Rating of the best coffee beans. Which one is better to choose? Reviews. Varieties and varieties of coffee - which is the most expensive in the world, characteristics and which one to choose

A lot of people admit that they feel awake only after drinking a cup or two of aromatic, delicious coffee. Almost everyone keeps a jar of coffee at work so that in moments of fatigue they can cheer up with a tonic drink. Only some people prefer instant coffee, others prefer ground insoluble coffee, and still others buy coffee beans, preferring to grind it themselves.

The full spectrum of flavors and aromas is, of course, contained in the beans, which are ground before preparing the drink.

Coffee is divided not only by processing method, but also by variety and country of origin, the taste of which is influenced by climatic conditions, the characteristics of the soil of these countries and, of course, the air, which consists not only of nitrogen and oxygen. Which coffee beans are the most delicious? The ranking of producing countries clearly demonstrates the preferences of coffee lovers. Before we get to it, let's take a look at history.

Some facts about the origin of coffee

There are many different legends and stories about coffee. We won’t retell them all here; let’s dwell briefly on the main ones. The birthplace of coffee trees is Africa.

In Ethiopia, the berries of coffee trees have been eaten since ancient times, when it was called Abyssinia. Warriors took them with them to maintain good spirits and strength. Merchants mixed coffee beans with oil, prepared and sold delicious balls. Later, they learned to prepare a low-alcohol drink from coffee fruits.

It is not difficult to assume that coffee beans sailed to America along with slave traders and African black slaves.

Having found fertile soil and finding the same warm climate as in Africa, coffee seeds took root on the South American continent and began to bear fruit.

Tree seedlings were brought to Brazil by Colonel Francisco de Melo Palheta in 1727 from the nearby French colony of Guiana. The loving governor of Guiana presented him with coffee seedlings. From this moment the coffee history of Brazil begins.

Brazil is a leader in the coffee industry

This South American country has been considered a leader in the production of the most delicious coffee for a century and a half. Almost the entire country's economy is dependent on this product.

2/3 of the Brazilian harvest is Arabica and 1/3 is Robusta. Robusta trees, unlike Arabica, are more resistant to the vagaries of nature. And if it were possible to combine the delicate bouquet of Arabica with the stability and strength of Robusta, the ideal coffee tree would be born.

Brazilian beans produce coffee with the aroma and flavor of cocoa. Sometimes Arabica is mixed with Robusta to give the drink strength and more bitterness inherent in Robusta.

Coffee from Guatemala

In second place is coffee from Guatemala, which is distinguished by a unique flavor unique to coffee beans from this country.

The most popular varieties of Guatemalan coffee beans:

  • Antigua is volcanic with a mild, non-bitter flavor and a spicy, smoky aroma;
  • The Kobano variety, named after the province in which it is grown. The province has a difficult, rainy climate, however, the coffee here is tasty, soft and delicate, with the aroma of hazelnuts and cocoa.
  • Maragojip was brought from Brazil and adapted to the Guatemalan natural conditions. The beans of this coffee are large, with a thick and rich aroma and taste.
  • The Guatemala variety has a bright, slightly spicy and sour taste.

All varieties of Guatemalan coffee beans are exported; which of the mentioned varieties is better, even avid coffee lovers cannot always decide. It should be noted that almost all varieties of Guatemalan coffee emit a special smoky aroma, probably due to the characteristics of the soil and impurities contained in the air, periodically emitted by active volcanoes.


The third place among the leading countries in the cultivation of coffee beans is occupied by Ethiopia, which provides a third of the world's production of raw materials.

Every year, 200-240 thousand tons of aromatic Arabica, beloved by many coffee lovers, with a sour taste and aroma of cinnamon and wild berries, are grown in this country.

Like Guatemala, Ethiopia is the oldest country growing delicious coffee. Half of the harvest is exported, half is consumed by residents of the country.

Rating of other coffee bean producing countries

Next, after Ethiopia, comes another African country - Kenya. For her, the cultivation and export of coffee constitutes a significant part of the state budget, so the process is under strict government control and is of high quality. The taste of Kenyan coffee is characterized by a hint of currant and light, pleasant sourness.

