! But no - and here are their secrets! Sometimes, after a brief ventilation, the room is fresh for several hours. But it happens that you keep the window open almost all day, and there is nothing to breathe in the house. So why not call on the lunar rhythms to help here as well?
  • The principle is the same. On the days of Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and Water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio), the house should not be aired for more than a few minutes in winter or a couple of hours in summer: otherwise the air will absorb moisture and odors. Fight with them later!.. But in the days of Air (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) and Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) do not be afraid to open the windows. Even in winter, feel free to open the windows - the heat will not “blow out” from the apartment. With such ventilation, good luck in business and prosperity are guaranteed.
  • And what will help to maintain prosperity in a family that is not too rich? What is it made up of? Not only from the amount of money "in glass jar”, but also from a good fur coat that lasts for more than one year, from a leather jacket that looks like new, from comfortable shoes in which we have been kneading the dirt for the second season. How to save them? Maybe Luna knows this too? Knows! Remember. Fur coats, sheepskin coats, coats and jackets made of leather and wool should be stored for summer storage during the waning moon on the days of Air (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). Then no moth will take them. And in no case should you put clothes in closets on the days of Water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) - it will become wet. Watch especially. so that your "warehouse" does not fall on the days of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): clothes and shoes will acquire a heavy smell of poorly dressed leather. In addition, things removed in the days of the "old man" Capricorn run the risk of quickly aging, cracking and drying out. We add that for the first time it is recommended to smear new shoes with cream during the waning moon - then your shoes or boots will serve longer, and you will have to wash and clean them less often.

They say that to really get to know a person, it is no longer enough to eat a pound of salt with him. Need to survive together repair .

Indeed, there is little romance in this, but there are more than enough problems: dust, dirt, falling ceilings, tiles, bubble wallpaper, endless trips to hardware stores and markets. Not everyone will survive in such conditions.

Mine didn't last either best friend Vladimir, who, it would seem, did everything to protect himself from problems. He hired an expensive architect, a team of workers and, in order to speed up the process, he himself went shopping for building materials.

But the deadlines were missed, the foreman named Ashur turned out to be a charlatan and a lazy person, and the architect at the most crucial moment abandoned everything and went on vacation, turning off his phone. Vladimir was beside himself! So much effort and money has been invested in the repair, but there is no result.

I decided to help a friend. I turned to familiar psychics. Together we examined Vladimir's apartment, talked to the workers and came to the conclusion that he did everything wrong. The mistakes my friend made are very common. And now I will tell you how to start repairs correctly, how to find smart workers and what needs to be done to get the job done on time!

You will be shocked - according to statistics, 90% of people cannot complete repairs on schedule, and for 60% it can drag on for many years!

It is worth starting repairs on the 3-4th day of the new moon, when the moon is rising . Along with it, your financial opportunities will grow.

Incidentally, experts feng shui recommend that when choosing employees, look at their hands! After all, it depends on them HOW repairs will be made in your apartment ... According to chirology (the science that determines the character of a person by his hands), the hands of the master you trust to work in your house should be wide - this speaks of diligence. Long fingers indicate honesty.

When choosing workers, remember the horoscope. People born under the signs of Gemini and Aquarius are not suitable for renovation work, do not count on them too much. Aries, Cancers and Taurus, on the contrary, seem to be specially created to constantly work with their hands!

Sometimes it happens that troubles with repairs are associated with brownies . Russian folklorist Dmitry Ushakov wrote that these energy entities, according to folk beliefs, are in charge of all the problems in the house. And repair for them is a very personal matter. Therefore, before starting work, the brownie must be appeased - for example, spread out coins in the corners of the premises, where a screed will be made for new floors.

Many install new doors last, so as not to spoil them. But Feng Shui experts explain: doors are conductors of positive Qi energy. Old doors prevent it from entering your home. Therefore, they should still be changed at the very beginning of repair work.

And one more very important sign: when starting repairs, do not say out loud the date of its completion: in this way a person projects an energy program that he is not able to fulfill. If you really need to indicate the date, it’s better to write it on paper, and add a couple of deceptive numbers at the end, for example, two zeros. Otherwise, the plan, most likely, alas, will not come true.

When it comes to a good renovation, there are many factors to consider. Such as financial costs, time spent on all the nuances and quality of the work performed. But, there are such incidents when high-quality repairs take a long time and do not always end successfully.

Many people forget that there is one astrological factor that is often overlooked. Professional experts in the field of astrology were able to create a table auspicious days where home renovations can begin. The periods of the growing moon are not suitable for starting repairs, so it is better to plan all matters related to repair work for the waning lunar phase.

