English for beginners: program for BEGINNER and Elementary levels. How quickly and easily learn English yourself from scratch: Tutorial for every day for beginners

W. independent study of English language From scratch there is a lot of advantages. First, it is convenient from the point of view of time planning, secondly, it is cheap or even completely free - most educational materials for beginners can be found in open access. And thirdly, it is interesting - you can easily skip boring themes and focus only on what you like. In this article we will give a few useful SovietsWhere to start learning English for beginners and, actually, how to learn English from scratch to an acceptable level.

How to teach English from scratch yourself

Reading rules

Deciding to learn English on your own, first of all, see how to read in this language. The first stage includes:

  1. study of the alphabet;

  2. studying the foundations of pronunciation - pay attention to the sounds missing in Russian: [ŋ], [r], [ʤ], [ɜ:], [θ], [Ð], [ʊ].

Also familiarize yourself with the cases when several letters in transcription give one sound. For example:

eNOUGH [ɪNʌF] - Enough
although [ɔLðʊʊ] - although

Work over pronunciation

Even just starting to learn English, gradually get rid of the accent. In some online dictionaries there is a voice function. Use it when doubt the pronunciation.

Continue to train the correct sound pronunciation [ŋ], [r], [ʤ], [ɜ:], [θ], [Ð], [ʊ], Since they are hard given beginners. This will help you with special patters for every sound of English.

Increase vocabulary

When, when independently examines English at home, you will deal with the basics of reading and pronunciation, do the replenishment of the lexical stock. Newcomers should start with simple vocabulary on topics.

Standard themes for those who want to learn English from scratch:

  • a family;
  • sport;
  • relaxation;
  • animals.

These topics are standard, but if they bring melancholy on you, replace them with what you are interested. For example, hockey on the grass, medieval literature, music of the middle of the twentieth century, electric vehicles, etc.

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In addition to the nouns, learn and simple verbs: Take (Take), give (Give), walk (Walk), there is (EAT), speak (Talk, Speak), ask (ASK), thank (thank), play (play), run (RUN), sleep (Sleep ) etc. Do not forget both the main adjectives: a big-small (Big-Small), fast-slow (Fast-Slow), pleasant-unpleasant (Pleasant-unpleasant), good-bad (good-bad), etc.

Try to say already at this stage, making up simple sentences from learned words.

Teach grammar

When, with an independent study of English, you met reading and writing words and learned the basic vocabulary, the time of grammar comes. But it's not right with your head to dip in this topic. All we need now - learn how to correctly build simple offers.

For beginners in English at home it is enough to master:

  • hidden design "To Be";
  • 3 Time (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple);
  • word formation.

When studying times, you will find that some verbs form the form of past time not as the rest. These verbs are called incorrect, and each of their form will have to learn by heart.

Listen to speech

Finally, we approached the most interesting stage of self-studying English. When the foundation is laid, boldly proceed to practice, and already in the process, bricks behind the brick, add new knowledge to it.

Practice is speech and audience, inextricably interconnected. Newcomers At this stage, it is important to remember the following tips:

  • To speed up the process of learning English, you can watch video lectures, video blogs, TV programs, news issues, listen to radio and podcasts.
  • Language learning will go faster if you decide to get to know social networks With a foreigner and start communicating in writing and / or on Skype.
  • The best assistant in learning English will attempt to speak on it. Place your family and friends with the question How Are you you? (How are you?), And better - tell them yourself everything: what do you do, what you think, what do you want, etc. If the shyness interferes, talk with yourself, most importantly - practice in speech.

By this time, with independent training of the lexical stock of English, the beginning will not be enough to understand a conversational speech. Therefore, learn to memorize not separate words, but immediately phrases and sustainable phrases.

Read more

Learn to read well in English not easy, especially the beginning, who chose the way independent learning. If, when conversing the context and facial expressions of the speaker tell you the meaning of phrases, then when reading in English in front of you only impassive letters on a white background.

Helpful advice:

For beginners, the Ilya Frank method will be useful, designed for those who decided to learn the language from scratch: read special books in which the proposals in English alternate with the translation into Russian. This allows not to be distracted every time the search for the desired word in the dictionary, but to remember it immediately in the context.