In fifth place is Colombian coffee with fruity aroma. There are Yemeni coffee, Indian coffee and Cuban coffee. It is difficult to say which coffee beans are the best in these countries; as they say, this is not an acquired taste.

Some people like sourness and a fruity bouquet, others prefer bitter coffee, and still others are crazy about the smoky aroma of the drink from Guatemala.

Arabica, robusta and others. Rating of coffee varieties

In fact, there were originally two types of coffee beans - Arabica and Robusta. And the variety of varieties that exist today is the result of breeding work.

  • Robusta is an invigorating and tonic drink because it contains 2-3 times more caffeine than Arabica. Caffeine, combined with chlorogenic acid and tannins found in robusta beans, provides its inherent bitterness. Some coffee lovers mix these 2 varieties in different concentrations, which allows them to prepare a particularly tasty drink. Which coffee beans are the best, the rating of varieties and brands gives only a faint idea of ​​this. Because as many ratings exist, there are as many opinions.
  • Kopi Luwak coffee is one of the most expensive varieties, although the method of preparing it is not very appetizing and tasty. It is obtained in the Philippines, Indonesia and India.

For the emergence of this variety, coffee lovers should be grateful to the musang animals that feed on coffee berries. The animals swallow the berries without chewing, and the coffee beans are excreted along with excrement. gastrointestinal tract animals. The grains remain intact but are processed digestive enzymes musang, giving the drink a special piquancy that Europeans loved so much.

  • Yellow bourbon is grown in Brazil. Got its name from yellow color berries This type of coffee is grown in the mountains and is different increased content sugar and woody tobacco aroma. The drink from this variety is slightly sweet and tasty.
  • Peaberry counts too expensive coffee. 1 kg of Peaberry grains costs 15-20 dollars per kilogram. Regular coffee berries are characterized by a bilobed seed. But approximately 8-20 percent of berries are born with a monocotyledonous seed. They are smaller in size and have a round shape. Peaberry grains have a richer aroma than its dicotyledonous counterparts and a taste with berry sourness.

What is the best coffee bean? To answer this question, you must first try all the varieties and then evaluate them according to your tastes.

Roasting coffee beans. What is the best processing method?

The taste of the coffee drink is also influenced by the method of roasting the coffee beans. Some countries have developed their own tradition and their own specific attitude towards this type of processing:

  • American roast. The grains are roasted until the first crack of a popping seed appears. In this state of grains, the acid does not evaporate, and the sugar contained in the grains is in initial stage crystallization. After such roasting, the coffee turns out tender and tasty;
  • Viennese roast. In Austria, it was customary to fry grains until most of the gas is released from them, and the fruits themselves shine from droplets of oil released from them. The grains become bright Brown color, and above them there is an excitingly tasty, slightly bitter aroma.
  • French fry until the contents of the roaster are dark brown and have a slight burnt aroma.
  • Italians roast coffee the longest. It becomes almost black, the oil burns out completely, and the raw material loses its characteristic aroma.

If for us the most delicious coffee turns out to be American or Viennese roasted coffee, which retains a bouquet of aromas and gives a certain aftertaste, then the Italians and Spaniards can probably argue with us.

Coffee beans for coffee machine

Which coffee beans are best for a coffee machine? This is the question asked by lovers of an invigorating drink who bought themselves a machine for preparing it. In this question, there are also so many people, so many opinions, and it is impossible to answer unequivocally which one is better.

Let's pay attention only to the properties and features of some varieties and brands, and you decide for yourself how to prepare coffee: from one specific variety or better mix 2-3 varieties, choose American or French roasted beans.

The degree of roasting of coffee beans for a coffee machine is a matter of taste. If the unit does not have a coffee grinder, it is advisable to use fine and medium grind coffee. The only thing coffee machines don't like is coffee with high content oils The following brands of coffee beans are known in Russia.

Which is the best brand used in coffee machines? Let’s try to answer this question:

  • “Musetti” - connoisseurs of the invigorating drink consider this brand one of the best;
  • "Italkafe" - producer of premium natural coffee;
  • “LavAzza” - this brand has managed to gain popularity in Russia and beyond.