Auspicious days to start repairs in 2018

October 2018 - 14, 18, 20, 17-28

November 2018 - 2, 8, 13-15, 21, 27-29

December 2018 -5, 8-9, 14, 18, 25, 30

Unfavorable days to start repairs in 2018

October 2018 - 13, 16, 19, 21-25, 30

November 2018 - 1, 3, 6-7, 9-10, 17-19, 22-26

December 2018 - 2-3, 7, 10-13, 19, 21-22, 26

What Factors Can Influence Home Repairs?

This is the quality of the work carried out, the condition itself before the repair, the quality of the purchased goods and the repair budget itself. But there are times when even the most expensive and high-quality repairs can last for years and drag on for an indefinite period. Here it is worth immediately remembering such a factor as the lunar calendar. Some just don't count astrological forecasts, and then because of the repair, people quarrel and even destroy their marriages.

The moon and other celestial bodies have always influenced human activity. Astrologers proved this a long time ago by conducting various experiments. Astrologers develop various tables for each year, and among them you can find a table with auspicious days to start renovations.

But if you start a repair in bad days, then here you will encounter misunderstandings, lack of money, difficulties and bad end result. Alteration of an apartment or house should not be started on the new moon or full moon, and also when the moon is growing. But when the moon begins to wane, then feel free to start repairs and you will be fine. Astrologers believe that the beginning of any business should be coordinated with the lunar calendar, then with a high probability they will be successful.

How to plan new things on the days of the lunar calendar 2018

on 1 lunar day, do not start anything new, solve current problems;

on the 2nd day of the lunar calendar, draw up an activity plan, decide what you will do before the end of the month;

the most important questions can be solved on 3 lunar day. At such a time, you can not be afraid of even cardinal changes;

on the 4th lunar day, beware of enemies and envious people, do not tell anyone about your plans, dreams, aspirations, decide everything on your own;

on day 5, do not be afraid to be active, any activity will bring you success;

6 lunar days are ideal for starting small projects;

short-term plans are best implemented on the 7th lunar day;

8 lunar days favor business trips and any long trips;

solve only current issues and do not take on new job on the 9th lunar day;

better start new project for 10 lunar days. They are also good for home renovations;

everything that you have planned on the 11th lunar day, it is advisable to complete it as quickly as possible;

financial activities will benefit on the 12th day of the lunar calendar. On these days, you can make charitable contributions or give gifts to loved ones;

feel free to make wishes on the 13th lunar day;

do not be lazy and work as actively and fruitfully as possible on the 14th day of the lunar calendar;

15 days of the lunar calendar are not at all suitable for starting new projects;

on day 16 it is better to relax, give rest to the body and thoughts, in order to stock up on energy for new achievements;

17 lunar days are ideal for marriages;

On the 18th day of the lunar calendar, you can do anything, any activity will bring success and benefit;

self-development can be devoted to 19 lunar days;

relax on day 20, pay attention to your health and well-being;

21 lunar days are ideal for trips to distant cities or abroad;

try to complete everything you start on the 22nd lunar day, they are also suitable for starting a new job;

on the 23rd lunar day, do not show excessive activity, take time for your inner world;

all major projects started on the 24th bitch of the lunar calendar will be successful;

relax, gain strength and take a break from work on the 25th lunar day;

homework is best done on the 26th lunar day;

try to distribute debts on the 27th day of the lunar calendar. if you have country cottage area, spend time with benefit and take care of plants;

28 lunar days are optimally suited for calm and thoughtful work;

Day 29 is better to devote to rest;

plan future activities well on the 30th day of the lunar calendar.

Planning new affairs should be coordinated with the lunar phases

Household and any other matters should be coordinated with moon phases. New moon periods are considered unfavorable for humans. The body loses activity and energy, people become weaker, more distracted, irritable. It is better not to engage in responsible affairs in such a state. During the growing moon, the energy in the body arrives, so that fruitful work can begin.

On the full moon, many people become sensitive, show anxiety and emotionality. It is not recommended to solve important issues at such a time. It is better to do the current work, doing it calmly and without unnecessary nervousness. During the waning moon, you can relax or go on vacation. Again, you can continue existing business, but you should not start new ones.

If you decide to build, then knowing the lunar rhythms will help you avoid many problems. Building in harmony with nature is easier, more pleasant and cheaper, and a house built at the right time and in the right place will delight you with its longevity.

This table will help you choose the right time for a particular activity in the construction and repair of a house. And to learn more about the stages of work, read the materials after the table.