With this method in 2-3 months, even with independent training, you will pay more attention to the translation, and in the end I will completely stop noticing it.

Use applications and sites


Useful dictionary, and for beginners to learn English, and for advanced students, in which words and phrases are represented immediately in the context of their use, so that you can trace the options for their value in different situations.


The multitran dictionary is useful for both beginners as for translators. For each word, dozens of values \u200b\u200bare chosen here. Another multitran boasts phraseological units and sustainable phrases in English.


Duolingo is a platform for a comprehensive learning language. An excellent option for beginners to learn English independently. On the website or through the app, students are consistently undergoing lessons consisting of theory, tests, practical exercises and game tasks. As the complexity of themes and tasks increase.


Another site that uses an integrated approach in English learning from scratch: Busuu has materials for studying vocabulary, grammar, and oral speech, listening and writing.

Learn English by British Council

Learn English by British Council is an educational resource focused on the British version of the English language. In addition to the standard theoretical rules, hundreds of exercises and tests are collected here. Also on Learn English there are video materials, podcasts, songs and games that will be understood and beginners.

Cons of independent study of English

With all its obvious advantages, the method of independent learning has one significant disadvantage - it requires novice strict discipline. To achieve noticeable results, it is necessary to engage regularly and systemically, but not everyone can make an effective program and force themselves to follow it. Another complexity of beginners to learn English may arise with error checks. The lessons of the English language for beginners from scratch are generally understood, but they do not give feedback, and this is very important. If vocabulary and grammar can be checked in online exercises, the audience and conversational speech beginners are difficult to train without a teacher.

Useful video on the topic:

Have you noticed that the world around us is rapidly changing?

Recently, a trip abroad was considered a whole event, and the passport was at one of the thousand. Today, wearing a weekend to Europe does not look like something out of a series of outgoing 🙂

The boundaries between the countries are erased, and agree, they are erased in our presentation of life.

We begin to understand that our common house is the entire planet, and not individual states.

And that all the links of our planet are connected with one chain - English.

Freedom of movement in the world unexpectedly opened a significant problem. It turns out, Russian, except in the republics former USSR, in Israel and Brighton Beach, no one understands 🙂

Of course, we learn languages \u200b\u200bsince school, but, as a rule, most of us after school knows a maximum of a couple of hundred foreign words And it can not always link them in the proposal.

And at some point we are surprised to realize that this is not enough to communicate easily in English.

And the awareness comes that some kind of English learning program is required, desirable from scratch.

You can, of course, visit special language courses, spending your legitimate evenings and weekends. Yes, just everyone accepts this option? Obviously, no.

And the point is not even that you have to spend your free time, which has a working person and so much.

Living classes are conducted by groups, sometimes 10-15 people and more. Many levels are different, someone lags behind, someone overtakes, and in general, efficiency is significantly reduced.

You can choose and buy a better paper tutorial in the bookstore.

But the book classes will not allow you to comprehend the subtleties of the right pronunciation and, most likely, you will be bought pretty quickly.

Can be agreed with the teacher about individual occupationsBut it will be very expensive.

What to do?

You can learn English yourself!

How? - Very simple - with the help of online tutorial!

There is an exit. No need to invent anything - everyone has come up with us and actively apply in life 🙂

it online learning English with audio and video courses that can be downloaded to a computer and engage in an individual pace at home.

✔ It allows you to learn the language quickly and at a good level. At the same time, you will not even need to leave the house.

✔ The method is also suitable for children, and for adults, since on the Internet you can find a huge number of training programs for people of different levels of advance.

In this way, I learned English hundreds of millions of people on the entire planet.

Start learning simply.

  • To begin with, appreciate your level, but try to do it objectively. If the whole luggage knowledge is limited school programYou'd better start with courses for beginners. You quickly refresh the initial knowledge and continue to learn the language on.
  • Special attention should be paid to the author's author. Optimally, so that it was our compatriot, which is beautifully owning English and working paired with a native speaker. So you better comprehend the correct pronunciation and learn how to build speech turns. In addition, to learn only at who himself managed to achieve impressive results.
  • Choose the author, which has long been working in this area and has good feedback His disciples. It is important that educational material It was possible to download it to be a video and audio tutorial, and you could read and listen to English, where and when it is convenient for you.