There are much more brands and brands and, probably, the reader has already formed a definite opinion about which varieties of coffee beans are the best. Each person will have their own point of view and their own view of this drink. One thing alone will not cause any doubts. Truly delicious coffee can only be made from fresh beans.

Shelf life and storage of coffee beans

What expiration date is acceptable for coffee beans? Ideally, coffee beans should be freshly roasted or no older than 2-3 weeks. These grains make an aromatic and tasty drink.

Beans that were roasted a month ago are considered excellent; a good shelf life for roasted beans is up to 3 months. After 6 months of storage, the grains can be thrown away as they lose their aroma, notes of taste, and shades of aftertaste.

But if you are not a gourmet, and such subtleties don’t bother you much, roasted coffee can be stored and used for up to 1 year. But it’s better not to store it, not to wait for a special occasion. Enjoy it now.

There is magic in the ritual of brewing bean coffee that instantly transforms everyday life. The bitter-sweet smell of coffee beans intensifies many times during brewing in a Turk and makes you burn with impatience. And so, the very first sip is scorching, like a passionate kiss. Good bean coffee increases vitality. Not only invigorates, but reminds: “Miracles happen!”

It’s easy to attract a miracle into your life - you need to start every morning with a pleasant ritual. What inspires more than brewing natural coffee? However, not everyone can charge you with energy for the whole day; only the most delicious food can revive the belief that life is beautiful every morning!

Finding the best coffee beans is not an easy task. Each manufacturer processes coffee beans using its own technology, achieving a unique taste and aroma. From two types (robusta and arabica) thousands of shades are born.

Elite brands are considered a win-win option, but among budget brands there are also works of art. From all the variety, you need to choose 5-6 brands in order to admire the taste of your favorite drink every morning. Good coffee never gets boring, but variety doesn't hurt.

  • Delicate Arabica. Manufacturers consider it capricious, but value it for its softness and versatility of taste. Do you like it more tenderly? Buy coffee beans made from Arabica beans. Some of the countries that grow high-quality: Brazil, Colombia (South America), Guatemala and Costa Rica (Central America), Mexico and Cuba.
  • Brutal robusta. Uncompromising Robusta knocks you off your feet with its spicy aroma and extremely rich taste. Want something stronger? Coffee beans with a pronounced bitter taste, characteristic exclusively of this type, are suitable. Countries proud of their spicy varieties: Vietnam, India, mountainous and sea countries West Africa, Brazil, Mexico.
  • Tango Arabica and Robusta. In an effort to create the ideal grain product, manufacturers often combine the taste characteristics of both varieties. The sophistication of Arabica and the boldness of Robusta, presented in different proportions, give rise to a lot of good coffee brands.

It is important to remember that the taste of grains can easily be spoiled if stored improperly. Even the best varieties may seem tasteless if they are “locked in” or absorbed during transportation. unpleasant odors. It is advisable to buy coffee beans from producers who are located near large seaports - than faster product will be delivered to well-equipped warehouses, the better it will retain its taste properties.

Rating of coffee favorites - choosing the best types

Which one is better cannot be said for sure. First you need to decide on the type (soft Arabica or vigorous Robusta), and then study its varieties. The search for the perfect coffee beans can take a lifetime - too many delicious drinks are offered by modern manufacturers. It’s worth starting your excursion to coffee country with the most famous names.

Leaders of coffee ratings

Connoisseurs of noble taste quickly remember the sonorous names: Jardin and Lavazza, Paulig and Gut!, Kimbo and Gaggia, Malongo and EvaDia, Italcafe and Living Coffee. The hardest part is choosing a favorite.

Experienced coffee lovers recommend not getting hung up on a specific brand and pampering yourself with new types every two to three months. During this period, taste buds adapt to their favorite taste - it begins to seem that it has “spoiled.” It is enough to take a short break so that your favorite product begins to seem the most delicious again.

Famous names - expected result

When choosing a product, consider the basic criteria that affect the taste:

  • country of cultivation/production;
  • percentage of coffee beans (for example: 80% soft Arabica to 20% strong Robusta)
    types of a specific variety (depending on the growing region, processing method);
  • degree of roasting (small, medium, strong);
  • packaging feature (glass or tin jar, vacuum).