External and internal construction works and repairs in guarantee with lunar rhythms

Type of work

Very good

Advantages in case of right timing

Very bad

Disadvantages in case of wrong timing

Main site bypass

young moon

Increased sensitivity to radiation


Defective Moon in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Defective Moon

Groundwater does not rise as much

young moon

Groundwater remains in the pit for a long time


Defective Moon, but not under the sign of Leo

With a flawed Moon in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

On a full moon

The base of the foundation remains wet for a long time

In Gemini. Libra, Aquarius or Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Possibly in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Moisture evaporates faster from the masonry, the basement remains dry

Scorpio, Pisces

Moisture lingers or remains forever in the nominal masonry. Increased risk of permanent mold

Ceiling in basement

Easier to deform after drying too quickly


(Moon on the damage)

Newly erected building dries quickly, high strength masonry

Floors and ceilings

Ceiling takes too long to dry, risk of cracking


Defective Moon in Capricorn or Taurus

Defective Moon, but not in Cancer, Leo or Sagittarius

High strength and stability, no cracking and buckling of the boards

young moon

Full moon

Wood is difficult to handle, danger of lifting or bending all rafters


Defective Moon in Gemini, Libra. Aquarius or Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Defective Moon

Roof tiles dry faster, little or no moss growth

young moon

Young Moon in Cancer. Scorpio. Pisces

The roof stays wet for too long, as a result of which there is a risk of severe pollution and the appearance of moss

Coating of external and internal surfaces with plaster, facing of external walls

Defective Moon, but not under the signs of Water

Coating is strong and durable

young moon

Young Moon in Cancer!

Risk of cracking and delamination. Wood is difficult to work with


wooden stairs

Moon in Detriment in Capricorn

Defective Moon, but not in Cancer. Leo. Sagittarius

High strength, no squeak

young moon

Young Moon in Cancer and Full Moon

It loosens faster, requires a lot of additional processing, a creak appears

stone stairs

Electrical equipment

Water, plumbing

Scorpio, Pisces

Scorpio, Pisces

Earlier right choice had time greater value than today, because they were not known effective measures against clogging. Less susceptibility to corrosion, fresher water

In Taurus, Virgo. Capricorn

Sand ingress or blockage from outside, high susceptibility to corrosion

Wooden window frames, doors

Defective Moon in Capricorn. Aquarius, Gemini

Defective Moon is not under the signs of Cancer. Leo and Sagittarius

Long-lasting strength, easy to close, dry quickly after rain

young moon

Young Moon in Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius

Windows and doors warp quickly, moisture

remains in the wood, the wood rots


Defective Moon in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

The chimney has a good tag, heat spreads faster

Young Moon in Cancer, Scorpio,

Smoke sometimes gets into the house. other soot in the pipe


Defective Moon

The coating lies flat, there are no curvatures and kinks

young moon

The coating is sometimes knocked off, formed

folds in case of textile or

plastic coatings

Wooden flooring

Defective Moon in Capricorn

Defective Moon, but not under the signs of Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius

High floor strength, no sensitivity to atmospheric phenomena. Wood does not rot, retains a beautiful appearance

young moon

Young Moon in Cancer, Leo. Sagittarius

After a few years, the floor will become "frail and uneven; cracking; strong creaking

Installation of wooden


Defective Moon, but not in Cancer!

No gaps, shifts

young moon

Young Moon in Cancer

Crack formation. loud crackling sound when the weather changes

Painting, varnishing, impregnation, pasting

Defective Moon, but not in Leo. Cancer. Scorpio. Pisces

High quality work, no cracks, voids, material is easy to process, more economical consumption of material, uniform impregnation

Young Moon in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Leo

Young Moon in Leo or Cancer

In the Leo period, the paint peels off, the blood circulation is stressed due to fumes. Days of Cancer

strain on the lungs due to toxic fumes

and high humidity between the paint layer and

wood (danger of rotting and flaking)


New moon

Damaged Moon. Possibly in Taurus

Virgo, Capricorn

Durability, high strength, rotting is negligible

young moon

The jambs will begin to come out of the openings, will not hold well and quickly rot

Installation of plates, construction of verandas

Defective Moon in Taurus. Virgo. Capricorn

Defective Moon

Plates stand well, firmly adhere to the soil

young moon

Young Moon in Cancer, Sagittarius. Full moon

Plates dangle, poorly fixed,

come out of the soil again and again; under them

clusters of snails


Defective Moon in Capricorn

Defective Moon

The soil is not washed away by rains, the ground remains solid, the strengthening of roads has a tangible result.