And indeed, to learn this language, you only need a computer or smartphone.

You can enjoy on the way to work or from work, while walking, morning jogging or classes in the gym.

You do not need to allocate special timeTo master the language, and it is much better than attending courses in offline.

Saving time is a huge plus, because the time is our most valuable and irreversible resource.

Today, the rhythm of life is steadily accelerated, everyone has to do quickly, including studying the language. BUT modern techniques Education allows you to learn the language quickly.

If you want in modern world Feel confidently, then without knowing English you can not do. And most the best way His quickly master - pick up for your needs good online course And go through it.

It will be a modern and effective approach that will help you in the realness of your dreams in reality!

English for beginners

"English from scratch" is a tutorial for those who want to learn to speak, to understand the rumor, read and write in English, but at the same time they never studied English and does not know how to start studying it. At the same time, it can be useful and to those who once taught English and would like to quickly restore their knowledge. The manual proposes a brief phonetic course for pronunciation and reading, elementary grammar course, basic vocabulary on basic topics, communicative models used in communication, texts for reading, exercises for training and systematization of material. The disc attached to the manual contributes to the development of audience skills.

This course is written on the numerous requests of teachers and students as the first and necessary part when mastering the English language, which predicts the work on textbooks "English for Russians. English course spoken Speech + CD 1 and "English for all. Universal allowance for learning English + CD 2. For many years, requests and wishes have come to the author to write a textbook on the basis of the technique developed by him for those who want to start learning English, but not having elementary information about it, i.e. Submit an elementary course of English, after studying which you can proceed to work on other author's benefits. "English from scratch" is intended for everyone to learn to speak, read and write in English, but at the same time do not have any idea about this language and do not know how to proceed to study. Based on the needs of those who want to learn English from scratch, we offer a textbook consisting of two parts. The first part includes an "introductory-phonetic course", "Rules of reading and writing", as well as the "Thematic Dictionary".

Free download electronic book In a convenient format, watch and read:
Download book English from scratch, elementary practical course English, Caravanov NB, 2012 - FilesKachat.com, fast and free download.

  • English from scratch, elementary practical course of English, Karavanova NB, 2012 - English from scratch This is a tutorial for those who want to learn to speak, understand the rumor, read and write in English, but ... English books
  • English for all, a universal allowance for learning English, Caravanov NB, 2012 - the manual is written on the basis of the author's methodology aimed at developing all skills of speech activity: speaking, letters, reading, auditing. In each lesson ... English books
  • KeyNote Intermediate, Workbook, Lansford L., 2016 - Fragment from the book: Mark Bezos Got A Bachelor of Science (BSC) Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Texas Christian ... English books
  • A dictionary of typical English errors, elemented A.V., 2012 - exists a large number of Words and expressions, the translation of significant difficulties for those who study English. This dictionary will help ... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries

The following textbooks and books:

  • The real tutorial of English, the initial level, Karavanov NB, 2015 - the real tutorial of the English language, the initial level, CD, Caravanov NB, 2015 the tutorial is designed specifically for Russian-speaking students. It includes everything ... English books
  • Real spoken English for free communication, Chernihichskaya N.O., 2015 - Real colloquial English for free communication, CD, Chernihichskaya N.O., 2015 This allowance will help to master modern conversational English and learn ... English books
  • I begin to teach English, Caravanov NB, 2015 - I begin to teach English, Caravanov NB, CD, 2015. The manual is intended for those who only start learning English or needs ... English books
  • English in headphones, any topic is not a problem, English in Headphones, in 3 parts, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2011 - English in headphones, any topic is not a problem, English in Headphones, 1 CD, in 3 parts, Chernikhovskaya N.O. , 2011 English in ... English books

Previous articles:

  • English books
  • English without a tutor, tutorial English, Martynova Yu.A., 2012 - learn English quickly, easily and independently can be done with this tutorial. The book in an affordable form contains the main ... English books
  • Clear English, Chernihichovskaya N.O., 2014 - This manual is intended for a wide range of persons traveling abroad and facing the need to communicate with foreigners in English. ... English books
  • Spoken English, Trophimenko T.G., 2014 - No matter! The author uses innovative techniqueallowing without the study of grammar in full and without cramp to teach a person ... English books

Deciding englishing English and coming to the bookstore, you will see many not clear what different textbooks differ from each other. Often the difference is really small, but you can highlight three main types of benefits:

- Traditional tutorials - An ordinary book with lessons, tasks, exercises. Something like a school textbook. For example, . Well suited for independent classes.

