Impacted wisdom tooth: there is a solution to the problem. A wisdom tooth grows into the cheek, what should I do? Wisdom tooth growing into cheek

In many cases, the eruption of wisdom teeth is problematic and takes a long time. This event is planned by nature for adulthood (17–25 years), when a person’s jaws are already fully formed. The process is accompanied by pain, inflammation of the gums, headache, enlarged lymph nodes, and fever.

This combination of unpleasant symptoms forces the patient to seek help from a dentist to find out what is preventing the figure eight from coming out normally and how to resolve the situation. The presence of these signs indicates an atypical location of the wisdom tooth. For eights, horizontal growth into the root of an adjacent tooth, a tight fit to the seven, pressure on this tooth, or an inclined direction towards the cheek is a common phenomenon.

In addition to these features, third molars differ from other teeth by additional specific characteristics. Unfortunately, these differences are not better side, since they are clear indications for tooth extraction.

Incorrect placement of wisdom teeth is one of the most popular complications, which is diagnosed in almost 70% of patients.

Even a wisdom tooth that has not erupted can cause damage to a neighboring tooth. The crooked third molars put pressure on the second molars, which can lead to resorption of a healthy tooth. Dentists recommend immediately getting rid of such a figure eight that is interfering with a neighboring tooth, since in the future you will have to remove the non-functional wisdom tooth, and along with it the destroyed seven, which was damaged by it. Such an unerupted figure eight often causes facial and jaw pain. Symptoms spread to the ear, neck, and head.

A similar picture is observed with a wisdom tooth that has erupted partially or completely. The third molars were initially laid in an oblique position and emerged towards the dentition. The violation could be caused by a simple lack of sufficient space for a new tooth, this is especially true for people with a full set of teeth.

A recumbent wisdom tooth directed towards the seventh tooth creates pressure on the root system, which causes pain. Ignoring this moment and a strong desire to preserve your natural tooth, albeit crooked, will end with a natural phenomenon - the root of a healthy seven will eventually collapse. Against this background, additional complications of a purulent-inflammatory nature and gumboil may occur.

If the wisdom tooth fits tightly to the side walls of the second molar, then this arrangement also cannot be called normal, since the enamel of a healthy neighboring tooth is destroyed and a carious cavity is formed. If a wisdom tooth grows horizontally, it harms the entire dentition, causing crowding.

Often horizontal tooth wisdom is directed to the cheek area. This situation is also a serious complication, although it does not cause harm to neighboring teeth, as it might seem at first glance. The delicate mucous membrane is constantly damaged by the sharp edge of the crown. This process cannot be tolerated - the pain does not subside and develops in the mouth. acute inflammation, and the wound becomes an open source for infection.

Possible positions of the figure eight when it climbs into the wrong place.

If a person postpones a visit to the doctor, the body gradually adapts to what is happening and changes the structure of the mucous membrane in the area of ​​​​contact - soft fabrics thicken, pain intensity decreases. This condition does not indicate recovery, but indicates the activation of the process of rebirth. Such a formation can be benign or malignant.

Larisa Kopylova


To prevent these difficulties, dentists recommend immediately removing teeth with abnormal development. Moreover, it is not necessary to wait until they begin to erupt; the procedure can be carried out before they appear.

To find out how your own wisdom teeth work and what surprises to expect from them, you can undergo an examination using modern diagnostic equipment. This issue can be addressed even in adolescence. If the investigation reveals an atypical location, it is best to eliminate the source of future problems at at this stage. At a young age, such manipulations are much easier to tolerate.

How does the removal work?

The presence (not erupted, lying horizontally), as well as fully erupted, but with an inclination into adjacent molars, is an indication for removal. In this case, the operation will be performed using a complex removal method.

The doctor does not proceed blindly to the operation, so before the manipulation the patient is given an x-ray. The picture shows all the nuances and features of the figure eight’s growth, which allows the doctor to draw up a preliminary action plan, prepare tools, and also prevent possible complications. If it puts pressure on a nearby tooth and tries to grow in the wrong direction, it will be clearly visible.

According to many dentists, the sooner the figure eights are removed, the better. With age, the roots grow, as well as the surrounding tissues become denser, which can cause complications. In addition, in youth the healing processes are much easier and faster compared to older people.

But this factor is not an obstacle, since the operation is carried out under local anesthesia, so a person remains in the surgeon’s chair without experiencing discomfort. Temporary soreness usually appears after removal.

General technological stages of complex removal consist of the following actions:

  • injecting an anesthetic drug into the gum near the tooth that is not going in there, waiting 5-10 minutes for the drug to take effect;
  • with an impacted figure eight, the doctor makes an incision with a scalpel in the gum;
  • depending on the situation, sometimes you have to resort to sawing bone tissue on the jaw to provide access to the roots. Actions are carried out carefully, with maximum precision, so as not to damage the seven;
  • the cut is made with a bur, and the tooth is removed with dental forceps or an elevator;
  • the doctor can apply slight pressure to loosen the tooth, this technique will make it easier to remove from the jaw;
  • as a rule, if a wisdom tooth lies horizontally, it is difficult to extract it in its original form, so the surgeon takes out its fragments in parts;
  • After successful removal, the surgeon proceeds to suturing the gum and applying a gauze pad to the fresh socket. The wound can be closed with suture material, which does not require the removal of sutures, since it completely dissolves after the function is completed. If stitches were applied, the doctor will schedule a second appointment to remove them.

Upper and lower wisdom teeth can present many surprises.