young moon

Young Moon in Cancer, Sagittarius. Full moon

Erosion of gravel, the results of the work are short-lived

On the relationship between housing and health

Unfortunately, modern housing construction pays little attention to the basic principles of home hygiene. Perhaps this happens for one simple reason: most craftsmen and architects do not build for themselves.
In America, the concept of "housing syndrome" was born - common name a number of serious human health disorders associated with exposure to building materials from which the house is built. Violations occur due to human contact with gases and poisonous substances contained in these materials. These substances can be released in the form of gas, dust, and their impact on human health can only be noticed if it manifests itself strongly and quickly. Track how human health changes during twenty, thirty, forty years of life in a house, during construction which certain building materials were used is practically impossible.

Choosing a place for construction

Before you go directly to construction work, you must definitely take the time to choose the best place to build a house. Call a specialist to examine the construction site for unfavorable areas. Sometimes unfavorable zones can be located so that it will be enough to move the house one meter to avoid harmful energy flows.
If the area of ​​the site is too small and there is nowhere to shift the plan, you should still carefully examine the site. After all, having made measurements, you can arrange the rooms so that the bedroom and office are as far as possible from the danger zone.


Builders and architects are well aware of cases where cracks form in concrete ceilings and walls or moisture appears on concrete. Unfortunate weather and the quality of concrete may not have anything to do with it. Therefore, before pouring concrete, remember that:

Pouring concrete (as well as laying a stone floor) is desirable with a debilitated moon under the signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
It is worth abandoning such work in days of the growing moon and under the signs of Water, and with a defective Moon under the sign of Leo(the concrete will dry too quickly and cracks may form).


To prevent your roof from leaking, check your work with the lunar calendar.
On the day of the young moon, it is better to postpone the construction of the roof, otherwise the tiles will not hold well. Also avoid water sign days (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), otherwise the roof will quickly become overgrown with dirt and moss.

Covering the roof is desirable with a debilitated moon on warm and light days ( Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

In astrology, the moon and cleaning are interconnected. The house requires periodic general cleaning, especially since the effect of harmful microorganisms that threaten the health of your family.

General cleaning according to the calendar

All nooks and crannies, pantries and closets, loggias, cellar and garage are waiting for the moment when the hostess takes a bucket, a rag and starts to put things in order, when all corners of the house are thoroughly ventilated and cleaned.

Like any business, do not put off spring cleaning until tomorrow. The more order you have in your home, the easier it is for you to focus on other concerns and, most importantly, the easier it is to relax and unwind.

Dear women! Never keep old and unnecessary things at home. The house where stagnant energies reign is very bad. First of all, you need to clear the rubble. The whole world is permeated with energies. Trash and clutter is a blockage in the path of beneficial energy.

Symbols are very powerful things. So think about what kind of symbol in your house dust, dirty linen, unnecessary things can serve as?! And if the house is clean, fresh air, flowers and the sun? A blockage is things that have been accumulating for years “just in case”, “for a rainy day”, etc. Select only those things that you really need now. Fill your home with lovingly selected the right things. Let these things please you, and your home will become a source of very strong energy and support.

At the energy level, the blockage is a clot negative energy, which infects all the inhabitants of the house.

Cleaning Tips

If you want to bring harmony to the atmosphere of your home, clean according to the lunar calendar. It's easy to do!

A wooden floor is good, but wood is less durable, wooden floors can become damp, lose their appearance, and besides, they are more difficult to clean. Do you have parquet and you are afraid that moisture can damage it? And here the lunar calendar will come to your aid.

Cleaning according to the lunar calendar. So, if you have wooden floors in your house, try to time the cleaning to one of the days that fall on the III and IV phases of the moon, that is, during the waning moon. If you want to keep your house clean during the waxing moon, you can simply sweep the floor or wipe it with a damp cloth in one of the Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).

If you wash the floors with the growing Moon, especially if the Moon is in the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), dampness will easily penetrate into the cracks, the wood will become damp, warp, after a while mold may start there or the smell of dampness will appear.

On other days, it is enough to vacuum or sweep such floors.

Fill your home with scents! Make a mix from a set essential oils: geranium, juniper, orange. If you are tired, lavender, jasmine, rosemary will help you.

If you need to increase your ability to work - lemon and sandalwood are at your service! cypress, eucalyptus, rose and lavender can easily cope with irritability.