- Glossy courses textbooks - Sets of brightly illustrated textbooks similar to magazines, with a CD application and a high price tag. For example, the Headway series. Books are divided from levels, so one book is no longer finished. Often used on courses.

Do you need a textbook at all?

Now there are excellent interactive step-by-step courses, like, "speaking" dictionaries, video tutorials and a lot of amazing things, but I believe that the textbooks from this are less relevant.

Imagine that somewhere there are people who devoted the whole life to the study of English, teaching, studying the technique. Once they gathered and decided to convey their knowledge to those who need them. They chose the most important, built it from a simple to complex, provided with explanations and exercises, built a course so that the student did not hang out from side to side, did not go with circles, and the target was extremely brief. Figuratively speaking, the authors drew a map for you, on which you will pass the way the most optimal way.

It would be strange to abandon such a useful card and go on a trip to Naobum, Maudich.

What is the textbook for?

Learning language is not so much acquisition of knowledge as the formation of skills. It is impossible to just learn the textbook and start easily communicating in English. Knowledge (words and grammar) need to multiply into practice (reading, hearing, letter, oral speech), only then you will not just know grammar schemes and words, but also get skills: you can really enjoy English language.

So, the textbook is good for the acquisition of knowledge and consolidate them with the help of exercises. On the initial stage it is very important. The practice of reading and writing is given the most initial, calculated on the consolidation of grammar and vocabulary, and in the audit and oral speech, the textbook, of course, is not the best assistant. Even the books with audio shows give only the initial audience skills. All these audio lines from textbooks are children's games compared to what you have to hear in real life.

The textbook is best coping with grammar. Grammar - this is generally the fastest language of language. Passing the tutorial, you will study it in such a volume that is enough for good language proficiency.

"Best English tutorial" A. Petrov, I. Orlova

Take for example one of these books - the "best tutorial of the English language" A. Petrov, I. Orlova. This is one of
The most authoritative tutorials, a book with a rich history, its first edition came back in the 1970s, since then it is often reprinted, the content is visible, taking into account the requirements of time and changes in the language (dialogues about Pioneer Vasya and Grammar Shakespearean times in it) .

What do you learn from the textbook

First of all, any tutorial is a grammar course. - It is like the axis of the earth. It can not be seen or swept, but the whole world rotates around it. Rates, regardless of whether he knows about its existence or not.

Tutorial in English is undoubtedly beautiful in that, having passed it, you will digest english grammar Practically in the full amount. In grammar, of course, there is no "full volume", as well as in the language, it constantly changes and cannot be learned before the last paragraph, there is no such paragraph. But the textbook has the last paragraph. Passing grammar on the textbook, you dare it in the volume that is enough for lifeUnless you prepare in Dr. English philology.

How was the textbook?

The book is divided into three parts.

  1. Express English - The main part in which in 25 lessons is given grammatical and word-forming material. The material is supplied from simple to complex. The first three lessons are mainly devoted to phonetics and reading rules, then in each lesson there is some grammar, a little vocabulary and word formation. At the end of the section english-Russian dictionary To lessons.
  2. Exercises and text materials - In textbooks, usually exercises are given after the lesson, but here they are put into a separate block, texts containing grammar and vocabulary traveled in the lesson are also given. This section includes:
  • Exercises in reading - As a rule, read out loud words out loud.
  • Text - He is picked up under the subject of the lesson, falls of grammatical difficulties.
  • New words - List of words from text.
  • Analysis of words - Some words are dealt with in detail, it helps to remember them better.
  • Exercises - Exercises for fixing the material.
  • Test - check of knowledge. At the end of the tutorial there is a section with the correct answers (keys).
  1. Section "Spoken English"- It includes various household topics and exercises. In the phrasebook, such topics are dealt with "greetings", "how to pass", "family" and others.

Also at the end there is an application with keys to control work, tables, quotes, jokes, proverbs.

How to deal with the tutorial?