The grains, like rough diamonds, require special handling. The taste of the future drink depends 60% on the weather in the country of cultivation and the type of coffee tree, the characteristics of harvesting and processing, storage and transportation, grinding and brewing.

It is almost impossible to take into account all the factors that influence taste. Therefore, even unfamous manufacturers have a chance to bring to market delicious product. However, the easiest way to find decent coffee beans is to buy a drink from a well-known brand.

Top 5 – What are the drinks of kings?

  1. – the brand masterfully masters the art of processing coffee beans. The manufacturer uses different methods roasting, experiments with Arabica varieties from different countries, “plays” with the strength, changes proportions.
  2. Lavazza– an elite brand born in Italy. The manufacturer uses the most delicate types of Arabica, creating excellent blends. Coffee lovers are sure that life will be more fun if you enjoy a grain product from coffee in the morning.
  3. Paulig– a brand that knows everything about harmony. The manufacturer applies best views Arabica beans, carefully controls every stage of bean processing. The result is a sophisticated drink with an impeccable aroma.
  4. Gut!– daring coffee made from selected Arabica beans. It impresses with its strong and rich taste, heady aroma and reasonable price. All types from Gut! are in demand among coffee lovers - each brand surprises in an original way roasting grains.
  5. Kimbo is a popular brand that delights coffee lovers with its exquisite and very mild taste, moderate aroma and long shelf life. No bitterness or sourness - just the soft taste of elite Arabica.

Coffee lovers joke that the search for the perfect coffee can last a lifetime. The slightest change in climate in the region where grains are grown can radically change the taste of the finished drink. The ideal taste is impossible to find, but the search process gives true pleasure.

In total, about 500 varieties of coffee are known in the world. All of them are created from two varieties of coffee trees: Arabica and Robusta. The first is more valuable, aromatic and rich in taste. Robusta contains a lot of caffeine, and its yield is much higher. Our rating of coffee beans is based on the countries that produce this wonderful drink.

1 Ethiopia

Some historians claim that it was in this country that coffee was first grown. Maybe that's why the country is the winner of the coffee bean rankings. U the best variety Sidamo from Ethiopia has a pronounced taste, there is a clear sourness, and a further berry aftertaste.

2 Kenya

With a deep and dense taste, as well as a slight sourness. The coffee is known for its fruity tones, in particular the taste of black currant, and there may be a slight hint of wine. It is sold only through auctions, so this coffee cannot be cheap. The most famous varieties are Ruiruiru and its variety Kenya AA (grown on the slopes of Kilimanjaro).

3 Costa Rica

Here, at the legislative level, the cultivation and sale of robusta is prohibited, only Arabica. All production processes are recognized as environmentally friendly, and the beans are roasted individually, according to the ordered batch. The drink always comes out very thick. Due to the special roasting of the beans, the taste is obtained with a slight haze. Gourmets know the varieties La Minita, Britt, Tarrazu, and another one, Kashi - aromatic and rich.

4 Indonesia

This coffee turns out viscous, similar in texture to hot chocolate. The taste is also special - a slight bitterness with a slight sourness. There are many varieties with a hint of spice. And the pinnacle of gourmet aspirations is Luwak coffee, with flavors of chocolate, vanilla and caramel, obtained from animal excrement.

5 Guatemala

Guatemalan coffee has an incredible aroma with a hint of fruit, dark chocolate and spices. The Coban and Antigua varieties are very soft, they are completely free of bitterness, but have plenty of delicate chocolate aroma.

6 Indian

This coffee is special - tart and soft, with a slight sourness and a spicy aftertaste. The Saeco variety is popular in Russia - with a slight bitterness, with pleasant spicy and floral-chocolate tones. The whole world knows Bali Shinzan - with notes of cloves and Jamaican pepper.

7 Colombia

The country is in second place in the world in coffee production. A light taste of fruit, a refined taste and an exquisite aroma - these are the main features of this elite coffee. The varieties Armeni, Maniles, Medellin, Excelso are grown in the mountains, at an altitude of more than one and a half kilometers.