At the end of the procedure, the dentist applies ice to the patient to reduce the likelihood of swelling and gives a number of instructions to follow at home, which should be strictly adhered to. In addition, the doctor warns of the appearance of natural pain, possible fever, and secondary bleeding from the socket. All these processes are considered normal and if the recommendations are followed, everything is quickly restored.

What happens after deletion

A complex surgical intervention to remove a horizontal figure eight growing into a tooth is a traumatic process with damage to soft and bone tissues and nerve endings. The patient does not feel anything while the anesthesia continues. Upon arrival home, in most cases, a person develops unpleasant symptoms.

The following manifestations are considered normal:

  • deterioration general condition, weakness;
  • the appearance of edema in the surgical area;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • soreness;
  • secondary bleeding, which has to be spat out frequently.

Larisa Kopylova


During natural healing, all symptoms gradually disappear on their own. If pain rapidly increases, swelling spreads, or purulent masses appear in the socket area, you should consult a doctor, since such signs are already considered a deviation from the norm and indicate the development of an inflammatory process that must be removed immediately.

A list of tips will help you survive the removal procedure as comfortably as possible when the figure eight lies flat:

  • It is better to remove impacted eights in the first half of the day, preferably in the morning. After removal, the hole may bleed for quite a long time; if the operation is performed in the morning, then in the remaining period of time, it will have time to last until the night’s rest;
  • Before the planned procedure, you should definitely eat a hearty meal. This move significantly reduces the amount of saliva produced; in addition, after the operation you cannot eat for some time;
  • It is advisable to have a source of cold with you so that immediately after removal you can begin to constantly apply it to the sore area on the way home - it has been tested in practice, this method prevents the occurrence of edema;
  • you will also need plain water to rinse your mouth and clean napkins to wipe the bleeding wound;
  • in the first days it is better not to load the jaws, so it is advisable to eat food with a soft consistency;
  • All tablets prescribed by your doctor should be taken exactly as written in the prescription. Often these are painkillers Nimesil in powder, Nise in tablets.

X-ray of an abnormally growing wisdom tooth.

  • Blood that appears periodically from the hole can be lightly pressed with a sterile gauze swab (can be moistened with Chlorhexidine) and held for 10–15 minutes. This will help stop the bleeding;
  • It is advisable not to eat after surgery for as long as possible - the minimum threshold is 3 hours, but if possible, it is better to abstain;
  • throughout the entire healing period, all food should be soft, non-irritating to the mucous membranes, and at a comfortable temperature;
  • At home, you need to apply an ice compress to your cheek. The manipulation should be carried out in certain cycles of 5 minutes with breaks, that is, you cannot keep the ice constantly;
  • Any heating of the operated area is strictly prohibited - the inflammatory process is inevitable;
  • the same rule applies to baths, saunas, solariums, and taking a bath;
  • sports activities and physical activity must be temporarily postponed;
  • it is necessary to control the process of formation of a blood clot, it must appear in order to protect the hole from infection and promote rapid regeneration. Sometimes a person himself becomes the culprit for the disappearance of a clot out of ignorance. For example, you cannot rinse your mouth intensively, actively exercise hygiene procedures or intentionally delete it;
  • You can brush your teeth immediately after wisdom tooth removal, but you can do this very carefully, without touching the operated area. In the following days, adhere to the same rule, but try to perform the most thorough hygiene, since the development of microorganisms in the mouth is unacceptable;
  • to maintain cleanliness oral cavity You can perform antiseptic treatment with rinsing solutions based on Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin. You just need to constantly remember blood clot. To preserve it, it is best to make baths - simply take the prepared liquid into your mouth, hold it for 2-3 minutes, and then spit it out.

If a wisdom tooth grows into a tooth, it does not pose a threat only in its absence. Therefore, such wisdom teeth should be removed without hesitation.

Over the course of a lifetime, people normally develop 32 teeth, four of which erupt in later life. Such incisors are popularly called “wisdom teeth.” Unfortunately, not everyone is happy about their appearance, since a lot of problems arise during this period. For example, it grows into the cheek. What to do in this situation: go to the doctor or fix the problem yourself?

What are wisdom teeth?

In dentistry, these “wise men” are called “eights.” They are located at the end of the jaw rows. It should be noted that teething takes quite a long time (several months). During this period, growth may subside, and after some time resume again.

“Late guests” are secondary in chewing food. For this reason, they are considered optional, because by the time they erupt, a person already has 28 “helpers” who fully perform their functions.

Precisely because wisdom teeth grow in a later age (when the dentition is already fully formed), their occurrence is usually hampered by a lack of space on the jaw. For this reason, problems arise with the correct growth (for example, a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek).

It is worth saying that for some people this process does not affect them at all. But there are exceptions when wisdom teeth begin to grow after 40 years. At this time, a person endures the teething of the “sages” much more difficult, because the bone tissue of the jaw has long been formed.

There have been cases when pregnant women also showed wisdom teeth. This process is due to the fact that in the body expectant mother global hormonal changes occur.

The eruption of eights, or as they are often called, wisdom teeth, is an inevitable fate for most people. For some, this process remains invisible, but for others it causes many problems.

They consist not only in sore gums, but also in the wrong direction of tooth growth. The greatest discomfort is caused by a wisdom tooth growing into the cheek.


Photo: wisdom tooth erupting towards the right cheek

Almost always, the eruption of any tooth is accompanied by pain, and wisdom teeth (third molars) are no exception. The first manifestations of discomfort or swelling may not be a sign of abnormal growth, but should serve as a signal for further monitoring of this process.