In the entry, the authors recommend to engage in every day, at least 15-20 minutes: "Remember, however, that these fifteen-minute classes seven times a week you will not be able to fill out classes for 2-3 hours once a week, on a weekend. It will be much less efficient, since you will forget the part of the material covered and in total, will spend much more time. "

Express course - for and against

The book has a feature that will be advantageous for some of the following disadvantage: the book is short. 25 lessons occupy only 230 pages by large font.

Good or not - to solve you. If you want a clear, capacious and short-term training course - this textbook will help to comprehend the basics of the language, and not superficially. Further progress will be already in your hands. Without practicing reading, listening, oral and written speech No theory will bloom and does not construct.

If you want to carefully go through the basics, you will be suitable for other books, they do not differ in principle, the difference is that the material in them is supplied more detailed, and exercises are more. For example:

  • Classic textbook Bonk "English step by step" (with audio). Book in two volumes. It's nowhere more detailed, but there will be more time.
  • An alone, but also a rather detailed "full course of English" M. G. Rubatova. From the tutorial Petrova is not particularly different, except that the material is given in more detail, the exercises go immediately after the lesson, and the tongue is slightly more academic, in my opinion.
  • "English tutorial. From the elementary level to the tests. + MP3 "N. B. Karavanova (with audioodes) - in this book, the grammatical part, the exercises are not given in more detail than in the" best tutorial ", but it is much more detailed to dismant the phonetics - it is assigned as many as 20 lessons.

My opinion is. The faster you master the basic grammar and vocabulary, the faster you can read, listen, talk, in a word - to use English, so I am a supporter of this to comprehend the basics (basic vocabulary, grammar, initial speech skills) as quickly as possible and more intense. Stretching the study for half a year, you risk kill interest in language.


Tutorial tutorials give good knowledge of grammar, enshrined with exercises, basic vocabulary for various household topics, reading skills and writing. They will not teach you, to understand for hearing too.

However, there would be basic knowledge, and the skills to work is a matter of technology. The tutorial is well suited as a manual for a solid, not superficial learning language that can be complemented by auditing, writing practice and speech - the benefit of resources is enough for this.

Without a home. Without bumps. Without textbooks

From the course "English to automatism" you:

  • Learn to compile competent offers in English without memorizing grammar
  • Recognize the secret of the progressive approach, thanks to which you can reduce the development of English from 3 years to 15 weeks
  • Will be check your answers instantly + Get a thorough analysis of each task
  • Download Sloga B. pDF formats and mp3, training tables and audio recording of all phrases

What should a tutorial be?

Above the types of English tutorials have already been considered. But what includes the best tutorial?

Consider the main features that distinguish a good tutorial from the bad:

  • Phonetic course. Any book that offers language learning independently contains the regulations of phonetics studied language, as the pronunciation of an important aspect. Also attached CD with audio.
  • Availability. The simplicity and availability of the supply of new material is required that the beginning does not confuse and not lose interest. The books of this type are usually characterized by the lack of boring grammatical rules and other nuances, the more interesting the tutorial, the better. Also well, if there are explanations and in Russian.
  • The right tutorial is based on the main methodological approaches. To study foreign languages.
  • Hit under the level of studied. Here, the responsibility for choosing a benefit is on who chooses. It is advisable to appreciate, passing several tests in English online.
  • Include assignments to practice and control. In other words, these are exercises to help assimilate and consolidate a new topic.
  • Illustrations, Schemes and Tables It is helpful to navigate in a particular grammatical phenomenon, it particularly concerns English times.

Rating of the best tutorials of English

The following is a review on top-popular English tutorials.

Basic English

P.S. basic course English is perfectly suitable for students with zero knowledge. They will allow you to get acquainted with the main rules of phonetics and grammar, and also check the knowledge of exercises and tests.