8 Brazil

The country is the main coffee producer in the world. Experts consider Brazilian Arabica to be quite simple, without any special additives or impurities. The obligatory note is bitterness; sometimes a nutty flavor can be observed in the aroma. The most famous varieties are Bahia, Bourbon and Santos.

9 Venezuela

Although Venezuela is located next to Brazil, the taste will be dramatically different. This coffee has some sourness. It turns out very tender. Bourbon and Typica varieties are popular. The latter variety is low-yielding, and therefore rare and expensive. There is also Caracas - with a strong aroma.

10 Mexico

Another largest supplier of coffee. For a long time The country was considered a producer of low-quality drink, which is why Mexico ranks last in our ranking of coffee beans. But in last years The government has tightened standards for control and selection of goods.

This is a lowland Arabica that grows on volcanic soils. It is volcanic dust that gives us the memorable taste of Mexican coffee. Connoisseurs note its delicate and slightly islandy taste, bright aroma and pleasant aftertaste.

Popular varieties: Huatusco, Coatenek and Orizabada - for lovers of good Arabica coffee with a slight sourness.

Many people enjoy drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. Most people prefer natural product, and not soluble raw materials.

Coffee machines help you save on preparing a drink. They make tasty and flavored coffee. How to choose beans for this machine?

Important! Be sure to read the instructions. The subtleties of the coffee machine are described in it.

The price of coffee is of great importance. Good grains are expensive and have high taste.

When choosing coffee beans, you should first pay attention to their size. Medium-sized beans are best suited for a coffee machine. Make sure there are no chips on them.

The type of roast is very important. The taste and aroma of brewed coffee will depend on it.

It is better to choose Italian roast.

High-quality beans for coffee machines should be stored in special containers. Look at the information about the composition, manufacturer, date of manufacture. High-quality packaging should have a hole with a filter.

Be sure to check the shelf life. An expired product prepared in a coffee machine will be bitter, rotten and have an unpleasant odor.

Which coffee beans are best for a coffee machine?

U different people different taste preferences. Comparative characteristics will help you choose the coffee that tastes best for you and is most suitable for your coffee machine.

Coffee beans can be purchased in packages or by weight. It is worth appreciating the aroma and appearance loose product. The grains should have an oily sheen and be of uniform size.

Coffee machine owners often choose the following varieties: Jardin, Paulig, Kimbo, Guttenberg, Malongo.

Coffee Jardin presented in a large assortment. The brand has different roasts. The price is quite affordable.

Paulig Mixed only with Arabica. And the Guttenberg company uses robusta in different proportions.

Kimbo brand coffee has no bitterness. It has a pronounced coffee taste. Malongo is expensive, but the price matches the quality.

Coffee machine owners often prefer Arabica. The appearance and taste of these coffee beans depends on where they are grown. Eat different varieties Arabicas: Barbon, Catura, Aramosa, Typica, Mocha.

Robusta varieties include Ambri and Quilu. Coffee, called single-origin, grows in a specific area of ​​the country. The pack must contain grains from the same collection. It's mostly Arabica.

The most expensive option is beans from Puerto Rico. There are other varieties that are suitable for use in a coffee machine.

The most popular bean coffee producers

We sell coffee grown in the most different places Earth. These could be islands Caribbean Sea, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Hawaii, etc.

Coffee beans brought from the Caribbean are aromatic and tasty. Many manufacturers like them for reasonable prices.

Most of the products on the world market are Brazilian coffee. It has high taste qualities.

Coffee beans from Mexico and Colombia are inexpensive and popular. Expensive varieties of coffee are grown in the Hawaiian Islands. The Arabic drink may taste special. He has his own connoisseurs.

How to choose coffee for your car among such a variety of producing countries and varieties.

In our country, the most popular companies are“Italkafe”, “Wintergreen”, “LavAzza”, “Malongo”, “Bristol”, “Musetti” and others.

How to understand whether the selected coffee is suitable for a particular machine

If the coffee is chosen incorrectly, the machine may break down. For example, according to the instructions, you can use ground coffee. The grind size is important here. If, when loading finely ground coffee, the coffee comes out in thin streams, then the chambers of the brewing mechanism are clogged.

Coffee machine grinders can rust over time. This means that grains that were too oily were used.

If the machine has ceramic millstones, then too hard raw materials will not be suitable. There should be no extraneous noise during operation. It is possible due to incorrectly selected grains.

High humidity products may cause damage to the coffee machine. The beans should not be too hard or with foreign impurities, otherwise the coffee machine may break.

Fragrances can also cause harm to the device. Their substances gradually corrode the plastic of the container.

Coffee beans must be dry. Otherwise, the grinding mechanism will suffer. When choosing a product, look at what packaging it comes in. Cheap plastic containers should be treated with caution.

Which coffee grind is best for a coffee machine?

Coffee grind levels

For coffee machines great importance has a grinding degree of grains. There are five types:

  • large (rough);
  • average;
  • small (thin);
  • ultrafine;
  • powdery.

Coarse grains have a size of 1 mm. Medium grind is universal.

Difference between Arabica and Rabusta

Arabica and Robusta are the main varieties of coffee. They differ in taste and fruit shape.

Arabica beans are large and round, have different flavors and low caffeine content. The yield of this type of coffee is not very high.

Robusta grains are oblong. It is distinguished by richness, strength and bitterness. It contains a lot of caffeine. The height of the cream foam depends on its presence.

Manufacturers often mix these two varieties. This only makes the coffee taste better. The drink becomes velvety and rich.

What grinding degree is suitable for which coffee machine?

Coffee grinding is done in different ways. The industrial method produces homogeneous coffee, but some of the aromatic substances are lost.

True fans of the drink prefer to grind coffee at home and in small portions. You can use electric or mechanical coffee grinders.

A Turkish mill will grind the beans into dust, which is ideal for Turkish coffee.

Coffee machines can have different functions. If possible, the grinding degree of the coffee machine should be adjusted while the machine is switched on. The particle size of the grains can be increased or decreased using the slider.

After trying several grinding options, choose the best taste and use this setting constantly.

Coarse coffee particles are well retained in the filter. They are suitable for brewing in a French press, drip coffee maker or coffee pot.

For coffee machines, you can use coarse and medium grind coffee.

Fine and powdery grinding is prepared in a Turk. Extra-fine coffee is brewed in coffee machines that are designed for this purpose.

For a carob coffee maker, it is also better to take medium beans. You can make espresso in it. Coffee is poured into the machine's cone. You need to adjust the temperature and pressure.

A modern coffee machine is an espresso pod. It uses a compressed coffee tablet (pod). There is no need to adjust the grinding degree.

Attention! Standard coffee machines are designed to use medium-ground coffee.

Coffee waste from a coffee machine as fertilizer

Coffee cake can be used as fertilizer in the garden and vegetable garden, for indoor plants. It contains many useful substances.

When this fertilizer is applied, the soil becomes more fertile. Moreover, such fertilizing will be useful for any type of soil.

Coffee grounds contain microelements: potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen. According to gardeners, soil fertilized coffee grounds, attractive to earthworms. And there are fewer pests.

This fertilizer prevents the growth of weeds, saturates it with oxygen, and better retains moisture.

The cake must be dried before use. The easiest way is to add it to the compost and then use it all.

So, you can use different types of coffee for your coffee machine. Everything will depend on the functionality of the device and taste preferences owner.

Coffee is one of the popular morning drinks among people all over the world. Some prefer instant, while others prefer ground. But according to numerous reviews, coffee beans are ideal. Which one is better to choose? This is discussed in the article.

Roast level

Coffee beans are roasted for different periods. The taste and aroma of the drink depends on this. If the processing is not long, then it is a light roast. This product will be ideal for those who prefer to consume it with milk or cream.

There is a medium roast, which produces a bitter drink with a pronounced aroma. These are the products that most people choose. Heavily roasted beans are also available, which will make the drink strong and bitter. It is popular in France and Italy. Roasting can be Viennese, Italian, French. Which is the best coffee beans? Feedback from people shows that the grains should be the same size and uniform in color.