If suddenly there is still a pathology of molar growth, then it can be determined by a number of specific signs:

  • high bleeding of gums, detected during mechanical action: brushing, chewing;
  • severe inflammation of the soft tissues around the figure eight and the adjacent healthy tooth;
  • severe pain when chewing in the mouth and upper throat, which intensifies when swallowing;
  • swelling of the gums, spreading to the tongue and cheek;
  • injury to the inner surface of the cheek opposite the growing molar;
  • formation of a seal on the cheek where the growing crown touches;
  • periodic headache intense, sometimes accompanied by fever. Most often, relief of this symptom is possible only with the help of painkillers.

The eruption of the third molar into the cheek can last for many years, which entails the appearance of associated problems. If such symptoms occur, the most appropriate thing to do would be to consult a dentist.


Incorrect growth of wisdom teeth may be caused by purely individual characteristics, such as the structure or structure of the jaw apparatus, genetic predisposition.

But, in addition to these reasons, there are also common ones that occur most often:

In any case, the reasons for improper eruption and their nature cannot be determined independently. This requires diagnostics prescribed by a specialist.


The growth of the third molar can last from several days to several years.. The longer the process takes, the more often complications occur that subsequently require long-term treatment. These include:

  • partial or complete destruction of the root system nearby standing tooth which leads to its loss;
  • carious lesions or destruction of the enamel of the crown of the seven;
  • malocclusion;
  • the formation of poorly healing erosions on the inner surface of the cheek or suppuration;
  • inflammatory processes of the jaw bone tissue: periostitis, phlegmon, osteomyelitis, pericoronitis;
  • inflammatory manifestations in the lymph nodes;
  • degeneration of the soft tissues of the cheek, leading to the formation of benign formations. The main danger of these seals is that they create favorable conditions for the occurrence of malignant tumors.

In order to save yourself from possible problems, you should contact your dentist in the early stages of wisdom tooth eruption. Only after a detailed examination can this problem be solved through treatment or removal.

How to relieve pain before going to the dentist?

If symptoms are severe, do not delay visiting the dentist. Self-treatment for a tooth growing into the cheek is a useless exercise.

No matter how much erosion is treated, their healing will be short-term or partial, since the crown, which rests on the mucous membrane, will not change its location. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for advice.

If this is not possible, then you can temporarily use folk remedies or medications. They will help if your cheek not only hurts, but is also swollen.

Folk remedies

For elimination local symptoms, which appear when a figure eight appears in the cheek, use means aimed at relieving swelling and inflammation, minor pain relief, and eliminating pathogenic microorganisms.

The most effective means traditional treatment For this problem consider:

When the desired effect from use is not observed traditional methods, you can use medications.


As a rule, medications are used in cases of severe pain or deep erosions. For this it is recommended to use:

  • painkillers: "Tempalgin", "Ketorol", "Nise", "Nurofen" etc. With this problem, the effectiveness of the drug will last a short period of time - 2-5 hours.

    With their frequent use, there is a need to increase the dose, which greatly increases the load on the liver and increases the overall intoxication of the body;

  • can act as an alternative analgesic drug "Etoricoxib". This remedy is higher in cost, but is distinguished by the duration of analgesia and good anti-inflammatory properties.

    In addition, one tablet is enough for daily use, since its period of action is about 24 hours;

  • used for aseptic processing "Chlorhexidine", "Eludril", "Angilex". Irrigation or rinsing of the painful area is carried out at least 4 times a day;
  • Gels are good for relieving inflammation "Kamistad" and "Kholisal". They contain both medicinal substances and plant extracts.

    Both options are made with lidocaine, which allows them to be used as a local anesthetic.

Removal procedure

Photo: section of the gum above the crooked growing “eight”

In most cases, the only solution to an abnormally growing third molar is to remove it. The complexity of this process depends on the degree of deformation of the direction and age of the tooth.

Removal is carried out in several steps:

  1. Diagnosis based on detailed diagnostics performed using computed tomography or panoramic radiography.
  2. Organization of conduction type anesthesia, since the procedure can be very lengthy. For this procedure, you can also use general anesthesia. But, in this case, the doctor is obliged to observe the patient throughout the postoperative period.
  3. An incision is made in the gum tissue to gain free access to the root system, which is often curved.
  4. Partial removal of bone tissue around the roots of the tooth using a bur to create access to them.
  5. Sawing the partition between the roots. This step is carried out only if separate root removal is required.
  6. Complete molar extraction.
  7. Aseptic treatment of the wound and filling it with an anti-inflammatory drug.
  8. Suturing the edges of the wound surface of the soft tissue of the gums using a simple interrupted suture.
  9. For heavy bleeding, use a hemostatic sponge.

At small change tooth position, gum incision and bone removal may not be necessary.

In which cases the “eights” can be left, and in which cases mandatory removal is indicated, we will learn from the following video:

Figure 8 extraction is an operation that leads to serious recovery period. It differs in the duration and complexity of wound healing.

In order to avoid at this stage possible complications, you should strictly follow the dentist’s recommendations, which are as follows:

If a wisdom tooth grows and interferes with the cheek, you should not ignore it. It is better to visit the dentist once and solve this problem than to wait for complications and try to restore already damaged health.

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  • Catherine

    March 10, 2016 at 0:01

    Quite recently I began to notice that when eating food, at first I felt a slight pain, and every day, subsequently, the pain began to increase. There was a feeling as if something was in the way in the mouth, I noticed that the gums were right side very swollen. I put off going to the dentist because I was afraid. I was treated with improvised means until I realized that I still needed to muster up the courage to solve the problem.

  • Elizabeth

    March 10, 2016 at 10:38 pm

    Once I went to the dentist and took an x-ray of the neighboring tooth. The doctor noticed that the wisdom tooth was positioned incorrectly - it had erupted towards the left cheek. I didn’t attach much importance to this and decided that he would change his direction of growth on his own. At least that's what I hoped. But the pain didn’t take long... Along with the pain, swelling of the cheek appeared, the gums became inflamed, even the tongue hurt. I could not eat normally, as the chewing process was accompanied by unbearable pain. I didn’t wait long and made an appointment with the dentist the next day. But I had to survive the night somehow. I was advised to take lemon balm infusion. Fortunately, I love this plant, and I had preparations at home. The pain subsided a little, but I still took Nurofen at night. The next day I went to the doctor and my tooth was successfully removed. I was more afraid, of course. Next time I decided not to joke with my wisdom teeth and if the dentist advises taking any measures, then this is definitely not harmful! Take care and care of your teeth!

  • Lina

    November 24, 2016 at 11:45 am

    I endured the eruption of a tooth (upper), and it lasted a long time. Then the tooth began to grow, of course not as it should, and after 7-8 years I began to feel it, as the wisdom tooth began to rest on my cheek, and also began to deteriorate. Of course, I went to the hospital, where the dentist, without expecting it, successfully removed it for me. Now the second (lower) one is coming. Appeared on the fourth part, naturally it also grows in the wrong way. I'm afraid to even think what adventure awaits me with him. Not worried yet.

  • April 19, 2017 at 6:08 am

    My wisdom tooth was growing incorrectly; there was even a cap of skin over it. It started to deteriorate. Why does it hurt so much that you don’t understand that it’s this particular tooth, it hurts adjacent teeth. I made an appointment with the dentist for a filling, and as a result, my wisdom tooth was removed. There was a hole in it and the doctor said that the enamel of wisdom teeth is the most fragile and, even if they fill it now, they will still remove it after a while. Moreover, the tooth was covered.

Many experts have begun to classify wisdom teeth as vestigial organs, which makes sense. They have lost their original purpose. People no longer use figure eights to chew food. But they can be very useful in prosthetics.

During evolution, not only the functions of the third molars were lost, but also the structure and size of the jaws changed significantly. They have become much shorter and neater, so the eights often feel cramped. According to statistics, in more than half of cases there are problems, pathologies or anomalies associated with the eruption of the eighth teeth.

Causes of improper growth of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth or 8 teeth cause a lot of pain and trouble for adults. As a rule, late eruption is accompanied by additional difficulties. The official medical name for eights is third molars. According to the literature, their eruption occurs on average at the age of 17–25 years, but this figure is arbitrary. Some teeth come out much later, some don’t come out at all, or not in full.

The main causes and factors that provoke improper growth of the eighth teeth:

  1. deviations in the process of intrauterine development of the fetus;
  2. malnutrition in infancy;
  3. past infectious diseases;
  4. the presence of chronic systemic pathologies;
  5. abnormalities of the jaw structure (congenital or acquired due to injury or disease);
  6. insufficient gum length;
  7. excessively big size root or crown;
  8. incorrect position of the molar buds (horizontal or diagonal);
  9. too dense soft and hard tissues gums.

Despite the fact that wisdom teeth erupt in adulthood, abnormalities and disorders of intrauterine development are one of the main reasons impacted molars. The formation of the future dentition occurs precisely during this period.

If a child has problems or difficulties with teething when changing from milk to permanent teeth, most likely the same problems will affect eights.

Incorrect (crooked) position of the primordia is also an important and common reason. In this case, the crown will grow in a horizontal position or at an angle. Both of these options are painful and dangerous for the remaining teeth. Initially, a molar growing towards the seven will continuously put pressure on it, destroy the root, and lead to pulpitis or complicated caries. No less dangerous is the horizontal position of the bud on the side of the cheek. In this case, excessive swelling and inflammation will appear, since the sharp crown scratches and touches the mucous membranes.

Lack of space in the jaw is called the pathology of modern man. It affects precisely those who healthy teeth and properly formed dentition. There is simply not enough space for the eruption of another massive molar, so it begins to grow in any arbitrary direction, making its way out.

Symptoms of teething with photos

External signs The eruption of an impacted tooth is very obvious. In the photographs of patients, one immediately notices general inflammation, redness and significant swelling. Visually complicated eruption can be confused with advanced infectious diseases.

Symptoms accompanying the growth of wisdom teeth:

  1. pain syndrome of varying nature and degree;
  2. swelling and increase in the size of the gums and nearby soft tissues;
  3. redness of the mucous membranes;
  4. temperature increase;
  5. bleeding;
  6. headache;
  7. nausea;
  8. general malaise;
  9. inflammation of the lymph nodes or trigeminal nerve(occurs due to the distant location of the eights).

In advanced cases, other problems and diseases are added to the main unpleasant symptoms:

  1. phlegmon (infection of deep tissues, accompanied by purulent discharge from the very base of the wisdom tooth);
  2. inflammation of the hood (when the crown has not passed through the upper layers of the gum, a kind of hood is formed, under which food debris accumulates and microbes multiply, as a result of which the inflammatory process begins);
  3. cyst formation (appears after for numerous reasons and often accompanies impacted eights);
  4. changes in the oval of the face (excessive swelling and tissue swelling make the face asymmetrical);
  5. deformation of the dentition (the horizontal molar puts continuous pressure on neighboring teeth, leading to crowding and crookedness);
  6. caries and destruction of the roots of adjacent teeth (occurs for the above reason);
  7. pinched nerves (an incorrectly growing crown can touch nerve endings, resulting in increased painful sensations);
  8. difficulties in chewing and involuntary changes in bite.

Swelling of the gums

Excessive swelling of the gums and nearby tissues is inevitable and characteristic feature impacted tooth. You can see typical inflammation if you study and compare photos of patients with this problem.

Swelling of soft tissues is quite understandable; it appears even with normal vertical growth. The crown makes its way to the surface, injuring the gums. Damaged tissues swell and become slightly inflamed.

If the horizontal growth is incorrect, the problem gets worse. The tooth cannot come out due to its position; it exerts strong pressure, as a result of which the swelling only increases. The inside of the cheek often swells along with the gums.


Bleeding of mucous membranes is also referred to as characteristic symptoms horizontally growing eights. Firstly, the gum itself can bleed when a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek (rubs, interferes with, cuts it) or rests against the seven. This condition is dangerous; it can lead to phlegmon, periostitis, inflammation of the inside of the cheek, and deformation of the gum tissue.

Secondly, soft tissues that are injured by the crown of the wisdom tooth can bleed. When growing horizontally into the cheek, the inside of the cheek is constantly damaged or scratched by the sharp edges of the partially cut crown. Regular damage does not allow the wound to heal, which causes bleeding. The same situation occurs if a tooth protrudes towards the tongue. In this case, its side is injured and bleeds. If bleeding occurs, you should contact your dentist. Otherwise, more serious pathologies may develop.

Temperature increase

An increase in body temperature is normal. In young children, during the eruption of their first teeth, the temperature always rises, and the same thing happens in adults. However, in an adult, the body is stronger and more adapted, therefore this symptom may be absent or undetected.

A temperature jump up to 39 degrees can occur for two reasons:

  1. physiological reaction of the body to the painful process of teething (exactly the same as in children);
  2. infection of damaged tissues, hood or gums (in this case, temperature signals an inflammatory process and the presence of pathogens).

In the first case, the condition stabilizes on its own. To make you feel better, you can take an antipyretic drug. In the second case, you need to see a doctor for an examination, tests and a course of antibiotics.

Pain when chewing

Pain of varying degrees accompanies the entire growth process. More precisely, it appears after the germ has passed through the bone tissue and reached the gums. Gum eruption is a painful process.

The oral cavity hurts much more when the tooth grows horizontally or diagonally. In this case, pain may radiate to the ears, temples, entire head, or The lymph nodes. It can hurt in different ways, depending on clinical case and a separate situation. Mostly there is aching, pressing, dull or sharp pain.

The pain intensifies while eating. The chewing process involves stress on the jaw and the painful area as well. Pain also increases in the evening and at night. Experts attribute this to physiological and psychological factors.

In most cases, painkillers are indispensable. It is better to consult a dentist for a prescription, as you often have to resort to potent drugs. They should be taken with extreme caution, strictly following the instructions.

What to do with a wisdom tooth if it grows crooked?

When alarming symptoms You should immediately consult a doctor (for example, a tooth has rubbed the mucous membrane, bleeding or swelling has appeared). In the early stages of growth, it can be difficult to determine its direction and trajectory.

For an accurate diagnosis, you will need a circular panoramic image of the jaw. He will provide the doctor with a complete picture, giving information about the impacted tooth, as well as how it affects the entire dentition. After diagnostic measures and a thorough examination of the oral cavity, a decision on treatment is made. It is worth noting that most often the number eight is removed, which is quite reasonable. It is not needed for the chewing process; it does not affect a person’s life in any way. In addition, it is impossible to cure a horizontal tooth.

Removal occurs based on the results of x-rays only surgically. Due to the complex location of the molar, doctors often have to perform quite serious operations to extract it. Removing a molar under anesthesia does not hurt, especially from above (the bone tissue at the top is less dense).

Sometimes it is possible to save and cure a wisdom tooth:

  1. When the retention is incomplete, that is, the crown is located diagonally. In this case, the dentist cuts the gum so that the tooth grows normally.
  2. The figure eight is necessary for further prosthetics. This is also only possible with partial retention. The dentist will try in every possible way to preserve the molar. After dissection of the soft tissues, restoration of the tooth to its normal appearance and complete healing, prosthetics can begin.

During the treatment process, the patient will be prescribed antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, painkillers and antiseptic drugs. Regular and thorough disinfection of the oral cavity will speed up the healing process.

When should it be deleted?

Indications for mandatory and urgent surgical removal:

  1. delay or partial eruption of the crown;
  2. horizontal position of the tooth (towards the seven, into the cheek or inside the mouth);
  3. development of caries in a fully or partially erupted molar;
  4. chronic inflammation of the gums;
  5. suppuration and abscess at the site of eruption.

Not every tooth has its own name. For example, some are called incisors, while others are called molars. But there are 4 teeth, which are popularly called “wisdom teeth”. Most likely, they received this name only because they usually appear at a more mature age, and sometimes do not grow at all. But what to do if a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek or towards the dentition?

This problem is quite serious and requires urgent intervention from a dental surgeon. The fact is that when a wisdom tooth grows, it already causes a lot of problems. discomfort: from aching pain to fever and inflammation. Often severe conditions require the removal of such a “sage”, even if it cuts through quite smoothly. This can happen if the hood of gum tissue over the tooth does not completely tear and a kind of “overhang” is formed. Particles of food or liquids can penetrate there and cause serious inflammation, because. It is impossible to clean such a hard-to-reach place.

The operation will take no more than 4 minutes, but if the wisdom tooth grows into the cheek, then the approach to such a situation will be extremely long, and postoperative rehabilitation will also take a lot of time. When a wisdom tooth erupts, if there is not enough space for it, the dentition may shift or the teeth may become crowded. This case is extremely dangerous, because... not only the stability of these extremely important components of the oral cavity is disrupted, but also the gum itself. It is likely that some teeth will soon lose their strong grip on the gums and fall out. And, nevertheless, restoring the bite is worth it big money, and it will take a lot of time - at least 1 year.

It is important to remember that wisdom teeth grow much longer than other teeth, and you can notice improper placement and determine the possible consequences even in the first stages of growth. However, skilled specialists, using X-rays, or by experimentally examining the gums above the future tooth, are able to predict the problem in advance and advise removing the rudiments even before the first signs of tooth growth appear. This approach to the problem of “wisdom teeth growing into the cheek” prevents damage to the integrity of the cheek mucosa and possible subsequent troubles. In addition, the operation takes place with minimal consequences, and the risk of complications is minimal. The most suitable age for such an operation is adolescence.

The biggest danger that awaits you if a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek is damage to the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the cheek.

o extremely dangerous, because can lead not only to inflammation or ulceration, but also to oncological consequences. A tooth with such a pathological location must be removed. Complications are possible after the operation, because its roots are quite large and deep. For some time, problems with nutrition are possible due to pain and the possibility of infection of the open wound. That is why during the postoperative period, rinsing after each meal is mandatory. special compounds, disinfecting the oral cavity (for example, soda). Also, decoctions of medicinal herbs that will help heal gums faster and reduce inflammation (chamomile, soda solution, a very weak solution of potassium permanganate or iodine, etc.). A course of antibiotics is often necessary to prevent the spread of infection that may have occurred during or after surgery.

And remember that it is better not to wait for a situation when a wisdom tooth erupts and begins to cause a lot of trouble, but to address this issue much earlier to an experienced, qualified specialist. This is the only way to avoid long and unpleasant postoperative period and prevent possible damage to the gums or tongue.

We wish you to be healthy with a beautiful smile!

Impacted teeth are fully formed. The reasons why they erupt in the wrong direction can be different, including:

    past infections;

  • abnormal intrauterine development and disruption of the nutritional system in infancy;
  • abnormal position of molar buds;
  • presence of chronic systemic diseases;
  • narrow gums;
  • jaw pathologies;
  • heredity;
  • thick layer of gum.

Embryological reasons are of paramount importance. The formation of teeth occurs during the early fetal development phase.

Problems with impaired teething may appear at the stage of changing baby teeth to permanent ones. If retention occurs during this period, then wisdom teeth are highly likely to grow incorrectly.

Features of symptoms

Symptoms of retention are very pronounced. Firstly, it is increased pain. In some cases, the pain is so unbearable that painkillers are indispensable. Secondly, there is swelling in the area of ​​tooth formation. An impacted tooth grows crookedly and stretches the gum, causing inflammation.

Other symptoms of retention include:

Sometimes it is impossible to determine the violation externally, especially in initial stage teething. In such cases, the patient is prescribed an x-ray. Based on the image, conclusions are drawn about the degree of curvature of the molar exit trajectory and its effect on neighboring teeth.

An impacted tooth prevents normal chewing.

The close proximity of a healthy and crooked molar leads to the formation of pulpitis.

Constant irritation of nerve endings causes unbearable pain and requires urgent medical intervention.

Retention can be complete or partial:

  1. When full the tooth remains inside the gum. It can only be detected through palpation and radiographic studies. Complete retention indicates that the wisdom tooth lies horizontally.
  2. With partial part of the tooth comes to the surface. As a rule, this occurs when the molar buds are laid at an angle. In this case, the wisdom tooth grows into the cheek, side or adjacent tooth.

Possible complications

With proper treatment, complications rarely occur. But in an advanced stage, the following processes may take place:

What to do if a tooth grows into the cheek?

Treatment of retention is possible for minor deformities. If the tooth does not erupt well due to the characteristics of the gum, then it is excised, releasing the fully formed molar out. In all other cases, tooth extraction is recommended.

The inconvenient location of the tooth complicates its extraction. Combined with an incorrect growth trajectory, the process of wisdom tooth removal becomes even more difficult.

If there is an inflammatory process, antibacterial therapy is prescribed before removal surgery. The best time The morning is considered to be the time to extract a tooth - within a day the pain should go away or decrease to an acceptable level.

The affected area is treated with an antiseptic composition and anesthesia is performed. Local medications are usually prescribed, but when carrying out a complex and lengthy removal consisting of several stages, general anesthesia can be used.

Next, an incision is made in the gum and the tooth is crushed into pieces. Removal individual parts is carried out in stages. After all parts of the tooth are removed, the resulting wound is treated antibacterial drugs. The gum is sutured.

Modern dentistry uses completely soluble materials that do not require subsequent removal of sutures. The operation is considered complete after the bleeding has completely stopped.

Removing a wisdom tooth is always accompanied by a number of difficulties. Doctors recommend not delaying the removal of eighth molars due to the risk of complications. In addition, with age, the gums become significantly denser, and the roots of the tooth grow greatly.

As a rule, these symptoms indicate the onset of inflammation caused by infection in the socket. Remaining tooth fragments and cystic formations on the tops of the roots of adjacent molars can lead to suppuration of the wound, preventing its healing.

After repeated cleaning of the hole, antibacterial therapy and home rinsing preparations are prescribed, which should be used no earlier than one day after surgery.

Removing an incorrectly located wisdom tooth - details in the video:

The risk of developing inflammatory processes after removal of an impacted tooth is very high. To improve healing, dentists recommend adhering to the following rules:

Causes of improper eruption

Third molars are the medical name for wisdom teeth. They do not have milk precursors, so they do not have ready-made conductive channels for exit. But their formation begins at the age of 5-6 at a speed that is individual for each person.

What causes the incorrect “crooked” cutting of eights? Despite the individual reasons for the appearance of eruption pathology, the most common ones can be identified:

  • hereditary jaw structure;
  • incorrect tooth position;
  • non-standard size or unusual figure eight shape;
  • metabolic and hormonal disorders of the patient;
  • excessive number of teeth in a row;
  • removal of several teeth to straighten the back, which created free space.

In each specific case, the process of eruption is accompanied by numerous sensations that do not allow one to independently determine the main reasons for their appearance and the nature of the pathology.

Symptoms and signs

It is difficult to determine from the first painful sensations whether eruption is proceeding correctly. If a wisdom tooth grows perpendicular to the jaw, the process may be accompanied by slight swelling and a feeling of discomfort at the exit site.

If a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek or crookedly to the side, this can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • increased bleeding of gums, increasing during hygiene procedures;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane under the adjacent healthy tooth;
  • eating food causes severe pain in the mouth and throat area;
  • damage occurs to the inner surface of the cheek;
  • swelling or swelling of the cheek, tongue, gums;
  • fever, severe headache requiring painkillers.

If the eruption of wisdom teeth lasts for several years, then this process turns into a constant painful problem that must be solved using accessible methods.

Consequences of the process

A long-term process of improper eruption of third molars can cause serious complications, the elimination of which will require long-term treatment and material costs:

  • destruction of the roots of adjacent seventh teeth, which leads to their premature loss;
  • the appearance of caries and destruction of the enamel of “sevens”;
  • the appearance of a focus of inflammation on the cheek;
  • the likelihood of inflammatory processes occurring in the bone part, in the gum area and base of the tooth (periostitis, ostomyelitis, phlegmon, pericoronitis);
  • compaction of the soft tissues of the gums or cheeks, leading to their modification and degeneration, developing into benign or malignant neoplasms.

To avoid complications, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. dental clinic. Only a comprehensive examination can predict the development of the eruption process and give recommendations on possible removal or wisdom tooth treatment.

In many countries modern dentistry proposes the removal of "eights" at the educational stage at a young age in order to save people from possible painful sensations and complications.


Removal of wisdom teeth can occur at the request of the patient or on the recommendation of the dentist. In cases where they grow into the cheek, sideways or inward, removal is inevitable, and delaying the process leads to long-term treatment of postoperative consequences.

It is better to entrust the removal of abnormally growing “figure eight” to an experienced specialist in a dental clinic, where the patient is guaranteed safe anesthesia using modern means and high-quality postoperative care.

The need to remove an impacted or dystopian wisdom tooth can be confirmed by CT scan or panoramic radiography. In some cases, due to the structure of the jaw, curvature or intertwining of the roots, a simple removal can turn into a complex operation consisting of several stages:

  • local anesthesia for painless surgery;
  • an incision in the gum that allows it to be squeezed out at the point where it is removed from the bone;
  • drilling out the bone tissue around the roots using a drill, which provides more convenient access to the tooth;
  • sawing the interroot septum, if it is necessary to remove the roots separately;
  • washing the wound with an antiseptic and applying an anti-inflammatory drug to avoid infection of the wound;
  • suturing the wound and cut gum to bring the edges together.

Carrying out a complex removal of a wisdom tooth that grows into the cheek can only be done by an experienced facial and maxillofacial surgeon who uses special instruments and the latest dental equipment. Difficult removal It is performed under anesthesia and can last from 30 minutes to 3 hours without causing any particular pain.

It is unacceptable to use a dental chisel to remove a wisdom tooth! This is a device from the last century, when there were no special tools for cutting interroot septa and drilling out bone tissue. Using a chisel can cause physical and psychological harm to the body and the patient.

The following video briefly shows the procedure for removing the figure eight:

Depending on the complexity of the removal, the preoperative condition of the wisdom tooth and the condition of the patient himself, the dental surgeon describes detailed plan postoperative treatment indicating the most effective methods And medications. Dates for periodic inspections are also set here.

Important! Do not heat the wisdom tooth extraction site, apply hot compresses to the cheek, or rinse with hot solutions. Such actions can cause purulent inflammation.

On the day of surgery to remove a wisdom tooth growing into the cheek, you need to avoid heavy physical activity, hot bath, facial movements of the mouth and face, smoking and drinking alcohol. Such activities can lead to suture rupture and bleeding.

If any alarming phenomena occur, you must contact the operating surgeon or a nearby dental clinic. For patients with diabetes, it would be a good idea to have your blood sugar tested - an increase may be caused by post-operative stress.

Continue therapeutic treatment teeth or prosthetics can be installed a week after a simple removal, and after a complex removal – after 12-14 days.

From all of the above, we can conclude that wisdom teeth growing into the cheek, sideways and inward are best removed at a young age, before the crown is destroyed and the neighboring “sevens” are not damaged. A young body can more easily tolerate surgery, which often goes away without complications..

The absence of inflammation around the tooth allows you to avoid infection of the wound. If a wisdom tooth erupts without complications perpendicular to the jaw, it is advisable to preserve it.

Sometimes it is the “eights” that become the supporting ones for installing bridges if the “sevens” and “sixes” are missing. In this case, dentists try to preserve wisdom teeth, treat caries and fill them.

Problems that arise during the eruption of wisdom teeth -

How to ease the eruption of wisdom teeth -

If the crown of the wisdom tooth is already close to the surface of the gum, then to speed up eruption and reduce symptoms, the gum above the crown of the wisdom tooth is usually excised. Those. They make a so-called “window”. The decision about the possibility of such an intervention should be made by the dentist, taking into account the X-ray data.

A wisdom tooth grows into the cheek: what to do

When a wisdom tooth grows incorrectly, this greatly facilitates the decision to preserve/remove it. During examination, there are many cases when a wisdom tooth grows to the side (for example, towards the cheek) or lies almost horizontally. Such teeth cannot be used for chewing, they can cause a lot of trouble in the form of periodic inflammation, and can contribute to biting the cheek or tongue. As a rule, such teeth are removed.

If your wisdom tooth is cutting into your cheek, pay close attention to it. Constant chronic injury to the buccal mucosa will first necessarily lead to the development of ulcers and inflammation. But that is not all. Constant injury to the oral mucosa is a predisposing factor for the development of first benign, and then malignant tumor. The sharp edges of fillings and dentures can have the same effect if they injure and rub the mucous membrane.

Why does a wisdom tooth grow into the cheek?

Wisdom teeth got their name for a reason. They begin to grow much later than the rest of the dentition, at approximately the age of 18-25 years. Until this moment, they are just forming inside the jawbone.
In fact, a person no longer needs an additional pair of molars. Previously, they were necessary for chewing particularly tough foods. Today such food is no longer part of the diet. Even before the figure eight begins to grow, all other teeth can take up the free space in the mouth. It turns out that there is no room left for molars at all.

However, this does not prevent teeth from growing at all. Due to lack of space, they begin to move to the side. Most often, the direction of growth turns exactly in the opposite direction, that is, the molar digs into the bone. It happens somewhat less frequently that a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek. Few people know what to do to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon. IN best case scenario it is possible to detect this feature dental system even before the growth of additional teeth, but this is only possible if a person regularly goes for preventive examinations to the dentist. People begin to take such careful care of their teeth not at the age of 18-25, that is, during the period when eights grow, but a little later. Therefore, detecting a problem before it begins to manifest itself is always difficult.

How can you tell if a wisdom tooth is growing into your cheek?

It is impossible to determine that your third molar is growing into the cheek. Diagnosis of this phenomenon is possible only in a dental office. The specialist conducts an x-ray examination, as a result of which he reveals in which direction the tooth has shifted.

It’s up to you to notice the problem before it starts to have consequences. The very first signs that you should immediately contact a specialist are:

1) Aching pain in the area of ​​the chewing teeth.

The tooth cannot come out, which means you cannot see it. Therefore, it is worth focusing on pain in the chewing teeth area as a whole. It is constant and aching, and when you touch the gum or cheek it becomes acute.

2) Swelling of the gums and cheeks.

When a tooth grows, it touches the mucous membrane and other soft tissues, and they are penetrated by a network of capillaries and nerve endings. The body's first reaction to any injury of this kind is swelling and swelling. At first they are completely invisible, but every day they become more and more distinct.

3) Temperature.

The body may perceive soft tissue damage as an infection. To combat it, the body temperature rises, and very slightly, to an average of 37°C. Yet this is enough for a person to feel apathy and general malaise.
All of the listed symptoms will not tell you exactly about the displacement of tooth growth in the cheek area. They only indicate that there are some problems. Further diagnostics are carried out by a specialist. It should be addressed immediately, otherwise there may be consequences.

What is the danger of wisdom teeth growing into the cheek?

The biggest discomfort for the patient at first is pain. Some people think that it is enough to get rid of it only. Various painkillers are used, which are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription. In addition, some use anti-inflammatory drugs to remove swelling. It would seem that all the problems have been solved, because the temperature can be easily reduced, but not everything is so simple.

Wisdom teeth cause the most damage from the inside. Damaging soft tissues, it not only causes pain, but can also lead to various inflammatory processes. The mucosa has a very developed blood supply system and many nerve endings. If they are severely damaged, they can become inflamed and become infected.
At first it will bring all the same symptoms as described above, but with further development possible purulent inflammation. Cyst, granuloma, phlegmon, abscess - these are just a few of the possible exacerbations. All of these diseases attack healthy tissue and, as a result, lead to even greater pain and illness. When the immune system is weakened, the infection can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. This is already extremely dangerous. A person risks not only his health, but also his life. You must immediately contact a specialist.

What to do if a wisdom tooth grows into the cheek?

We have already found out why a wisdom tooth rubs the cheek and what to do first when this problem is discovered. Now let's talk in more detail about help in case of such a complication.
As soon as you realize that the cause of your discomfort lies in the third molar, you should seek emergency help. They will do everything for you urgently necessary procedures.
If you think that you can hold out until the next free time to see your dentist, you should take care of reducing pain and inflammation. A cold compress will work best here. It will not only relieve swelling, but also dull the pain a little, and also place speedy development infections. For more effective fight can be taken with pain special drugs. It is better not to fight the temperature, but simply endure it. It is the first action of our body in the fight against defeat, so we should not prevent the body from solving the problem on its own.