  • "The best tutorial of English", A. Petrova, I. Orlova. Popular book. Starting with the most Azov and doing every day, you can go on a pretty good. Information is easy and easy. The first edition appeared in 1970, at this time the manual is constantly being improved, taking into account the development of the language and modern requirements.
  • « English Step By step, "bonc. Bonca publication is a classic study of a foreign language, represented in 2 parts. The main plus books in an excellent sequence of material presentation. It all starts with the basics of phonetics and grammar, supports test exercises. One of distinctive features - the presence of life vocabulary, phrases necessary for the conduct of dialogue.
  • "Tutorial of English. From the elementary level to the tests. + MP3, N. B. Caravanov. It is worth noting that this course does not include detailed analysis Grammar and vocabulary, but his dignity in the phonetic part. Fonetics lessons are assigned 20 sections of the manual, which will allow to bring to the maximum approximate level to the native speaker.


Learn to speak in the studied language - the main goal of the student of any age. Very often, problems arise with speaking, a person can write, know grammar and phonetics, but cannot overcome the language barrier. The reasons may be much since the shortage of communication and ending with a banal fear.

Below we will look at several benefits aimed at developing speech:

  • T. G. Trophimenko, "Spoken English".An excellent textbook, which will appeal not only to adults, will allow you to train and avoid boring grammatical and phonetic rules. The unique methodological basis of the book will teach to build vital necessary phrases, remember the vocabulary, as well as develop and. Those who dealt on this textbook note the simplicity and originality of the supply of complex material. If you follow all the recommendations of the author in the book, the result of occupations will soon please.
  • N. Brel, N. Poslavskaya, "Curred English course in convenient formulas and dialogues."This course, unfortunately, is not suitable for those who are just beginning, but will become an excellent helper for speech development for continuing. The main goal of the course is to remove the language barrier. Grammar forms are explained available language, We understand the words that are often confused, there is also an auditioning and for the household side of life.
  • M.. Gadenkov, "Hot Dog Too.Spoken English. "Noteworthy allowance that allows you to learn everything about the conversational side of the English language. Includes, idioms and interesting features Modern communication, also introduces the Azami business form of correspondence. Another advantage of the book is a fun illustration and a demonstration of the meaning of words in different situations. It is very useful to those who are going abroad or already there.

Quickly but efficiently

Plus the manuals in the presence of a CD disc. The information is outlined by understandable language and is supported by explaining pictures, which makes the time to study the language pleasant and interesting.

Includes a lot of texts, as well as to the writing of essays in English and, of course, exercises.

Online tutorial

The 21st century of the century of developed technologies, and there is no such person whoever knew the existence of useful sites and applications for learning languages.

  • Lingualeo.One of the most famous Internet resources for those who want to learn the language. Perfectly suitable as a tutorial for children, schoolchildren and adults. For children, it is presented, which is a big plus. Also the site gives interesting tasks To memorize words, and more users will be able to read books with parallel translation. Resource offers two language learning options - paid and free. Choose that more like and on the pocket and proceed to classes!
  • Duolingo.Another resource for learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bfrom scratch. Learning language begins with the simplest tasks, which are gradually complicated. Comprehensive learning helps to develop speaking, grammar, reading and listening skills.

How to deal with the tutorial?

If it is decided to seriously study the language of the tutorial, remember the rule - the language cannot be left! Highlight every day for 15-30 minutesfor classes and see how your knowledge is strengthened. Such classes will allow systematically to receive new information and will not allow the old one. Record new words to the diary and listen to the drives with the records.

Everyday let and short classes are much more efficient to classes of 1.5 - 2 hours twice a week. Remember this, do not be lazy and everything will work out!

How to start learning the language of the house?

Here is a selection of useful language learning tips on their own:

  1. Prepare for classes, take a tutorial, notebook, handle, choose yourself comfortable place For classes, it is desirable that nothing distracts at this time.
  2. Do not miss a single practical exercise. Do not according to the principle: this exercise is complex, I will not do it, and it will make it easier. After you have completed the task, be sure to refer to the answers, check yourself and run work on errors.
  3. Make a learning language fascinating. Do not use only tutorial, use video tutorials, if it is incomprehensible, for example, a grammatical topic. Listen to your language and audiobook, try to watch movies with subtitles.
  4. Read in a foreign language. On the Internet lay out free books On a foreign language for the most different levels of knowledge of the language. If the level is low, then start with children's fairy tales and gradually move to more serious books. Also read the British blogs, which will also develop a conversational speech.
  5. Do not forget that the fundamental study of English is not a simple and fast way. Best patience and forces to master. Do and do not despair if you allow small errors. Remember that in errors learn!