A country

To determine which coffee beans are best, customer reviews recommend looking at the country of origin. It is believed that the highest quality products are produced in:

  1. Brazil. There this product is released in large quantities. It is valued for its lack of impurities, bitterness and cocoa taste.
  2. Guatemala. Gourmets love the drink for its hints of spice.
  3. Ethiopia. The drink from this country has a sour taste and an admixture of forest berries and cinnamon.
  4. Kenya. The production of the product in this country is under strict state control.
  5. Colombia. The finished drink has fruity tones.

Caribbean coffee is also known, valued for its richness and brightness of aroma. The Yemeni product is rich in fruity notes. Lovers of soft and tart taste should pay attention to Indian products.


The most popular varieties of coffee are:

  1. Robusta is not a very aromatic, but strong variety.
  2. Arabica is a delicate variety. The taste may vary depending on climate and soil fertility.


If you are interested in which coffee beans are better, customer reviews advise paying attention to the appearance of the product. It is advisable to purchase it by weight for a visual assessment of quality. It is necessary to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The grains should shine. This indicates the quality of the product. You should not choose a product with a swollen wrapper.
  2. The aroma of the beans should be even, without mold or rancidity. High-quality coffee is packaged in packages that have a valve with a filter, through which you can smell the smell.
  3. It is important that the grains are smooth and without damage.
  4. Price. A quality product cannot have a low price.
  5. Now you can find green coffee beans, which are believed to help you quickly lose weight and improve performance. But in reality, this is a semi-finished product that cannot be prepared at home.

How to brew?

In addition to quality, no less important aspect is the correct preparation of the drink. This requires:

  1. Turk.
  2. Purified water.
  3. Finely ground coffee.
  4. A regular stove or cooking device.

The preparation procedure is simple. You need to put 1 tsp in the Turk. coffee with a mountain, add sugar. Then water is poured. The container should be put on fire and wait until the foam rises. The Turk needs to be removed from the stove and wait for the foam to settle. And then the Turk comes back. This is done 4 times. After this, the preparation of the drink is completed.


According to reviews, which coffee beans are the best? There is no consensus on this issue. People prefer to purchase products of different brands and degrees of roasting. However, according to reviews, the rating of coffee beans is quite interesting. There are popular brands that most people prefer to choose. So according to reviews, which one is better?

  1. Coffee "Jardine" beans. Beans with different levels of roasting and strength are brought to Russia. Therefore, from this variety there is a suitable drink for any person.
  2. "Paulig" The product is distinguished by high quality roasting, excellent aroma and taste. To obtain it, the best Arabica beans are used.
  3. Italian coffee Kimbo. The drink has a deep taste and rich aroma. There is no bitterness or sourness in it. The beans are roasted evenly.
  4. "Live Coffee" The drink has a pleasant taste and aroma, as well as an affordable price.
  5. Gaggia. Coffee is known for proper roasting and careful selection of beans.
  6. Italian coffee “Lavazza”. This product is inexpensive, has a delicate mild taste, and moderate strength.
  7. Malongo - French coffee. it is distinguished by a variety of aromas and tastes. There are shades of chocolate, vanilla, caramel, and fruit.
  8. "Black card". Products are brought from South America. The drink is medium-saturated with a sour-citrus aftertaste. It is prepared in a Turk and a coffee machine.
  9. Saeco. The packaging of this product contains Indian Arabica. The drink has a pronounced bitterness with floral, chocolate and spicy notes.
  10. "Jockey". Coffee roasting is dark. The drink has expressive sourness, deep color and a nutty aftertaste. Another advantage is the affordable cost.

Of the remaining varieties, high-quality Swiss products “Egoist” are in demand. This aromatic drink. There is Hausbrandt coffee from Italy that espresso lovers will appreciate.

Many people prefer to choose the Ambassador product, which has some sourness and fruity notes. Now the Italian Italcafe Arabica product is in demand. The drink turns out tasty and aromatic.

Thus, which coffee beans is better to choose, each person decides for himself, taking into account all the nuances of the choice. There is no consensus on this matter, since all people have different tastes. It is advisable to choose a drink that suits your personal preferences.