When to do airing according to the lunar calendar

  • For general cleaning, plastering and airing, the most favorable days of Light (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) during the waning moon.
  • Since the days of Light are always followed by the days of Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), get down to the destruction of dirt and thorough cleaning at this time.
  • Exactly in early spring Air sign Aquarius is in the waning Moon. These are the best days to start spring cleaning because the Water (Pisces) days that follow are perfect for a deep clean.
  • The blockages on the closet represent problems that are ready to suddenly fall on your head. The universe loves symbolism. Clearing the rubble, say: "I create space for new abundance, I cleanse my home of all evil and call for goodness, love, happiness, prosperity."
  • Try to do a general cleaning twice a year.
  • Always do house cleaning with pleasure and confidence that, according to the law of conservation of energy, a new, clean one will definitely come to the vacant place.

Wet cleaning according to the rhythms of the moon

Let's see how wet cleaning and the moon are related. It is generally accepted that wet cleaning should be done once a week. But if you try at least once to do a wet cleaning at the most successful time according to the lunar calendar, you will see that the apartment will shine with cleanliness for much longer, and next time you will not have to do a general cleaning, it will be enough to lightly walk on the floor with a damp cloth.

You, of course, remember that at the new moon, the Moon acts on the Earth in such a way that the largest tides occur. The closer to the new moon, the more water fills the surface of the Earth, the more ready to clean it.

In addition, as you already know, it is when approaching the new moon - with the waning moon - that the Earth takes a breath, at this moment it takes in, absorbs water better than at other times. That is, the closer to the new moon, the more water and earth go towards each other, the more they are ready to connect, to penetrate each other.

The same can be said not only about the earth itself, but also about all earthly objects, which are usually called inanimate nature (after all, people do not always realize that everything is alive in nature, only life forms are different). That is, our house itself and its furnishings will also better perceive water during the waning moon. From this we can conclude: it is better to do wet cleaning during the waning moon. At this time, the water will show its best properties, the best way and very easy to clean any dirt.

After all, all things, all objects at this moment will easily let water into themselves, easily allow it to purify themselves. And if at the same time we still choose the days of Water during the waning Moon (the days of Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio), then we are guaranteed success.

Wet cleaning and moon phases

You yourself have probably noticed: sometimes, after a seemingly easy cleaning, the house shines. And sometimes you wash, wash, rub, rub, you get out of your strength - it’s still mud here, then there ... Again you rub ten times in the same place - no result. As a result, you get tired, exhausted, and the feeling is that you didn’t remove it: the dust has settled somewhere again, and the spots reappear on a seemingly clean surface.

The reason for this failure is in the wrong choice lunar day. After all, there are times when water literally does not want to wash anything: it does not absorb and does not clean. But on the days of Water with the waning Moon, she will wash everything herself with the most minimal effort on your part.

How to do wet cleaning? Here, each hostess, of course, has her own technology. But the most acceptable rules are as follows.

  • First, be sure to ventilate the apartment well.
  • Then sweep the floor.
  • After that, wipe the dust from window sills, radiators, and furniture with a damp cloth.
  • Remove dust from chandeliers and other fixtures.
  • After that, you need to vacuum upholstered furniture and carpets.
  • And only then proceed to mopping.

It is enough to do such general cleaning once a month. If you do it on one of the days of Water during the waning moon, the rest of the weekly cleaning during the month will be very easy for you and will not require much effort.

Wet cleaning and the moon. Remember that wet cleaning removes not only dirt - water washes away all the dark negative energy. Sometimes, if people unpleasant to you came to your house, it is enough to do a wet cleaning, and it will become easier to breathe in the apartment, and your mood will improve. Wet cleaning of the apartment is best done during the waning moon on the days of Water.

Secrets of autumn cleaning

Autumn imposes great responsibility on the hostess of the house.

Today, after the advent of batteries and electric stoves, a warm stove or a beautiful fireplace are still favorite places for the whole family to relax. In order for the house to always be warm and comfortable in winter, in order to expel dampness and cold from the house and establish good traction, you need to remember next rule.

  • The first heating in autumn should be done on one of the days of Heat (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) with the waning Moon. It is especially important for new settlers to remember this: the heating of the premises, carried out precisely on these days, will drive the remnants of dampness out of the walls of the new house.
  • Installation of the second (winter) frames. Summer is over, the cold of autumn is getting into the house more and more. It's time to put the second frame. Glasses of winter frames often fog up and become coated. And if you insert winter frames, consistent with the lunar calendar, then in winter the windows will delight you with cleanliness and transparency.
  • Winter frames are recommended to be inserted during the rising Moon in the sign of Aquarius or Gemini.
  • If you are building new house, then we should not forget that it is desirable to insert frames in new buildings during the days of Light (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra).